FINAL FANTASY XIV General: All saints wake SOON
C@ maid edition.
Hope you got your retard mount, only 3702 attained worldwide right now!




Reminder: They stopped demolishing houses due to the Japanese earthquake in April, now they have grown accustomed to the wall eyes in Morioh town the demolitions will recommence as of patch 3.4!
Dont worry anons, everything will be daijoubu!

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I can't say i like it but the grinding completionist in me is happy.

Replica gear from the old 24 mans when?

Never, enjoy your endless que faggot.

I don't want the glamours 'that' much, nah.

there's only a few select sets from LaB and WoD that are good, absolutely none in syrcus tower

we would be better off getting a proper fleshed out glamour wardrobe


Just did turn for for the first time in like 2 years and it dropped an upgrade tomestone for feet and i got some brd shoes, is this a master rank 2 ARR LTW recipe or something?

Is there any actual difference on what Grand Company you pick?
Or is it pretty much the same whichever one you pick?
I just joined one for the first time and im not sure if picking gridania was good or not

The Allagan Aetherstones, high Allagan Aetherstones and Neo Aetherstones from BCoB, SCoB, and FCoC respectively are crafting materials for replica armor from those coils, which is dyeable.

So HW master recipes?

No, but gridania is shit tier. Salty milf or potato princess are the only correct choices.

Ul'dah is best choice, but you're retarded if you joined for that useless cunt and not to be a badass alongside BIGARM STRONGMAN


Mechanically they're basically the same, there's some cosmetic differences between the standard gear and three unique gearsets for each GC when you unlock The Hunt.

i am one with the slam and the jam

I just hit my first 60 and now I'm amiss for what to do. It's like I can do everything now and I feel so confused.

Welcome to FFXIV. beats WoW and being told "get in LFR or fuck you"

Thank god she's the last of her fucking line, holy shit she's so dumb

well, first off, there's the MSQ, which brings with it some unlockable dungeons (like xelphatol and sohr kai). that's usually found in or around fortemp manner in the pillars.

then you've got your crafting jobs, with the scrips you can acquire, as well as end-game combat job stuff, such as alexander (which is kinda the coil of 60 in some ways) and primals, including bismarck ex, ravana ex, thordan ex, sephirot/ex and sophia/ex. you have your daily roulettes to run, the void dark and weeping city of mhach to unlock (good to run those two at least once a week, and mhach drops 230 gear that's on par with the lore gear you can buy, but can't be upgraded to 240).

my advice would be to start on the alexander chain asap, and get up to the second arm (midas) in terms of ilvl power. that's the quickest way to nab a lore weapon, which is a strong i230 weapon that will carry you through a lot of shit.

set goals for yourself. unlock every quest you see and carry it though. check back at the waking sands and the rising stones to make sure there isn't some new primal thingy available, and play as much triple triad as you can because reasons.

titan HM and titan EX were the fights that got SE to say "ok, look, we'll speed up the animation on jump so you're not locked into place so long." it got that bad. drg for #1 floor tank of all time.

personally, i would have preferred it if they just increased the air time to ~2 seconds and made the drg immune to all damage/effects while airborne. then you could have used jump strategically to avoid damage without having to re-position, since the damage portion of most aoe is only active for less than a second anyway

Mr Adaleji pls go and stay go.


as a newbie to ffxiv and as a big gay for whom ffiv is his favourite that's honestly how I thought Jump worked at first. i died a couple times to Titan before I realized that I wasn't timing it wrong, I was just retarded

I just got some cosmetics and stuff for my Dragoon.
Tell me how shit I look.

no fighter pilot helmet = would not fly through the skies on your wing

oh my god user thank you for that. i forgot they did that. so much detail in all that sprite work, it's great.

it sucks, because that's how it works in 11. you can time jump to avoid stuff, it's nice. not easy, but rewards skill, which is a good thing.

needs monocle/10. but you're pulling off a good steampunk gentleman vibe so far. where in the goblet did you take that pic?

He needs those 50 gathering goggles, the ones with the brown tinge to them.

goggles would also be acceptable. although my personal preference is to a monocle. if you're going to be a sir, be a sir.

He's going for the sky pirate theme. You need goggles in the sky. A monocle would just fall off.

What's All Saints Wake?
I'm new, is it just Halloween but with a fucked name?

I had a monocle, I don't think it showed up well in that pic.
Our FC has a roof glitch so we can pop to the top of it.


Be ready brother. Much lewdness will soon follow.

Please let it be so


Weeb Lord

How far do those legs go up?


why do i always find the most edgy fucking people

it's pretty likely to be just this chestpiece probably, as posted in last thread


That is dissapointing. Especially since I missed last years All Saint's Wake by a few weeks when I first subbed.

man, i don't know what your server is like, but on Lamia literally every second fucking player is Shion Hatsutakamujimotojapname, is dressed in all black and says "…" at least once in party chat. i try not to get triggered by other people just doing their thing, especially when it's not bothering me, but the weeb on this server at least is fucking insane

Anyone got the video of the ass waving from the NPC from last year?

ive got a gif and webms someone posted here



When are they gonna make this shit an emote for catsluts?

Oven yourself

not knightly/10

Finally, a reason to go to Gridania.

I only own this game for the PS4 for a few reasons, I still think consoles are shit though. How much of a fag am I?

you're about as gay as it gets, faglord

If you insist.


how the fuck do you drop aggro on every mob

a what?



I'm sorry.

if it makes you feel any better, since i hit level 35 i haven't run into a single retarded tank. granted every single tank before that was a mincing little pussy who refused to pull, couldn't hold aggro to save their life and liked to run around so you couldn't land your directionals, but after I ran the lost temple of qarn i haven't found even one that retarded. i think it's because that dungeon is genuinely hard and you need to be on your a-game to actually manage it, so it's a newb check and gets rid of the trash

God that's fuuny and sad at how true it is. The nightmares of full Ironworks DRGs in 2.X pulling sub 300 DPS winning rolls will forever fill my soul with rage.

Qarn and Cutters Cry are normally pretty alright player wise because they are miss-able. I feel like that's why Qarn is even in the level 50 MSQ was due to so many casuals missing it and was needed to unlock its hard mode.

You don't even need a tank.
They're there as a formality, nothing more.

The only 'genuinely hard' dungeon in this game is The Vault, and that's midcore, at best.

i've seen more groups fall apart in the first room of AV than i have seen drop the vault. i've never not finished a vault run. i've had to drop out of AV due to people dropping numerous times. i don't know what it is about AV that gets in the assholes of people, but it may as well be a salt mine for what it does.

which is why it's one of my favorite dungeons

qarn was the first dungeon i've done where i needed to have my shit on lockdown to make it out alive. maybe my party sucked or something, but i mean, you gotta kill those statue heads on the buttons, you need to prioritize your targets because a lot of them can really fuck you up with status effects. one of the bosses can instakill you if you're not paying attention. nothing like the first few dungeons at all

yeah, qarn does well with that. you need to prioritize targets (bees and later faces), some mobs keep you on your toes (the ghosts and crocs, with the aoe spam and rear aoe triggered by being behind a croc) and each boss requires some thinking outside of the usual "blow this thing the fuck up and dodge aoe." you have to pay attention to your own debuffs on the first boss, plus deal swiftly with adds, the second boss needs people to dodge aoe and prioritize killing the right target first, and the last boss requires dealing with gimmicky adds and secondary add aoe that can kill you if you don't deal with it quick enough.

looking back, SE did a good job of preparing people for the shit they'll be dealing with later down the line. that's why i love AV so much; it teaches you to deal with new mechanics, like using the environment to deal with debuffs, or aoe that has no indicators, which are lessons you need to learn in order to succeed in later dungeons.


