why don't most indies use low poly rather than pixel art?
this took me like one hour of work.
pls rate.
why don't most indies use low poly rather than pixel art?
this took me like one hour of work.
pls rate.
Other urls found in this thread:
7/10 would fuck
needs a big of improvement around the face and perhaps more detail, but that can be done with a proper texture.
Because low poly doesn't get you retro cred. Most indie devs are hipster faggots after all is said and done.
* Low-poly is real work compared to pixel art. I can shit out some simple pixel art in 10 minutes. Doing low-poly is still a shit-load of work when it comes to all the involved characters, not to mention the environments
* UV mapping is a pain in the ass, and texturing is frequently more work than the 2D pixel art would have been
* 3D animation is a lot more work than 2D animation, and brings in the extra difficulty of rigging and working with a skinning system in-game
* If the game is 3D (rather than 3D models on a 2D engine, or 2.5D as the kids call it), the math and programming around a 3D environment is exponentially more difficult than a 2D one
The biggest one is just how much work it is. Indieshit pixel art is way less work than real 2D art. Low-poly modeling is not significantly less work than high-poly. You still have to do about as much effort to make it look good, then you still have to deal with UV unwrapping and texturing, you still have to deal with rigging and proper vertex weighting, you still have to deal with 3D animation and possibly quaternion work for better in-engine animation, and you still have to deal with doing all of that for every single entity, object, and environment in your game.
The only thing that low-poly really does to make anything easier is it drops load on the GPU, whereas indieshit pixel art is incredibly easy to shit out and animate.
3d mesh, animation, collisions harder than 2d sprites and collisions. it takes much more work and will require a decent amount of math to understand properly.
most indies are stupid hipster scammers. pretty self-evident really.
Fuck this world, I guess.
99% of them are pretentious hipster faggotry, even the supposedly good indie games like Hotline Miami. I hate people who lump id software and their contemporaries into the indie shitbarrel, because it's absolutely wrong.
Does she have downs?
low poly is gret, you're doing dog's work op, keep up
The only good indie scene is the japanese scene
there's been a few low poly games from doujin developers. Hekatoncheir comes to mind.
Frankly, the Japanese doujin scene is the only independent scene worth giving a fuck about.
Low poly will get you labeled as lazy, even if you do a decent job at it. Pixel art, on the other hand, will get you praise and "muh geek culture XD" status even if you do shit art
This is why the Japanese indie games industry is superior.
Low poly is god tier. I can load up Thief today and play it and it doesn't even occur to me that shit's low poly, low texture res. I just get immersed.
If you can do low poly properly and with a great art direction, it absolutely works.
99% of japanese games are just shitty JRPGs and low effort VNs
its shit
Sounds like you don't play any japanese indie games
There is more complex stuff than just making shitty assets
Also most indie devs aren't good artists and they end up commisioning the art to incompetent fags. Or joining artists that end up creating lots of trouble for the project. Most artfags have that fucking deviantart diva mindset, the faggots
Do you really believe this? Or are you lying on the internet about things you don't know much about to stir up trouble?
Do your parents know you're doing this?
No joke, I'd totes play a good low-poly game
sounds like doesn't play anything from japan and is just another retard parroting what other idiots say
Well, Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider 2, Syphon Filter, Resident Evil 3 and a lot more are free to emulate.
threads of fate and tail concerto are very pretty low poly games with nice, bright visuals. I like the realistic look of MGS and tomb raider 2 and stuff, but low poly excels far more with styles that don't target realism.
shitposter going full retard
And yet it still looks better than most pixelshit.
0/10 you have no fucking idea what you are talking about and what you are doing.
because the amount of people that were twelve years old (prime nostalgia age) when emerging 3D games with low poly models were the gold standard is significantly smaller than the amount of people that grew up any time before that (when 3D wasn't possible) or after that (when 3D and pixel art were being used almost equally artistically)
doesnt it though?
Minimal poly
No texture mapping
You can make some really unique visuals with that, but the main problem is that it is 3D.
Any game crafted in 3D will be compared to – consciously or not – to other (more modern) 3D games, which will look nicer by comparison in most cases.
Low poly is, in itself, a great aesthetic, and good low poly will look twice as good as mediocre high poly (or even better than that), but there's a learning curve to it and visual artists (who are usually hired for games rather than being the developer himself) are more easily able to covert their skills into spritemaking than they are into crafting models.
game looks really ugly.
Could be worse.
According to my dropbox, I did this shit in 12/06/2013
To get better at modeling, I tried to recreate tron
by 20/06/2013 I had this.
