Losing control?
Whats your favorite wii game?
Losing control?
Whats your favorite wii game?
Other urls found in this thread:
Evenin' folks.
Captain Rainbow, its a great game about making friends.
Oh shit it's this time already. Naps fuck with me
I only ever play Okami on it, so I'm going to say Okami
Mark here
Holy Shit.
Morning everyone
No more booze for me for a while, tired of the hangovers. Just woke up a few minutes ago from a nap to try and shake off this one.
Forgot just how fucking comfy yuyushiki was. Started a rewatch of that yesterday while drinking and damn thats some comf
hey smokes, been awhile
Comic books is why we can't have nice things.
Yeah I just woke up from a nap like 5 mins ago. Need more naps tbh
How was your day?
What'd he do now?
Thank god capeshit is finally dying. Was good for a while then became stale as hell.
What up fam how've you been?
Wut do?
Sonic Colours. It's probably the best '3D' Sonic until new shit.
he called you a gay
We're drinking ourselves to death and listening to shitty music. Come spam our cytube with traps or something really gay.
It was going to be shit no matter what, this just gives you more of a reason to not waste time watching it.
Try for factory or stocking at walmart.
Or just sell some of your crap.
Hey mark how've you been?
You just have to change your life.
Coming from the biggest pussy.
find a warehouse job or something idk
Reported or avatarfagging as anonymous.
Fishing Resort & Rodea the Sky soldier
Both made by Yuji Naka, father of Sonic the Hedgehog
I want you to know I love all of you guys. You're good people. Shit's about to go down & you need to know that.
Howdy, how are ya man?
There already was one.
I worked at a factory once before and refuse to do it again. The 12 hour days and physical labor was just too soul crushing. If anything I'll probably get a part time retail job.
I feel it's too late for that to happen.
I just want Preacher to not be shit.
huh huh what? What'd I miss?
Well retail is going to deal with customers so.
hope we all make through, I really don't want this shit to end in war with russia
I'm alright, just studying for my precalc exam
After Holla Forums I can't enjoy a single piece of american made movies. I think Guardians of the Galaxy was the last one I enjoyed.
Channel your hate into shadenfreud & rip people off for a living. Win win.
Work online or the night shift?
Reported for tripfagging.
I woke up at 5am by accident and ended up playing stellaris for a few hours until I had to get up at 8am
I spent the day at the library looking for a way to create links or buttons that copy desired text to the clipboard that work in PDF files until I found out Adobe removed it in liek version 5 or 6 as a security issue and the only way to get it in was possibly through TEX the latex text editor and I didn't feel liek that shit
then I realized I can add .txt attachments to PDFs with foxit reader and that it was a way better solution anyway
Then I tried to sleep for 2 hours unsuccessfully and now I'm at work
Also I still haven't turned in that app because I found out on Monday that the assistant manager was axed and I didn't have the heart to rewrite the app with the new assistant managers name and details as my supervisor
Rune Factory Frontier
I do want though.
Never heard of it.
I heard it was filled with lib shit.
Shocker that Obama is considered the best prez ever yet this shit happens.
You need to visit Holla Forums at least once a day. Shit's getting increasingly real & if you want to keep watching your shitty harem anime Ritsu you're going to have to build a doomsday neet shelter soon.
Come on, feel free to tell me.
Pirates/Cowboys are just the Cowboys/Pirates of the Sea/Land
I'd rather deal with customers for 4 hours than Mexicans who can nearly speak English for 12 hours.
Where would one find an online job? Not gonna lie I'd be a willing shill if someone wanted to pay me.
Night time might be an option. Did remember hearing people when I worked at my last factory that night shifts were laid back as fuck.
I might go see this.
I barely remember it. Only mildly interesting thing was getting some whiskey and I gave the Mirror's Edge sequel a shot since it got cracked recently. Really, really not good game. Half of your moves have to be unlocked including super basic shit tucking and rolling, the game tells you it's better to run than fight while simultaneously forcing you to fight guys, and the writing is so generic I couldn't stomach more than the 45 minutes I gave it before uninstalling.
Other than that, playing Project Diva X. Too many tutorials and it doesn't default you to whichever vocaloid is actually singing so it's easy to accidentally have Miku prancing about to a Kaito song. At least it lets me jump straight to expert after finishing a song once, that's a really nice feature.
