Overwatch: Angle or devul Edition

Choose your side.

Other urls found in this thread:


One's an open slut and one's a closet slut

I choose uninstall.exe

Angel Mercy is pure and innocent.

Tbh fam bumplock is best girl.

that makes no sense


Plottwist: the white angel's the antagonist

3 ranked games 2 leavers and third game all defense heroes 1 tank and 1 healer

Halloween shit might be cool

She looks way too fat in both

good thread good shit fam ill tell you what gooooood shit 100

Every character from every game becomes absolutely hideous when put through SFM. Jesus christ. Even static poses manage to suck the life out of the characters and make them dogs.

What kind of dogs do you like, user?

ur mum cuz shes a bitch lol

All. I'm more hands on with short haired dogs though since my hands don't get greasy when I pet them. Long hair dogs are nasty for that, but I still love them.

I am gonna fuck them both.

then im gonna fuck the rest of the cast as well.

yay, we get another event where I cant spend money and get what I want, nor spend time and get what I want, and I was kinda looking forward to this hoping it would be fun…..

They're not real much like the skill ceiling of this game.

old defence matrix is useless, the blizzard change it to the current resource system.

now everyone is complaining about her has no mobility when getting close up to enemy (booster on cooldown), also the slow when shooting.

why no give her booster a resource system too.
Boost to enemy and shoot, when its too far to deal damage, boost again, repeat until the enemy dies.

now, D.Va is simply inferior to Winston. the only way to deal with Winston is to kill him.
when D.Va boosted to my face, i can simply run away while shooting her.

Everyone says counter her at range bla bla bla, i played mcree, flashed her, couldn't even finish right clicking, she goes into her dumbass healing ice, cancel it whenever she wants, get out of it with full health, spray me with her bottle of !@#, i rolled back, still get froze while rolling back. Already prepared to get infinite downvotes by the Mei $%^-*. Just gotta vent, already know OV dev ain't gonna do !@#$.

You must be a wizard with a time machine if you can comment on how they function without the update actually being released.

Us mere mortals can only speculate as to how they'll work.

Tell me, are the new skins good?

I think pomeranians are cute

my mum's pom was cute but she had bad seizures later in life :(

don't get pure-breeds~ mutt's are actually the hardiest of doggos


TBH I hate the RNG factor for event lootboxes, I would rather have LoLs system of buying skins in OW than event lootboxes, and I payed for OW.

At least that way I could get the skins i'll actually use with no time investment instead of skins I won't use with around 8 hours a day of time invested.


Hes a wizard of the Order of the Shill

Angle master race!




Nice thumbnail, nerd.

nice thumbnail faggot




Hey anons buy me a copy

Impressive, very nice

you would've said quints if i got quads anyway

Why, it's just a god awful TF2/Dota rip-off.
Do you not have any standards?

Of course, who would be retarded enough to buy this trash?
Much less, buy it twice?

Spotted the Toddposter.


keep going

Found the kike

so you bought it?

Of course, how would I be a cancerous Tumblr shitstain without it?

Doing Gods work

well, at least you are honest about yourself

Devil but Overwatch is still casual shit.

good shit fam

More gifs please



My problem is, I'm a healer main with most of my time on Ana/Mercy. If we're getting wrecked by one single character and nobody's willing to switch, there's really nothing I can do since it's already hard enough to get an off healer in comp, let alone get an autolock dps to switch out/switch to healer.

Granted, sometimes when the situation looks hopeless I say screw it and switch to counter. If nobody else will do it, I will, since we're going to lose anyway. Might as well have some fun with DPS in the meantime.

That being said, to all the players that will actively switch to help out team comps/performance - I salute you. You're the funnest people to play with. Stay awesome.

Anyone know of a cheaper way to get overwatch? I have like $36 in my paypal account and it looks like I'm short a few bucks to get the standard edition.

Here's a bump to spite you

Playing support is suffering. If you switch to another character then your team is worse off than before, and when your team finally loses everyone will blame it on you anyway. Because healers are alwas at fault, when the team loses.

I got my key from greenmangaming but it was still $45 or something for the origins edition.

she needs to use that harness to live? it's like ironman?

she needs it not to get displaced in time; without it, she'd be hopping all over the timeline at random

With that said, you have to give the artist some credit for actually following the lore.

She would constantly cease and start to exist without that thing.

Hm, crappy life.
She is still kinda cute though

So is 47da10 just copypasting random reddit posts and unrelated images? It's technically on topic but none of his posts relate to anything else, the quotes are random and nonsensical and I'm pretty sure he's technically arguing with himself.

We've reached new levels of shitposting. I don't understand why people hate this game so much.

I dunno. I guess it´s just a severe case of autism.

devil mercy has no boobs, no boobs and thats terrible

How does Tracer change her clothes? How does she shower with that device on her?


