Waiting for Stormblood Edition
Try the game for free! (lvl [email protected]/* */) - ffxiv-freetrial.com
Current Patch: 3.56
Patch Archives - na.finalfantasyxiv.com
Useful resources:
List of Commands(used for macros) - na.finalfantasyxiv.com
Gamer Escape - ffxiv.gamerescape.com
Garland Tools Database - garlandtools.org
XIV Database (It's good now)- xivdb.com
FF logs - fflogs.com
ACT (but don't tell anyone you're using it) - advancedcombattracker.com
Guildwork - guildwork.com
Ariyala (gear build simulator/hunt-&lighttracker) - ffxiv.ariyala.com
Mithrie's guides(should cover a lot) - youtube.com
1. If you're brand new, do hall of the novice. It's stupid and only teaches you common sense stuff, but you get a 30% exp boosting ring and free level 15 gear.
2. Do all of your Main Story Quests - REQUIRED TO GET TO HEAVENSWARD AREAS/JOBS
3. Do all of your class quests and get yourself a job - ffxiv.gamerescape.com
4. Attune to Chocobo Porters, Aetherytes & Aether currents ASAP - it will save you a lot of time & effort
5. Unlock your challenge log, gives great exp and some gil - ffxiv.gamerescape.com
6. Do your daily roulettes - all of them are great until 60, except guildhests, which is great until around 40-50
6. Level crafting & gathering - free dosh (Cooking has an amazing crossclass skill at 37 you need to get.)
8. Hit Tab to [I seem to have misplaced my keyboard]
Get a FC, they give bonuses as long as the people in charge aren't retards
You cannot join a FC if you are currently on a free trial account
Data Center: Primal
Server: Exodus
: An FC with new and older players, running all content from newbie dungeons to current raid progression. There will be banter; you will be called names. PM Aurora Soulwood, Rab Bit, Claws Furalarm, or any other officer for an invite.
There is also a linkshell for all 8ch players on Exodus to congregate, so that people can communicate regardless of what FC they're in or if they're running the free trial. Contact Lyfon Yharnam, Quickscope Easybake, Aloise Astravir, Mhih Wilzuu, or any member of SMUG for an invite.
FFXIV: Heavensward General
Other urls found in this thread:
This game is shit, post lewd catsluts.
Did they made tera combat yet?
Femroes are the best
Fuck it, why not.
I mean, if you're a faggot maybe they are.
blew it already
Which is more fun and wizard-like? BLM or AST?
Why are there so many pretend couples in this game?and why are most of them faggots?
Just as long as its 2 catgirls i'm fine with it
dropped it.
Thinking about playing this game. Give me a description of what all the jobs play like and their pros and cons.
pld I take less dmg I deal shit dmg and have shit for aoe aggro
Drk I'm edgy and tank magic dmg well Deal pretty decent dmg
Ast I am probably the best healers in the game I also give great buffs HEART OF THE CARDS
Whm ast almost does my whole job and better but I am classic still pretty gud
Sch I don't play well with other sch but do nice dmg and aoe dmg to help Speed run fairys are cute
Mnk I punch shit but bring nothing to a raid I do good dmg I require skill to play
Dragoon I have no speed movement buffs but i work Great with brds and mch I do good dmg I also die a lot I require some skill to play
Nin I bring good stuff to raids decent dmg I always have a speed movement buff I require less skill to play
Bard my dmg is slightly gimped to other dps but i bring support like mp/tp regen I work well with Dragoons I require less skill to play
Mch I work well With everyone in a raid I have a high burst rotation but also Require some skill to play to do decent to great dmg
Blm no knowledge on this class as i've only Played for quickcast
SMN I bring the dots and the good aoe dmg I also have a pillar of fucking light that basically looks like a nuke went off I also shit on people in pvp if they don't cleanse decent dmg
Sam and Red mage are still up in the air but it seems to be a pure melee and possible hybrid bullshit RDM cause black/white lore so RDM may get boned the same way brd and mch are boned becuase of a non existent role
I also would not that the free trial now is unlimited free time to play up to what 35 now? so you could literally dick around on all the classes to 35 and see what you like as lvl 35 is when they get their jobs and better feel for each of the classes future also great way to spend time then waste real months level crafting and gathering to 35 and such
how do I have fun in this game?
I'm just mindlessly rushing the mainquest hoping ill unlock something actually fun.
but after 10 hours i'm starting to fear that there is none
you have two months to either prepare for stormblood or do Triple triad/gold saucer Gathering/crafting and other shit.
and any of this is actually fun?
It's just my IRL friend and I. We just started to take take screenshots whenever we thought we both looked cool.
TT and chicken racing is kinda of nice just never have time to do it always playing catch up or trying to farm Birds
gathering can be pretty relaxing
why the hell would you want that garbage?
might sound cliche but it really does get better, then it goes downhill when you get to the 2.1 story and then once you get past 2.55 it soars heavensward.
BLM - I put on my robe and my wizard hat. And fuck the braindead rotation up.
But we do have cool as fuck class colours.
What kind of special events are Final Fantasy XIV doing for the 30th anniversary?
So I got my Botanist to 60 and was wondering what I should use my scrips on should I get those books or upgrade my gear first? What will shit even be like after Storm Blood comes out any botanist/miners on here who were 50 when heavensward came out that can let me know how the transition works?
I miss being a qt catboi waiting on my knees for ERP cocksucking
How do you get that hair in the second screenshot?
help i spammed PoTD so hard just to level WAR now i'm bored out of my mind playing this game, wat do
Collectors edition :^)
catfag is using a 3rd party program to dupe the game into showing gear, hairstyles and bigger titties on his character that normally aren't available
go FSH
Hey what's the id for that hair in the 3rd pic
Is fishing actually fun? Gathering class seems even more fucking boring than PoTD i'll actually uninstall the game if i have to do gathering bullshit.