The ones who'll live through it will be the very people who started that war in the first place, it would be such a miscarriage of justice.
I haven't seen a Trump rally since the primaries. Guess I'll watch it then.
I usually pop in once but I've been hungover all day so.
Who do you think you are serving in retail in CURRENT YEAR America?
Not even a competition.
According to who?
Bowling is the only game
Interstellar is Holla Forums approved
He was the greatest.
I'm pretty sure there are other games out there.
Think you're gonna do well?
True, but it'd still be 8 hours less and I wouldn't be doing tons of physical labor.
Libshits, should've said by libshits. Some old libshit from my high school thought he should be considered. Fuckign tards.
I'm here too. I was just getting food. Although I guess it doesn't matter since I don't have like a persona thing.
Damn shame mirrors edge was shitty. Didn't even know its sequel was out already. First one had me excited for it though.
The (((media))) and the left are pushing really hard for that. Every single poll about it is rigged to hell so he gets like 60-70 percent approval ratings. Its a fucking joke. They want him to have some abe lincoln like legacy as the first nigger president.
Eh. I wouldn't say "filled"
What jobs even have 4 hour shifts besides shit for like teenagers.
What kind of food you make?
Is it? I need to look into that. Thank you for the recommendation!
Stop posting on /a/ at 3AM grandma, it's past your bed time.
We have DOUBLE, that's right DOUBLE the national debt compared to when Obama started. A friend of mine had this to say
I need some new friends.
Have you seen the new trump rally in florida? He spends almost the entire debate bashing the media. People are getting sick & tired of being lied to.
Just mac and cheese. Solid choice for a late night snack.
not a lot of Holla Forums approved movies fam
another one is "the big short"
Nah link his best recent one fam
Yeah I've been on a mac kick the last week or so. Have it for a meal at least once a day.
I always take and add a ton of half n half and some kind of sweet butter to it. Ends up being the creamiest shit ever. Love it.
I think you'd need a degree or some kind of specialization or something
I need to stop reading into this shit.
Rip, I thought the original was okay, from the demo at least.
I usually have stuff I add to it but I'm out of it right now. It's good with a little sour cream in it.
It just make it tangy or something?
What kind of food man, was it yummy?
Most retail part time jobs average around 20 hours a week at least that's what I saw people saying when I was searching around on the interwebs. Granted it'll probably me more than that as we get closer to December.
Also black Friday will be fucking awful.
I'd doubt youd need a degree to be an online shill. Hell, most of those CTR faggots are fat job less weebs and stay at home moms. I just have no idea where one would even go to become an online shill.
This rally specifically. He is getting REALLY pissed off.
when did we end up in a bad fanfic based on the 1990s
Pretty much. It's good.
Hello everyone! Did you send Nigel fan mail, thanking him for teaching Trump how to debate?
Well at least now you know for sure that you have to study.
is this really happening?
that's why I don't spend much time online these days and try to be productive
Have you even read the comic?
I had three tests this week, did poorly in all of them
not yet but it's cuban missile crisis levels right now
5 4hour days sound awful honestly. I'd rather just do like 3 8hour ones.
Once a filthy commie always a filthy commie.
I'll consider trying it if we got some. How much you add?
Konata-chan! Is it true you're a slut?
We'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
Not a whole lot. I'd give measurements but I probably add too much because my taste buds are weak or something.
if something does happen I hope they nuke dc first
Have you seen the show?
Ayy thanks!
Wait a second. Why do we have 2 karens again?
Well, good luck fighting for IsraelAmerica's side of great freedom from the Commies.
No one does, apparently.
Witch one of you has been spreading rumors again!
the jews did this
I thought the first one was fine. All a sequel needed to do was expand on what was already there. Bigger, more open levels, remove the few forced fights, do more with the freerunner cops, and just generally have more stuff.
Instead they dumbed it down and pandered to people who don't like games and don't buy games.
did he actually do that?
Mine got burned out from smoking cigarettes though.
I'm more the type to go a runnin.
Its ok I know you are the real karen.
Not sure why mine are this way. Have been for as long as I can remember.
