Japan Studio

Can we have a thread about what mightt be the best Sony studio?

What's your favorite game from them?

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Remember when dual analogue controls were innovative? Seems like something so obvious these days.

Had to buy 2 more of those shit because of ape escape.

I don't know if I'd say it was my favorite game from them, but Siren 1 and Blood Curse from what I've played of certainly are hard to forget. Did they also work on Jumping Flash? I thought that was great.

Jumping Flash seems to be from a different studio but i wouldn't be surprised if some people on Japan Studio worked on that

Step it the fuck up, nigger breath.

Didn't Parappa's VA scammed fans for money?

Nigger got robbed for like only $100 then tried to get his fans to go after the white kid who did it, it was pathetic, hilarious, depressing and cringey all at the same time.

Unsure about the rest, but I already like where this thread is going.

I seriously wonder why Sony doesn't do more with their IPs besides God of War and generic third person shooter protagonist, those are the only ones it seems they really focus on or advertise. It's sad because they've had loads of great IPs and mascots from the PS1 and PS2 consoles.

Japan Studio is pretty gud fam

I seriously wonder why Nintendo doesn't do more with their IPs besides Zelda and generic Mario Games, those are the only ones it seems they really focus on or advertise. It's sad because they've had loads of great IPs and mascots from the SNES and N64 consoles.

everything you like will turn to shit
hold me

Sony is problaly one of the companies with the most interest in the casual audience, meaning when they do that, they're pandering to the bigger demographic at the point where they pretend they didn't made certain series or games.


Why do companies never balance shit out!? It's either one thing or the other, at full force.
Seriously, FUCK man!

Who's the Microsoft audience?
Who's the Panasonic audience?

I've already seen it happen at least once from some companies.

That's a shame.

Don't hit the nail on the head so hard.
it does not help tha anything mature is infantilized by noa, and sonys western devs have some sojus tendancies and thing quicktime events are solid gameplay

Someone even more dudebro than Sony's audience
An empty room

Shadow of the Colossus

Wrong answer on the microshaft part. Potheads is the correct answer.

Or extremely lazy normalfags.


Fuck this gay world.


There's a Kat model in SFM

I would say that they should have been the ones working on a PlayStation all stars game


Here's a group dedicated to violent Ape Escape fan art

i also think they could get a crossover of their own

How long until Sony shuts down this studio for not being as big as ND?



One thing is easing up the gameplay but we all know they prefer cinematic shit over colorful games to feel good about themselves since they don't care about gameplay.

Someone please make more porn of these series

You're a niché gamer user.

Even in the glory days of the PS2 Japanese games didn't sell all that well in the West.