PC gamer shadow warrior 2 review docks points because the dialogue hurts his feels

After playing SW2 I knew they would cry about the tranny jokes, but holy fuck this is another level of cuckoldry
t. James "Cibele is GOTY" Davenport

Reviewers are useless cucks that don't actually tell you anything about the game and just want to force feed you their worthless opinions!

More news at 11!

Yeah, I understand the decision to make this thread but this isn't 2011-2013 4chan Holla Forums anymore, the time for it has passed.

You know, fuck them for acting like they're the only people in the history of the entire fucking world who matter at all.

This nigger only writes garbage and barely writes at all unlike the usual cuckholds.
The only fag worth a fucking cent on this site is Andy Chalk and even then hes hit and miss

This is what he looks like, no surprises really, nu-male beard, problem glasses, smug look. round face.


But of course

lost it


What's your fucking point?

Somebody send this man a calendar.

Holy fuck


Should have expected it from Politically Correct Gamer. They deny their PC Master Race heritage.

why are people, especially bloggers comparing it to Nudoom?

I'm more amazed that PC Gamer still exists.

Print was supposed to be dead?

Its 2016 people!


cuck reviews and sites thread?


I thought the same thing when Newsweek went out of print, yet somehow made it back onto shelves. Pretty sure it has to do with these places working more as a propaganda outlet than making money. There was some leaked email years ago from the former CEO of EA, Trip Hawkins, who flat out said the customer for these rags are the companies, while the product was the consumer. These mags and sites are only around at this point to peddle bullshit.

Just pirated it an hour ago, it's decent.

everytime. They're doing it intentionally at this point, despite knowing how baseless and cringeworthy this phrase has become on a lot of subjects


gotcha covered.

Why do they all look the same?



If Shadow Warrior 2 is all I can't imagine how shit the other ones are.

Shadow Warrior is a boring game at the highest difficulty.

Is this shit worth buying? The Borderlands 2 maymay chatter isn't exactly a selling point to me. Does it run well, any FPS caps?

This is not bl2

What's this all aboot? Is he taking a piss?

You're mistaken user. They know there are others, but the others are goyim. You don't care when you mass slaughter cattle, why would they care about the mass slaughter of goyim? It's perfectly logical, just the rest of the world is too ignorant to see it.


Something in the water in Cummiefornia, you can quote me on that. The water must have some kind of chemical that kills all the T.

Weebshit really are uncomfortably effeminate though. Unless you're a girl or a soft male you wouldn't enjoy such stuff.


I miss doing Patricia edits. Here's my old OC.

The funny thing is, weeb games are exactly what they want. They're not very violent or crude, they often have fags, dykes, or trannies, and many of them aren't games or are easy enough for them to play. They always go on about how evil violent video games are, but they're totally against these non-violent pussy video games.

That's the problem: They don't want anything, they just love to complain about things so they can virtue signal.

I'll never understand this

Why work for a website if you don't like the subject matter at all?

I'm not the one being effeminate, the game is.
Since I'm a man with red blood flowing through my veins, femininity appeals to me because it gives me a stiffy.

The name sounded poppy and click-bait worthy so they went for it.

This. I'm insanely far from the manliest man you'll ever meet, but I'll be damned if I pass up a solid game with girls with great tits.


They used to be a bit weeby many years ago.

Signaling. People look like the people they want to associate with.

It's one thing to be critical of an overcooked steak

It's another thing entirely to complain about cow murder.

I don't know how well that analogy worked.

that's not terrible. You've just done a novice job of poking a really tiny hole of a million other possible holes into this utterly useless knee-jerk reaction that SJWs spout every second
The cognitive dissonance of SJWs in relation to anime is astounding. The very things that make anime, that are the building blocks are things SJW would criticize, yet they try to convince themselves otherwise, only if somehow they could westernize anime and japanese culture would they realize what actually happened


So you're willing to be cucked by girly aesthetics because of your lust? It's like being pegged you know. Real men should have self control. Also, are you implying that girls and effeminate boys aren't turned on by big tits?


It's a decent gateway to redpill normalfags but if you look at it objectively, the Palestinian situation is merely blood related sandniggers crying for world sympathy over which flavor of their shit is less shitty. It's not even a genocide, because if it is, then the kikes are failing hard at it even after all those injections of the world's shekels. Palestine is at best controlled opposition. You need to remember that Zionism and Wahabbism are two sides of the same coin, and it's in their mutual interest that the world is divided in two camps: West + Jews/cucked Christians aka NWO & East + Muslims aka everybody else to make Armageddon aka perpetual world war happen, while they both supply tech and oil to all sides.

