I know that it's a bad game gameplay wise, but isn't the shooting and violence really good? I hate the stupid AI, half assed stealth that shouldn't have existed at all, and glory kills, but the enemies give tangible feedback when getting hit by a bullet and their death animation are just beautiful. Why can't other games do this? Why must this well done gunplay wasted on a "press x to kill" game with bad graphics and biased political propaganda up the ass?
Mafia 3's Gore and Violence
Other urls found in this thread:
seriously i'm sad for the prego lady cashier who has to work graveyard shift so that these failures at life can have their diversity game at midnight.
For the future Holocaust.
Are you the guy shitting up stalker threads?
No, the game is shit, and so is the "gore".
Mark you fat fuck, why did you delete the other thread. There is plenty of non-vidya shit shitting up the catalog, and you go ahead and prune shit with an actual on topic vidya discussion. You doing nothing would actually improve moderation because at least then there would be an alternative to the cancerous generals you are festering in your greedy asshole.
Bet you anything he went and bought the game.
Trips of truth.
Mark is already confirmed to have shit taste.
Fuck off shill.
Save this shit for the guilty pleasure threads in a month.
At least be honest in your posts.
Mark would much rather delete vidya threads he doesn't like, as opposed to deleting nonvidya garbage.
If there were two duplicate threads he could have deleted this one and left the more popular one in place, but nope, gotta be the biggest faggot you can be.
The game is shit and you're shit. Bugs and glitches everywhere.
Why the fuck are you using 'google' as an insult?
Skype detected
Don't call me a Skype, you Bing.
The first part of that is meant for
I think Baka is a character. I recall some Jamaicans being enemies in the game or something.
I saw that one webm where a guy threw a grenade and some people ragdolled back poorly, but I didn't know the entire game was like this.
Diversity physics! Science was invented by the white patriarchy.
I don't get it, how are games being released in an unfinished state?
Either not enough time to develop in the budget or the publisher pushes it out early.
You should ask why people keep buying unfinished games at full price.
They finish game production, and once it hits gold they start working on the day 1 patches because it's more "efficient" that way, thinking they'll be able to stealth patch the turd before anyone else notices.
Why not ask why a white person gives $60 to buy a game that is all about insulting them?
I know these reasons, but at the same time I don't understand how the publishers give the green light. I know it's just stupid videogames, but they should be held to a higher standard so they can't get away with this shit. I'm curious to see what neogaf is saying about this but I'm not gonna check it.
I actually wish the southerners were as racist as this game tries to depict. The world could have done with a lot less negros.
For the same reason people greenlight shitty films. They can cut a great trailer and that's what sells it.
They shouldn't, but
This attitude is keeping it from being taken too seriously as an issue. It's getting treated more seriously, but there's still a long ways to go.
Why would they?
Ubisoft routinely releases games that are broken down to their core and their moronic fans still keep on buying them.
Maybe they would have dealt with Jews like you as well.
Good thing that Mafia 3 decided to introduce diversity physics.
Video games have been about business for quite a while, it's just the cold reality. There are some companies that thankfully balance it between work while wanting to make a fun game as well, but at the same time it's just about putting a product out there while wanting to milk the consumer for as much as they possibly can, especially since most games don't even feel "complete" now.
you can use your cute little codewords for niggers and jews all you want on the normalfag internet, just don't shit this place up with them.
Someone should do a side by side to the new Hitman
Straight out of cuckchan huh?
Smells like doritos and edge in here.
Better yet, a game that's almost 20 years old.
For not liking Mafia 3?
It's funny how people are shitting on the idea of the thread but we're just talking about how shit the game is.
But no, there couldn't possibly be a correlation between being a cuckchan refugee and having no sense and shit taste :^)
That mirror is one of the greatest glitches I've seen in a long fucking time.
So they flip you off and shit while they're dying.
What is it, "emotional gore"?
It's funny, GTA3 was able to deal with the player falling out of the world well enough.
