Where were you when Sega decided to make games great again?
Where were you when Sega decided to make games great again?
Too many old hags and ugly models, pass.
This is a remake of just Yakuza 1, right?
In my mind I always mixed up Kiwami with the HD-Remake of 1+2
Its basically the first game with 0's combat, yeah.
Looking forward to this but good thing it will take its time; still have to finish 5, horse around even more in 0, shit to do in GR2, DLC characters in KoF XIV and P5 that I still haven't even installed.
I played 0 before 1 and a particular story moment (chapter 6 IIRC) pretty much sold this game to me. I just have to know what went with Kiryu and Nishiki.
Who's the bitch in the back right.
Looks like that Edgelord Queen from Tales of Berseria, the claw-hand thing is similar.
How is Kiwami, if anyone here has played the Japanese version? I heard it's good but also that some of the recreated fights from the original don't function well with 0's combat and that the frequency of the Majima fights makes them get tiresome after a while.
Is that Kat on the far left?
Kind of a neat idea for a picture but the art is not really up to snuff. I seriously hope this isn't by one of our drawfags because it looks tumblr-tier. Those fucking noses.
Is that luka next to link?
I'll wait for the pc ports of the entire series.
Yeah, it's one of those things where the concept is much better than the execution.
It's William Addams from Nioh.
Absolute fucking cancer
that's cute
I don't know half the people here, I only recognize Link, 2B, the crazy guy from Yakuza and the Persona 5 protag.
not a bad attempt at a concept but the artist seriously needs to learn how to draw Kat, William and Link. It's nearly impossible to tell that's Kat and William looks exactly like Geralt. William has enough differences in his actual game to pass as Not-Geralt, but in this art he is just Geralt.
Yakuza 1 doesn't need a remake, i'm fucking tired of Sega furtherly milking thia franchise.
What's that supposed to mean?
1 is perfectly playable, just remember to use R1 a lot.
Weak b8
This board isnt your hugbox son
How fucked is the OG Yakuza 1 & 2 localization? Should I play the japanese version or is the western version ok?
It does need a remake. Stop being such a salty bitch.
I thought you meant the samurai game for a sec
wake me up when there is something good
You posted an anime girl instead of a proper response, wow, that's about as much of a reply as some black person using emojis on twitter. The combat of Y1 is indeed inferior to Y2 and onwards but it's an otherwise stellar game that oozes charm and has a world that truly feels alive which is particularly amusing when you consider that it came out 12 years ago. The combat is not horrible either, just unpolished but picks up once you get all the abilities from the hobo trainer guy. What was the meaning of your post?
It really doesn't.
It's cheap and you can find it fairly easily.
Now what needs a port or remake is Yakuza 2, exclusively to fuck the scalpers selling it at 100$ plus online.
Nothing needs a remake, that doesn't mean that it shouldn't happen you goober. It has the best story in the series, now itll be up to par in gameplay too. It'll also make a good starting point for people new to the series.
They could have just played the original if they wanted to get on the series so bad. This remake solely exists to make more money out of the japanese.
The gameplay in 1 is fine and you're a faggot.
The five minute load times for every fight beg to fucking differ.
Bayonetta is doing fairly well
There's a glimmer of hope at least
Try not being so casual, might help.
This, any loading times take a couple of seconds at most.
hurrr durrr
If you don't own a ps2 you shouldn't be playing any modern games
Holy fuck, yes.
You can just either emulate the game for free or get a PS2 which has free piracy with FreeMcboot. I'm surprised by how casual and retarded you are.
If people want to "get in to the series" they'll need to own a PS2 because the best game in the series (Yakuza 2) is still as of yet exclusive to PS2.
The more I think about it, the more I realize this remake is basically being made for nobody.
The gameplay is shit in comparison to the latest entries, that is a fact.
You know how cheap PS2s are? You can find them fucking everywhere, both fat and slim, for practically nothing compared to the amount of good games you can get for it. Lots of bang for your buck.
Yeah, no shit, that doesn't mean there is something wrong with 1 or it's gameplay.
Correction: if they can read jap then they can get the hd remakes of 1 & 2 on PS3. Another reason they shouldn't need a remake.
Or if they for some godforsaken reason have a WiiU.
No one that has waited this long to jump into the series is going to do that, especially if 0 was their first entry
It's 30 dollars you fuckin neet, if it was full price it wouldn't be acceptable but they're making it cheap as fuck. There's nothing wrong with it getting remade.
But I did…
Shill, just because I don't see the need for a remake you don't need to get testy. I get you're down to suck any dick to make that PS4gamesonly worth the price you paid for it, but I don't agree with your terrible value judgements. I own the original, I'll play that if I want to play the game, and Sega and you can take this cheap little remake and shove it up your ass. I bet it's shit and gets censored or something retarded like that.
