What makes a Demoman good? Does Demo actually take skill to play?
What makes me a good Demoman?
The demoman is overpowered meme comes from the distant epoch when the grenades exploded on player impact no matter how many times they had previously bounced. They patched that shit out so early I'm willing to bet most anons weren't there to experience it.
Stickspam takes no skill.
Demoman does take skill to become a pubstomping god.
But even F2Pfags can play him and do fairly well, by shooting grenades in random directions.
Nothing in TF2 takes skill to play.
6 slot GL with player impact detonation and indestructible stickies were 0 priming time were objectively bullshit
List of classes that take less skill than demo:
Also, why is he black?
What makes a good Demoman is understanding your projectile arcs and being able to predict enemy player movements. Just spamming leftclick-rightclick with sticks is relatively easy to get results with, but a Demo who knows exactly where his stickies can be in the next second and where the enemy is going to go in the next second is a grim reaper with a combine harvester.
Probably a joke about the "black irish".
It came from his sticky launcher.
That was also patched awhile ago, but it was bullshit while it lasted.
no, the touch explode grenades were the problem. demos are really easy to kill if you have a hitscan weapon. tf2 is a joke game.
dead thread for a dead game
Launch Demo was a fucking monster. I hated him so much, and not just because he was a nigger. Not to mention he had 32 fucking grenades instead of sixteen, meaning the spam was even more ridiculous and ammo pickups were completely optional.
And 6 grenades in magazine, don't forget. Also, soldier's 40 rockets. And the square hitboxes for explosives.
He does but the ceiling is considerably lower compared to soldier and scout.
The lineup from highest skill ceiling goes like this
1)Sniper: If you can land 90+% of your shots then you can literally shut down the entire enemy team by yourself and force them to use sniper exclsuive counter items like vaccinator or going danger shield sniper which leaves them exposed to the rest of your team.
2)Soldier: Highest mobility options bar none when equipped with gunboats and have very impressive burst damage potential that only demoman rivals. Good soldiers take only self damage, period. They can jump in, kill the enemy medic and jump out before anyone can even realize what the fuck happened. When not roaming, they become the best medic/demoman escorts too.
3)Scout: Has aim ceiling of sniper but lower spike damage which is compensated by superior speed and agility which allows good scouts to dodge most projectiles in the game with ease when they have room to maneuver. Excellent for punishing enemy mistakes like overextending or exploiting breaches in their defenses to eliminate key targets like medics and demomen. Make for excellent medic/demoman escorts too when not roaming as their low priority frequently makes the enemy forgo attacking them in favor of a higher value target which leaves them exposed to a scout's devastating close range spike damage.
4)Pyro: Highly situational but has just enough utility with airblast to be worth having if you can master the timing of airblasts and flame particle behavior to maximize damage. This is a nightmare though, because it becomes different every time your latency changes.
5)Demoman: Once you learn the intricates of projectile arcing,exact blast radius of your weapons and using your stickies to entrap enemies you are pretty much done as his advanced mobility is mostly used for rushing the objective at the start of the round. It is not an easy feat though, especially with the grenade launcher which has very slow projectiles.
6)Spy: Ambassador aim can rival the sniper but you are better off going sniper if you specialize in it. Otherwise, most of the skill ceiling comes from map knowledge and player behavior patterns which is a general knowledge all players should be using. You can also learn to exploit the bad hitboxes and lag compensation to execute impossible backstabs but even when you do, they are never reliable and can screw you over so there is a lot of luck involved as opposed to skill.
7)Heavy: Very straightforward. You hold M1 and point at enemies, no advanced mobility or dodging options. No unique opportunities that the class can do that others can not. He is stationary DPS intended for defending objectives.
8)Engineer: Only general player behavior and map knowledge necessary, same as spy. Your buildings work automatically and providing your team is not completely retarded, will require little to no maintenance besides fending off spies or zapping projectiles with short circuit.
9)Medic: You literally should never, ever fight if you are doing it right besides picking off an occasional spy. You don't even need map knowledge or awareness of player behavioral patterns. You just walk with the group, run at the first sign of trouble and once your uber is full, deploy it. If you have even an ounce of common sense, then you have mastered the Medic's skill ceiling.
Try posting it on steam so all the diaper furfaggots still playing it can give you upvotes.
Aww I was always a good medic and now I feel bad about it.
First half is accurate, but you understimate heavy engi and medic roles
Heavies movement is more critical than any other class, either you spin jump yourself into the right spot or you die
Hardly, the longest a heavy should be standing is around one second unless he's fighting another heavy or a nest. Play more heavy please
Engi players on a highlander match go insane before the first half of the match, 'will require little to no maintenance' is not the best way to describe frenetically switching between defending your sentry, repairing the dispenser from splash damage, making sure the teleporter is at least level 2 at all times, getting all the ammo from drops and map spots, and dealing with the spy whose only purpose in his life is to zap your teleporter from the respawn
All of this of course lasts only a few seconds, since engi's defensive capabilities have been ruined over the years with only ONE real improvement to his abilities (rescue ranger), as soon as you've done some progress you get fucked by a demo/soldier, an uber, or a backstab
If you think medic has the lowest skill ceiling I'm afraid you are retarded
What is crossbow and melee range
Yeah just stand behind my heavy sucking his dick right xd how did I die how did that scout jump over the heavy and shoot me where did that soldier come from woah that sniper shot me from the other side of the map
cause yknow, the best time to use an uber is not when breaking into a point or a nest, or countering an enemy uber
Your entire post reeks off scout main honestly
For your own sake, please stop
I main medic user.