Like pottery.

Anyway, if these halloween lootboxes are real I hope they bring Witch Mercy.

Same reason everyone very much feels the same for FNaF, or Undertale.

It was and is not good, and everyone claiming otherwise only makes it worse.


Is she?

It all started with the reveal of the game. Everyone saw Zarya and thought it would just be another social justice hoax game like Life is Strange was. But funnily enough Zarya has turned out to be a russian nationalist and a xenophobic at that.

Many years ago people made fun that soon fps games will look like the one in the picture.

Well kids! It is here!

It goes way back user, blizzard has punping shit game after shit game since they were bought by activision, a lot of people feel betrayed by them and releasing a streamlined arena shooter is not a move that will make this people give them the benefit of the doubt.
Add to it the Zarya shit, the tracer pose fiasco and the maps being small as shit and people will not want to see this game not even to make fun of.

IMO, it's the best game blizzard made since fucking warcraft3, but that's not really saying much, given how shitty their games are since W3.

so, anyone gonna buy me a copy? i'm still waiting anons

Every game blizzard has released ever was a streamlined version of some other preexisting game. And this goes back to their oldest games.
Which are pretty petty complaints. Zarya is basically the whole opposite of a tumblr character and tracer´s pose was replaced with an even more sexualized pose.
I have played a lot of dirty bomb and tf2. The maps there didn´t seem to be much bigger, honestly.
If you don´t want to see this game, you can just ignore it. No one is forcing you to read the Overwatch threads religously like all the shitposters are appearently doing.

Get Blizzard to sponsor you for shilling the game
Or get Hi-Rez to sponsor you for shilling Paladins

Are you talking to me or the thread in general? because i've yet to diss the game.

How paladins even got into the discussion in the first place?
Also, paladins has one the worst character designs i've seen in ages, and is another generic medieval fantasy setting game.

Hips like those shouldn't be allowed.

The shitposter tried to start drama between this and the Paladins thread at some point.

Hi Reddit

Hi reddit

I just want some port of Zenyatta and Zarya having hot sweaty sex/hatesex. That's it. That and some Symmetra femdom where she creates a hardlight cockright/fleshlight around some poor CEO's dick, then edges him until he signs over all rights to her company.
Also can we talk about the apparently halloween event leaked on xbone versions, with the sombra candy thing? Any guesses on skins?

What shitposting you dumb nigger?


You two waste more time arguing who is the redditor than actually discussing the topic of the thread.

Which is high quality literal semen demons.

Angel, always, daemonettes are for edgy kids that think they are mature.
When people get at my age, the last they want is a fucking loli demon fucking his day, everything we want is someone that can make dinner for us so we don't need to waste more time after getting home from our jobs.

I heard Solider 76 was getting another 5 rounds to his assault rifle, yet I can't find any links to this


that would be amazing

Personally I think he's the best combat hero

Reaper has burst up close and a great ult but has terrible range and if his shadowfade is on cooldown he's a sitting duck, McCree can't put out any real sustained damage and if he gets caught with his stun on cooldown he's absolutely fucked

Soldier 76 is just good in any situation, he's fast, his helix rockets fuck up targets, his ult can hit people across the map with high damage, he can sprint AND he can heal himself

I'd say Solider 76's only real weakness is Mei, but everyone else us weak to Mei at close range anyways

As redarted as Sinner's/Sillygirl's Overwatch comic is, I like the way she made Tracer.
Basicly, she has a small pice of metal in her chest wich acts as the "anchor" that keeps her in time, with the large thing we see ingame acting for finetuning, basicly what gives her her abilities and charges her weapons.

What age?
But yeah, I'd rather have a cute loli wife to snuggle with whenever I want.

I like the Idea, but I don't see that pushing him over McCree.
76 only has a small range where he's better that Cree who outdoes him in both longer ranges and close quarter combat.
5 rounds basicly only help when he's spraying.

The PTR notes don't mention any of this but it would be nice if this is actually being considered for another update.
What I'm actually worried is about the riptire charging more quickly, as if there weren't enough reasons to see teams with at least one Junkrat.

"close range" seems to be what kills me as soldier. whether its mccree or reaper. at least against mei i feel like i have a chance, even more so if he had 5 more bullets.

nope, it doesn't charge quicker **god knows it charges faster than Ana's if Junkrat hits stuff*.
The animation where Junkrat takes the tire and starts it just completes faster.
Wich is actually a good idea because you can clutch that thing more easily now. I often find myself ignoring my ult because I'm doing more spamming nades

if top level meta still revolves around tanks, junkrat buffs would make sense if they want to bring about change.

its a huge help if youre trying to outdamage a healer or burn down tanks. these changes seem geared against the 3 tank meta.