What's this program called? I want bigger kittytitties.
Depends what you find fun. I personally like FSH over other gathering classes because there's an exploration and RNG element to it that the other gatherers don't have. It can get frustrating if you're trying to catch a specific fish for leves but I think it's fun that each fishing hole has different fish in it. Be warned though, it can get super autistic when gathering "end game" fish. Things like only able to catch a specific fish in a 2hour Eorzea-time window with the right weather conditions
I've never used it, I don't remember what it's called
The story is one of the most appealing aspects of the game.
And the GCD gets reduced to close to 2 seconds once you're geared at 60. There's also many off-GCD skills that you use between skills that are on the GCD. I use skills on my 60 dragoon about once per second on average, probably. Other melee classes are similar. Some ranged dps have longer casting times, like black mage. But I'll admit that the GCD is kind of annoying when you first start and have only a few skills. It becomes a non-issue at like 50+
t. Fagboy
I dont even play the game anymore, my femroe is the only thing I miss.
Catgirls belong in the trash.
Were those supposed to prove me wrong? They all look like trannies.
Those dubs are telling me to try FSH next time i play and when i'm not feeling like uninstalling my life playing it.
What timeline is this?
When do we get to be Samurai?
is there a place in HW to find out what the daily gathering quests are?
Whenever I want to find out I just go to the east shroud atheryite since the supply quest guy is really close to it.
The best timeline
Grandma swamp job trainer confirmed.
So what are you all doing to pass the time? I completely cleared my quest log by finally finishing Alex and the 2 relics.
Pretty much doin crafters right now. Got ALC and LTW to 60. goldsmith is currently at 54, weaver is the next moogle quest candidate at 50, and working on getting CUL there as well
So, who should i do next: CRP, BSM, or ARM?
CRP gives Byregot's Blessing, which is pretty fucking amazing at getting quality up, while BSM and ARM give the next to useless Name of Element abilities, so level CRP. That said, getting BSM to 50 for Ingenuity II is a good idea for those master recipes.
thanks for the input! I was thinking CRP anyway, but more for the orchestrion rolls than anything
Tera combat > shitty wowclone combat FF14 has. Or at least had when I played it last year.
Is this game honestly fun? I've been looking for another MMO to play since WoW turned to irredeemable shit. Is it better? Races and jobs I could probably just get a feel for, but what server would you all recommend?
I just need to get my PLD to 60, so that I can equip the last of my Garo gear and get the final achievement. I need 5 more levels, but it's such a fucking boring class to play. I don't even have Royal Authority yet, so combat feels like ass. Their aoe is shit too, so big pulls take a bit longer than usual.
Other than that, I'm thinking about unsubbing till Stormblood. I've already done everything else that I wanted to do from pvp to crafting. I never got into hw raiding, but I think that was because my old static fell apart as players stopped logging in near the end of arr rather than how dull Alexander was.
Give it a try for a month or two. 4.0 will have released by then and you'll probably have caught up with the msq by then as well. The servers will be full and you'll get to experience the expac with everyone else. You'll more than likely be given free hq gear again like in HW, so you'll be able to skip gearing up at 60 and instead work towards the new 70 gear.
It's literally wow with catgirls. What do you think?
Welp, my subscription ends in 2 days, and I don't plan on renewing. I haven't even hardly started Heavensward.
It was fun playing with you guys, I just don't have the will to continue playing it more. I had fun playing and shitposting with you guys though. Sorry I wasn't more useful and never got far enough to help you guys in raids. M'laiboli out.
Sounds like a plan, appreciate the advice. Got a server you'd recommend?
Well I was thinking of playing as a midget, but you're right. I'll make a catboy just for you, user.
I unsubbed because fuck this noise, there is zero reason to play until June if you have all jobs maxed like I do.
Already got my relic and enough BiS for every main job thanks to this meme of turning savage into a farmable joke with forced echo
I'd say to pick from the top 5-10 and go from there.
Lalafell have the best emotes.
I agree. If you've run out of things to do then unsub. I still have an alt to finish and then I'm done till SB. I still need to do the light step on both of my characters. I got most of it done while farming pvp for the 60 win mount, but I just don't care anymore. The same thing happened back during the zeta step in arr. I started the dungeon atma farm, but grew sick of it after a while and never finished till HW. I'll more than likely finish the anima in SB after it gets nerfed.
Persona 5 or making gil.
My goal right now is just 50-60 sets for RDM and SAM incase i love how they play.
Granted RDM was my main job in XI but i doubt it will play the same. But doesnt hurt to be prepared when proto ultimate shits 270 accessories for nothing.
What the fuck is this cancer.
Are those from the FCs here? Jesus Christ that's cancer.
this fat loser got rejected for ERP online by another fat loser
this is one for the gore folder
Really makes you think…
What did he mean by this?
Take the plunge.
How does levelling other classes after your first work? Are quests reset and you just start over?
pretty sure thats from cuckchan /vg/ but you can never be too sure with the kind of players ffxiv attracts
Unsub for months at a time.
I finished the Alex questline, currently levelling WHM in order to prepare for the queues come Stormblood.
Though I only have about 20 more levels of that to go, so god knows what I'll do next. I'm thinking of trying tanking.
Also, why the fuck is the WHM questline so shit? Does it pick up eventually or will it still be the same shit?
WHM questline is okayish towards the end when some major characters get introduced. The last quest fight is pretty good too if you don't outgear the shit out of it.
50-60 is kinda weak. Worst of the bunch imo, but I haven't done SCH, SMN, or NIN so maybe those are worse?
NIN is brilliant. It's my favourite of the lot. Well worth checking out.