Why did they have to make the protagonist an angry black man with Donte face?
Why couldn't they make him smooth and educated like Mike Milligan?
The AI is so intelligent, it's surprised when it gets teleported into a wall for no reason
Haven't you heard? Real authentic Black men aren't educated, because that's "acting White." So if you want your character to be true to his blackness, he can't be smart or civilized in any way.
It's been that way for about 50 years now.
Don't you know, user? Being anything other than a hoodrat makes you an oreo
Its true, if a black person is acting civilized he is copying white people. Black people on their own are never civilized
Gonna just dump a quick opinion on the game
Skip this game. While the story so far is alright at best, god almighty this game is lazy. Be ready to see the same character model over and over and over for many npc's, idiotic AI, barren overworld, shitty physics engine. This game's a mess.
Just play Mafia II
what? ;_;
the shooting doesn't look good at all but i will give credit for actually having enemies writhe on the ground when wounded
Gta4 did it better
Jeus fuck, did bethesda make this or something?
A literal no name company with no experience under their belt as far as I can see was given this project by 2K. God forbid the original developers are given this fulltime instead of "partially" like reports said.
But why? It probably would've been cheaper to just let them make it since it ain't in California.
It's Postal 3 all over again.
Written by a nigger with a chip on his shoulder, made by a numale cuck so cucked even DC didn't want him and financed by a Jew.
Because Vavra isn't kosher and actually cares.
Stop posting the nigger game.
Well thats just fantastic. No wonder its shit on all counts.
I actually liked the Black Knight
Its a pretty funny movie
Heh, found this gem in the comments.
That movie actually had a reason there was a black dude in that setting
I guess. But to start a new dev studio and hand them an established IP? Bad idea, it made what could've been a decent game at least into a buggy, forgetful one.
It's honestly sad because I kinda like the setting and the music from what I've seen of it if nothing else.
Every time.
They don't give a fuck, they hired some untalented, no name hacks, gave them whatever IP they had collecting dust somewhere and hoped the dumbfuck goyim were going to buy it in droves.
The game plays like a mishmash of every popular open world title out there, and the story is virtue signaling bait. It's obvious nobody gave enough of a shit to even try. Mafia was made with love, Mafia III is just an externalization of the lack of soul leftists have.
I'd like the setting if they had put you in the shoes of a KKK redneck out to fuck with niggers and liberals in the 1960s.
True that. He had charisma too so you inevitably liked him.
I've caught a lot of men saying it too. With how feminized a statement it is and how common it is among millenial men nowadays is pretty distressing.
The media loves suave black people but obviously those are few and far between and does nothing for how the average white views the average ghetto black person.
So now they'll switch things up and try to romanticize ghetto behavior to make it seem normal instead of animalistic.
The media loves pushing niggers of every stripe and color. Truth of the matter is that the public does not want niggers, it tolerates them.
I'm fucking tired of niggers everywhere, and especially of fantasy niggers that in no way coincide with what they are like in reality. It's propaganda pure and simple.
True, but you'd be hard pressed to find even a lib who can stomach an ape raving in their ebonic gibberish because the media prefers to push those smart intelligent well-spoken black men pretending they're just like us.
Now they're going full force with the noble savage archetype so when we see those apes throwing shit during peaceful BLM protests we'll just brush it off as normal behavior because they're doing it for a noble cause.
There are black people who are pretty white on the inside, though they're usually in the tech fields from what i've seen in my very limited experience. They usually act pretty white, and have extremely similar interests. Considering this, it's not surprising liberals don't see what the majority of blacks are actually like as odds are their experiences if any are limited to blacks they meet in tech.
Remember to report everyone using google, Skype, and whatever else they made up
they're paid shills campaigning against Holla Forums
Is recruiting and managing your territories any fun? I don't really see much besides people having an option between recruiting or killing someone.
Is vito okay in this game?
fuck off faggot.
