Why am I supposed to consider Solidus the bad guy?

Why am I supposed to consider Solidus the bad guy?

Antagonist and bad guy are different things. Don't be so simple minded.

Why the fuck am I fighting Solidus then?

Because his interests differ from yours

Literally how?

Raiden = Doesn't want to be a pawn under the Patriots
Solidus = Doesn't want others to be pawns under the Patriots and wants to destroy them

The only reason Raiden has to continue going after Solidus is because of Olga's kid, Rose and le moral obligation, having been given no option to join Solidus and help destroy The Patriots.

Its like conservatives and nationalists. Both don't want to be pawns of globalists, but only one knows about jews, and gets bad reputation for it.

Thanks for ruining my thread, retard

Raiden isn't on a mission for himself, it's his job to stop him.

Wasn't Solidus trying to kill Raiden to get code bullshit in his head or something?
Also, eyepatch


You're not
You fell for the meme.
You're really fucking stupid. Repent.

You missed the bit where he murdered Raidens parents, terribly abused him, shot Olga, and wanted to kill him then and there for his brains? Sometimes ideology is beside the point of killing someone. Maybe you just really want to kill them for being a complete prick.



I dislike cucks more than leftists tbh

He went too extreme, was willing to let millions die (no matter how enslaved they were) just to get the Patriots, while proclaiming himself Big Boss's heir while having little of his great qualities. But still, Solidus did nothing wrong

Get the fuck back to your shell Jeb.

You are fighting him because you deleted information on the Patriots from the ship and as a result the only means by which he can get clues to their location is by extracting the nanomachines from your spine.

No such thing as "too extreme".

You're not.
That's (((Ocelot)))


And that's it. Kojima is a hack.

You'll cowards don't even worship Hitler.

Knowing that the person that wrote this tried to make red skull sound like the most evil thing they could think of and failed so hard that they wrote a pretty tight argument and made him sound rational and relatable makes it so much better

You know what's sad?
DarksydePhil was absolutely right about Hideo Kojima.

The game seemed to imply that things are more gray rather than black and white, you could say that he was a bad guy for what he did (using kid soldiers, killing Raiden's parents) but he did that to try to make a better world.

He's a piece of shit

his ideology was a smokescreen for an attempt at self preservation which the end of the game proves to have been a futile effort all along. i always liked that the final boss fight is essentially meaningless

Ok, my guy.

nigger used child soldiers. only scum send children to fight their battles for them.

Go back to flipping burgers Kaz.


This place really is Reddit. Please lurk at least 2 years before posting, you massive faggot.

It takes untalented hack to recognize one of their own.

This is how liberals operate, everyone.

he made a good point in the beginning but then returned to his usual being completely retarded

wait a sec

Its truly amazing how someone can be so unfunny and laugh so much at their own "jokes"

Thread should of ended here.

You aren't. Because he's the good guy just like Armstrong

I bet you think that fascists are the real communists.

Exactly. Too extreme is like being "too pure" or "too perfect".

Solidus killed Raiden's parents. He's the reason Raiden grew up as a child soldier eating food laced with gunpowder.

The purpose of Solidus's character is to probe the limits of "ends justifying the means" and bear in mind that Arsenal Gear crashing into Manhattan was because of Ocelot and not what he had wanted to do. He was out of options and resolved that the nanomachines in Raiden's brain would have clues on the identity of the Patriots. Given their history and the current situation, the fight was inevitable.

The thing is, the game does allow you to side with Solidus. All you have to do is put down the controller and let him kill you, and then he'll have exactly what he wants.


It's not a comeback so much as an expression of contempt.
If you still identify as a "conservative," I have to ask you what the fuck you're trying to conserve. Fascists and reactionaries >>>>> the cuckolds that make up modern (((conservatism))).

sanity, mostly.

Wanting sanity is nice when everyone in your country has a fairly consistent definition of sanity.


The very position of conservatism is contemptible. The fact that nominal conservatives have become liberals while nominal liberals are now overt Marxists doesn't change that.
If you want to call leftists out for being pinko filth, don't let me stop you. But don't pretend conservatism wasn't doomed to its fate.

Not by the definition of the word, it isn’t.
STOP. USING. KIKE. WORDS. Are you even literate? What the fuck did I just say? DIALECTICAL SUBVERSION DOES NOT ERASE THE REAL DEFINITION OF THE WORD. Stop fucking CALLING them conservatives when they’re not.

Define conservatism to me in a way that makes it uncucked. It's literally leftist cancer on a time delay.
If you don't have a legitimate right-wing ideological position, even if it's retarded bullshit like ancap, you might as well be a fucking commie.