Like everything else in TF2, the bullshit crits. Why anyone thought, hey let's make some shots do more damage at near random, I'll never understand.
It requires you to at least not be a mouth breather like heavy but largely it doesn't require skill.
Crits are bullshit but in my opinion it's no more bullshit than headshots in Counter Strike and other multiplayer shooters. Crits definitely don't take skill like headshots, but being on the recieving end of either feels about the same- Sudden instant death, feeling cheated out of a chance to fight back, etc.
Interesting if you think about the crits as a replacement for locational damage- The way the chance ramps up as you deal damage kind of represents your merc "improving his aim", allowing experienced players to get more "headshots" if they can survive for a while. For a shooter it's a more interesting approach than the simple "hit them in the head with any weapon to do more damage"- In TF2, the number 1 skill in TF2 is mobility, not aim.
Because it only takes 1-3 crits to kill you, the game is more about not getting hit than landing shots of your own (this is why heavy, engi, pyro, and some would even say sniper are mostly considered trash in competitive- They can't dodge much beyond crouch-jump jukes).
TL;DR - Crits are bullshit but at least you can git gud enough to dodge them, and they don't ALWAYS instakill you like headshots in other FPS.
imo the correct order is
Most of his playerbase is CoD kids who will try to quickscope you or braindead 2fort battlements drones who don't realize how pointless that position is. However, if you aren't mentally retarded then your human potential is the only limit to what you can do with Sniper. Also using the Huntsman means you're gay.
Everyone should be required to start with this class and git gud before moving on to other classes.
Most of the stuff you mentioned about Soldier's potential is also true for Demoman.
Do you like fast?
Medic takes skill because a good Medic calls the shots for their team on top of simply playing the class. I've found that it is impossible to trick a good Medic as a Spy. Also the crossbow exists.
Strong mindgames and not much else.
For lazy people. Good players don't need teleporters or dispensers.
Dodgeball is the only reason to play Pyro.
Full retard class.
The problem is critical AoE - explosives and fire.
It's very strange you'd be this uninformed about heavy, because you don't even need to play him to see being stationary is baby's first strat. Never mind gitting gud yourself, you've never encountered a heavy that spin-jumped your shit ? Not even once ?
What happened? I keep hearing that TF2 is dead, but is it just because Overcuck is stealing the casuals from it?
Just when I thought I've seen every ridiculously stupid thing a tf2 player can say. I need to stop reading fucking tf2 threads.
I keep seeing this rabbit. What cartoon is this?
I'm going to point out your other inaccurate definitions of a skill ceiling but i think the other anons already pointed that out at
this post right here
and this post too
This nigga right here, also the Gunslinger is ass, Jag master race with widowmaker / frontier justice on the side
Most heavy mains that i play with are bro-tier compared to usual demo / soldier mains, also i run the Vaccinator on them just to kill the other team's pockets Feels good
No, TF2 is still going strong after all these years, remaining on the Top ten of Steamcharts everyday. What other anons point out here faggot, is that the core gameplay of TF2 is mangled, it's aesthetics has been defiled, the new skinnerbox shit amplifies the shittines even further, and the team behind it is pretty much dead / don't give a shit. Yet sadly, it is still one of the best free multiplayer class shooters out there. Gives you a thought about the state of the vidya industry
TF2 is not dead but it's obviously passed it's golden era.
TF2 has got F2P going for it which brings in more casuals than Overwatch's P2P does. There's more money in Overwatch's """"""competitive""""""" scene, which in my opinion is still a joke compared to Highlander and 6v6 in TF2. I would argue that money is the biggest reason ridiculously good players leave their favourite games, be it tf2 or quake, for OW and CS:GO.
It's from the first episode of the new beserk anime that used a bunch of cg and shit.
Trust me user, there's plenty of casuals to go around.
Berserk 2016. Expect to make the same face as that fucking rabbit.
What ? I never said it takes skill, just that it exists and you'd know if you were a player with a modicum of experience.
Hey at least its not overwatch. A bland corporate TF2 clone with trans and gay shit shoehorned in at every opportunity.
It's not an advanced mobility of any sort, every thing you quoted is 100% accurate. just because you can literally move your same slow walking speed for a brief moment at spin up doesn't make heavy any less stationary when firing.
Yeah, if they did away with crits in any way, I'd rather they drop them from those weapons. A big reason why scout is considered so good is because, of course, he can dodge even crit AoEs.
Honestly if anything they need to give the less-dodgy classes more ways to tank damage (or at least tank crits). The Brass Beast buff was a start for Heavy but then they nerfed it to the point where it's negligable. Some kind of shield generator for engineer (that works like the shield-bearers in EDF 4.1) would be a welcome addition, for example. The one exception to this of course would be the spy- He is -supposed- to be a dodgy class, and yet ironically he got one of the best tools for tanking damage.
Unfortunately since the compfags are taking over, class balance is going to shift even farther towards the classes that are most-played competitively (Scout/Soldier/Demo/Medic), so the idea of buffing slower classes will be increasingly stigmatized as "slowing down the pace of the game". The dev team is in a strange catch-22 now where they need to make slow characters fit into what people are starting to consider a fast-paced game. What are they going to do? Make Heavy fast? Or "slow the game down" around him?
What people are trying to explain to you is that with a heavy against a good team if you stay in one place you die.
I still do not understand why they got rid of damage spread in casul, while keeping random crits, which are a way bigger problem. Don't do half-measures, either keep both or remove both.
There's no spread in casual? That might explain some things.