Still not seeing it.
McCree can Flashbang over Rein's shield, stun him with the AoE and fan twice.
76 can shoot at the shield for a really long time.

McCree's grenade can be countered by jumping apparently.

Seems legit to me



I didn't know they had pussy models like that, it's actually pretty good to look at

probably why shes always fucking around and has an upbeat personality. the alternative would be to give in to the despair realizing that you rely on some machine to not completely lose yourself. probably feels lucky that winston was able to figure it out.

That's not how you uninstall a blizzard game you dweeb


Does Zenyatta even have a penis?

he has balls, so probably

Alright give me the straight shit on this game because I might actually get it.

Is it worth the buy? Is it fun?

Absolutely, go for it.

just masturbate to the waifus

You have to give me more than that. What are its pros and cons?

I'm actually not interested in the waifus in this game, there are better games for that

its hard for me to give a 100% recommendation when i dont like the maps or matchmaking system.

Its an online game where matchmaking is gaurenteed you group with some of the lowest forms of human life

gameplay is fun enough if you liked TF2 but ye dont expect to enjoy it as a staple of your daily diet

buy a copy for me too user

shit tier waifu
Indiscriminate threadwide banocaust is the only choice.

Overwatch is what it is and does it extremely well. If you can't stand a game that isn't as complex as possible or can't overlook details like who made it if it's fun, you'll never like it. If you don't like games designed for competitive balance because "esports trash" you'll hate it.

It's a casual-competitive shooter. The mechanics are simple enough for anyone, there's always room to improve, but you will always play with people close enough to your skill level that you don't feel you NEED to improve much just to enjoy the game.

I have literally had it up to here with this fucking bullshit. Absolutely nothing but cancer day in and out. I will destroy this board with my bare hands if that what it takes to cleanse the dying soul of this once great site. Your era of relentless shitposts ends here because I am no longer going to stand for this bullshit. I remember a time when Holla Forums cared about video games, I remember a time when Holla Forums had quality posts, I remember a time when Holla Forums wasn't flooded with cancerous fucking shitposts, I remember a time when Holla Forums was a vigilant stronghold against normalfag forces, not an enabler of it, and I am going to bring those times back if I have to track every one of you down to do it. Remember your times shitposting here fondly, because I am the chemo to your cancer. Your cancerous posts are about to go into remission. Fuck all of you.

I got the origins edition from instant-gaming for around that amount.

I have like 300 hours put into it and didn´t regret the 40 eurobux i spend on it. It has intuitive fun gameplay, which has enough depth to keep you going. Maybe it´s a little bit casual, but does every game have to be an autism simulator?

maybe he doesn't play shit-tier games so he doesn't know

I would wait until they fix the fucking matchmaking before investing any money into this.
I mean I have fun and all but only when my team isn't literal retards.

Its a garbage casual repetitive shooter that wont hold you for more than 4 hours total if you have a brain.
If you really want to try this garbage out, install Paladins, its literally the same game and you wont have to waste money/give money to cancerous companies for cancerous games.
Dont listen to the Blizzdrone shills user, these awful Tumblr tier generals are full of them.

Bullshit, the skill ceiling and the balance of this game is so fucked that you will be stomped/stomp regardless of your fucking skill, that is the essence of a fucking casual shooter.
The only way you delusioned fags see "skill" is by rank which is achieved not by skill but by playing this trash game autistically everyday

CRAPCUNTS are the cancer user, and even before the GG exodus people shat on awful normalfag trash like it.
Is that you board Kike?

Id recommend seeing a doctor since you might have brain damage.
Having actual depth and rewarding actual skill and teamplay is autistic now?
How about being a braindead casual somewhere else?
You might be on the wrong board for that.

0/10 go back to visiting the overwatch subreddit to copypaste posts from there. AT least that shit was on topic.


So it´s pretty much confirmed that this will reach 100% around halloween right? How disappointed will you feel, when Blizzard still isn´t revealing Sombra then?

What do you guys think about Paladins?

Considering that halloween is like three weeks I don't mind.

I wanted to try it, but I don't want to support Hi-rez in anyway for killing tribes

Leaked comic

I tried it and didn't like, but it's not a bad game. The TTK is weirdly low for a game with uncounterable 1-hit-kill ultimates and extremely high damage heroes so the only viable way to play the game is with tanks and a tanky build.
Since it's free try it out, maybe you will enjoy it.

>Sexy Witch Mercy, proving to be a literal Necromancer as if we didn't know
>McCree the Crossbowman ?
76 is just wearing his Murrica outfit, right?


McCree as Vampire hunter/Van Helsing


looks like 2 mercy skins and maybe 2 reaper skins also

Ahh, that makes sense.
I still can't picture him useing the big crowwbow though.

