>How do I get homebrew and prepare for CFW?
First, quit being such a massive faggot, and then find your firmware version below. Then see
>9.0 or under:
Find a way to load Decrypt9 on your version (MSET For 4.x or 6.x, most likely browser otherwise):
Follow the guide as normal. On New 3DS, you can now install arm9loaderhax without downgrading past 9.2 through the homebrew launcher.
Use browserhax, optionally install menuhax as a more permanent solution. Downgrade as normal then proceed normally.
>O3DS 9.9-10.3:
If you have the update nag that prevents you from using the web browser, change your system's date to January 1st, 2000 at 00:00, initialize savedata, and immediately use browserhax. Don't exit the browser using the home button, or you'll have to reinitalize save data.
>N3DS 9.9-10.1:
If you have the nag, you can beat it by opening the web browser as fast as you can from boot before the update nag kicks you out. Bookmark the applicable browserhax link, use as quickly as possible. You'll have about 30 seconds. Install menuhax immediately afterwards.
Browserhax and menuhax are usable.
You can not run any CFW
Downgrading is now possible with hardmod, or with software ONLY IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A 3DS WITH CFW.
If you're interested in doing a hardmod, a guide is available here:
On 11.0, Homebrew is accessible with Browser/Menuhax.
For 11.1, everything from 11.0 applies, but browserhax and menuhax have been patched, so no more homebrew either without freakyforms or otherwise.
3DS CFW+Homebrew
Other urls found in this thread:
Frequently Asked Questions
Luma3DS is the most popular CFW and supports A9LH, as well as having a number of features such as Region Free, Language Emulation, Automatic AGB_FIRM patching, Automatic flash cart unblocking, Auto-Update blocking, RO Patching (Special features for romhacks) and more.
Reinand appears to still be worked on, but the creator has indicated that they want to work privately from now on. Reinand also supports Region Free, Auto-Update blocking, RO Patching, and more.
rxTools is now out of date and lacks support for newer features as well as no longer under active development. If you have been using it previously, it is advised to switch.
All CFWs support both O3DS and N3DS.
For additional features such as cheats, save states, screenshots, and screen capture(NEW 3DS ONLY), use your CFW of choice to launch NTR CFW.
For more detailed info about each CFWs feature set, go here:
Do further, thorough research on your own. Ask smart questions here.
>Is updating my emuNAND safe and/or can I update on A9LH?
Yes, you should always stay up to date.
>Installing Luma3DS/Updating from rxTools
Using the links below, get the latest version of luma. copy the arm9loaderhax.bin to the root of your SD card, go into the hax folder and copy the 3ds folder to your SD. If you're using a bootmanager simply make an entry in the boot.cfg. This will allow you to load luma through the homebrew launcher.
On first boot, hold select to open the menu, and check "show current nand in system settings" as well as "enable region emulation", and if you like the gba boot screen you can enable that as well. Copying arm9loaderhax.bin does not install arm9loaderhax, this is simply where the cfw is stored.
>What's a .CIA?
CIA stands for CTR Importable Archive, where CTR stands for the codename of the 3ds. In simpler terms, a .cia is simply an installable package you can launch from your homescreen.
>What's emu/sysNAND?
sysNAND is the core system files that your 3DS uses, including the Home Menu and system titles such as the browser and system settings. emu/redNAND are a cloned version of this that runs off of your SD card instead of the built-in chip on your 3DS.
>What is Arm9LoaderHax?
Arm9LoaderHax or A9LH is an entrypoint for booting into emu or sysNAND. The advantages of A9LH include 100% boot rate, and execution before boot. If you install A9LH, you can get rid of emuNAND and load an updated sysNAND to install .cia.
The installation requires a one-time downgrade to 2.1.0 in order to dump OTP (One-Time Programmable console-specific information). A9LH does still support booting of emuNAND if need be, but the most popular option is to update sysNAND and use it.
A9LH protects from softbricking once installed, as it can load before the 3ds boots and flash a backup nand image. If you're familiar with the Wii, it's similar to BootMii or Priiloader.
Menuhax vs. A9LH:
>Can I upgrade SD Cards/Can I use 64GB+ SD Cards?
The 3DS can support any SD card formatted FAT32. You can do this on your 3DS using emunand9, or you can use tools like this:
Yes, you can transfer your files to a larger SD if you desire. On A9LH you need only copy your files to the larger SD. If you're on emuNAND there's a more detailed process:
First, backup all your old SD Card's files, and make an emunand dump with Emunand9. Hit eject, insert your new SD card, go to SD Format Options, and do format (minsize) if using rednand. If unsure, just do format (emunand default). This creates a partition on your New SD and formats it correctly.
Restore your emunand onto your new SD card and then copy all of your files off, you've successfully upgraded your SD.
>Can I play original DS Roms?
Not without a flashcart. SD Loading is on the way, but there's no real expected timeline.
>What Flashcart should I get?
The cheapest and best option is the r4i 3ds:
Disregard .3ds rom dumps - this is a format for flash carts and citra only.
Downloading roms directly from nintendo is possible, and recommended as a first approach before visiting external sources, excluding the obvious such as romhacks.
If you would like to download roms direct from nintendo's servers on your 3ds you can use freeshop:
on your PC you can also generate FBI-Scannable QR codes by visiting
You can search for titles on and you can view the completion here:
>Can I dump a cart to a .cia?
Previously dumping carts was a pain in the ass, but decrypt9 can now dump carts directly to cia easily, go to Gamecart Dumper > Dump to CIA.
>Can I convert a .3ds to a .cia?
Yes, with Decrypt9 simply go to Content Decryptor > NCCH/NCSD > NCCH/NCSD to CIA.
>How does
The encTitleKeys site most commonly used is dependent on user submissions. If you own an eshop title that isn't available on
Using Decrypt9, go to titlekey options, then titlekey decrypt for your respective nand. This will dump a decTitleKeys.bin, which is different than an encTitleKeys.bin. you can submit it to the website, where it will be added.
You can create an encTitleKeys dump using Titlekey Dump. The site doesn't take these, but the file will be usable for anyone with freeshop or ciangel.
Basic Utilities Pack:
Luma3DS (Formerly AuReiNAND) Download:
Luma3DS Nightly Builds:
Luma3DS updater CIA:
In-depth Arm9LoaderHax information:
Updated BootNTR:
A Bunch of 3DS .cia's:
3DSISO/3DSChaos Accounts: user: eightvee pass: veeeightbunker
New™ 3DS Vola:
Vola User: 3DSOP pass: password!1
Current OP Pasta:
Last Thread:
Alright, I've got a question.