You gain 100% more xp for combat classes lvl 1-50 and 50% more xp for combat classes lvl 50-60. The quests don't reset. You'll need to grind dungeons, roulettes or potd.
I see them in Ultros Limsa all of the time. They're usually right next to the market board closest to the main Aetheryte. There's usually 1 lala, 1 femroe and a bunch of cats and scalies.
Thanks, I was thinking of getting a healer role after levelling monk so I guess that'd be fast enough spamming dungeons.
WHM 50-60 was fucking trash. Literally not even WoW vanilla tier job quests.
Interesting. Anyone else have any other takes on this?
I'm new to FF14 and MMOs in general (currently downloading free trial). I notice that classes and jobs are separate? And there are lots of classes, how fun is something like Goldsmith? It sounds cool.
Honestly most of the jobs quests took a nosedive in HW (greatly so with crafting quests bar maybe CUL's and BSM), most are forgettable or dull as hell. the 30-50 DRK is still one of the best questlines in the game however.
Warrior is a tank that hits hard and can tank hard. Has a high HP pool thanks to Defiance and good damage thanks to Fell Cleave and can a apply a slashing resistance down debuff on targets. As far as I'm aware it doesn't have as many defensive cooldowns as DRK or PLD but can main tank perfectly well, but is generally better for off tanking.
Paladin is a pure defensive tank. Does piss poor damage and lacks reliable aoe damage but has many defensives and has a strong heal on hand. Sadly while its toolkit is great, it doesn't suit XIV at all and it has little in way to defend magic damage, is very dull to play and can be quite frustrating to play until you get Shield Oath. Pretty much DRK does everything a PLD can do but better.
Dark Knight uses big chunks of their MP to increase their damage, improve their cooldowns or increase their agro gain. They deal great damage while main tanking and have strong defensives but can be harder to play due to their mp management and retards not healing Living Dead.
White Mage is a healer. They have strong regens and strong heals. They have the highest damage out of the trio of healers but suffers from mana issues if they do. Kind of fallen out favor thanks to how fucking retardly overpowered strong ASTs are but still work fine.
Scholar is a hybrid healer that has good, consistent damage from its DoTs and has access shields, burst healing and damage reducing cooldowns. Along with there shields and heals they have access to there fairy slut companion that heals damaged party members and has access its own buffs. Pretty much locked to an offhealing role thanks to their amazing toolkit, flexible dps and strong burst heals, but requires a good amount of knowledge of a fight to use their toolkit to its fullest and lacks strong heals outside of their fairy and burst. Its very easy to see a bad SCH from a good one.
Astrologian is an overpowered strong healer that uses the heart of the Balance cards to give retardly powerful dps increasing drawn buffs to themselves, a party member or the whole party depending on how they use Royal Road. (Burns currently held card buff to improve the next used card buff) They also get access to sets with allow them to choose between giving some of there healing spells regen or shields on top of a passive. In terms of healing they are WHM without any drawbacks and there shields that are generally stronger then SCHs non crit shields.
Bards/Machinsts are ranged support DPS, they provide raidwide buffs at the cost of a portion of there dps. Bards are generally better in magic heavy parties and focus more on holding dots to proc there OCD damage skill while Machinists work better in a physical heavy parties thanks to Overcharge and is more focus on big burst while Wildfire (Debuff that deals 25% of all damage you deal during its duration back at the target once its ends.) is up.
Black Mage is a burst caster that pulls very high numbers at the cost of being very immobile. Not really much else to say on it. Pretty easy to learn and if you like seeing big numbers then BLM is the job for you.
Summoners are DoT based casters with good mobility and a strong burst. They get access to 1 3 pets and are the AoE kings thanks to Bane?. Can be annoying to play because of how retarded pet AI is in this game.
Monks are melee deeps that do high damage at the cost of very low raid utility. Focuses on keeping up Greese Lightning so fights with long pauses will make them suffer greatly. Fairly easy to play but fairly hard to master.
Dragoon is the 2nd melee DPS that part burst, part consistent dps. They bring some good raid utility thanks to Battle Litany and there pierce res down. They have many OCGs that need to be weaved into there rotation while keeping Blood of the Dragon up. Do note that Lancer is utterly dull to play due them being a literal 2 button class till around level 30ish and you will be seen as a shitter regardless of how good or bad you are.
Ninja are the utility champs, they trade off some of their damage for a wide array of support and a raid wide damage increase. They use handsigns for damage, to boost their attack speed and to use Trick Attack freely. They deal most of their damage in DoTs and are easy to learn if you have good ping. If you don't then mantra lag and skips will make you hate life.
Red Mage will be a big burst deeps and will most likely swap between meleeing and casting and Samurai will kill with Domaian steel folded 1000 times and stance dancing.
Could have gone more in-depth with some of them but I really can't be fucked. Really you can play whatever and if you don't like it swap to something else, you aren't locked to a job like other MMO's and its piss easy to level a second job.
I rolled in one of those threads with the triangle full of jobs and got dragoon. Seems like a good opportunity to troll people.
This is one of the main draws to the game, but you still have to get gear for your character. I kind of wish it had FFXI's ability to use support jobs, but the cross-class powers seem pretty limited here.
3.57 Patch notes are up
Anima weapons for everyone!
I've seen that image so many times, that i'm genuinely interested in buying that oven.
Nice ID
Goldsmith is crafting, dont do it,. start with one of the combat classes, once you're level 30 upgrade it to a job.
Dead as fuck yo.
62 days goyim, why are you the only one not out farming [TOAD LEATHER]?
The fuck man? Why you pull this shit? Like the overall story though. Where it isn't all sun shine and rainbows.
your first day here?
why toad leather?
playing on a dead server
Are you even down with Table Cloth?
Should I get into this game? I'm bored and want to spend time on something is the community any good? Or just a bunch of meme spouting autistic redditors?
