You know. For all it's worth, I think that someone was laughing their way to the bank.
No Man's Sky sold 750K copies at full price
Other urls found in this thread:
reminder that NMS was backed/funded by Sony and the devs previous games were forgettably decent 3rd rate Trials clones
I bet ps4 sales are much higher. And there's noooooo refunds.
Back to cuckchan with you.
Yesterday the mods from the NMS subreddit threw a shitfit and nuked it from orbit. Redditors seem pretty mad, but I don't know why it escalated so. Maybe they finally realized they were doing it for free.
Not even deserving of a (you).
At least 1 of 6 movies I may watch can give me a more memorable experience than the gorillion planets populated with nothing. And let's not forget the false advertising.
I seriously hope they can actually get sued for this. Not that I sympathize with the idiots who paid full price for this, especially in PS4. But there need to be real consequences for a shit game by a shit studio with shit developers who was promoted to hell because the console that was an "exclusive" for didn't have ANY OTHER GAME to shill back then.
With Sony as publisher, it's likely that Hello games were paid a flat rate for the game, with the profit from game sales going right to Sony.
Sean Murray is supposedly going to give an interview soon. That might be the reason they tried to shut the subreddit down.
Sean Murray should just retire at this point. No one will buy a game from him ever again. They will.
So many of (you)!
Apparently it was HB's decition, not Sony's, to go for the 60 dollarydoos pricetag. Sean struck a deal to be given primetime at TGS instead of funding. It was always a con.
Video games aren't movies. Their worth cannot be measured the same. That's like saying that iron should be worth the same as firewood.
You can do anything, user.
You're way over-paying for what you get.
I bet sony got a 99% cut.
Sean prolly got like 100k.
On a side note, Kerbal for instance, sold 1.5 million copies, yet it's an actual game that doesn't suck.
I'm telling you guys, Sean Murray is a master conman.
Well, that's 749K happy customers right there. Hope this unexpected and rare event will no keep them from buying more overhyped broken crap.
dank b8 m8
Nah fuck off, you get 5 times the entertainment value for 1/6 the price. There is everything wrong with NMS.
I'm glad we got this game. I'm glad Sean conned the shit out of these people. It's an eye opener for the ones willing to learn from their mistakes. Then again, I doubt people will learn anything from this experience and fall for hype again.
How old is that child? 36?
That's why I switched to the FIFA diet
Two things are infinite. The Universe, and human stupidity. And i'm not sure about the former.
Why would you do something so dumb?
Also, obligatory video.
It's like people enjoy wasting money.
with suicide, you get infinite more value for infinite less price.
Even if he's laughing his way to the bank right now, the reputation of Hello Games and Sean Murray have crumbled into nothing. Which, in the long run, is far more important.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Procedurally Generated" bullshit that's going on in the video game industry right now. No Man's Sky deserves much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself pre-ordered
a genuine copy of No Man's Sky in America for $60 (that's about 55Euros) and have been playing it for almost 2 months now. I can even shill threads of solid shitposting for this video game.
Indie developers spend years working on a single No Man's Sky and have it procedurally generate up to a million planets to produce the finest unique experience known to mankind.
No Man's Sky is thrice as large as AAA games and thrice as well running for that matter too. Anything a AAA game can sell you, No Man's Sky do better. I'm pretty sure No Man's Sky could easily out-perform a AAA game on a full Alienware rig.
Ever wonder why old school AAA devs never bothered attempting a game this big? That's right, they were too scared of not being able to craft a game as wonderfully procedurally generated as No Man's Sky. Even in the Vietnam War, American politicians drafted artists first because the possibility of them making this masterpiece was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? No Man's Sky is simply the best video game that the world has ever seen, and thus, requires better sales in the market. Here is a sales block I propose for No Man's Sky:
(Genre: Action, Adventure)
Price: $299.99
Userscore: 101%
Metascore: 120%
Owners: 6,000,000(+/-)1,000,000
Peak Concurrent Players Yesterday: All of them.
Now that seems a lot more representative of the quality of No Man's Sky in real life, doesn't it?
tl;dr = No Man's Sky needs to be better respected on Holla Forums, see my new sales block.
What do lawyers tell you to do when you hire them? Shut the fuck up. It is no coincidence that Goodbye Games went completely silent soon after release. They took the money and ran.
That is truly beautiful shitposting. It has been a long, long time since I've seen a good variant of that copypasta.
Does that count refunds?
