Why are we assholes when we are young?
I was 15
I like to hurt others because i'm hurt myself and i can't cope with it, i get some sort of satisfaction or placebo effect from being mean to others and and distance myself from them. I hate myself.
I can understand being like that when you're below 12, but at 15 you should know how to act.
Anyway, the only time I can remember being a shitter is when I got extremely pissed while playing Spyro at about 8. I threw the controller at the wall causing it to shatter. My dad kept getting me new controllers.
Not my proudest moments of life.
I can't blame OP. He asked for a specific game and his father ignored his wish. Like, fuck what you want, you will play what I want you to. Serious dick move.
My parents never got me any birthday presents…
You were lucky, i got shit presents up to when i was like 12 and had to pretend i liked them.
I remember this one time my dad had just gotten an LCD tv. I got drunk that night with some friends and tossed around a frisbee inside we broke it, I was 20, he kicked my ass as deserved
Kids are awful terrible people.
They have never experienced pain of any kind, and therefore have zero empathy. So im guessing op was pretty damn spoiled.
So either be the change you need in you, or seek help. Most people who hurt others are usually self obsessed narcissists, that can't see anything that isn't them
You were a terrible child
I'm 24, living on my own and I still get presents from my parents. My mom even still bakes me a cake with candles and a card and shit. I'll always go home the weekend closest to after my birthday so my parents can celebrate. It makes my mom so happy, it great
I'm 20 and still get gift
This. Way better than MC
My dad knows what's up. If only my sister took dad's advice more she would be a lot happier in life.
That day wasn't so bad.
oh yeah?
I hate the past
Don't let your family go, especially if they support you however you are.
Sage for not video games and blogpost
i'm so sorry man
At least you had a father that wanted to play games with you, OP.
Nah, fifteen is full blown haywire teenager mode, it's way worse than brat age.
I'm assuming they're not poor? They at least have some sort of celebration, right?
Only for degenerates like yourself. I grew up when I was 15.
user, if you think you're as mature now as you were at 15, you might be more emotionally unstable than your average woman.
My dad hates video games. The only one he's ever really liked was River Raid for Atari 2600. The only game I could get him to play with me was Mario but he even hated doing that. He said the music and sounds annoy him.
I have no presents from my parents
Dude, you have to go back and play that game with your dad. It's one of the best games on the SNES.
My stepfather hated me and my video game habit when I was young. When I was 10 he took a hammer to my gb sp. And when I was 15 he took my gamecube, ps3, wii, and psp, and ds and sold it on ebay. Between that time he would take away my games whenever he felt like it. Didn't close the pantry door all the way? Threw out one of your test scores? Hiding porn on your computer? Gimme them vidyas boy. Not to mention all the beatings and daily verbal abuse calling me worthless or good for nothing almost everyday. I got kicked out of his house when I was 16 to go live with my grandma.
My mom allowed it because she has no backbone.
I could blame him for my drug abuse in the past but I'd rather not give him the satisfaction. I liked doing the drugs anyhow. Anyways, vidya was hard to play growing up
No it's just you faggot. My mom got me the best and dankest fucking games and we played them together all the time and I loved it.
Your family sounds great user.
Real answer, it's because as kids we usually have little to no perspective on reality beyond what our parents tell us, at least in the US. So you do dumb shit not understanding why it's dumb until later.
What I'm saying is don't beat yourself up for past mistakes. It's no longer a mistake if you learned from it and moved on.
You missed this bit:
It might not be that bad. His dad could just be black.
Imagine having a father that never played any game.
The only games my Dad ever liked were NES Top Gun, SNES Tecmo Super Bowl, and Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball.
Playing against him was fun though.
You dumb fucking casual. This is why I don't spend time with you !
I don't habeeb it.
Maybe his dad is Bill Cosby.
euthanasia laws can't come soon enough
God damn it OP, at 15 my dad was telling me why didn't I get a part time job instead of wasting my time with the computer
I was well aware of how much of an asshole I was when I was a teenager. I hated it so much. It's was a constant rotation of me not knowing I'm being an ass and then me figuring out just how much of an ass I was being.
It never occurred to my selfish younger self how costly those hospital bills and doctor's visits were. I wish I could have better appreciated what they gave me
theres nothing to appreciate there. they were trying to kill you with boredom.
Could have asked for some books if money was a problem.
I temember that day like it was yesterday. The cringyness haunts me to this day. It was granpa's way of connecting with his grandson. He was a simple man, who raised his kids on the field. Dad has stories of waking up before sunrise to milk cows before getting ready for school. What must have he thought when he saw me having that reaction?
If anything that served as a lesson on empathy and respect for elders.
I temember that day like it was yesterday. The cringyness haunts me to this day. It was granpa's way of connecting with his grandson. He was a simple man, who raised his kids on the field. Dad has stories of waking up before sunrise to milk cows before getting ready for school. What must have he thought when he saw me having that reaction?