I'd say that's just the light, but seeing how legendaries tend to come in packs of two, probably.

nah the mercys have completely different outfits, reaper is only missing some straps so im not sure about him


most of which you wont be able to get cause you can't buy them with coins and only get them from drops like summer game shit oh man I hate it already

Because they are full of shills, underage and Tumblr.

Because it keeps getting deleted.

I am fully certain there was lots of lewd at least 2 rows of good stuff then I entered the thread and it was gone.

I don't understand why everyone posts pic like these when Tracer has no ass, certainly not like Widowmaker.

Bitching about Call of Daddy 76's Ult? Really?

I can name five that are far more broken and bullshit

What, you don't like waiting up to ten minutes between matches?

My dick is ready. And spoilers are not on

That was my experience with it too, I kinda liked the card loadout setup but having to grind for them on top of characters is more work than I feel like doing, and the maps despite taking a long time to traverse once payloads start moving are cramped and claustrophobic at every point along the way. The longest range fights in Paladins are at like normal medium ranges for Overwatch and it seems like everyone but Fernando can 3 shot people with m1s and abilities. For all people complain about hitboxes in Overwatch it seemed Paladins were even more generous too, at distances from impact where pharah rockets would be doing piddly damage a drogoz rocket still chunks healthbars and I saw Androxus' landing shots where there was over a full character width between the target and the edge of his crosshair.

I don't think it's a bad game, but I think it feels beta as fuck and with HiRez's track record I have no desire to get invested in it since it's more than likely going to get worse before it gets better.

Tracer definitely has a butt. You can see it exceptionally good with her black and green outfit. It´s not a massive butt like Widowmaker´s but more like a cute trained athlete ass.

Nice touch.


They both look like shit. D.va looks like the only good girl in the game, but that isn't saying much. Funny the only good thing to come out of this game is the gremlin.

the nutshack being a better meme than wew lad is just proof on how burnt out 4chain is as far as creativity goes


Eh. Could look worse.
Hopefully has better skins.

Fucking how?


I-is that Laura from SFV?
Also, source on that?

i was thinking she was a robot

Give me source, or i´ll call it bullshit.

It could be bullshit because I don't have a source.

I'm not a huge fan of the Netrunner hacker look, but it's not awful, and kind of what I expected. I'm assuming the shaved hair is for neural implants, otherwise it looks as stylized as Mercy.

I hope there's a similar theme with her skins to Ana's, and we get a masked and hooded version.

Stop trying to fit in. Don't be dramatic. I suppose this is the point where I clarify I'm no Overwatch fan.

She looks like she has FAS

God I fucking hate how serious and edgy all the fucking characters in this shit game are. All of then are so fucking self serious and lame as fuck. Blizzard tries to push the edgy as fuck lore at every corner making ask the shit intoners obnoxious as fuck. Generally it just feels like most of the characters and personalities are from a 12 year olds diary and about the same level as shadow the hedgehog or whatever the fuck. Where the fuck is my option to turn off character banter while in spawn? I'm so sick of hearing about the damn ingrates and the deadlock gang, how you didn't know my mother and about the poster where I had great hair.

Seems like according to blizzard all mexicans are nothing pershunnel edgelords. Loving the awful side shaven sick mongrel look. Clearly we need more of that.

When was this posted?



Making all the shit oneliners obnoxious as fuck

Fuck you too autocorrect

Who the fuck is edgy in this game except Reaper? All the other characters are pretty upbeat honestly.


I checked and it's legit.

I'm looking for the official link. Reddit is censoring it. :^)

After seeing that first animation I used it with my wife and she came like a fire hydrant and held my hand and cuddled with me afterwards

Widow is edgy as fuck, so is soldier and roadhog. Dva is less edgy and more cringy as is Mei. Generally all the characters would be much better without all the memetastic personalities.

For an edgy mexican teenage hacker, that's not bad. I was kind of expecting a mask but I guess there could be one on a skin or they could be purposefully avoiding it to make her have a more distinct outline with the wacky hair.

When will this hair style stop being used? holy shit it looks horrible.

how many time will i have to take the flag out of the post options? goddamnit

I dunno what´s supposed to be edgy about them. Widow is your typical femme fatale and soldier is obviously a tribute to 80´s action heroes.

when SJWs die out or find something else, because 9 times out of 10, it is some disgusting hambeast with purple hair sporting this look. The times it is faggy asian men. I hate this hair style so much it burns.

So… does anybody have the link to the Blizzard employee network or did Reddit censor it so fast that it's gone from the internet for good?


Widow says that she feels truely alive only when she kills someone. That's probably it.

Other than Laura in SFV and this one, in which other vidya has it popped up?