Yakuza 2 got reprinted. It's like $42 on Amazon. Scalpers and resellers can get fucked.
I was prepared to buy Kiwami for LOL60BUX. Half that? I can't not buy it. I like Yakuza 1, but if I could play it in 0's engine, it would be like a pizza with another pizza as a topping. Wait, pedofags ruined pizza.
Guess who reprinted it? Scalpers to fuck with other scalpers.
The only good thing about Y0 was its gameplay.
Still waiting for a Tron Bonne reprint, then.
You'd like it more if you were alive in the eighties. It's more some kind of fancy tongue in cheek series of winks and nods at the rest of the series.
Oh that's what's got you so butthurt, it's on a platform you don't have, should've known.
They just added a few cutscenes for 2 characters and that's it. The only difference besides the graphics and gameplay, is the Majima-Everywhere gameplay element and the reason why Majima was banned. That's it.
I'm doing just that. Haven't played 0 though.
You forgot to call him a condiment
You're just ass blasted at me pointing out the game doesn't need a remake, cry more sonyshill
Good luck with that, but honestly I think you'd be better off starting with 1. It's gonna be awkward going from the remake of 1 to 2, and honestly if you couldn't handle 1's controls then 2 isn't gonna make it much better.
2 handles a hell of a lot better than 1, when was the last time you played it?
Very recently for both on a replay though I've owned both since launch. Don't get me wrong, 2 is an improvement, but it's not night and day. Hell I'd still call 3's system clunky. Either you can deal with the system or you can't and if you can't deal with 1's system I don't think you'll be going nuts over 2. More to the point: The battle system isn't the point of the Yakuza games.
It is a very important part of the game however, I don't care too much about the side content personally.
man, how do you even stomach the games then? every time i got frustrated or bored of the main content i'd just go fucking play arcade games, or fishing, or play mahjong or whatever. i can't imagine what just slogging through the main story does to a man
I love cheesy over the top stories and the japs can pull that shit off really well.
Oh yeah, no doubt. Again though, even 1's system wasn't that bad, clunky, for sure, but not bad and totally playable.
Best publisher of 2017.
Yakuza Zero
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza 6
Daytona 3
Sonic Mania
Bayonetta PC port
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Admit it.
Sega's been the best publisher for a looooong time user
And you forgot
-Total WaWa 2
-Endless Space
-Motorsport Manager
He's blonde tho
Ok I had no idea what they were going for there
it's a ground-up remake and has added sections to the game, one thing i read is "players of yakuza 0 will be moved to tears with nishikis story"
can't wai,t i love these fucking games, if we get a full blown remake of 2 i'll lose my fucking shit
i spent a long time trying to figure out where kiryu was
If they port Vanquish and/or Anarchy Reigns, they'll close 2017 like kings
Also Sonic Mania looks nice. It's a shame that it won't get a 3DS/Vita support
I'm still waiting for a response. How censored/modified is Yakuza 1 & 2 for PS2? does anyone know?
pretty untouched, buy y1 on ps2 has a kinda crummy dub
Only raped release was 3 and it flooped so fucking hard Sega nearly stopped localizing the games.
so 4, 5, dead souls and zero's localization is fine?
Ill wait for them to stop being niggers and put it on PC.
Yeah, only some really minor insignificant changes.
I think Censored gaming made a video about it and everything.
Don't ever stop believing user
I know I won't
Even things like EDF and Ace Combat are getting ported now.
Said without irony by the master gibsmedat race
Like pottery
Imagine a remake with playable Ryuji. 3 styles and they're all about being a monster truck that walks like a man - punching shit hard, grabbing mofos, shanking and bitchslapping with the sword sheath etc. Now that would be something.
I love the style changes in 0 but I'd like to see it worked in a way where a character solidly remains in one archetype instead of bouncing around power, speed and balance.
I love how every sonyshill attempt to shit talk always comes off like a fucking dad joke. Keep making the Sony side look cool my dude.
Kindly point out where I said anything positive about Sony
No need to, you're pretty blatant
I look at it from a business perspective. Its based on their illogical fears and other retarded reasoning that they dont port things or already have them on PC. Lets not forget how well sales do on Steam, GOG and other PC retailers. Lets not forget that these guys are refusing to tap into a vast group of income just because of some retarded decisions. Why the fuck would they say no to money. "But PIRATES". Thats actually a minority group if anything. The people who pirate are in the minority of the people who play games and thus you wont see it hurt sales at all. If anything piracy spreads news by word of mouth. Do also remember that there are a group within that group who uses it to try before they buy and will eventually get the game if its good enough.