N-not me! I just heard it is all!
You should! It's only polite to show your appreciation for someone helping your future president.
Yes! Us Brits help our children.
You should turn off the computer user.
im gay
So you're even worse than a commie, you're a fucking traitor with no backbone.
I see.
Reconstruction or bust.
Did they actually shove in all that SJW shit? Wait a second. Didn't hooknose get her filthy fingers into this game?
Yeah Farage gave him special training for 2 weeks leading up to the debate. Hes given some speeches at rallies too.
Hows your smelling?
Homosexuality is a sin. You should stop before you go to hell.
Shit, I didn't even notice the reply. Cheap mac and cheese. It made me less hungry, so I guess it was good.
Wonky. Sometimes I pick up smells really well, most of the time it's really weak.
Every episode. Which brings me back to the original question fambalam, have you read the comic?
I'd been sick and was dealing with insomnia all last week, so I missed some stuff in the lectures.
i don't even have captures of karen!
It's ok, I believe you
Now get in the oven
Stop being gay.
I think they just want help from the US to kill the mudshits. Trump has obviously been trying to hand an olive branch to the ruskies which my guess is that Putin wants but knowing that shitters like Oingo boingo and the typical politicians want the exact opposite he's doing the best he can to help the situation. Maybe I am painting the Russians in too much of a good light but right now that's the best guess I have.
We're in some fucking up alternative dimension. To think that Trump is being memed into presidency is enough to make me think I'm not really here right now. I'm kind of afraid that Trump maybe so liked if he does somehow do everything he sets out to do to continue past his 8 years.
Most of it is true. I'm about uncertain of about 20% of it.
As long as I'm fine in my peaceful shitty country I don't really care. Nuclear war is just plain fucking bad for everyone.
I'm not Jewish!
Great man that one.
If there were a legitimate reason to go to war for my country I would. Not just because shillary and obongo have been doing it for no real reason.
Probably some kind of weak asthma or allergies.
Then who are you posting?
I'm too lazy and haven't even been keeping up with the election since the end of the primaries.
Yes, he is. You're a smart person anonymous!
Never tried it.
Hi gay I'm dad
I'm not convinced I'll be around in 8 years anyway.
Could be. My brother gets really bad allergies. My main issue is that most of the time I can only breath out one nostril. It alternates which one, though.
But if trump loses you're going to be drafted to go die in Iran. Do you want to die in a desert?
T-thank you user, but I'm really not. I did just suck at 2 of this weeks exams.
Got the job done at least, mac and cheese is good at that.
Your, no, our country is dead, go to war to revive it.
Don't fight Russia, fight for your fatherland.
Putin and Russia just want some more control over the middle east so that they can have more control over oil and the region in general considering its in their back yard.
Honestly I don't give a shit if they get a little more powerful because of it. Let them wallow around in that sandy shithole instead of us. The US needs to go back to being isolationists.
That is literally 100% normal. Everyone does that.
That sucks man, still got insomnia?
You'll have to change that since getting a job starts with talking to people you don't know. Just don't act autistic and try to fit in. Hell I've already slipped about being a weeb with coworkers and found out one of them has a daughter that's still in highschool that's a weeb as well and is pretty fucking smart. She also is learning Japanese while passing her HS Spanish. Act dull and gray until you show yourself to be a good working then relax a bit and show your true colors after showing how valuable you are to the team.
Yes it is.
*unzips dick*
I bet you kiss girls faggot.
Going with Brawls since it's the game I cared the most playing.
I'll regret it in an hour when I'm on the toilet.
That's good to know. My whole nose gets pretty stopped up fairly often, too. Mostly at night.
what ever you say juden
Then who are you posting?
willy wanka
I have no doubts
been looking at all the happenings on Holla Forums aswell
It's hard to see it not happening tbh
Kinda, i've been taking melatonin though. turns out the stuff helps with my cluster headaches and such.
Probably will anyway since I live in Texas.
fucked up the formating
I'm sorry
If Trump Wins: New Golden Age
If Hillary Wins: World War 3
There, now you're caught up.
Just do the next two even better. Or cheat. If you can change the grades in the school computer.
Is that a yes or no?
But you're the jewish one! You even have one of those little hats!