Bombshell and Deus Ex both had it.

this generations tf2. a casual shooter for kids. Most of you are 14, right?

bumplock when

She's got dick-sucking lips and has conveniently shaved half her hair and added grips for convenience. Aside from arguably the worst shade of purple they could have picked I can't really object to this

Sombra is CUTE

I knew I'm in the lair of shit taste, but how could anyone defend this? She's a purple spic with half shaved hair.

you have shit taste kys

Because, before tumblr ruined it, that was an okay look for a punkish girl especially for someone ripped from a cyberpunk setting. switch her palette to black and she'd be at home in a shadowrun game.

Bombshell's head isn't shaved though. That's an important distinction for me.

Is she like a defensive class or something? What good could a hacker be besides maybe like fucking with the other teams…….. heads up display? Imagine if she like made the enemies hud not display ability cool downs correctly.

She looks more like a flanker to me.

Shit hair doesn't make her less cute?
Or do you think Zarya is not cute as well?


Maybe on her outfits that have natural hair colours.

Your taste is good

It'd be neat if she were some sort of evasion tank that just made it stupidly hard to hit, instead of soaking damage up. mirror images, or blur effects could be a thing. There's also active camo or decoys.

Shaved hair can be cute, but dyed hair is almost universally awful. Zarya's only good skins are her Arctic Warfare and Summer Game skins. Especially the latter because it shows her surprisingly plump rear.

Only her snow and lifting skins. Her hair is godawful, but she is at least an aryan russian, instead of a spic. If sombra has some awesome personality like zarya then she would be cool, but I don't trust blizzard to not fuck up.

This sounds good. It wouldn't be broke too because characters like pharah and junkrat who have aoe could easily eliminate any mirror images blocking the way.

Tt's probably the Deus EX type hacker, the one that shoots people more than actually hack things.

Maybe she has a reverse nanoboost.

Or she can tamper with enemy buildings. It'd make Bastion, Toblerone and Symmetra weaker, though.

Heros of the Storm.
On a fucking Paladin nontheless.

Technically, Crusaders aren't Paladins.

But I had managed to forget about her, and you made me remember, user.


thanks for the bump

i convinced myself sombra would be a loli, i set myself up for disappointment. but you know, i dont regret it for a moment.

Why would it be a loli? As reckless as the game's characters are, that'd be going even further.

it should go F2P soon enough.


on cuckchan…

poorfag cant even afford overwatch because he spent all his money on 4chan passes in hopes to become a hotpocket

wew, here's a bump

im disappointed

I'm here just to dump this fresh, dank maymay.

so this is cuckchan, being surprised they're HIV positive is like being surprised that water is wet.


Im here to tell you to go back to Reddit with your cancer.


She works for a group that wants to kill all the robots why would she be

That's because she isn't human, user.

I'm sorry, but a picture as gay as this warranted the use of gay language.


what fresh cancer is this?

shit game

It's what sissies believe playing a healer is like. In reality they're being attention whores and dragging their team down. They're like the person that spends all their time at work on their phone, instead of doing their job.

Seems to be of the Tumblr variety

But its ffffffuuuuuunnnnn
Why do you dislike fun user?
It might be a shallow casual multiplayer fully priced game with microtransactions which is full of shit players from an awful community of normalfags.
But its ffffffuuuuuunnnn, its not like there are better games out there to play or anything and better developers to give money to.

if you got a job instead of spending all day in these threads you could probably afford this game by now
I'm not sure what minimal pay is in your shitty country but shurly the game has been out long enough that you could afford it by now

How does it matter?
Depending on the Hero you choose you can just stomp the whole opposing team by pressing Q.

Hi Tumblr

you are poor though

Oh yeah, cant forget:

but you are still poor

why can't she be a robot that hates other robots?


wew you sure showed him.

robots aren't human. do they have to follow logic, or do they follow programming?

But programming is logic.

Isn't it the point in overwatch, that the omnics are AIs who gained sentience? So my point is less why would sombra want to join them, but why would whoever runs reaper and widow's fan club let them in if they are all paranoid about getting massacred by robots again.


Unless they aren't retarded. Most Ults can just be canceled, blocked, or gunned down.

Good luck with that

If you like talking about Meta so much, then wheres that Meta thread, Kike?

m-maybe sombra could be another edgelord to join reaper

i dont fuckin know I want another robot.


It's not hard. For very hanzo I've had, I've also had a competent team. Now are you done talking about things you don't know or will I have to keep taking this delicious bait?

To what end?

I love Zenyatta

I want to see what they come up with next.

Can this be considered shilling?

I'm stuck in 2400 elo hell. Where are you fags stuck at?

Not playing a game bound by arbitrary numbers.

How does time travelling work?

It's not. It's not great and it's clear that some players haven't touched a proper shooter before, but once you get out of that range where you're matched with new players your teams start to resemble something akin to good. After that you start getting some legit good players that want to get shit done like you do. You still get retards, but I can hardly say they make up the majority


now get out

Zenyatta is just so much fun to play. Why has no one thought before about making a peaceful robo monk, who can easily shred the whole enemy team?