Yeah, they got rid of that quite some time ago, even back on valve servers before matchmaking was a thing.
Because crits are an integral part of melee weapon balance. Think back to when they tried to replace all no critical hit stats on melee weapons with 25% less damage.
Their intention was to try and balance melee weapons for no crit servers, melee weapons inherently have a high crit chance which gives them a better chance of not being useless last resorts, combine that with damage crit scaling and melee weapons really crit a lot. They are designed as a risky gamble for a quick kill, which suits a last resort weapon.
As medic main i disagree.
Raise their damage, or keep the crit mechanic exclusive to melee weapons. There are better ways to balance them than by "everything crits, except melee weapons crit WAY more".
"Main" personality ranking :
Heavy, Medic
Scout, Soldier
Engineer, Spy
Engineer 2fort main, Scout sandman main, Sniper
I didn't say it was good design. Just that's what it is, and it did create problems on no crit servers. Why not use a melee weapon that's balanced with a no crit downside when there's no crits in the first place? Best example of the problem is the old no crit powerjack.
This is surprisingly accurate tee bee h. Heavies and Medics mains are swell guys to have around most of the time whereas Snipers and Demos are irredimable retards who throw tantrums if they're not topping the scoreboard.
You forgot Pyro though.
You are a terrible medic and you belong below the skill floor.
A good medic can carry a shit team to victory and requires a lot more work than you're letting on, I suspect you're either a terrible medic player or only play with your friends that only need a pocket medic to clean house.
Sniper's with no fear scare me.
They don't hang back, they just run in and crit you in the face and shred the rest with the smg
Or pop you twice when you are a heavy.
I see this has angered a lot of medic mains so let me anger them even more from another Medic Main
The way I medic is I become the paranoid little fucker, I'm always on the check out for what weapons are out there either by the sound or by the kill feed. If it comes to me and a chum vs other people, I always try to observe the opponent to see what else they give away, for example, degreaser + shotgun pyro will try to get close whereas degreaser + flare pyro will stand back a bit. If you're using the Vaccinator then learning to identify the sound that EVERY gun makes comes a huge help at assessing what shield to use at a specific point in time.
Knowing the map and plotting escape routes also helps a ton when getting your ass chased by the other team, finally, if you're able to master the Crossbow, you can easily shut down soldiers attempting to bomb in if you keep your ears open.
That's a reasonable opinion though. The post you quoted basically states that you should be a braindead healslut with no situational awareness and should blow your load as soon as it's full.
I originally thought the Demoman was a Ugandan with an identity crisis who, like Idi Amin, has an obsession with Scotland.
Sadly it's just "le random scottish black guy"
wew lad
You know the rules faggot
This make me moist.
My bad.
That's the only reason I came to the thread.
fuck off, retard
I remember then it was 200k-300k.
To be honest I never understood the appeal of CS, it seems the main separating factor between good and average players is autistically memorizing the recoil patterns. Why not just display the recoil "visually" ? Besides, I find the meta extremely boring.
I mostly play heavy, medic or demoman.
The fuck? When did they patch that out?
Grenades still explode on contact, but only if they're still air-borne after being fired and they haven't bounced once. Once they hit the ground grenades explode on timers only.
In 2007 I think.
The worst was the lack of arm time on airborne sticky bombs. Stickybombs are still bullshit with the 1 second arm time.
How come GTAV has so much long term popularity?
I kinda enjoyed the single player but the multiplayer was shite.
Have they fixed it or something?
It's not even the DayZ clone version, it's the battle royale "spinoff". Same thing with PlayerUnkown's Battlegrounds.
I've never understood the appeal of those kind of mods though, the map is way too big for anything interesting happening. Not to mention the presence of long range weapons making fights extremely unsatisfying.
The whole reducing circle thing makes the game more intense.
It forces people in to confrontation and you cant just camp in a bush for seven hours you are forced to move as the circle gets smaller.
Then why the fuck does Demo's swords does no crit? Balance? Yeah right, like they give a shit about balance
8/10 preddy accurate
Now we just need the 'personality' user to make an image out of this
Pyro straddles between credit to team tier (Pybros) to Low tiers (W+m1 pyros)
The chink version is better tbh, then again it is a kung-fu comedy
They probably have shit taste i think, maybe because of mods, or maybe since it is streamer-friendly game but i don't know for sure
I still remember when they nerfed the shit out of stickybombs, the cry of all impotent demoniggers are fucking delicious while i'm cutting their mongoloid face off their shoulders
Even then it feels like the time where you'll actually see some action is negligible compared to the phase where you're just scavenging crap in buildings. Well at least people seem to be enjoying it, to me it's a bit like LoL or DotA where the fun you're having late game when winning isn't worth the boring laning phase and the bad times when you're getting wreck.
unrelated but holy hell, Blunderborn's failure never gets old
Should've gone F2P ages ago to be honest, I don't know if it's pride or delusion that's keeping them from doing it, now that Paladins is released they lost a sizeable amount of potential players. Had I been in Randy Bo Bandy's shoes, I would've gone F2P before OW's release after asking my artists to shit out the biggest amount of cosmetics they can and tied it to a cancerous crate system.
Sometimes I feel bad that they put so much effort in to making a game nobody plays but then I remember when the character said FEMINISM IS AWESOME and all the sympathy I had for them evaporates.
The one you keep destroying
Because I don't play Overwatch.
Overwatch is inferior to TF2 in every single way.
but what if i never even go there user-kun? and even before the cyclical died i still never went there!!