You do have lots of blacks and mexicans too. Guess you'll die the same way either way.
Why aren't you posting Karen then? All the gays post Karen
She did. I didn't notice much pandering in the writing but I didn't even play a full hour. What effect she did have that I could notice was in the gameplay. Greatly simplified controls, invisible assists are there that do more harm than anything, shit like that.
The evidence says otherwise
Live for the momentâ„¢
You coworker going to hook you up with their jailbait daughteru?
Try some decongestants. I had a really bad cold for months on end years ago and those always helped.
No I'm karen.
Im in the same shithole as you and honestly idk what to do, i need money for games dammit
That's not me. That's the other karen.
Been doing it for over a decade now. Seems to have worked out, mostly.
I'll have to buy some next time I'm out.
Yeah the stuffs great, didn't know it helped with all that though. Just don't become too dependent on it or you won't be able to get a good night's sleep without it for about a week or so
It's a Yamaka
and it's not that little
It all depends on how Trump handles the market crash the feds will dump on him all at once.
I'm pretty sure he's competent enough to solve it, quickly. You?
I bet she couldn't even beat the first game honestly.
Also buy the white airheads slush at taco bell and tell me how it is.
Now you're getting it.
Why do you have so many pictures of little girls sucking on long phallic objects?
So you admit it!
im gay
I think so too but do you really think they will?
With all the tension that has been building up? Yeah. It's just kind of scary.
Works for normalfags so it can't be all bad.
Best businessman is history, so if anyone can fix it it's him.
oy vey
I bet you're australian.
oy vey
Not until the globalist establishment is crushed.
It's okay Karen. Since you're cute, I won't let the muslims have you. I'll just let you go with one of the irish in the United Kingdoms. Would you be interested in Wolfspider?
so no matter what Soros is gonna be fucked
Just checked, and it turns out I actually got a 96 on my one exam. The other will probably be a low b though.
You're not a pedo are you? Why are all your pictures of little boys and girls. Also, stop linking wrong!
trips confirm australian
Dude the only Taco Bell out here is an hour away. Plus I'm in Canada we never get the cool stuff.
If not for living in the moment, I might actually be someone important, and that sounds hard. More fun to sit up drinking and fuck women who are engaged and jerk off four times a day.
It'll be Fineeeeeeee
kek wills it
The dude's a walking mummy. I don't think he would have survived long anyway.
The fact she complained about the jump button being where it was shows she doesn't understand why it was put there, so yeah, I don't think she could do it
We can't. We're too reliant on other nations to shut ourselves off from the world. Unless we have some way of domestically producing everything people want and need we'll have to deal with other countries
Being important is overrated.
That's really good! I dont know why you're worried.
It'd explain why he's gay. Living on a prison colony will do that to you. Look at the other gay couple. Those two other Australians.
Shoo pedo Holla Forums spider
it does seem silly now
Liking little girls is wrong. Just like how you link to other posts! You're probably a REDDITOR!
Nice blog, but even nicer dubs.
Those are some digits.
Obviously without shit fast food you can make yourself for 1/10th the cost.
True that. I'll leave being important to the important people.
With a bottle of liquor in one hand and my dick in the other.
On the left shoulder for controllers. It's there so you can jump while manipulating the right stick at the same time instead of releasing it to press a face button
I have to keep being gay, I'm sorry.
I'm not that gay
Amen to that.
says the gayest man on the planet
I changed my mind. You can't live in the United Kingdom anymore. Stay in the middle east.
But don't you know it's a sin?
I don't know how to argue against those trips. I'm actually German.
I think Kek wants a war tbh fam.
It's the same case with almost every first world country which is why I highly doubt it'll happen.
Theres literally nothing wrong with loving little girls.
But it won't be shitty and greasy and gross and delicious.
What if you take a drink from the wrong one?
Who said he was 16 to spider when he was 14?
war is better than 4 more years of circling the drain I guess
war is the fastest way to purge the world of degenerates
Oh, "german".
Just don't blow anyone up okay.
clearly he miss spelled Austrian
Ohh right!
Video games need to be made illegal tbh
Just no more new games.
the kid I guess. does somebody have the spider daily reminder pic?
