Other urls found in this thread:
The joke is that he's pretending his son is alive
So this kid of his made it past scrambled red goo into B^U.
The real question is which fate is worse.
none of it makes sense
Did Tamers actually make this one?
Wait, so did a robot actually kill his wife IRL?
Here you go, my man
I want to believe he's faking it, but he's created just so much shit and for so long that I am constantly conflicted.
Hi, faggot.
Tim's kid looks like he has Downes' Syndrome.
Tamers is my autistic hero
This comics are gonna be a lot funnier if Trump wins the election
His wife in the comic was based on an ex gf that left him after loss.jpg, no clue if he actually got another poison womb
His arts finally begun to get better. Good job Fuckley.
He's only been doing this for 15 years.
Wasn't there a comic with the exact same joke as this one, only the dream sequence was gears of war, and the parent wakes up, screaming "MY IMMERSION!" Because I remember seeing a webcomic like that a long time ago.
Can you imagine how fucking pathetic this must look to her?
Oh, my ex boyfriend write a shitty webcomic about how awesome he is and we have a kid together
Yeah mom, I did file the paperwork with the police
Did cuckley just rip off this comic?
I think its one of those things that can be applied to anything, its probably even an old sticke but people are literally retarded and never look anything up themselves.
Tim Buckley has an inaccurate self-image.
That's Holla Forums for ya.
is nobody going to make the fucking edit?
we're 30 replies in, come the fuck on, if you're going to turn the board into Holla Forums with these cancer threads, at least have the fucking decency of starting them with the edit on the 2nd or 3rd post.
Why does that kid look tired
Every time my sisters woke me up because of that reason they were wide awake and didn't look tired at all
This good?
Holy shit did they do that on purpose?
It's beautiful
It's too similar to be just on accident.
Nigger it only says cuck two times. Stop being a beta.
no you dips, you're supposed to edit the comic in the OP to shape it into loss.
it even has a panel of someone in a bed, come on people
god it's like i'm browsing a mixture of Holla Forums and reddit
What if I don't want to?
Also, is the fact I got the artist for the LoK comics mad at me LOL worthy?
You are.
Without eugenics: you will always fail.
Of course he is faking it, but someone that pretends for this long is just as bad as someone that does it unironically
Making a loss out of every CAD comic is good, but i prefer the shortened versions of the comics to make the quantity of WORDSWORDSWORDSWORDS be smaller
the underlying point screams "cuck" as loudly as an SJW screams "sexism!" at Street Fighter or Senran Kagura
fuck, meant to say nice
It's that time again
that's a big dog
The fuck? Does the dog have shoes?
probably to protect against broken glass on the ground and shit
More likely not to step into any mudslimes.
This is hardly an improvement
Manlets. When will they ever learn?
but you're supposed to step on mudslimes.
but yeah not with bare feet
Yeah no shit
These are neither funny, disgusting or infuriating or even memorable for their autistic shit. I feel absolutely nothing
does anybody remember that one comic site with red in its title, usually had Holla Forums kinda topics
I used to have it saved but lost it somehow
Sage because not vidya, but since it's a lol thread someone might know
Was it Holla Forums?
every time i see those schmorky comics i remember that he dated a "trans" girl (aka a girl with short hair) and she was shriller and more annoying than any of his self inserts ever were
What the fuck was that? did he realize he is unfunny?
Whoops, meant to quote
You are an utter failure.
This, thanks a ton it's been driving me nuts
what in the mother of fuck
not important but interesting:
"dick" is not a short for Richard.
"dick" is a short for detective, dick tracy was called a dick because he was Detective Tracy, not richard tracy.
just like the subtitle of Duckman (the show) is Family Dick, because he's a detective.
How about this one?
detective grayson?
It means he's fat, nigga.
>Thinking Holla Forums can out lol the comics industry
Being both a social sciences bachellor and a libertine I know what most of these words mean, but I still don't understand what the fuck they're trying to identify themselves as.
Which is kind of amazing, really.
