Signs a developer just didn't care


where is minneapolis



Fun beats realism every time.

This is, and always will be, correct.

what game is this?


Mountain Blade BTFO

what the fuck is up with that map

>it's a port from the fucking iPhone version of the game

Two-dimensional maps are very inaccurate to project the three-dimensional quasi-sphere the earth is onto.

Don't forget when the crosshair of all things is just done wrong.

Any case with godawful controls, really.

someone red pill this poor soul

The Crew. Its gimmick is that it tries to do the entire USA, but does this small cramped clusterfuck of a map that resembles nothing of America and is about 1/20 scale. The only decent thing it has going for it is that it's free right now until the 10th on Ubisoft's website.

There's a thread available for it for more information and discussion at >>>10877345

You can easily observe the earth being spherical using a telescope and tracking the stars in relation to the earth over a large period of time. Strangely enough, they almost seem to circle the earth, as if its a sphere.

That doesn't prove a spherical Earth. You'll have to try harder than that to correct the record

Earth is an ellipsoid you stupid fucks.

I bet if you stand in the center of a room and spin around you think you're standing perfectly still and the rest of the room is a conspiracy.

stars are on a celestial sphere, dumbass


He's clearly a shitposter, lads. Just stop responding.

Prove it, globecuck


The US map in The Crew really bothered me when you think about cities they omit compared to cities they kept in.
Just a west coast example: Sacramento versus anything on Oregon. Sacramento is an ugly boring city that has little of note. Versus Oregon which is a very attractive state, beautiful coastline, big mountain range, the high desert, and an interesting city like Portland that would be fun to drive through.

Fuck off leftypol

Hey reddit how's it hanging?





It's over, cuckchan has won.

Temper-tantrum over yet?

The world needs another K.T. Event. We need to start over, hopefully a better species will evolve into the humanoid form and inherit the Earth.

I'm an inquisitive sort. Since he made the claim, figured i'd give him a chance to prove his case.

Maximum fuckin butthurt


Fuck off, WoWcuck


Is that a WoW thing?
I don't follow that shit.


Would never happen like that anymore. Odds are we could shoot a nuke to alter the trajectory of the meteor. Better chance to start a chain nuclear launch event and live in fallout for 20 years or so. Assuming we don't accidentally cause a nuclear winter.

Isn't it only free because they're shutting down the servers soon, and after that it'll be unplayable since it's one of those online-only games?




Dunno, Israel has a lot, Russia too I think. And all the big Nato, and BRICS kids will get hit.
The fucking kiwis and Australians would inherit the earth

I live in a village with a population of roughly 2,200 people. I'm a 3 hours drive(freeway) away from the nearest city and 4 hours(also freeway) from the nearest military base. I doubt they're gonna look at my tiny little village and think "Yeah, we gotta get the nukes in good right there."

Nope, the problem is that basically nobody played it even though it's supposed to be a MMO racing title. They gave it away for free for their 30th anniversary giveaway deal for September that runs for another 3 more days.

Also to fix my link:

Looks like that's another game to add to the list, Ross.

Air currents matter more than distance. In the continental US, only Oregon is safe, due to wind currents.

You're not wrong there. Hell, if its just metropolises, capital cities and government holdouts fuck it bring on the nuke war.

Your main concern will be trying to predict prevailing winds of the nearest nuclear detonation to your west. It may snake in a bit through the south and north as well, but predominately from the west. It's the fallout that will fuck you up.

(Un)fortunately, I doubt Detroit and it's surroundings are ever going to be nuked, since it would be doing the US a favor.


Yeah but at that distance I'd rather just buy some radiation suits, make note of local fallout shelters and just deal with the fallout. If I'm gonna die from thermonuclear war I want to die in atomic fire, not get radiation sickness and keel over like my uncle when he got liver cancer.

Well I sincerely doubt that in the event of a country firing nukes at the US that they're gonna point them at anything other than the most populated areas and the locales of known military installations. Maybe if they did that and had some leftover they might go for it, but even then they'd probably try to hit the small towns closest to them(for most of our enemies that'd mean coastal states) and I'm about as deep into the mainland as you can possibly get so I'm not really worried about that scenario.


Hi Rare.

Portland is full of awful people and has a shit culture, but its a very pretty and interesting city. Would be fun to drive through it.

Portland Jaycee please go.

But what if it's realism that makes the game fun, user?


That pretty much sums up the entire state of California too be honest

San Fran in particular is filled with pretentious, bleeding heart hipster types who helped gentrify and price the poor, many of whom are minorities, out of their homes. It used to be an a city of artists and craftspersons, and was known for its street art programs. Now it's home for """"""artists""""""

This shit right here. Open world games fail at narrative as the world is in imminent danger of being destroyed/consumed/taken over by ancient evil or whatever and you're the hero destined to save the world. Except you're dicking around some village solving a small scale issue related directly to that village. Or you're looking around for treasure.

It's a Holla Forums meme aimed at seeing just how far they can push their lies.

Holla Forums never lies, you fucking libtard.


No that's Holla Forums you're confusing us with
Flat Earth faggotry is definitely their territory
Meme magic is ours

Bullshit, I've flat earth threads on Holla Forums before Holla Forums was even a thing.

Truth thread?

Truth thread.

Fuck off revisionist libtard

And that's also why you don't see them on Holla Forums anymore

I hope no one falls for this obvious bait

I've sat through winters in both Hawaii and Alaska.
Unless you flatfags have a convincing explanation for why winter in Alaska is darker than NuSweden while Hawaiian winters are as bright and sunny as ever, you're retards in my eyes.

I had more fun in GTAIV fucking around with the physics engine than in San Andreas tbh.

the fuck are you implying any game with reloading is worth playing?

There was a mod for GTA IV that forced all NPC vehicles to always be moving at top speed by default (meaning something like ~120MPH), so when you’d walk outside, you’d see cars screaming past on one wheel with the NPCs holding down the brakes because they’re programmed not to go that fast. Always cracked me up. There may be videos of it up somewhere.

portland is shit to drive through

Base game is, while its loaded out the ass with micro transactions. Cars cost actual money and you need the expansions to do any of the interesting shit.

I actually chuckled thinking about that.

Two of my favourites was the super push mod and the raised water level. Sailing around Times Square was quite relaxing. Shame there wasn't a mod for AI boats to drive the same paths as the roads with the raised water level.


I remember seeing a bunch of jewtubers having a footrace from one end of the city to the other with that mod enabled. Shit was hilarious.

Idiots. The world is flat. It's space time that curves, not the object.

Pick a corporate overlord, Fagstar.



user, he is a hillbilly….of course will make mutants with his cousin wife