It's ok, I like to kiss girls too. If I had one to kiss ;-;
No that would be fucking weird. I don't even want to personally meet her since I know she has told her things about me. My relationship with my coworker is kinda weird since she's the mom type of person that I wouldn't talk shit to. Kinda like a teacher, but not one that you'd be personally close to- like the science teacher from Nichijou. You respect and talk to them, but not enough to be closeish. Plus somehow her daughteru is black and as much fun niggaweebs are, I'm not into that sort of thing- femnins can go fuck off.
Liking little girls is good. How can one not feel at ease from a little girl's smile? Hell even 3dpd ones can be nice at times. They're in a form where the nastiness of humanity isn't drilled inside of them yet. They're free of the seed of modern day corruption.
If I was flexible enough to get my lips around my dick, I wouldn't be here right now. Just sayin'.
that would certainly purge the cancer
but if vidya was made illegal wouldn't they burn all the old ones?
I'm begrudgingly too much of a peace loving hippy for that.
im gay
If war happens I hope faggots and asswipes get sent first.
I don't wanna fight for a country that fucks me over in the ass, fuck that shit.
But why was he talking to a 14 year old? 14 year olds are annoying.
It's WRONG! Liking little girls is what muslims and DEGENERATES DO!.STOP LIKING LITTLE GIRLS!
You should fuck the mom then.
Sounds gay user.
Nah just make production of new ones illegal.
I don't get it.
What's wrong with fucking 16-year olds? I fucked one last night.
Only hypothetically. It's not actually gay until you actually suck your own dick. And even then it's not even prison gay levels of gay. It doesn't go full homo until you buy a dildo and start fucking yourself with it while you blow yourself.
New games can still be good. Codemasters finally made a genuinely good F1 game so my faith has been renewed.
WAIT! Wolfspider had sex with a 14 year old??? THATS AGAINST THE LAW! BOTH LAWS! THE ONE FROM THE BIBLE AND THE ONE FROM NIGEL! Is this true?
hello everyone
Hey man, how are you?
goodnight everyone
Youre coming on too strong. At least give it a minute before responding.
That cant be true.
Night fam
Hey karen post proof
Ritsu that's pretty gross. She's like 50. She isn't a MILF- she's like grandmom status.
The only coworkers I'd want to fuck are in dayshift and out of my league and from what I know they wouldn't mesh with my personality.
Post some lewd Umaru, I bet you got some new ones you NEET.
Nah it's totally legal- new laws got passed and made 14 yearolds safe as long as they consent with parental approval.
too tired, good night everyone
night fam
Night goatmom.
Now it sounds really gay.
Too bad their last Grid game was awful. Wish they'd just make a full on illegal street racing game.
I wasn't actually in the thread so I have no idea
Good thing I'm not doing it. Not into butt stuff anyway.
Pretty good, I finished my Army on Parade It's shit
Good night
Nice quads also don't be a fag
Sleep tight pupa
Goddammit I should have posted a cirno
that would be the best case scenario
though i'm pretty sure that if that happened they'd claim misogyny
halting the production of vidya is fine
though, I still think you'd get a bunch of vidya burners eventually
I don't need too. Everyone knows that.
How shit?
there is nothing wrong with banging a 14 year old goy
what if spider turns out to be a muzzie
You failed her!
At least the people doing it would be passionate about games enough to risk getting arrested.
Are you only saying that because you're 14 years old?
wtf i want vidya to be illegal now
My quads beat your singles. Listen to me.
Ty ty. You're okay for a jew Ritsu-sempai.
I like girls, dont worry. Not little ones like the other DEGENERATES IN THIS THREAD!
Is that windows9-chan?
Thank you!
Deport him. Into the bog.
Karen is 17 thank you.
Is he cute and wearing a skirt?
2014 was a rocky year for them. It looks like they've got it figured out now but I couldn't say for sure until they put out something new to prove their last game wasn't a fluke
Oh, well then why do you care so much?
Are you trying to eliminate the competition of more popular 14 year olds that we would go after instead of giving (you)'s to you?
close, I require more research to fully confirm.
Pretty damn shit, but at least I got it done and I'm happy with it even if it is trash
too young
I know.
That's ⑨ the baka
It's a sin. And it fucks up little kids. YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER! YOU'RE AN ADULT!
