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fuck the system. what about the games?

Mario and Zeldo
Monolith Soft game
No Metroid, F Zero or Starfox game
Some third parties directly funded by Nintendo.
Maybe a new IP, maybe

That should be it, I give it 3 years until emulation of it hits

The fuck are they even doing?

4 L A U N C H T I T L E S ?


A processor just for unpacking games? That sounds insane, but they would do that.


The I/O speed on CF is 145mb/s. There better damn well not be any loading times.

Fake and gay

How does that specific piece of information cue you to that?


Can you think of any game console nowadays that has launched with so few titles? I'm not even talking about ports, I mean the number of games launching with it. Usually they would at least pretend to give it support.


You must be 18 or older to post here user.

like the ones in your 3ds, faggot.
or, you know, your N64

Like the ones you should load into your gun before ending it all, yes.

Sounds pretty shit so far to be honest. I mean more than usual for Nintendo.

Any game I've ever played that used a cartridge has shit graphics and played like ass. I guess Nintendo is trying to appeal to retro hipster losers, fucking hell.

Wew lad

It would have been less obvious bait if you left this out since they market to younger audiences. No disk to scratch to break, which compliments that demographic.
But looks like you already reeled in

I am a little upset.

I'm not even reading your fake """"leak""""

That is just for sequential read/write. Input/output Operations Per Second are much more important for loading times.

You're implying kids buy Ninty games.
Only MANchildren buy those, user.

>interact with your game on the go
>not play your games on the go
I assume this means we'll get minigames that will sync to the home station when you get home or via wifi, instead of having the full game on the go, so there will be a handheld game separate from the actual game, comparable to Sm4sh (i.e. the console version and 3ds version both had different features and minigames)

you will die and even more people wont know about the past.

Night manager at Walmart

Manchildren pirate them, silly.


I know that Nippon is SHIT at computer but what the honest fuck is this? THE QUESTION IS WHY? What is in the game here? Thousands of uncompressed audio files like the newest videogame titles which they are too retarded to deal with? Except it mentions that its all compressed.
Yeah I would love games that last hours and hours but there's no way I can accept this simply due to the fact that there's no way they're going to do that.

Why am I getting upset over unconfirmed notes

maybe its intended for futureproofing. Hate to be the company that requires a specific cartridge system that falls behind the standard game size within a year or two, even if they themselves think modern games are too damn big. Just a business decision


You think you are upset? I'm needlessly furious that someone would think they would go to dvd sized storage or less. I mean what the fuck user wiiu already has 64gb blu ray why take a step backwards. kill yourself

Bump for free speech and gamergatw

I don't believe it.

Great, at this rate i guess Sega will be announcing their re entry into the console war next month.

So Nintendo is stealing the Dreamcast's VMU?

I'd say the majority of Nintendo players still buy their games, meaning the other user is correct

Meant to quote