Overcucks are a mistake on this board, atleast the game has decent fap material but even Blizzard censors that shit
Fem Pyro is pretty good
Except for the "game" part.
like what was the fucking point of nerfing it, it did enough damage to the demo wielding it that he probably wouldn't survive after using it, nerfing it just makes it useless and the demo vulnerable after having used it, it's like they hate anyone having fun
Everything that is good about Overwatch was copied directly from TF2. Everything thats bad about it came from SJWs and corporate boardrooms.
And why can't he throw it?
Especially the game part, you retard.
Same for the half zatoichi, they needed the health recovery and just made it so you can puss out and put it away if you don't get a kill, fixing a problem no one had by nerfing it in a way no one wanted.
I played both and even in its current state TF2 is a more compelling experience than Overwatch. If you're talking about TF2 at its release up to the Medic update then there is no contest at all, TF2 blows it out the water in every aspect.
How is the game optimized now? I used to play regularly until community servers started dying off and the game just be game a huge ass to deal with every time you wanted to play it. TF2 was the most fun pub game out there until it went f2p and all the cool kids left to greener pastures.
Has recent updates been any good and are there any decent community servers or that awful pounding place still the only one that is constantly active?
It's still fairly poorly optimized and the servers I frequented are mostly dead.
performance seems to get worse with EVERY major update
People are having a problem now that was last reported back in 2013 where the game engine will fucking crash because of a memory leak, for some people it happens within minutes of joining a server
I had a profile of enhanced settings for tf2 and after a certain update the game would crash within seconds of playing on a hale vs. server, I finally deleted all my enhanced settings and now the game doesn't crash but I have to restart it after 1-2 map changes because it still runs out of memory
apparently tf2 isn't an x64 application so it grinds to a halt when it reaches the 4gb software limit
I'm still fucking mad about the caber nerf, even after they tried fixing it, it'sturned out to be even shitter now
i actually like the Half-Zatoichi this way, since now it's no longer a gimmicky sword because i could put it away in a pinch but still gets punished for it. And the reduced health is okay in my book since a free medium health kit per kill is already enough to fill up the lost health plus it overheals now
remove demoman
remove pyro
engineers default kit is mini-sentry
remove medi-gun replace with soldier-esque banners that heal
there you go I fixed your shit game
I can tell from that alone you don't play TF2.
smacking buildings all game is boring and poor class design
the engineer should be running around shooting people with shit and occasionally laying down support with tele's and dispensers
The fuck you say nigger.
also delet rescue ranger
fucking Australians i know its your shitposting cunts
That I can get behind, it's only really balanced in mvm, otherwise fuck that.
no I'm even worse than an aussie
A fucking leaf?
I'm not sure what you're trying to say user, are you saying the eyelander is bad because it doesn't crit? Do you think that might be because extra move speed and max health on kill is really valuable? Also considering the eyelander is intended to be used with a shield that for a long time was practically a free kill button?
Why would anyone want to play like that?
Spanish and Russian Demoman
They got the soldier Russian and German switched around.
Stickies with no priming time made him broken as hell, some servers till have this making users go there to just medic+demo pub stomp because life it easy as fuck just m1,m2,a winner is you.
Have no idea.
Also i love how TF2 medic voice actor just shitpost on his chanel with medic voices.
That's fucking brilliant.
Russian medic has a stereotypical german accent
no thanks.
Spanish demo, engie, sniper and medic are top tier. Did you know? That last time they added foreign voices was in Sniper vs Spy update (I also heard that french engie died)
Being heard but not seen, and killing without ever being shot
demoman is the biggest pain in the ass, worse than scout, that's his power
This, fuck spies and their stair jump bullshit, not today motherfucker
That's amazing. I wish I could VA like that and just verbally shitpost.
Everybody took that out of context because it was some guy in the game saying that after killing a bunch of female characters in a row. But really the whole Randy Pitchford advertising his r34 Battleborn subreddit was more hilarious.
Overwatch and TF2 play nothing alike, you dumbass.
There are some characters that are almost directly ripped from TF2 that are in overwatch. Some characters are even just singular TF2 weapons made into aw hole character.
Yeah like… uh?
His voice is so nice
There's probably more, but that's all I got. Some of them are gross generalizations though, but parallels are there.
So you admit your own comparisons are mostly bullshit, especially when the playstyles of every single example you posted are completely different from the TF2 versions you proposed they come from? Like fucking Symmetra's doesn't make sense because you could only have one mini-sentry in TF2. The only true "This character is a ripoff of something from TF2" is Torb and Engie because they do the exact same thing and play the same way.
What about tracer and scout? they even have the same obnoxious ADD personality.
And sombra is like spy with a cloak and her hack(sapper)
Tracer doesn't have the same vertical mobility or weapon set as Scout and if Sombra is a Spy ripoff she's a shit one.
All the characters I've listed do play generally the same to their counterparts though. Tracer is the fastest because of her stupid dash and she's supposed to annoy the enemy behind lines, sombra is supposed to do the same but can also attack vital targets (like a spy) by disabling turrets or players.
a bad demoman wouldn't be sittin' here talkin' about it.
He used to take 0 skill but Valve nerfed sticky spamming so now he's sort of underpowered
The problem with balance in TF2 is everyone always complains that "The class I don't like us underpowered!" even though every class at one point had a very simple well-defined weakness to other classes that balanced the game. But Valve of course listened to all the complaining retards
engineer is hardest class
After multiple nerfs i should agree.
