4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite magic system in a game?

Other urls found in this thread:





Morning everyone

Decided to just take a couple of hour nap tonight so I can "enjoy" more of my time off work. Kinda regretting it now. Tired as shit.

Actually going to leave the house for once and get shit done like haircut and maybe grab some grub somewhere.

pretty dead this morning

Wonder if Regina-user is happy.

I rather like the Crest system in Shadow Hearts: Covenant, as you can swap crests between any non-Harmonixer characters, and once you get a full set, you can map them on the Solomon's Key (sort of logic puzzle stuff as to where they go from lore descriptions), you can strengthen each crest in the set to grant extra spells, allowing for making better use of the limited points you have to equip crests.

Morning folks
Had a fantastic weekend of gaymes, played some Al Alaheim with some buddies on saturday after grabbing my ps4
Spent all Saturday playing persona and super robot wars. Didn't spend a single moment sober. Got some cash from the parents as well so I was thinking of picking up something else for the ps4 yakuzanon is Yakuza 0 any good?

Long-ass day. No one at work. Left first shift an hour early. Dead ass tired. It's only Monday. I wanna die.

I don't know. I'll just say South Park.

I've come to the realization that while I've ingrained myself in a bunch of different communities online, either due to a fear of getting too emotionally attached to any of them or just a general lack of any real attention span for socializing I don't actually have any friends.

I assumed he made that thread honestly. Hows your day user?

AL ALaheim? Sounds mudslimey, or jewish.

Todays my last day of freedom then its 5 more days in hell. No more work.

What communities?

Ars Magica!
Wait, wrong board…

…a bunch. A lot of Discord communities, for one. But also forums.

I have 30+ Discord channels I'm a part of.


Suddenly I feel not as depressed.

undertale 4 had great magic

How goes user

That sounds fucking tiring. Why not just cut it down?

what did he mean by this

Don't forget, you're here forever.

Honestly, I don't think I could manage in a non-imageboard online community at this point.

It was alright. Spent yesterday morning hunting for J Cores to access more Protected Zones in Quarantine, and found a complete set of Noein for $12 later. Just woke up a little while ago since my sleep schedules been off lately.

Ghost? Spook? Haks? Yakuza? Snooky?

I wish I didn't have to work. Unfortunately, I have a crippling video game addiction, and therefore need money.

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised that thread happened. Only noticed a few minutes ago.

It's a working interview. Work a short shift for two hours do he can see where I am at, then we talk contracts and all that.

I don't know. I probably should.

I'll be honest, I've been drifting away from 8ch too. It's too fucking political, and both Holla Forums and Holla Forums are fucking babies that have a hairline trigger.

Check the IRC/Discord I guess.

I just woke up like 5 minutes before the thread myself. Going right back to bed in a few.


I just need to hit a certain dollar amount and I'm fucking off out of the country. Then I'll be free.

What if you mess up? What if you cut off your finger on accident because of the stress? Or make really really nasty food? Or sneeze on the food?

Or just act like an autist

Well you're right since its a historical card game about the battle for El Alaheim except you play as the Germans and Italians except everyone is anime girls

Probably one of Infinity Engine games simply because they use the D&D system tbh, others aren't really fun

Probably doesn't help that Holla Forums Holla Forums and maybe Holla Forums are the only fast boards.

I have strep so but I don't have the money for a doctor's visit so I decided to nigger-rig a cure using cayenne pepper and alot of ginger ale.

The back of my throat looks like paint and It hurts to swallow.

other than that, Peachy. Have anime grill.

Some sci-fi anime by Satelight. Heard good things about it.

that cure sounds awful, what, you don't have vick's throat spray?

What stress? I've felt as stress free as I can get. I most probably won't mess up.

ay yo shiiiiiiiet monica what kinda card game we talkin

What you up to user?

Why didn't you just wait it out?

Ahhhh so rpg then?

You're doomed kiddo

DD:DA, of course. Nothing like being able to just mass-fuck everything on-screen with a single well placed spell. Honorable mentions to D:OS which has an insanely powerful and in-depth magic system for a turn-based game.

Friends are overrated. You can have mine, tbh. If I could press a button and make everyone forget I existed, so that I'd no longer have any social responsibilities and could go be alone in peace, I'd do that shit in a second.

Pic related?


why wait when I could actually attempt to feel better? My throat looked like paint and stripes before downing the curry-nigger remedy.

I'm not giving any more (You)'s, rits.

Just do like I do while sick and smoke menthols

Considering you got fired from your last job for creeping on some 3dpd, I just can't see it going any other way.