I've got an o3ds xl running a9lh, and another brand new 3ds running on 11.0. Problem is, the o3ds is imported from america, while the n3ds is bought here in Europe. I know that that the downgrade method won't work unless the systems are on the same region, however, would it be possible to set up an emuNAND on the hacked 3DS and change the emuNAND's region to Europe, and then try to hack the one with 11.0? Would the system transfer work out? I'm willing to spend money on fieldrunners on this seeing how the N3DS has an IPS display.
well damn I guess I'll actually have to pay for shit now
If I were you, I would shell out the cash to get someone to hardmod it, or git gud at soldering yourself (which isn't too much of a problem if you want to anyway, not to say it won't take awhile).
I found a better solution. I just buy another fucking system that's on a lower version, hack it, use that to hack the other, unhack it, then return it. Unless THAT one also happens to have an IPS screen, then I'll just return the one with 11.0 on it. I should be fine as long as I'm very careful to not leave any evidence of it being used.
I have a 3ds xl but the shell cracked off around the hinge.
I'm thinking if swapping it into a new housing, does anyone else have any experience doing this? It looks pretty daunting.
Also not sure if I should use a Chinese knockoff like this:
Or try to find a used OEM shell on ebay or something. I kind of want it to look brand new though.
I have a problem.
I decided to upgrade from Rxtools + Emunand to luma. The process went smoothly, the guide was very helpful.
The problem is my MHG save file of 200+ hours is gone. I thought that by moving my emunand it would also carry the save, but that wasn't the case.
Thankfully I did a few backups, I have a backup of the SD card, the emunand and the sysnand. Is there a way to recover my saves, and if so, how?
Sell it and buy a used one. It's worth it
Probably stupid question, but when if I've got a 3ds with both sysnand(?) and emunand, I have to follow the guide while on the sysnand, right?
And also, since I've got emunand most of these steps sound redundant since I've already got menuhax and all that, so is there a certain part of the guide I should start from? I remember somebody saying this takes seconds if you've already got emunand, but there are so many steps here.
I fucked up in the process somehow and my sysnand and emunand are linked to the same nnid. Do I just take the SD card out and format the 3ds? I wouldn't even give a shit about it but I can't update my emunand to 11.0 and therefore update my games.
Just nuke your emunand and do a9lh already.
To unlink NANDs you have to format sysNAND and emuNAND a couple of times. Make a backup of your emuNAND first, so when you format you can restore it, your NANDs should be unlinked.
Or just do faggot.
At one point of the guide you can overwrite your sysNAND with your emuNAND and your emuNAND will become your new sysNAND.
You should have used JKSM to back it up. However, your emuNAND should contain your save data already. MH have a retarded way to deal with save data for security reasons, so you don't cheat and shit.
I'm retarded when it comes to github. I click on the guide, but all i'm seeing is the introduction page with no visible option to begin the actual guide.
If you need tech support with reading the guide you should probably stop and find someone smarter to assist you.
Hindsight's a bitch. What can I do to retrieve the saves? I was thinking of reformatting the SD card for emunand, injecting, and backing up the saves, but I'm afraid of fucking things up again.
Did you switch to A9LH or you just switched to Luma? If you just switched you can try to launch your emuNAND from RxTools. If you're on A9LH you can create an emuNAND partition and try from there.
If I'm honest I don't think you can retrieve your saves at this point, but keep trying.
I was confused at first too because there's noclear option to simply continue to the next page or the next part of the guide from the main page. It's all in the sidebar to the right.
Downgrading and installing a9lh was much easier than navigating their shitty website
What firmware will a freshly bought New 3DS will come with?
There is no way in hell i'm buying one if it's past 10.
I'm likely to lose power in 12 hours. What's a fun game that won't require any guides? Put Shadow Wars and Kirby Planet Robobot on my 3DS and want any other suggestions.
I switched to A9LH. I'm trying to run EmuNAND9 from the homebrew launcher provided in the guide, but it's not working. I'll try menuhax as an access point instead.
No game requires a guide unless it's broken, casual.
I've been enjoying DQ VII, they even dumbed it down for you.
If I was going to play DQ7 I'd play it in moon, but I need a dictionary for moon games.
Nope, menuhax didn't work either.
Launch EmuNAND9 from payloads, user, not from Homebrew channel. Look into Luma guide for how to use payloads, is pretty simple. Homebrew Launcher is pretty damn limited even in A9LH. If you want to use it you need the latest version and something else that I forgot.
I learned much later that most downloads are in the "releases" section.
Should I update y/n
Is the English translation shit? Seems okay to me but I guess I wouldn't know.
if you want online yes. otherwise no; it's not like it does anything else. i've been on al9h 11.0 for months.
Ok I got it working and formatted for emunand, now I just have to move the old files back to my SD card.
This will take some time. Thanks for your help so far, user. Hopefully I can figure out the rest by myself tomorrow.
There's no reason not to, so you might as well keep everything up to date.
Wait… Are you telling me you didn't have your old SD files on your A9LH? Nigger, those files contain everything, including your games. Your emuNAND file don't contain that. Maybe I misunderstood you.
No, I did have them. It's confusing now but I basically have 2 SD card backups, one of it in its Rxtools + Emunand state, and one that I made just now before formatting for emunand. The one I'm copying back to the SD card is the most recent one, so that (if I'm not horribly mistaken) I can use Luma3ds to boot into emunand after I inject it, and recover the save (using the Rxtools sd card backup if needed).
I hope I'm not misunderstanding how all this works.
user, all your saves and games are inside your original RxTools + EmuNAND SD backup. Just copy the Nintendo 3DS folder to your SDand you should have all your shit there, if you overwrited your sysNAND with emuNAND.
In either case, you can just do the emuNAND thing, but that will take a lot more time One more question, when you transferred your emuNAND you had all the games and all that?
I tried that before though, and it didn't work. No, I didn't have any .cia installed games after I moved to luma3ds. MHGen is an exception since I bought that game.
that's most probably the problem. All your stuff is supposed to be in the Nintendo 3DS folder. I'm not exactly sure how it works. Did you merged your emuNAND with sysNAND? Is MH physical?
That's because the format isn't as retard proof
I think so? I just followed the guide, I don't actually understand what I'm doing most of the time. MH is physical, yes.