If anything that served as a lesson on empathy and respect for elders. Also, as some extra weight to the responsibility of keeping the family business going.
It was just you OP, nice blog.
I temember that day like it was yesterday. The cringyness haunts me to this day. It was granpa's way of connecting with his grandson. He was a simple man, who raised his kids on the field. Dad has stories of waking up before sunrise to milk cows before getting ready for school. What must have he thought when he saw me having that reaction?
If anything that served as a lesson on empathy and respect for elders.
I forgot to add he is also a balding virgin who has not artistically improved in 22 years despite my attempts to teach him tips and skills which he summarily ignores
I temember that day like it was yesterday. The cringyness haunts me to this day. It was granpa's way of connecting with his grandson. He was a simple man, who raised his kids on the field. Dad has stories of waking up before sunrise to milk cows before getting ready for school. What must have he thought when he saw me having that reaction?
If anything that served as a lesson on empathy and respect for elders.
I temember that day like it was yesterday. The cringyness haunts me to this day. It was granpa's way of connecting with his grandson. He was a simple man, who raised his kids on the field. Dad has stories of waking up before sunrise to milk cows before getting ready for school. What must have he thought when he saw me having that reaction?
If anything that served as a lesson on empathy and respect for elders.
Doesn't help that he died
That's right user, be jealous my parents are great, raised me great and love the fuck out of me. I couldn't even imagine better parents.
It's just you, faggot.
Speak for yourself
user, you don't have to be fully mature at 15 to not be a raving faggot cunt.
For myself, my teenage years were the calmest really. Especially since I had a nice strong outlet for my interests in CAP.
Definitely wasn't some rude asshole, that's for sure.
Why did you asked for Maximum Carnage? That was shit.
Ever since then, I cannot help it but picture my then 50 year old mom yelling "GIT GUD, FAGGOT!" to the screen.
I never stopped being an asshole and I beat myself for it every day. I just can't stop and usually don't realize it until it's too late.
How disgusting.
That's not how pennitence works nigga.
You're supposed to do that only when you've failed God.
My dad used to play a lot more games, but I'm glad that I made the memories with him that I did. I want to show him new games, but everything nowadays sucks ass or isn't really the kind of game he would like. I want to build him a cheap gaymen PC and play older games that we never got around to that he would probably like, but neither of us have time anymore.
I hope that when I have kids, if ever, I'm able to get my father to play some games with us like he did with me and my grandfather. We played so much Perfect Dark and Mario Kart….I miss those days.
all me xD
love you mom and dad
I temember that day like it was yesterday. The cringyness haunts me to this day. It was granpa's way of connecting with his grandson. He was a simple man, who raised his kids on the field. Dad has stories of waking up before sunrise to milk cows before getting ready for school. What must have he thought when he saw me having that reaction?
If anything that served as a lesson on empathy and respect for elders.
Have you apologized to him, user? Are you able to?
Don't feel bad, Blizzard pretty much killed the franchise by making it an inside joke in OW
Would you guys recommend me this to play it with my millenial brother? He kinda sucks at retro vidya.
make him git gud
Reddit normalfag fuck off, you brother is a hero who has life down while work for the (((Jew))))
That is not how you use echoes
Pissoff commie.
If he got autismbux that might be the case but it absolutely isn't. All he does is edit TV Tropes and watch hot garbage turbocucks like "Spoony" ,"Todd in the Shadows", and that overweight fedora loving manchild, "Linkara". All day long.
What do I do anons? I feel like I'm about to cry everytime I go there because he keeps telling me the same stories over and over while I'm there. And saying how proud he is now that I graduated college.
My parents bought me a ps1 but tried to cut corners by buying pirated games. Of course, none of them worked because piracy was shit back in the mid-90's. Only christmas i cried.
fuck off Holla Forumstard
You know your on 8/v/ the gamergate Holla Forums that hates the SJW and the left faggot.
We are all Holla Forums here.
shut up nerd
This is why we can't have nice things
the funniest part is though, that I had a 3ds when I was 14 and I was old enough to post on here a year ago
FUCK YOU COPY AND PASTE (I copied it from a word doc)
well this fucking reeks like reddit
I'm sorry he isn't yours, user.
lol fag
Mark is that you?
One day my mum went to a local Best Buy to get me something for my birthday. She asked a store employee what the "best game" was.
I got this for my birthday.
I still want to hunt this guy down and suck his dick.
You know what to do
Either your dad fucked up or got scammed by a happy merchant
Lost Vikings is a one player game as far as i remember
There where no shortage of 2 player Beat-em ups back in te day
Braknickle, Final FIght, TMNT… he should have gotten you one of those instead…
That said
I fucking love lost Vikings and it breaks my heart know this game is never ever coming back
The memories are from such a different time that I sometimes wonder if it's really mine.
Also OP is a massive faglord, Lost Vikings was fucking awesome.