Not really, retarded redditors are the new commodity of the 21st century and they will buy anything based only on promises and hype.
Their reputation is not really a big loss.
What's the original version of this?
That's the thing that bothers me. These guys had no reputation before NMS. So there's absolutely zero reason to assume this won't happen again, and easily.
I really should become some pretentious indie dev.
And that doesn't include PS4 copies too
God I hate preorder culture, if retards just waited a day before a a game came out to see if it actually delivered on its hype then none of this would be a problem.
It will, video games now are mostly bait and switch preorder scams. Poorly made games selling mostly only during preorders and on hype alone. Sometimes you have a few already made DLC lined up to make some extra cash.
750k on PC you mean. Don't forget consoles.
I had a very pleasent experience with it.
After 2 minutes of staring at a black screen I restarded the pc and was glad to not have wasted one cent on it in the first place.
700k time $60 makes $45M
I doubt it cover more than dev' costs + the gigantic marketing campaign by Sony (which was easily in the 30M range if not more)
Didn't stop Gearbox although they ran a literal scam with Colonial Marines.
Marketing is covered by the publisher, not the developer. Sony may have made a bad deal but i'd wager Hello made bank.
You forget markups (30% for steam at the very least).
You have no clue how steamspy works. Fuck off.
I should make a contentless game which is only a blank black screen, available on pre-order only.
That's just pc sales, games sell significantly more on console, it probably reached 2+ mil on Playstation since those fans are extra gullible.
Game would have eclipsed 100 mil, it would have easily have made back it's costs, the advertising campaign for it wasn't even that big.
Are you sure about that?
I seriously doubt that if they bankrolled it (and they did) they stood to take most of the profit, or at least half. Then you factor in Steam.
Now I'm sure the tops guys personally managed to squirrel away a million or two in wages + income, but I doubt the game did more than break even for the corporate entities concerned… which now have to budget legal risk, (because for example the UK ASA is long overdue a corpse to hang from London Bridge to remind people handling billions in ads that there are rules to respect if they want to continue to run their scam, last one they did was a Call of Duty in 2006. There was far less doctoring and downgrades after that…)
You're kidding right? It was bigger than most AAA title.
Ads in every tech magazine, thousands of article in the vidya press, etc…
Worse they had to keep paying for more article to minimize and downplay the criticism, the looming authorities fines and the class action lawsuit if too many lawyers smell blood.
Or are you a cuck from 4chan that believe those write themselves?
I wasn't even aware it was that large, I saw nothing for it apart from journo shilling and hyping.
Shuei Yoshida claimed PR and marketing was done by Sean Murray and Sony only helped out on paying for the marketing costs but a year before a Sony Europe rep said they were treating it like a "Full AAA" game.
Likely Sony ate shit on that deal because while they would get front loaded sales if they marketed the hell out of it that might cover costs.
Also made Sony look incompetent as fuck by claiming "We were hands off and were surprised by the final game". Either Yoshida lied to save face or they really did let Hello Games do it unsupervised and ended up with a mess. Which is the same thing that happened to The Order 1886 and Street Fighter V (Sony left them without supervision) and guess what happened there too.
Wew lad
Fucking Squeenix got pissy when Tomb Raider and sleeping dogs got ~2 mil, this is a fucking flop.
Sony didn't publish it, Hello Games was both developer and publisher. Sony probably knew this was going to flop critically but wanted the money from the almost assured commercial success. They have no legal responsibilities, and what with the advertising investigation thing against HG, it was a smart move. Sony would be dealing with that shit if they published it.
But Paladin's settled into being a little niche title alongside Overwatch. Battleborn straight up fucking died on release. If cheaper made, less well known games are getting a community and massively over-budgeted garbage is scrabbling to keep servers up, there's obviously more going on than simple timing. Battleborn has 300~ average players and dropping, Paladins has 23000~ and stable, this is far worse than bad timing.
This doesn't include how much they made off their website for it. They asked people to buy it off their website so they'd make more money from it (since Steam takes a cut).
Did you seriously buy the "we're a tiny little indie games studio" bit Sean Murray was spewing out of his ass?
Bethesda had over 100 people working on Fallout 4, and that was considered small compared to other triple A developing studios. A dozen guys is tiny.
What I am curious about is how much sony spent on marketing exactly. Because odds are, for the dev team, if they even walked away with 1-4 million each, they're set for a while if they want to be.
some wild opinions right there