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Video Games
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Video Games #123
Video Games
Concept Art
Granblue Fantasy /gbfg/
Wat do?
Back to WW2
Horror general
There will never be a Wario & Waluigi RPG game
Weekend Game Night - Xonotic (Saturday)
Video games that should have been more successful: the thread. The movie
Dawn of war 3 is a shitshow
Stella Glow
Quake & Rail Gun gap
Battle Brothers
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:The Last Surprise! Edition
Will Mario Odyssey be able to top Galaxy?
Your GOTY so far?
Is it normal to be made to be uncomfortable by ecchi games or ecchi aspects in games?
Collecting modern games as investment
A question. Should i start Baldur's Gate or Dragon Age Origins? Which game has better mage roleplay experience?
4 AM
Target Encourages Store-Wide Mayhem With Mario Kart Shopping Carts
Shit you threw out like a sack o' taters
PS3 Thread
That New Game Feeling
Kenshi Thread 4
Steins;Gate 0
Bad Character Bios
Edge Thread
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
What the hell happened to this? Wasn't it supposed to release Q1 2017?
Anyone still playing this? Beta 13.6 dropped last month
Contact with water instantly kills your character
Shantae Thread
Why is killing god such a common trope in JRPGs but literally no other genre...
All of these action games set in historical settings
Elysium Project: Zeth'Kur Is Dad!
Koreans = starcraft
Removal of 6hr Freeleech
2D/poorfag gaming
Planetside 2 - gas for vanu edition
Modding Haydee
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There Edition
Should I buy this game for PS4?
Tank Vidya
Call of Duty:WW2 confirmed
Are there speed runners on Holla Forums?
My feelings on the people in Skyrim morphed from apathy to disgust to sadism. I'm not sure how to describe it...
Out of nowhere reminded of the old red vs blue season 1 threads on Holla Forums like 13 fucking years ago or something...
Hello darkness my old friend, i've come to talk with you again
What happened to PK'ing?
Installing mods
What is the best religious game?
4 AM
Anyone want to get together and play this next week?
This is how game developers think in this day and age
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Fighter Edition
What is the most you have spent on vidya merchandise? It could be art books or the total value of your figmas...
Where are all the banana games?
What is SS13
What is Holla Forumss opinion on melty blood who is your main? pic related
FTL is the only roguelike/lite/"whatever shut the fuck up" I do like
If it's Al-Bhed, shoot it in the head
Monochrome games
Text-based games
Rave.Dj Vidya Mashup Mixes Thread #4: Our First Debut Edition
Persona General
I want to be a game artist
Pinball Game General
How do you feel about crossing anime girls and military shooting games?
Obscure (but not necessarily good/bad) Games
Scalpers and Gaming
The new game by Patrice Desilets (the creator of the "good" AssCreed games) has announced new details about it's new...
Hey Holla Forums anyone able to run a server? lets start up a minetest server!
Are there any non indie games that properly simulate evolution or an ecosystem...
Weekend Game Night - Xonotic
Alien Swarm Reactor Drop
Square Enix reprinting Nier Gestalt, scalpers BTFO
The Surge
Games where enemies suffer before they die
Ghost Trick
I'm going to break into anons house and pirate all of his stuff
The First Arkham game was great
Super Mario 64 'Hacks' (game mods)
Which THREE games have the worst fanbases?
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Puzzle Bobble Edition
Happy Birthday Fire Emblem!
Touhou 16- Cirno Goes Hawaiian
Is their any videogame girl that's as adorable as Tifa?
Gloriously stupid character design thread
Are fighting games the most complex genre ever?
Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey confirmed for feminist bullshit
Telltale must be stopped
Games that you have had best time playing online
Saint Rows 2
Saints Row 2 is free on GOG
Webm Thread: Sega died for your games edition
New Vegas and modding
4 AM
Beyond Two Souls - Model rips
I love you guys
Is Zelda really the most vibrant, varied and beautiful open world game? Or are these pictures fake?