It's a deckbuilding game where you build an army to attack British strongholds. If operation barbarossa is more you're thing there's one for that battle too

Explain this, Reg.

Semi related yes, however I don't pretend to be my father. I merely pretend to be a more charismatic, confident version of myself. It's odd but it works.

gib (you)s

That's what I've done for my entire life.

Morning. Had a fairly productive day after my interview. Bought some groceries and got a haircut and stuff. Feeling pretty alright.
Magicka, man. You've got a bunch of elements and combine them in different ways to get different elemental spells with different effects. You can cheese it a little to get some pretty strong stuff, too.

It play like yugioh or what though? Or more like a strategy game?

He got drunk and started hitting on the waitresses and staff at his last job like a big sloppy mess and got fired for it. Dunno why hes denying it now considering he was the one who told us in thread a couple weeks back.

Rather, what proof could even be brought against me? I did nothing wrong.


Thinking about it, I didn't really go off the deep end with the Discord thing until I broke up with my gf. Part of it might be that I felt like I could talk about anything with her, and I don't feel that way about anyone else. Now that the bitch is out of my life, I don't have a good outlet.

Shit thats what I'm doing today too minus the interview. What kinda groceries? Give me ideas on what to buy.

Nigger needs to learn to hold his liquor.

How long were you with her?

3 years. Even if we didn't do as many things as I would've wanted, just being able to tell myself I had someone like that did wonders for my self-esteem. I guess I'm just struggling to prop that up with nobody there.

A bit selfish, I know, but I doubt I'm the only one that's ever done it.

My friends always hated me because every so often I would kill them with it.

Deny him his (You)s, Yak.


I know that feel.
That's how I was able to get a GF and lose my mana, but I can never keep it up for long. Eventually mask slips and the crushing depression/nihilism slips through and I drive them away.


Translate that. Did you at least get your dinky stinky?

Gimme some anime titties and I'll consider it

Absolutely nothing like yugioh. The point of the game is to build your deck strong enough to fight strongholds. You start with some money and Italians which for the most part are useless and you have to buy supplies and units such as infantry, artillery and tanks. You get points based on the difficulty of the stronghold you take some of the units you can buy give you points too but they're expensive, whoever has the most points after el Alaheim is taken wins

Cereal and toothpaste and laundry detergent and stuff like that. Got a couple frozen pizzas for dinner, too. Dropped it all off at home, had lunch, and removed fetus. Then there was a long talk about "our relationship" so not even she's convinced we're dating anymore. I guess I'm free to hit on 16-year old girls again.

It's been a while for me so I can only remember ARSE mines and HELP for quick heal mines. I did get every DLC for free because I got into the Vietnam beta and they couldn't figure out how to only give you beta versions of the DLC instead of full versions.

Thats a long time for someone your age. Just gotta shake that off for a bit and get back out there.

They just werk

Used to be you could get clove cigarettes too before the now dethroned king nigger banned them.

So hows it play out exactly? Whats the field like?

Do you regret it?

I only started doing it on my last year of highschool.


I am missing her right now but I know that's because I always want what I can't have. That bridge is burned, anyway.

got me covered

no counter (you)s for you then

Its never a good idea to try to get back together once a relationship has run its course anyway. Trust me, been there. Just made me even more miserable.

Bitch had problems, I wasn't sticking my dick in there until she sorted them out. Obviously, that didn't happen.

What I was alluding to was more the fact that the relationship was between two socially inept retards. Personally I feel like I learned a few lessons about relationships, but I seriously doubt that she did. Really, my regrets are basically that we just… didn't do enough couples shit. I should've pushed for it more. Since we were both so busy at the time I didn't want to force her or put us in a tight spot, but in the end I wish I had just said fuck it and pushed anyway. I'm definitely taking a much more active role in my next relationship (if I ever get another one).

We wanted different things out of it anyway. I'll just order a cheap onahole.

We really are OnaholeAMGeneral now.

Go for a 40~ dollar toy, don't buy a super super cheap one.



I don't know anything about them so I was gonna buy this one because it is cheap. Much more expensive and I need to wait until I get a job again. jlist.com/tmt838?&utm_medium=b

You are the next one who is going to buy one, calling it.

Do you want it just for the anime parody hole aspect? Looks pretty flimsy to me honestly.

I want it because it is 20 bucks


Yo Joey. We have some dank confirmation

Well today looks pretty dead so I'm just going to sleep. Cya fags. Jesus loves you.

Late response; got hit with the runs suddenly.

No. From the back of the set:

I still remember that stupid thread from /a/ last year.

