Are there any fun mods for the game?
I had fun with the console version, so I'm thinking about pirating it again and modding the fuck out of it.

I think there's a truck simulator type mod if that's your thing. One of the few that come to mind that actually have effort put into them.
Also, there's a pretty good prop placement mod knocking about, not sure of its name, but you can place anything anywhere and tweak the shit out of it with great detail. Even lets you save and load setups.


download REDUX if the bastard that made it updates it

I read somewhere that GTA V has terrible mod support though

Anyone know if there's a way to get money in online again? Or should I just straight up uninstall at this point?

Every GTA does if you patch it

The recent update revealed a simple and solo car-selling glitch that can be abused fairly easily.

Every update I show up just to abuse the technique and then wait for the next one when it gets patched.

Is it worth buying once it goes on sale?

I had forgotten how retardedly huge this game was.

What do you mean? Like making deliveries and shit? Nice.

What does it do?

I heard they were banning players with mods on singleplayer, but I don't know how true it is.

The game is fun, and I think online is still alive, so it depends on you.
Pirate it, play it and, if you think it's worth it, buy it.

As I recall, the truck sim mod set up one of the random buildings central-north of the map as a depot, where you picked up missions. Then it basically plays like Truck Sim lite, pretty well made when I saw it.

I made 30 million on the last one and got bored. then they added yachts and shit, so I spent all the money that being a CEO and cars.
Do they ban people now for glitching money? I might do that again if I can top my money off again.

REDUX compresses the audio file and shaves off 20-30gb off of the download

Only time I've ever been banned was for fucking up a script that I had running, so I'd say no. I'd argue there's too many people doing it to ban all of them. Just keep on eye on how much you're making so you don't seem suspicious.

Also, PS4/XB1 got the sweet end of the deal with the new glitch, PC players got a limit on how much they can sell.


I used to play on ps3 and moved over to PC. If I have a sell limit I guess I'm just stuck with what I have. I do have 27 cars, max home, a yacht and the 4 Mill CEO building, so maybe I should just be happy with what I have. I still find it bullshit how much things are.
If I made 30 million last time and didn't get shit for it, I should be fine if I tried it again, if I even can on PC.
I still have fun with the game when I'm playing with 1-2 friends. We go back to it every few weeks and play for about 1-2 weeks then move on. They just updated so I might jump on again.

Nice, I'll try that. THanks.

Oh, wow. Is it not autistic or does it need the game already installed to work?

If your only experience is the console version, you should get the PC version regardless

The console version is complete trash
The "next gen" PS4/Xbone version is slightly better, but the PC version is by far the superior version

I fucking hate casuals who say bullshit like "GTA V had no grass it was all empty!" and their only experience with the game was the fucking PS3 version

The newest update is in short, a new take on the CEO gimmick. It's less work but less profit, and about 90% of the update is better with friends. I have none, so I'll take my 10%. The ability to melee while on a bike is maybe my favourite addition.

The sell limit on PC is 137K, so if you have any car worth that or less, that'd be ideal. I have a Schwartzer worth about 134K. It's a simple 1-2 million an hour, but it's quicker than anything else and you don't need any friends.

It's more worth buying than that whatever you need to see that two-bit fridge.

Fuck I remember cranking out 1 mill in 20 min with my 100k Mustang on the ps3. I'll have to find a video on how the new way works. Even a quick 5 Million would be fine. Why does PC have a sell limit and ps4/Xbone don't?

Get off the drugs.

Rockstar's been handling PC differently with exploits because it's much easier to exploit the PC version than the console variant. It's gotten the short end of the stick since day one. Se7ensins is where I found out about the new glitch, and it's gaining a lot of attention, so I predict a hotfix in the near future.

Because PC players know well that R* are being total fucking jews. Pretty much every patch since release has made some exploit or another unusable so they can continue to print money.
Fucking ridiculous when you have to grind for around 5 hours to get one single top-level car, even if you've done everything a million times already.
GTA:O is one of the most unfun multiplayer models I've ever come across.