Occasionally you get some meme shit but it's pretty rare most of the time everyone just shuts up and does their job.
Not right now, the game's dead because everyone's waiting for the new expansion.
So I should just wait until Stormblood comes out and come back to one of these threads then?
dead inside TBH, i try to hide it by posting [email protected]/* */
Really my world is pretty active and my queues are faster than they've been in a while?
I hope to fuck Karasu plays a part in Stormblood.
Half the reason I post through Tor is to detect newfags.
god fucking dammit when did i get attracted to Elezens. i used to hate their proportions.
now i want to bone like half of them
u gay
u gay nigga
fucking given, but i still have standards
at least i HAD standards
u gay faggot
as long as you're not fapping to lalas, thats some standards.
Not-fucking-roadkills tier standard, but at least its something.
loli/shota has never been my thing, and god willing, it stays that way
u mega gay fuccboi
… I play an elezen though, you want this gray dick?
Sad this is the best modern MMO right now unless I'm missing something. Bless was a massive disappointment and there will never be a real successor to RO.
You can always play RO again.
what server were you on?
take that shit to the cuckchan general
Who else here is FSH master job?
Does this FC have a discord?
Are you on Balmung?
Catgirls and lizardgirls are almost always played by people who tick one or more of the following
There are an extremely small number of positive cat/lizardgirl players, and they're less likely to be social in game. Reminder to play safely and avoid all cat/lizardgirl players, do not associate with them and refuse them entry into any FC or LS you are in.
Additional reminder never to play with anyone you meet on an imageboard. Although people from here and not as bad, the community in particular from cuckchan is a perpetual state of cancer.
The communities are void of decent discussion or assistance, and you will only find people spouting overused memes either on the FC chat or overworld, or find people creating/parroting thread drama.
Many people in imageboard communities erp, and these people often form their own clique of female characters that end up either heavily influencing these fcs or even running them.
If you wish for company in game, then take the following precautions
I was just scrolling by the front page and I looked at this image and thought it was a myst pre-render from the thumbnail.
I just got FSH to 60 the other day not sure where to go from there since the expansion is coming out soon, will probably be waste to get the the best gear and all the books.
Cats are CANCER
t. potato
I've since looked up how positionals work so I don't make that mistake again, but goddamn did I feel like a bigger idiot than usual.
Titty Kitties are love.
been on a role lately.
Cleared Zex few nights ago finally
got limitless blue bird yesterday
got wind up Scathach just few mins ago
Thread is slow.
Post cats.
I'm fishing now
Remove cats, they're cancer
FSH is love. FSH is life. Have you caught the Void Ark yet, FSHbros?
Anyone know what I should do with my tomes of scripture I've gotten all my shire gear but I'm still getting tons from grinding out the last stage of the anima weapon.
Do you have another class at 60?
If so, gear that one up too. Otherwise, level up a class to 60.
We'll be waiting for a while for Stormblood.
I got to level 35 and i got to say this is the worst mmo ever. How do people like this shit? It has the slowest most pathetic combat ever and it's basically all graphics and story (and it's generic at best).
Is it because of the erp? Is it just fanboys deluding themselves that its a good game? I cant believe i wasted time on this shit.
You have some splainin to do niggers.
No one cares you don't like it so stop playing it we do like so we'll keep playing it.
And you can't even come up with excuses to defend this game. Holy shit it's like WoW but far more shallow. I can't believe that people are calling this the wow killer when it cant even get combat right. The story is incredibly boring yet its shilled like its the best thing since hannibal.
Anytime anybody mentioned wow in this thread is that this is as shit as wow which it probably is whatever. It just doesn't look like complete shit and has generic fantasy anime shit instead of generic western fantasy shit. Other people only refer to this as the WoW killer because it's the only MMO with the same business model as wow that is growing. Everything else has gone F2P or buy in with no subscription like Elder Scrolls or Black Desert. So all that is really left with a buy in and subscription model is FF14 and WoW. WoW is old as shit and finally starting to shrink down to what will most likely be a sizeable but still small player base. FF14 is still in it's growth period and this is making WoW fags really fucking mad for some reason. People actually playing this game just post fucking screenshots of characters they find cute/sexy or talk about stupid drama or bullshit in the game. It's a fucking MMO it's something you play while you listen to podcasts, watch shitty TV, or chat with friends.
I want to plow her fields if you know what I mean.
does the amazon DLC promo work with Maple syrup dollars?
When the FUCK are we getting info on Stormblood? Holy shit.
what DLC promo?
You know shit like this makes me want to strangle someone over at square. Its like someone on the FFXIV dev team just fucking hates europe.
Should get something this Friday, Hopefully. There's a letter from the producer live happening, with a Q&A. So just hope the schmucks on the forums ask good questions
Going through the forum's questions, some seem quite banal, some even just plain shit, such as asking about minion stats for Lords of Verminion and other Gold Saucer type things
Look forward to buying multiple copies of a shit gaming magazine for your rewards again, user.
Bought a timecard on .com with a canuck account, no code.
Did you buy this one?
Shit is closed now says I can't buy because of "geographical restrictions".
Make sure you have a US address
Alright I got the code up in Canuckistan
The bonus offer is listed on the page for the 60 day digital card.
If it says it can't sell you the item due to your geographical location go to the manage your content and devices page and update that to show a US address. Afterward you might have to log out and back in but it should sell it to you after.
I got my codes instantly but some people said they have to wait up 3 days
This actually worked but I also found out that if you pre-order something they'll send you the code immediately as well. I pre-ordered mario kart 8 deluxe then cancelled right after to just buy a game card but I still got the code before I even put in the order for the time card.
Thanks for the tip. I did a 2nd order and got a code immediately.
Learn your history.