The save file should be in the cartridge, then, not in the system. As I said MH saves are weird as fuck. I'm convinced you won't be able to get the saves, but keep going, user, maybe I'm wrong.
What the fuck? I did not know 3ds games did this.
am i almost out of the woods
Yeah, user. JKSM can extract cartridge save data or inject it. However, being MH, I don't really know if it applies, but it applies to all my Cartridge games.
Take it back by force.
Wait, if the save is on the cart why would this guy be having problems though?
No fucking idea, MH, most probably. You can test it yourself by using a cartridge in someone else's 3DS. save will probably be there. There's also the "cartridge option" on JKSM. My guess is MH uses both the cartridge and the system or just the system to deal with save files, which is also possible.
MonHun and Animal Crossing saves are fucking weird.
Hang in there.
i fucked up didn't i
Apparently this has something to do with my SD card since my shit boots up just fine without it being inside.
ya, it's one of the steps in the guide. you reinsert the SD card then run the exploit after booting
So I injected emunand, and all my shit's still here. The MHGen save, the installed games, everything. So, great.
Is there any way to fix this? I want to take screenshots of my weebshit games.
are you a legalfag user
I legitimately have no idea of what I'm doing. If there's an alternative then I'll give it a go.
NTR sometimes crashes too, it's a piece of shit. Alternative when.
Never ever, the guy who created it threw away the source code
Check this. It's a gamble these days with standard colored consoles, but special edition consoles are the safest bet.
if I'm playing VC inject or something pirated will the game I'm playing on the friend list come up as unavailable?
Will Nintendo ever be able to block the DSi exploit stuff? I have a N3DS right now but I might want to switch to an XL at some point so I wanna know if I should grab one now before they start coming with some firmware that even a system transfer can't hack.
Probably not the exploit, but the games required to do it could be taken off the eShop. They've already done this with all the JP games, those systems need the hardmod.
You're strongly advised to pick up a N3DS prior to 11.x if you want CFW and all that good stuff.
Eh I already have fieldrunners on my 3DS so doesn't matter if they take it down. Also it just occured to me system transfer requires you to be on the latest firmware anyways.
have i done it
can i finally stop paying for 3ds games
If you've got a9lh the entire 3ds library is at your command. Enjoy.
And more
Don't forget the more
Thanks you glorious faggots. It'll suck the day this site goes under. I wanted to get MHgen, but the right stick attachment doesn't work well with a nyko battery pack.
Also, is it safe to put my 3ds to sleep while a freeshop download is going?
it's "safe" but it won't continue downloading it
Test it. Nothing too bad could happen
Afaik you have to keep your 3DS open and on freeshop to keep downloading the game. It sucks but can't complain about free games. Feel free to test it out though.
Beats the shit out of disassembling my 3DS or socketpunching to the thing that thing constantly failed.
Two questions:
1. How much space does the average 3ds game take up? Will a 16gb card be fine?
2. After I slap everything relevant on my 3ds, would i be able to update my firmware safely?
1. depends on the game, most are less than 2 gigs many below 1.
2. Yes.
I think 3DS games max out around 2.5GB but they average around 1-2. If you're buying a card just grab a 64GB SD cards are dirt cheap now. If you are just using a card you got lying around 16GB will be fine as long as you don't juggle too many games and don't plan to keep everything on your card.
I just got my faceplates in and they go great with the theme I made SNES 3DS fo life!
Very nice. I'm quite jealous. Wishing I picked up a regular n3ds instead of the zelda n3dsxl
Same, xl feels too bulky and heavy. Plus you get jaggies out the ass from low ppi on those shitty screens. I was checking out my friends regular n3ds and it's a perfect size.
How long does this entire process take?
I'm home only on the weekends and i need to figure out my schedule.
2-3 hours factoring potential roadblocks.
Isn't there a way to get the GBA Footer without having to extract it from your 3DS?
The jaggis aren't an issue the further you hold the screen from your face. Also:
These things weigh ounces. How are they too heavy?
You can generate one
Yeah, just found the program. What should I set this shit at?
Chose load from ROM and select the .gba. If it can't figure out the save type you have done googling/trial and error to do
Some, not done
The default options it gives you after loading the rom will almost always work perfectly. The only cases where that is untrue that I found so fare are the pokemon games, who don't save with 2 options, and get corrupted after a while with the other one.
I have a 6.2.0-12U 3ds. Should I update the firmware to something newer (but still exploitable, obviously) before installing a cfw? Give me some pointers on this.
Why do you not click the very first link in the OP directly under the red letters that say INSTALLATION GUIDE and follow the fucking guide?
I've already read it thoroughly, I'm just wondering if there is any advantage to having a newer firmware version
Not for a 6'5" giant like myself.
Nice meme. At the distance required for the 3D to work (hint: larger screens mean greater distance) you don't see memes.
Some of the better reasons for the XL are:
1) You're a big guy (U^2)^2
2) The top and bottom screens are the same size
Read the guide
Unless you're at 9.2 you're going to use homebrew to get to 9.2
There is no advantage over anything else, it's the same process as the other firmware
TFW tiny hands. Seriously, my brother who is 5 years younger than me has larger hands then I do. When I first started playing the N3DS it kinda heart my thumbs, but I quickly got used to it.
at least I'm cute though
Is there a reason every time I try to run a GBA game through the given mGBA emulator it won't run faster than 40fps? Do I need to like, actually inject the GBA roms or something, or is there a way to run the mGBA emulator without going through homebrew?
I'm on N3DS too, so if anything it should be easier for my system to emulate the games, but all I'm getting from googling about mGBA is that it's working fine on most common games.
I'm absolutely sure I'm doing something wrong here though.
Alright, I'm about to hack a 11.0 3DS using a second 3DS with a9lh already on it, but I thought of something that makes me a bit unsure about the prerequisites.
My hacked 3ds is on 11.1, and the other one is on 11.0. Would doing the system transfer part automatically bump the the unhacked system to 11.1? That would ruin my entrypoint using oot3dhax, since steelhax seems like such a hassle.
I'm trying to do the pokemon base hax. I have 2 questions.
1, do I always need to launch home brew through Pokemon Omega ruby or will it be permanently cracked?
2, how do I change my team name? I have happy message an encouraging message as options
Yep, use injects
You're getting ahead of yourself. You need to downgrade the 2nd 3ds via hardmod or dsiware first.
My A9LH N3DSXL is physically damaged and I was wondering what the safest way to copy everything over to another N3DS would be.
