Why did everyone hate Max Payne 3 again? I dont remember why there was anti-hype about it.
Why did everyone hate Max Payne 3 again? I dont remember why there was anti-hype about it
Looking nothing like the original in terms of tone will do that to any sequel.
game play wasn't really any interesting compared to the first, even the second was better. too many half-implemented mechanics and weird shit like making it so you could collapse if you dived in the wrong direction. not really the kind of game where you should have to watch where you're diving.
That was basically it, the gameplay is much better than the two first
I still replay all of three of them occasionnally
Its not Max Payne in both tone and gameplay.
Some neat stuff but overall pretty piss poor.
This is bait
what a great post
they turned TPS into a cover shooter, also Max Payne would have been better as a standalone game even though 2 wasn't that bad
It had big boots to fill, but I think it filled them quite well, especially following after the first game though I would dare to say that max payne 3 was easily better than 2 in many respects. Nevertheless, some things were shamelessly modernised, but that was somewhat to be expected I suppose. There were many things I admired about max payne 3 that added to the formula somewhat object collision And enemies no longer acting like they were held together by elastic pipe cleaners when shot 2. I was a bit annoyed that the game wasn't set in nee York, but then again I think they'd already done that setting to death so a change of scenery was at least a change in variety. In addition, the story was nice.. Not much more max payne could have lost really so I think it was a good place for the story to go by max trying to make a new start elsewhere.
No Sam Lake
also you are shit at the game if you have to hide behind walls
Protracted, unskippable cutscenes.
Bullet spoonges enemies at harder difficulty, fucking niggers.
I have only played Max Payne 2 but I can confirm that it is not a cover shooter.
I loved it, personally. But the cutscenes are too many, and too long. The good gunplay gets hampered by you walking ten steps and the game stopping you and forcing you to watch a five minute cutscene where Max finishes walking down the hallway for you.
I especially love the ones that complain about Holla Forums having opinions like its one person.
I think its fucking rad and I loved the originals too.
the first two max payne games had great surreal and quirky styles and were supposed to be cheesy at times, max payne 3 was very generic and didn't manage to keep the character of max payne there.
This, not to mention it was designed around a bullet sponge cover based engine without rechargeable health which makes it pretty unbalanced in terms of receiving damage and scrounging around for pills.
That was my biggest problem with it.
It just ripped you out of the game whenever you opened a door, and heaven forbid there were enemies behind andy ou needed to change your weapon since cutscene-Max was only able to carry a pistol.
The moment I started to treat it as movie instead of an actual game, it became more bearable though.
There was a 3rd Max Payne?
I just can't bring myself to care for anyone, fuck, I hate selfish people.
No Kung Fu mod, don't feel it had the same self aware charm either. Didn't think it played badly and the PC port wasn't trash.
Probably because it started that chromatic aberration trend.
Max Payne got lost in that shuffle of newer Rockstar games. It's a shame, games a lot of fun but everybody was out for a piss when it came to keeping it a hot property, Rockstar and the audience included.
Too many fucking cutscenes
Max Payne 3 OST was pretty good.
It felt pretty short, you're shooting niggers in the city then you're shooting niggers in a favela then boom game ends.
Not every post is meant to be taken as a scholarly argument where pointing out logical fallacies gives you brownie points.
I guess the truth really does hurt.
Time honored tradition of overreacting to strawman comics that hit too close to home
I know, right?
I mostly didn't like how Max looked different
that's the exact same type of strawman mate, just on the other side
wew lads, you've never seen true butthurt before
don't smoke cum
hey does anybody have any porn
Fun as fuck. The controls are some of the best 3rd person controls of a game ever, it's better if you avoid using cover, and the gore/bullet time was fantastic. Absolutely too many gameplay interruptions though. Enjoyable when you have the time to watch the cutscenes, but infuriating when you don't. Even MGS4 is less intrusive.
What type of porn?
ayy lmaos
I got you man, I got you.
nice dude, nice
tanks mate
that webm is superhot fire btw
If it wasn't for the name I would've thought this was Kane & Lynch 3.
When Max Payne 3 came out, it was back when Rockstar was still putting out a new game or major DLC/mode every year. MP3 was released following GTA 4, Red Dead Redemption, and LA Noire. normalfags caught-on to Rockstar after Red Dead and were expecting a fun, open world shooter and instead got a try-hard third-person shooter with traditional maps. For them, it was like a depressing version of Uncharted.
I remember listening to Lazlow do promotion for the game at the time and he sounded depressed at having to explain to people that it's not fun like GTA or Red Dead. Instead, the game was supposed to be popular with e-sports and "hardcore" shooter faggots but because it was built on RAGE, it was glitchy and quirky and just frustrated people. And then the absurdly hard (unfair) trophies/achievements annoyed autists.