What a shame

Yes. It's why getting all that money made it fun. I was able to get all the cars I want and fully level them. It's very unfair how much things are. 25k for bulletproof tires. And you really need those if you want to live for more than 7 seconds in a shootout.

Has anyone added the taxi/paramedic/firefighter/vigilante missions from the PS2 trilogy in?

I made it to level 75~ or so before I started using a trainer to spawn cash, and I can't even begin to explain how much better the game was from there on out. It actually made the online feel like a sandbox instead of a chore.
iirc, if you do the maths and work out how much your maximum legit earnings can be in-game and compare them to how much it would cost to just buy the money, it turns out you're literally working for around half what minimum wage is. Fucking disgraceful.

they want us to be be good goys and buy the money. At this point I can't really hold any more cars and I only drive 10 of them anyway. My friends hate doing the CEO stuff since I can't give them more than 10% and we've done all the heists twice. Making million legit would be way more work than it's worth doing. You also need to buy ammo and you lose cash when you die, so you need to be flawless and a amazing shot too. I have fun with the game now, but if I didn't make all that money, I'd never play it again. Anyone playing at this point must not give a fuck about having things or also has millions.
They also made leveling up pointless. The RPG is unlocked at 90, but at anylevel you can get the homing rockets. They bypassed the level up guns with freebe guns. Aside from the minigun.

I installed like 50 mods

Its Fallout all over again, nothing can make this game good.

The leveling early on is okay, it meters out the content so you're not overwhelmed, but past around level 20-30 it's just a pointlessly grindy no-fun-allowed mechanic.
I can't believe how much of a downgrade the online was from GTA4 or San Andreas. Greedy cunts.
Sorry for derailing, I'm just super fucking salty at this game, because it's the biggest missed potential case I've come across in a long time

Supposedly there's a leaker who claims about a year from now the Casino will be active, so by then it might rely more on luck than just grinding, which leaves more room to lose money.

It's an odd breed of a fun online game and a really bad one I keep coming back too.

Wish this was a vidya game. Not a horrifying caricature of real life.

GTA V always finds a new way to disappoint me
One of the greatest buyer's remorse and disappointments of its field's history, on permanent life support by shitty youtubers

I wish the interesting race bits had existed on release, when I wasn't 100% burnt out on the game. Massive shame.

Makes you wonder what could have been. I blame consoles.

What's even worse is that they've stated they'll keep making online DLC because the microtransactions are selling so well, so fuck singleplayer. That leaker also claimed that Liberty City and North Yankton map packs would be released alongside the Casino, and be the first priced DLC at either half retail or full retail price.

They're releasing a bike soon worth 2.3 million.
But why work for it, when you can pay $40 to get it instantly.

We had San Andreas on a PS2
I blame laziness and jewry, let's not forget the game was butchered for it to be on 360/PS3. And when it worked, R* only made some visual changes and went with it again, adding almost nothing of the cut content
Launched 3 times in 2 years and half for 60 bucks each

None of the updates help the single player either, which is a mess, plot and even gameplay-wise compared to IV

I'll certainly not fall for the hype with VI/6. V was a big letdown despite the good it bought to the table.

Sa was pretty empty though. the other 2 cities are only there for plot missions. The level of detail was pretty bad and the render distance was somewhat small.
> let's not forget the game was butchered for it to be on 360/PS3.
That;s making my point. The game was held back from it.
I do agree though. I wish they would add more single player stuff. At this point GTA4 had both DLCs come out.
It's really weird. I liked 4 more, but I still like 5. It could have been a much better game and they don't add things people want. That casino should have been open from the start and had a online or singleplayer heist. Some oceans 11 shit.

On the topic of GTA mods, what are the best mods for GTA IV?