Also, does the non-XL N3DS have an issue with paint peeling off of it like the N3DSXL?
I know that, dude. Hence why I am mentioning that I am using a 2nd 3DS with a9lh already on it. I'm going the DSiware method.
I was asking about the later step where you do the system transfer.
Dsiware works with either v11
Having an internet connection is also uneccesary for the process.
Are there any better guides out there? I'm having trouble cracking a 10.5 here. All the guides seem to skip steps entirely.
I have basehaxx on a SD and step 7 is "open the homebrew browser" and it doesn't say to install that or anything and if I already have the browser installed why would I need basehaxx?
Are you retarded?
All the hax serve one purpose. To get to homebrew launcher. If you followed instructions then executing basehax will take you to the HBL
Hax is the homebrew community's term for an entry point. You use it to get into hombrew
Of course it works with either. I am asking if system transferring from a 11.1 system to a 11.0 would turn the target system into 11.1 or not?
I just want to be able to pirate games. I've followed the links above and none of them help. I follow the instructions and don't get any results.
I put the files on my SD card but scanning the QR code just tells me to update my browser, even when I reset the time to 0.
So omega ruby is just how you launch the homebrew menu?
i'm on 11.0.0-33E and apparently now i have to update my console to play online.
How do i doit with luma? i forgot
If you are on emunand, upgrade to a9lh.
i already have the amr9loaderhax.bin. Do i have to update it? if yes, how?
I see no reason why it would. I also don't see why an a9lh 3ds would need oot3d as an entry point.
I'll need an entrypoint to homebrew on the unhacked system after I system transfer. But I got what I asked for answered, thanks.
Having the bin doesn't mean you have a9lh.
Hold start or select and see if luma3ds options come up. That's how you verify if you have a9lh.
If you have a9lh and luma just go to system settings and update.
So since my shit is now CFW'd with luma and all, when there's a new firmware, I can just simply do a system update from my 3DS settings without issue now just like with the initial modding process?
if i boot up holding start it goes into the hourglass 9 menu, so i can just update from the console, right?.
I think with A9LH you can system transfer to another N3DS with A9LH. I never done it myself, and I'mpretty sure there's a lot of information about it on GBAtemp or Reddit.
I think all versions of 3DS have issues with paint peeling. My ODS paint is peeling after 3 years.
Yes. It doesn't matter how, the point is launching homebrew menu. Although some alternatives are easier than others, and faster.
Yes. Is virtually impossible to get fucked with an update and there's no reason not to update either.
Post your list of must play 3ds games.
Please, i beg you.
An entry point to homebrew isn't necessary after transfer. All you need to do is downgrade via dsiware. After that all the game entry points are usable.
There's a general chart, you can pick from there, since you can't think of one,the chart should help. Also, here's a list of games I want to play but can't right now.Consider that there's no control quality on them, I just saw them on freeshop and thought about getting them.
Aeterno Blade
1001 spiker
Story of seasons
Attack of the Friday Monster
Johnny's payday panic
Moco Moco Friends
Excave 2
Parascientific escape
Noitu love
Jorney to Kreisha
7th Dragon III Code: VFD
Unholy heights
Conveni Dream
Infinite Dunamis
Oh, the guide threw me off then.
The no browser in parenthesis is what threw me off. Browser hack should work completely fine since it'd be on 10.4.
Thanks user, that means a lot to me.
This whole thing almost got me depressed for more than one reason and i could use some fresh air i think.
Played the demo.. can't say anything good about it. Everything felt off.
Proper Harverst Moon, but starts off extremely slow (as usual). I'd recommend Rune Factory 4 instead.
Only play if you like Japanese culture about kaiju and stuff.
Now I get it.
Could someone please link me to a guide on getting the home brew onto the 3DS then? I have the starter zip unzipped onto an SD card. What do I do from here? I tried browser hax but it demands I update my browser before it will open a site.
So I've run into a weird issue I got to the part of the guide where I have to update with system settings. The problem is there is a parental control lock on the system. I'm hacking my kid cousin's 3DS. It seems he put a parental control lock on for some reason and completely forgot about it. Anyone know how to remove this shit without knowing the pin? I tried the forgot password option but the thing just crashes.
It's literally the first link in the OP
Maybe you can force a system format with a homebrew application
I think Plailect guide helps, mate. There's a way to bypass the browser nag. Check the previous thread. Other alternatives are stuff like CubeHax or ZeldaHax or whatever the fuck they're called.
Is there a way to install DSiWare to the SD rather then the NAND? I ran out of space with like 10 games.
Ok so there are actually tons of things to just generate master codes to reset the stupid thing. Problem is that requires the I forgot thing to work which for some fucking reason does not work on this stupid 3DS. I hit the button and the thing just freezes.
The guide is a mix of like 15 different guides, half of which already require you to already have home brew installed.
I just want a simple way to crack 10.5 that I can follow. It's getting frustrating with everything being every where.
I set all the time to zero which is supposed to help but it doesn't.
Here, open wide.
No it's not you plebian. Actually read it.
Let me explain this better,
This is the point I'm at after trying to follow youtube videos and read guides. The option is literally not there.
user, you have to load the page as quick as you can. Is in the guide.
Try settings >clear all save data
Ok so I just restored my nandmin backup and kept a9lh with hourglass and that fixed the parental lock issue and everything is fine.
Done so, relaunched browser and the option just isn't there. I know it used to be but it's not any more.
I have browser version 1.7616
Cleared all save data, put in URL and get communication error. Same problem with QR code. But I can browse to other websites okay.
Got it working after trying like 3 methods and now I'm playing doom.
My next question is : How do I pirate games from here?
Follow the guide.
i need help, somebody please help!
i'm on part 3 of the guide. i try updating the system and it gives me an error. DNS is already set to auto. after that, it says
there's already one there. i assume it means from the backup of files9 it told me to save earlier, so that's what i used and i overwrote the old one
my backup is 6.2.0, so i assume this does not apply to me
this is where i'm lost
i click that option and it brings me to another submenu and my options are
i go to SysNAND Backup because that's the only selection that gives me any file options, and here i get
nowhere does it list NANDmin.bin. is it talking about NAND.bin?
aside from that, the selection is called SysNAND Backup, this doesn't sound like its going to restore, it sounds like its going to backup
and then i have the option of SysNAND Restore (keep a9lh)
it takes me to a screen that the only thing it says is this
>If you wish to proceed, enter: , , , ,
i don't know what to do at this point or how to proceed
Seems logical to me.
i also figured this is what i should do, but i want confirmation first. i don't know what things i can do that might brick my ds, for all i know this is the wrong option and i might brick it
I get that, but it was literally there but in reverse order.
alright i'll give it a shot
never mind, you were right. after i did the left up right up shit, it gave me the option to restore from the file
Christ, it took forever to do the 11.0 downgrade through DSi ware. I'm glad that shit's over with now. I shat bricks when at some point where it'd boot to a black screen, but was relieved as fuck to find out that all I had to do was get rid of extdata.