What's an Army on Parade?
your mistake is in expecting people to have reasonable morals
settle down it's not that big of a deal
I like bakas! Theyre cute!
Seriously it'd be the best thing to happen to the industry in 10 years.
Just hope its something fun. I need more drifting in my life.
You best post your findings.
But you have to start em young.
I'm 22, but I still feel like 17 in how I like to act and how the world treats me at times. Which is the perfect age gap between now legal 14 yearolds :^)
Some of us are still human
but kids are gross
A display contest you make for your 40k models that's tomorrow
It's not rape if they came. Or said You're a big guy
I'm happy when we start purging you're going into the bog. Face first.
yeah, but you're in the minority
hasn't there been talk about a possible 2nd game crash?
Hey, sometimes you just got to fuck a few kids.
Oh so you'll be presenting tomorrow then? I thought you already went.
Remember everyone! If you have sex with little kids you're going to hell! And then the devil rapes you for eternity!
Do you want to fucking die?
Why not just kiss boys and girls?
On the contrary, I need to buy the new forza horizon so I can do sick drifts.
Japan says differently.
Hi FBI how's your night?
I need to go there and do what a previous user did and just get a translator to cruise around and go to soaplands and fuck nip sluts that look for foreign people.
Nah, but it'll be fun, might even be able to get a battle tommorow
Well if so, I hope you win man.
Yes please.
im gay
You make bill clinton look like a saint
Not before you get purged into the dick ocean throat first.
I feel like games have been crashing for a while now.
Good thing I believe in Shinto then.
I would if I had one to do it with ;_;
I don't follow modern gaming at all so I wouldn't know. These insanely bloated budgets and ad campaigns are going to bite AAA companies in the ass sooner or later though.
What if its two little girls having sex?
bitch niggers.
god sends you to hell just for not believing in him, it doesn't mean much
japan has shit taste in japanese stuff though
/fit/ /ara/s are best imo
pretty good
Can I watch too?
It's okay, We can share
bill was innocent!
he just needed to vent.
Too bad.
Be sure to let us know how it went fam.
Are they real? Or fiction?
If you chose poorly you will be gased
I'VE HAD ENOUGH. I'm going to tell mark about all of you! You're all getting banned, you child predators.
Especially you.
It was actually Hillary who raped those women
im gay
isnt she a raging lesbo?
3d pre puberty
2d all ages
Japan does thickk very well. As well as 2thickkk. I hope to go to a soapland sometime in my life with a thickk nip qt.
I understand the appeal of /fit/ but I can't indulge on it until I get /fit/ myself. I kinda feel bad for not matching.
Ok Karen, before you leave are you gonna post what love hotel you'll be working at after this? I'll pay for the bargain rate.
I remember that picture. Are you that user who posted; asking if it's normal to like seeing people be afraid? It was at least 4 or 5 threads ago.
You're not nice at all to me anymore Ritsu. ;-;
hi spider
im not gay
Enlist in ISIS, they might know.
how're you doing?
I like cute things, so what am I?
Talking about pedo boypussy
not surprised
she was the one who enabled him.
gay ?
how're you doing man?
can't do thick, too much fat. I get where you're coming from as far as feeling bad, but my dick doesn't care about that stuff.
doing alright
I already did thats why I need the song. (^:
Same ol' same ol', you?
There will never be enough ovens for these monsters
If they don't know it I don't think any of us will.
It really has, The sure amount of shit game released in the past year alone has proven thus.
ayy nigga!
we talking about rape in here.
that's good
what's kinda the same with you? I'm rather well actually, all things considering
What's a good snack I can order off of Amazon in bulk?
I'm running out of pumpkin seeds.
a big bag of dicks
chocolate coated gummy bears
You have to prove yourself
sunflower seeds
Japanese kitkats
The sameness of it all.
Nice to hear hombre.
I heard some startling rumors, would you mind clearing them up?
im not
what would you like to know smokes?
I already tried that once. I ate all 20 Sweet Poptato flavored kit kats I orders in 1 day. They were so good.
now this is a good idea. Do I got for salted? Unsalted? Do they make spicy sunflower seeds?
dick size?