The attack on Persona 5's "failed" localization continues
What does Holla Forums think of this one?
Gauging Interest
What are 3 the most disappointing games ever to you, Holla Forums?
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Seventh-gen console optimization
Be ballsy enough to show a dead little girl in the trailer
ITT moments in games that made you at least shed a tear (if not cry like an absolute bitch)...
What's the most autistic story you have that's video game related? Whether it's about yourself or someone else...
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that only the Legion could secure the Mojave Wasteland and New Vegas?
Fullderp: DOGARS edition
ITT: Rad games Holla Forums has never heard of
What's good about Bioshock 2?
The Witcher
Fighting Game General: I wanna be a Hitbox Edition
What are some fun games with decently high mechanical skill caps?
Please let this game be good, Playtonic already let me down
Man of War Corsair Thread
So when will the videogame industry get their "Rebirth"?
Dragon Quest Heroes 2 will use Denuvo according to the steams EULA
So does any game ever use different languages as a mechanic?
Pick a villain/antagonist you like or feel is worth mentioning
Terraria thread
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Russian Rocket Edition
So, what are you waiting to buy this gem Holla Forums?
BigBen goes on full damage control as they remove Denuvo from 2Dark
ITT post comfy town music
Federal Trade Commission warns about Nintendo Switch emulators
Thinly Veiled Furry Shit: The RPG
Low refresh rates
Space Thread:Free Space Edition
Porn games
Worst GTA Protagonist
What makes me a good Demoman?
Bad Vidya Music
StarCraft: Brood War UPDATE
Waifu Wednesday
4 AM
The Age of Decadence
Incest in vyda
Freedom Force Forum
Kirby thread
Marathoning all Final Fantasies
Remakes or Remasters That Aren't Shit
RIP neko gook artist
When are reboots ok, Holla Forums?
Unknown Enemies
Aside from >Windows 10, have I made healthy peashy choices (keeping in mind a low budget)?
Lads, what other games have similar gameplay to the m&b series...
Which idol videogame do you like most?
Good games that take forever to beat
So fate grand order is finally be released in English. took those bastards long enough
Repairing the 64 control stick
The League of Legends is most popular videogame in the world and i belive this game belongs on this board and should...
Are the Polish going to save gaming?
You blew it, Holla Forums
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Magician Lord Edition
He needs a face Holla Forums
Indie Dev Bullying Opportunity Ahoy!
What are good Cold War games besides Black Ops 1, Cuban Missile Crisis, World in Conflict, and Battlefield Korea
Fighting games
Share Thread - KEBAB
What should i play first?
Tfw joined college (not an america) to study CS thinking It will teach me to make vidya
She was Sonic's best rival
Webm thread
Your expectations for E3
Is high customizability a receipt for an success game?
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
Mediocre games which you can't let go of
4 AM
Be me because fuck you
Zelda is the most beautiful open world game there is
Japanese PC games and cool things you didnt know existed
I can't believe my childhood dream game had to be made in the worst possible age for video games and that it had to be...
Can Holla Forums guess what game this health bar comes from?
Is it bubsy?
I need more of whatever Aesthetic this game had
Where are all the cowboy games...
One Week, One Vidya - /owov/
Path of Exile General /poeg/
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Viva Vivian Edition
Unity engine general
Games that only you play
Who's the Poochie of video games?
Dont listen to Holla Forums recommendations
/agdg/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
Am I getting worse at video games or does this become unforgivably difficult halfway through?
He doesn't play a cash cow grinding simulator mmo that's a shell of its former self made by nu-blizzard with a Holla...
Stop playing Vidya!
Socom Insurgency Mod
Halo Wars finally coming to Steam, not needing M$'s bullshit Win10 store for once
I haven't played a FPS newer than 2007, since it seemed that they weren't interesting anymore...
What is the most disgustingly transparent money-grubbing tactic you've seen a vidja company perpetrate?