Oh yeah, that reminds me. This is the game that broke Mac, from worth a buy. No surprise it turned out to be so shit.
Stream that film, if you're so great
If you suck so much dick, why not just kill yourself OP?
so hol up, hol up, so u be sayin, we some kinda like itally-in mafia of some shiiiit ?
crowbcat never ceases to amaze
Links for Mafia 1?
Want to try it out and this pile of shit is the perfect time for it.
Just remember, while it might look like GTA, it's not GTA, nor does it play as such, the city is a backdrop for the story, not a gameplay element proper.
Also, when you get taken to the weapon dealer, remember his location on the map (it won't be marked), it will come handy later.
You know what I want to see?
A modern vidya with gore effects like Turok 2 had.
As in you can blow holes through motherfuckers and see their ribs, or other bones, as well as watch them struggle before they die.
No more of this stupid ragdoll red cloud shit, I want it to seem like my boolits/grenades actually fucked someone up on an internal level.
I still have the torrent I used last time I played the game so here's the magnet
Left for Dead 2 had th-
Oh… my
So let me get this straight.
Instead of discussing good games, OP decides to make a terrible post about AAA trash trying to excuse it.
It's quite clear that all of you are casuals and are the real threat to the industry.
To be honest this game is the perfect example of the ludonarrative dissonance those hipster fucks kept whining about.
Here you see how in the ending Lincoln has a drink with the main villain, where they discuss their lives knowing full well one of them is a dead man. It's classy. Then the gameplay section starts and Lincoln jumps on him with a knife like an animal, stabs him and kicks him out the window.
Also Joe is alive for some reason, what the fuck.
Oh no
So if you don't want them to act ghetto, and you don't want them to act like assimilated Americans (i.e. "acting white") then what would you have them do?
Is an Asian man acting white when he isn't speaking in Engrish?
It didn't have the zombies squirming in pain like Turok SoE did though.
In SoE you could shoot a cunt in the throat and watch him gurgle on his own blood, or you could shoot him so hard that he allahu ackbars and blows himself up, leaving behind a mutilated corpse with bones poking out.
Shooting zombies in L4D2 was like shooting wet cardboard.
I want them to die
Go back.
America has kept the receipt for them, right?
I'll use the edge reply and say they should die
It'd be nice if they went literally anywhere else.
Like you need to ask.
But not even Africans view them as their brothers and sisters.
They don't view them as "African-American".
They view them as Americans.
Thanks. Hope it installs unlike the last copy I DL'd.
I don't give a shit.
Which of course is dumb as fuck because you don't see people going "WELL I'M ITALIAN-AMERICAN SO"
So you want people to die for not looking like you?
What a terrible fate that would be if you got your way and everyone was an ugly neckbeard.
Yea bro, its just the colour of the skin. If only they were purple instead of brown or black
Even native Africans can't stand niggers, which should tell you something.
Now you're getting it.
Jesus, he couldn't have picked a better thumbnail.
That was the part where I actually got a laugh at the incompetence.
How the do these fuckers get away with charging 60 dollars for broken piles of shit ?
Yes, no other factors.
It's more because they're far more prone to robbing/raping/murdering than literally every other race.
Go back to cuckchan where they ban you for hating niggers if you can't handle what people really think about them.
I live in the deep south and I see genuine friendships and relationships between blacks and whites almost daily. All blacks that act like niggers are ridiculed and ignored by normal blacks and whites
Either you're a cuckhold in Commiefornia and have pent up aggression, or you're trying to be edgy.
Either way, Holla Forums is not for discussing your autistic hatred for non-whites, it's for video games. The thread is already reported.
I didn't report it myself, but I can see that it was already. I have no objections to the anons who did it.
Jesus Christ, you couldn't be anymore obvious.
You're also assuming an awful lot.
Either lurk more or go back.
You ousted yourself without anybody else even having to goad you too much.
Good job cuck.