I swear I'll make your butthole wider one of these threads.
Didn't know karen was a kike
So cute things are gay? W-why?
Nah man, they do thickk. Well at least what my understanding of thickk is. Like 25 BMI is that sweet number.
I mean the amount of PLAYABLE games is slim. So yeah. With playable to me I am really lowering standards too.
Yep, Lynn and Huma are confirmed for having disgusting lesbo sex with her
Please no, that's a private message thing to share. Not an open thread thing to post. It's gonna get screencapped.
I don't think salted would be a good idea for them but spicy sounds nice
Well recently I've been hearing that you are not actually a spider but only use a spider as an avatar of sorts on the internet
I mean that I can't get it up to thic
Can someone tell me the tag for this face. I need it for tagging reasons.
Ahhh was that you last time I brought those up?
ur gay
I believe you!
it's been that way for awhile now
If Trump wins, the great purge begins.
If Trump loses, the great purge begins.
If King Nigger bombs Russian S-300s in Syria before the election, the great purge begins.
OH I thought you were saying nips are too big to do the fetish correctly. Yeah I can see if you're into /fit/ that you wouldn't be doing thickk as much.
im gay
no fucking way, that can't be true can it?
I thought you were straight konata. If you want to get with spider go ahead. I think he's due for a little loving.
I-I ermmmmmm no comment
anything else you'd like?
Ok if you won't be helpful at least make a good joke.
now that would have been flat out wrong had I meant that
im gay
This is good.
show ass?
Maybe. It was a good idea. They arrived surprisingly quickly from the land of the rising sun.
Any experience with spicy potato chips?
im gay
Your first to go :')
I mean it's just hearsay but that's what I'm hoping to find out.
im gay
b-but I got dubs you have to.
as long as king nigger and his lesbian puppet go first I'm happy
My what?
You're gay.
How do you respond to the allegations that you tried to diddle a the queen
Get spicy peanuts. Those are the tits.
Why not both?
my ass is ass mate, if you must have me lewds you're going to have to get them via email
im gay
im gay
hey, are you straight or gay? I forgot.
Konata got split roasted before the 4am happening. I assume he was pure to his waifu before I posted nudes of her. I don't know what really tipped him over the edge
I'm still slightly scared that Konata might ravage me and my waifu in a weird gangbang with Kagamin, but that's just my autism.
You seem to be posting the most loli stuff here yet karen isn't riding all over your dick in the thread.
that's pretty gay
k den.
Writing that one down for later. Peanuts are pretty cheap so I could get like an industrial bag of spicy peanuts pretty cheap…I think.
Everyone post more exotic snack ideas.
im asex
That's right.
the queen liked it the whore
pass an email then
[email protected]/* */
im gay
you may have to go undercover for that scoop
Cause he knows I won't give him any spicy (you)s
How about chocolate coated peanuts?
Damn I'm craving some peanuts
One last question, is it true that you prey on innocent little people and bite them with your spider venom to kill them
I thought that went down when the germans raided his shit?
im gay
nah its back
I'm gay.
I'm way ahead of you.
What is honeypot for 500 alex.
And thus the sexting begins.
You niggas best post pics
I like Chocolate covered Raisins. Those are kinda healthy for you.
what a great idea
there is nothing gay about looking at another man's ass
it's back now
I don't live in france why should it matter to me?
No but it hurts like a motherfucker.
You don't list the amount of money when you're giving an answer dammit do you even watch jeopardy?
it hurts me more then it hurts you
gay ?
Is it gay if you give the penis just a little lick?
No, because im gay, not a fucking faggot.
I'm gay
Ayy those are good too. Thats my go to movie theater snack.
Then y u do dis.
At the end they do
it's only gay if the penises touch
some times in life you just gotta bite a fucker
Fuck spiders. House centipedes are where it's at anyway. The patrol your ceiling for spiders & mosquitos while you sleep. The true unsung heroes of the bug world.
thats a pretty gay thing to say fam
only while they stay in the basement
They don't read off their own answers at the end, the host does. And he reads it like this
Life's a bitch and then you die.
No that's totally gayif there is no skirt involved.
This is nice.