The only reason its "impossible" to trick a medic as a spy is because Medic is such a braindead class you don't need to actually concentrate on it so its easier for medics to notice when somethings not right
are you saying that different classes play different roles? perish the thought!
Medic takes skill to do well, you little shit.
Only braindead class in TF2 is sniper. Point-n-Click adventure tier character.
Aside as class who should carry damage dealers you dont have a god damn any weapon to defend yourself except mele .
Junkrat presses a button to sticky jump. Pharah presses a button to (slowly) rocketjump. Torbjorn has only one building to care about, which can't get sapped and has perfect tracking. Do you see the problem here?
I was more referring to the game modes and maps.
But I agree the classes are simplified TF2 classes as well.
Dont get me wrong, I would copy TF2 as well if I was in Blizzards position. Valve developed and refined it for years.
If your designing a class based shooter and you arent copying TF2 you are just reinventing the wheel.
Lets just take a moment to recognize how fucked pyro has always been
Valve has a fucking hateboner for Pyro
What happened? I didn't think the first one was too bad. Plus, I liked the Assassin's butt.
The fact he's a black guy who's not a nigger.
Despite your quads, you basically admitted right here that you have never played Sombra considering you can't really disable turrets with her because A. turrets shoot too fast and you're out of HP before getting a hack in and B. your hack is interrupted by any damage to you. The only way to disable turrets with her is to ult and do an AoE hack. Sombra's main goal before doing so is harassment and disabling abilities and shields of viable targets. Reins are a #1 target for Sombras because the shield becomes unusable and the rest of the team can simply focus on Rein and push past him.
Game was rigged for Pyro to win, hombre, there were unused text-strings in small updates that had a "sorry, heavies, victory seems inevitable for team pyro" message to be displayed in the Casual/Competitive screens. Well before the deadline. So just like all the other character-showdowns-with-an-update-on-the-line, the one Valve wanted to have an update was the one that was gonna win. We still haven't gotten that Pyro pack.
What I'd like from Valve:
- Complete rework on how the flamethrowers work
- Complete rework on afterburn that scales with how long you keep people in the fire
- Rebalances that gives Pyro a defined role (Preferably as Anti-Support/Anti-Medic)
- New Flamethrower that completely changes how pyro plays similarly to what the gunslinger did to the engineer
What we'd probably get:
- A weapon that can spam airblast
- More W+M2 pyros
Same happened with assfaggots dota 2 vote. Vote was rigged for juggernaut from a pre-last vote because its all updates bind to Arcana announcer and only few people want to buy IO arcana. Shit is just stalemate with players and Steam casino.
What I wanted most out of MyM were all those optimizations that B4nny or whoever the fuck it was was touting. He was swearing up and down the game would get the livid shit streamlined out of it and it'd run worth a pinch again, then all that got fixed in the actual patch-notes was lag related to flamethrower particles that barely affected anybody.
There's that crash from the game engine having a memory leak somebody mentioned earlier in-thread. That didn't happen at all before TF2 started getting so fucking bloated.
What we'd also probably get:
The thing that people don't seem to understand about B4nny is that he makes money off of the TF2 competitive community, he has little to no interest in getting the game to work outside of competitive and nor should he. It's also in his interests to get more low-level players but less high-level players in, hence the shitty competitive implementation.
TF2 in whole has just become jews jewing jews regardless of what part you get into.
Truly the Leafs have beaten the Aussies in their own turf, now go and shitpost /k/ into oblivion
For the case of Eyelander and Half-Zatoichi it's not really the case, but i suppose i should have specified about the the other, less used Demo's swords. See, the problem here is that those other swords are shite, and a really big shite as well, that they often lost melee fights due to them not giving any worthwhile buffs after a kill / just doesn't have enough advantages to use them in any case compared to those two swords i listed above. Now, the only melee weapon that does randumb crits in demo's arsenal is the bottle, i can't see why the other swords can have crits as well so it's actually viable to use them as they are shit even when paired with shields, not to mention that all swords now have a weapon switch penalty.
Oh and the topic on shields, good ol'Volvo nerfed the fuck out of them I still main them for some reason
And them boots sucks dick as well
Don't forget that Pyros always get the short end of the stick on content / weapons, heck Pyromania update only introduces 1 weapon for Pyro and it's a goddamn update that's focused solely on the Pyro
Whoever was behind the TF2 team right now should have been dragged out to the street and get clubbed to death by a lot of replica TF2 hats
No, but even Valve being the over-complacent jew they are doesn't even listen to him anyways, which is way fucking worse since the TF2 team doesn't have a clue of TF2's gameplay
Oh shit i forgot that the skullcutter and the pain train has crits as well, fuck me
But even then, they're still pretty shit
I pay little to no attention to the competitive community in general but B4nny claiming confusion at how little was actually implemented was my first red flag he's a self-interested snake, nobody who was actually working closely with Valve would claim simple confusion over 60% of the cited work just being missing.
>Valve still hasn't fixed the particles
What I continue to not understand is why Valve refuses to acknowledge how Pyro was in QWTF (and maybe TFC, but I've never played so I dunno, but that's my assumption based on a similar experience in FF.) Given an Incendiary Cannon, Pyro would be a worthwhile offensive class, but the closest thing in the Flaregun, and the Flaregun sucks meteoric amounts of dick.
I've mained Pyro in QWTF and FF, and I still play him in TF2, but the difference between how useful Pyro is in the former and how useless he is in the latter is staggering. It's not like it's a particularly hard fix, either, it's just the TF team refusing to implement it after a fucking decade of TF2 being out.
What was the difference with Soldiers?
