What are some moments in vidya that blueballed you? Moments where they hyped up something epic...

What are some moments in vidya that blueballed you? Moments where they hyped up something epic, but what you end up doing couldn't be more disappointing. Moments that made you think "Man, I wish I could be having as much fun that NPC is having". Pic related is one notable example.

But user, do you not enjoy those great cinematic sequences in games instead of some stupid complex and boring gameplay ? I believe youre just taking games too seriously and not playing them right. You should just sit back, watch, and enjoy the game, not overthink it.

Maybe youll get it.. one time.

That whole part was pretty boring, but I really wish they would have made the Hornet a two seater in the MP, they could have made it like a jet version of the attack helicopter.

The part in the campaign where you're rolling down the highway in an Abrams lighting up hadjis made up for the let down of the jet part though. Easily my favorite part of the entire campaign. BF3 was such a better game than BF4.

and to the topic

right now for me it is the AI of the NPCs in GTA5
I was looking forward for a somewhat living world where pedestrians react to what you do meaningfully and live their lives at least to some depth.

But their AI has the depth of a puddle. They just walk around, sometimes playing some animation on loop, and if you walk too close to them, they either start fighting you or run away.

I wanted to see people buying shit in shops and stands or talking on the streets, even if it would mean oblivion style bullshit conversations. I wanted people to have some purpose in the world. But they all just walk and ride without any destination or goal. And when you know this, the whole game world can have as many pedestrians as you want but it will still seem dead and boring.

Thing is they do have pairs or sometimes groups of people standing around on the streets sometimes but it's like they couldn't be arsed to just put an audio track in there to play whenever you come in earshot of them.
I think NPC AI was actually better in GTA4 wasn't it? I know the police in 4 were less gun happy and I'm sure pedestrians reacted to you more realistically as well.

That whole shitty game bluballed me from a true sequel to Battlefield 2.
I hope that EA and DICE burn with an intensity of a thousand suns.

songbird final sequence

Skyrim. They hyped the shit out of the time scar, I thought it was going to be a legit area like Blackreach, just set however far back in the past. Nope, glorified cutscene. They cocktease the ancient nord era throughout the entire fucking game.

The whole game was a gigantic blueball, you kept waiting for the epic onslaught of alien foes, some sort of pitched, climactic battle on humanity's greatest fortress world, and nothing. Just small squads of enemies throughout the game. Not even a Scarab. Halo 3 let you fight 2 scarabs at once.


The great climactic confrontation is there in the final cutscene.
Well… I guess that's pretty fucking lame too, nevermind.

Here's an idea OP. Why don't you just go play DCS world?

Oh I know, it's because you're a fuckhead who only plays console titles and doesn't actually into vidya.

There's your (you). I'm out.


Bayonetta 2's final boss.

As much of a Platinum drone as I sometimes am, I was uninspired by most of the original Bayonetta's bosses as well. They relied entirely too much on the "huge and unreachably distant" gimmick that left you frequently waiting and dodging, or platforming, until your chance to attack.

That star in pic related seems pretty happy about something. I guess that. Or the creepy giant ghost.



The only fun bosses were the human sized ones, and the best one, the final one against Jeanne, is always after an awful shmup sequence. I was hoping they'd learnt their lesson for the sequel, and then the first thing I hear announced about it is "the boss fights will be bigger than ever!" spoken as though that was supposed to be a good thing.


Was that the fight after the awful rocket mission? That fight would have been great if I didn't have to tear my hair out trying to get through the bullshit immediately before it.

Yeah, that's the one. Even if you try to select that fight exactly, it always places you before the rocket starts, so it has to be beaten every single time you try to fight her anew. It's awful design.

You knew it was going to be a fucking disaster as soon as they introduced Origin.

Honestly, it killed the game for me. That rocket mission was so awful, and having to redo it every time…
Does Bayonetta 2 have stuff like that still?

There is the level before the final boss but from what I remember it's a chapter of it's own.

Though it is improved upon with easier control(as in ironically lacking the awful motion controls) and an added "meele" option.

mOTHERFUCKINNG Gravelording in Dark Souls. That shit didn't work at all, and even if it did, it would still be nothing.

This. To say nothing of the rehashed, barely playable garbage they pumped out since then.

>Somehow everyone knows this plan and throws everything into it

Fuck Reach and fuck Halo

The entirety of MGSV minus the containment zone mission.

I bought retail, I thought it would be EA servers like BC2 and thought the Mass Erect 3 shitshow had killed that fucking thing.
I only realized my mistake after installing Origin and being halfway across the ocean from the place I bought the game.

I want EA to burn with all of my soul, if I reach 50 and they're still alive Ill bomb it to kingdom come since Yurop will be a Caliphate anyway by then.

You mean it isn't already?

Not yet
Theyll have to drive me to the sea

Don't worry m8, after the governments in Europe and North America collapse and go broke, the shitskins will all go home because they won't be able to get free shit anymore.

I don't see how they would do that voluntarily under any circumstance that doesn't involve the threat of rope

In case that wasn't sarcasm I will remind you that they will not leave, they instead squat around and in 20 years they will claim that they have always lived in Europe ever since the time of their ancestors and/or prophet and if you disagree you will be branded a racist oppressor, even if you are not white yourself.


Sorry m8 but if you want them gone you've got to Hitler upp.


Don't feel bad. I thought exactly the same upgrading from BF2


lmao you fags never learn


I kept waiting for something to happen in that scene. It was cringeworthy.


westwood fanboy here, you know nothing of torment