Action games general
How can anybody say RTS is dead when juggernaut like this is still coming out
Why did everyone hate Max Payne 3 again? I dont remember why there was anti-hype about it
Hey tank i see a rpg squad over there plz reverse away so you keep your frontal armor facing them
Hello mod can i ask you why do you keep locking my threads...
League of legends thread!
Sacred 2 Gold (Poop)
What are some games where the bosses repeat the same lines over and over again throughout the fight?
RPGmaker Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Fusion Frenzy Edition Edition
4 AM
Eco-terrorist group - The Game
So does anyone here play LoL? Who do you main?
Why am I supposed to consider Solidus the bad guy?
New From Software game or God Eater?
Is it really that bad? Or is it just misunderstood by spergs who cry "not muh Samus"?
Kenshi Thread 3
Story starts with amnesia
F-Zero Thread
Mystery Done Right
What aspect/character/mechanic of games make you say:
Rave.Dj Vidya Mashup Thread #3.1: lol butthurt Edition
SHIT Podcast - Dragon Husbando Edition
Multiplayer on consoles
Fullderp: Check Your Sets Edition
Since i'm a poorfag and can't afford a ps4 and wanna play Persona 5...
/4xg/ Strategy and 4X General
Sega Saturn
Filename Thread
Nipponese Learning Thread: 楽しい Edition
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Song of Those Who Wish for Peace Edition
Meanwhile in Strangereal Holla Forums
Dark Souls
Steam Avatar Thread
Sneaky Fucker Thread
This game worth a shit? Looks sexy
What was the last video game you really enjoyed
Cortex Command General
Why are you not playing the new season?
What is your favourite twist at the end of videogame?
Fantasy strategy games
Because it's clear Valve is never going to finish Half Life, make up your own reason for the G-Man's existence
Etrian Odyssey
This is actually surprisingly good. No wonder it took them six years to make a 3 hours long sidescrolling puzzle game...
Monster Hunter
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
4 AM
Here's why you're paying for Nintendo Switch online services
EEnE Online thread
Splinter Cell
Vita Thread #25
Mount & Blade WB general
Shit game follow-ups/sequels
Which video games have continuations in the story where a character is killed off and immediately brought back as a...
Why are the overwhelming majority of mobile games such garbage?
Saturday Night Horror Thread: RPGMaker Games Edition
Why Modding died
Current Happenings:
Rule the Wa/v/es: Baugette Removed Edition
Fire Emblem Echoes release date is May 19
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Bread - Friday Night Edition
Daily reminder that if your waifu were real, she would be attracted to Chad rather than you
Breath of the Wild Lore
Dream Game Thread
Original Xbox General
Grand Theft fuck you
Does thatgamecompany make mechanically solid games or should they be lumped in with other dead-end hipstershit and...
Persona 5 is the best jrpgs will be this gen
Grimrock 2
Touhou games
RTS has vehicles that arent tanks/dont hover
GPU General
Wurm Unlimited General
Did anyone ever used one of these?
Private TBC WoW server - Wargate
I'm considering using my tax return to either get a PS4 or a New 3DS
Fresh out of games 2: Electronic Boogaloo
Watching so many religious movies on this easter made me carve for a game where you defend your nation aganist the...
Bayonetta's PC port was good and all, but it's too "icky" to Eurogamer's taste
Indie Games
FFXIV: Heavensward General
Games you're sure only you give a shit about
Webm thread
Fallout/New Vegas Thread
Was Unreal Tournament game was the 2nd one, 2003 or 2004
Games for smart people
4 AM
Can we have a thread about goth/macabre girls
Splatoon: Direct Edition
The grittiness of these games validates me as an adult for liking a children's fantasy series
Tfw MMORPGs feel like a boring job
Setting arbitrary objectives for oneself is a bandaid for a larger wound
Why on earth does Nintendo understock their products? During the Wii U and 3DS era...
Are there really any people upset by the fact that certain games have come to PC? pic related...
/aog/ - Attorney Online General
Pussy thread
What happened to cool announcers in videogames?
Inspired by the timeless classic Chrono Trigger (…)
Xbox "scorpio"
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Market Garden Edition
Quake Champions Beta Weekend #2
Is there any good games from the UK?
