I'm a programmer and my sister is an excellent artist

I'm a programmer and my sister is an excellent artist.
What genre that isn't a VN could I make a game for with this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Make a VN about incest, faggot.

A VN about a video game programmer and his artist sister that ends in them fucking

Make an idle game, they're popular these days.


Make a VN where you discover your sister drawing lewd of you so then you end up doing the lewd



Make a roguelike crafting survival simulator with zombies.

As much as I hate you, I still hate you less than
Nobody cares about your shitty japanese wrestling fatties, stop posting them


2D Metroidvania.

If she can't animate for shit, VN about incest is the best way to go.

VN about a video game developer asking about what game to make on an anonymous internet forum, getting told to make a VN about him fucking his sister and in the end deciding to just fuck his sister.

Can she animate?
Cause you could do a 2D action game if that's the case.

Can she draw elaborate scenes?
Adventure game.

etc, etc

Make a 2d Turn-based strategy game.
Use simple sprites for units and portraits instead of animations. If you're interested I'll be your musicfag.


RPGMaker incest porn games aren't technically VNs.

Post your sister's art.


Ayy, that's pretty good.
make a strategy game of some kind


make a cowboy game

2d turn based strategy.
If you make a good Heroes of Might and Magic knockoff you'll have an actual paying audience.

Make a VN strategy hybrid, like KoDP.

OP you should have said brother or buddy if you wanted actual replies

Anyways if you can into art and programming then you're fine on everything except music/rhythm games. Do whatever you both want to work on, given that its well within the limits of your talents.

Have you considered cutting out the middle man and just ask your sister to fuck?

I'd love to see some wincest drawn like that.

The only good VNs I've played were Policenauts and Snatcher
And I am not that good at writing or art
Why even waste my time

I'll probably remake the thread in a few days with this

Strategu games like Kichikuou Rance
Now let's get serious:
There you go.

Post pics of your sister so that we can verify whether or not you're full of shit so that we don't waste time helping you. Also, I need some new spank material.

How good are you at programming games? Have you made any?

If your country doesn't ban loli porn, you can waste 2h and finish Saya No Uta. It is great, besides loli porn being so much in your face that is.

Make your sister do the art, then make sure you have some interesting idea and no grammar mistakes. Most people who play it really doesn't require masterful writing.


Seems interesting, I'll play your suggestion and see if I can come up with something

Not very, I've done a bunch of small prototypes but none of them ever got to the point of being good or enjoyable to play because I usually stopped after very short time
This was mostly because I just can't make assets that aren't GUIs

I'm not even sure if you're serious

You need to fuck your sister while you’re working on the project.

Ok I am not good with this english thing.
Just draw anything. The worst part of Saya no Uta was loli porn.

However my main point was you don't need to be great writer in these games. Just get some good idea for a story and write it decently.

Show us pictures of your sister.

Also, have your sister draw herself getting fucked by 4 different dudes.

Gangbang please.


Maybe you should start with finding a way to incorporate this great art into small games. I feel like a strategy game is a bit complicated as a first finished project that might take you more time than you're used to.
For instance, incorporating a subject your sister likes to draw into a shmup or some other easily-copyable game which will allow both of you to get a taste of what it is to work on a game on a small scale first.


What if they're all clones? Would it still be NTR?


do an incest VN, faggot

Personality no it wouldn`t as it would just be one person four times.

What if guys and the girl are just the same time traveller?

HA HA HA! As expected of Holla Forumsaggots.

The space tine continum won't be happy at all.

Hey OP. Get your sister on here to talk. If not, just post some pics. Obscure the face a little if you want.

Incest VN

Featuring Mark from the Holla Forums Holla Forums Board



My family was never poor :^)

I had your sister if you catch my drift

I have a sister and I would fuck her if she offered


My older sister died during childbirth. LOL

I had an older brother who's twice as old as me.

Other than that I was basically this,

I wish.

That's because you are a virgin faggot with no standards.

I have a sister, but she's gay.

I'm the older oni-chan in my family bro. Two younger sisters, both are pretty cute.