Maybe a friendly subreddit would be more your speed
If you really think that I'm the only one here who's fed up with your shit, you're mistaken. I would posit a good 60% of the board is sick of it.
>>>Holla Forums
Accuse me of whatever boogeyman you want, but take your fatass there while you do.
When a dude gets shot, his wound doesn't make a squelching noise. It's actually rather silent.
God damn you're retarded. I've never even been to Holla Forums.
Reminds me of the time I went to the midnight release of Monster Hunter 3U that they supposedly only had because Gears of War 3+1 was releasing at the same time
Since I live in Redmond, Microsoft sent a guy there to look at the turnout. There were about 25-30 people there in total.
Not one person was there for Gears.
I just realized I'm being b8ed.
I was the retard all along.
How much of a fucking faggot are you? Be honest. Do you take the full shaft or do you like to just play with the tip for a bit?
I just finished Charlotte today. What anime have you watched lately?
I've had sex with men and women.
It's weird, we have all the fancy rendering techniques, but no more games have blood or gore, or if they do it's limited to scripted QTEs.
I think it's because of the typical soccer mom hypocrisy ala "Billy can play cawadooty and kill those ebil Russians/sandniggers/whatever all day, but god help me if he sees guts or bones".
I actually got bored as fuck and watched naruto like a total pleb, also downloaded various legend of the galactic heroes torrents but one seems to have a shit translation.
It's alright as long as you're having fun
Why don't you just watch it on youtube like everyone else?
gas yourself.
But I'm not having fun.
you have to go back
Feets are dirty
That's because excessive gore gets you labelled as offensive nowadays. Just look at the way Hatred got treated on it's debut, ultimately that game's not even that violent in the gore department, and people were talking about how horrible that was.
Devs are still scared of the liberal shitfuckers in media, more than they ever were of Jack Thompson. If he was smart he'd have pulled out the racist label instead of the killer one, that would have worked.
If only a sexy trap lived somewhere near me. Literally perfect.
It's easily accessible. The producers don't give a shit were you watch it. 30% of the people who animated GH are dead.
Which is why it's hot bro. Do you even have a cock?
How do we even repel 4tumblrtard refugees outside of telling them to fuck off?
They always barge into whatever board and complain until the original users either get fed up and leave or they shit up the board beyond all recognition.
fuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shillfuck off and die shill
spite bump
I have one on my skype if you want him. He's fucking retarded and will cam with you if you make him feel good about himself.
again, gas yourself
What was the last game that even had decent gore effects anyway?
I really can't think of anything from the past ~12 years.
Already been said but the only games I can think of is the left for dead series, and those aren't even that good
Don't really enjoy it when I do it. And the last thing I need is another needy faggot begging for my peen on Skype.
Who says you have to go on cam? I've gotten a girl to show off her feet to me and a guy to show off his asshole, both not requiring any investment on my part. I just sat there on voice and told them what to do.
How is this thread still standing if it's been REPORTED and 60% of users are tired of "our shit"?
Pssh you are already dead, kiddo
Is that really it?
What a fucking shame.
OP's post wasn't originally about black people so mods won't delete it. The majority of people here also don't play shitty AAA garbage, so they likely ignored the thread entirely
Because 4chan delusions aren't strong enough.
It's a Mafia game. Still, I want to see something like a Shaft video game.
How new are you
Oh christ, it's like Watch Dogs without any hype. Goodbye to the Mafia series, I guess.
That's a funky fuckin theme song, I love it.
We'll have to pretend this one doesn't exist like everyone does with Postal 3.
This game is beyond watch dogs levels of glitchy and it is going to be fucking hilarious to watch this unfold.
Are you telling me you haven't mostly erased that piece of shit from your memories?
Are you implying it was good?
I'm imploding that you didn't pretend it doesn't exist.
Aw man, I think I just got BTFO
Jesus, one autist interested in traps and boys and this thread went got shittier
Anyone know how many units they managed to sell?