I agree with the rest.

Does anyone else suspect we're not actually in 2015/2016 whatever (((they))) are trying to say it is?
Seems like a red flag to me at this point.

Makes perfect sense.

And no reading comprehension to boot.

Last time I was in San Francisco I went downtown looking for a woman.
You know what I mean? I wanted a woman.
I couldn't find a woman. I found a lot of men that looked like women.

Lesbianism is a meme and effeminate boys are massive queers or beta cucks.

They got bought out by Gawker. After that things changed ā€¦

To be honest, I laughed when I got to the portrait.

It's scientifically proven that all females are at least partly bisexual.

Like weebs?

When you're that much sexually obsessed by women you're already cucked. Not cucked by women, but cucked by yourself who lacks self control. Porn reduces grey matter, it's like drugs. You like anime despite all the effeminate aesthetics and lack of affection, this is you cucking yourself.

"I'm a man with red blood flowing through my veins", this is what the other guy said.

obviously he is making fun of the multiple retarded categories these sjw's are coming up with.

Who reads this shit anyway?
Why is "PC GAMER" reviewing console ports?


The game is about killing, from start till end your character just brutally murders.

But muh problematic language is the only issue this pavlovian male(?) takes.

Surprise he still haven't found the anime tiddies as a problem, oh right, they don't fucking play games.

Science also likes to point out animals engaging in sodomy which libcucks like using as a defense for being faggots.


Now you're being retarded, fellow earthling.

Real talk: everything these journos and reviewers do is CLICKBAIT. We're talking about it now aren't we?

Too bad most of us use adblocking. Ha. All they're getting from me is ghost traffic.

One thing that amuses me is how the media gets triggered by

I wish more people would use it.



but the torah told me so


toxic feminine is the actual problem. the toxic masculine only matters for the OLD MEN RUNNING THE WORLD
punching bitches in the pussy dosen't matter in the long run.

his mouth is smug, but his eyes are empty.


So you actually consider humans wanting to be the same as animals to be a good defense?

sounds like he's saying the game just isn't funny, which makes sense since its not.

I like this thread because we already have a Shadow Warrior 2 thread. In that thread, the demon that shall not be named came in to call the game sjw shit.


Are you saying it isn't true?


Did they ever go to school?

we have memed irresponsibly and these are the consequences

Holy fucking shit who is that psycho in pic #2!?

I meant what is this psycho



I have yet to figure out if it's a man or a woman

It's part of the mystery.

Where did everything go so wrong?
Why can't these people just play games and not look everything trough the lens of identity politics and agenda pushing?


They just need to move the palestinians to somewhere else in the muslim world IMO.
Its a big enough place to do that easily.

Why don't they just kill themselves? Apparently they believe white people are the porblem, but they are too wimpy to actually do it.

It's very hard to uproot people from their ancestral homeland.

Because they want to be taken seriously as good people who make the world a better place, so they ape what they see other people do. Unfortunately they're still writing about video games so it comes off as insanely gay and retarded.

Pathetic. Actions not words. Want to make the world a better place volunteer for a soup kitchen or save dolphins from fishing nets.

Videogames are not real. They're escapism and I want these beta cucks to remember that.


Why? Palestinians have been living in Palestine for a thousand years.

"I just want Americans to be removed and put somewhere else"- Sitting Bull

Jews lost Israel fair and square.

Sounds like he needs some wang

hang on a sec. Isn't that the same back ground they used for the tameem DmC article, "The unlikely saviour of devil may cry"? strange connection

Its quite normal for aid agencies to resettle people.

We just need to create somewhere that has the same attraction as Europe to make them leave their homelands.
A survey of Africans predicted that 70 million would leave their homeland and move to Europe if they had the opportunity.

To be clear I mean create somewhere within the muslim world.
But that would require muslims to be charitable to each other.

It's a shit game anyway, possibly worse than nuDoom.

Having a dick doesn't mean that you cannot enjoy other things as well. We all love our Hokuto no Ken, Super Mecha anime, Warhammer and other manly shit, but for the love of God, no one can do manly stuff all the time.