I liked police mod LCPDFR, its buggy but still great, also first person mod was fun

Empty it wasn't, maybe in terms of peds, but there was a lot to do and the level of detail in the high density areas was nice enough
V has a lot of detail that is quite useless unless you want to take a selfie everywhere
Activities is the key here, SA had a bunch, the world didnt help those, but it had. IV had the world but not the activities to use it, V has neither unless we count the front of buildings being nicely designed
And only partially, many of the most famous buildings/houses in L.A. are not here, like the Sheets-Goldstein, the Chemosphere (UFO house in San Andreas), the Stahl (120k safehouse in SA), any FLW textile block house, the Wayfarer Chapel if we go nuts, any Schindler house, the Novarro palace, list can go and on
All busted in shitty McMansions and we cant even buy them

The 'leaker' claims that that'll come in the future as well. I have my doubts on his claim though. I'll have to see further proof before I start following what he says.

That's a lot of smoke
I can see it coming thou, sad to think all those assets will be useless when Online goes off
Big cities for roaming shitty grind missions instead of a sizeable single player experience

I thought Rockstar planned to keep GTA online going alongside the main franchise for a very long time? Going back to their idea of one giant "GTA world" and all.

Fucking lol, people believe this?

Too be fair GTA4 is missing most of NYC landmarks. No MSG, NY public library, Grand Central , 30 Rock, Yankee and Mets stadium, so on and so on.

I guess it doesn't really matter but I am,a bit annoyed that redux seems to break the shooting range. I'm not missing but my score multiplier never goes up so outside of the shotgun challenges I only get bronze.
Also a lot of the lighting options they give seem busted. One makes the internet unusable because the screen is a massive blur of bloom

Doesn't every GTA?

As far as quality mods go, there's not much aside from the sillier shit. There's one that adds elements from Watch Dogs to the game which is kind of neat, you can go racial purity on people and shit, adding the one good thing in that game to GTA V.

I jumped off the online ship about a month after that shit launched. Money took too long to get and was too easy to lose, not really worth playing, I don't boot up GTA to grind for shit, I play GTA to blow stuff up and go on wacky adventures in nutso America.

I'm calling bullshit on that. IV is a fucking chore to actually play unless you're a masochist or blinded by nostalgia.

That smells like bullshit, but still

That makes me want to kill someone.

every gta does since they were never intended to be modded and all mods are made with some tools made by a BR in his spare time between robbing and getting robbed in the favela
GTA V is specially shit though because it can't load .asi files by default due to lacking the MSS and rockstar actively trying to break/patch out mods

something smells like faggot and it's you

You sure read like a fag and i bet drive like one too if you didnt like IV's map, mister

There's tons of TECHNOLOGY scrapped due to sync problems with other users in Online. Reason why IV's online sometimes behaved like shit, especially in the Cops vs Thieves mode
Car physics, car damage models, cops roaming, on/off mechanic inside vehicles, dynamic interiors
All of that contributes very heavily when playing a game about roaming and constantly checking out details in maps
That alone kicks V's simplistic ass all over. Guns are better but they do feel empty and all the same, and some others are not at all better, like grenades and RPG's
It was a pain at first, but all of these along with the driving felt excellent later on. And it was felt instantly when switching games, now it feels like Saint's Row minus the fun, wacky objects/missions that made it good. Nobody likes it for the driving or gunplay sans amazing weapon audio

Cars in GTA V are more arcadey but infinitely more fun to actually drive. I hear faggots whine about how great the handling in 4 is but it made driving around the city a chore when turning a sharp corner meant the car might fly over on it's side.

I can agree with that, though it doesn't bother me overmuch, while the models may not get quite as smashed up they can still get pretty heavily damaged.

I saw this plenty in GTA V, they're not as present but I still see cops fucking about quite often.

What exactly do you mean by this? Because you can turn your car on/off in GTA V as well, and cars failing to start/chugging on startup are still there in GTA:V, there's also more detail inside the car, with working speedometers and the like, all very nice and detailed.

You mean the restaurants and shit? While not as plentiful in GTA V interiors are still very much present in V.

While each weapon type may feel kind of similar, the AK doesn't shoot much differently from the other assault rifles, the wider variety of weapons more than makes up for it. With LMGs, grenade launchers, sticky bombs, and miniguns all back and better than ever. IV's weaponry, even with all the DLC, leaves a hell of a lot to be desired. This isn't even talking about how much better gunplay in general feels in GTA V, whereas shooting people in IV was clunky, slow, and people wouldn't die unless you popped them in the head or continued to fire into them on the ground afterwards.