[email protected]/* */
A Story in 2 parts.
Reminder that catgirls and lizards are all erpers
For fucking what? Hurt feelings?
Of course, but they'll try to play victim and accuse him of abusing the vote system or whatever.
I have no idea.
Moving from Balmung was the best decision I have made in a long time
>Cancelled my order My address didn't match the zip code I think
t-thanks amazon
Worth it.
cute catbois like to suck cock
10/10 burn
You went a bit overboard with the cuckdom comebacks, faggot did deserve to get kicked for being a dragoon.
The faggot was actually a monk, regrettably, they were just friends with a dragoon.
Every flaccid DRK's worst nightmare
Is MNK hard to play rotation wise?
Not really, it's pretty simple and consistent
how did you guys do this was on a hdd max settings
same as you
my video card is falling behind
"Very High"
I need to upgrade my CPU sometime.
I'll have to test it later but seeing those new requirements has me worried. My processor and video card are a little behind.
Regarding the live letter, here's the translation
52 days lad.
now there is no reason any tp using class should not avoid mechanics now
Hope you are ready for shitter tank giga pulls m80
REMINDER FOR MY BUEATIFUL BABY GIRLS: your 2000 poetics cap will be turned into the next tier tomes, not scripture so get capped qts!
Honestly, going by what they said, this could mean poetics>lore for all we know. I wouldn't parrot this just yet.
never mind, the phrase "head start" kind of throws my idea out the window
In 4.1, you’ll be able to take your squadron into dungeons.
I dont know how to feel about this.
Trust npcs for autists too socially retarded to group up.
You know who you are.
This is a fucking masterpiece!
SE should hand you a fucking medal.
What the fuck?
I never thought I'd see this
So I was playing the game and suddenly it froze, so I alt+f4 the game and restart it but now all settings are reverted to default and my marcos and hotbar are gone.
Is there a way to get it back or do I have to spend hours, maybe days adjusting the settings to my liking. This is fucking bullshit, shouldn't have a save date files for settings?
there is one in the launcher under the options settings which lets you back up your current config. No idea if you can recover your shit though.
Gas this…
I think I can hold out on a upgrade for a little while longer.
Which timeline are you from?
I noticed on Aether that DPS queues have been getting shorter. Shitters are raising tanks to capitalize on the queue times in SB, probably.
yes it is pretty fun despite the global cooldown. Also I want to fuck that bitch witch.
Open plot if anyone is interested.
Oh, that is Exodus by the way.
So how did the Benchmark for stormblood went for you guys? Looking forward to new skills for your main? DRG seems to have a skill to empty all his BotD on the enemy. What I can say is the map with the giant gate looks amazing. Swimming looks fun too
I have a 5 year old laptop.
As someone who has never gotten into MMO's and as someone who dosen't really know a lot about FF, tell me why I should play this game. I'm lonely most of my time so I need some social interaction to fill the void. I hear a lot about this game so I might try it out.
6010, max settings 1080p
The CPU is the only thing holding me back. Everything else is recommended or above. It runs fine for now though. It just seems to be the water that fucks shit up.
Also, I really like how the SAM gear looks on my character. Still more excited for Red Mage though. Won't be playing either until a couple weeks after launch, however. Those queues at the start will be awful.
I'm more busy trying to finish some games on my backlog since I'll be spending a bunch of time on the expansion when it comes out.
5000. I'll be okay but its looking like I'm gonna have to upgrade my i5 and card soon
Tried in High but forgot to turn off Vsync
Then i tried without Vsync in max settings. Dunno how these scores get measured.
>1920x1200 I like your resolution
i feel your pain, i miss being a qt catboi ERP slut on my knees begging for cock and getting roughed up
what did the artist in the op image mean by this?
13k here. Max settings. Shitty HDD is holding me back. Need a decent SSD.
Was this before or after you collected your welfare check?
Still a little worried because it told me my longest load time was 35 seconds but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. If I'm still maining monk I hope the skills they get are fun.
I guess we may never know why you're a fag.
healer and tank gear is shared. this is partially to encourage more people to take up heal/tank roles. if you get a set of gear that works for one of those jobs, it'll work just fine for other similar jobs (but won't be optimized in most cases). all melee dps have different gear (str mail for drg, str leather for mnk, dex leather for nin) while mch and brd share a set of dex leather gear.
as of 1am PDT on primal today there was 40+ parties in PF, and Qing into Dun Scaith around 9pm PDT took all of 20s. Leviathan masterrace.
i kek'd.
already been done bro. see: AST
i dont know how to feel. it's bound to my = key as it has been since god knows when, and i forget to use it when im not tanking because ive tanked so damn much. now i actually will be expected to use it. i hope SE doesn't balance fights around using Sprint to dodge aoe, as i can dodge aoe just fine without it and i dont want another damn button to press on CD
but that WAR charge skill got me hard as a rock.
as far as a first MMO goes it's pretty great. lots of hand-holding of the "here's some sweet loot" variety (as opposed to the "you can't progress until you go through this mandatory tutorial" type) and if you take the time to look at the little details, the game world is quite fun, with a solid story, neat little easter eggs to find, and a mature side that people don't expect like the all-female pirate group, the Sirens, and their preferred hangout, a restaurant/bar known as "The Missing Member." some people will shit on the story, and the voice acting can be a bit hokey at times, but if you lose yourself in it it's quite fun. it does take a bit to get going however, but even stuff you encounter at level 15 will be present in some form or another at later levels.
however, not knowing a lot of about FF means you'll miss out on a lot of subtle and not-so-subtle references. the entirety of the Crystal Tower raid series is basically an ode to FF3. a good chunk of 3.0 content is the wet dream of any FF6 fan, and the overall feel of the world itself evokes a strong FFT/FF12 vibe, with plots and politicking interspersed with vicious battles, noble sacrifices, and nefarious betrayals.
and there's catgirls. can't go wrong with catgirls or eczema demons if that's your thing
femroe masterrace
i kinda wish i had stuck it out tbh. the wrap-up to 1.0 was amazingly well done.