Riddly's a fucking shit actor anyway
Why does Miss Marvel look black? Wasn't she Arab?
please don't tell me this fuckup had offspring
Not even sympathy for the mother?
The full context is even more lolworthy.
arabs aren't progressive enough, she has to be black
but what if i relate to the crazy pathological white supremacists??
fuggen raciss cops
we need mo money fo dem programs
can someone post that image of all the american genders you guys have with the faggots on each one? i wanna show it to my friend, he doesn't believe it.
I intend to have them before I turn 29.
I'm a pretty smart guy.
First-world birth rates are declining, the real cause of overpopulation is africa. (althought asia is a bigger contributor, at least they produce something, and their birth rates are also dropping) If we glass africa a large portion of our world population (and the fastest growing population) would cease to exist.
I fucking hate Disney and Marvel
That shit isn't exclusive to america.
Unless by american genders you mean one who identifies as freedom with the pronouns gun, burger & clap.
I, for one, would love to have an entire house full of little German girls.
Kill yourself for liking CAD and B^Uckly, faggot.
Yup. Surprisingly, he's still married.
The kid was black, if anything shooting the kid would have been better for society. Don't compare blacks to apes. It's disrespectful to the apes.
Ahmed please go and stay go.
Am I literally the only person who thinks that this shit has the lowest quality art in any popular VN? It's like they deliberately choose to use every negative proportion and feature that can possibly show up on a child's face. I can't even look at that shit too long.
not bad
That rustles me way more than any of the gore I've ever seen.
who the fuck keeps shitting out these hamfisted teenaged hero teams anyway?
how many of them have started beating up anti-SJW strawmen like she-Thor?
but why
I dig different art styles, it's one of the best things about 2D.
Moon boy is now Moon Girl.
Fuck and Devil Dinosaur was one of Kirby's best fucking works. New Gods stands above everything else in the medium, though.
you know the answer is jews, user
And no longer a cute monkey in cave man times, but a modern perky young nigger child w/ attitude
Comic books were always Jewish.
Moon boy looks like some sort of ape
guess the change isn't all that big, they just changed the gender
Well I mean Devil Dinosaur himself is still a dinosaur
Moon Boy however is now Moon Girl
which means they went from a primitive ape-man child to a young black girl
if I wasn't emotionally attached to the series I'd be laughing my ass off at that alone
don't be a baconphobe, that's so unprogreasive
how the fuck is she even supposed to fit that fucking kinky-ass afro into the helmet
No in this context it would be a vegephobe, despite her eating meat.
Are you also a fan of DC comics? Because they've got their share of problems, too. Though, they do at least have a lot less of it than Marvel does at the moment.
why even draw that on, that's disgusting
the art looks like what would happen if Bogleech didn't busy himself with decent creepy art
Different guy, but yes, not even sympathy for the mother.
It's said that the job of the parent is to keep kids off the pole, but they should also keep them from acting like faggots.
because muh vagina, didn't you read?
At least East of West is still redpilled.
Fuck the (((Chosen))).
This is why the Japanese comic book industry is superior.
I'll see your Araki, and raise you Tartakovsky.
I want to fuck Johnny.
That's some fly ass shit, nigga.
None of this fucking happens at all.
That board is a fucking disgrace.
I am morally obligated to post this.
Low test fag
Implying those features and proportions aren't what truly make lolis so great.
San fran faggots confirmed for having small cocks
Why does everything need to be propaganda with the infographic fags on Holla Forums?
Why can't TFA just go down as a fucking disappointment of a Star Wars movie?
Also, Crossguard Lightsaber faggot looks like a fucking faggot, wouldn't Holla Forums be cheering for a major film having such a fruit as the villain?
Because he's not supposed to be a fag, he's supposed to be a basement dweller nerd darth vader fanboy.
>tfw you realize the average person is 5'9, has an IQ of 100, weights almost 200 poinds, and has a
Every white male in the movie is either evil or dies.
That cross-guard lightsabre is by far the stupidest thing I've ever seen out of an entire extended universe of stupid things.