Fuck, thanks for reminding me of that. We should get a group together and play that shit. Anything would be better than TF2 at this point.
Nobody played pyro at all in TFC.
I would be up for some original dustbowl.
I always thought the Incendiary Cannon's on-fire status increased Flamethrower damage, but I guess that was just placebo. Still, in spite of the decreased damage, it was a particularly useful item for either softening a target as they approached Flamethrower range, or finishing off a target as they left it. And it never needed to be reloaded, an added plus. Not to mention, area denial is an actual possibility when you're able to shoot rockets that do splash damage and set people on fire, so Pyro can actually do his fucking job.
In QWTF and FF, it was a good enough class that it was restricted on how many players could play it at once. I dunno if that's still in TFC, or if it's just ignored because nobody cared, but from my experience Pyro was far from useless.
His offensive capabilities were less direct and based on controlling space with flames. He was also somewhat better at flanking enemies in closed areas.
Speaking of QWTF, why the
hasn't any other version of TF allowed you to set the ground on fire?
TFC/2 Soldier main here, he's nuts. You get a rocket launcher, two shotguns, nailbombs, and regular grenades.
this would be a cool mechanic, give pyro a flamethrower or secondary weapon that squirts down gasoline or napalm
allowing them to spray and area to make it burn for a while, making some areas inaccessible to lower classes like scout or completely fucking spy OH WAIT THEY HAVE SPYCICLE AND DEADRINGER, THEY'LL BE FUCKING IMMORTAL LIKE ALWAYS
a napalm flamethrower would be interesting since the flames could have gravity, pyro could get above an underpass and rain down sticky fire on the enemies passing below, or if enemies are sprayed directly with it they could leave a flame trail behind them that fucks up their team
Why not FF which is free?
Old Models > New Models. I can't stand the new models for highwayguys, their silly helmets were much better.
Gang Garrison 2 had more players than FF at one point. Gang Garrison 2 STILL has more players than FF. Let that sink in.
TFC at least has a handful of dedicated human servers, or botbusters if nobody's online.
I think the problem in TFC was that the pyro didnt do anything better than an other class.
The flamethrower and flame rocket didnt do much damage. Although the rocket could damage people through walls. Scouts could literally out run your flamer projectiles.
If you want a fast mobile class, the medic was the guy. He was never used for healing people used his conc grenades to jump across the whole map.
The soldiers nail bomb was much more effective at blocking pathways and crowd damage compared to the napalm grenade.
Ive never played it… But It sounds interesting.
Convince me…
That right there really kills the Pyro as a class. What good is the flamethrower if it can't even deter spies?
In fairness, both DR and spycicle have gotten pretty hearty nerfs so the spycicle is only really good at putting you out and slightly delaying death and DR no longer makes you a tank, so all you really need to do is predict where the spy is headed, usually further into your frontlines
Maybe I just play pyro like a retard but when I puff a spy and hear the hiss and see his limp body drop, I just keep spraying and follow the hiss noise.
I don't even bother chasing after spies any more, I end up running out of ammo before their fucking cloak runs out most of the time. The only good I can do as a pyro now is to be a nuisance by setting people on fire from a distance with the flare gun or assisting engies with the homewrecker.
When they took away the usefulness of the axtinguisher, that took away any usefulness I had with playing that class.
I never do good as demoman score wise. Most people use him like a soldier roamer, and some really benefit from this top scoring, he is a powerful offense too. But I get to first point and wildly spam my bombs, then make a few traps. I do this for area denial, to shut enemies down. We usually win while im demoman dispite me always being bottom score so I figure it is working somehow. The power to scare an enemy team is powerful, sure some stickies are obviously there and they shoot them but they know stickies could be anywhere. Really allows you to take better positioning
People lost interest in the game because of high priced taunt animations and gimmickys, something that tf2 would give you cheaper, no open source AKA exploitable as fuck engine, and tf2 was doing better than ever: MvM mod.
So it's basically a 3d Gang Garrison 2 but the devs lost interest and no open source, one more thing I'd like point is that my mom grounded me because she cached me playing this game and grounded, now I completely understand about hypersexualized girls.
Fuck that guy in the ass, b4nny is your typical e-celeb fuckwitt who makes money out of retards.
Soon it will outnumber Tf2 itself, like poetry.
depends on if youre nailing grenades, or just air bursting like a no aim superbabby
here is the best demoman loadout
youre only allowed to sticky jump and melee unless you feel like exploding something. go for sick dive kills as if youre an easy mode market garden soldier who still has an explosive weapon as a backup. to extend this demo please check your email for a confirmation link.
No one has been able to fill the void Hyper-Fortress left.
Yes I'm aware he's a SJW now.
heavy requires arguably the absolute most map knowledge and raw aiming skill of any class as well as a pristine sense of positioning and attention to your team's activity, all at once
the difference between a lost point and a victory is literally if
not only that, but to be a good heavy you need to have laser-precise tracking, you have to make sure every single bullet spewed from your six-barrels is targeted right on the snot-nosed scout barreling towards you at mach fucking five
to call heavy braindead and simple is an absolute fucking travesty and shows how little you know of the game
who max? He was always an sjw and all around pathetic piece of shit. The nigger literally runs a google email alert on his name and archives mean things people say about him.
I'll rephrase it to now I'm aware he was and is a SJW fuckwad.
One of the highlights my thousands of hours playing TF2 right there
No thanks, mate.
Why does russian scout sound like portuguese?
Is that fucking Mr. Bobinski from Coraline?