So did the new abilities for everyone get leaked yet? I wanna see what WHM gets.
Yeah you should have kept a backup. Granted you would be forgiven because nowhere does the game tell you you can do this and you have to dig inside the game folder to do it. You'll be like me now and keep 7 copies of the file in different locations so you won't have to sit there for hours setting up your hotbars again.
I played 1.0 for months (up to like 1.23) and I'm sad I left before it ended. One of my old guild leaders used to tell stories about what the battle of cartenau was like. That and it was fun telling newbies that that huge battle in the ARR opening actually happened ingame.
They need to bring that back as some sort of encounter. I don't care how they do it. I'm kinda surprised they haven't yet.
maybe it would be an excuse to bring Alexander out of retirement since you could then go back and ensure that the timeline is maintained somehow, either by helping the alliance, or helping nael achieve his objectives.
that'd be fucking cool.
I've got two fully completed relic weapons so far and I've glam'd them because I'm sick of the glow.
How many do you have user?
at least they doubled the rate at which you can get sand and umbrite now. just another 30 points to go.
then i get to do more lore farming! kill me now fam
None, as I took a break and lost the drive for monk.
At least in that step you can actually see your progress. In the last step you can't see how much you have to grind or how much you have done already instead of a vague kind of idea.
I'll be back next month. For sure.
I refuse to accept AST as being time mage. its not even close to being as cool as time mage!
Thank fuck we are dodging that bullet.
its great that one of the main selling points of FF14 manages to keep the WoW cancer at bay.
shit thread, post cat tats
This must be the same comfort EVE players feel knowing those fucks cant into your game.
nWo isn't dead, it just moved. Hit up Aloise Astravir for an invite.
Heavensward's paladin quest's in a nutshell.
Why is it that whenever I see someone refusing any type of parsing implementation in this game, it's ALWAYS the bad players? I haven't seen someone who was actually worth a shit skill wise that opposed it.
I salute you fucks, trying to level gladiator to level 15 was so boring it makes me want to quit the game.
Because they are physically and mentally disabled and don't want people to shit on their fee fees since this game is where they can pretend they're something.
I feel like half the classes blow until level 50 because they feel incomplete but paladin has been the worst.
I mean you don't even get your fucking tanking stance until level 40.
Still I'm sucker for sword and board when it comes to tanks.
Monk still the best class.
Because it shows how shit they are and parsers give DPS classes have a ground to be called out from. Deeps classes can be played badly to low-mediocre and no one can tell without having a parser or knowledge of how that class works, but you can tell from a glance if a tank or healer are shit or not because the differences are night and day. I really don't understand Yoshi's autism on parser usage when end game raids are huge dps races and most mechanics can be survived with a semi decent solo healslut, seems pretty backwards to not have the tools for it simply because people might be meanie bobeanies with it or it because it upsets Starcade.
Speaking of DPS, what's a decent DPS on the striking dummy? I just got a parser today, but I have no idea what number I should be aiming for.
It depends on your ilvl.
Let's say 260 even
I should've asked for your class as well so to cut this short try destroying a dummy of relevant content and use the ffxiv sss calculator. Even if you don't destroy it you can get an idea of where you stand even without the parser. Try not to use it too much, I've seen some depressing ass dps.
I'm stuck on the Light step. I can't muster up the enthusiasm to log in and run content for it anymore, and it's not like I'm even close to completing it, it's more like 30% done I think.
Monk and I hit 2k once greased lightning is at 3 stacks. I assume in raids it would be higher because of buffs and also Once I materia meld all this new gear.
Back to jewing I guess. Fuck.
The grind continues for me, I guess. At least I'm getting used to healing a 8 man group, so there's that.
Yeah sword and board is cool, i liked the part where they have hoplons and shit, those are cool. Too bad gladiator is fucking eye gouging boring and it only leads to fucking paladin. Would be great if it's a class that is a mix off offense and defense like warrior and dark knight, but i guess you need a class that is a mix of tank and healer at some point.
to be fair, nailing a key clemency or a well-timed divine veil feels great. you end up having a pretty big impact on the fight for what amounts to a single GCD or OGCD skill.
it's just not very flashy, and in the case of clemency, interrupts what you're doing as a tank. personally, for 4.0, im hoping that they add a bit of hybrid offensive holy caster to pld. give pld the skills to utilize something besides flash for aggro generation, and hopefully design it in such a way that you're rewarded for using these offensive skills or spells regularly as a part of your combos, but with conditions, so there's choice between what you do as opposed just another step in a rotation.
I'm probably not even on your server but this is 100% true. I've seen not only entire FC's been destroyed by a single attention whore. But multiple. Friendship groups destroyed, people quitting, linkshells being fractured, couples splitting up, the works. All because of a cat-girl and a lizard girl. Fuck anyone that plays those.
Elezen master race
I've got something wrong with me…
Do SSS on Zurvex and post time. I do 2.8k consistent as a SMN at 269ilvl and finish it at 28s.
The scores are literally just the amount of frames they manage to render while the benchmark is running.
Healing isn't really my thing, though i get some people who have fun healing others or whatever. They should probably make a new job branching off gladiator with more offensive and aggro generating skillset.
A-Anyone wanna donate me a fantasia? ;-;
I just chose catgirl because it looks cute
I made a huge mistake
Yes there's something extremely wrong with you.
Most people don't realise so you should be okay. Just don't be a drama-fag or an attention-whore. If you find yourself developing strong feelings for anyone, keep it to yourself or talk to them. If you know that they're in a relationship do not engage. Only lizard girls and cat-girl players I've seen break these rules that normal people know not to do.