Post femroes.

Fuck you femroes are shit and so are the people that play them


What are you talking about? Femroes are pure.


I'd rather take a slutty elf or highlander than an amazon without the assets

I know its a rare occasion to end up with 2 melee dps but when it does, it feels like forever to finished a dungeon

MNK do have AOE though. they even got the most single target damage in game.



>says fuck it, tells our other friend, a WHM, to just deal with it and heal him the absolute madman!

i've had more than my fair share of outdpsing shitty dps as a WAR in Deliverance. there have been several times i've had to take over for the adds on A12 because a dps is dead, or has rez sickness, and can't guarantee to make the dps check. of those times, at least half of them see me finishing my mob before 1 or 2 of the other dps. we have another friend, a brd, who we always give shit to. i've had to help her out a few times, and i make sure to rub it in a little just for the funsies of it.

>(bard) (DPS) (damage over time) (Do you have it?) (Fell Cleave) (Do you need it?) (You can have this.) (warrior) (Power Surge) (You're welcome.)

warrior shouldn't outdps any competent dps in the current patch

ps DRK>WAR in like half the end-game content

Feels good man, I wanted to roll MCN after getting to endgame on my WAR, though after the 2 MCN dungeon, I'm rethinking

I am very, very tempted to do DRK though.



drk is good fun. different from war in that there's a lot more OGCD stuff to manage, but it's a fun challenge. little bit less on-demand mitigation if you're used to managing wrath stacks for IB, but balanced by having more longer-duration defensive CD's.

war still outdoes drk in damage though


you seem upset user.


yeah especially considering I don't play drk

ok, you got me user. i have no idea what point you're trying to make. in all those logs you linked, war outdid drk in the top 10 in everything except vs. cruise chaser, which was 10/10 drk. the best drk did otherwise was vs alex prime, with 3/10.

so, again, what's the point?

again, i say "ok."

no tank "should" out-damage any dps. that doesn't mean it won't happen.

there. i paid attention to you. senpai noticed you. feel better now?

here, have a fun webm


you clearly didnt check them
in half the cases war won, in the other half drk won

ps end time yourself for not even fact checking

Why count gordias when it's not even relevant anymore, out of the 3 for the latest patch WAR out dps'd all over tanks. There was only one floor where DK did better in the top ten, every other is WAR.

Kill you'reselfs

you and i are looking at vastly different data sets young man or you're just a fucking retard. im only looking at the top 10 in each of these here, because who gives a fuck about the rest.

cruise chaser is 10/10 drk. the next highest for drk is alex prime, with 3/10 (the other 7 being war). lamebrix is 9/10 war and 1/10 drk, and refurbisher is 10/10 war, with the first drk showing up in 21st place.

so out of 40 possible data points, war tallies up 26, while drk only tallies up 14. that's not "half war, half drk." that's nearly a 2:1 ratio in favor of war.

but hey, that's only the top 10 right? let's go a little deeper. top 20, which is 10% of the total amount of data points listed for each fight.

Alex prime - 6 drk, 14 war, same ratio as the top 10.
CC - 15 drk, 5 war, which is a significant improvement for war over the 0 from before.
Lamebrix - 3 drk, 17 war. very slight improvement for drk compared to the top ten.
refurbisher - 0 drk, 20 war. drk btfo in the top twenty for this fight.

final tally out of 80 possible data points is 24 drk, 56 war, which is greater than a 2:1 ratio in favor of war.

i could go on, but it just gets worse, and a cursory glance is all that's needed to show that. for refurbisher, there are 7 drk in the top 100, with the other 93 being war.
alex prime has 32 drk vs 68 war.
cruise chaser is the only fight drk dominates on, with 50 out of the top 100 (it's also the only one with pld in the top 100, coming in at 8. which puts war at 42, almost at the same level as drk).
finally, with lamebrix you have 20 drk, 1 pld, and 79 war in the top 100, which is almost a 4:1 war/drk ratio.

in short, as this user said, war btfo drk in 3/4 of the fights, and is almost equal in the top 100 for the last fight.

go to sleep reddit. it's past your bed time.

also diaf
on second thought, don't diaf
instead, i want you to get a potato. a standard idaho brown should do just fine. take that potato, wrap it nice and tight in tin foil, then hold it close, like your mother held you before she found out you were retarded
once you've done that, then you have my permission to go diaf
because this way you'll be dead, and the rest of us now have a baked potato
and a baked potato is awesome

is probably what you meant to say
and for the latest a9s-a12s, drk is top in the a11 and a12, so for both cases, relevant then, compared to relevant now, drk is half and half with war

assume that you have one tank class that deals 100x the of the others, but only 1 person has cleared as that class
that means only 1/10 is that class, but the other 9/10 are a different class
using your reasoning, this class that deals 100x more is worse than the 9/10 in terms of dps, because it is outnumbered

I hope you will at least consider that ratio of top dps is not relevant when talking about which job is better in a raid when it is relevant
it could simply be that not many players are good with one job, but are good at another
please consider other factors

I'm lonely and want to make some friends in an MMO. Played FF XIV: ARR until release of Heavensward (only ever got to gear level 110 or so as a Paladin), bought Heavensward and leveled Astrologist a bit until I got bored and haven't touched it until then.

Would you recommend getting into it again? Is there an 8/v/ guild or LC so we can hold some small-talk and run dungeons together?

what drove you away user? i mean, the core of the game hasn't really changed. pld becomes more interesting at 50+. hell, all of the jobs do. and the quest/story lines are still top notch, minus a few "idiot ball" moments that exist mostly to drive the plot, and the dev team has managed to make a lot of solid, fun, mechanically interesting fights at 60.

so there's lots to do. but if you didn't really get pulled in by the core gameplay then i dunno how much you'll get out of it.

as for an 8ch FC or LS, i think there's a presence on balmung and greg, but not i'm not 100% certain on that.

it's on exodus, you can try whispering any of these if you are intersted, probably

I dont think ratio work when you're talking about ranking because being #1 is what matter. It works if you're talking about raids, in this case its 50/50 for the latest Alex raids.

Oh, I was very interested in the game itself, but I started with 3 real life friends and they could mostly not really keep up with my pace, especially when we got to endgame. Prior to starting we agreed to all play at the same pace so that we can see all the content together for the first time. When we reached a point in the game at which we could no longer progress with PUGs things came to a halt, i went on vacation for two weeks and then we all got swamped with real life obligations, so we decided to drop the game.

When I restarted with Heavensward I still had fun, playing a healer was a nice relaxing change of pace from rushing my party through the dungeons as a tank, but I didn't really made online friends on my way to level 50 so I eventually lost interest because MMOs are only fun if you play in a group, I think.

Guess I'll check out 4/vg/ if there's no Holla Forums group. Any other ideas where to look for a nice bunch of people to play with? I'm in the EU.