So the exact thing that any engineer with even a slight amount of skill already does? Only retards sit on intel or camp the last point in CP for the entire game.
Crusader's Crossbow + Ubersaw can make you pretty formidable, especially if you're good at predicting arcs with the crossbow. The damage ramp-up makes it especially good for picking away at Snipers, or just killing them. It also isn't that hard to kill spies if you notice them coming.
Valve does that whenever theres foreign languages involved
b4nny complained
TF Team basically has no idea what to do now so they're asking the actual niggards that play Comp.
Honestly I wish they'd listen to the fun part of the tf2 community instead of the no fun allowed 4 soldiers deathmatch while everyone else actually plays the game faggots
Also the fucking shithead that made Condition 118 needs to be publicly humiliated.
It's fucking retarded that getting sneezed on by a pyro makes ALL damage reductions not work.
TF2 6's are infinitely superior to Overwatch, but nobody other than autistic euros plays TF2 6's.
Well that's just because the 6s format is fucking retarded and not fun. The only thing it's passable for is MvM.
your gay
Was the Caber even being used in comp?
Of course not. They banned it.
Nigga why the fuck do you think they dissolved pubs and tacked on 6s mode before something that actually makes sense, like highlander.
playing anything else in the game well is a lot harder than medic. anything
It was number one for many, many years
It really does amaze me how long TF2 has lasted though. I remember reading those commentary nodes about how they made the game and how much care went into everything. Including the artstyle. Maybe thats why its lasted so fucking long. The game is practically timeless honestly. Although to put into perspective, TF2 was in development for an entire 9 years, it came out in 2007, that means that its been out as of last year as long as its been in development.
It was halfassed attempt to steal thunder from Overwatch. They didn't really listen to what the comp players wanted or implement anything remotely competently, as such no comp players use MM and casuals stopped playing altogether.
Sixes bullshit has been in the game's files since before overwatch was reworked into an FPS game you fucking tard.
He's talking about them implementing the matchmaking system with comp mode. How can you misinterpret a straightforward answer to your own question?
Is there a gas leak in here?
Yes and you seem to be huffing quite a lot of it.
What about this is hard for you to understand?
The first post from me you replied to was talking about how superior 6's are, and you still managed to misinterpret me as claiming 6's never existed before Valve added MM? user, either you need to go to bed, or you need to stop being from the third world.
Read my post again you illiterate dumbass. 6's existed before Meet Your Match, but there was no drop down menu for it. After Meet your Match there was such a menu. This is because Overwatch was launching with competitive mode, and Valve wanted to make their 6v6 comp format more widely available and obvious.
I'm genuinely dumbfounded that you have such terrible reading comprehension.
so how long have you been 9e335a?
and you're still fucking wrong when you claim that and I quote
Because the matchmaking modes and game logic (Specifically for 6s) has, and for the third fucking time, existed in the game BEFORE overwatch was announced
Oh my god I am surrounded by retards
No it hasn't you colossal moron. The only matchmaking in 2012 was Mann vs Machine, that's not the same as competitive matchmaking. Competitive matchmaking and the associated menu was added with the Meet your Match menu.
If you're going to keep screaming and carrying on like a child at least go and find some patch notes or something to back your claim up.
They keep adding things to do
New gamemodes, new cars, new missions, new shit to spend money on
It's a nice game now
My #1 choice to piss off snipers besides the scorch shot so that they get the hint that i'm not easy pickings, if they persists then i'll just shoot another needle at them. It's surprising how easy it is to hit people at long range
You shit taste tbh famalam
It's not shit if you can double-donk everyone you meet but yeah, it's admittedly short golden days are now over, thanks again Valve
he's right user, the HUD elements existed in the game's files for a very long time, most of them were related to MvM (basically just the same stuff with different text), but some were not. They were only officially implemented with the MYM update, but if you had a custom HUD you could view the unused elements if they were integrated into the HUD's main menu
Your part on scout is alright but you're missing a few key points, like flanking and hit-n-run/distraction strats.
t. Scout main with almost 2000 hours
not like it matters. the minigun nerf that reduced his damage and accuracy for the first second penalizes that kind of play.
Nothing new then.
Also claiming the Medic takes skill because the role often doubles as "team leader" is shooting the argument in the foot considering you're basically saying the medic player takes on extra work because he doesn't have so much else to focus on.
Here's some brainstorming to fix tf2
Engi gets a 5th building, press 4 > 5 and you activate some sort of personal locomotion in the same design style than the rest of the buildings to make him move faster (rocket boots, maybe some mini tank treads? Definitely something like a sentry, not over the top). Costs metal (75? the goal is to make him get to the point faster but put him out of the fight since he would have to go for a big ammo crate, which are usually far from the point itself). It has some deploy time and I cant decide whether it should make you marked for death or it should be destroyed with X damage, making you crash, lose health and time while stunned. Or both. In any case it's only a tool to move from the spawn faster, it shouldt be able to outrun a scout. Of course it makes a loud noise that would basically announce to everyone in the area there's a defenseless engi around
Heavy would basically get the kgb implemented on his character. Press reload on the minigun, go through a long animation to put his minigun on his shoulders and make him run. He's more exposed that way so he takes extra damage. To make it easier for everyone to spot so it doesnt become a pub powerhouse, I'd make the heavy pant constantly, the more he resembles a train about to crash violently the better. Redeploying to normal stance takes time as well. And while we're at it remove the minigun spin slow for the first second, while the minigun is gaining speed but not when it's fully spinning. Everyone spin jumps anyway
Of course all of this should be carefully crafted, all the numbers and the timings. I dont think engie's much of a problem but heavy could easily be broken
Everyone knows pyro's fucked and he needs a complete rework on every aspect so I wont get into that
What game modes? Anything good?
