Some more news came out for Resident Evil 7, main points being
Other than that, talk about Resident Evil
Mainline Rankings: REmake>RE2>RE3>RE4>RE1>RE5>RE6
RE6 Mercenaries is the best part, other than that it's not very good
Some more news came out for Resident Evil 7, main points being
Other than that, talk about Resident Evil
Mainline Rankings: REmake>RE2>RE3>RE4>RE1>RE5>RE6
RE6 Mercenaries is the best part, other than that it's not very good
The only people who were expecting co-op were the bumbling retards who think that resident evil is 5 and 6. Those two games were specifically made for the people who want to play the big, cinematic call of duty-esque games but are too afraid to admit it.
I really hope one day they either start getting genuinely scary again or they go full on silly and start reveling in it. I started playing RE5 a few days ago and I just realized how god awful this AI really is, I dont know how I managed to not notice that before. I also find it funny that the first time you see sheva is when you see her ass.
I want to fuck Sheva hard and make lots of mulatto babies.
She is mulatto already. No natural nignog looks like that.
Based on what I've seen from the demo and general announcements, I think their main focus is gonna be bringing back the horror again, with some footage from the demo like the big redneck dude just smashing through that wall like Mr. X.
Also you really should be playing RE5 with someone else, playing with AI is just awful.
I don't have it on PC so I can't help you there, sorry my dude
And Ashley is pretty hot
so what do you wanna call the babies then? half mulatto?
reminder that a resident evil is the best game
I guess. I have a friend who told me has 1/4th Armenian. So that is probably a thing.
me neither I got the ps3 version. I did have the PC version but it crashed on startup for like 2 weeks so I got it refunded.
fucking kikes cant even make a functioning PC port.
Then I may be able to help you my dude
I'll let you know if I bring out my PS3 this weekend
well shit if you do add nr_1guy
im rarely ever online on PS3 though.
Actually I wanted a Fresh save but didn't want to delete my saves so I am currently playing on my japanese account: Goron.
RE4 > Everything else
Resident Evil was never scary.
I was expecting co-op too, not because I wanted it but because they also put it in 5 and 6.
1/4 black 3/4 white is called a quadroon, which is not used in polite conversation
Yeah, but so goddamm annoying slapping a nude skin on her and imagining her getting raped as she's dragged off is the only enjoyable solution.
Story time
>fucker was a pro for us back then
Good times. I could buy it for PC I guess…
anyone got a torrent?
Playing with tank controls was pretty scary at times.
Daily reminder that REmake spergs literally bitched about muh immershun for so long, that CRACPOM turned an evolving franchise into an Outlast clone for youtubers.
Remember: the same could happen to YOUR franchise too. All elitists living off nostalgia for their parents' games need to be gassed.
I'm hoping Leon doesn't look like he did in RE4 with that silly haircut and that he instead looks like he did in re2 for the remake2. I'm still hopeful for re7 and I wonder what monstrosities we'll face this time. Perhaps a part of Lisa Trevor survived and has been hibernating similar to Spencer and the Leach Queen? This might be a G outbreak, which might explain why many of the enemies we've seen keep at least some of their intelligence/memories.
So since RE7 is doing the first-person thing, will the gameplay be going for the Outlast style or (hopefully) in the style of System Shock/STALKER/CoC?
Outbreak File #3 never ever. Seriously though, surprised Capcom hasn't bothered to revisit the idea of random strangers surviving the zombie apocalypse with online co-op yet.
As someone who prefers the older games over even RE4, RE7 bums me out way more than any other game. I mean they're just shoving out a crappy spookathon that is mimicking crappy indie games that have flooded the market. At least RE4-6 had to be designed mechanically. Everything I've seen out of RE7 has been incredibly fucking boring.
Its Amnesia style.
That's what it looks like so far but I think Capcom said that the game will have weapons and combat. They could be lying since this is Capcom but maybe there is more that what they're showing and they are attempting to have the game be some kind of surprise.
