Can someone please post the god tier template webm? I've lost it along with multiple files
Your expectations for E3
After how good 2017 has been E3 will be utter shit. 2018 will be a drought of games.
It's weird how It's every three 3 years.
Good joke
Thanks user, you're an angel
Breath of Wild expansion
I don't know user, Sonic Forces is going to be at E3. That's going to be one of the contenders for GOTY when it comes out
Time is a cruel mistress
This is gonna be more optimistic/hopes for E3. Of course, I know better than to expect any of this stuff for E3. This list is just a bunch of vain hopes.
> Bayonetta 2 port for PC and I guess Switch
Please yes.
Avellone wants to make a Fallout: New Orleans, he said in a tweet a while ago.
Bloodborne 2
Smoke and mirrors, lies, deceit, graphic downgrades, removed features, rehashes and money grabs.
You know, the usual stuff that's been happening every year since the event became private.
Are you new or just retarded?
E3 is a wonderful time to look forward to, because it's a never-ending train crash of cringe.
Yeah, right after Bb
then there may yet be hope
I don't disagree. But it'd be nice to see something actually worth playing coming from E3 again.
that's why I said in my post that the things I listed were a bunch of vain hopes.
Did you even read the first part? Or just the greentext? I know better than to expect anything to actually come out of E3. Let alone any of the stuff I listed.
Avellone and Sawyer don't work there anymore it will be POZout.
Yeah like that's its only problem.
Actually, Avellone in the same tweet he said he'd be interested in making New Orleans, he said that it would allow for more freedom because of him being able to do contractor work.
It's still unlikely though, because Bethesda are total kikes and Obsidian is in a pretty shitty spot. I just want another Fallout: NV style game. Open world shooter with good RPG elements, lots of dialogue and a ton of details. Fallout 4 just misses that mark and Skyrimjob was just swordfighting and poor quests.
Holy fuck
Go home, No Mutants Allowed.
At least as far as 3D fallout goes, anyway.
Again: Holy fuck.
Thanks for proving how retarded and deluded you Obsididrones are.
What is the best 3D fallout game then?
He's going to say 3 without a hint of irony.
i expect disappointment and nothing else
That implies there is a good one in the first place you fucking retard. They're all equally shit.
>Croteam FINALLY announces The Talos Principle 2
You are a nigger, have you ever even played New Vegas? What was it's flaw? It was a great game, best 3D fallout by far.
You're sounding like a No Mutants Allowed cuck who shits on any game that isn't Fallout 1 and 2.
Eventually you'll stop being a child and learn to appreciate things for what they are, as opposed to what they could have been.
Stop projecting, drone.
Shit story that makes no sense
3D Fallout
First/Third person camera
Gutted skills and ability modifiers
Ugly as sin even when released
Far more bugs than Fallout 3 some which render the game unplayable, if you're lucky you will only crash every 30 minutes
Railroaded to kingdom fuck which you will deny because "LOL YOU CAN JUST WALK AROUND THE DEATHSTALKERS XD"
There is no defending any 3D Fallout. Because its made by Bethesda and Obsidian who both cannot make good games.
Since nothing with good gameplay came out this year i don't know man. It'll be yet another e3 with no games, filled with people who don't play them.
How can you tell, you haven't played it.
that's nu-Holla Forums for you.
Because its an extremely high-profile game? Any game that's high-profile is a contender for Game of the Year you fucking retard.
Shut up, it will be a good honest expansion with new features, yuge map and actually decent dungeons and even Holla Forums will enjoy it please nintendo
Fuckin plebs, at least I'm seeing some Serious Sam 4 references.
I'm also hyped to see some Total WaWa 2 Lizard gameplay, the animations look fucking amazing
BOTW's DLC will be as bad, if not worse, as Nu-Fire Emblem's DLC.
See, I assumed he was talking about personal preferences and not worthless games media accolades.
Seen the entire game, have you? The quality could drop off or increase (apply whichever's appropriate) drastically, and you'd be able to tell from cherry picked marketing bits?
So you're a fucking retard.
Scorpio: Boner's Revenge will take the event as it is the only new console to be showcased I believe. But maybe a new vita with tv out will be announced, so anything can happen. It's nice to have something to look forward to, even crippling disappointment and the sweet kiss of death.
Yes it won like everyone expected. Is there something wrong with your brain that means you are angry this happened?
New Metroid by PlatinumGames
Also RIP old scott guy
It's shit, user.
Can we talk about things that tragically WON'T BE at E3?
This will never, ever happen. From what I've heard, the original model Vita already had the capacity to output video through the accessory port Sony never used for anything. They just needed to add software support for it through a firmware update and release something like that cable that lets the PSP output video. What did Sony do instead? They released the Vita TV, a console nobody asked for and nobody wanted, so that they could try to get $100 for TV support for the Vita instead of the $20-$30 they might have charged for the cable. Between that and the way Sony is letting the PS4 steal every Vita release, it's obvious they have no intention of supporting the system much longer, let alone release a new version of it.
You can look at a piece of shit and know it is what it is, a piece of shit. Or you can look at a sweet lady and know it is a sweet lady, unless she's a he and has a dick then you can either run a way or think it's better that way. You also don't have to be chef to know when a dish is good or bad.
If that is a game of that year that means the games from that year are even more shit. It's not a good thing and I fully understand people getting angry over it.
I still feel like shit reading that
Even worse when people are hyping it
Its shit
All I want wanted was a new Advance before Nintendo went full kike.
No it doesn't. Fuck off autist.
I don't remember anything from last years e3. I hope microsoft brings back kinect demonstrations, sony brings back giant enemy crabs, nintendo brings back shit drums and other family friendly entertainment presented by my creepy aunt, konami displays its autism in full glory, pc keeps being super cool musterace how fast can you build a computer XD and for ubisoft to to show what their games should look like as opposed to what they release.
A positive ratio of good games
Yes, but we're talking about unreleased games like Sonic Forces and Bannerlord.
Why live
At least we will get some of these
Eh, Crowb's videos have been getting kinda stale recently. I think he's running out of steam.
I liked his early videos better, too bad he fucking deleted all of them.
Did anyone re upload on another channel?
Some of them, but good luck finding their name.
God damn retard deletes a video every time someone asks him to.
I'll be the faggot laughing in the audience.
When you're on camera get on your feet and rub your hand like a jew so we know its you.
Time fucking flies.
Dude what.
Whats so funny about this video?
The joke is the E3
Quads checked
That guy was one of the best commercial actors ever. Why did Sony drop him again?
Oh that's nice. Have fun with no games fam.
Nigger, if you've played generations then you already have a good idea of what to expect. Don't act like this is some brand new unproven IP, like bannerlord is.
He did a wii commercial for some tire/car company and Sony got so salty they sued the fuck out of him.
Why? Are they his possessive girlfriend or something?
So if you get the disappointment you expect, then you're not going to be disappointed by being disappointed hence it's gonna be good, what a paradox, user.