So called "liberals" nowadays hold extremely conservative values. Freedom of speech was a liberal value, while these people fight for censorship. Rather than fighting against judging people based on their race or gender, they now say that it's racist to not judge people based on race, sexist to not judge people based on sex. Straight up orwellian newspeak.

Leftists do not stand for any of the values or ideals that they profess.
The only heuristic that can accurately predict their positions is whether a given position is anti-white.

Read a fucking dictionary, kike.
Come the fuck on, dipshit. Try harder than that.

No. Pic related.
Censorship is not a conservative value.

Except traditionalism is fucking grea-
Oh, you're that kind of moron. Just because you're better than commies doesn't mean that you're likable. Just fuck off, lolberg.

Had me at neoliberalism.



It’s dipshit central today, I guess. What, is 4chan down?

Neoliberalism and neoconservativism are pretty much the same thing, and some of the worst ideologies of the planet, next to socialism and communism.

Haha, no.

Even kikepedia refutes your bullshit, you goddamn retard. STOP FALLING FOR DIALECTICAL SUBVERSION.

Do you not know what greentext is?

You should stop fighting and kill yourself.

Look at this guy. Doesn't ebin understand our ebin redchanit maymays.

But eh…classical liberalism is already that and more?

I don't view conservatism as right-wing. It's inherently neutral.

Conservatives conserve. Their position depends on what they want to conserve.

Current year conservatives (which would represent the current prescriptive meaning of conservative) just want to conserve what we have now, which is fucking horrible, so they are just a less extreme left. Then there are religious conservatives. They are also on the left because Christianity is Jewish cancer.

Communists are very conservative, because they are always desperate to conserve communism.

Liberalism, on the other hand, is just the American brand of communism, and their own Marxist ideology. Slower, but arguably even fucking worse in the long run. At least actual communism didn't lead the Russians to actual extinction. It looks like it's good for you for a while, but meanwhile it's devouring all of your organs and you're gonna die a horribly painful death in a decade or two. Different from communism, which just hits you in the head with a mace. No poison required.

Liberals are not very conservative in many ways because they always want to tear everything down and push their own shit forward, but they become increasingly that way when they are opposed.

That's how I generally view things. Normal American conservatives only want to conserve the status quo and Israel.

All American political identities and ideologies are Jewish, except for the ones that are directly anti-Jewish. Honestly, America is more Jewish than actual Israel and has been for the vast majority of its history. It's pretty unbelievable. There's a lot to remove there. Get the camps ready.

Conservatism has no values set in stone and is essentially whatever you "feel" is conservative, and that is why it fails.

What the fuck does that even mean you retard?

fuck off with your entry level half-chan tier shit-posts where you just gloss over an entire ideology with "yeah thats bad they do things and stuff"

Stop being retarded and learn how to read.

We do NOT have those things now, you braindead cunt. Holy fucking shit.

What a shit graph. "Freedom" and "slavery" are basically buzzwords in it – even under communism, you won't be put in chains and whipped to work (maybe unless you end up in a gulag), while under anarchism, thanks to no government, you may end up a literal slave as some unscurpulous dude with a shotgun realises that there are no cops that could stop him from doing it.

Similar issue with all the "ideologies" on that graph – the cathegories they represent are so wide that you cannot put them on a scale like that. Monarchism, for example – there's a world of difference between absolute monarchy, feudalism, or constitutional monarchy. Trying to simplify all this shit into easily scalable cathegories does the exact same mistake as the graph they're criticising. In any serious discourse, one has to do away with these broad labels and ask what precise form of government is being discussed, else it'll all devolve into sophistry

They want to conserve the current system. All of it.

Anyway, I have mixed feelings about abortion, so I just don't care, but they also want to keep that from changing.

Abortion is immoral, but at the same time it eliminates children from immoral parents. Reduces the nigger and spic population.

I know you probably love niggers like those other American conservatives, but I don't. Not a subhuman "Jewish in spirit" protestant like you, so I do care about what is practical and helps the white race.

I would rather just sterilize them, but since that's not happening, but let them abort their own children and do the job for us. Good whites don't do it, so who cares?

Oh, you do. You love them poor children in Africa, don't you?

I mean when the greatest conservative victory of our time is sometimes preventing Marxists from making people bake fag cakes maybe it's time to look for a new ideology. Like fascism.

Which only makes your point even more fucking retarded because that's exactly what conservatives want to conserve. So your claim that they want to conserve whatever they fuck we have now is based on nothing you incompetent fuck.


This is what jews actually think we’ll believe.
So, yes, you will be put in chains and whipped to work. Thanks for instantly proving yourself false.
You fail to comprehend the purpose of the image. You need three axes for the FULL spectrum of political thought. This just describes government control.

Found the liberals.
It’s not. Try reading for once.