Did Amnesia even have methods of fighting? I was hoping for CoC meets The Hills Have Eyes or whatever the fuck they're doing.
I think your right that Sheva is mixed however northern africans actually can look kind of close to that. Though it's probably because they have had lots of mixing way back in their history.
Amnesia did not but I think Capcom alluded to RE7 having some kind of combat.
It'd be pretty dumb for RE7 to not have any sort of combat. If it's gonna be in any way that I expect it to be, then that alone would be enough to bump it up to the levels of immersive horror like CoC and System Shock.
What do you mean by CoC? Is it Call of Cthulhu?
REmake is the haunted house simulator. It may not be scary, but the mood is pure horror.
And into the trash it went.
Yes, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Fuck Bethesda for killing the dev and stopping the series from taking off
Yeah, I don't even know if the sharethread Mega folders even have the Ultimate HD Edition in them
At least you get a new Prey right? Don't forget to buy the Skyrim remaster!
I just dont know, expecting something like how REmake felt back in the days will probably just lead to disappointment
they probably cant do magic like that anymore
Don't joke about that shit
resident evil weren't walking simulators either
how long till RE assfaggots or RE crapcunts oh wait raccoon city
I honestly think that the chances of REmake 2 seeing the light of day are tied directly to how well Resident Evil 7 sells. I believe that's called a "Catch-22".
In any case, I like some things about RE 7. The first games had Romero's zombies, RE 4 had Frankenstein's angry villagers, Revelation's had John Carpenter's Thing, and this has Texas Chainsaw Massacre's cannibalistic hillbilly family. It also looks to pay a lot of homage to Sweet Home as well.
However, I hate how it's a first-person haunted house simulator with light combat. I would have preferred this to be like Resident Evil Gaiden on the Game Boy Color so that it would be more of a Dragon Quest-style RPG.
I also wonder if the devs are aware that single barrelled shotguns with no magazines exist. It'd make every bit of sense for the game to have an H&R Pardner in it.
Actually I think they might be inversely linked. REmake HD was Capcom's best selling digital game when it came out. So if RE7 comes out and sells like crap I can see them fast-tracking the old style games since customers seem to want them.
Devolving more like. Why the fuck would you want yet another action shooting gallery game in a series that has already milked that path to beyond stagnant after only 3 (main) games. You're almost as bad as the faggot further up the page who actually thinks 4 is the best in series.
Leon still had a faggy haircut in RE2 and looked more ginger. Christ knows how they managed to make him look worse in the later games.
nigga that's the most retarded idea I've ever heard, why not make it a racing game while you're at it?
Saying the RE games were stagnating is kind of disingenuous. While they were not moving in a direction that you and I did not like they were definitely changing. Just not in a way that in any way represented the original games. Even RE6 while being extremly poorly done was trying to make the shooting ant combat a lot deeper by adding in all the dodging and movement abilities. Just similar to how MHG was made the ideas were just incredibly rushed and poorly implemented.
A racing game… Now there's an idea.
user, you have to write a letter and implore Capcom to make your dream a reality!
I'll say once and I'll say it again; RE will ==NEVER== have its original charm. It's done. Gone. Vanished.
Re died the moment Capcuck put Re4 on the psjew. That was the reason Mikami left, that's why it will forever be a shallow fanfiction of its former self.
Since Mikami nor Kamiya has any involvement, any new games made that aren't remasters will forever be Capcom just pulling a weekend at Bernie's with the shell.
Why would you include RE1 twice?
REmake and RE1 is same thing and you don't mention 0 or code veronica.
>a couple of minor improvements to combat which should have been implemented when the series switched to the over shoulder camera means the series has moved forward
Nah, sorry. Not buying it. Since RE4 the series has become almost as much of a joke as Silent Hill. At least the Silent Hill games were still mostly horror before Konami killed the series off. Hell, the handheld RE games would have been better suited to being part of the main series, whereas 4-6 should have been spinoffs.
