When was the last time you saw a Superbus Japanese import thread or Liquid!Swords giveaway thread? Where did all the devs that used to give us updates on their games go? We're even below Holla Forums in active users, and it's only becoming lonelier…
Where the hell did everybody go?
Other urls found in this thread:
Superbus was busy, last I heard. I still need to play the gameboy game he got me, ha
Meant to post this
rest in peace based superbus ;_;7
Liquid!Swords is still giving out stuff occasionally, it's just more like months in between.
yandev fucked up or something. Don't know the full story but i think he fucked off to reddit.
that's way too many things going on in the game. I really doubt he will be able to finish it in time.
Apparently there was some drama with A&P, too. Their last seven tweets make it clear that something happened here, and fairly recently too.
;_; Why do we always do this
Superbus may have died or something and LS still does things every once in awhile.
YanDev fucked off to reddit and the Anton & Coolpecker guys went to halfchan.
Holla Forums has so many users because of the election coming up, it'll dip down in the months afterwards.
Yeah, they went to 4chan.
A thread that was made here about the game didn't go down to well after that, they can fuck off and stay gone for all I care. The very fact they went crawling back to dataminechan shows they never gave a shit about this place or why people came here.
8/v/ has too many faggots that only shit up the place.
The only reason i'm still here is because there is no other place to go to discuss vidya.
we still have svidya, but it's too damn slow there.
4/v/ is far worse, the mods are literal SJWs there.
I think there were janitor leaks that showed they all hate video games and 4chan in general.
There really is nowhere else to go. When this place dies I'm done with communities, I think. I'll just go full hermit mode and work on my games.
No shit, moot stopped caring ages ago and the past few years showed that clearly. When they said in the logs '4chan was never about free speech' I died a little inside.
there's a difference between criticism and insults.
Considering the shitload of drama that keeps popping up because of who is working on the game than what is in the game, I can't blame them for moving on to "greener" pastures. Dick sucking is at least less stresfull than constant complaints.
we have too high of an expectations on people who are simply another user
Get ready for Holla Forums's toughest dudes to come out and tell you how they'd never let it bother them.
Nigger, I knew it when they stopped making threads, used fucking google docs and skype for coordination, and had concept artists crossposting their garbage to their dA pages and saying they want to build portfolios with the project.
They were faggots from day one.
and wtf happened to the v musical?
some user posted they were going to do it, and then dissappear completely.
This board has been going to shit for a while.
Daily reminder that Mark's a kike and that this place will remain shit until the high-energy posters return from the election shit (assuming they ever do, since this place is just infested with shills, has been for a loooong time)
That's far from the only reason, or even necessarily the biggest reason, but its the last month before the election user, expect this. Its Gamergate 2.0: Trump edition, right now. And we won't make the same retarded "muh PR" that slowed GG down to a crawl in terms of progress being made against the corrupt cunts.
This board was best when Holla Forums and Holla Forums were united, or even after the fall-out, there was enough cross posting for things to remain fun, even with intl and Holla Forums shills (and just plain old faggots whining)
You want proof? Watch an influx of people go
Or worse yet, nobody replying at all.
Also don't forget that HW left (or might even be dead) and all we have left is that fat cunt Jim and his skeezy son running this shithole of a site
Librechan is dead, masterchan is a honeypot.
Holla Forums is needed if you want some energy to return again to this place, along with possibly a bit of help from /g/ to make a push for Librechan or some other alternative at some point.
But yeah, there's some things to think about, user.
Oooh, what'cha workin' on?
…Actually, given the subject matter touched upon by the thread, it's best if you didn't tell us.
Don't have anything finished yet, but I'm working on a mockup. I'll post it in AGDG when it's worth showing.
I'm glad those threads are still decent, at least.
The PC users are going back to 4chan, xbone discussion doesnt happen and wii U and 3ds are in massive quiet periods. If it aint on a sony platform it doesnt get Holla Forums threads lately.
keep it there user.
Don't draw attention to yourself till you have it fully done.
good luck
Make an Xbox one thread then user, tons of good games are coming out for it.
What? This is news to me.
Like what?
I don't plan to do much shilling besides posting progress on my blog and stuff like that. If I end up getting bullied out of here I'm not 'fleeing' to another website.
Holla Forums The Musical IV is on Jewtube. It was done by cuckchanners, I think.
Gears of War 4
WiiU doesn't get too much threads because there isn't anything to talk about, the NX have two threads up and a thread about the new direct.
3ds is on the same page, MH threads are still going strong.
Xbone have nothing to talk about, everything on it is also on PC
There is a bunch of threads about games that have a PC version, also a RTS general.
I dunno from where you got this info, but it's wrong
user please, shills don't fucking come to tiny imageboards, they go to 4chan, they go to reddit, they go to facebook.
That's what a shill would say.
They go every, we're not special.
Call me a tough guy all you want, but I seriously can't see how anyone could browse imageboards for any serious length of time, and not just expect(at a normal day) to get up to 50% of replies to anything being faggots shitting on things for really weak reasons, if any at all.
I guess taking things with a grain of salt seems to be a lost art nowadays.
Everywhere I mean. Fug.
I don't know why people act surprised when things are going slower than they used to.
We kept getting DDoSed, there's a constant effort to subvert the userbase, Google blocked us and crossboard posters are starting to lose interest with everything but the top 10 boards virtually dead.
Not really mate, the other boards are slow but alive.
I agree and feel the same as you. But if I were in a dev position and came looking for feedback, I know I would appreciate large amounts of actual feedback and for people to cut a lot of the crap that normally goes on. Most posters have never been in that situation so I was expecting them to talk up how they'd be so much better than any other dev that's posted here.
You're either a shill or a newfag.
Shills exist here. They always have and they always will.
Do you not remember Evolve? A paid shill LITERALLY admitting to doing it?
Have you never heard of Intl?
Or the unpaid faggots who just want to shit the place up for "lulz" (remember what happened to /gg/?) Ideology (Holla Forums) or because they're a bunch of cunts (/intl)
You want proof of board shitters and shills? Go take a look every time an AMD or Nvidia thread pops up.
I never said that, I blanetetly said they go to sites like 4chan in my post, implying they exist.
Stop putting words in my mouth you doublenigger
For all intents and purposes, you did, given that their presence here in the past has been so blatant and obvious. If you don't believe they're here, then maybe you should lurk more, newfag, or leave, shill.
Recore just came out, I'm having fun with it.
They said the same thing years ago on 4chan. 8ch isn't that small.