Only if balls touch, come on Konata, you're the only respectable one here. You can't let that shit slip like that.
im gay
WAIT! So the fucking spider in LOTRs was a wolfspider that kidnapped Frodo?
Okay good, i was worried for a second.
I guess, have you been on the show?
isn't that right
gay tbh
Haven't seen them here in Texas.
No, I just watch it a lot because it makes me feel smart.
im gay
Is that a screenshot from the garry's mod server that was hosted a few hours ago?
You that the wrong thing with your post is that you won't know if it's really a honeypot until it' been triggered. So technically no one is correct.
I'm ___ gay
It is.
I'm not liking what i'm feeling mr krabs
I'm totally gonna filter you fags.
nice ass!
that's gay
There is plenty of skirt
The truth is close
im gay
Did he do it?
What are you, Gay?
I'm Grayson
gay af
No. It was months ago.
im day
post it
Don't make me make you gay
I'm hungry
No, this is my ass get your own!
I'm gay
They're hosting a new one, if you check the catalog. Garry's mod thread, IP towards the bottom
Wonder if it'll be fun.
im gay
post ur ass
make the thread legitimatelly gay
im pay
Hungry for cock?
deep fried, slow cooked, baked, or grilled?
im not
I'll go check it out later.
I'm feeling it
but that isn't gay
I'm not a whore
im megu
im kay
I bet you are patrick
ded thread
ew no thanks
Get back in the chicken and finish my sandwich
I heard you got bullied
i'm gay
Don't worry, it's a suppository.
Ring first
it would have been fine if it was just where it should have been
Already gave you it in your ass
I don't enjoy disentary.
How is that supposed to fill my stomach then?
im gay
Man up, cry baby
Where's that?
Because then you'll just get split roasted with Kagamin again.
I demand for more gay Megu.
Tender marshmallows are better.
Make me.
I was planning on joining, It looks super fun!
I would have remembered that
Oh, it will.
I'm bi
on the ss13 threads and such
I don't understand. Why don't you post a picture that will clear this confusion up for me?
Oh well, live by the shitpost, die by the shitpost. We'll all get it in the end.
im pan
im bully
maybe so
I found a girl
I can explain. When penis is too big and goes all the way in it fucks with your body
I'll leave you guys to it then. Everyone take care.
Wait, smokes! Stay and be gay.
night smokes
cya man
im nig
no u
Smokes hates gays. He goes on about the day of the rope a lot.
are you sure you don't want to post a picture or several demonstrating this?
I'm big guy
Want to see cocks that bad? You big gay.
for you
I'll gay you
its not gay if they're in a vag
I'm gay
You can't expect for us to believe if there isn't a time stamp. I not against more of this posting
Does the pan look good? Is the real question.
No you're poor little white girl Now get on you kneesocks like a good one.
queer you're self
gif, webm same thing rite?
Or a skirt. That's how I get all my girls
He's packing some serious heat there.
Have you seen the dragon dildo one?
was lying part of your plan?
Did you play in the Holla Forums server last time?
Hi todd~
I'm replaying FO new vegas todd, you wont fool me
too late
No you BAKA. If you're gonna wear stockings and thigh highs you need to know the difference of file formats.
Dragon dildos are common, it's Holla Forums so i don't know.
Are you talking about the bulge one on on their tummy? Because yes I've seen it and it was pretty arousing to see it real
Was taking it part of your plan?
Heres something for you
no u I'm going to send you that pic after the thread
gimme the skyrimjob
Filled in
i'm gay
oh my~
You're all a bunch of gays.
post it
You tried stealing my dubs.
I laugh at you
no uuuu
I'll unload all of my pics onto you
these are lewd
night megu~
im gay
the party just died.
time to part ways
you're already dead
Sorry as a big meganefag this turned me off.
I heard creame.
Will there be posts of creame?
I assumed you were. I bet you imagine Konata with a huge futa dick
Oh no you don't you fag.
who is that or what is that image from
There was a lot more than just those fucking glasses fag.
Hit that [S] next to the filename user.
Yeah, but that part was pretty huge and got fucked up terribly. I'm peculiar on my fetishes and if something that big poppps up I kinda get limp.
You know I could never understand why spider always attached penises to his art With him being a pedo it kind of makes a whole lot easier to understand.
He's gay.