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What are opinions on the Zoo Tycoon games? Do people generally prefer the first or second game? What kind of mods are available for it?
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What are opinions on the Zoo Tycoon games? Do people generally prefer the first or second game? What kind of mods are available for it?
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>lose the disk after years
Nigga this is the shit i played for fucking hours when i was a kid
Damn shame there's no modding scene whatsoever for it, it deserves it more than others.
are there any good bestiality sims out there?
Check the CoC mod user made there at /hgg/.
2 also has a nexus page, though there are only 52 mods there.
I don't think I ever played any tycoon games, I should probably try them sometime
I've played Rollercoaster Tycoon and the original Zoo Tycoon
Both games are great mostly because they have really good art styles and really comfy atmospheres. They also have this very interesting sense of humor. Like how you can straight up murder park guests if you really want to. Like you can build a lion exhibit in Zoo Tycoon and delete a wall so the Lions escape and start killing the guests.
The most realistic zoo tycoon ever created is being the BO of Holla Forums.
You get to overseer a group of screaming baboons throwing shit at each other and then you must clean up their filth.
Or if you're Mark, you dive right into it, make snow angels of shit and eat it because you were born as a shitposting scat fetishist kike.
Never played 2, but I still go back to Zoo Tycoon now and then for the comfy. It's slow-paced and easy, compared to RCT, but you still get a good variety of scenery options and can make a very nice looking park. It's one of the best management games you can play if you're planning to have it running while watching TV and not really pay attention. Easy, but comfy and very pretty.
case in point i guess
I used to make animals for the original zoo tycoon when i was 12 or something, and I put em online.
I wonder if they're still there
The modding scene is not huge, but the vanilla game + expansions are fun enough. I particularly liked making complex dinosaur exhibits, and design food courts and rest areas
The second game might be better, but by the time it came out I was so burnt out on the first game that I didn't play it very much. The only thing I remember about it is that you can go in first person and walk around your zoo.
Anyway, what would you say is the best animal to feed your patrons to?
lions and t-rex are a given, I can't remember if the unicorn is carnivore though
I have the box still, but lost the disc. It hurts. I'd love to play again.
I saw someone do an incredible sable antelope skin for it.
I'm afraid Microsoft ate Blue Fang, stripped the website, and is idly sitting on the IP. Everything is gone.
You can still download the official plugins through the game.
I never found a torrent of this game (ZT2)
all i wanted to do was play it again
Yeah that was the weird thing for me, I couldn't find any torrents for the Ultimate edition
I found a lot of torrents for all of the individual expansion packs but there were very few seeders.
I ended up just buying it because I saw it at a Goodwill