Anybody know what happened?

Anybody know what happened?

You know that only counts people that have the alexa toolbar install right?

Not a clue

alexa is worthless data but if i had to guess

Shit site dies like TheMarySue or The Gawker.
The rest, when?

why do you care? why would anyone care?



Not a clue.

Pure coincidence

This. Beanervision is too cheap and lazy to abuse SEO and buy traffic to the extent that Denton did.

Because they're part of why PSVR is censoring cleavage and pantyshots.

Liru happened

Gamergate happened, fucking lurk more before you come here cuckchanner

I didn't know Gamergate started two months ago, could have sworn it was two years.

Polish jurnos cares. Whenever I go to their sites it's always like "new news blah blah blah, according to inside news from kotaku". Polygamia is the best example of it. That's why, I no longer read polish game news (only buy one paper for games attached to it) and instead rely on Holla Forums and jewtube/twitch for game news.

I thought your new government was cleaning house and purging the leftist filth. Haven't they shut down some government funded multicultural propaganda organization recently?

Polygamia is a bunch of stupid hipsters who are just ripping off Kotaku and Giant Bomb. They are too lazy to actually search for news themselves, so they just translate stuff off of Kotaku, or Gry Online if the news happens to be Polish. Once Kotaku goes down they will just rip off IGN or something else.

Polygamia is not government funded. Quite the opposite. They are actually funded by Agora, which is media conglomerate owned by Germans (Ringier Axel Springer) who obsessively push progressive propaganda. They hate current government.

While government is purging everyone who is refuses to play nice with them, their replacements are not good either. Only good thing they did was stop being UE's yes men, but instead are fucking shit up in other ways. If you are owner of small or medium sized company, you will be screwed by thaxes they want to implement. That shit will cripple Polish businesses and entrepreneurs, while favoring international corporations. Thins are gonna go to shit once EU's gibsmedats will run out in 2020.

Fatigue happened. People stopped giving a shit over "issues" in gaming, not because they were retarded fucking issues to begin with but because its gone on so long that nobody gives a fuck anymore.
Sexism, Racism, and all the other imaginary problems just never seemed to go away and were everywhere.

Here is the big secret to the masses; they get bored.
That's really all it is. Boredom.
it goes from the shock of "OMG THAT IS SEXIST AND/OR RACIST TOO!?"
to an attiude of "Oh, a new game. Gee, what is sexist and racist here now. Is the girl wearing too many clothes or not enough clothes? Oh there's a white character? Yeahp…called it."

Nobody wants to be nagged at forever.

Get a chart that's at least 2 years long so you know it's not seasonal.

That webumm always gets me hyped.

What a waste of a good name.



Univision happened.

Iv'e always wondered what version of get lucky this webm has.

oh no, best gaming website is losing clicks! Quike anons, we need to do somethign!

gamergate was the hashtag made by angry anti feminists.

Poland is the biggest hive of casuals out there.


So why did Gamergate get subverted as hard as it did?

You're on Holla Forums's turf, faggot.

That was actually mistake. Those things aren't censored.

does nobody wait the obligatory 3-6 months lurk period before posting anymore? what the fuck happened to standards?

me too, still read cd-action sometimes coz my dad buys it but they are no better than IGN now

Because it's funny to watch.

i don't know we got faggots that can't stop sucking cock and bumping obvious bait threads everywhere ; they are in this thread right now


You live under a rock or something? Kotaku is owned by Gawker, and Gawker went bankrupt because they lost a court case against Hulk Hogan

you're a faggot but you're right
if i catch you sucking dick and being wrong you're getting in teh choppah tho