Answering the question.
Maybe it's because you can learn do something serviceable in 3 weeks. (The time I remember I took to get there, I must have taken quite a while to upload it to dropbox)
I can dig it
low poly porn when?
Hot Coffee mod
Sometimes I wish my best memories game devving where not about a game that I never finished because it was fucking boring to the core
Gonna save these forever
The better you are the faster you can make them too.
My first humanoid model took several weeks. My second one, after learning to use references and such, 3 weeks.
I made one for a friend recently, 10 days and its complete, minus texturing. I could have been able to do it in just 2-4 days if i had not taken breaks for videogames. I have seen videos of people making a whole model, textures and all in just a few hours. Like this one youtube.com
Practice, get used to shit, etc. Pic related, the one i made and have to texture now.
Alas I truly see, humanoid is actually an opinion
Truly horrible anime head, but the model is impressive for low poly. And the reason to do low poly is to have hordes of them in game. Loli horde simulator when?
you need to go flatter
Textures are hard.
Making a half-decent model is hard.
Animating 3d objects is hard.
Putting all the hard-to-make assets from the previous steps together is hard.
Adding gameplay to the mix is hard.
etc. etc.
Needs polish, but I don't think there's a single indie that can't be said to need polish.
yeah, heads and hands are my biggest weak points. Mostly faces
Have this gem of a face i had on an older shitty model
Then why haven't you bought Sky Rogue, user?
Is than an ape face?
This is what I keep seeing when I look at it.
Would you take responsibility?
nah my kid would turn out a freak
We're going to be /agdg/ someday, fellas
Is someone making a moonman mod for Deus Ex?
Because that moonman really looks like he came out of Deus Ex.
where can I find a moonman model?
you either need to re-position her eye textures (or change them) or change the geometry around that area to make her look more forward facing. Look up pictures of simply drawn eyes if you need to.
One thing about that pie eye style you have going (not bad at all, it's a widely used disney technique), is that you need to be aware of where the that little white of the eye inside the iris is positioned on both. If you simply flip the eye, the lighting changes and makes her look cross eyed. Try keeping the white of the eye in one direction so that you don't have two sources of lighting that imply cross eyed-ness.
the shoulders could be a little farther apart, and don't be afraid to take your models, cut them in half and flip them if they're low poly.
facial and body symmetry looks much better on simple models then high res, but the hairdo does need to be like you have it.
You're doing good, keep that shit up, man!
No. Unless you're really good at it and use an existing engine or port of one like Quake.
Low poly can be fun.
We dumping our stuff?
This depends on how detailed of animations we're talking. Hipster-tier pixelshit is one thing, but if you're going for actual good, detailed animations, pixel art is actually a lot more involved than setting up a rig and keyframing some movement.
TheBoris? Is that you?
Because they're mostly bad artists, but with bad pixel art you can pass it off as "retro" or stylistic suck, with bad low poly you just look like those amateur cgi artists who make cringe worthy movies as their school's projects.
Nah, I just modeled his character.
You make these?
What was this game called again? I haven't seen/heard anything about it for over a year now.
Oh my god yes.
Good stuff, user.
I especially like the lamphead bot, helix spider thing, and walking skeleton tree.
For some reason the pumpkin looked a bit off to me, then I realized it was doing squats.
I'm not the user who posted the spider and tree, but thanks about the robot and pumpkin
vaguely safe for work lewd does wonders for exposure, as does making other people's characters. The rabbit and the lizard in this for example.
These look kinda shit honestly
They are. I've been at this less than a year, and inconsistently. Thankfully the bar is very low.
I'd rather kill myself then model some random degenerate's fursona like you have.
I should have said they wern't mine my bad.
It's for a game called Spire which is being made by the same guys who did Dustforce. The game is being made on Unity and the devs have a good amount of experience. They have a member specifically meant for developing engines (Who made Devil Daggers) so they're going to use an Engine he's working on for Game #3.
It's free practice and money I guess. It's not like history will remember you for being the guy who made a Fursona for some degenerate rather than being the guy who helped develop an actual game.
Oh, you poor naive child
You can thank graphic designers for popularizing that look.
Really? You'd actually rather die? I'm interested in hearing why it's so wrong. It's not like I'm putting a suit on and getting AIDS with them.
The rabbit is actually non-furry, he's a character for a game a guy is planning on making. The lizard is from a moderately popular webcomic. The blue wideheaded alien lady does belong to a pornographer, but I just did that one because I like how surreal and kind of disturbing his designs are. I can't get into his stuff though.