The biggest kick in the dick was that Capcom had not one, but TWO Resident Evil games that they could have used to take the series forward that released in the same generation as RE4, REmake and RE0. But no they went with RE4 because casuals ate it up like it was gods own semen and now we're stuck with the shitshow that the series has become.
I haven't played 0 or Veronica
REmake changed a lot on how the game played, looked, felt, etc. so much calling RE1 and REmake the same game isn't very accurate.
damn right
user did you even play both they are so drastically different. It's why RE fans at the time loved REmake as much as they did. Not only was it a bit of a nostalgia trip and absolutely gorgeous game. It even brought cool new ideas to the formula that really changed the way you played the game.
Again I'm not saying I wouldn't have preferred for REmake to sell gangbusters and that be what dictated the future of the series. I'm just saying the action games were evolving themselves as they moved forward just in a way that kept moving them farther and farther away from what RE was. Also there is no way the stuff added in the future games should have been in 4. The reason why 4 was such a massive hit when it came out was because it was so different and good when it was released.
REmake is fucking terrifying first time through, well most of the mansion is.
Which game has the best leon?
for me its RE4
So, any of you faggots autistic enough to have read Biology of Evil?
Aha, here it is.
Can I download it or something?
What is it?
I'm afraid you might have to navigate Scribd for it, sorry.
Essentially, it's a handful of RE fans with biology and virology training trying to make sense of how the various viruses and parasites would work.
I seriously doubt it'll sell low. If anything, it'll get poor reviews like RE6 did. And even then RE6 sold 6 million copies, which actually makes it Capcom's second highest selling title.
You also forgot RE0, which I pretty sure is considered canon. I would put 0 as being equal to 3, 5 and 6 you could just throw into the trash.
RE3 always bothered me on my first playthrough because of how Nemesis could just pop up out of no where, I always try to take my sweet time on a first playthrough, read all the notes, take in the scenery, get a lay of land, etc, Nemesis you never know when you just going to have to fuck everything and run.
That is probably true an RE with a number sells a bunch and it has yet to come untrue with them going after what all the streamers like to play. However I still think if it did tank Capcom would panic and double down on old-style RE games. Out of fear of one of their last cash cows becoming irrelevant.
Pick one
My shit is better than yours!
Pro tip: It's not.
RE4 was a shit RE game. It was a great game in it's own right though.
I can't imagine that going too well, the T virus is pretty much biologically impossible. The G virus as well I think.
I guess the parasites are more plausible though.
So is it safe to say that Leon is the biggest cuck of the series?
I don't know how you could possibly say that. Yes we're all charmed by the story but the rest is ass.
Do you know what that word even means?
I dunno I got into RE because I was super excited for RE4. I played all the GC ports waiting for the game to come out. I remember playing through it right away and hating the shit out of it because it was nothing like what I was expecting. I replayed it a few months later with proper expectation and loved it though.
It's actually fairly well done. Though they also said they weren't looking forward to explaining things like Oroboros and Haos.
sound kinda spergy, but guess thats part of the zombie fandom nowadays
Nigga, they literally showed the combat, its mostly you can't kill the assholes, but can maybe stagger or knock them out.
Meant for
Resi 4 is one of the best games ever made and did nearly everything right, all the weapons have their own niche, the level design is really good, the enemy design is diverse and challenging, the story is filed with memorable characters and dalogue etc.
That looks shit.
Capcom can't make good games anymore outside of Monster Hunter, it would be silly to expect Capcom to deliver this one too. I bet my ass this REmake 2 will be nothing like the first remake, instead it going to be another third person shooter a la RE4/5/6.
I'd love an RE2 in the style of RE4. We got a good taste of that with the first part of Leon's campaign in 6 and it was fucking fantastic and the only part of that game that wasn't trash.