I'm not a massive faggot.
What, this shit actually happens alot? I mean i saw the gay potato couple or whatever it was that got together from this game, but i never know this kind of faggotry is everywhere.
It happens often. I suppose it's bound to when you get a bunch of people that are usually shunned and put them together in a box where they can be whoever they dream to be and meet characters of the opposite gender. I guess it's easy to get lost in the game sometimes.
Often though, it'll be because people start talking outside the game, usually through convenience like having kik or discord to organise raids, so it becomes that they get attached to the other person as a person too. If you're a person that hasn't been able to maintain relations easily, it would be easy to become overly attached and affectionate to the one person that does.
Seen it happen a few times.
Should I move to a jp server if the NA datacenters make me want to uninstall this game?
I mean potatoes are hardly any better. They are either huge cancerlords with lel so fanny xD "humor", massive autists or have a huge napoleon complex. Hell we have a living example of this posting in the threads right now :^) I can count the total of non faggot potatoes I've encountered over 2 years on one hand. The true masterrace is playing with friends in a private FC or keeping to yourself with good linkshells anyway.
DPS players in this game are totally shit. You can't clear anything because of them. You need to go through like 20 groups to find a decent one. They either don't know the mechanics or if they do, their dps is so shit that can't beat the enrage timer.
I'm in the same boat. I just need 3 more of those symbols to finish it, but I've lost the will to do so. I got most of my light from pvp grinding for the Garo mount. Part of the issue is that I still remember how awful Shiva grinding was and I really don't want to smash my face against a1s too.
fucking hell, this is so boring
I love how I can easily switch from crit machine to support in long fights with downtime.
But it's just a couple hours during bonus window to light up a few runes. Granted, it's very mind-numbing
I think we need to start forcing people to learn mechanics.
You people need to join normalfag FCs goddamn. 90% of the shit you complain about is not an issue.
You can be a cute cat surrounded by other cute cats and no faggotry in site. Of course the trick is you ALSO have to not be a fag.
Pretty sure every other [email protected]/* */ has to also not be a fag, which is simply impossible.
What? Normalfags FC fall apart due to drama all the time. One girl enters a normalfag FC and all hell breaks loose.
Fuck it I'll be a red mage, surely they'll pull the old switcharoo and make THAT the class that doesn't have mad long casts
Doomed for failure.
Oh god I was a brd in 2.0 and mch during HW and was thinking of sticking to range with rdm I've accepted my shitty casting fate but now that you say that and knowing Square they just might do that.
It'll happen, it always happen and when it does it'll be the girls and the thirsty niggers that cause it.
It won't, though. The more likely event is everyone dying of old age.
understand that a large part of the initial attraction to this game when it launched was CATGIRLS
the same with FFXI's mithra
the faggotry people see is mostly from the cuckchan /vg/ general, which admittedly has an uncanny ability to project itself rather loudly
now on to the BENCHMARK, who 12k+ here?
thank fuck i have podcasts to catch up on.
The Reddit invasion really has ruined this place.
i wouldnt touch a normal fag guild with a 10 foot long pole, the average player in this game is fucking insufferable
Im so used to not talking with anyone outside my guild that when people try to talk to me in non content my response is usually go away or shut up
3 second long animation locks
imagine titan HM or niddhog with a bunch of RDM shitters all getting animation locked every other second by chainspell
this is the future you chose.
i would have no issue with this if we can move during these locks
I feel you dont know what this term means in XIV.
I'd prefer it'd be SAM but I guess that works too.
That's the way it should be. Normalfag guilds are maximum cancer.
user, please.
We all know SAM is the new MNK. Pack up your MNK glamours, its ogre.
14254 fam
The ol' GTX 970 just keeps going, and going, and going, and going,
well ninja has animation locks on its oGDC's so people dont just hit all of them at the same time
where as dragoon as positional animation locks due to the nature of its jumps wanting the player model to return to the original position/
ninja style good, dragoon style bad
cunt i know what i said im usually complaining about these things in the threads anyway
Just assassinate, NIN main here and its not the same since assassinate is a finisher not part of the rotation Animation Locks are rotational abilities that actively remove all player control during its animation cycle. The most obvious being dragoons jump moves. This keeps the player location data locked to one location serverside so you can be fucked by plumes.
Its like jumping in mmos. people that dont know think jumping makes you stop taking damage when running out of large damage pools but your tracking data sticks to the last time you were on the ground so you keep ticking regardless.
we dont know how much chainspell locks but the dash in and out can very well be a nightmare.
most classes have closer to under 2 second cooldowns now some even faster if someone stacks spell or skill speed and ast gets an arrow card
not quite, if animation/input locks didnt exist you could use all of your oGCDs at the same time, similar to how you could fire all 7 rounds of your deagle brand deagle in early PC versions of cawadooty4 at once as long as you could input them fast enough
theres an example of this being an issue with early ARR ninjas infact, mudras would sometimes fireoff a non damaging fuma shuriken along side Raiton due to the way the animation worked along side input buffer latency
obviously when the server ticked next it would throw the Shuriken damage out because it detected two successful mudra inputs instead of one, or just bunny because FUCK YOU
chainspell will most likely work like dragoon jumps, but im hoping that they do away with that dumb shit in stormblood
Whats up Almiggers
I'm looking to communicate with some poor bastard on Balmung and I'm on Exodus. I know cross server friends isn't in yet, but is it possible to linkshell or have a cross server guild? I remember NWO had dudes from other servers. I'm probably on that memory.
BTW hows NWO doing?