Hell, Undertale was funded partially by furries and was the furriest mess of a game in a long time and only autists on Holla Forums complained about it while Toby raked in the cash. I don't even do porn for Christs sake.
I'm speaking if you do commissions and shit on the side of a main line of work. I highly doubt anybody will give a shit except for drama fags.
Yes, mostly because my brother was a furfag and I can say from first-hand experience that furries can fucking destroy families due to their autism. I never want to deal with one or associate with any of them.
Wait why is my ID different
The nice thing about the internet is you don't have to. The nicer thing about furries is that they have money to waste and you can tell em to fuck off if they're unhappy with what you made because of autism.
of course there is pixel art that is realy well done and probably took alot of time to do.
but making good animations for low poly characters takes just as long if you want to do it right. and then theres the added effort of modeling, texturing and rigging.
Was it like this?
In fairness, if he had a brother like that there's not much he can do.
Can you by chance upload the schematics for it.
I am asking for a friend.
That has nice shading. Also it doesn't look low poly at all, to the point where I wouldn't have guessed.
That makes sense. I won't defend furries or their actions under any circumstances. I know how their culture works, at the core level at least. I guess what I mean is I don't have an issue getting commissions or modeling characters that fall under furry categorization, because there is a large market for people who just want to see their OC made who don't necessarily fall into the culture. There's also a growing number of artists who draw that content, but not exlusively, as in they also draw robots and aliens and shit and the only thing that really ties it together is the monster thing. People like guoh or shenanimation.
Now that I think of it though, I would like to know what you think is shit about my models. I know what I think is shit about them, but It'd be good to hear from someone else.
Drawing furshit is still being a furry, user. There's no way around it.
They're ugly and blocky, the animations are awkward and the textures are either overly simplistic single colours or just unappealing to the eye.
They look like they're from a children's game, Silent Hill is a good example of how good lowpoly can look.
The issue with that, aside from not making real sense, is that it makes a person vulnerable to name game bullshit. People will broaden the defenition wide enough to include someone, and then magically narrow it again to slander him.
It serves no purpose other than jewish tricks. Just say you're a monster artist and the issue is avoided, even if they call you a furry you're not retarded enough to call yourself one,
That was a minor statement and my post was mostly about your models, you're getting extremely defensive for no reason.
I'd be pretty pissed too if someone tried to call me a furry
Because good lowpoly art takes time and talent to make, anyone can make pixel art.
The PS1 was full of great low poly models, those would be good to study.
There's a full set of those TF2 ones out there
go mod your minecraft
I honestly want to use low poly since I know I can never make good looking pixel art, but I only have like two or three hours to dev per day. I am supposed to code and create the assets in that time. I will never finish it in this way unless I half ass the graphics, meaning that I draw 2d animations instead of 3d models and animations.
As a kraut, that sounds staged. But I have no clue how a mother would react to a son fucking animals, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt.
Man that would be dank
would lobos be autistic enough to do 0 A press runs?
Fucking autistic westerners
that being said, the images have nothing in common with n64 titles, also the lighting is incredibly out of place.
you really think someone would that?
Oh boy, I can't wait for another flood of garbage games trying to imitate a certain old console, and missing the point entirely while at it.
Those 'member berries though…
fuck that meant to say fastrolling
Am I kawaii? beepsu~
I'm mean, just find a crescent moon plop a face on and you're basically done..
pixel art has more LE VIDEOGAMES hispter cred.
3D models take much longer to make than pixelshit though.
Laziness, hipsters hates math.
I am more trained creating low poly models to phone tesselate them.
I would like to see a retro style indie game with 3D graphics either like the first Star Fox, or those pseudo-3D vector graphics from old DOS games (but with higher framerate and more shit going on).
I guess that's why there are so many megaman sprite comics out there.
I never understood it, specially because you can make non-optimized 3d models and make 2d sprites out of them ala Fallout - Fallout 2
I didn't see "god" or "bad" pixel art specified in . Do you have some sort of autism?
Sorry, I assumed that you were comparing good low poly and good pixel art, because if you weren't your argumentation makes no sense and you are retarded.
Do I need to straight up ask where good and bad were specified or something before you give a straight answer? How do I get a straight answer out of you?
I'm a kraut too and if that's acting she has to be amazing at it.
but once you do that, you don't have to draw every frame of every animation.
My question was: How do I get a straight answer out of you?