Only bad games need to fear poor sales. A good game will be bought regardless as long as the exposure and oppurtunity is there. Once you laden it with shit like DRM, On Disc DLC, Micro-transactions that hinder the game , then you will have people finding reasons to justify piracy.
So yea, Japan when it comes to the PC are a bunch of retarded niggers that are terrible at business. Look at Capcom, Konami, Nintendo, Sony…hell all of them are just fucking retarded when it comes to actually taking good, calculated "risks" as they would call it. Its an easy market to dominate and they wont do it.
Aside from Monster Hunter CapCom has always tapped into the PC market.
I don't like the English dub most copies of one have, to much pointless swearing to appeal to the GTA crowd.
The english dub is a shame, but it has it's charm too. Specifically Mark Hamil makes a pretty great Majima. Honestly I'm surprised there isn't an undub patch yet, but the dub really isn't the worst thing ever.
I like HBH but Kiwami is a better option of experiencing the first game due to better combat, more content, a cheaper price, the only thing that sucks is that the soundtrack was poorly remade.
Not really, there are people who still never got around to playing the original since SEGA never bothered localizing the HD collections.
How does that help them get in to the series if in order to play the next game they have to go back to the PS2 and a clunky battle system?
Also see the video in for a perfect and detailed explanation why Kiwami is not the best place to start the series.
Yea thats like the one thing that needed to be on PC from the beginning yet hasnt for some retarded reason. Hell the series would open up exponentially.
Isn't Nintendo paying a high price for any mainline titles ro be released on the 3DS since it sells extremely well domestically?
Still pisses me off today
Its going to feel like shit going from Kiwami from 2.
The OG is still the best game to start from.
emulation is free
Have you actually played 1 lately?
Yep, and 2, extremely recently. It's totally playable. Are you underage? you're acting like this shit is fucking Atari where it's just random colors on the screen and nothing makes any fucking sense.
Should i skip 3 then? beaten 1 and 2 on an emulator and wanted to continue the series
I don't know what kind of low grade shitposting you're doing, but 1 is incomparable to all other releases in the series. 2 holds up perfectly today, but 1 is rough as fuck.
Can't expect actual arguments from a subhuman like you, I guess
Yeah, they even removed sizeable chunks of content from it
Only hope here besides learning Nip is PS3 emulation.
3's worth playing, just maybe look up how it's censored and be mad as you play at how you have to date hostesses in burger joints and other things like that. It's mostly minor censorship and it's still a good game. Mind you, it's not as good as 2, but it has it's moments, Aniki.
Nigger, how is it rough? What's the matter, the game not hold your pussy for you while you play?
i played yakuza 1 for the first time 2 months ago, it was my first yakuza game and while 2 and later are way better you're fucking exaggerating how rough it actually is, the only problems i had were with arase and only with him, everything else was just fine and its a good way to start the series.
why are you exaggerating so damn much? He is right, you do sound underage.
Nigger I'll fucking hit you
The content they removed was just side stories, and the game still has plenty of side stories. Look man, I'm not saying it's even close to acceptable and I'm glad Sega isn't doing it anymore and is giving us the full experience, but this user should absolutely experience 3's story. It's good, it's got a good theme, it's worth playing. The cut out shit is annoying as fuck and I was mad as shit playing through reading the cut missions and what they were about, but I'm still glad I played the game at all.
Ideally the nigger would learn jap and be forever uncucked, but if he must be cucked there are worse people to have fuck your wife than Kazuma Kiriyu while SEGA films it.
Corrected, I forgot about the minigames. And of course the small bits of censorship to that one specific part of the plot is also shitty. Not saying the censorship is not shit, just saying 3 is worth playing.
Its not that 2 is clunky or broken outside of looking like a gif on HDTVs, but since people probably got into the series with the PS3/4 releases and used the reminisce features on Y3/4 I can see why they'd go with Kiwami.
Thats not a solution for everyone, granted thats what got me into the series since physical copies were expensive and hard to find before the reprint.
Depends on how well your HDTV scales the content and if it handles the 480p signal (which should be pretty well supported still), mind you if you run it through component cables and expect it to look good, then yeah, it's gonna look like shit. For me it looked great and crisp, but I actually know what I'm doing.
I'd rather wait for emulation
Censored shit unless its very minor kills it for me.
Removed content and minigames is a no go.
We're talking about a starting point for newfags.
Kiwami is not it
Fair enough then. In that case honestly I suggest learning Japanese. There are a lot of good games in this series that didn't get brought over here.
Who are these people you talk about? Also you probably have a pretty shitty HDTV.
Fuck me, component is what you want.