Recommendations on which pokemon game to emulate?
Is there a more comfy game in 2017 than snake pass...
Rave.dj thread 2 - Hydrogen edition
Peter Moore leaves the industry
It's on sale for like 50% off on steam, free for the weekend. Going to buy some beer and ignore this beautiful day...
Has there ever been a modern 'Bible Game'? If there has not, how would you make it...
Name games / genres you know are good but can't get into
Lock's Quest
I know how Ninty can Make Metroid Great Again
If this were a fighting game, who would you main Holla Forums?
Best NG+
Remember me?
Fullderp: COMPETITIVE GAME edition
What are some good games with political messages?
Fucken Terraria thread v108,958.73
Cat games
When was the last good Sonic game?
How do you even have fun with video games?
What's the most demanding game to play for a pc?
Germany now legally classified internet streaming as radio
Hey Holla Forums, there is way too much crossposting and generals lately...
Is fuchur dead?
Post games regarded as educational, where you actually learn something. Looking for games with historical stuff
4 AM
/agdg/ amateur game dev general
Is there untapped potential in no-fuss lo-fi online games ? or is its current simplicity their charm?
Games to make me feel
Well, it's a dollar
Minecraft Introduces Paid Mods Marketplace
How hard would be to make a text game in libgdx and put anime drawings on it?
ITT: We use this bullshit website to make shitty mashups and remixes of different vidya songs
Horizons just got a new update, and I'm thinking about buying it
Breath of the Wild on Switch sells more than the Switch itself
So Holla Forums, what's your excuse for not exercising for at least one hour a day on the wii fit?
Explosives Thread
"Persona 5's localization is worse b/c of its Japanese references! [Localize it!]"
A wild merchant appears
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Pacific Edition
RTS Thread - Space Elf Edition
Resident Evil 7
Octopath Traveller: To Hope is to Respond
Meta Thread
Do you own any figures?
Yooka laylee boasting ~40,000 sales on steam
Play System Shock 2
Fighting Game General: Undying Hope Edition
A proposal
Wine 2.6 released
MOAB Gaming
Nintendo has confirmed that the NES Classic Edition has been officially discontinued
PST:EE - did they do a good job?
/dsg/ - Dark Souls General
First V4 Denuvo game has been cracked
Webm Thread
Have your opinions changed or stayed the same about ARMS after yesterday's Nintendo Direct and the reveal of Minmin?
Omega Quintet coming to PC
Please help me identify the game with the unreadable label
Comfy Grindan
4 AM
"Important" video games
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Band Of Brothers Edition
Puyo Thread
Who knew that an all male dress-up game would be so popular?
Strange and Deep SMT thread
Why the videogames occupy so much ram?
Post devs that (in your honest opinion) has never made a good game
What are some non-pozzed torrent sites? I've heard thepiratebay is thoroughly a honeypot at this point
Guess who got Wikipedia article of the day!
Does anyone know a Japanese Soul Calibur player named FUG? He from japan...
Updated My Journal: Enhanced edition
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
Complexity and Ease of use
The Japanese video game industry only became relevant in the current year. -Feminist
Which shits you up more setting wise
So apparently i have been gifted a Switch for my birthday, what actual games have anons been buying for it?
3d rumble based groping
Magic In Vidya And How To Balance it
Current Happenings:
Good, indepth, autistic sandbox games
Nintendo Direct Speculation Thread
Wildstars 'Hardcore' raiders cheat en masse to complete grindy as fuck post leveling progression system instantly...
What's that one mechanic that video games often try, but more often completely fail at it?
Character Select Screens
Any good games where you can be evil? Proper evil I mean not morally gray but malevolent
Main character is bisexual
Gamepad/controller thread
What are some games out there that severely need to be remastered?
Is this the biggest running joke on the gaming industry?
Yakuza Kiwami releasing for 30 dollarydoos
Robot games
I thought this cancer meme died with the sjw?
