MOBA Required. MMORPG Required. CARD GAME Required. CONSOLE FAGGOT SHIT Required. WHATEVER TF2 CATEGORY IS CALLED Required. EARLY ACCESS Required. DLC Required. MARKETING 90% OF THE BUDGET Required. PAID STREAMERS AKA SHILLS Required. UNPAID DEFENSE DRONES Required. There, create your own "unique experience" in those class of games and you have every fucking company now kiking out the industry and making drones. Hell, even every major company has fucking 100s even 1000s of cucks dedicated to making these shitty games. How the hell do we burn down this fucker so out of the ashes GOOD FUCKING GAMES can be made again, how many people do we have to slaughter?
MY BODY IS READY I have been playing single player games post 2009ish for over a year, best decision of my life
Asher Nguyen
Have you tried playing IRL?
Anthony Robinson
Make your own games.
Jose Evans
Just been playing through Dragon Quest V, EYE and Marble Blast Ultra.
Ayden Thomas
I don't think you really understand "Just make your own game" is how it work and fixes everything. I agree, and have been for awhile, but come on man. You can only kill one person with one bullet maybe 3 if you are lucky.
Nathan Sanders
You simply don't do anything. You either play the older gems or just switch to another hobby till you find a gem in the sea of piss. Have you tried reading books of your interest?
Luis Foster
Define what a MOBA is
Joshua Taylor
I am just using the general term to describe dota2, LoL, Blizzards shit attempt, Smite muh 3d. Its a pre fucking requirement for all these companies to have variations of these styles of games to make their shekels.
No, I refuse to do nothing. I am even willing to burn down fucking modern video game outlets. They need to fuck off, fucking kikes.
Carson Morris
5v5 garbage that has no depth when played 1v1
Levi Powell
That's not even the general term, just say Aeon of Strife clone.
Lucas Evans
Oh sorry, I mean ASSFAGGOTS.
James Collins
CRAPCUNTS Cartoony Roster of Assorted Player Character-Underpinned Netplay Team Shooters
Kevin Watson
Stop pirating games. Start buying the games doing it right. If you pirate good games doing it right you only have yourself to blame.
Christian Gonzalez
Name five games right now worth buying, not through Steam, EA, Uplay, Console shit, or Blizzard? Cool.
Holy fuck I love it.
Chase Cook
Multiplayer is for underage faggots using "games" as an excuse vehicle for socializing. Game developers tailor their shit to this audience now. Sadly single player now gets shit up by YouTube faggotry, where wannabe e-celebs use the campaign as excuse to attentionwhore for money and game developers tailor to that now, too. Both audiences don't have any interest in video games.
Matthew Wilson
I am aware, it is everything surround said product that gets the attention.
Dominic Nguyen
Chase Lopez
You're being such an insufferable faggot you almost make me want to sympathise with the state of the industry.
James Lewis
But what about GOOD multiplayer games like UT and SupCom? Are they trash just because they are tailored for pvp?
Colton Scott
Kill yourself.
No, not all, and I use to play UT and some RTS via LAN when I was younger. But my friends werent faggots.
Charles Campbell
Underrail, Xenonauts, The Witcher 3, Legend of Grimrock, Hotline Miami
But you are right video games as a whole is pretty sub par today. It's mostly flawed indie games and the rare AA/AAA that are worth playing.