The final nail in the coffin was Rockstar canceling several DLCs after having sold season passes promising a set number of DLC releases.
Cutscenes out the ass, gameplay felt very restrictive. I can't really explain much about the second, it's like moving and jumping as max feels very "heavy" which really cockblocked a lot of cool moments.
Especially when most of the cool moments in the game were scripted on rails sections.
You are fucking retarded
I wish some studio would make a K&L3. The second one was kino.
I liked it a bit better than 2. The story was at least a little interesting rather than being a bland retread of the first game that fucked over the characterizations of most of the major characters (whereas 3 just messed with Max). Gameplay was messy and restrictive with the cover system, more sluggish movement, and all the scripted on-rail segments, but aside from that it wasn't really bad. Despite the sluggishness it handled pretty well. It also wasn't nearly as easy and repetitive as 2, not having the broken as fuck version of Bullet Time that 2 had.
The first one was like that. 2 was played a lot more straight which made it rather jarring when those quirky moments pop up.
IMO the only truly good Max Payne game was the first - a tight and varied TPS with tons of charm and sardonic humor. The second was a boring rehash that introduced some game-breaking elements while the third was a big departure in gameplay and story that did some things alright but did a lot more things wrong.
Read, you zika-infected favellanigger. OP wasn't asking why the game wasn't good. OP was asking why it wasn't popular (with normalfags).
I did read and i'm saying that the things you pointed out are fucking retarded
fucking hell mark looks so goddamn jewish
Nope, I meant you are retarded.
Nobody likes HueHuesHues. It didn't help that they created a new BR "best" friend for him who incidentally was trying to setup Max the entire time.
None of what you wrote about the 2nd is true, you suck at video games, kill yourself
That video is pretty fucking cool, but sadly my toaster won't run this game.
Does Max Payne 2 play anything like this? I've played the first one but didn't like it that much, honestly.
It wasn't like Max Payne at all, it was like single "player" kain and lynch.
he said it was too easy, how does he suck?
It's a barely interactive cutscene, not a video game.
Perhaps, the only thing i liked in Max Pie 3 is ragdoll animation shit (staggering over the boolet simulator 20XX) and that's it.
Too bad "euphoria" isn't that good now.
It was very 'Man on Fire' right down to the visual style. That alone isn't a bother, it was just the way the story seemed to jump the shark. From NYC all the way to Sao Paulo?
Here's all i can remember:
I'm saying this as someone whose favorite video game is Max Payne: Max Payne 2 is a rushed, disappointing sequel. It's a shorter game overall at around 6 hours, when the first was about an 8-9 hour game already. On top of this it lacked the variety from the first game and reused a lot of locations, especially the Cleaner's HQ/Construction site for the entirety of Part II beyond the Prologue chapter. It's also got like 2 whole boss fights - Kaufman and Vlad (though this was more like a puzzle just like 1's "final boss") - when the first game had plenty of boss fights sprinkled about - Vinni, Lupin, Boris, BB, etc.
Characters are also very off compared to their originals. Vlad turned to a mustache-twirling villain plotting to overthrow the secret society and rule the criminal underworld when he was "one of those old-time bad guys with honor and morals" in the first game. Mona was fleshed out more but was thoroughly bland. Max himself was made much more naive this time around, being played by nearly every major character in the fucking game - Mona, Vlad, Winterson. The only character who I feel was accurately portrayed was Vinnie who's still just a whiny bitch, but they had to go and make him some geek.
As for the mechanics and gameplay itself, it's a lot easier due to the changes to Bullet Time. Shootdodging doesn't consume any Bullet Time now, so doing it is much freer compared to the first (although at least it doesn't make you unkillable this time). Bullet Time itself regenerates automatically, on top of it replenishing when you kill enemies as the first game does. It also becomes a lot more powerful, not just having you aim normally like the first game but also speeding up Max and slowing down everything else the more you make kills in Bullet Time. It transforms Bullet Time from being a resource you managed to aid you in firefights to a temporary God Mode you can activate whenever you need to.
It tries to trick you into sitting through it's super long intro cutscenes every time you replay a level and a lot of people were tricked. It spends far too much time re-enforcing that Max Payne is alchoholic and self-loathing in the first third of the story. Level ends transition into long unskippable cutscenes. Stylistically, it's clearly more Rockstar than Remedy, and although it's far better than Max Payne 2 or anything else Rockstar has ever written or styled, some people just don't like that.
Other than that, it's a pretty great game.
Max Payne 1 and 2 are very similar. If you didn't' like the first one you won't like the second, not that you'll hate it but it's more of the same not an advanced version.