While I do not wish for you to feel forced to join an 8ch guild, or any other guild, I really must urge you not to join a 4/vg/ guild
they have all been awful, based on experience

none of them RP as far as I'm aware sorry if you took it seriously


Nigga you tell us things about yourself you tell nobody else, behave in ways you dont trust others and share feelings about tfw no gf


that's just stupid reasoning right there. only an idiot takes 4 data points out of several hundred and uses them to make some kind of broad-based claim about X being better or worse than Y. by that logic, drk could be #1 by 1 dps, making drk technically better, even if the difference is negligible when both classes are pulling in excess of 1400 dps. plus you have to factor in the relative gaps; war's best fight tops out dps at over 2k. drk's best fight tops out dps at 1468, over 500 dps lower. should i make the claim that war can do over 500 dps more than drk? of course not. because that would be fucking stupid.

dont be fucking stupid user. remember, in statistics, a larger sample size is always better. in the top 100, the best ratio drk can do is 50 to war's 42. at worst, it's 21 drk to 79 war. drk can't even manage a 2:1 ratio on its best fight, while war manages almost a 4:1 ratio on its best fight.

no idea about EU. i'm on primal, which is a west coast NA server group. all i can say for sure is to avoid the french if at all possible, unless you speak french. apparently FR is the new BR, at least here on FF14. if you do get the game again, just check out the PF every now and then, see what ya see. lots of people will use the PF to post guild advertisements, and if you roll as a potato there is almost always an all-potato LS on every server (and in some cases, other niche race LS, like all femroe or all amazonian highlander hyur).

Anyone of those in here right now? Are you guys still active?

Should've phrased it better, came off a bit whiny. I want to play FF XIV but not solo and instead with some people I can talk to. It's a social game, after all. :^)

Yeah, i remember joining one when I first tried the game out. Nothing but attentionwhoring. Thought they were not all like this, but oh well. I'll look someplace else.

Many of us are here, and yes we still exist. But I really must know why you thought any sort of 4/vg/ guild wasn't about the cults of personalities.

post ign and i'll give you a tell

ITT: Off-tank DPS values from top raid team players, with indeterminate gear and indeterminate team comp/support quality/tactics can be used to extrapolate something besides "off-tank DPS values from top raid team players, with indeterminate gear and indeterminate team comp/support quality/tactics".

I hate the fucking Scions, I hate them, I fucking hate them.

The Empire is comically evil, the Holy See is evil.

Everyone is evil, and the hippies in their little fucking huts are good boys who didn't do nuffin.


I never spent any time on /vg/ before and when FF XIV caught my interest I figured I'd just check it out. What could be the worst that could happen, right?
It was a weird experience, there was this guild-mother who made sure everyone got their own pet or whatever and a bunch of other strange things. The whole thing was extremely awkward.

Thanks, still installing. When are you guys usually on? I'm UTC+1 and I'll be probably on between 12 pm and 2 am (6 am and 9 pm EST).

p much.

i've had too much coffee. i probably should have just ended it up "ok" but the inner statistician in me wasn't having it.

eh, it's fantasy user. let them have their multicultural catgirl utopias.

but on the bright side, once you finish the WoD arc, it seems as if there's a bit more gray being introduced into the storyline now
i really hope that when we get sent to ala mhigo the empire becomes a lot more gray as an antagonist
gaius did nothing wrong

We've got people from everywhere, if I had to pick peak time i'd say 6pm-2am est

When you talk about who can make the most damage, the only thing that count is who did the most damage, retard. The numbers of WAR on the list isn't relevant, its the ranking. So you have 8 WAR that do less damage than 1 DRK, and that proves what exactly?

Yes it does, but you are looking at it from the wrong angle dumbass. If you want statistic on who can make the most damage, you should count which class have the most #1 rankings. Holy shit your retardation trigger my autism

Sounds good. Loading up some Crysta into my Mogstation and then I'm good to go.

You comparing two different fights to each other when you say war did more than 500 dps less, please link this fight
we know for a fact there are more warriors than dark knights, knowing this, isn't it more reasonable to assume that along with the assumption warrior is better, that the probability that dark knight should win is almost 0 for any fight?
obviously not because the data we have contradicts this by a landslide
the fights are different, and favour different jobs differently
if you are trying to argue that warrior can do more on a dummy, nobody will argue that you are wrong, but a dummy isn't a fight
and again, we can use the argument that Job A does 100 dps but Job B does 90 dps
Job A has 1 entry in the data sample and Job B has 100 entries, meaning 100 times more data for Job B
which Job does the most dps in this fight?
hint: it's not Job B
what we can conclude isn't that there is too little data to assume Job A is better by 10 dps in this fight, it's that Job A is better by at least 10 dps in this fight, on the contrary we can assume easily that the upper bound is probably around 90 dps for Job B, assuming all entries are at 90 dps, or below it, at least assuming all players involved are equally skilled for both Jobs at least relative to the rest of the playerbase, which is a given, as we are talking about the best players
I mightve fucked up somewhere but please do correct me

What server is everybody on? I was thinking of moving my character to a server where I can play with actual people.

Last guild I was in was a /cgl/ guild (long story, wanted to re-connect with a girl I knew) and it turns out everybody was mentally unstable or sluts with beta-orbiters.

/vg/ guilds seem to be the same from what I'm hearing.

It'll take a while, got 20 Gigs of patches to install. I'll post my IGN when I'm done.

The nWo guild is located on Exodus, as you can read further up. Elsewise there's people spread out on all kinds of servers.
Poor moogle people.

not a god damn thing. there are so many variables in a fight, between gear, rotation, mob positioning and more, that the order of rankings themselves mean absolutely nothing.

take that #1 drk rating on A12S. that seems impressive, if you're an idiot, but likely all it means is that whenever alex would teleport away, he was close enough for the drk to re-engage via plunge as soon as was possible. meanwhile, for the wars, alex might have kept appearing across the map.

in other words, again, the number of variables is so high, and the difference in dps so low, that there is no statistically significant difference. and once again, you'd have to be an idiot to assume that a single data point; or four data points, out of hundreds; is in any way representative of a general trend.

finally, to really drive the knife into the heart of this bullshit, the dps of the #1 drk on A12S is barely 2% more than that of the #2 war. given that the average alpha used in statistics is set at the 5% margin of error level, a 2% difference is negligible, and is just as likely to be due to random chance as it is to anything else.

i've got some bad news user; your autism isn't because of anything i'm doing. that's all on you buddy. counting only the #1 rankings is a dishonest statistical trick used by stupid people who think they can fool people even stupider than themselves. a sample size of 4 is worthless. you can move the goal posts and redefine shit all you want. that doesn't change the fact that you're wrong and you can't into basic stats.

