Since I'm tired of seeing this shit art posted everywhere I finally fixed the girls to have bodies accurate to their canon portrayals
Since I'm tired of seeing this shit art posted everywhere I finally fixed the girls to have bodies accurate to their...
How is this tumblr you faggot?
Nice thread OP, but how as for do I even go to look like?
Go blue!
Amazing photoshop skills
Bruh I just fapped. My dick needs 10 minutes to recoup.
Either way Rosalina is the best.
where your parents related before they where married?
Tumblrfag. Fuck off to tumblr, fag.
Yes, why do you ask?
She's a giant christmas cake
None of them look like either those in canon. You're just a faggot. Who likes cock up his ass and in his mouth. On tumblr.
Garbage thread filtered.
Face the facts, they have the body shapes I edited them with in the real games
This is the most accurate fanart I've seen of the girls and my edit was a realistic and more exaggerated version of that
Accurate fanart. I like this person's work. It's on model
I am slightly disgusted, but mostly intrigued.
get real taste in vidya woman you fucking manchild
Their "canon portrayals" would have super-deformed massive heads, you idiot.
For cartoon-proportioned characters it is necessary to take some liberties in making them more fappable.
Seems fake. Post more.
No, this is taking the re-sized regular heads and changing their bodies to be a realistic varied version of their body types
besides, Seeing Rosie with big hips and Daisy with big tits is just fuckin stupid
I wanna grab her in her pussy!
I wanna fuck Daisy to bad, I can't even
A real trooper, user.