Emulation Thread - Breath of the emulation Edition
Starcraft Remaster
Any games that allow me to explore the vast ocean?
Happy fifth birthday, Holla Forums
4 AM
Why is it Klei entertainment is the only Developers I actually enjoy
Battlefront 2
Jobs that would make good game
Waifu Wednesday
NIHON FALCOM (Ys, Trails, Gurumin, Xanadu, Brandish, etc) thread
Peak Performance
Fullderp: Cuckuna edition
Why does everything good have to change?
All my friends have had MOBA-only disease but now they only play this. Is it total shit or is there some fun to be had?
Any Anons want to start a company?
Current Happenings:
ITT: Post the worst games in their respective series
Platformers General /pfg/
Why is Gearbox still around?, they should be bankrupt by now
General Holla Forums reminder
So, Holla Forums, would you watch a whole OVA or miniseries made in this style?
What went so right?
Grim Dawn
Why are they doing this? Why are the Japs releasing their games on PC? They were supposed to be our games...
Hentai games thread
So i am creating a Corporation in eve online any good ideas for a names? we be living in wormhole space
The forgotten few
Overwatch General: Welcome home overcucks edition
So the Switch has almost outsold the Wii U already. Its safe to say the Wii U is fucking dead as dicks
They did it, the absolute mad men
Draw Thread, Shut up and Jam: Gaiden
"Remedy looking towards PS4 development for next game"
Shin Megami Tensei Persona's Bizarre Adventure
So what it is the deal with Yooka-Laylee?
..Previously on Dragiin Ball Zeee
Playstation 3 Exclusives
Games without sprint button
4 AM
Mechwarrior Living Legends
Mechwarrior Living Legends
With monitor resolutions getting higher and higher, do we even NEED Anti Aliasing any more?
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Jupiter Edition
Post the last game you refunded
Tired of randomization
I'm just doing this out of spite now, Fuck you mods, that thread was legitimate
Traditional media (TV, newspapers, etc) going after Youtube
Roguelikes (and lites)
Gamergate 2.0?
What mods are recommended for Morrowind and Oblivion for a first play through?
Games that made you realized you had a Fetish
Fallout New Vegas
Are there any games that have canon autistic characters?
Is the stealth genre pretty much dead? There are several stealth series that probably won't receive a good...
What are some video game antagonists with no motivation other than being simply evil?
I'm sick of it all, Holla Forums. What are some games to play when you're angry?
If you go on the android app store all you see is pay to win games filled with 10 year olds
Open World Games (Skyrim Edition)
CEMU 1.7.4 Released Officially
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
BAYONETTA illuminatti comfy countdown bunker
Webm Thread: Spring Edition
Future Gamenight Plans
What do you think Megaten on the Switch is?
Good evening Holla Forums
This might be the worst game I played in a long time and I am so fucking amazed at how someone could fuck up releasing...
Holla Forums Wurm Unlimited general: ser/v/er never edition
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Poseidon Edition
Can't run on a emulator that get 20k
AP: Fluid combat edition
It's been a decade
Neptunia Thread
Nintendo Direct Wednesday
Is Titanfall 2 going to be the last good thing EA ever publishes?
What games did you use to play in elementary school?
/agdg/ amateur game dev general
Can we have a bit of meta discussion?
Killzone series
ITT 8 to 16 bit recommandation
Newfag to PC- can anyone recommend games???
Who else is getting Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?
4 AM
ITT game titles that are subtly relevant
I know ive seen this weirdly high-poly switch in another game, bur which???
Persona General
Thinking about getting dayz. anyone tried it? any good?
ITT: Games that made you realize that you don't have autism
61 days until E3
Gamefreak could've expanded the map, evolution lines, adding new major game mechanics, etc
Game is a oriental-themed martial arts game
Russian language thread (Cheeki Breeki #1)
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Glasses Make Beauties Edition
Help Out, Holla Forums
How (un)original are you?