I have had sex with my cousin though when I was 15, that was pretty neato.

I have a totally junkie sister that respects nobody outside of her junkie bf.
Shit's not fun.

Is she into lolis?

how would I know that

Have you asked her?

My sister is 16, and a total normalfag. What do?



No of course, I would never ask her


I don't get along with my brothers but at least I never had to deal with overly emotional women at home.

Manipulate her into thinking about suicide and when she's at her weakest, fuck her.
Hopefully she'll turn into a masochist and will be your sex slave for life, or you will have ruined you only chance at getting laid on a regular basis and the mind of your sister, not to talk about the years you will spend in jail.
But seriously, best cure for normalfaggotry is being clever, engage with her in clever conversations. It will be boring at first because you'll do most of the talking, but give it time and she might pick up on it and keep learn herself. Talk about astronomy. Bitches love black holes and shit.

Learn to draw and you won't have to worry about your sister.

too late for me to learn user
also don't have time


breed with her and make programming artist

What kind of art does she do?

god damn it user.

I posted one here
But here's some more for talking to me and having a fun thread

I wanna fuck your sister.

I-I was being serious.


Did you fug your sister yet OP?

something like Va11 halla or a point and click game or some shmup.


user, that picture is very lewd and you know it
Now post the full thing


I saw this movie.


Keep teasing me user, it's my fetish

Damnit user where did you find that? This is the only version I have.


women are the best at art nowadays
this is pretty much common acceptance

it s a trap !

I don't trust you're spelling.

Make what you like, dummy.

No, general consensus proves there's a better market for him to make an incest game about himself and his sister.


Have to take all these degenerates out behind the shed.

Do you know how many hentai take place in a shed or other similar storage structure? More than you think.

this tbh

on Holla Forums maybe but Holla Forums doesn't buy games, much less play them

No, it's time to go. And, tell them who sent you.

wow user you sure decrypted my deception
you fucking retard

He'll get at least one sale before the rest of Holla Forums pirates though. That's still a bigger market than he'd have doing anything else.


The manic faggot attention whore needs to be wiped. You fucking pockets know from them. Do not make me summon the Cake Golem.

Du eet feggit.




OP, you fucking faggot.

Your sister, you need to fuck your sister, you need to show us your sisters tits, you need to make an incest VN

what the fuck is wrong with you, there is a demand.


you sound like a jew

Being an excellent artist doesn't really matter because the kind of art assets you need for a video game are different from drawing.

Which is why an incest VN is his best option.

So what's the context of this? Not like I'm some faggot that doesn't think any dog should ever be put down, but surely a blade or a bullet would be more effective than what ever torturous drug their using here.

The Language they're speaking also sounds like some sort of African dialect, so I'm guessing they had to do it this way because they couldn't easily get their hands on guns due to being government/aid worker cucks?

Do a 2D platformer. But not another goddamn boringtroidvania or a nintendish nostalgia trip. Something more intense, arcadey, balls to the wall, like the Mega Drive gems of pics related.

I didn't
I mean I did, I stole it from my sister
you know what I mean

Seriously, man, you need to fuck her casually while you two are working on the thing. It’ll be so damn cute.

I really don't know if you guys are for real
Like, you wouldn't actualy fuck your sister right

where the FUCK do you think we are?

You’d better damn well believe that if our sisters are sexy we’re trying to fuck them.

This needs to be a focus of your game development cycle.

Why do you think its called Wincest?

But no I wouldn't, I want wizard powers.

Listen I've been on Holla Forums for the better part of the past decade and I still would not fuck my sister



No I mean I get it as a meme and I certainly fapped to it before
but IRL?

I dunno man

Is she hot?

She's good looking, sure

I really doubt there are many people that would. Sister is to Imouto as 3DPD is to waifu.

You need to take the next step, man. Just embrace it.

Then there’s absolutely no question here.

Well then you know what must be done.

Seeing the Japanese ninja Hiryu as a blond White American guy is hilarious.

Okay, ask yourself this.