You should try playing it and then come back to this thread.
This is more a Resident Evil 4 than the actual RE 4.
Why did they change the name? Was it because it was coming out for dreamcast? Or because survival hororr didn't sell very well?
Forgot pic
Its considered the true RE3 which is appropriate enough as the actual RE3 is very barebones.
Agreed, RE3 is more RE2.5, with CV actually having a ton of content.
Oh that explains a lot
Also, what's his problem?
And, to be honest, was the last time we had a chance to play with Claire as a protagonist. I mean, she isn't in Revelations 2 and the new ladies from the Revelations, RE 5 and 6 were not that great.
I really would like to see a game with Sheryl and Claire, were Sherry could use her viral powers, but need to be careful to not die a Galerians Death while Claire could be much more efficient with guns, but could get infected. The game could be Claire and a small team trying to rescue Sherry from the government, but, of course, ended up in a messy situation, maybe a bit like Half Life. I think you could have both tension and action working well in the right hands.
Which means, not modern Capcom.
That's dangerous user.
Control your dick.
This sounds promising if anything
And to think this is OK to be a M rated game, but you add one naked, and shit could easily go AO.
I beat it on professional a few days ago and on normal the week before that…
Wesker did nothing wrong.
Hes just a cunt.
It sounds like shit
But is nobody gonna think of muh chilluns?
Thats because tank controls are so shit that you get nightmares
Yes is the buzzword for something I don't like. :^}
Why does everyone hate RE3? REmake is still my favorite but I've played RE3 again recently and thought that it was still great.
RE3 is a little awkward but fun. I have no idea why it gets rated low by a lot of anons. Fighting Nemesis every time so you get the drops is challenging as fuck.
I also liked how more of it actually took place in the city compared to RE2.
RE was a very good game that was sufficiently creepy and unique.
RE2 blew RE out of the water in every department and was fucking HUGE. Tons of content, tons of replayability, just fantastic all around.
Expectations were suitably high for RE3, and then we get a cut down, gutted experience AT FULL FUCKING PRICE that feels like a fucking expansion pack for RE2.
Then we get CV, which is everything we wanted from 3 and more.
I tried CV but I really didn't enjoy it as much as RE3, even if RE3 is kinda just like a RE2 expansion.
CV is the real RE3. Nemesis was a side-game but Sony had a contract with Capcom for three full numbered releases, so Capcom switched the two and called Nemesis RE3 and left CV as a "side game".
Is 6 worth playing in co op? I don't care how stupid the story is. What about operation racoon city?
Did you ever beat it?
That makes sense.
Yes, with a friend it's at least worth a solid playthrough. It's not quite as good as RE5 coop, but I still had a great time running through it with a friend (except for the first half of Sherry/Jake's campaign which is terrible, but thankfully that's like
RE6 I bought for 5 bucks and it's at least fun enough if you don't care about the story. ORC not so much.
Damn I really liked the concept behind ORC
I'm a shameless faggot about two series: Souls and RE, and even I couldn't find anything enjoyable about ORC. It's not just flawed, but fundamentally broken. It's not blow average, it's genuinely bad.
I rarely say this, but it's not even worth a pirate.
Sorry to dash your hopes, user. The concept is indeed cool, but god damn is the gameplay just awful.
He is a CHAR.
bump for shevas fat ass,
Sadly, all the enemies just look to be hicks with super powers so far.
I hope I'm wrong and there are some creepy monsters.. or old school zombies maybe, but we'll see.
RE5 does literally nothing better than 6.
Better pacing, better uprgade system, better weapon variety, better inventory (and coop inventory) system.
Nice bait, made me reply.
Every single new video has the kind of shit that's engineered to draw in reactions from let's plays and twitch.
Resident Evil is dead, replaced by gamefaqs retards pretending that all horror games need to be Amnesia.
Should have been tried at the height of Darkside Chronicles. The levels were all theere.