Last time I checked, everyone aside from clones who died in Star Wars was either criminal scum or died fighting the bad guys, so I really don't get how that's significant.
Of course, I didn't see the movie due to not wanting to give Jew Jew Abrams my money, so I don't know shit about TFA beyond it being disgraceful
Poe's law
How the hell does that beat out "Men who wear lobster armor and throw bags of snakes at jedi"
totally not propaganda guys nothing to see here
Why is it the stupidest thing?
Pretty sure Holla Forums hates fags too.
The only two morally good white men die. Every other white man is an Imperial officer. Kylo Ren and the fag (((white))) pilot are jews.
It reduces the freedom of motion of the wielder by half a foot on each side.
because a guard on a lightsaber doesn't work unless the guard is made of the energy bit
having metal extend sideways, and training yourself to guard with it, is asking to have your weapon destroyed and your arms lopped off
Yes, but that's the sacrifice you make when adding a crossguard
but honestly though the way to fix the cross guard is to have metal bits under the energy cross guard to protect your hands from getting lopped off if your grip slips (pic related)
The guard is made of the energy bit.
Hence why they would be cheering, since they seem to consider "antagonist role played by member of demographic" to be the same as "demonized," despite the fact that the villains were always the best part of Star Wars
Again, I wouldn't know since I didn't give Jew Jew Abrams any of my money, nor did I waste 2 hours watching a movie I know I would hate.
For people against cuckdom, you sure know an awful lot about black cocks.
It was on Holla Forums you double nigger, where did you think he got it from?
What and said and additionally because there are pre-existing, in universe materials that can resist lightsabre blades. The cross-guards are purely a looks """"cool"""" but thoughtless flourish from lens flare man, just like everything else he does.
Yeah, they tend more to storytime weird bullshit like this.
you got to be more specific then that
I'm shit with art but here's my point
Fuck off Common Filth Cultist.
Yeah, you're thinking of the Alt-Right.
Being called "transphobic" is supposed to be an bad, but it's literally just someone calling you "sane"
You know,there it was a LOL thread on Holla Forums that had a pretty similar thing from the same tranny (yeah tranny reuses ideas gee what a surprise),It was like a lizard-human thingie telling trannies that they're mentally defective. and people on Holla Forums made porn of it,pretty good if I say myself
Does this tranny knows what Poe's law is?
Dumping Richard Spencers
Is this some dank new meme?
Also, whoever made the fuckin' neato edit fucked up and should kill themselves.
great choice in reaction images user
"A child deserves several fathers and about a dozen mothers"
That's bretty gud
trying to wear a hitler youth cut in his late 30's smh
Can women honestly not handle more than that?
do you really need to ask?
No, these are ageless aeons old.
Even Satan knows you're a cuck, Tricky Dick "Strick in your Prick" Spencer.
What are you, some fag that likes girls?
what the fuck is that from?
According to my Japanese animes women can handle something up to and surpassing the length and girth of a fire hydrant.
That last page exemplifies exactly how I look at Marvel.
A girl version of The Vision.
An Asian version of The Hulk.
A Mexican version of Nova.
A Paki version of Ms.Marvel
And a black version of Spider-man
Pulling out their phones and fucking tweeting.
She's not just a young black girl
They made it canon she was the smartest person in the Marvel Universe
I'm saving this for future use.
Wait, they let someone talk sense in a comic book? Or is this one of those "the villain says the truth but gets beaten anyway" things like the Red Skull?
I'm losing track of reality here
Find me the Faggots of Wisdom and Courage!
Is a three spirit a Yuri unit or something? I feel like I can get behind that.
they changed it
I need this in my vidya.
I was waiting for that
old one, for reference
Who the fuck cares about women breastfeeding?
Honestly it's the left at this point who would be against breastfeeding because muh freedom to not be a mother
is that hathor
it's been years since I saw that shit
Couldn't she just turn around or something?
Eh. Not nearly as disgusting as usual.