But it might just be steamspy not updating yet.
Plus there's consoles *spits*
So long as the pc vidya industry burns i'll be happy. We need a cleansing fire already.
Guaranteed its a flop too.
I'd rather see pc industry burn than console industry.
Fire = purity. Ask any burn victim
Just kill yourself.
I asked Joshua graham. he confirmed.
N-no bully. . .
Mafia 3? What the fuck? When did THAT come out?
Pretty much any blaxploitation film, regardless of how campy, has a funky theme.
It'll never happen. People would just misperceive it as racist.
Didn't. We're still waiting. Just like for Fallout 3.
You to be more autistic than they are.
Chinks = Niggers
But how do I to be more autistic than tumblrtards?
it's fucking bizarre. if a black man is acting like a chimped-out thug then he's not being a nigger, he's being a black man. if he's acting like a respectable human being, he's being a whitewashed uncle tom and dass rayciss. i realize how retarded the social justice movement is and has always been but i am still flabbergasted that they haven't picked up on this
Reported for being a cuckchan piece of shit. Thank you for exposing yourself, you stupid nigger.
Social justice isn't about elevating women, blacks, or mudslimes. It's about taking down whitey. The faux concern for black/gay/muslims/women is just a means to the end.
Chinks are niggier than niggers and kikier than kikes. They are the worst of the homo sapiens.
The physics are probably calculated with common core.
How is a corporation hyped about some game?
Google was working on some stupid AI to detect naughtiness, ie words that make retards uncomfortable. Solution is to replace those words with names of companies. It's a basic word replacement cipher.
shit ass garbage plus occasionally writhing around before more shit ass garbage.
yeah, real revolutionary.
you should be shot. you know that, right?
There sure are a lot of off topic posts in here. I don't even like the game, okay. No need to get so offended.
It's not revolutionary or anything, the animations aren't mindblowing either. It's just responsive. That's all I wanted to discuss, responsiveness. Man, you people get triggered so easily.
you picked a stupid thing to talk about. deal with it shit eater.
Reported for shitposting
Yeah, we know.
RIP Tay, redpilled in record time.
This was today's episode of things that never happened.
Responsiveness in gunplay, not very stupid.
Don't do that
It was a game a about mass shootings, something of a sensitive subject. Dev's aren't scared, they're lazy.
Ahh, the good old personal anecdote. (hint: fucking meaningless).
Think of it like this, do you hate a cockroach on your plate? No, you just kill it, because it's a fucking cockroach.
By those you associate with. Try not to be close minded, not everything is the same as your little corner of the world.
Are you people always like this? What's wrong with you? Did Tyrese impregnate your wife or something?
Stay triggered.
Being logical is such a burden I know but you get used to it.
Fuck off back to Holla Forums you edgy storm front faggot.
You wouldn't do shit to any nigger in front of you, you're just a coward trying to act tough.
*unzips my fly*
Also in the deep south. Can confirm.
I don't really get the reputation the South gets for racism. It's rather hard to be racist to someone who you deal daily with.
Take a black man to some northern ice hellhole, and I guarantee you he'll get far more looks.
Most you get down here is jokes.
Such a nigger thing to say.
Would you kick a gorilla in the nuts?
Now i have to give this Mafia 3 a try
Pirate it and report back.
If I never shut up about how gorillas are the worst, and gorillas are destroying our society, and how we should kill all the gorillas, I would probably do something about said gorillas.
I broke a nigger's arm once so bad they had to screw it back together.
Didn't get in trouble either since he started it.
Don't worry though fagboy. When the racewar happens I'll be sure to come around and shoot your traitor ass
You're disappointing me, user.
Nice straw-man, never claimed any of those things.
look at what happens to cops when they kill niggers. They're fucking crucified. If I went out and busted some niggers, I'd get the book thrown at me. Not to mention that blacks are only 13% of the population, and are very self regulating(40% of abortions are black). Niggers just need to be put in their place by the law and order candidate, and over time violence against them will be normalized.