Good sprite work (like Fallout/2) is timeless. 3D, without a ridiculously good aesthetic to back it up, ages like milk.
I mean, I learn fast and all.
But I still feel like I'll end up with 'indie' retro shit (esp. because I wanna make a 2D game).
Anyone got any tips on how to make a 2D game which is not indie-hipster shit?
It would either be an RPG (maybe in RPG maker although I hope not) or a Metroidvania.
What should I do to make those not indie-hipster shit?
I have some programming force behind me and shat out a couple of mobile shovelware quickies, but talking about a real 2d game here.
I liked Joymasher, btw, have a look at them. They make 2D games which actually feel retro.
RPG Maker games can be good, but the engine itself is shit, if you plan on actually wanting to do things, you might just want to code a RPG yourself.
make what you like. that's what it boils down to.
as much flak as i'd get for posting it here (which i never do), i like the 16x16 and 32x32 pixel art aesthetic. It's not all "indieshit". what I define as indieshit is pixel art with no regards to the palette, pixel placement, etc. They disgregard the entire "art" part and we're left with pixelshit. If you just use a few carefully chosen techniques you can make pixel art that's not super generic and good looking too. Sure it's not painting the sistene chapel but i like confident pixel artists who put effort into their creations and have their own style more than vector art for 99% of cases.
t. my $0.02
Working on an RPGMaker game with some friends. Shit's actually pretty comfy, and codes in Ruby, the objectively best programming language.
That was great sprite work and it was made from 3d renders.
This T B H fams
Mega Man Legends clearly had a shitload of work put into it to make it look good, though. Hell, look at rips of Tiesel's mouth alone; they drew it from different angles with different expressions.
I think the overall problem with low poly is that it's a lot of work for little if any reward- PS1/N64 era graphics are considered to have aged extremely poorly, and they already took a ton of work to look good back in the day.
Pretty much this. Same issue with animation; cartoons and sprites are obvious artifice, so people accept the limitations of the media, even if they're entirely artificial. 3D is percieved as trying to be more 'real', and so can very easily fall into the Uncanny Valley unless you have a very good aesthetic and/or put an agonising amount of effort in. (and you probably need to do that anyway)
Low poly is best.
Not the same user, but seeing your work in the agdg threads makes me throw up in my mouth every time. The designs are fucking garbage. These are supposed to be NPCs/enemies in a fantasy game, no? Why are they disgustingly sexualized and fetishized? Come the fuck on. An anthropomorphic pumpkin with huge jiggly tits and ass? The fuck is wrong with you? People are calling you a furry because while your models might not have fur, what you're doing is essentially the same: taking simple, colorful, and childish characters and making them deliberately kinky to god only knows what end. Who is your audience? These meme-loving fucks?
No you faggot, there is nothing wrong with sexy HUMANS in videogames whatsoever. It's when people make their loonytoons rejects walk with a sway in their hips and giant tits and thighs jiggle that make people throw your shitty DOOM reskin in the trash.
Make a low poly gun and shoot yourself.
It's already happening.
Ehh, still doesn't look like the garbage that we have been getting.
because meshing/uv mapping and animation (read: anything not done via keyframes) is a gigantic pain in the fucking ass
what OP made is a single static figure
if anything, we already had that garbage before that imo
thats when you know it's trash
I have yet to see a indie "dev" that can do pixel art on this level. When they can get to this level then and only then will i give them praise.
Low poly is super fucking hard. Besides the difficulty of planning out the low poly character, you have to be godly at texturing or your character will look like garbage
Also, most games DO use low poly; they make a high poly character, then they bake details to a lower poly cage
The mathematics of 3d animation are more complicated imo
The hard part is objects interacting with other objects, the idea that an increase in mathematical complexity automatically makes dealing with 3d somehow harder then 2d is insulting and I can only conclude you are scared of math.
2d is much harder then 3d because you have to draw every frame, for every action yourself, then convert each frame into a sprite 9no not 10,000 of MS Paint you fucking draw that shit). If you fuck up you have to redraw every frame until you get it right, if you do but make a drastic change then you might have to redraw and redo every frame yet again. One Metal Slug sprite is months of work and you need to make a bunch at that level of detail for a full game that isn't considered halfassed. With 3d you don't have to completely redo everything and can change and adjust the rigging without having to start from scratch a significant amount of time. In terms of length it could potentially take you longer to get it just right for each animation but the comparative ease of adjusting a 3d rig makes it the superior choice for a beginner.
Pic not related?