It's a very insignificant victory coming from the people that normally couldn't give less of a shit about freedom. Hell, they even care about this particular issue ONLY because of the religious angle. If it wasn't for that, they wouldn't care at all.

Honestly, talking to Americans about politics just reinforces my view that it really doesn't matter and that all these positions are just one big Americanism and therefore complete cancer. Evola was right again.

Filthy burger niggers are so hard to like.


please stop

We’re done here. You don’t even know what the concept of REASONING is, so there can BE no conversation with you. You are a liberal of the highest order. You’ve fallen for the brainwashing hook, line, and foreskin.

You sure you two aren’t the same person? You have identical beliefs, after all.

Not every flavour of communism features gulags.
Exactly. And government control will be vastly different under absolute monarchy from under constitutional monarchy


Killing people is immoral, except when there is a good reason for it. Self-defense or war. This situation happens to be both.

Basically, you want to SAVE THE NIGGLETS in complete detriment of white race, right? How cucked are you?

You really are an American current year conservative.


Oh, goody. Joke time! Which one didn’t. Tell us. Please do.

We’re done here. You don’t even know what the concept of REASONING is, so there can BE no conversation with you. You are a liberal of the highest order. You’ve fallen for the brainwashing hook, line, and foreskin.

Do you legitimately believe that niggers have enough abortions to have it change the affect on the fact the white birth rate is plummeting and shit skin rates sky rocketing?

That argument really just seems absurd to me. You can't legitimately think it even makes a dent can you? I haven't seen any numbers that support that.

It's not even nogs we have to worry about - it's spics, and asians to a lesser extent.

Words DO have objective definitions.

Personally, I view words as having two separate definitions.

One is prescriptive and the other is descriptive.

Prescriptive would be the meaning that the word acquired over time, and negative or positive connotations. It tends to be defined by the people that use it. This one tends to vary quite a lot depending on the time and place.

Descriptive is the original definition, the one in the dictionaries. It's a lot more objective once it has already been defined.

When I'm talking about a very ambiguous term, I just discuss both meanings separately.

Feminism would be a good example. The feminism in the dictionary is descriptive, and everything that you see feminists do in reality creates the prescriptive definition. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter as much because I am against both of them.

When discussing the term 'conservative', this becomes a lot more relevant, because I can be for or against it depending on what it's supposed to mean. The descriptive definition of conservative is pretty damn neutral, so that is generally the case for most people.

Anyway, as far as current America is concerned, prescriptive conservatives are prescriptive and possibly also descriptive cucks.

These people have fuck tons of children because they want to. Making abortions mainstream isn't going to do a thing to their populations. I know plenty of upper middle class chinks, sand-niggers, and sikhs. They all have a metric fuck ton of children whereas my white friends have either none or 1/2.

The only reason sand-niggers and chinks abort their children is if they find out they are girls instead of boys.

Underrated post. Very funny.

Sure. But not when it comes to political terminology.

The definition of liberal is literally just freedom. The definition of the modern liberal political ideology is fucking communism. The imply that you can objectively define a political ideology with a dictionary is fucking retarded.



I love watching trumpcucks sperg out when facts trigger their fee-fees.

Just kill yourself, nigger. If there's anything everyone on the right can agree on it's that you belong in the oven. As seen recently in Berkeley :^)

They don't operate

Becuase he's a warlord who used child soldiers and personally fucked up the protag, he tried to destroy the patriots but ultimately just played right into their hands and making them more powerful, then he tries to kill you personally because the vague reason that your brain supposedly contains the names of the patriots, which turns out to be completely useless anyway, and you're forced to put him down in self defense. Yeah no shit Raiden is gonna kill Solidus when he's never given any real choice in the matter because stopping means death.


Gtfo newfag.

Please stop, it's obvious you don't have an arguement beyond, "blacks and Jews exist, therefore shit's fucked."

Even if that were the only point he had, he would be completely correct.

Video games.


He jerked off on camera

and you watched and enjoyed it

Solidus, and the entire hostage scenario, is a red herring. He was manipulated by Ocelot into thinking that he could acquire the Metal Gear Ray and use it to acquire Big Boss' corpse. He wanted Big Boss' corpse for some reason, I think he needed to genetically engineer himself so that he could prevent the advanced aging process. I don't remember. Whatever. It doesn't really matter. Solidus, Ocelot, and the rest of Dead Cell were holding the hostages because Ocelot was whispering in Soldius' ear the whole time, telling him that, "this is totally how you're gonna get the US government to deal with you". Meanwhile, Ocelot, who may or may not have been under Liquid's possession, was plotting to take the Metal Gear Ray and use it for his own purposes. Later on, we find out that this entire scenario was put into play by the Patriots, who were using it as a testing ground for Metal Gear Arsenal's AI core.