Zarya doesn't get enough love. Everyone thinks she's an avatar for SJW players but she really isn't.


the hair does kill the redpill illusion

Only reason why she can be considered a SJW character is her hairstyle, her hair color, and the fact that she still mostly looks like a dude.

She's also actually fat. No, not thicc, but actually fucking fat.
Fanart and porn always try to make her look like a muscle girl, but real muscle girls don't look that fucking huge.

Like the things here make her look attractive, sans the hair. Ingame, she is not.

Also, she's in no way SJW-smug about her strengh. Hear her talking with Reinhardt, they're just both laughing about it.
If she were SJW she's harass the entire male roster.

Nah, Mei has bigger tits

This isn´t fat. It´s just plain muscular.

I'd like to see proof.

Also, the closest this game has to a SJW character is probably Lucio. He doesn't really fit anywhere in the game's story or lore, other than probably being a second gen Overwatch recruit, but other than that he's just a dark-skinned happy go lucky South-American. Funnily enough his rival/antagonist is Symmetra, the Indian tech support character who apparently/canonically is on the autistic spectrum. In other words, the bad guy to Lucio's good guy is someone with autism.

That's a skin.

A skin doesn´t change the physique of a character. It just change the clothes.


Lucio stole his weapon from Symmetra's company and is currently leading a "resistance" which is really just a bunch of riots to try to keep viskar(?) from building nice hardlight cities. He's definately the most SJW in principle, though. I just wish his kit wasn't so fun so I could hate him properly. God damn it why did the sjw character also have to be a love letter to JetSet Radio?



Yeah basically.

Where's the lie?




Absolute waifu tier list (from best to worst)


I bet he still shits in the streets though

Hardlight toilets and portal buttplugs


He's not black, he's a huehue.

At least he's a social justice warrior who actually goes to the streets and pushes for change while helping actual unprivileged people instead of bitching about it on twitter (or its OW equivalent).
In fact I'm more bothered by the fact that the hardlight technology thaat Symmetra uses is not explained in detail, at least they could use some pseudoscience babble.

That doesn't make him not black.

Nighter are the leaders of BLM.

Besides, Lucio has the most retarded beard out there.


Lucky bastard!

Most SJW women are fat disgusting hambeasts like Trigglylypuff or scrawny, titless reverse traps like Milo Stewart who have never exercised in their life.

how much stock do you own in vishkar you fucking kike?

Just had that kind of matches that reminds me why I play this game.

He was a good sport and said the match was still fun for him and I had a lot of fun since the game wasn't really that easy.
But Genji's that think their Reflect really does anything against decent to good players really shouldn't be playing the game.
On the other hand, leading projectiles instead of using hitscan (with a weapon that has no damage falloff no less) is fucking amazing and Torb is the best Sniper ever.

Reflect is a fucking invincibility button against most classes. Even if you have the Genji surrounded you usually can't risk shooting him from behind because you never know what it will pick up. Plus he can cancel reflect with dash so there's no vulnerability window.

Getting kills with it against good players is rare unless they AREN'T shooting the Genji specifically. The hitbox is as wide as Reinhardt's shield and almost as long as DVa's Defense Matrix so it's easy to hit by accident just aiming at someone in his vicinity. You can't say it doesn't do anything though because it buys him 2 seconds absolutely for free, probably about 50 damage for whatever the last shot fired at him was, and another 50 when he lines up his swift strike.

Since when? That's awfully recent for me…
But it doesn't matter. Dash will deal 100 damage, yes. But if he doesn't follow that with some shurikens, Imma put some rivets on that fag so he at least as something resembling a dick.

Oh, so the damage was nerfed at least. That explains why they are shit now, they actually have to aim their shurikens.
I usually just move out of sight when they start reflecting because I know they'll swift strike to avoid vulnerability window, and even then it doesn't work since I know where they'll land which is usually in open field, far from any cover and ready for some hot rivet impregnation.

Since release. Reflect could ALWAYS be canceled with Swift strike and ONLY with swift strike.

Swift strike's damage has also been 50 since release as well, however Genji was able to Melee then immediately swift stike for a total of 80 until the start of season 2.

Oh right, that was the exception. That it takes his other escape mechanism to cancel it, right.

I could have swore I read in a wiki that it was actually 100 at one point…

I don't know if it was 100 specifically but before release swift strike did low damage but inflicted a bleed DOT that overall did more damage than swift strike does now. That might be what you're thinking of.



Okay… if that harness has to stay on at all times to prevent her from being time fucked… How exactly can she remove clothing that covers her torso?

If she can't remove any piece of clothing due to the harness requirement, how long as she been in her clothes? Can she effectively wash her torso? How much filth, blood and other bodily excrements have accumulated underneath? What the fuck does it smell like? Do i want to know?