Now comes the easy part
Awww yiss, been waiting for this shit to come out so I could finally play Azure Striker Gunvolt with a good translation on my 3ds.
Links in both .cia and .3ds flavors.
Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack
Not a lot to be glad for. If this is the one in 3DISO is probably the one dumped in .3ds and then converted to .cia. I don't trust those. But I already downloaded it for the lack of a proper .cia.
Why don't you trust them? I tried both and they work just fine.
Use Freeshop if you're unsure. I'm not sure if the updated release of ASG1 is there though.
This image is retarded. Because on the left its a summer school form, and on the right is a fall/winter one. Also women who dye hair are never innocent.
Kill yourself, weeb trash.
Not really hard to tell that the uniform with a sweater is for colder weather.
So how has the translation been fixed did they remove the "xe" shit? I know 8-4 still translated it but inticreates said they'd make sure they didn't fuck up this time.
Are these games actually good?
Not yet, For some reason Yatch Club said that it's unlikely that Gunvolt 1 would get any update at all. Pretty fucking retarded if you ask me.
Also, the .3ds was trimmed, so it makes me wonder if the .cia will have any problem. I had troubles before with .3ds/.cia converting.
Take a better look, is not the uniform style, is how is wear, the one in the right is how gyarus tend to use the uniform. It have nothing to do with seasons either.
Yes, they removed it. Same with the steam version. Difference is the Steam version sucks. I'm worried with the translation of the second one, though. I heard they used retarded pronouns there, AGAIN.
I loved the first one, if only for the lack of megaman.
Shame if they actually put out both games properly I'd probably buy the cart.
They redid the whole thing and removed all the Tumblr-tard shit. Now it's actually pretty enjoyable.
Don't know about GV2, I'm hoping it's good as well.
Well, give it a shot and see what's up. Worst case scenario there will be another release by the time you get any problems with this one, and the save is easy to transfer.
I'm already installing the striker pack. Fuck socket punch. In any case, that's just what I heard, I'm actually confident, the chances of Yatch Club fucking up twice are really low, and they'll probably release a patch or some shit later.
From what I have tried out in GV2, the translation isn't bad. Didn't notice any tumblr shit for the few minutes I played (I have yet to finish the first GV). What I notice is that some of the written dialogue doesn't seem to fit with what the characters say, but I blame that on slang and 2ch memes that are just not possible to translate directly. Looks solid, if not a bit cringy.
The name changes do bother me a lot though, but that's in the first game as well.
Can anyone help me with how I'm supposed to go about moving my pokemon from B2/W2 to alpha/omega? Is there a homebrew pokebank or something that can legitly let me move them over? I don't want to pay jewtendo to move my pokemon over.
Yeah, I heard a complain about a guy who talk in memes or something, which is a translation from 2ch memes.
Tried the Striker Pack, works nice. I'll play it none stop until I finish it 100%.
So I finally upgraded from emuNAND to a9lh, just moved my emu to sys, and it looks fine. Do I need to do anything else? I've got Luma and the new FBI and all that shit.
Keep getting new stuff like freeshop, etc. You don't NEED anything else, but there is some cool shit you can have.
Yeah, I got everything else. I just didn't upgrade because I was afraid I'd have to do stuff with a crappy netbook running XP, but it turned out I didn't need to do much. What is a problem is that Nitrohax won't install for some reason.
I think you want to run DSP dump to get sound working in homebrew or something.
So after saying it wasn't working, it basically immediately started working. Now I'm trying to connect to the now-defunct Nintendo WFC using Nitrohax to patch my game into going to the private server, but I ran into another snag. The WiFi I was intending to use apparently doesn't exist anymore, and the WiFi we've got is WPA2 instead of WEP. Yet, my current WiFi shows up on the search but won't accept the password. What's even odder is that this apparently non-existent WEP WiFi keeps showing up sometimes and I have no clue why. Any tips?
What is some good homebrew?
Other than emulators and free cias, is there anything good? I remember there was a lot of awesome shit for PSP.
How often do you guys back up your sysnand?
before each update
Pretty much never but I'm being retarded.
What's the cheapest 64 gig sd card an user can recommend for an o3ds? I feel this 16 gig won't last me forever.
I think anons here were recommending samsung or silicon power.
Just keep trying. Browserhax are unstable. If it still isn't working after 10+ tries then you might be doing something wrong.
i got it working after about five tries. Now I need to find some software I want to play.
So, I have a few questions now that I got my 3ds hacked.
Some questions about the hack installation process:
on 3DS #1, the source.
- Can I do more system transfers to hack more 11.0+ devices even with my fucked up nnid?
- Would restoring my NAND to a point before I made an nnid for steel divers I think fix the problem from doing the transfer?
- If a NAND restore doesn't get me a new nnid, is there anyway to get one?
- Are eshop purchases field runners bound to the nnid or could I bring them over to a new one? assuming that I can get a new one
In regards to homebrew and other utilities gained from the hack:
- Is there a place I can read up on getting emulation to work? The GBA one in particular is what I am after.
- Is there a way to dump saves from a cartridge onto my SD?
- Is there a resource that catalogues the different utilities? I am after a way to hack in playcoins, a way to use FTP so I don't have to deal with getting my N3DS's micro SD out, and maybe something to set up custom themes with.
Some stuff about online play:
- Will going online with games from freeshop get me banned?
- Will going online with .cias from the web get me banned?
- If I get banned is there a way to get around the ban?
Do devs still use anti piracy bullshit like in the DS days? I suppose it doesn't matter since freeshop downloads straight off of Nintendo's servers.
Anti-piracy would only apply if you were using a hypothetical 3DS flashcart with .3ds roms, the fastest, easiest, and safest method is to use .cias to install legitimate copies of games, either dumped from legitimate cartridges or downloaded directly from Nintendo using Freeshop, which is supplied by legitimate purchasers dumping their titlekeys and uploading them.