I don't really think the explosions in IV feel any more satisfying than V.

Movement in general in IV was a fucking mess as well. Controlling Niko felt like moving knee deep in water, coupled with a cover system that barely worked, garbage gunplay, and controls that felt like they were fighting you every step of the way and you've got a recipe for a pretty painful experience.

Nobody liked GTA:IV for the driving or gunplay either, in fact, they were often marked as weak points of that game in particular. Only now, with contrarianism running rampant, do I see people unironically defending GTA:IV's gameplay.

never go full retard reddit

Odds are I've been here longer than you, faggot. If you can't handle dissenting opinions then maybe cuckchan'd be more your speed, if you hurry, you might get a few posts in before their life support gets pulled.

False, at least if you like to drive
You can't do a shitload of maneuvers in V nor feel a lot of difference between car types due to weight and transmission
False buddy
False, and they chug only when having wanted stars
And in weapons, while the variety makes up for it, the ones that appear feel empty compared to the ones on IV
And nobody dies with a shot in the hand, unlike in V
Babby first GTA
Actually they were the high points, coming from stuff like SA and LCS
Driving is still the best one and shooting, while heavy, was not bad at all

You seem to be quite new in terms of games

Was that how the in-game TV show was like? Did they play it straight or just trying to mock muh rite wang as usual?

I've been playing videogames longer than you've been alive, faggot.

I enjoy driving plenty, both in real life and inside numerous videogames, and not once did I feel like the handling in 4 was either conducive to the gameplay, or resembling anything remotely resembling how real cars work.

Like what? I've done plenty, more than were possible in IV due to the sheer fact that cars don't handle like refried asshole.

Whatever you say faggot. I guess those wandering police cars and shootouts were just in my head.

Incorrect, faggot. Hold the key used for entering/exiting a vehicle when you leave and you can turn the car off. I'll take you on your word for the wanted level, but I'm pretty certain I've entered a car that was beaten all to hell only to have it chug on me when I get in it, no wanted level present.

I agree for most of the basic weapon types, though I think LMGs and shotguns are very satisfying.

Have you been playing the series since it's initial release? I have, I doubt you can say the same. While Niko can climb over things, running, walking, and responsiveness are all inferior to SA. Aiming perhaps, though that's mitigated significantly if you play the PC version of the older games.

Being slightly better in comparison to something that was already shit does not make it good, and does not change the fact that, objectively, movement and combat are objective improvements over IV.

And you seem quite skilled in the art of sucking cock, faggot.


Whatever you say, it's certainly easier than trying to have an actual conversation isn't it?

Something smells like blasted asshole, and I'm pretty sure it's you.

Details on how to do this?

To be honest the American Right Wing is very easy and safe to mock, it is an exageration of every factor, even if consistency doesn't help, like generally like Americans do
The land of plenty and oversized everything
The American Holla Forums user can be easily spotten from their european counterparts too

You are currently argumenting with 2 of us
So you have a blasted ass on either side. Magnificent butt

You started wrong again
If that were the case you would enjoy the depth, shallow generally speaking, but deep in sandbox games, of what the weight and transmission gives
You don't, not even acknoledge it. That simply says something bad from you
Yes, actually yes, unless you wandered in front of the porice station
Or played the newer generation games, patched and with mods
Certain i doesn;t work AT ALL in the poorfag versions and the version i played (PS4)
But you know what, i take it back and apologize, a patch might have fixed that, but on launch, in 3 different versions, it wasn't and im dead certain because i used it all the time
I have, it's not an old series by any means, so stop pretending to be old shit, we areā€¦ we were here in majority older than 21. Niko and overall the RAGE engine is superior to the older series, movement included. SA had a big set of animations thou, you could climb higher and grab the ledges. IV too but not at the same levels. V doesn't have any of these, plus the damage model of NPC is shit tier, PS2 level
Proved my point and still went wrong at the end, classy
You might not be a cock sucking expert as i have not seen you, but you sure as hell are buttblasted and wrong on top of it

Polite sage, buddy friend, bumped this from 13