Currently taking a break from ff14 to play Destiny, due to the endless amount of shitty main quests after beating the base story.




and just to hopefully head off some idiotic counterargument, the reason why i explored the top 20 for each fight, and then the top 100 in my earlier posts, is to expand the N to a size approaching acceptable. the best ratio drk could manage didn't even make it 2:1 against war, while the best ratio war managed was over 9:1 compared to drk.

fuck it. let's do a full break down of the top 100. the coffee still flows strongly in me, and i just made some dank oc.

refurbisher - 7 drk in the top 100, with 93 war, including the top 21 being exclusively war. highest war dps = 2008. highest drk dps = 1830. dps difference = 178 in favor of the war.

lamebrix - 19 drk, 1 pld, 80 war, with war holding the top 7 spots. war has a greater than 4:1 ratio with drk. highest war dps = 1690. highest drk dps = 1611. dps difference = 79.

cruise chaser - 50 drk, 7 pld, 43 war, with drk holding the top 12 spots. this isn't even a whole number ratio; 1.16:1, drk to war. drk doesn't even make it 2:1 with war. highest drk dps = 1468. highest war dps = 1357. dps difference = 111.

alex prime - 32 drk, 68 war, with drk holding the #1 spot, followed by 7 wars in spots 2-8, and two drks in spots 9 and 10. ratio of war to dark is greater than 2:1. highest drk dps = 1449. highest war dps = 1415. dps difference = 34.

overall presence of jobs in the top 100 across all four savage fights
drk = 108
war = 284
pld = 8

overall ratio of war to drk in A9S-A12S based on the top 100 in dps for each fight = ~2.62:1. this makes it pretty obvious that, overall, war provides more average damage output than drk does.

but see, dps is just one side of the equation here. what is perhaps most important isn't even dps, it's TTK for the fight. you can see there are some pretty marked differences in duration of fight for war and drk. take A12S for example; sure, a drk is #1 on the damage, but the #2 war, with 34 less dps, finished the fight a full fifty seconds before the drk did. so yeah, the drk did more dmg than the war, but the fight ended quicker for the war, which i think everyone can agree is a better goal-state than anything else.

and you see this in the other fights too. drk dominates cruise chaser for damage dealt, with fully half of the top 100 consisting of drks. yet the #1 drk has the same clear duration (and same FC) as the #13 war. i think it's safe to say in that case that the drk was dpsing and the war was tanking. so we can probably invalidate that result right off the bat, because you're comparing apples to oranges. you have a tank class in tank stance, with all the damage output reduction that entails, being compared to a tank class that is able to go into dps mode for a good chunk of the fight. of course there will be a big difference. im sure if i looked over these numbers a little more closely i could find more examples like this.

so, in conclusion, you and the other guy are full of shit and complete idiots who can't into analyzing statistical data.


just to reiterate, you're an idiot. you're comparing apples to oranges (tank in tank stance vs. tank that's able to dps) and somehow using that as proof of your ridiculous claim.

i will make this clear for you. tank stance vs tank stance, war dps is superior than drk dps. dps stance vs dps stance, war dps is superior than drk dps.

the stats that you linked are completely invalidated due to the reasons i mentioned above, and in just the past few minutes i've already found a dozen examples across the various fights identical to the one i noted before. find an apples to apples comparison that supports your conclusion and then we'll talk. but until that time, just stop. you're embarrasing yourself.

oh, and just to make it extra clear for you, when i say "apples to apples" i mean "two tanks, one drk and one war, of similar ilvl (no more than 2-3 ilvl differences) and using similar ilvl weapons, both either in tank stance OR both in dps stance."

the stats you linked are useless for this kind of comparison. it's like comparing the damage of a whm in cleric stance with the damage of a whm who's not in cleric stance. obviously the whm with the damage boosting stance will do more dps than the whm without.

you do realise that the top warrior parse has the warrior off-tanking right?
and that the top DRK parse has drk main-tanking?
for a12s at least

ps if you still do not wish to accept the fact that some tanks are better at some fights than others, you really need to reconsider

user plz. give it up. let's be honest with ourselves here; you opened up fflogs, saw that drk was at #1 in 2 of the 4 current end-game savage fights, and thought to yourself "hah! i got him now!" and ran over here to post your internet vomit like it actually meant something. it's clear you didn't look past #1 because of your fixation with it combined with the ease of which you ignored basic statistical rules in favor of your own interpretations.

then when i go and show you conclusively that the data you brought is inherently flawed, you try to change the subject and toss in a strawman for good measure.

just stop. it's embarassing.

you want to do this again later with a serious, apples to apples comparison, then be my guess. find the data and bring it here. but until then, i'm going to go with what the data is showing me right now; on average, war outperforms drk damage-wise.

this doesn't mean drk sucks or has no use in-game, just that war has a better baseline dps kit built into the class combined with a higher per-hit damage on it's weapon

A single fell cleave buffed with Berserk is already 'fuck you' tier damage. Followed by Infuriate and another fell cleave that's more DPS in a few seconds than a DRK can do in five fold time.

I say this as a DRK main.

a9s: war top dps, war off-tank
a10s: war top dps, war off-tank
a11s: drk top dps, war off-tank
a12s: drk top ps, war off-tank

you can check the rest, you will find the exact same thing

war off-tank does not win against drk main-tank in all fights, this is the point
war is in fact not able to deal more dps than drk in every situation
drk is better than warrior in some fights, and almost always better as a main-tank

what point are you trying to make?
warrior is better at beating up dummies?
I have already stated that I agree with that.
If you are trying to argue that warrior CAN outdps SOME drks, then that's the same as saying that warrior CAN outdps SOME mnks, a completely pointless statement
again please tell me what you are trying to argue, I'm trying to tell you that drk is in fact better in some fights than war, what are you trying to tell me?

At least i finally got a ghost over 350
T-thanks stormaire.

you said, earlier:

which was in response to my post here

which had nothing at all to do with anything about drk.

i have no idea who you are or what you were trying to do. you just said "DRK>WAR in like half the end-game content" to which i responded with "ok" because i had no idea what you were talking about?

then later on, you say

which of course i at no point in time said anything of the sort.

the point im trying to make i've already made, many times. overall, war dmg is better than drk dmg, using a sample size of 400, based in alexander A9-A12 savage content.

you on the other hand….i have no idea what point you're trying to make. this honestly feels like a drk vs war pissing contest that you started for no reason because i posted something silly about my friends and i and a comment about bad dps being bad.

your initial comment was "DRK>WAR in like half the end-game content" has now shifted to "im just sayin' some tanks are better in different situations"

just. stop. you decided to throw out some meaningless "drk vs war" bs, found some bad stats to "support" what you felt was true, and are now backpedaling and trying to re-write history because you got btfo. it's time to put down the keyboard user.

yeah, berserk is the determinant. i think it's the single largest boost to physical damage that currently exists in game. i can't imagine the dps a good mnk would be able to pull with access to berserk.

having spent more time with pld and drk lately, i can't help but feel they need a bit of something to them. i mean, i'm fine with war being the king of tank dps. but when i play drk i just notice that some things don't feel as right as they could be. carve and spit is a good example; 60s feels a bit much, even for a 450 potency attack. 50 or 45 would be helpful without going too far. and i feel pld could use some sort of buff to sword oath beyond an extra 75 potency attack. faster GCD perhaps (not attack speed, just GCD). yeah it'll make them tp starved a bit quicker, but there's so many options to restore TP now you'd have to be running an oddly stacked group in order to run into this kind of a problem.

likewise, i think it would be great if mercy stroke base CD was lowered from 90s to 60s. this would give it a helluva lot more use as a cross class skill, and you could make the warrior trait lower the cd from 40s down to 30s. so a small buff for warriors, but a sizeable one to dps and tanks that use mercy stroke as a cross class.

Alright, download finally finished. IGN is Sachie Asagiri.

I replied that because outdpsing anyone on a tank isn't impressive, it's the opposite
your spoiler seemed to imply warrior>bard
the ps was because I wanted to point out warrior wasn't the only tank that can do good dps in relevant content, just because

I replied that you should reconsider because
I can average multiple fights and conclude some DPS classes are better than others, even if they sucked in half the fights
DRK>WAR in about half the end-game content is in fact true
this statement does not contradict the statement that some tanks are better than other tanks in different situations
how are my stats bad exactly?
I have provided evidence that supports my claims, you have not supported evidence that contradicts them, drk is demonstrably top dps, in some fights

Sorry about the late reply, shit-lord.