We're talking about Palestinians though, not Africans. Palestinians as a nation are older than Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

Just because you have these extremely huge urges to suck dick does not mean others have the same.

No idea why but your post made me laugh like a retard. Thanks, user. I needed that.

That would require actual work.

I love Kirby games and I like Dragon's Crown (a good game with tna). You're a faggot and sanran shit is gay.

Make that "deceive", not "decieve". It outs you as a burger if you don't.

I never even played Senran.

Amazing that he maintained the straight face all the time.

Also, that's the short version, the whole thing went on for about 4 minutes in total

That article was brilliant.

funny you would post some minor semen demons.

but what about all those black people voting for trump?

Islamic values, mang. You see, it's very feministic (feminismic? femiā€¦ you know what, it doesn't matter) to effectively sell preteen-early teenage girls into slav marriage where they will be repeatedly rap made love to by ugly, overweight, despotic men 3-4 times their age. And burkas. Those are very liberating as well.

deserves a bullet between his eyes


Ethics cuck

Because leftism is totalitarian. Every aspect of society must be regulated and controlled for the sake of doing so.

Fuck that. Cut the billions in aid to Israel and let the problem solve itself.

Either Israel proves they can control the area by their own force of arms without US/UK help, or the Palestinians retake what was theirs.

He really did it, didn't he?

This is why nobody likes leftists. They think comedy should change as time passes, and that on specific years comedy should be dictated by some kind of rules and regulations.


But Jews have never been on the receiving end of a genocide. It's even worse that they complain about it yet they're lying, when there really are people who have been the target of genocide, like Ukrainians in Soviet Russia or Armenians in the Ottoman empire.

Bunch of injuns that never got genocided. It's not genocide if you act like hostile savages and then realize you are going to lose your war with your sticks against guns.

There are no indians in most of south america, certain countries killed them all.

and the ones who claim to be "natives" nowadays are just escaped slaves with bodypaint

I always thought the thing where people writhe in physical pain from suppressing rage was a joke. I was wrong.

No fucking surprise, in their June/July issue they had some bingo game to mock gamers that didn't like their publication, with one box being, "Screw magazines, I have Youtube," ignoring that Youtuber channels have half their following because they can provide their opinions on vidya without being butthurt fuckwads.

It's like tech industry is being filled with hipsters and they only know how to be ironic.

Take some example from nuDoom you toxic humans, FPS's should not have talking!

The CURRENT YEAR is over.

Exaggerating & fabricating "offense" to signal what you were brainwashed to believe is "virtuous" is no longer trendy.
Instead it is now met with derision. It's over. Deal with it, cuck.

Nice projecting, i was simply asking a question not crying like a bitch.

Ok, I really want to play shadow warrior now
any point in playing the first game? and should I play the old original one?

Yes, it's pretty gud. If you liked douk, you'll most likely like this one.

Well, it was an ok game, but I don't think you really need to have played it to play this one.

yes and yes. SW2 is shit


The humour isn't "dated" it just isn't funny for the most part, this is coming from someone who likes the game. He's a fag for bitching about the tranny joke but it's not like it's some uproariously funny joke that he's too salty to appreciate. I chuckled a few times so far at dialogue but it can't compete with the original's one liners. Brevity is the soul of wit, etc.


Nice. Deadlock 2 had a Holocaust Cannon. Shit was expensive.

did this retard even play the first game?

yes play the first one
it's hilarious and is a classic like duke3d

What did you expect. Also, stop giving them free advertising you fool.

Hah, I just got that gun ingame, and it comes with a preinstalled upgrade called "soul of juice".

Why do SJWs always have the dumbest and most useless information in their bios? Find me an SJW with an actually good bio and I'll be fucking shocked

What other high profile shooters even came out this year?

Overbotch and Doos Sex, if you're not counting DLC and soon to be released.

Every time.

at least he archived it

deus ex
probly some cod regurgitated crap

They're not a majority in any single region.

The image is deliberately constructed so that it appears as though no minority would vote Trump, while the truth is that anywhere from 20-40 depending on state will do so.

Enough to matter, not enough to prevent being doctored out of existence.


To seal the deal there's the journalist special snowflake bio written in third person.

I swear these are the worst. Muh super speshul identity.

I actually wish there wasnt any dialogue is the game, its not bad enough to be funny, its really just bad, skipped every cinematic, had a blast, doom should definitely take some pointers if they'll make a sequel