Why has noone asked these questions?

maybe she just needs to be around it

She doesn´t have to wear it permanently. I mean if she was here in our timeline, back when she stilll didn´t have that thing, she could stay here for days, until she disappeaered again. So i guess, she could take it off for one day or two, until it gets too dangerous.


It's possible she either alters her clothing to fit around the device or has someone do it for her.

It's an Activision product, it's multiplayer focused, it's a generic shooter, and most importantly it's not fun. Add to this that people try to pretend it's good for anything other than a bit of porn, and there you go.

Forgot your sage.

kill yourselves

I guess they don't think his gun is going to do anything. Literally all she has to do is take 2 steps to the left or right but instead she lets me consistently headshot her from a mile away until she dies.

Maybe she just "Resets" every day?

I'd expect it to not be that tight, she can easily slid clothes around it. Perhaps clutching it is enough, but the harness is more practical for combat.

You know what would be interesting? If shooting the harness right in the center broke it for a while and either made her Blink in a random direction or prevented her from using her powers.

a good direct hit is likely to kill her outright anyways

Being lucio is fun when it's not suffering.


Lucio isn't even an Overwatch recruit as far as I know, not all characters belong to OW or Talon.

I think I agree, although Mei is my personal favorite.

I wonder how is it possible that trigglypuff decided to use a hairstyle that accentuates her chubbyness.

D.Va and Mercy's blaster pistols have no spread or falloff either.

It is speculated that she has a special room to be able to move around without it, also I think her anklet from the summer skins is kind of suspicious, maybe she only needs it to have contact with her body somehow.


But they are slower and don't arc. The arcing of Torb's rivets actually let's him hit someone behind cover or on higher ground if you can aim it properly, it's a much harder weapon to use but it has awesome results if you can pull it off.

Go shill this shit game somewhere else Blizzcucks

play paladins

Timestamped nude with a toothbrush up your ass to receive Overwatch for free.

oh OK, I was mostly talking about the damage output and accuracy, of course the Rivet Gun is kind of better when you properly lead the shots.

I am not telling anyone to buy the game, I am discussing it with people who already have it.

Too soon. It doesn't have enough polish yet, let it go out of beta before it can seriously compete with Overwatch.

Do you think it will get out of beta? sometimes F2P games stay like that forever.

Is someone doing very weird proportion photoshops of Chloe?

You forgot the best girl user!

Stop pushing this autism shit. It's not canonical. She's just a perfectionist. God if gender bullshit wasn't the hot topic at the moment I'm sure everyone would be saying they're on the spectrum.


You say tomato, I say tomato.

Daily reminder that D.Va is canonically trans.
whether or not she's had SRS is unclear
she does a hell of a good job tucking if she hasn't

Either d.va is fine. I just enjoy korean holes.


Koreans DO only exist to be used as disposable rapetoys.

If you read the comic, you'd see that it specifically states that Symmetra is "on the spectrum." Lurk moar.


its a shame trips can't buy you a game

In a comic where autism is never once mentioned yet a technology involving the spectrum of light is?


i want dva to perform completely amateur fellatio upon me. i want her teeth to scrape against my weenus.

Sombra's trailer cinematic leaked.

I remenber what Smite (by the same company) was several years ago, that game changed quite a lot in the meantime.
It's probably still gonna get updates all the time as long as it's profitable (as is standard for Hi Rez) but at a certain point, it will be considered out of Beta.

Many of their cards still have "Temporary Art" images ripped from Smite assets and their cast is about 15 or so characters.
Once the game stabilizies a bit more in terms of gameplay (it's getting there) and the temporary assets are replaced by permanent ones and they have at least as many characters as Overwatch, it will be considered out of Beta by them.

May depend on how much they push it for e-sports, though. Smite seems to have some strength there, might help them with the playerbase and the viewership.
I just hope Overwatch gets some serious competition. TF2 is a good lesson on what happens when there isn't proper competition to keep you on your toes.

How dare you mock our finest dwarven wench!

Fuck this game.


You can buy it for me user, you would have my eternal gratitude.

I feel your pain, this game draws out the biggest retards in history


We want a female waifu robot, and we get this shit, it's just a younger more SJWified Ana

I guess you have to wait until they give us Athena.

Honestly, this seems like a fake to me. I don´t know why. Maybe it´s just that they choose to show her with an african background although she´s supposed to be mexican. I don´t think Blizzard would fuck up such a crucial detail in their promo material. But then again, i will probably be proven wrong in a few days, and that´s how she actually looks like. I really hope not, though

Her hair is the most obnoxious part, shaved, dyed unnatural colors, and with stripes
It's like a shitty deviantart OC

I can play it on my console now too. They had no idea how stick acceleration is supposed to work but now with this next patch they fixed it.

