which is better Holla Forums?
Which is better Holla Forums?
Link's Awakening DX
Fuck off with your shitty gaia emotes holy fuck
The one with the most shota Link.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting user
Seasons; Ages is just the Ocarina of Time gimmick in a different setting.
i prefer Pokemon XD
Wasn't Seasons originally intended to be a remake of the NES Zelda? In any case, I think Ages did the time travel gimmick better, if only because you had a more visible impact on the world fixing shit in the past.
I like the dungeons in Ages and Veran is a qt, but Onox is cool and the multiple seasons offered a lot of puzzle variety, so Seasons
>tfw there will never be a foreboding dungeon like the Black Tower in LoZ ever again
yes it was. This is evident in how many Z1 bosses are used between Ages and Seasons
Capcom was originally tapped to make a Z1 remake but then someone somewhere got ambitious
They were intending to make a trilogy of games that would link together through the passcode system, until they realised doing that with 3 games would be too fucking difficult for them to pull off, scrapped one and is the reason why Farore was reduced to a side character.
They are the same game user.
Ages>Seasons is the proper order though.
i want 2 fug din
get in line
I was about to play the game and start with Seasons until I read this. Is there a reason for it?
Pacing, Ages has more PLOT focus and more cutscenes and more climactic finale and shit, so the additional stuff a linked game adds generally works better with the "barely any" Plot of Seasons.
If i remember shit right anyway.
Makes sense. I'll drop Seasons and start with Ages then. Thanks for spoonfeeding me user.
Ages is story and boss focussed for lorefags
Seasons is puzzle and sidequest focussed for explorationfags
which is best depends on which you enjoy more. Me i enjoy seasons because autumn in vidya gets my dick wet.
"Both" is the right answer. They're meant to be played one after the other.
I really wish that the third one (Mystical Seed of Courage / Oracle of Colors) actually came out. It was supposed to be three games, but they scaled back to just two because coordinating playing in any order (6 possibilities) was too complicated.
Still capcoms best adventure games they ever made, up there in capcoms library with RE2, SF2 and MH4U
Oh yeah, they're great games, but imagining what it would have been with a third game in the mix is pretty exciting.
I won't play it until it gets a console release (or Citra can handle it properly). Monster Hunter on handhelds sucks, and I want to hunt giant monsters with a big TV. Most of that effect is lost on a tiny handheld screen.
Just wait for monhun 5 on NX. best of both worlds.
Seasons because it's the one I played as a kid
There's no real proper order. Playing each game once gives you a code that you transfer into the other. Completing that second game gives you yet a second code that you transfer back for the third and final one.
Seasons comes first in terms of story despite both being playable first
Seasons, because its mandatory retarded dancing minigame is less infuriating.
Seasons, but I don't remember why.
I'm impressed with your taste. Capcom Zelda are some of the best. Seasons (and Minish Cap) had excellent explorating and was full of things to do.
Ages was good, but I don't like it as much as Seasons.
Farewell, thumbs
wow blast from the past
I think I liked seasons the best maybe?
I liked how in seasons you could skip the 4th dungeon and go straight to the 5th one. that was cool
you guys make me wanna replay them
oh man I was stuck on that dungeon forever. I forget why though
Zora village also best soundtrack in game