Hey guys /vr/ has a new admin (it's me and I'm shilling it) and it's gotten faster recently. I'm putting this here for people to see it until the mods delete it or if Mark decides to add it back to the board header. (He probably won't but I dunno how to ask him otherwise.)
/vr/ shill thread
Thank god, I missed /vr/.
So are you changing as to what era/period is "retro" or no? Do early PS2 games count now?
I'm still indecisive on that. Early PS2 games were already allowed in the rules. I might consider other things but at this very moment this post should explain everything. >>>/vr/4765
Used to go there from time to time myself, back when it was more active. Would be nice to see it get more active again.
Might be wrong, but I think it's still open for discussion of games up through 2003 sixth gen, with exceptions for the entire GBA and Dreamcast due to being shortlived.
This is correct.
"Retro gayming" for the sake of it is pure cancer.
I agree, but this is not what /vr/ is about. Pre 6th gen was a very different time for vidya and the type of games that were made appeal to lots of people. My favorite genres are racers, shmups, adventure games and arcade general type stuff. Could explain why I'm a SEGAfag but most of those genres are dead. A better explanation is somewhere in the post I linked earlier. The only time Holla Forums gets good /vr/ discussion is in PC-98 threads (very rarely happen and I make almost all of them) and in CRT threads (which are shit up constantly by kids) See: >>>/vr/4765
Out of curiosity, any thoughts towards leniency towards certain series that started in fifth gen or before, died off (for the most part, if not entirely) during sixth gen, but the last entries were after the 2003 cutoff? There's some now dead series that I don't stand much of a chance to get discussion of around here between them being dead for a decade or so and having next to no warrant for there to be threads on (next to no news on them, no new games on the horizon), and it strikes me that maybe threads on a board where the topic can remain visible longer might be of use for longer term discussion. Obviously the earlier games would certainly be eligible for discussion, but would some of the later ones be able to skate by on /vr/ if the series has seen no real activity to the point it could be considered active/alive?
just buy him some cake and he will do anything for you.
I saw the Board Owner shilling his board a bit. Seems like a cool guy, and I wouldn't mind helping him out. Maybe we can get a competition going, as soon as Holla Forums picks up steam again.
It'd more of something to keep in mind instead of something to be banned for. I mean if someone makes a thread about Deadrising or something I'm going to remove it but just for mentioning something like that? Not a huge deal. If I had my way I'd still have the DC be the cutoff point but I'm not going to delegitimze existing discussion on the board. Comparisons have always been allowed anyway as long as the main focus was the old games.
Dubs speak mountains to me, but I don't live anywhere near NY!
Y-you too!
Shilling is literally a buzzword.
That's a not so subtle "never, punk"
Looks like I'm never going to /vr/ now if you actually think Mark is cool
It'll pick up steam. I believe in codemonkey.
B-baka! pls fam
Of course you do, considering he's your job protection
Codemonkey is better than the dud and the kiwi farmer, but that means nothing when 4chan still exists and is far larger.
I want to have jerky aggressive sex with /vr/ tan
D-delete this!
I'm gonna post there everyday from now on.
it's not even that, I feel that we need better discoverability options. I'm hoping overboard combined with whatever codemonkey has going on will give the site a much needed boost.
I was thinking like, say someone made a Koudelka/Shadow Hearts thread. Half the series falls under the existing /vr/ rules and would be welcome, but the latter half doesn't. Just wondering where people would stand on the issue if the thread sees a reasonable amount of discussion of the series on the whole, rather than just/mostly the first two. I remember back in the day on half/vr/, even with the way the rules were, people seemed willing to give a pass to certain not-Holla Forums-but-close-enough games like Shadow Hearts (or Wild Arms 3, as another example), since if not you've only got one or two games in those series that you're technically allowed to discuss (also helped that both were generally well liked entries among anons).
The main issue is that we're still blocked in Google's searches as far as I know. But do you really consider that bad thing? Look at how shit 4chan has become since 2014.
Like hotwheels right?