I kind of wonder if I could get some drawfags to take some of those "I want to be in a coma" reactions images and draw them to involve .hack characters.

Jesus hates avatarfags and shit waifus

Fam for less than 10$ more you can get far better ones like the sujima kupa line or a lot of the toysheart line.

Also go to toydemon, its always got discounts.

This is art.

Good thing I don't cover either of those aspects.

Top kek

After setting up the warzone (pic related on last post) everyone gets 6 money, 2 infantry and shuffles the pile. You then draw an opening hand of four.
Whenever your deck is depleted, you shuffle your discard pile (which usually contains your spent money, anything you've bought, or anything you played units you deploy stay on the battlefield until something prompts you to discard them) and set it back down as your deck.
You spend money to buy units which go onto your discarded and play/deploy one card from your hand. Some cards let you buy extra units when you play or deploy them, some let you play more etc.
Once you think your army is strong enough, you can choose to attack the stronghold at the top of the stronghold deck, and if your army has a higher battle value than the stronghold + reinforcements, you take it and earn points equal to its value. You keep going until the final stronghold is captured

It never gets better.

If you didn't fuck her, what were you even getting out of that relationship? Women make shit companions.

Sell me on an onahole, fam. I'm (((cut))) and have sensitivity issues to the point that I can't even pop with a condom on. Ideally something durable, easy to clean, and doesn't look like a fucking ayylmao.

Noein is pretty o.k but also kinda stupid


Do they have ones that aren't loli-themed? I can get arrested for that.


Oh god I forgot about that thread. Hopefully theres a good screenshot floating around out there.

Is this even a two player game?

Get a tenga flip hole. They are high stimulation and pop in half for easy cleaning.

Those aren't lolis and I thought you were American.

Because it feels good



Can confirm



I'm Canadian and unless they have cowtits customs can decide they're lolis and arrest me.

Screenshot? There's probably some archive of the whole thread out there.

Maybe he lives in Ausfailia?


Can you tl;dr me Kazuma

Just bullying a closeted faggot in the discord.

A few places are willing to remove the packaging for that reason. Mind you I'm a leaf and managed to find monstergirls encyclopedias at Indigo and imported some Loki without getting arrested

2-5 players

I believe on toydemon you can specifically request they remove the toy from the original box if thats an issue.

Canada stupid

Sounds more like a bored game tbh

How does that work when oppai loli is a thing?

Joey, watch your ass

There's no board
Just cards


I'm wondering if toydemon is one of them though

that's okay then

I would guess they declare it kiddy porn anyway because she's too short.

Do you build and design your own decks?

I meant the game character

What do you mean?

In-game yes. My buddy likes to do artillery while I made a panzer company. It isn't a tcg if that's what you're thinking

Kazuma Kiryu, the guy from Yakuza series. Just a quick summary on him

They do have a comment section while ordering and I bet you can email them about it too. Because it takes a couple of days before they even ship shit out.

Also how do you guys living in non freedom zones visit places like this without freaking out? Half of what I post is probably classified as loli

Sounds gay

You can send them an email asking
I'm sure we have an onahole thread somewhere on Holla Forums too

What's up /onahole4am/, which onahole has the most realistic feel. Bonus if it's not something that would make customs or law enforcement mad.

not him but he's a cool guy

Oh shit nigga

An ex-yakuza who left the crime game to raise an oprhanage. And a virgin.

Don't suppose anyone knows when the best point in Quarantine to watch Liminality Vol. 4: Trismegistus is? I've been watching the prior volumes after playing the respective .hack games they were bundled with, which for the most part worked, but I'm thinking that maybe watching the final one after getting through the last game might make it lose some significance if it's set mid-plot like the others were.

The mother fucking bocca della verita. This shit is bananas.

The government cares enough to stop packages and arrest you for CP if they "look underage" but not enough to go after you for looking at loli. It's also worth noting that "18 or older but looks young" is not a defense with this stuff because they'll just declare it doesn't count because the (fictional) character is "obviously" underage, and arrest you for CP anyway.

He's there, waiting for you.

I have something to confess.

explain this

and this

fuck you niggers

Nice shop, Tor.

I'm gonna ask for some evidence on this clain.

not quite what I was looking for, but thanks

What if its a 1000 year old vampire/demon/spirit who just happens to have the body of a loli?

Really high quality and fairly cheap toy with about 20 different things going on inside of it. When you use it the teeth and tongue and ribs on top and the crazy deepthroat action you can't even see in that pic all come together to make your dick feel like its getting sucked off by an angel.

damnit ritsu

Still illegal. It's okay to suck a dog's dick but this picture is borderline illegal.