What do?
Get a replacement.
I don't know all the answers, but:
They are bound to the NNID, so the 3DS you use that NNID on.
Don't quote me on this, but I believe GBA VC injects are the best bet.
Yes, and vice versa.
FTBrony is in the homebrew starter kit. JKSV comes with a playcoin editor. For themes, CHMM2. Other than that, the 3ds Homebrew wiki.
after you wait 7 days, yes. if you want to re-use the fieldrunners you bought you'll have to relink it to the source system.
what did you do your NNID? if you want to remove your NNID you can using Godmode9, find the steps. afterword you should be able to make a new one like normal. purchases are tied to NNIDs, so if you get a new one you have to re-buy fieldrunners.
blargSNES has its own page and compatibility list, retroarch has a gbatemp thread, and ambassador injects should have a thread as well. there's a batch of color-corrected gba injects running around now although you can make your own injects if you really want.
jksm, others do it as well
use system settings if you want stock, ftp-3ds (formerly 'ftbrony') if you want homebrew. quite a few ftp homebrews on 3ds.
no, freeshop games are cias and you can't get banned. Supposedly calling nintendo can get you unbanned, or waiting 15 days, but it only happens if you play a .3ds and go online.
psp analogs make good replacements, or so i've heard. as for mine i just apply superglue and wait a day. also i stopped playing smash
New Sonic Boom game is surprisingly decent
Thanks for the information guys. I guess I have some reading to do today.
Dubs of approval
Any decent games that can fit on a 4 Gig SD card? Waiting on a 64 gig one to arrive
Most games should be able to fit on there (the .cia and then installing it) with the exception of a few. You can just only install one.
Or go for something light, like Kirby or Star Fox.
What folder on the SD card does the freeshop CIA file go in? I put it in root but it doesn't appear in the homebrew menu
You have to install it using FBI or something.
you can install a cia over the network so you dont have the cia taking up room on the card. you should be able to get any game you want.
I read the OP and thought I just needed the CIA on my SD card to install Freeshop and then could leech games.
Could someone point me to exactly what I need to be able to pirate games? I have access to the home brew menu.
Holy shit, how retarded are you? A guide to repair it is right there.
Just put it in a location you can find again. I have a cia folder, so I always know where I put my cias.
Then install it like said.
I had a nightmare I bought a 8.0-0U N3DS. It was awful.
You need a program to install that .cia
What program lets me do that?
i thought they got rid of this shit?
Freeshop is all you need to pirate games. But not all are on there and it doesn't have hacked games like undubs, etc.
The other way is to install a .cia you downloaded from the internet (for example at through the FBI application, which you should have.
Which hacks did you install?
Something tells me he only penetrated arm11 and stopped there
I just installed the starter set recommended from the guide and Basehaxx.
You have to go through the whole guide.
Called it, same mistake I made when I went through the process.
user, you're going to want to finish the guide. Then you'll have everything you'll need.
It says to downgrade to 9.20 and open decrypt but doesn't say how to do this.
Yes it does.
Here comes the airplane
"we tried engaging xem, but xe.."
no seriously
i thought you guys said the translation was fixed
Did you get the patched one?
The one posted in this thread? Yeah.
Where can I get the same kind of a detailed guide for a Wii U?
AFAIK it's already been hacked and I just bought a 64GB SD card for that.
Is Nintendo seriously putting this fag/tranny imaginary pronoun shit in their games now?
…And then I turned on my gamepad and it turned out it doesn't work anymore for some reason, the screen is all fucked up. And I can't buy it separately anywhere. Well, thanks Nintnedo.
I know. If you actually read the post you'd know I have no idea if it's a good one or not.
Have you tried systematically opening each link to see if they hold your hand enough?
Just say
Use japanese voices, faggot, if you use "Original English"you'll have that. So far no stupid pronouns.
It's more of a
Here's a hint: you can find out if a guide is good by reading through it
No, you can find if a guide is absolutely terrible by reading it, but unless you've actually done it you'll have no idea if it's missing something important.
Admit you've never actually done it and have no idea what the fuck you're talking about but want to complain on the internet.
likewise, you can determine if it's good.
But you know what? You win. I see you are unwilling to feed yourself.
Open wide faggot:
Here's a god guide I found by using google
A sin worse than any other.
For 3DS most of the good homebrew is utilities that everyone uses. I'll nominate ctrHexen2 though. Only problem is it requires homebrew launcher and quitting doesn't work, it just crashes. Also aiming is kinda awkward with the nub.
No idea. Unfortunately you will have to set up a WEP network.
Not often. I keep a strong hold on the backups I have though.
A guide you, and I, found by using Google and know absolutely nothing first hand about the quality of. Fuck off retard. We know you want to be clever by telling people to Google something, but you picked a terrible time to try that.
I have an XL, that guide doesn't even work for me
My R button is kind of fucked up. If I buy the CPP will I be able to use the added shoulder buttons in every game, even the ones that dont support CPP?
Nope you have to fix that button sadly.
I'm pretty sure gunvolt has nothing to do with Nintendo.
The only notable difference between regular and XL is size. The process is identical, even with the n3ds.
As for quality, just look at it. It's bursting with quality. It even has s comment section full of people saying it's good. Stop being a mouth breather all ready.
Yeah which is why assets aren't altered but 8-4 is localizing which is why the first one was a pile of shit at first.
Sorry I mean
I hate opening fucking anything with screens in it too fucking nerve wracking to make sure you don't leave any dust or anything before you close it up.
Clean out the room you'll perform this in then. Vacuum it good. Also you can use compressed air to blow the pieces as you're reassembling
I have mixed feelings about this.
Oh also there's a world of difference between normal hair colour and "murder colours".
Gen runs the same either way. 4U this is not, that shit runs like butter.
Friend fucked up(partially my fault) and has a new 3DS sitting at 11.1. Where can we find a 3DS on an earlier firmware?
Kirby Robobot is only like, 800mb. It's also the best Kirby game, so go for it.
Am I missing out if I skip MH 3U and 4U and just play Generations? The framerate isn't a major issue for me.
Aside from a few monsters not being in, not really.
If you buy any of the normal 2DSes they should be on ancient firmware. I grabbed a blue 2DS a few months ago off of amazon, the ones that come with MarioKart 7 it had like 6.0 on it. If you want a new 3DS you can get the new bundle that comes with mario 3D land they come with 10.7.