He's doing something, but not enough or at a fast enough rate to call noteworthy or inspire confidence.
To give him credit where credit is due, he got banners working again.
He made the "daily" captcha easier to deal with after making everyone and their mother scream over it for the longest time, and even though he should have just removed the useless thing
Thanks user! I'm really happy to see it moving again.
Someone from when moot still used SA would say the site went to shit in 2007. Going after Scientology was the worst mistake made.
>as soon as Holla Forums picks up steam again
Don't forget to PRESS PLAY ON TAPE
I think 2009 was the real tipping point. Before then Holla Forums was video games and fun threads, with some minor shitposting (mostly from tripfaggots and people who for some reason always responded to tripfaggots). It was in about 2009 with the "this dude slaps your GF's ass, what do" and "with tip" bullshit that the shitpost-to-fun ratio tipped over. Shortly after that, the shitpost-to-everything-else ratio tipped as well. I remember literally months on end in 2009 where 75% or more of all the threads on the board were meta-shit and shitposting memes.
Yeah I hear that all the time and I can totally see that. I started back in early 07 or so but the shit train didn't really pick up steam until the turn of the decade.
Sup Eurofag. You guys used to make really cool games. What happened?
Why make a seperate board? /vr/ belongs here, as it always should have.
Whoops, meant "not-/vr/." I suppose that could be inferred though.
It needs to be kept in mind where traffic is coming from, if you ask me. While we could use additional posters, they should ideally be/become decent quality posters, and not just riffraff from less desirable parts of the internet. Just my thoughts, though.
Yeah, I'm kind of glad I kept old screenshots and classic posts around. I think that's one of the earliest Holla Forums related ones I have.
No matter what, I'm just glad that /vr/ has been picked back up.
/vr/ existed on 4chan. It was radically different and we did lots of cool shit back then like hund down and rip Chu Teng and Garage. You'd have to be from around there to know but I can see how you would draw that conclusion otherwise.
I think I've seen this post before. Not that it invalidates it, just that it feels a bit odd. But yeah, the template threads and the like becoming much more common, and generally becoming the shitposting grounds did a number on things.
that's true, maybe Jim should put a few ads for boards on places where said board can grow. aka ads for Holla Forums on RPGCodex and Operation Rainfall, /vr/ ads on emulator websites, /a/,/m/ and /d/ ads on anime websites, etc
it is done
That's the point. These are still video games, not "retro video games" and belong to Holla Forums. Just like movie classic from 1960s is not a "retro movie".
The term "retro" gets pushed by hipsters since 2007 (first through a TV show called "Big Bang Theory") to shit up stuff.
Are you saying Holla Forums is so similar to 4chan that we should follow its format?
What I remember from /vr/ pre-exodus is a slow, but keen on discussion board.
nah, you won't get anywhere if you're exactly like 4chan. take /vr/ and improve upon it.
If you read the post I linked I admit that I don't think retro applies to anything made in 1985 or after, but regardless of the terminology being correct or not, they're still 2 totally different worlds. /vr/ is not in direct competition with Holla Forums. Moot would never have created it if it was. Holla Forums could have NEVER organized getting Garage dumped. Not in a million years.
It was slow, but it was some of the best quality discussion about old games on the interent.
Just makes me a bit sad that at this point, there's likely no way for a chan styled imageboard to get reasonably big and not attract at least some amount of people from reddit or tumblr or other places that clearly don't fit in (and in some cases, don't want to fit in). Anyhow, as far as where to get new interest from, it might be easier said than done. For better or worse, 8ch does have its reputation, and I'm not sure how aware some of those places that could be potential partners to advertise the board on are aware of how true/false some of them are.
yeah, one of our biggest issues is board discovery
It doesn't need to be big,i tjust has to have enough posters to keep discussion flowing. It's been arduous for people like me to stick with 8/vr/ this whole time but I was able to do it and it's only getting better If we even get half as fast as 4chan's it'll be good.
There are some pretty good small boards out there user, you just have to look!
true enough, I just want /m/ to be more popular.