Faggots actually believe this
do you faggots have to post the same 10 images literally every time this thread comes up?
Ο Θεός θέλει τον πόλεμο
At least jack is back.
Oh you keep telling yourself that.
These days being a starwars fan is true suffering
What exactly is this Webm about?
>tfw above average in 3 technically 2 of the 4
feels semi-decent.
Guy rejects proposal to acknowledge made up genders?
No wonder I'm so self-satisfied. Thank you for fueling my feelings of superiority, user.
6'4" and at 180. Skinnymuscle
Shamefur dispray.
It's not my fault she doesn't know how to diet properly
Impossible for a woman above the age of 18 nowadays ;^)
Who makes fun of a guy for crying? What is this, elementary school?
Shouldn't have proposed to non-blacks ;^)
Good riddance. Fags who kill themselves over bullying deserve it.
His parents shouldn't have gotten into the financial situation in the first place if the didn't deserve to be there. 2-3 people working on minimum wage is above the poverty line for a family of like 6. Also why is it an outline of a 6 year old.
He should learn to fight back.
third image
Unless you're horribly disfigured, you will always feel bad for being female. That's what your period is.
How about you just DON'T LISTEN? Or are you just that psychologically depraved that you can't just not listen (or you have to make up some excuse for yourself like "oh the people telling me I'm a fatass are so insecure")
Just don't listen and don't think about those people.
Face it, being gay is an outlier, it's statistically less probable than being straight (well, not if we continue to pump xeneostrogens in our water) and it will always be weird.
>third pic
I'd fuck the second one, but that's only because I am already buffer than she is.
That webm reminds me?
Does anyone have the hotdogs, horseshoes, and handgrenades polygon webm where the guy get PTSD for firing a virtual gun?
Dick is short for Richard you fucking retard, same words can mean diffrent things you fucking Tyke.
Really makes you think.
Really makes you think.
Really makes you think.
Just because he fights batman every now and again doesn't make him a villain. Anti-hero is much closer to reality with im.
I'd take that over a tranny.
These are the "hostess fruit pie" comics of degeneracy. All of the fucking product placement.
Clearly JJ snuck in a redpill at the end of the movie. Can we all agree he's based as fuck now?
Weirdly enough, I know far too many people who are against breastfeeding.
All studies point towards breastfeeding being much healthier for the child.
Does anyone have the porn edit of the 1st pic?
I only saw it once the kids are fucking the girl and the mom is masturbating to it.
Why would anyone be this person's friend?
Here's how I imagine that comic got made:
This reeks of lesbian.
I don't know what autistic dimension you live in, but here in the real world, Dick is short for Richard.
eltonel truly is a god among men
Superheroines who actually have powers, like Supergirl, wouldn't need to be anything like the chick on the right.
Also they already portray girls like Batwoman and Batgirl as the "reality".
That said, fitness models disprove that, as many of those fitness models are strong as fucking shit.
So. This is what it looks like when humor becomes too problematic.
Everyone I know doesn't have any strong opinions one way or another aside from keeping that shit private.
This shit right here is why I hate the faggots from Holla Forums who make infographics like I was originally complaining about.
Niggers are so obsessed with the tiny details that they lose sight of what's important.
With TFA, the important thing is that it shits on Star Wars as a property and it's a fucking terrible movie, as evidenced by the most memorable character being a fucking stormtrooper who shows up in one scene.
Yeah, it's almost like physical attractiveness and natty strength are directly correlated.
Most working dogs do wear shoes of some kind.
We also use a product called mushers wax and hardpad to help keep feet tough. But for example if I'm doing search and remains recovering in an earthquake zone, or even in a thick debris field from a large airliner I have working shoes on my canine.
I like the leather kind that mold to their paws through use. You just have to be mindful of overheating the dog while booted since they do sweat through their paw pads.
No bully. I topped out at 5'8" but I'm /fit/ like a buttplug. Nobody can into my center of gravy.
I can appreciate that Shen isn't a total retard. He comes off as being very neutral in the most neutral of terms.