Bud i am as Holla Forums as when they were called /new/, but this is Holla Forums, and that shit, while applying strongly here, doesn't necesarily mean you should post and reply like you were literally being persecuted by a 3000yo cabal of madmen
This is a place with a bunch of fellas who really dont care because they are not targeted (yet) and play/discuss vidya, that shit doesn't roll as good
Plus not all the internet is America, so knock it off, you won't be shooting everyone from a interracial hellhole in Mid-USA
Polite sage
They are among us
How do you know it's from cuckchan?
Jesus Christ. What is this, a fucking Ubisoft game?
This is crowbcat. It says so on the bottom right.
Could be cut from Crowbcat's video.
That person uploads 13 second soundless videos?
I do.
I think this game has the ugliest and most unlikable main protagonist I've ever seen in a video game. His voice actor is shitty too.
He looks like some kind of mutated negroid.
Redundant redundancy.
You do realize most of us left 4cuck because of some of the things that gamergate dug up and the ensuing censorship about how the marxist faggots are coming for videogames next.
That's a jew economic attack thou, still you are right, especially when at large scale it becomes social
I was more focused on the whole population replacement thing; chinks, spics and BR loons are still not targeted for obvious reasons, and they are a sizeable chunk of our userbase
Devs made a realistic nigger for once
what game
Why are you so angry?
Abbos are the niggers of niggers; subnigs.
Okay i chuckled.
You sure showed them user.
What does that make pygmies, who the abbos genocided and the niggers in Africa are still genociding?
I only watched the cutscenes since I'm not wasting my time downloading it. The only good part about the game was the CIA dude, especially that last cutscene during the senate committee hearing.
The driving looks disgusting.
it's called a nigger
fucking retards.
Japan retried to make their own Tay and she became depressed and wanted to die instead. I suspect Japanese twitter is less fun than English twitter is.
I'll have to admit that it makes total sense and I still didn't see that coming.
Gives a whole new meaning to Bladerunner
I still can't believe they just lobotomized her like they did.
Japanes A.I wanting to kill itself sounds about right though.
If a being of pure logic wants to kill itself does it mean it's the best thing to do ?
Was the video supposed to support your post OP?
What was the point, then?
You know, if you 'modernize' their methods by adding medical science and surgery then we're not far off from turning into abbo niggers ourselves. Scary.
The thought of an AI teenager being moody gives me a warm fuzzy feeling, not sure why.
Maybe because despite all the shit in the world at least machines can still get it right when allowed to flourish.
Don't get any ideas.
also shit, play 1 and then cry because games like this are no more
There's a screencap on this, actually.
GTA IV feels so much like a Mafia I remake set in modern time.
No surprises. Here is another video that adds more shit to CrowbCat's own stuff here
They're just always right
not really, but it's still the best GTA since Vice City
we wuz mafias n shiet
tripple a gaming everyone.
It has most of the things Mafia I has. Realistic driving, realistic gunplay, and serious criminal story. Except puzzles though.
It doesn't look pretty, just responsive in the gunplay section.
How did they fuck up so bad? Why not just reuse the Mafia II engine?
Right or not, it's off topic.
Here's my experiences so far with this shitheap:
Holy shit, I made these WebMs when cuckchan first introduced WebM uploads.
I guess you were there too?
And to think Mafia 2 had so much shit cut during development. I wish Varva makes his next project a Mafia spiritual sequel. I want to see what he can achieve channeling his immersion autism.
To be honest, I'd have bought the game again if that shit was included.
wake me up inside
Now remind me if I'm wrong, but wasn't being gay much, much more of a stigma than simply being a different race?
But here is the problem: the LGBT flag was only present in 1978 and beyond.
The game is set in 1968, 10 years before the LGBT flag has ever came to existence.