I wish to contribute with discussions, but I don't feel like I have the good knowledge of older games to keep a good discussion going. Once I get the time to play more of the nes games my dad had I'll join in.
well then things are only half as bad now
Tell Codemonkey to bring back Latex and then maybe some faith will be restored.
My buddy has been with 8/m/ for a while and I like to pop in there occasionally on the off chance we can get some toku discussion going so I know what you mean fam.
Just grab an emulator and play some stuff that interests you! You don't have to be super knowledgeable about them as long as you lurk before you post. I'm sure if you look through all the threads we have now you're likely to find something you like.
That's from the old adventure threads, right? I miss those. ;_;
I still haven't touched the PC-98 collection a kind user shared, too lazy to play games on there.
I found some pretty cool games in there.
Yo nigga play Chitty Chitty Train it's the hardest fucking game I've ever played. Those jingles never get old though.
From where you're sitting it might seem like a good idea to build a bigger playground and acquire more playmates to be your friend nobody is your friend but the bigger it gets, the greater the chance of user runoff leading to a successful exodus. Just look at half/v/ where that actually happened. It would really be in your best interest to keep the userbase small so it's easier for your clique to rule over and quash any potential exodus before it happens. Unless you fancy the idea of owning a new, slightly smaller half/v/ that is.
I have said that /vr/ is not in competition with Holla Forums in any way, shape, form or facet. Many poseters here constitute the old /vr/ userbase (after the exodus half/vr/ was one of the first boards to go to shit because everyone left but got absorbed into our Holla Forums.) I just want to have enough people to talk about this stuff with and have good discussion, which we have a track record for doing.
I'm not talking about /vr/.
Yeah, I see it now. Holla Forums is not actually about vidya.
With the $currentyear XCOM I realized what they sell us now as "video games" don't actually are video games.
I'm still missing a catchy term for it, because
doesn't catch all of them.
So the discussion about 1985 vs. 2003 vs. 2007 is moot. Video games are dead.
Ignore the sour grapes, OP. Best of luck with your board and i'm glad that i finally have a place to discuss all my Genesis and SNES nonsense.
Thanks fam! Being a SEGAfag myself that's right back atcha (although I haven't had a solid SNES discussion in forever because it's been discussed to death and I can't talk about any cool Japanese games these days because nobody played them.)
I pushed for ps2 and GBA / PC discussion back when 8 /vr/ was made and i'll do it again here
Who decides what is retro OP? 4ch /vr/? or the users ? or some authority i don't know?
I think it's fine to discuss ps2 games since they are long gone officially , notice i am not including FIFA in that sentence because nobody here is going to talk about FIFA 2014 or past installements
Also PC games up to 2003 -2004, or what do you need to consider those 12-13 year old games "retro"?
And on top it contributes to the board not being as dead. I think you can use your reasonable judgement to allow or ban some PS2 or PC games i.e. San Andres
I think it's possible for it to be up for discussion again at some point but we have to see how this irons out. See >>>/vr/4765 for my current opinion on the matter.
I miss them too, his was a pretty good one
oh boy my old post is still there…see the harley pic form chrono cross, yep that was me, anyway well i'm glad you kept the old rules
Officially (not restricted to video games) it is simply stuff which isn't sold new anymore.
VHS is retro, DVD is not (despite being superseded by Bluray). So the PS3 isn't "retro" yet, but PS2 and original Xbox are.
If it helps, I've been meaning to toss together something for the NES/FC since occasionally anons have brought up that older existing images around don't exactly cut it for the system's library. Unfortunately, NES/FC discussion isn't the most frequent thing on Holla Forums, so if someone wanted to get a thread about it going on /vr/ sometime, I'd be happy to to include people from there in the process of getting something better made the way the PS1 image saw mixed Holla Forums and /vr/ input.
Also some other systems I've been meaning to get stuff out for, like the Genesis or Saturn (in the case of the latter, poor scans have not helped; who the fuck just cuts out part of the banner for a game?).