The game's split up into datacentres and servers. If you're on the same datacentre and not the same server you can use the (currently useless) contacts feature soon™. If you're not, as is the case with Balmeme and Exodus (Aether and Primal datacentres respectively), git fukt, you can't play or even chat together.
nWo is surviving but not much more
I still have 580. It works, so I won't change it. The 1070 does look nice though. Is the 1070 smaller than the 580?
user please.
That's every fc this close to the end of 3.0. It was super dead by this point in 2.0 too and it will be the same in 4.0. I am curious to see how big the player surge will be when SB hits? I can see SE losing its shit if its lower than HW.
HW also had a much better opening and theme song. The Sultana dying instead of sleeping, along with fleeing into Ishgard made for a great start in HW. I don't feel that way at all about SB. It doesn't even feel like a new expac is dropping. The new Emperor has done fuck all for me to care about him or Ala Mihgo.
I was actually mad when it turned out she was alive, it completely removes the impact of the end of ARR. I agree on the end of HW, it the premise for SB isn't anywhere near being intriguing enough for me to care. We can already see that things will be neatly wrapped up at the end, the ala mhiggers will be free and Doma will be under not-imperial rule. Hooray! Hopefully the ascians will make a surprise comeback or something. Oh wait, the warriors of darkness happened then unhappened in a single fucking patch
Oy vey don't defend the 4 second cooldown! A 5 second cooldown is horrible, I mean a 6 gorillion cooldown is literally another shoah!
Excuse me, sir. But you'd make more friends if you didn't resort to using racial slurs. The nerve.
Do we know what the battle changes are at all? Also if by the time stormblood comes out any of the people I was playing with aren't on how do I go about a server transfer poorfag here so, you know
Also does stormblood come with 1 month of game time or do I have to buy that separate?
I just want you fucking with the empire in Al migger land just causes the ascians to play their hand and you find out that the garlieans have been at war with those fucks the entire time in their home land and they are pulling a dominion ala star trek ds9. I know I won't get this and we will get a ebul mustache twisting empire, but it's fun to think about it.
Lorewise the empire's goal is pretty good - the winters in garlemald suck, and the cultivation period is short, meaning they need food that can keep to survive over winter. Of course this means they started conquering other countries so their people can't die, and also spread magitek. Whilst doing this they noticed that some beast tribes can summon FUCKING GODS, which kinda freaked them out, so they want to put a permanent stop to that shit. It's just that the scions don't like this, instead opting to send the warrior of light to stab a primal every time they appear, and the leaders of Eorzea don't want to be conquered. The only reason why they look like bad guys is because of some nutjobs such as Nael van Darnus.
Garlean isn't even the worse fucking force in Eorzea, that'd be Ala Mhigo. Prior to the invasion by Garlean forces, Ala Mhigo was ruled by a nutjob who killed everyone with some power, even getting a small fortune would get you killed. So the people revolted, killed the king and then were conquered by the Garleans. I honestly want to see you going into Ala Mhigo and see it ruled pretty fairly, it's just the Ala Mhigan's are all "M-Muh country" and revolt, that or because the Empire are basically atheists they want to worship Rhalgr the Destroyer, something which won't backfire horribly.
Fuck Ala Mhiggers. They've caused nothing but trouble and don't deserve any sympathy, same with Lalafells, who are basically the jews of FFXIV, especially Ul'dah.
lets not forget how, prior to being invaded by the empire, ala mhigo attacked gridania in a failed attempt to expand their power. this makes the "m-muh refugees" line that a lot of the ala mhigan npc's pull that much funnier. talk shit get hit motherfuckers. they went and attacked gridania then once the empire fucked them in the ass, ran off to gridania and ul'dah begging for help.
having said that, im down with liberating them, just because fuck the empire (which is probably being manipulated by the ascians to help with the rejoining).
what's the worst primal fight, and why is it zurvex?
no, seriously, this fight is the biggest crock of shit in game at the moment. not only is there the RNG of Soar did you get the good soar? great! if not, time to get fucked that is such bullshit people have had better luck single-tanking the fight just so they can add more dps to push past the phase. when a strat, right after the fight comes out, involves pushing past a phase instead dealing with the mechanics, you know you've made a bad fight.
furthermore, you can't even single tank it as a warrior due to the way wave cannon works. most people say "oh just holmgang" not understanding that holmgang doesn't last long enough to deal with Demon Claw + Wave Cannon, so if you want to single tank, it's gotta be PLD or DRK. then, if that wasn't enough, you're reliant throughout the whole fight on DPS maintaining situational awareness hah! to the point that if any single one of them fuck up, the entire raid wipes.
zurvex is not a fun fight. it doesn't have challenging mechanics that can be overcome like sophia or sephirot. it doesn't have a sliding scale of punishment for failure. it's all-or-nothing, and you'll spend 40 minutes just doing the first two phases before adds but end up getting nowhere because one person isn't on point.
fuck zurvex and fuck whoever was responsible for designing the fight. the entire thing is trash.
I hate this single mechanic. It's like pulling teeth learning that single fucking mechanic since every time I fuck up the shame is unbearable. Fuck, give me Sophitia's tether bullshit any day.
>slowly get back into the grind holy fuck I hate AS1
Fuck it, there's gil to make and other jobs to level.
Just have folks call directions.
im going fucking insane
Lies. Perhaps if you were more patient and calculating, you'd see the wisdom of Hydaelyn's chosen. But if you'd rather run off, half-cocked, then so be it. It wouldn't be the first time that you've played into the hands of the enemy.
So the two GMs of my FC decided to take an extended break until the expansion, and in their place made me the sole GM.
The only real problem is that one: a lot of the members are also taking a break, and two: I have no fucking idea how to recruit more folks to the FC.
What do.
or just spam /shout chat in idyllshire
…Now what do I do? I should probably just wait to resub til closer to the expansion, but I'm probably going to grind my relic to 275.