I don't understand why would the narrator get involved in battle. Adding Athena as a playable character makes no sense.

Neither do I, but she has a body in the massive hero portrait, maybe they didn't think that through, maybe she was part of the original plan (CGI movies), but now the players want her as playable eventually.


[my longest yeah boy ever]

Halloween patch is out, lads.

Fucking radical

only 4 of them are good sadly, alot of them are mediocre, alof of greyscaling a character to make them look spooky or whatever

I'm fine with that, my main problem with the summer games thing was that no matter how much you played there was no guarantee that you'd get the drop you wanted, so this fixes this, even if they hiked the price up on the good skins a lot.

Not to mention event items are very expensive, got my first crates and the ever present g/g/b/g ruins everything, on top of that I have gotten 2 pink and 1 gold… all of them were just credits.

Shame the matchmaking for the new mode seems to be broken

It seems like matchmaking in general is broken, I can't get normal matches to work.

Works on my machine.

Is there any reward for completing the horde mode brawl? It's kinda shit. Mercy skin is hot.

Probably a spray or player icon, me and a friend queued up some games and kept getting 2 retards.
I had to snap pick Ana or else some shitter would lose us the game.
Having a good Ana can really carry the game as long as the dps time their ults accordingly.
At least on hard, the other difficulties you barely have to even play.

Learning how to aim, and not having to play Junkrat, and Mei every game.

I have to play Lucio every single round
I'd rather play something else but the last person to pick always picks a nonhealer, so either I go Lucio or we have no healer
It's suffering

That's where you pick Mercy and damageboost the one with the lowest HP

You know, that's not a bad idea

Also, grandma candy is now official.


Muh dik. Can't wait to get the model


3000 credits, I have a lot of grind to do.

is there a way to play in 3rd person

Not talking about ingame, buddy

I know, I was just commenting on it.

Fuck it, I'll try again later tonight

this is too hard for 99% of the players in hard mode.

Not going to lie, I spent $20 to get boxes and I wasn't disappointed.

Can you post a screenshot of mcburger's costume?

There is none. It's a lie. D.va is and always was a cute 16 year old korean girl. Then Blizzard saw all of the porn and made her 19 to save their skins.

He didn't get one, despite what the comic shows.



The problem with this is that you cannot convince me blizzard didn't knew this was comming.
Everyone coudn've told them. Probably did.

Fuck, I went to a daki website and Lol's Annie was filed as recommended not even kidding. Rule 34 man, gamedevs know it too


Exactly why this whole thing is believable Activision/Blizzard doesn't make games, just products

When noone was looking, Zarya stole 40 bags' worth of candy.

And that's horrible.



Nice job assholes


In Platinum-Master games I've never seen Junkrat's ult get any kills aside from maybe one and sometimes at the cost of his own life too.

So that if need be you can jump on the point and suicide with it, or use it in reaction to the enemy clumping up instead of having to predict it.

The evil mercy theory is probably right if the voice line in the event have even the slightest bit of truth to them

I want this skin so bad, a shame I'm in need of spending money elsewhere, and I can't tolerate pubs enough to even level for the 0.00000000001% shot at getting the damn skin

And this highlight thing too. It's great.

Comp gives more experience, if you don't mind losing every now and then.


So I just got the game today
the four boxes I got 3 halloween oranges. Am I lucky or do new players get rarer shit as an incentive?

Could be a bit of both. got the game around the rio event and got the lucio orange skin for the event right off the bat.

Got bastion's halloween skin in my first halloween box

Pure luck.


Tumblr was a mistake.

I'm pretty sure even Indians and Africans get paler when they're dead.

The fuck

US servers are being anally raped.

Must be, though I can't really understand why since now that I've tried it I don't think the mode is really worth playing more than a handful of times.
I played Lucioball pretty much the whole time it was available, I'll probably try for the achievements for the halloween sprays, give up on the no gate damage one and then not touch the mode for the rest of the month.

They play it repeatedly because it gives the same amount of XP as a regular quick play game without having to deal with being saddled with a team of window lickers vs the MLG pro tour git gud scrub tryhards.

Honestly I feel like I'd rather take the quickplays where either team might be completely retarded and you might have to change up your picks or play than the PvE where you know the AI is going to be retarded and you just do the same exact thing every time.

Jesus christ my dick actually can't handle this. That smug expression on her face, holy shit.

fucking agreed. holy shit.

Why does she have to show up so much?
I get her more than any of the other ones.

You can buy the new skins with credits you know?
The legendary skins are 3k and the epic ones are 750.
I don't play an insane amount I just think most skins are shit so I only buy the occasional emote, or voice line.

New Thread Lads

You have to remember that people don't play Activision games for fun or variety or challenge, just for the sake of playing them and in this case for the sake of arousing pixels