That's definitely an issue, both for games that have remained JP only, as well as ones that have since seen fan-translation (outside some of the most well known ones, most are prone to being under the radar, and is one of the cases where there being a somewhat small poster-base here doesn't help things).
Somebody made a cheap NES recs thread the other day. Not many posts but I wrote up a short list for it,
Oh boy. Now we just need /jp/ and then we've got even more memes.
And I was just sad as fuck today
Thanks for cheering me up, mate
Please post
I think 8/v/ (unlike cuckchan's) is good enough to discuss PS2/Gamecube/XBox and 2000's and onwards PC gaming.
I would like 8/vr/ to have the same limit as cuckchan's /vr/, but adding the GBA, as that thing was more or less a portable SNES.
But well, that's just my opinion.
I'll look for it later (currently doing an update for my computer; probably going to be unable to use it for a few hours when it gets done downloading in a bit). Thanks for the heads up.
Are you guys stupidly inconsistent and autistic like cuckchan /vr/ about what generations are allowed to be discussed?
Np man. I'm glad we're getting faster too.
I agree with this post but I'm sticking with the old rules for now. Don't want to make any huge decisions until I have a feel what most people want to do.
Good luck fam! Better not be Windows 10
I never agreed with the stupid inconsistency that was around back then. I posted Dreamcast all the time even if people complained because it was fucking stupid. Eventually they allowed it officially instead of it being a gray area and everything was good. (lol this board is for all platforms released in 1999 or before EXCEPT THE DREAMCAST REEEEEEE)
I have linked this post a few times but you can refer to >>>/vr/4765 for my current perspective.
whats the one on the right for kids?
make an ad or something
You need to make the standard for what is "retro" change with time like how >>>/vr/3226 said.
This isn't up for debate. Everything becomes old at some point. The PS2 is 16 fucking years old while the Xbox/GC are a decade and a half old, that's fucking retro. If it sounds like I'm being salty it's because this ill-defined cutoff date, not to mention their flat-out bullshit reasons (HURRR SIXTH GEN THREADS WILL JUST LEAD TO MORE CONSOLE WAR CANCER as the 900th SNES vs. Genesis thread is posted), killed cuckchan /vr/. I don't want to see this happen with our /vr/, with literal autistic manchildren shriek and rulecuck away any discussion of shit they don't understand.
Would that even be a good thing? I'm all for more activity but posting quality is already low enough
Doesn't work, because it draws people in who specifically like to do that.
I remember a forum about "retro computing", where it was
For the current year I would set everything with an HDMI port off limits. The PS2 is not, because it doesn't even connect to a modern TV (missing analog inputs).
Literally retro means that stuff which doesn't get sold new anymore (VHS, CRTs for example) with no defined cutoff date.
Of course not. Still, good excuse to play some vidya since my computer's going to be down in a half hour or something (if my internet keeps its shit together and the download finishes).
Why do the fucking roaches in the game I'm playing have "Meteor Burst" which seems to summon an alien through a wormhole to eye laser you? Fittingly they're named Gregors.
this makes sense actually if you bother to think about it
i meant the pic
What are you upgrading fam?
That's the scary part.
This is an acceptable answer.
I used to post a tiny bit on HG101 around the time Garage got dumped and they were guilty of being cucks sometimes.
Just general updates that I kept putting off doing. Trying to use QCMA to bypass something in transferring data to my Vita, but I guess my system's not up to date enough to run it.
I remember kind of liking their kusoge articles, but I stopped going after people noted they turned into cucks. Bit of a shame, some of their articles made for good reading and information on less played games. Makes me wonder if they've since gone back and revised shit to fit [CURRENT YEAR] standards of what's "acceptable" or not.
My PS2 is able to connect to a Vizio which also allows HDMI, but admittedly I'm not sure how old the TV model is, exactly. Either way though, it's a flatscreen HDTV and supports both.