Generations has a lot of issues if your someone who knows all about monster hunter. However if it's your first game I think it would be a pretty good start.
It's my second game, but my first was Freedom Unite single player and only up to 3~4 star quests.
Yeah you'll be fine with generations then. The reason people dislike generations is because all of the additions are kind of poorly thought out. However since your going from MHFU there will be so much new stuff besides that so you should enjoy it. The only real problem is the game has too many quests especially gathering if you're someone who wants to do every quest.
I installed the browserhack and downgraded to 9.2. Now what can I do?
Go the extra few steps and do a9lh for better boot times.
Better boot times, no annoying crashes while booting, immunity to the usual "gotcha bitch!" fuckups that can fuck you over if you're on emuNAND, etc. It's not that annoying to do a9lh anymore, so you'll be kicking yourself if you decide to be lazy about it now.
Quick questions about Zelda Triforce Heroes
>Is it actually fun ?
Question lads
If I'm using basehaxx to access homebrew menu and I do a system format before I downgrade to 9.20 will I lose my save data and ability to access the homebrew menu?
Cartridge? Probably not. Digital copy? Certainly. But you'll need a way to reinstall it anyway after downgrading, that's why browserhax is ideal. I'm assuming you don't have the browser available though or you'd just be using that.
Cart was fine.
I downgraded to 9.20 and now browser hax won't trigger. Had it fail on me twice. Fuck this is frustrating.
I got to this point in the guide and I'm lost
I can't see Decrypt9WIP on my homebrew menu. What is it called? I put it on the SD
My o3DS automatically updated to 10.7 during the night.
How do I go about re-installing homebrew?
Did you put it in the correct folder?
How did you do it last time?
I know I used from kind of alt-DNS, and I'm not sure if it would work on the newer firmware.
It works on 10.7
I used browser hax on my 10.7 n3ds
It cuts out any real semblance of a story, and 4U actually has some of the best progression in the series. Any and all of the neat little introduction cutscenes that show you interact with the monster in it's habitat are gone, replaced with static Smash Bros-tier intros.
For all the new ideas, Gen is a terribly executed game. It actually removed all the different High Rank designs. HR Zinogre was the shit, now it's the exact same for no reason.
>Go to
Website can't be found? What do I do from here?
Double check it.
Did you use http:// ?
I can load it just fine.
It worked on my like 8th try. No idea why but thank you for the reply.
Sure is me blog posting right now.
Did this and it started to download then said error after the bar filled. Not sure if this means I updated or not and I'm worried about hitting update again. Was I supposed to get an error or not?
Just tried Gunvolt and this game is so "weaksouce"
Asking again due to no answers.
Zinogre has to be my favorite monster. Shame they removed the Stygian subspecies. I loved how the great swords that are made from their parts expand
Sure, I don't see why not. Maybe the same region just to be sure. If you like Zelda puzzles and yelling at others it might be okay, but I didn't really enjoy it.
Is there a reason why you restore the health and safety warning at the end? I couldn't find the file to restore and other wise everything seems to be fine.
I am having some trouble making my own theme. I spent a few hours in GIMP getting the images I wanted to use. I got yata+ working on my pc, and I decided I was going to use an animated bottom screen to make it look like snow was falling over a static background. I made pic related, but when I install the theme on my 3ds it just jumps partially between frames while I scroll through the menu. Is there any way to make it jump completely from one picture to the next and put it on a timer? Just getting it to jump completely through frames would be acceptable actually.
Also, I've got a problem with my BGM. I keep getting a popup when I open the theme in yata+ saying "This theme has a bgm.bcstm file, but it doesn't have the 'use BGM' flag checked in the settings, the home menu won't load the music if you don't enable it." However, I can't find this fucking "use BGM" flag in theme settings for the life of me. I've spent more time looking for it than I care to admit, and I think I am probably missing something obvious.
No real reason expect to make it look legit.
Some Nintendo games are locked off multi if you don't have the latest update, the latest update of the game and if your access to eShop is blocked.
Then just get the latest update? Updates are also available as .cia.
What do you mean by that?
The only difference i can tell from low rank to high and G rank is the moveset.
If I want to update a game, I have to download and install the update, right? I can't just update it from the emuNAND?
Either go through the eShop, Freeshop, or download a CIA file.
Yeah, I know that. But there's still the eShop lock.
I don't mean the monsters themselves, though they don't even get their expanded moveset thanks to the lack of G, but the armour designs are what i'm referring to.
In 4U, each armour set, with few exceptions, has an alternate design for G-rank. Some even have new designs for High Rank. Generations cut all of these for some stupid reason. They also scrambled all the skillsets of the armours. Zinogre armour no longer gives bonuses to thunder attacks, and Rathian sets no longer give bonuses to fire attacks, making full sets pointless and inefficient. The only way to be succesful is to use clownsuits and mixing weapons for what gives the best raw stats.
I don't know how to help you out with the animation, but to find the use BGM flag just maximize the settings menu, it's hidden for who knows what reason and only shows up on the full window.
Why is Hyrule Warriors Legends the only game you can't get updates for through Freeshop?
How do I install Homebrew on my 10.7 3DS?
browserhax doesn't work, and I don't have powersaves.
Upgrade to a9lh
Read the guide
I got all 5 updates through it.
EU, not US, but they're there.
If you can't find an update on Freeshop, someone hasn't dumped the titlekey, so just go to 3DSISO and find it there.
I read the guide. I don't have any physical copies either.
Browserhax does not work (tells me I need to update my firmware in order to use the browser).
set your date to 1/1/2000 and your time to 00:00 and then clear the browser data quickly.
Thanks, it seems like a pretty bad idea to set it up like that. I never would have tried maximizing the popup.
that doesn't work (and I cleared browser data on 0:00).
You might need to be faster. It's not an instant popup, right? Set your clock back before trying again and then use the QR code to go to the webhax.
guys, I have luma3ds. what's the easiest way to roll with arm9l?
You should have about 10 seconds.
Only one of them will have the numbers folder you're looking for.
both have it. although one of these is 68mb the other 20gb in total
Each folder represents a different Nand's folder. They contain all the games and stuff you had installed on each of the NANDs. Were you using an emuNAND and unlinked your 2 NANDs before?
yes, the first one is probably my actual nand's information. i removed both and moved on, am installing luma now
It sometimes takes a few tries. Also I assume you didn't get a partial downgrade (you'd know if it crashed)
If it keeps happening just try reinstalling it I've had that fix it for me before.