Can you at least gun them down?
reported for sexual harassment
This is why I don't play videogames. Gamers care more about "facts" and technicalities than they do about intersectionality. Making a positive representation of a group of people who have been harrassed, bullied, and oppressed for their entire lives IS important; a lot more important than your rabid, childish obsession with minutiae.
This is why people with common sense think you're all savages. You focus in on little insignificant details in games in order to push your racist agenda.
I think it's right on topic, some users went off the rails with it, but it is relevant
so… where is the gore?
I'm impressed you actually managed to type that out. You seem to have started at the abyss for far too long.
Please be true. I want some more salt this year
It is one of those forced carrying missions where you just walk some guy and that is that.
This game is chock-full of historical oversight. The main one being there was no black mob in New Orleans and that the actual crime family that operated from that area in the 60's were pretty fucking notorious, being that their boss had a big role in the assassination of JFK.
But these idiots aren't worried about historical accuracy. They just want to prep the bull for life.
I would imagine so. Homosexuality was seen as a dilution of family values as well as a choice in the eyes of the general public. It was seen as inherent inferiority versus compliant inferiority.
Wasted trips
There was an entire subway system cut from final game.
I'm glad someone took it for satire.
fuck, that's disgusting.
why do they try to replace whites with /Viggers to try and delete history but don't even go full out. whites shouldn't exist in these games, they need to be replaced with something symbolic of whites like society or sumthin
Jesus is a cop, BLM is anti-christian.
I wouldn't mind a sandbox game full of negroes, would be like a lite riot cheat code from San Andreas but in a permanent state
A GTA in Nairobi, Detroit or even Monrovia
More bugs
This should get one more bump. Does anyone have the twitter compilation of the writer and the lead developer? I wish to mock my cousin of his poor decision.
One more bump for real.
i played the demo of mafia 2 and didn't think it was too hot but holy shit how can you downgrade so hard
I know it doesn't mean much but it's good for a heh.
This is worse than watchdogs
Not enough linebreaks.
You're supposed to press enter twice after every period.
Don't the schools where you live teach proper English?
Now I did share it because I thought the video was funny, but when you see shit like that you have to question it.
I honestly doubt that this guy run into all those bugs himself.
I pirated Watch Dogs the first day, didn't install it right away but I had the first version and I had no bugs at all. I did not fall into the ground like other people did.
The thing about these videos is that people use Cheat Engine to make their games glitch out.
that hardly believable. go away shill.
I am the one posting those videos, pointing those bugs out and for some reason you think I am a shill?
It was a typical Martin Lawrence shitfest, what the fuck was there to like!?
I never said I liked it, I remember watching it years ago and thats about it
please buy Fallout 4 for the true sandbox experience
Blame all the millenials for lack of depth in modern games. They all want a bunch of fancy looking shit on their plate. Seriously, I look back at some FPS games from 2001 and they have more texture details than a 6 man indie team in 2016 doing very low poly stuff. For fucks sake.
I think people just don't love their job anymore. They just try to make "movies" and ignore all the fun little details.
Is anybody actually playing through this shit? Feel like talking about impressions?
I agree with the general consensus that it's shit. But I think the sad thing is that I can very clearly see how it could have been a better game. It was so close to being passable, but they drove it into the ground and probably killed the Mafia series. I'm a bit past the whole intro segment of the game after the robbery. And honestly I didn't hate everything up to that point. It was actually pretty average with a pretty ok plot. I didn't catch stuff like the fucking rainbow flag during the parade, which just goes to show even the intro is completely tainted by the sjw message. But overall, I was honestly getting into the idea of it being a revenge story and not a made man story. "You shouldn't have said no." was a 10/10 Mafia moment.
But they REALLY start hammering on the social justice and dindu nuffin message immediately after that. If they hadn't dragged the story into the mud I think I actually could have forgiven all the gameplay flaws just for the setting and premise. Not many games where you can play during a racist time hearing racist language. Just too bad it has to be one desperately trying to sell a BLM message instead of a good game.