Steam hate on Holla Forums
Gamenight: Last Day edition
FPS where you can go fast
Games you can't remember the name and you can't find on the internet
Fullderp: The chimp Fullderp needs, but not the one it deserves edition
Do you spend more hours playing video games each week than reading books, working out...
Awful Maps/Levels
Considering the fact that nostalgia for the 80's and 90's seems to be the big thing right now...
What are some individuals in the gaming industry/Games media that aren't cucked or actively promoting anti consumer...
Which video game made you realize you have autism?
3DS Homebrew Thread - Merging Threads Was a Mistake
80's metal to listen to while playing classic (Doom, blood, etc) fps?
Midnight Cuck
Mega Man
Holla Forums starts talking about copyright protection, systems like denuvo and piracy
Continuation of the Kenshi thread, since the first one did so well it hit the bump limit
What do you think of the [email protected]/* */?
Baldur's Gate
Space Thread:Cat Girl Crew Editon
This junk came out long time ago and went under the radar (or nobody cared), what can you say about it?
Post 10/10 games
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Thread
Any of the Samurai Jack games worth playing?
ITT: games you've only recently bought/played
RPG world where you fight all kinds of magical creatures every few seconds using your magical abilities
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Do you call the PSone a "PSX"? At what point did you start calling it that?
/DSG/ Dark Souls general
4 AM
Eternal (development hell) Crusade
YouTube single handely destroyed any hope of new let's players getting popularity
Do you think CPY doesn't crack Automata because he thinks that it's a great game and you should buy it?
Can I choose to only allow certain races into my Vault, or will I be forced to racemix?
Zelda is the best looking and most varied game this year
ITT enemies that can fuck right off and stay the fuck gone
Anybody know how to fix these off-brand ps2 memory cards?
Nintendo 64 thread
Normal sized places from toy prospective
One Week, One Vidya - Ronin
Italian nerd fucks around with the unreal engine and makes a game 10x more immersive, comfy, beautiful, gorgeous...
So is there a definitive translated version to the first Persona?
Are there any good online games on the market? I'm not just talking about standard multiplayer shooters...
Good 'n' short
The industry is shit, and we're all to blame
CRT Thread
Rule the Wa/v/es
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Titan II Edition
Botnet cuck here
Tfw we live in an increasingly socjus controlled world of videogames
Va11 Halla Thread
Horse Racing Vidya
Unexpectedly good games
Can you fap to this in 2017?
Saturday Night Horror Thread
Ratchet & Clank
PSO2 Thread
Old shit
Webm Thread
Planetside 2
CoD UO Gamenight: Saturday Edition
I think we can all agree than directionless sandbox games with survival elements where you collect things and have lots...
Cranking up the FOV
Pirate before you buy
Does Holla Forums still like AVGN?
Ai reads your input
Games where you can build your own weapons
Nier Automata Thread: Pascal the organ trader thread
Passing On
Ace Combat thread
I was left with this fun-looking gun and the owner has been ignoring my calls for months now...
I am looking for games that involve Mongols in some way
Fresh out of video games
Weird Easter Eggs
Let's talk mobile games, are there any that aren't trash (micro transactions, paid unlockable content, paid skins)...
Ever play a game and get the feeling its budget ran out by the end?
River City Ransom Underground
4 AM
Chart/Guide/Info Thread
So, what was the point of this game? Just abuse or partnership problems? Did he break her cunny in at a young age?
Important Vidya Happenings
Political/Military Horror
GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: NUKE- A LAYLEE: Minute Man III Edition
New game for kids
Unreal remakes
Rainbow Six Siege General
Why is Nintendo sitting on a full game, that almost nobody has played, from a beloved now dead series...
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door+ (Ver. 1.2)
Video Game Pet Thread
Does anyone know anything about mod cleaning for skyrim?
Curious if India has any games other than mobile shit
Let's pretend to be Game journalists
Necro beta soon
Lets ruin Night in the Woods
No skateboarding games this gen bar THPS5
Favourite relaxing games?
Stop using nonfree operating systems to play your computer games on
Reminder: You Escaped
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...