You don't "install" browserhax as such, you mean themehax? I have definitely had to reinstall that a few times before it worked on one 3DS.
Sorry I for some reason read menuhax.
I really wish Nintendo didn't put a size limit on the bgm for themes.
Luma's overclocking is so good, it's awesome being able to actually play rayman 3D now, the horrible framerate killed it for me before
I hope someone finds a way of unlocking the FPS of MGS3D
anyone can help me run pcsx rearmed? i installed the cia of it and everytime i launch it it just crashes.
goddamit, why is retroarch so damn fucking retrorarded
bruh you are too slowpoke. we've been overclocking before luma back then with just ntr.
Do you have the ps1 BIOS in there?
I made the mistake of not following the scene for ages after installing the initial ironhax thing. When I came back there was like a hundred different options and I was completely bewildered
i don't and i don't know where to put it.
same thing happened to me, after I got emunand running with rxtools and reinand i stopped following the scene and when I came back, holyshit emunand was already outdated lol
I think it's stored in /retroarch/bios, but I've only really used retroarch on a raspberry pi before, it must say on google somewhere
i put bios in it and fucker still crashes. I fucking hate retroarch, why do people even like this junkware?
sadly all the psx emulation threads and search results are from 2014-2015. I have yet to see one running it with a9lh. Fucking hell psx emulation on 3ds became a taboo thing now?
Question: Is it safe to update enumand via its settings menu so I can play pokemon sun/moon when they come out?
As long as sysnand is untouched I can still add and play cias in emunand right?
Or will the current version fuck up the emunand in some way
its always safe to emunand to the latest version as long as your emunand and sysnand are unlinked.
And always make a backup of your emunand before you perform a system update on it.
Whew ok, thanks
I've been out of these threads for a bit and wasn't sure if the new updates had evolved to counteract the split in any way
why not upgrade to a9lh?
motherfuck, guess I gotta then
actually luma3ds is a stable emunand cfw. But you should really upgrade to a9lh. you'll thank yourself
If you upgrade to A9LH future updates for system firmware will be done exactly the same as on a legit system, there's basically no way for Nintendo to get you at that point from my understanding.
Sounds good, will do
So then multiplayer will work too?
I've played MonHun on it just fine, so yeah.
so what do I need now for gba? just install and play?(and lumasettings if it doesn't run)
If they're in .gba format, first you have to convert it to cia, which is probably the easiest of all VC injects because there are reliable, standalone tools for that. I won't spoodfeed you because I forget where I got them and I don't feel like searching. Then, just install and play.
Actually, that makes me wonder: has anyone set up an automated system for making VC injects for entire romsets and repacking them into an archive the same way they're typically shared?
Hey pal, it works on my machine
Wait, there is PSX emulation on 3DS?
Little question.
I'm on RX-E 10.7.0-32E and want to switch to something newer and safer, which is the best option - Directly upgrade from RXTools to Luma, or going through A9LH ? And which guide is the best to follow ?
Upgrade to Luma and then follow the guide for a9lhax
So, if I understood correctly, CuckTemp's tutorial for going from RXTools to Luma, then the part 3 of Phailect's guide ? Or did I miss something ?
The op tells you how to switch cfw
You can skip to part 3 of phailect if you have n3ds @ 9.2.0
Okay, thanks for the confirmation. Time to work.
No prob
so I'm reading the new mario party got rid of the vehicles, instead, for save time player roll their dice and move on the board at the same time. I'm ok with this. unfortunately still no online
There will never be an online mario party by nintendo. They are too lazy People would ragequit at turn 19 if they are losing.
Anyways, I am retarded, how does HTTpwn works and how can I use it? Currently at 11.0 and don't want to lose access to homebrew (this 3ds is not my pirate vidya yar yar 3ds, it only has homebrew) but I want to go online in other games.
Homebrew works for v11.1 too
I thought browserhax and menuhax didn't work on 11.1.
i got it working too, i just did a little mistake.
boy, its slow as fuck, as expected from retroshit. Why even bother, Retroshit requires $10000 PC to run games at full speed because of its fancy gay shit settings.
The payload for homebrew launcher has been updated for v11.1
I'm pretty sure it'll work.
It's slow because it's running on a 3ds
Calm down user. Drink some tea or something
yeah sadly not even n3ds can handle it. I would love me some tea.
can the 3DS run dosbox?
Sup guys.
It's me, the SMT undubber guy.
Some of you may know that Final Fantasy Theatrhythm Curtain Call had a lot of DLC.
One of that DLC was a character called Krile, which for inexplicable reasons was Japan exclusive.
Well, no longer.
I fucked around with JP DLC files and manged to port her into the US DLC, pic related.
I'll upload full DLC pack with Krile included once I repack it in a cleaner way and encrypt the CIA for maximum compatibility.
You're doing Gods work, user.
God damnit I love you undub user.
N3DS can.
dumb question, is apocalypse just smt iv with all the dlc?
That's a very dumb question.
The answer is no. Mostly same gameplay, whole different story.
As a nice trivia, the character sprites in Curtain Call are actually extremely high res for a fucking 3DS game.
Pic related.
No, it's a full fledged sequel.
Think like Final Fantasy X-2 was to X, or XIII-2 was to XIII, or Lightning Returns to XIII-2.
That kind of deal.
They really fucked up with the naming because I've already seen a fuckton of people assuming that Apocalypse is just a re-release rather than a new game, and you're next one to be added to that list.
just thought they might have decided to mimic capcom and their several releases of sf4
can you properly undub dual destinies? i want them shouting "igiari" instead of "objection"
Don't take it personally but I mentioned many times I don't take requests, sorry man.
Also I'm way too used to the AA localization to undub it, even if I did rather enjoy the anime in Jap.
Then set this user up with the tools to do it himself
i enjoyed the original localization's dubbing but when they used new voice actors starting dual destinies, I didn't like it. What the fuck is wrong with Americans? Why do they never respect the characters? In Japan Seiyus are really important and they stick to the character they voice to please the fans. Man fuck this shit
i just want my friend to enjoy the wonders of piracy
Learn to sodder
why is he on 11.1?
He had to buy a new 3DS recently.
anyone know where I can get button replacements for black o3ds? my brother plays a little too rough and the dpad has started to peel and the x feels funny
SMT4:A is an alternate reality kind of sequel to SMT4 it's set in the same universe but a completely different game.