The engine side of 3d animation is harder, which is what I meant. I'd agree that 2d animation via drawing a sprite for each frame is harder. I'm not scared of math though, I actually like it quite a lot and am pretty comfortable with the linear algebra behind 3d game engines.
And again, 2d animation overall is harder because you have to draw each sprite for the frame out yourself. Doing it in MS Paint or with a mouse in some other equivalent program does not make it easier and is even more time consuming because you're doing it pixel by pixel instead of just tracing or converting to a sprite and some clean up and it isn't the way any one had ever done it before pixelart became a thing when people were using recolored Megaman sprites for sprite comics. The complicated math of making animations in a 3d engine only matters when you're making the engine or customizing the source of one and making the models like the mesh, once that's done the rigging and animating itself is easier to do unless you're an idiot and made the most retarded AI to work with as a toolset.
It is this sentence alone that makes me know you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Metal Slug sprites aren't very detailed. A lot of them are very simplistic and show minimal detail and the animations of each sprite is usually multiple sprites laid over each other. Also you realize that most of these are animated on-paper before hand, right?
Also requires a huge amount of cpu because it's written in 3 fucking languages or some shit. At least one of them interpreted because python.
Yes, I said sprites are drawn. Twice in fact, you want me to go in sprite size when referring to detail too you pretentious little cunt?
Ok. You are tots a reasonable person.
Low Poly will always look bad to a degree. But if you do pixel art correctly, it's timeless.
Keep in mind that I don't mean real pixel art like Paul Robertson or Metal Slug, or even Cave Story, I mean indie pixelshit that takes no effort.
But good-looking 3D animation is a shit-load more work than just making the model in the first place.
But why do you compare indie pixelshit to good-looking 3D animation?
What about crappy 3D animation?
What about andywilson level shit?
If you want to do pixelshit, you might as well make polyshit, it would be less work at the end.
We're not talking about programming 3d animation into an engine.
Even if they switched to using low poly, they would just revert to laziness again because its a problem with the dev, not the artform.
Not even german and I can tell that's some fucking stellar acting if it's not real. Just from the cadence and tone of voice, that shit carries across all borders of language.
None of the ones that are sexualized are supposed to be in that. They exist purely to hook weirdos, get exposure with said weirdos, and to serve as practice. They are a separate audience from what I'm going for with the other one, which may never develop beyond models and animations.
I'd like to improve and plan on doing so, but if I can reach an audience with my disturbingly kids-show-esque cartoon whores with very little effort, I will. You've reminded me that I should probably segregate the clean, genuine stuff from the fetishist pandering, though.
If you have a problem with the quality of my work that's fair, it isn't remotely good by any amateur or professional standard. I can understand if you personally don't like the subject matter. I can't understand the problem you seem to have with the fact that I'm chasing a relatively unexploited niche for money and exposure. Who cares if shenanimation's character is shit? It's got an audience. Are people supposed to put out their best, most principled work all the time, with zero payoff?
Yes, you dumb shit
Why? Because some autist on a dying imageboard will get mad at me?
No point, if people can't enjoy the varied content or at the very least expend some effort to ignore what they don't like then they are not worth having around.
I can understand it though. How would you like it if you went on Rayman 4's dev page or something and instead of comfy Rayman 2/3 aesthetic you got weird fem alien foot porn?
forgot a couple more things also
I wouldn't care, especially since in some way all the weird content they create contributes to their overall passion, quality, and innovation as an artist.
I kind of feel that way about some artists. I like Liarborn's aethetic, even if everything pornographic he draws makes me want to puke.
Early theBoris is just fucking disturbing and I love it, still dig his aliens.
Why would a hipster libcuck spend an hour doing something instead of bitching about white people on twitter, when they can half ass it in 10 minutes and get back to fighting the evil white racists who give their "game" a less than perfect score?
Funnily enough I like Liarborn's stuff but am more indifferent when it come's to theBoris, most of his work just ends up being more hit or miss for me but I did find his earlier pieces more intriguing.
Really? Boris seems more technically proficient at this point, though he isn't quite as uncanny valley anymore. I have no idea what's going on with Liarborn's sexuality but apparently people like it. I like his designs though, disregarding the skeevier aspects.
It's more personal preference than anything. I've always just gravitated towards that sort of beautifully grotesque type of content, and with liarborn's creatures I like it even more because it helps accentuate the whole monsterous and beast-like nature of them. And while Boris is more technically proficient it just lacks that same sort of punch for me.