AV isn't even close to a difficult dungeon. It's just that the general structure of the dungeon itself is inherently designed to fuck with learning parties. Every dungeon leading up to until AV is usually just a linear hallway with monsters interspersed through out. You're never expected or taught how to handle groups of monsters clustered together (WIth one exception being a single lesson in the Hall Of Novice that's never brought up again.) It requires above average positioning and foresight on the tanks part on how to handle each individual pull. Aside from that, the difficulty of the dungeon is comparable to everything else before it.

It's my favorite dungeon too.

I'm sorry, man - You scored a shit party or something. The button gimmick isn't really difficult, more like a waste of time. I haven't done Quarn in awhile, but the only notable status effect I remember being a thing is 'Doom' just requires you be paying slightly more attention to your character. 'Final Sting' is pretty scary too, but I've never had it wipe the party.

Sorry about the autistic wall of text.

oh that is alright there was like 6 before you.

i explained how your interpretation of your evidence was bad. the stats themselves aren't bad; i wholeheartedly believe they accurately depict damage done by the given classes. but your interpretation, which you distilled down to "drk is #1 in 2 out of 4 fights, therefore DRK>WAR in about half the end-game content" is wrong.

yeah, if all that exists is the #1 spot then you're right. but the fact is, all of those people, all 800 of them, have cleared their respective savage fights. once a fight is cleared, the rest is just gravy.

given that there are statistically more wars than drks in this sample, and that the average damage the war does is higher compared to the drk, it's a safe bet to say that war deals more damage, overall, than drk does.

my spoiler was me posting a personal story about a bard friend who, truth be told, probably spends too much time browsing yaoi porn on tumblr while she does literally anything else on her computer. including playing yaoi VN's. she's not a bad bard though. she's actually quite good when she's paying attention. we just make fun of her as being a bad bard, and i like grinding her gears because her reactions are always a hoot. anything else that you read into that statement is all on you.

again, that's on you. i didn't say that any tank was bad, or any tank was better than another. the one thing i did say was that war outdoes drk in dmg. which is statistically correct, overall. this doesn't mean they're aren't exceptions, but when you look at the aggregate whole, war is the tank that puts out the most damage on average. exceptions to the rule do not invalidate the rule.

again, the stats themselves are bad per se, but the way you interpreted them was. the stats are simply an accurate representation of damage per second done by given characters in a given fight over the course of a certain duration. that is literally all they are. you cannot look at those stats and say "drk beats war in 50% of the content" because you could just as easily say "drk loses to war in 50% of the content" and ultimately, both statements are meaningless. however, what you can do is get an aggregate of the given data, set limitations to it, and then parse it out from there to draw some limited conclusions.

my response, using this data, isn't that "war>drk" or some bs. my response, as noted above, is that war is present about 2.6 times as often than drk is in savage A9-A12, and tends to, on average with these given stats, pull higher dps than drk does. now, these are generalizations, meaning they aren't true in all cases. but they are true in most cases, and this is supported by the data.

this right here is the key difference; the conclusion i'm drawing is pretty limited. the conclusion you drew (DRK>WAR in about half the end-game content) is ridiculously broad, and the data you provided for support does not pan out in support of your conclusion.

nigga please. i got walls of text so large trump is gonna use my Holla Forums posts as the foundation for the Great Internet Border Wall he plans on erecting around brazil and france.

in retrospect, yeah. i think it's a matter of degree. the jump from dzemael or stone vigil to AV is pretty drastic. by comparison, going from AV to, say, dusk vigil is a comparatively larger leap, with many more moving parts. hell, even going from AV to old school AK was a big jump; i can't even remember how many times i had to solo the demon wall as my warrior because people couldn't understand the concept of "stand directly in front of the boss."

i also kinda have nostalgia glasses about AV, since i ran that place so damn much back when i first hit 50

i have already won.

Is there a date for all saints wake yet? even overwatch is starting its halloween event now im getting antsy.

so your problem is that you're assuming i was referring to the playerbase and not the class when I said drk>war in about half the end-game?

Man i have been fucking lucky with Alex so far, only the chest and legs to go and got most of the parts.

Maybe its been so long since gordias but does normal really gear you out this fast?

Same. three weeks until I have legs and chest.

But holy fuck with full reset day servers is it lagging. Had the whole group dc on a raid boss and load back at the same time with the boss reset but still at 38% hp.



Souleater definitely needs a buff. Living Dead needs to be changed completely. Just my two cents.

affirmative action in action

Shade Necro obtains a rose lanner whistle.
Kula Firaga obtains a rose lanner whistle.

This is why i raid in fucking destiny, people actually have to listen.

Cruise Chaser?
They can do their GCD, dodge all the shit before the final EDD, and they're dying to the fucking QTE? I've seen that once.
The only good one was VoG. Crota was garbage, HoW they didn't even fucking bother with a raid and I didn't even make it to the Taken King's raid since you could just buy the raid gear.

Why is there so much Destiny shitposting in this general? I dropped that sack of shit after it added P2W lootboxes.

>tfw just buying a fanfest streaming ticket for the yuna costume

What your "statistic" data show is that there are more better WAR players than DRK, not which class can output the most damage. But so far in A12, no WAR class manage to beat the DRK dps.

Win what? having a stupid dance emote? Thats like saying buying a minfilia outfit off mogstation is paying 2 win XIV.

Oh shut the fuck up. WAR has fuckhuge burst DPS and decent sustained DPS, minus fracture which is garbage. Sure DRK can do some great DPS, but it won't touch a WARs.

You can buy the raid armor through loot boxes you fucking mong

Literally the first i have heard of it. I have seen cosmetic gear with like 3 defence and no stats you can infuse drops you already have and the rest is chroma horseshit and dances for retards. I have never seen or heard of kings fall or now wrath of machine actual raid loot table drops from sterling treasures.

This not-garrison crap is so lame. I have 4 lvl 30 plebs and i have no idea what they are meant to be doing when they hit max level.

How do you do 500 dps as a ninja with 0 deaths on Ravana? Was he in all greens with 160 weps?

Does anyone still pvp in this? I dont think i've had a que pop once as NIN and i still get ques to pop for fucking coil.

i just need 100 marks for the rad owl astroglobe.

agreed on soul eater. LD isn't bad; it's better than holmgang for tanking, but they need to make it so macros don't have any kind of activation delay in this damn game so i can feel confident using macros for holm/HQ/LD to let healers know that shit is about to go down. LD especially needs a macro to let healers know "hey, heal bomb me to full" or else it's useless.

you can then get promoted to first Lt.! which does something?

Gets you a pretty nice top if you're Maelstrom.

we aren't talking about dummies, but if you can present to us a warrior who has topped the best drk, please do

show me the top parse with war that doesn't use fracture

Are you that same retard from a few threads ago complaining about how DPS needs to watch their agro cuz tanking is too hard? I swear you are just as much of an annoying cunt as that guy, just fucking shut up already. No one wants to hear your unsolicited and wrong opinions on which tank has the biggest epeen.

I wouldn't be surprised

What? Fracture is great, with traits, it's 300 free potency over 20 or so seconds.

