FBI Game Studios Presents

Oy vey, goyim. You are in for a real treat - here's free kek, whom am I kidding, it probably had a 8-figure budget on YOUR expense game called "The Slippery Slope To Violent Extremism"

Other urls found in this thread:


forgot link

Nothing fazes me anymore.
Is it at least fun?


Fuck this, and fuck you for ruining my day by bringing it to my attention.

Original version of the game probably had a sheep instead of a goat, but someone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together, probably decided it was too cringey even for the FBI Advanced Game Studios and had it replaced with a goat.

I also like how perceiving the threat is sold to the figurative sheep as a first step to becoming an extremist.
It's literally saying -"Stay asleep goyim, unless you want to become a terrrst".


Today OP wasnt a faggot


Are you retarded? He linked directly to fbi.gov in his second post.

So how else would you defend your beliefs?

Isn't the FBI defending their believe in "Democracy" violently?

For your information, I sexually identify as an Attack Helicopter. My pronouns are apacHE and apacHIS


There is something very off about this.

These controls are fucking horrible.

Silly goy. It's okay when the government commit inhuman acts of terror against selected groups. Just don't think about it too much.

I know, I couldn't help myself, because

is a fag with no understanding of what "direct linking" means, so one thought that some levity is in order

no I think he means you reeking of reddit

I got the tip off from slashdot / news.slashdot.org/story/16/10/11/2031200/how-a-video-game-about-sheep-exposes-the-fbis-broken-foia-system

not reddit. I browse slashdot for tech banter&rumors.
Only going to reddit to check out the_donald from time to time, never had an account there.

Drink bleach.

And then import those same people to your doorstep so they can do the same thing to you, thus justifying their actions and giving more momentum to their schemes to steal your rights away.

Any American that voted this disgusting nigger in office should feel shame they let an animal into the Oval Office.

You are literally a nigger.
"Direct linking" is frowned upon here, because it gives the linked sites the URL referral information. Breaking the link forces users to copy&paste the link.
Following a broken link is your conscious action with an added benefit that the target site does not know you are coming from and ebil Holla Forums, since you can't just lazily click on it.

Is it just me, or is the logic there absolutely fucking sound?

I'm going to bully you and tickle your skids.

Aye, link breaking is the best option, considering not everyone is going to have an extension to block referrals.

oy vey, you are a bad goy - you are on a first step of the very slippery slope.

Hadn't heard that part before.

That's a Cobra though.

Are you judging by his looks now? Thats exactly what a shitlord would do

Some ice in the bleach will help it go down smoother.

well, yeah, that's why they have to make propaganda against it.

I check my privilege.

looks, tyvm

Don't worry about it user. You don't have to follow the link. What would have made you happy?

>not post a link to it at all, even with the precautions that will a) not allow to click it with referral and association to Holla Forums, thus seeming like normal traffic with no implications what so ever b) ask people to nigger google for it?

What next. People shouldn't go to fbi site to check out nigger crime stats?


Most likely. Remember how Clinton used many gorillions on some shit website that was probably made by Indians, that works as good as her email servers?