Damn it I wanted an excuse to sperg out all over the place and tell everyone to install Slackware but I guess there's a time and place for that :^)
Holla Forums is so shit pls understand
Their Japanese Home Computers article is definitely worth a read.
Hey uhh so, make posts and stuff
I want to talk about old vidya
Their books are pretty good too, i used to have them all.
Last time I checked they don't do any advertising or monetization off of their shit but I could be wrong. I probably should have gotten an archive but whatever.
I don't wanna pay for that shit especially with the way they're going but I really want to read it.
Have you checked here? mega.nz
You're fucking awesome user. Thanks.
Of course, PCs are more difficult to define as being retro. You could use OS platforms to define that, but XP (now clearly retro) happily survived until 2014.
I would say, that the point where PC games got deliberately designed for digital widescreen output and became digitally distributed with online DRM, they stop being retro.
So Doom3, delivered in a box with 4 CD-ROMs and made for 4:3 VGA CRTs is now clearly a retro game (alone by fact of already having a shitty "HD" remake), but Mass Effect made for widescreen LCDs introducing Online SecuROM clearly is a modern age game.
Also has to do with depriving cucked sites of page hits, not just ad revenue.
Still, if you're still there on the site, mind archiving/screencapping their Shadow Hearts page? Been wondering if they've since cucked that that one up, or if being an older page, it's been ignored.
I kind of remember years back some user used to do big dump folders of /vr/ related stuff for particular games: the games themselves, notable hacks/translation patches, concept art/artbooks, interviews, trailers/commercials, etc, all as a downloaded folder or two. Would be kind of neat to see those make a return as some sort of stickied thread acting as an archive of sorts, though it might require people to do upkeep of replacing mega links when/if the existing dump gets deleted.
That's something considerable for the future.
Using that criteria we can narrow the range to somewhere between 1996-2001 as the cut-off.
I think I've still got some of the folders of them; think it had been dumps for some of the classic Legend of Zelda games, Earthbound, FFVI, and Chrono Trigger. Never worked Mega from the upload end before though.
I would love to do something like that, when i get my new PC i'll be sure to try my hand at it.
So I guess that includes Xbox and Gamecube then.
XBOX had 720p support
He was talking about video inputs not resolutions you dumb nigger.
And PS2 had 1080i support, which is HD. No 6th gen system had native HDMI input support.
It's back alive? Here I thought its only purpose was the Dreamcast thread. I'm glad at least. Hopefully it gets active.
Uh? The xb could natively output certsin games at 720p
You really are a dumb nigger. That has nothing to do with what we're talking about.
6th gen consoles used component cables to output in 480p (allof them), 720p (Xbox only), or 1080i (PS2 and Xbox). NONE OF THEM used HDMI, including Xbox. The PS3 was the first system to use HDMI.
God you're retarded.
With component you baka.
What? Given its the weakest of the 6th gen, that's pretty impressive.
Gran Turismo 4, Tourist Trophy, and Jackass the Game only supported it. Oddly enough it could do 480p for other games as well, but no game could do 720p.
The Dreamcast is the weakest of the 6th gen but I get the idea. Gran Turismo 4 supported it I know that.
is discussions of ports of older games to newer systems allowed?
DC is 6th gen? Every time I see it, it's usually confused between 5th and 6th. My bad either way.
Odd quirk. Pretty interesting though.
I don't see why not as long as it's a proper port and not a remake or whatever (unless it was a comparison to a remake)
That's how I see it but I'm just being technical.
Alright, just wanted to make sure.
Nu-uh, you are.
Is the IRC still dead?
Also just a heads up I don't wanna go around banning people unless they're spamming or CP but if you not only spam, but spam the shit I put in the rules specifically not to spam this will happen.
The PAL version doesn't support it though, it outputs at 576i.
The difference between NTSC and PAL gone is also something that identifies a modern age console.
top cuck
Now go plug your HDMI cable in your gamecube kiddo
Yes, it died a horrible death, when Whatsapp came about.
I never went there. I could make one if anyone's interested.
Very good point.