That doesnt look so bad, some graphics (specially particles) need some work but it looks nice, we'll know on release
It's the new retro trend what worries me. Hopefully, like it happened with the pixelshit trend, we'll get one worthwhile game out of the hipster pile of trash
I'm the kind of person who's turned down kisses because I didn't want someone else's saliva in my mouth, so I'm probably the opposite.
How many of you would be interested in playing a game that is really low poly as long as the gameplay is really solid and the aesthetic is good? Like PS1 style low poly with low res textures to boot? I've been thinking maybe theres an untapped market for a good 3D platformer since pretty much no one even tries to make an attempt at a decent 3d platformer anymore.
I think that if we traded graphical complexity for events and total rendered objects, we could have some seriously cool shit.
I don't want to make any assumptions so can you explain to me what you mean specifically?
like if you had more shit going on rather than things looking better. Bigger areas, more complex mechanics, etc
I see what you mean. Well to me the absolute most important thing is that the basic gameplay is fun to play. It doesn't matter how complicated the mechanics are or how big the levels are if the basic gameplay of running around, jumping around and defeating enemies isn't fun enough to keep doing over and over again. The best games from your childhood are the ones that you can keep playing over and over again because it just feels good to play. You can play spyro and crash and ape escape over and over again because the gameplay at a basic level is just satisfying and fun. Really you're doing the same shit you did since the beginning of the game until the end but with different levels and themes alongside a difficulty curve.
But I do agree some depth to mechanics and bigger areas that wouldn't be possible on the old hardware would be fun. But sometimes you can make a level TOO big. If the level is too big it runs the risk of getting tiresome. If the mechanics are too complicated it can take away from or muddle down the gameplay.
Theres a balance.
I want to add, that the reason why hipster indie trash is so well, trash is because they try to make art instead of trying to make a game. They try to add gimmicks and pretentious plot instead just making a game that is fun to play. If its not fun to play theres not much reason in playing it after all, especially not twice.
Hand-painted vertex colors are criminally underrated as a shading technique.
wait whaa..?
Because 3D is much more complicated to code than 2D. Especially collisions.
imagine a 3d platformer with vaporwave aesthetics
yeah but maybe a little bit more strongly, not so much that it becomes a meme game though.
You have to make the eyes more distinct, ideally just put them on their own polygons but if you're good enough you can just line them up. You can use the first way to be lazy while animating them and just drag the dimensions of the eyes around, but the second way requires you to have animated textures for when the character's eyes change.
The only thing you said that is wrong is about 3D animation being harder. Unless you're tweening, 3D is always easier because you don't have to redo the image every time you want to make a new pose, you can just drag shit around. All you need is to have a decent skeleton then modify it a bit and assign the vertices. Low poly rigging is quite a bit easier than high poly rigging too since there's much less vertices to account for when distributing weight.
Do you really think these people know?
Toby fox wanted undertale to be in 3D, but he fucking sucked, and now look at him.
If your low poly art is competent then it won't. Don't do it yourself though even if you're good, just hire some schmuck on deviantart and commission the models you need because good art is time consuming and there's a lot of people that can do it on the cheap.
If I was gonna draw polys I wouldn't be raycasting for fake 3D user you dummy.
Well I'm no engine guy and I haven't heard of a raycasting engine before, I assumed it referred to lighting methods.
whats the big deal?
He probably means arranged manually as opposed to using a skybox with a texture. Homeworld had the same style of skysphere that Spyro had. (pic related)
Also I looked at the skysphere tool for Homeworld once, but I forgot how it worked exactly. It did involve manually arranging the vertices iirc, although it may have been able to analyze an existing image for a baseline. It was pretty convoluted, though, and so is the Homeworld source code if you've ever seen it.
Pixel art doesn't have to be overwrought (like Robertson) or lavishly detailed (like Metal Slug) to be good.
mah nigga
man I really hope it's good, Hitbox team might have only made two games but each of them are 10/10 considering that they perfectly accomplish what they're trying to be.
That image is the kind of stuff that's been done since the 90's, and it's also pretty obvious.
Autistics should be euthanized.
That looks fantastic.
it also looks far better on a CRT than an LCD
Everything I've seen so far looks really fun, and they take their time with their games. I'm optimistic.
Why isn't this kids dad talking to him about this?
The kid is a degenerate but having your mother scream at you about this shit literally does nothing.
I guess it's obvious though, he is a furfag because he doesn't have a father figure.
A little bad but for one hour of work I give you a 7/10. Also, you used blender?
Just about everything looks better on a CRT instead of an LCD.