post some good comfy game soundtracks.
Oh man, this board is so damn slow
It's a good feeling.
And while I'm at it
I don't know if it counts as comfy, but I've honestly never heard more adventurous music than this.
okami 2 never ever;_;
Posting main theme for best Final Fantasy
You mean besides the sequel that already exists?
If you name that piece of shit again i'll punch you on your prostate so hard your dick will explode out of your body.
This is breddy comfy
Buy me dinner first.
This track too
These will add nicely to my playlist, thanks anons
Contributing some of my own
I like that this board is slow. It's nice to know I can go to bed and the thread I posted in will still be there when I wake up.
Fuck off back to cuckchan then.
Fresh from cuckchan.
This board is faster than it should be. Cull all the shit threads and leave only the good ones and it's back to 1st exodus quality and speed. 15-20 minutes between posts so there's actually enough time to play video games while you discuss them, threads stay up for weeks so you don't need to worry about missing something if you go to sleep. I miss it.
Who are you quoting?
I remember how big of a change it was to be able to post in a thread and have it still be there the next day
This is my go to moping music now.
Holy shit, Meguro is on his game with this.
Yeah he is. These two are really good as well.
Only the most comfy out there.
The first part of this is pretty comfy.
This one goes without saying.
Goddamn, I love this soundtrack. It's much more in line with Meguro's PS2 era work for Raidou and DDS, which are my personal favorites of his soundtrack.
Please fuck off
Good stuff
the cancer is strong in this one
We've always had music threads
Really? What's wrong with DDS' music?
What's wrong with Song of the Ancients Devola?
Is the house music in Majoras Mask more up to your speed?
That's better
Who are you quoting though?
Why does MM have so many comfy songs?
Because it actually had an atmosphere and different motifs/themes. Also HAL Labs was involved, and HAL always makes godly music
that explains it
Holla Forums cytube where
/ic/ usually answered with
"if you're posting, you're not practicing"
assume everyone else is playing
Only cool kids remember these
it's actually a p. reasonable pace for an imageboard this size. not to mention threads don't get kicked off the catalog in less than 3 hours.
love this soundtrack
FFVIII was shit but holy fuck did it have good music
All the assets were good, they just didn't manage to assemble them into anything coherent.
It's a comfy, melancholy sort of feel
Ibuki's the smoothest vidya ninja
Forgot about that.
This game, this fucken game. It reminded me of what impact music could have with games.
Fuck you. You aren't cool enough to listen to that. No one is, including me
Really wish more vaporwave artists did music in the style of comfy 80s/90s cyberpunk.
Embed nigger.
You fucking IDIOT.
Shit that takes me back to my childhood
1994 faggots
REmakes save room theme is a top tier comfy
Hitoshi Sakimoto is so good.
Just in time for Halloween, have some horror comfy
Yes, yes he is.
Shit, I really need to replay that game somewhen. I haven't played it since it came out, but every so often someone will post some music from it and I think about playing it for a few days.
I think RE3's save room theme is better than the one in RE2
0/10 remastered shit
Submitted for your approval.
Mystique part 3 and digital serenity are a bit messed up.
Forgot about that too.
Go back to 4chan then. I'm tired of you shitting up this board.
Safe room themes are the definition of comfy
Here's the fixed
Does this show as corrupted for anyone else?
What options do you use with ffmpeg to make your webms?
It looks purple for me.
Should be fixed now.
This calls for a double sample song
works on my machine
Here's the fixed Mystique part 3.
Try to find a friend who owns an xbone and MCC with the ODST DLC, and ask to borrow the xbone and play it that way
People rightfully got upset about MCC being buggy, but like 99% of those bugs were with the MP networking, MCC is still the definitive way to play all the campaigns.
I don't remember this song from the game. This is fanmade right?
Hooray for underrated songs in videogames at least in comparison to the other songs in the tracklist
come to think of it, there's that 4am comfy one.
but those avatarfags are an odd bunch
Okami 2 already exists.
It doesn't live up to Okami, probably mostly from system limitations, but it does
what a great song name
my blacksmith
Go back to cuckchan so, 8ch is doing great.
fuck off val!
Spent way too much time hunting for %hit rares instead of doing homework.
Are you saying it's a bad thing? Then make more template threads, faggot.
Are you baiting or what?
Truth be told, you can't embed three vids in one post.
Go be a namefag somewhere else.
Comfy Episode 1 theme here.
Are you still in school?
This was the boss music for Orphen: Scion of Sorcery. I always liked it, it's one of those songs that just sticks in my head though it sounds better when you have the games sound effects from spells going off. Even better when you have constant shouts of "THE BITE OF LIGHTNING" and "THE HAND OF PYRO".
Are you a dumbfuck?
Not coming across as "comfy".
Good. You have enough comfag threads.
Are you ID jumping?
hi Holla Forums
I find it comfy, might just be because i've heard it so much though since most bosses use this music.
You named the wrong one. If you want to go, I will drag your kike ass over there.
Holla Forums?
Perhaps they are.
Anyone else notice the flood of cuckchanners lately? What the hell happened?
Hi newfag that can't into saging his shitposts. 20buxchan is missing you.
If you start naming Holla Forums it's obvious why and what you are. Any thread, anywhere.
I am absolutely not obligated to sage my posts, but I could were I feeling polite
It's always a particular kind of people that wants to point the newfag-finger as a distraction, isn't it? :^)
then I think you missed the point
is this space not safe enough for you?
Imagine that, they thrash about with no attention. Dpn't have to name it.
Your thread is cuckshit. Your board is cucked. The cake golem even shadowbanned me in
tl;dr - Hiroyuki wants to turn 4chimps into another Something Awful. 20bux pass for the privilege of posting there, deleting less frequented boards, very restrictive upload size limits, even more cancerous ads and so on. Ask refugees fresh from the boat, not me.
You are surrounded. This is beyond Holla Forums now. This is a Marine board now.
Fortunately, ID filters work again. Thank you for effort and sayonara.
What's wrong with Song of the Ancients Devola? nigger?
I prefer it here threads can last weeks, unlike 4chan where they die from hitting bumplimit within an hour.