Every little bit helps.

link a single top parse by war that does not use fracture
don't just shittalk me, prove me wrong

"Would you rather fuck someone who was a lot shorter than you or a lot taller than you? Like, three feet, no matter what way. A child, or a giraffe's throat."
-Brote Ampill

30s, but even so I guess with Berserk it can be some hot shit, maybe throw it in after storm's eye

You are like the opposite end of the spectrum Starcade is on.

It's actually 400 potency :D

I think.

I'll fuck the potato-child, thank you very much.

I thought of that immediately as well

100 on hit, plus 20 x 10 ticks (tick = 3s or 30s). So, 300. Still higher PpGCD than any of the war's combos, even considering that it doesn't build stacks towards Fell.

3s of* 30s

Shit, I thought you hadn't factored in the initial hit. Most people don't.

Reminder that nWo is literally just as bad as any cuckchan FC and that Ed "Aurion Pax" Goldstein Yes it's his name. was the true savior of the novice network and exodus.

If it cost you a fell cleave, it isn't worth.
If you don't get the full 30s, it isn't worth.

also worth considering is any buffs you may have affecting how much effective potency it will deal, potentially meaning fracture would be the better choice, even at the cost of a fell cleave


are you playing people or NPCs?

just NPCs for now. i still want to get a better deck together before I start the D-D-DUEL circuit


You know you can challenge people to triple triad in hubs, at any time, right?


soon my friend, genetic engineering and robofus soon

user, in the end it's really not about the cat ears or food. But the cultivation of a deep rooted love that can only be planted in a foundation of beautiful memories.

and them sick titties

oh i know. i'm just a faglord and want to get a virtually unbeatable deck before I start challenging actual people

Why do you have to ruin every charming moment that us anons have together? Do you have diabetes and just aren't emotionally equipped handle the sweetness?

Is joke

Some very, very rough math

Assuming swapping between Butcher's Block/Storm's Eye combo, you get stacks on 4/6 of the moves, meaning you get five stacks needed for a Fell Cleave every 7.5 GCD. Meaning, throwing in a Fell Cleave each time it's up, you're getting a rough PpGCD of

((((150+190+270+150+200+280)/6)*7.5)+500)/8.5 = 241

Optimally using Raw Intuition (1/90s), Veng (1/120s), Berserk (1/90s), and Infuriate (5/60s) (as in, assuming each time they're off cooldown they are used to net stacks, and miraculously it always happens in a spot in the rotation where they wouldn't go to waste) will overall give ~6.8 stacks/min, or ~1.4 extra fell cleaves each minute. Using 2.4s for rough GCD (so 25 GCD a min), this would bump up the PpGCD to

((25-1.4)*241+1.4*500)/25 = 256

A Fracture, as was stated, is 300 PpGCD with no clipping, and still 260 PpGCD even if you clip the DoT with over 6 seconds to go. Meaning, in most circumstances, unless the target will die/be cleansed in under 24 seconds, Fracture is worth using.


all true in a vacuum, but the big variable is berserk. a berserked fracture is nice, but being able to 3x fell cleave in a single berserk is the gold standard. that's why war wants to stack SS to the point that they can get the GCD down enough to build up stacks for 3x FC during berserk. blowing RI and Veng for an extra 2 stacks allows for a fracture tacked onto the end before berserk ends.

but if that fracture costs you an FC berserk then it's a dps loss, relatively speaking.

That is entirely true. What I meant to show isn't in contrast to that, but rather against the notion that

Gonna try this shit game out. I expect to be let down. I hope there are other things to do than ride the themepark.

Please don't stop playing Hyur. We need to ensure the continuity of the Hyur race. Every day more and more people are coerced to drink Fantasia and become potatoes or cats.

Half the reason I play midlander is their run animation, and they look great in a lot of glams.

How the fuck does Mooch work? im lvl.32 on fisher and its never procced even once.

isn't it an active skill? i dont fish, but ive heard that you need to use mooch on a freshly caught fish to then use that fish as bait to get bigger/better fish.

its an ability that procs from certain HQ fish to use it as b8 to catch a bigger fish for big fishing stuff but outside the quest i have never seen it occur and that was 7 levels ago.


user are you well?

ya dun goofed

nigga game has been out long enough to die, be remade, and get another expansion and several patches.

you're thinking about XV.


So how bad is it doing for them to be this desperate for players? i know it was losing like a million a month in WoD and they stopped reporting numbers and legion only sold 3 million copies but is the game that in the shitter?


The only complaint I've heard is that world quests are lame and upgrading their artifact weapon requires good RNG. I can imagine interest not being all that great when everything, including gods, gets CORRUPTED.

So 2 days to the expansion reveal and so far "Stormblood" remains the only SE copyright made in the last few months with no relation to any known products.

Looks like ala mhigo, gyr abania, plaglth'an and the jade sea islands. which are the east coast areas that are the remaining areas we havent touched on in eorzea yet.

It's comfy so far. It rains and has nighttime.Completing these fetch quests aren't too bad. Sprinting is great.

It makes sense

They are actually what happens when a mandragora gets the tonberry curse.

Is that why those little kikes stab everyone in the back?



man I love the Aquapolis, Shame I never got to the 7th room. I think ill do some more tomorrow and get even more shekels.

Welp, time to upgrade or buy unidentifieds just because.

I've only seen the 7th room twice on my maps since it started.


hope you get a sale before its undercut by retards

wew lads, thats a lot of gillery-doos for a shitty haircut

you can buy an apartment now (or a full on house, but they're a lot more expensive) which you can decorate to your hearts content as well, and then set the music and lighting inside. also very comfy.

riding chocos between settlements is comfy as well, and eventually you get your own choco (and an ever-expanding stable of mounts).

when you get a chance, check out the hermit's hovel in the northwest of Outer La Noscea. it's pretty comfy.

How much is a lot of money in this game? I'm at like 95 mil and I don't feel very cash money

I have 4 mill without doing any crafting at all, just a bit of fishing, and I feel loaded. Guess it's just a matter of perspective. It's not like there's much I want that can be bought with gil. My list is pretty much just Tier 3 or 4 aquarium, new world headdress, and a house but thats kinda meh since I know I dont have money for that one and there aren't any plots available

Goddamn, how long have you been hording that?

Is there any benefit to get married?

you can teleport to your partner every 30minutes

exclusive 2-person mount too, plus access to wedding attire for glamour purposes.

My fc leader has 330 mill, but he spends most of his time on the market board.

I barely have 20 mill, but I barely spend any time selling except when the local merchants start trying to corner certain markets.

The new world threads are a pain in the ass to get and they're going for like $3 million per thread with one chest piece at like $30 million. Aquapolis is a better alternative than airships on paper, but the new world threads are going to remain super rare well into 4.0 at this rate.

You get to force a nice christian baker to make your wedding cake, and if he refuses you shout that your are being oppressed/raped/subjugated and watch him get banned. IRL or In-game? You decide :^)

3mill for new world threads? ive been seeing them going for 7-9mill on exodus

two-seater mount, and a minion

i just ran away

Tonberries are lalas that were cursed by island lalas who were working with malach lalas. I believe that the Allegans created lalafells as their magical shocktroops. When the Allegans fell, the lalafell escaped and formed their own magical empire of black magic and another empire of scholarly magic.