They can be a bit annoying tbh

Like at around the 10 minute mark I'm about ready to be done because they hurt a bit. I've found switching between my two holes during makes it a lot more fun, though thats a lot of clean up after

you just have to ask my dude

Reported to the thought police for possessing loli porn on your computer!

This psa is for you Tor.

You nigger, look what you've done

that's what happens with democracy, the government only cares about what's screeched about the loudest

You're welcome.

We're only trying to help, Tor.

Reminds me that MeiQ couldn't get an Aus release over one of the girls, and NZ retroactively declared Valkyrie Drive to be CP (and also a game for casuals at the same time) and banned it.

I'm dead serious when I say I would force the police to kill me rather than be arrested for having fucking drawings.


ur ded kiddo

with how pedos are treated and handled, yeah you're saving your self troubles

my dude i have your fetish list
why does your reputation with these blokes so much

das rite

But canada is all kinds of retarded leftist shit and the kikes have been pushing for pedo acceptance so maybe you can get gibs and special rights for being arrested for it.

Sine Tor is such a pissy cunt, I'm gonna confirm Tor is straight but really insecure. You can still bully him though.

We've never had a game banned over it but there was a guy arrested not all that long ago for ordering a sex doll that somehow looked underage.

I guess I need to whine louder that DRAWINGS are illegal. I can go out and dump a load in a 16-year old girl and that's legal but if I look at a drawing of a girl who is over 18 but doesn't look like it that is illegal. Fuck, if I read a dirty fanfiction about a fictional underage girl, that's illegal. They put it on the same level as real kiddy porn.

It's frustrating because I'm not even into loli as a whole. But the typical art styles of anime and anime type stuff can make telling age tough so every girl looks underage to normalfags.

They only care about real pedos, not anime pedos

I consider some of them friends

He has kind of like a Stockholm syndrome for us.



he admitted right in the discord joey

Well up your game son

m8 you can change your name and shit.
that could be anyone.

Your country is fucked.

I don't get the appeal of buying degenerate shit.
If your going to do it you could at least make sure you don't have any evidense.

You got an unfilled version of that?

Like we talking onaholes? Not really ever something I worried about because I'm mostly free

In voice faggot

it's nonsense and it's down to silly reasons so I'm inclined to think that some group backs that kinda shit inorder to profit somehow

probably not so much to the police handling it though, they probably seen much worse


You goys should come to the board if it gets too gay.

I hear it's a matter of time. The CAMH wants it to be recognized as a sexuality

On the topic, recommend me something without teeth. Realism isn't important as long as it isn't something like a dog pussy

Fuck off, Flint.

I suspect most cops don't actually care all that much. But the government sees this and says "oy vey I bet I can throw this goy in prison for 15 years for this, think of all the cheap labour!"

I've never been in that discord, just be glad I deleted your dick picture.

how will tor defend himself this time????

Not my problem

Go on toydemon and just look through magic eyes/toysheart brands and see if anything catches your eye. Look at whats going on in the inner texture, read some reviews. I only got the two toys and my pussy sim isn't the best really.

No thanks, I don't want to give Agent Michael dirt on me :^)

rip tor

tors gotta pick between a gay or a normalfag fujoshi weeb slut
pick wisely my man :^)

yeah all it really comes down to

Maybe your jew impulses will come in and pick the free option too :^)

You know what, Flint. Go fuck yourself

You got the wrong boogeyman there tor. I'm Huey.

go back to the shower my dude

Oh, hi Huey. You still shitting in the shower?

Alternative shitting will save the world.

how's the dead board doing, nigger?

It's going great you faggot. Are you that asshurt Brazilian who got shat on in the webm thread?

I'd hang myself if I were a hue, as everyone should who is

Did you know?

Wafflestompers are the MOST POWERFUL RACE IN THE WORLD.

Brazilians are people too, and you shouldn't oppress them!

I'm proof enough of that.

next you tell me so are niggers

According to Tor, he dindu nuffin

They're humans just like us! Hebrews are our brothers in arms against the white race!


slow threads are always better sense theres more time to think.

think about this



I wish.

you wish upon a bitch

I don't care for succubus whores.
I wish upon death the only real being of mercy in this world.

*unzips katana*

*teleports behind you* psssh Nothing personal kid.

*notices psssh* o.O what's this?



Remember to ignore OP the tripfag, at the very least. The attention he gives you is only fueled by his own desire for attention.

by now it's only people who suck his dick that are here, everyone else either left or is as new as a newborn