You forgot about the changes to reloading in bullet time. Every time Max reloads in 2 during bullet time, he spins around and manages to reload at the same speed (or even faster, depending on the gun) while in slow motion. Thats what makes the game turn into slow-mo monotony, since there's no reason not to be out of bullet time.
Gameplay took a werid-ish turn in Max Payne 3, making it somewhat more realistic (but thankfully not realistic enough to make it un-fun), still had a good story.
I'm hoping this is bait, because most of Max Payne 3 took place in South America.
Mainly this. Plus ignoring the first 2 games and having Max be an emo drunk again.
It's a precursor to the "doesn't deserve the name" sequels such as Doom 4.
He's implying that people disliked the game because it left New York. which was probably it's best move considering how much Max Payne 2 wallowed nascently in its predecessor's shoes.
Multiplayer was pretty fuckin' sweet too, great game modes, fun and varied weapons without too much "tacticool billion attachments" tacked, on while bullet time in multiplayer is technologically impressive. Although the DLCs were a cashgrab.
I didn't hate it, in fact I rather enjoyed the occasional bits of gameplay but the reasons are obvious:
1. Unskippable cutscenes for their unoriginal 'we want to be a movie' story and even for opening fucking doors. As picrelated explains they aren't even there to cover loading, despite what the game claims.
2. Writing is completely at odds with that of 1 and to a lesser extent 2.
3. Setting change though in my opinion rehashing a noir New York again would have been boring, the few flashbacks you do experience are enough.
Or in other words the gameplay was great when you actually got to fucking play but everything else was inferior to the first game (and maybe the second game, depending on opinion).
This. Both changed character completely. Vinnie is a small time soldier running a tenement, and he's got a million dollar condo on the side with another half million in captain baseballbatboy merch?
They don't even hide the loading, they always let you skip at the same point regardless of HDD usage or installing the game to an SSD. Either still loading is an outright lie and they wanted you to experience their Man on Fire fanfic or they just guessed roughly where consoles would finish loading and set it there. Hell play arcade mode and it'll automatically skip most of the 'loading' cutscenes.
The cover-based shooting ruins bullet time by letting you pop out to get easy slow motion headshots. All the long cutscenes get annoying and discourage replaying levels, which in turn encourages you to go full autist to find collectables on your first run, rather than save it for your second one. The story is really fucking depressing for a series that built itself on being film noir. Instead of dying, you can kill the enemy that downed you for a revive at the cost of painkillers, so healing is unnecessary. It's not a horrible game by any means, but it's story and gameplay isn't as good as the first two.
What really bugs me about the cover is that if you have to lock Max in one spot he damn well better not be getting hit.
But no, you can count on that enemy to shoot Max right in his exposed earlobe, which does 2x the damage as Max getting shot in the stomach.
Also the "kill enemy instead of dying" was fucking awful and it's only good use was to get Max in the prone position without a shootdodge, which oddly makes you much more effective instead of standing like a dummy with 100% of your body visible at all times.
Max Payne 1 a best, 2 a decent followup and 3 a shit.
+It has the best gunplay, period.
+the physics
-cover based shooting doesn't mix well with bullet time
-unskippable cutscenes
-the interesting theme and setting from MP1 are discarded
Still better than MP2.
Sam Hyde is fat.
It was an enjoyable, but unexceptional third person shooter. However, it also wasn't a Max Payne game in any way. The story, setting, tone, themes and characters were not Max Payne in the least. If you took out the few flashback scenes and changed the name of the protagonist, you would have zero idea that it was a Max Payne game.
That's what was wrong with it. It just wasn't a Max Payne game to begin with.
The only good thing I can think about it is the gunplay but even that has so much going against it.
map design was shit, basically corridors most of the time, the handholding was off the charts, the forced cover based sections were infuriating and the story wasnt up to the older games standards
It's amazing that my gut reaction was that it looked kind of fun, and not 5 minutes into the video I became incredibly bored with the repetitiveness. How can people sink dozens of hours into these games? It's the same shit, over and over.
have you ever played a jrpg? you press one button with the tip of your dick for 100 hours, and people still play that trash
No, never.
Cartoons aren't fat, they're flat.
I remember Holla Forums doing an autistic screech over the file size of the game at the time, that's about it.
Completely forgot about this
The game is bloated to be 15gigs despite having fuck all content.
This is because they use shitty pixellated pre rendered cutscenes for areas which would shit the bed on consoles framerate wise but on PC its extremely obvious as the pre rendered cutscenes look worse than the game and have pixelation artifacts.
This is actually a good list of all the hot garbage surrounding this, also Im opposed to I frames in general but animation has to compensate and in this case it does not