So what's the deal with Milo? All I know is he's a massive faggot who's pro-Trump.
This is so fuckin pathetic, holy shit.
Race mixing Jew faggot who's trying to stem the rising tide of white nationalism.
Because he's fucking a black dude?
You know there's no chance Milo will get pregnant, right?
But he's a faggot, men don't get pregnant
Probably because he likes nigger dick so much.
Actually it is because he is a Jew.
Nigga, are you really trying to say that men could get pregnant? Like, go ahead and go on record here "I think men could become pregnant." Do it.
Milo is just another hipster celebrity wannabe, the only difference is that he stands on the right.
because it will cut your fucking hand off.
I recognize those sexualities
Does anyone have that screencap of the cuckchan poster who believed that No Man's Sky was going to be incredible and that he'd be able to be the leader of a group of space mafiosos?
I hate to break it to you, but studies show that even the chick on the right is only about as strong as your average male cubicle jockey.
the top 10% of female athletes are as strong as the median male non-athlete.
but i take your point that a healthy active woman doesn't look like a bodybuilder.
oh yeah, and he was really into videogames too i buy it.
that jew faggot just picks whatever current position will get him shekels.
he "raised" 120k for college scholarships that went straight into his personal bank account and then up his nose.
научис писать дурак
We know Milo is trans. He could have just been male presenting, while having a jewjina the whole time.
Bump and reported for being Holla Forums.
Kill yourself NOW. You’re not worth the future.
Now that's funny.
I forgot about that.
The single redeeming quality of leftism is the narcissism. One of the largest records of data in modern times is a full biography, location database, and image telemetry for EVERY SINGLE FAGGOT AND LEFTIST ON EARTH because now that they’re not afraid to “out” themselves, they can be found and dealt with all the more swiftly.
What's the urge behind that? They can't have children so they never invest in anything besides themselves?
Where's the plot for average male?
They separated female athletes from the average female, why can't they do the same for male athletes and average men?
I want to get off this ride.
Seriously, and I mean this in a nice way, move back to Africa and use that slight bit of self awareness to become a king. All you need to do is save up for a couple months and you could buy your own death squad in the western coast.
Good, she needs to lose some weight.
Virgins don’t act like sluts. She’s a slut.
And he’d just punch you for making fun of him anyway.
Yeah, because he’s poor. SO?
Same with the crying man. You don’t mock the elderly.
So he’s used to it.
But then I'd be in Africa.
You deserve mockery.
You deserve mockery.
That may well be it, actually. Even the straight leftists don’t have kids. Even if nothing was going to change, they’d breed themselves out of the gene pool entirely in only 40-60 years from now. Luckily we’ll be taking things back before that, anyway.
I’ve also read that the kikes’ forced dune coon invasion of Europe partially plays upon the leftist female’s psychological desire for children–taken from her by forced labor instead of being a homemaker and mother–supplanted with the “poor” “defenseless” “innocent” “refugees”.
Clearly you haven't seen the whipsabers.
what the fuck?? why are you channers making fun of these people??
what did they ever do to you fucking neckbeards
That's the point. It's sex product advertisement.
my fucking god
Why they consider her dead but only alive in pr0ns
You're a hottie, whore yourself
That's exactly what loss threads are.
grim reality and feels coming up
this isn't feels, this is hope
Nobody wants to live near niggers. Not even black people.
someone pick one of these and i'll dump it
А ну, чики-брики и в дамки!
marisa is looks pretty cute
you got it
ah, that ones in reverse order, sorry about that
just pretend you're japanese and read the other way like how you read the actual text
This is actually a good one
thanks user!
no its not, it misses the point of video games and words words words.
He's an AfD Party member The AfD is basically very fast growing right wing Party in Germany, actually had higher growth than even NSDAP who rejected tranny shit
Yep, typical Holla Forumslack.
The third and fourth please.
Sorry I'm late user, I hope you're still around
The other one you were asking for is over on /h/,
i thought it autoconverted Holla Forums links, oh well
hint: you even get paid for doing it