Metal Gear Solid 5

jesus christ why did i only find out about this now?

None of it matters in light of the base gameplay being ass.

All the research, all the missions, all of it doesn't matter in light of the core stealth being this ridiculously simple and framework.

The gameplay minus stealth is god-tier. The stealth is lacking and the world is completely fucking dead.

I mean, even MGS4 had NPC factions fighting each other. WHERE ARE THE FUCKING MUJAHIDEEN?! Civilians?! ANYTHING!

Fucking 30% complete game.

Ground Zeroes was amazing BECAUSE it lacked "framing" of any kind, it was simple, efficient, and immediately accessible.
It was like a fucking arcade game.

Phantom Pain is half of it's beauty, with shitloads of tertiary features that don't actually add anything.

Did you read what you've posted by any chance?
It's an MGS game, stealth is the main playstyle. If that's shit then game-play is also shit by extension. You get punished for killing, so that isn't an option either. What you've just said is redundant, the gameplay is hollow and very repetitive.

No, I understand completely. My complete run of MGS V has so far included the gun you get at the beginning, the pistol you get at the beginning, and the first tranq sniper you get.

That’s it. They’re my favorite weapons, I’ve modded them to shit, and they carry you through the whole thing. That–using only the starting weapons the entire time–should make me feel accomplished as a gamer, but I just feel hollow, because it’s the game’s fault I can do that, not my skill.

MGSV goes with the sandbox approach. Sticking to one playstyle/set of equipment while easy, becomes boring. You're free to go nuts with crazy stealth gear, go psycho with weapons, ghost etc.

i thought you couldnt stick to one playstyle cause the guards start to adapt.

I just love how powerful basic abilities like crawling and rolling are, but what I'm not a fan of is the marking ability. I turned that shit off along with enemy presence and Reflex mode from the very start of the game. MGS4's threat ring was an ability that made more sense and looked cooler. It didn't give away the EXACT position of enemies through walls.

This. The downside is the game doesn't have enough missions that force you to play a certain way, but it does have great potential for self-imposed challenges.

user stop being a racist. Islam is a religion of peace.

That too. Honestly, MGSV's adaptive difficulty is is one of the most interesting aspects of it and I wish more games did this. It actually made me forget about the difficulty options of the previous games.

What it needs is more gameplay modes. MGS2 Substance has crazy replay value because of all the VR stuff. Every MGS game needs that.

Its all fun and ero fantasies till the cutest one speaks Kikongo



S-she was my first all S++ ranks…

You can’t GET S++ in the game. You have to hack it in, and the hack was broken several months ago by updates.

While you weren't her first one, you were his last 😂💦👌

You can on PS4 you just need to use the online system they added like a month after launch. Offline you cannot.

fug 😂

Just get the All S++ mod from the mgsv nexus. That's what I do. All my QT soldiers are S++. Except Zoo Girl.

Naw it still works, just get the newest and use snakebite.

Are there actually female soldiers with a rank that high? I'm guessing they must be pretty rare.

You trade in points earned from the PF leagues.

Fuck, I wish I understood how to install it.

Yi niggs, whoever took over from Koima is actually adding cool stuff in these updates.


You just install snakebite from the mgsv nexus. Its a reg app. Then you install .mgsv files. Simple as legos really. I've even made my own mixture of models for it. Much easier than the original method. There's even a really food Big Boss mod that alters Venoms Model to the Ground Zeroes model.

Git gud nub.


"Kaz, I'm already a sandwich"

"Snake….Snake had a big snack"


Sleep snug, smug

Sleep snuggo smuggo


I'll tell your dad!

L-lets just calm down and think about this!


I-im just gonna go now. . . .