Okay, can't find the Earthbound one, but I've still got the packs for The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Final Fantasy VI, and Chrono Trigger. Maybe someone else might have any of the other old ones if there were more (the dumper apparently used some name like "ilyv"), and of course I suppose if people wanted to make their own packs to dump for various games, that's also neat.
I'll see about maybe redumping them over at /vr/ in the future.
Not sure whether to be surprised or not that people still go around dumping brownpill threads. Good on you for actively keeping shit cleaned up after that last brownpill thread sat in the catalog for who know how long.
No, you were just screwed by lazy manufacturing.
PAL systems in 6th gen barely supported high resolution modes. None of your Gamecube games had 480p support and I'm pretty sure you were dicked without 480p support for Xbox games.
PAL vs NTSC is fun. It's always interesting to show how Sonic 1 sounds on a PAL system compared to NTSC. It's surprisingly noticeable.
Be semi pleasant to have one not dead. Assuming anyone would use a new one at first.
Last I remember, had to swap my Xbox region to be able to use my component cables properly.
That thread was one of the biggest reasons I took ownership. I just wanted to post in peace but I'm really happy to see what's come of everything recently.
You should stop taking imageboard discussions so seriously.
How? Eurocucks had different video standards for fucking everything. There wasn't unified video standards until the 7th gen when HD became mandatory.
You should stop being a nigger
See what i mean? Calm down
So you are a nigger then? Good to know.
Chillax bro
I'm saying that the border in between unified video standards and non unified video standards is a good line to draw. Unless I read that wrong.
it's a bot, i ve seen the exact same post and everything the same, posted in the most obscure boards, sometimes duplicated since the old ones don't get removed, so i doubt someone took the time of the day to brown pill those boards
Yeah, that's super lazy. Together with letterboxing ports (only using 480 of the 575 available lines).
Proper PAL games providing higher resolution and better color than NTSC exist though.
we were discussing this on 4am a couple weeks back
I said I would create a guide for dosbox and post it there to boost traffic once I update my guide for linux mint
I still plan to do that
Ah I see, sorry to fly off the handle
Back to your cell Jamal
The fact that it sat so long really seemed like a sign of sorts that at that point no one with control cared. Still, I do hope you're ready to deal with the possibility of concentrated shitposting while the board re-establishes itself.
Might be just me, but it seems like when a board gets kind of active they start showing up again due to increased visibility for it. Not sure if it's a bot. It could just be some very dedicated autist with copypasta.
actually speaking of does /vr/ support PDF?
Cool down
Dammit I wrote that ban up hoping the absolute madman might actually do it.
If anybody wants to do that shit you'll be my hero
No problem fam.
>not using Slackware in the current year
see I finally got to do it
Yes. Glad you asked because I forgot to make that announcement. It didn't before but I enabled it recently.
I've been a regular on 8/vr/ since 2014. I should be able to handle it myself and that would be ideal so if something fucks up it's my fault and I'll know about it and at the end I can make reparations. If it becomes necessary I know one person I can absolutely trust as mods to not fuck everything up if I need to do that.
I love /vr/ so I'm willing to do it for free :^)
Banning that guy is not even worth mentioning man.
I just want somebody to be crazy enough to do it
lol nigger is threatened
ayo lisen, im sik of ur shit whitey am gon fuk u up n put a cap up ur ass monica
alright, I burned my brain yesterday with a ton of caffine figuring out how to produce a good PDF guide for anons and I think I could knock a dosbox for windows and linux guide pretty fast to test my model
Do it fam.
Anyway guys I'm gonna head to bed. Gonna try to get up fairly early tomorrow and all that shit but thanks for all the questions and feedback. And thanks to Mark for adding /vr/ back to the board header and allowing this thread to stay up. If it's still around when I wake up I'll answer more questions, and don't forget that we have a testing/feedback sticky up right now >>>/vr/4745
Later guys, and remember:
he will always be with us in our hearts.
Man I should have picked a cooler BO name like "The Cliff Hanger Arcade Machine"