

good to know they are still at it and was not abandoned

Why did they have to move this fucking project onto Tumblr?

Just like Holla Forums is not one person, neither is Tumblr. It's just the means to an end, like blogger.

So, are the other boards getting cameos after all?

Well, it looks polished at least.
I look forward to the ensuing drama.

How many years until the full trailer comes out?

Yeah this game isn't for me.

Absolute madman

Tumblr peeps were on Holla Forums 4chan at the time and came up with the design, it's like you think people only stick to one website.

When will this "Vivian is Holla Forums's daughter" meme end. There's always only been one, and it's not Vivian.

But that's cuckchan Holla Forums's daughter, not Holla Forums's.

It's every board's daughter.

Holla Forums has many daughters now


Whats this shit? Are you faggots autistic?

Since nipmoot kicked her out of cuckchan we might as well take her. It'll be better than the vivian meme

Do you even have to ask?

Where's the fucking games?

whats with this vivian design, it stinks :^)

Have you seen what happens when people use 'reddit spacing' or talk about crossposting?


Theres a difference between regulars and the people who come in and start saying weird shit trying to fit in.

You've seen em.

You forgot that it was agreed on one condition in that she has to keep the eyepatch on


Unfortunately yotsuba killed by dino asuka



Since when was she exclusive to Holla Forums?

Newfag detected

Vivian James - Vidya games


hell ill take her

That's exactly what they should do. Call me when this game is something other than a hamfisted propaganda piece. Check 'em

People in this thread make this place not much different than tumblr.

gingers a shit

I get that you drank the cuck memeā€¦..don't talk to me or my Holla Forums daughter ever again

This is bait, but, whatever.
Have you seem how many artists post on tumblr? And I mean porn artists, SFM, some great artists, even from Japan.
Tumblr have cancer, yes, but it's not everywhere.