With Bloodstorm more than likely the expansion name for 4.0, I think we'll be running into tons of island lalas. We may even get to see the popoto patches where new lalas are grown.

no user he knew exactly what he was doing

just another reason to hate them

we got an alabaster faggot over here

There are some going for that amount, but I've only see them sell for around 3 mill. One guy who bought 2 for double that tried selling the chest piece for about $15 mill.

I've yet to personally see the new world chief set on anyone and none have sold on the ultros mb. However, the non-colorable poncho is a pretty common sight. It's mats are very reasonable as well.

It's not even a slutty glam but that shit came out of nowhere.

did you mean?

I've heard that it may be announced during fanfest. It had better be good for SE to delay its announcement this long.


No, Alabaster

so more like this?


I'm about to give up on best bird, this is atrocious.

i could never really get into the game.
I don't know why, there was always something bothering me.

that's a quality contribution to the discussion, user

Go fish off the walls in dragonhead, I often get accidental mooch procs there (lv30some fisher here)




Its going to be like mini cactpot where eventually you figure out the lazyman way to get at least 10k a day. Just takes time nigga.



But user, the best bird comes from Thordan.


Maybe I should've started off as a healer or tank instead of Thamaturge.

No. Just queue regularly.


Job predictions right now:
Healer=Dancer close combat heals
Melee Dps=Red Mage fencing mage
Tank=Viking dual wield debuffer tank

Seriously? They threw samurai around like no tomorrow.

I hope you mean close combat dps and ranged heals, because have fun eating cleaves.

It will most likely be a caster class if anything. We already have 3 melee and got mch for ranged physical last time.

Viking because they copyrighted Stormblood which has connections to the Ala Mhigo god of storms, sailing and pillaging. The only FF job that fits that vibe is the Viking from FF3 which is a game that gets a lot of love in XIV.
Dancer because its the only existing FF job other than Chemist not in game already and Chemist is too close to Alchemist and close range is the only archetype for heals left unused. This does not mean behind the tank but in the fray with the dps and their attacks on enemies heal allies instead of targeting players exclusively. In a game where heals are expected to dps this makes sense as a gap filler for a new style of healing.
Red Mage i think is the one most people are expecting right now the most and it could be anything really, a tank, a ranged, whatever. But we had physichal ranged dps last time so close combat magical dps this time is the alternative to that.

Its not the jobs i want to see, its the jobs i expect given what we have seen and what roles are currently unfilled. I want Blue Mage tank, Geomancer dps and Puppet Master in general but all signs point to 'eat shit take this red mage and like it' which is fine too.

Also nigguh people having been saying "s-samurai next job, for real this time!" since 1.0, its the FFXIV communitys version of Holla Forumss "day of the rope when?" filler comment used all the time but we have seen one samurai in game from Doma and thats it. Theres too much bitching over katana and wakizashi dps or spear using tank and if they add one the other choice will NEVER let it drop.

Samurai never.

I'm more interested to see where we'll be heading to next.
I will hope till the day I die for an Ivalice expansion. Viera race is obvious, and there are a ton of jobs they could choose.

think there will be any special pricing tomorrow? I can get the base game for $8 atm but should I wait

Red Mage caster/melee hybrid, will most likely use En- spells and debuffs around stance dancing and Double and Chaincast for magic burst
Rune Knight for tanku, uses rune magic to defend and damage
Dancer melee healer, uses tp combos for dance heals and sambas for debuffs and life steal

Sams will most likely be saved for Doma and that inevitable expansion. I really want to see Geomancer, Puppermaster and Onion Knight jobs and a Doomtrain primal with Godbert coming in to suplex doomtrain in the finishing cutscene.

oh god i hope so.

yeah i still mad. fuck rdms.

as much as i hope rdm is dps and thus gets to enjoy the feeling of sitting out on the sidelines more often than not, part of me hopes it's a healer. this same part of me also hopes that it's a very restrictive healer, in the same vein is ast is with their sects. i.e. you cannot switch sect mid-combat as an ast, so you can't switch from "heal-stance" to "damage stance" mid-combat as a rdm. the tears would be delicious.

Its Ala Mhigo. Stormbloods the only copyright and thats part of a poem about the thunder god the humans worship in their capital city. Eastern seaboard pine forests and craggy hills having their natural resources sucked up by Garlean mako reactors is the next stop.

Its on sale right now because they are announcing they are dropping PS3 support and want those players to upgrade. They have to because PS3s were already hard locking at Leviathan and Void Ark and simply cannot run the Alexander fights this patch without crashing the entire console.


I was wondering if samurai would be revealed to be aiding the ala mhigan resistance in 4.0 but as of this patch we know the resistance is working alone with no help so thats out. We got NIN because there was a bunch of Ninjas willing to teach Eorzeans, we have one Samurai in game and thats it. Even the Dragoon stories "there is only one azure dragoon!" shit to make you special still sets up the fact that there are many other dragoons. Theres simply no in lore way right now to support samurai.

where at and for pc?

PSN for PS4 and Amazon for PC if memory serves.

remind me which samurai we've met again?

ty, looks like they raised the price by $8 to $28,I'm on the fence but you still can't beat that price

Just a nameless Doman from the Dreams of Ice patch where Yugiris lot introduced themselves and nothing since.

Looking at the concept art it looks great. It will also be nice to see how the Empire changed it.

Its funny that a lot of people who dont know the lore think of little Ala Mhigo and think its a desert expansion when thats just a camp for those turned away by the syndicate and brass blades in uldah.
Ala Mhigo is between Xelphatol and the empire up north in the great forests and unlike the Padjal area full of oaks and willows its a pacific northwest style ancient pine woodland home to the humans. Its never been in game not even in 1.0 and its home to dancers, geomancers and mages. Rumour has it Yda is the princess of Ala Mhigo's dethroned royal family and half the country are slaves working or resisting the garleans turning this verdant land into a mako/materia farming plant and the other half going full nazi sympathiser like the french people that joined up with the SS in WW2.

It would also include Gyr Abania, Paglth'an in the south and the islands in the jade and ash sea suggesting its the sea expansion that was the other choice that wasnt heavensward for 3.0

clearly he was quite forgettable. yeah, i think it's safe to say sam isn't going to be a job for this xpac.

I dont think we are getting it till we head to the continent Doma was on and while 4.0 can clear up the remaining areas of Eorzea we have not explored that means new continent is 5.0 at the earliest assuming the empire itself isn't the subject of that expansion.

samurais years away mang.

TBH kind of want some sort of jester/juggler tank. Maybe something dodge based with some kind of debuff. Blue mage also seems pretty sweet.


Fucking hell. That's way too much. If it was a fiver I'd consider it, but $30? No way in hell. Not even a Rikku minion can make me pay that much.

Same. But i would be lying if a Lulu outfit wouldnt be damn tempting.


[20:10]Wulgaru (S) has been killed.
[20:10]Aurion Pax: it's literally 3 jerks who have nothing better to do.
[20:11]Aurion Pax: @Maya they're the ones making the joke on reddit/Holla Forums. They have no life.

I want this niggerfaggot literal kike and his followers to stop lurking this thread.

Fuck that, I want to do damage in style and hipcheck everything that looks at me funny.