Would your sister fuck you? Picture the situation in your head, like, if she was down with fucking you, would you do it?

Oni-chan and all?

I really don't want to picture that user

You said she was good lookin'! Why don't you want to picture your good looking sister fucking you like brother & sister?


A final fantasy tactics clone

sorry to break it down to you everyone here hates you faggot


but hey, birthdays and christmas were awesome

my parents spread their genes and they didn't even do it right i have 2 guy brothers


Lesson #1 for fb7551: Replace any sort of familial title (e.g. sister, niece) with "friend" and you'll get more serious answers next time.

you don't seem to understand.
these are serious answers, just not the ones he wanted.

point and click adventure, a raising sim like true love 95 or princess maker, or something like king of dragon pass. Those are the more art heavy games I can think of.

They're not serious for OP.

beggars can't be choosers, user

She's really good. You rarely see artists who focus on realism anymore.

I've seen a surprising amount of women excel at art, even if the best ones are still men.

I am not a virgin and my sister is pretty hot, plus there's the taboo appeal to it

He's a crapple

My sister is good looking too (obviously since we share the same patrician genetics) but I couldn't have a sexual thought about her even if I tried because I'm not a fucking degenerate.

None because you'll find working with your sister to be impossible. Fuck her instead.

yeah but what kind
is he half potato half wheelchair?
does he have two wooden legs powered by lemons? I need to know

you could at least ask what she thinks about that

look man

she got a fat ass. And she was pregnant when I was a raging hormone teenager I had a huge pregnancy fetish.

It helps that I didn't grow up with her and there's an age gap between us.

don't respond to me or my wife's son again

how about gay wincest

trpg or a dungeon crawler

what a fucking pleb

But can she animate? Because then this will go nowhere.


my sister is basically a stereotypical politically correct tumblr womyn
all she's missing is to put on a few pounds and with all the junk food she eats she's well on her way
i fucking dispise her

You're not eating her feast beast


Daily reminder that there's nothing wrong with incest as long as you don't make incest babies. Sex is fun no matter who you are sexing.

I see OP is fishing for wincest.

Fuck it. Pic unrelated.



I pity the cowards who will never admit they regret that they had restraint.

It would have been disastrous on a hundred levels to a family that's already Hills Have Eyes level, but goddamn, that girl was the best kind of thicc…

She still is.

She is just redrawing stuff.
Good luck getting her to come up with stuff.

It's not too late, you know. It never is.

150+ posts and this fag still hasn't posted his sister's tits.

Aw, man.

There are rumors that hentai author DISTANCE is actually a woman. Since the dialogues in those mangas are extremely lewd I tend to believe the rumors are true, because women are secretly more prone to perversion.

Good day to you too, sir.

The man wants to make a game with his sis, and yet there's more inbreeding degenerates here petting their erections in this damn thread than a Louisianan trailer park inhabited by serial killers. Sheesh, soul brotha just wants some advice you depraved fucks.


And here you are complaining and providing nothing of worth.

Right, and incest stories are great, amirite?

I don't think you fully comprehend where you are in this moment.

You don't happen to be OP? If you are, I do apologise.

I know cuckchan is slowly dying, but you stayed there this long I think you ought to go down with the ship, faggot.

Aw crap. I sandbagged myself.


I've never been to or frequented 4chan, you stupid arrogant elitist faggot. Don't sperg out.

Whatever, Aryan.

Go to bed.

I'll go to bed of you go back to cuckchan.

Nah fam, stop being so defensive about it.

Good job.

You're begging for anal, user. You're begging for anal.


Hey OP, you fuck your sister yer?

You do want anal.

Fucking this already

hey just checking back if OP delivered on the incest yet

Totally expected a dick.

Only insofar as they gravitate to any strong male figure.


Sister is a chubby cunt but cooks well
but loli cousin is better by a mile and she has neglectful brothers

Looks like OP went to go fuck his sister

He has had more than enough time to do that. Probably fucked it up like the autistic problem child he is and went to jail.

Did he at least upload a video before being arrested or an heroing?