That doesn't necessarily mean he browses Holla Forums, maybe that he's heard of it? If he is here he needs to stop being such a faggot weeb, but I want to see his naruto mudra binds at least once for a laugh.


till seamen swallows all

I mast fish tit's sails, if you know what I mean.
But Minfilia is still best waifu in my heart.

waste of tripdubs

LOL good one user! Not even those sick digits can confirm that



All this speculation on classes for 4.0. But what about primals? What summons haven't we killed yet that would fit the region? What beast tribes, new or old, inhabit Ala Mihgo and are desperate enough to bring forth their gods?


that or some shit like valefor and other ffx summons

>mfw chocobo primal

battle takes place on a giant continental track
dps'n switches to avoid walls
aggro passengers to one side to tip for a hairpin turn
have to dps the brakes before it crashes with no survivors
multi-track drifting
never ever

will Ala Mhigans vs Garleans be 4.0's Dragon Song War or are going to push the Empire out of Eorzia before 4.X?



"A special seasonal version of haukke manor"

aw yii, shame no good gear rewards this time though.



a-at least i got my spiderweb print thigh highs from last year!

I was unsubbed last year due to there being no fucking content and I missed out on that.
At least I have my full set from 2 years ago, I guess.


Tritoch, Maduin, Doomtrain Magus Sisters

I could see magus sisters.

quality content well worth my continued subscription. Definitely not skeleton b-team work I can safely say the development team is as healthy as ever and they are putting their heart into it for sure

So less than 12 hours to the expansion reveal, final job predictions?

I'm still pretty confident DNC is the new healer myself.


if dancer is in and can be a healer, I know what i'm going to glamor up as. Might even fantasia just for it.

News of the fanfest must be dragging some new players in. Limsa and Uldah are full of green leaves and all my heal roullettes today to get AST 59-60 have all been Ifrit normal.

I heard the time gating of Legion is casual poison, maybe they are jumping ship with all the expansion buzz this week?



Right now the bets seem to be
Less likely
Never going to happen ;_;

I wanna fuckin kill myself

As long as your glamour is cute thats all that matters.

It might not be this year

Speaking of which, where is our stream? someone here who bought it who can also stream it for us?

They still know.


God fucking dammit.

n-not jelly.

not jelly at all.

Didn't Yoshida already say he's not doing as many jobs as HW? I'm pretty sure we're only getting 2.

All i know is Dancer and Red Mage is all want. Lewd costumes for healer and rapier gentleman/tom boy for RDM.

Yoshi you absolute madman!


if girl was boy its just trap. Reverse trap is boy that was girl.

Its a girl who pretends to be dead and is now living as a boy.

Well then I completely misunderstood what was going on.

Didn't level ast, just looked at filename.

AST is really fun you should try it. I did the first few levels on a whim in DD and when you get into the card drawing and sects its really fun compared to barebones shit like WHM.

So if my uk to us time conversions right its 2 and a half hours to go right?


says 2 hours here on the site. then again i dont have a fucking ticket so I cant watch it.

Me either but we know the 4.0 stuff will be tweeted out in minutes.

Fucking gross.

What faggots. Drop tables from bosses some time after the boss dies I can see, but why try to do it as fast as you can?

Not even that, they wanted the new jobs and expansion content to be datamined already.

Thats fucking ridiculous. Why does WoW turn people into these anti mmo mmo players?

Link? I need my daily dose of rage.

Theres one here, but its nice to see people actually say they dont like datamining. Maybe there is some hope for people yet.


fucking plebs I tell ya hwat

I wish I could convince some fc guys that AST isn't as shitty as they think it is.

Same shit happened to me. If doing the harder duties had better chances of going towards lines I'd be more inclined to do them.

AST is great, casting Royal Road [ZA BOWUDO] and giving everyone a 20% shield followed by a aspected helios with Diurnal Sect for a regen or Nocturnal Sect for a second layer of AT field as you jerk off and give the tank a pity Aspected Benefic is so satisfying compared to:

That place is one of the biggest shitpiles I have seen.
The amount of blizzdroning is astounding.
And the worst part is that is the only big WoW fansite who isn't completely socjus.

So will there be a mirror for this stream tonight for those not willing to spend an obscene amount of money?


From what I've leveled WHM has been boring as fuck but they're stuck on thinking that it's more reliable than AST for some reason. There's no saving one of them though because he's 'my dad works at SE' tier and believes he's better than every other healer despite no melding at all.


Anyone got a restream?

fucking hamburgers lol.

I dont understand how you let yourself become the literal size of a hutt.

AST is fucking retardly powerful right now and anyone who still says they are shit are retards of the highest cailbur.

WHM are the beta cucks and not known for their intelligence.
Their mana victim complex doesnt help.

And other things

The uppity one is a SCH actually.

What would make the other healers?


He cleared Normal last week. Maybe you should start practicing your rotation and actually gear up instead of just complaining about being worse than the worst shitters :^)

i246? My rotation is fine, I'm on a small as shit server and clear parties are rare for some reason.

I hate to mention it because i know some will bitch but reddits xiv board has a live updating feed of infomation right now.


Stream here for anyone who wants to watch. stole the link from cuckchan so


Thanks cutie

desperate times

Imagine the smell


Desperate measures brother, desperate measures.

dead already?

Seems like it.

looks like hes paused it at an esrb warning and doing nothing from my end.


well i think i saw 2 seconds of a trailer.

welp streams dead but twitters talking about stormblood and dancers.

Yep Stormblood summer 2017 confirmed.


New stream

Pat from super best friends said he might start in a minute.










Oh boy here we go



EUREKA: Diadem 2.0 confirmed.





sweating blizzard.png

4th housing place


Please be moghome please be moghome please be moghome

It is probably not-mexico land though


flying mounts confirmed.

RED MAGE incoming.


Thats that then. SE is done with the thing. RIP old goerge forman.


Activision must be insanely confused.

Always lovely to see his wonderful art.

this guy has seen some shit.

Take my money now

Someone made the jump from pc or xbox this gen.
Still it was nice to see all the lala's start dancing when i mentioned red mage.



The warrior of lights the monk, Yda is dressed and fighting like an Ala Mhigan blade dancer from 1.0

From what I can find, "blade dancer" mob was marauder class. She's doing pretty much same motions monk katas (see: Fists of Wind animation). I'm sure she's dressed as an Ala Mhigan, but, adding another unarmed monk-like class? Maybe if she was using a new weapon type, but -was a monk, -fights like a monk, -in a nation of monks. Eh.


It's because she has a smile. She feels emotions. If the other geezer is the warrior of light it would be like meeting an old friend for her, and what better way to see how you both have grown than to exchange a few blows? She looks actively pleased during the confrontation, for she has missed her friend.
If that was lightning, she'd just look like she always does. Emotionless. Dead inside. Dull. Yda feels like a human, while Lightning feels like a mannequin you stick pretty clothes on.


oh fuck they are announcing more stuff?

They showed Ozma wiping a party in the form of some spiky ball. I don't recall that form in regular WC


Isn't that just Ozma being mid-transition to triangle form?




American posting hours are starting so things are sliding off and apparently theres more big news coming up in a bit for the 'please look forward to it' presentation so i made the new bread a bit earlier


pls no bully.

nice screencap comparison user.

tfw there are still people on the official lore forums saying that it's impossible for yda to be an ala mhigan princess because her dad "fought against the king of ruin." nigga, ain't you ever heard of royal families fighting amongst themselves?

hyped for this xpac. actually legitimately hyped for DNC. also very hyped to see sexy mask-less yda able to kick ass and take names without stupid fucking PS3 limitations get off my my lawn you niggers REEEEEEE

Can confirm. WHM main here, and I want to do lewd things with the tank like hold hands

Before or after a dungeon?