I saw a micromachines mode which looked like it would be fun for an hour at most.
Oh hi Medic Main youtuber?
Back from making videos about how sentry nests are impossible to destroy without uber?
How about get rid of sv_pure 1 and autobalance_0 and make redditors cry to their hugbox.
who won
guessing reddit because they actually play videogames as opposed to tumblr, but does it really fucking matter?
no, but I'm curious
I don't fuckin' know but they sure sound like trash to me.
Trash, because taking damage slows you down now.
>Nobody played him because he was unforgiving as fuck and at the time this was the only guide it was coupled with god tier splinter cell music
I fucking hate Valve.
I miss when pyros stayed dead
You saw less of them but the ones you had to deal with here skilled as hell, and you never saw the fucks until it was too late
Dead nigger watch made the pyro job less interesting, it became less a game of patience and more a game of just constantly spray because you know they aren't dead, and that's not as interesting
*spys, I'm tired
Yeah but now the pyro is ineffectual against a dead nigger. He's the fastest running class and is impervious to flame. If you kill him he's way out of your reach if didn't guess right direction to puff and instead airblast 30 degrees from the direction he escaped in.
All of those weapons can be countered by airblasting the incoming stickies/Demoman, and the Loch and Load only does bonus damage to buildings now. The only upsides to L&L vs. Pyro are pills that can't roll and faster projectile speed. A good counter class would be any class with a medium range bullet weapon, like Heavy or Engie. Another option is to gang up on the Pyro so at least one person gets damage in.
TF2's artstyle did make it an industry icon/
deflects them
I couldn't get that one because of the game's insane weight.
That sort of works
I remember when the Targe was fucking fireproof, I made a lot of pyros into my bitches.
You mean it spawned a new subgenre of cartoony fps? Fuck, Ubisoft tried the same thing, 2 years before tf2
No, I mean tons of people recognize TF2 and its characters. SFM really made it famous, and it's just kept spreading. Not to mention it still gets brought up every time people talk about character design in class based shooters.
You spam stickies and call it high level gameplay and call anyone sniper or heavy that kills you a hitscan shitter that can't play.
Fuck, I loved The Ship, it's one of those games I wish I could play but no one else does.
The Ship HD is going down the same path though.
Even if you had a custom HUD you wouldn't have been able to actually join non-existent valve comp servers. The other user was screeching that comp mode itself had been in the game since 2012, which is clearly not true if it's HUD files and nothing else.
What else are people with riced out PCs going to play?
I'm glad faggots like you are too incompetent to actually have any real effect on the game.
Listen for footsteps you fucking retard
Jesus christ those voices are fucking annoying.
Tracer won the ass of the year on GOATSY 2016. TIME TO MOVE ON
I see what you mean now, they're like Valve's own Mario characters.
Those were Gmod and YTP videos.
It will be only remembered as a game that brought the Donald Trump model.
It's interesting how TF2 s still running on the same 9 characters since the beginning, and they have had to balance/work around those characters until they all perform their unique job just right (before alot of these new items that shift the skills around)
Compare that to OW with 4 healers, 3 snipers, too many damages, a fistful of tanks, and there's debates over which tank, which healer, which flank, etc.
I enjoyed TF2 more for its relative class simplicity and balance
I mean it's definitely better than overwatch but wew, no.
I hate spies so much I want to roll them over and cum in their ass just to show them how much they're despised.
You guys speak very fondly of TF2 before F2P but what was so great about it, the game looks pretty boring if played for a long time. Was the competition that fun?
Gentoo users? GTA V doesn't work on gentoo.
It had fun mechanics, decent balance and well-populated community servers, plus a pretty good community scene.
Any game becomes boring if you play non stop forever. But going from being shit to being able to pub stomp just by honing your skills was very rewarding. More rewarding than fucking loot boxes or superficial ranks or other shit.
It's easier to balance out 9 characters by a long shot, especially when each class (on paper) has a clearly defined goal and are given the means to go about it. For closest comparison, each OW hero would probably just be a loadout option for one of TF2's mercs.
I don't understand how you can have competitions for something with such a low skill ceiling
What's next? Competitive Garry's Mod?
OW is designed from the ground up to be an e-sport game and it shows.
Muh Artstylefags are cancer
Yet it's flawed in the very sense that all the gameplay styles were designed on the characters, rather than vice versa.
He never said it was designed well.
Competitive ASSFAGGOTS.
This. I'd happily place Medic under the skill ceiling of the scout, but the fact that every enemy with more than one intact brain lobe will attack you first while snipers and especially spies see you as a priority target and consequently require you to be paranoid as fuck to survive.
Neither does the fact that half of the team invariably consists of retards who come screaming for you because of a papercut while you are trying to keep a heavy or soldier alive as he takes out a sentry.
after the first time some shit did that to me i expected every spy to do it at every oppurtunity. did some youtube faggot release some mlg video or something because spies never did that before and then suddenly everyone was doing it.
Okay Billy, everyone is impressed with you.
It was mostly popular youtubers that made "stairstabbing" popular. It also differentiates itself from other gimmicky shit by working with any one knife, rather than two specific weapons. As for it's effectiveness, it actually does work if someone's climbing some stairs and you need to jump away to avoid detection.
October 28, 2010
October 9, 2007
I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not a newfag, underagefag or pretending to be retarded and that you just are uninformed and made a memory lapse or just forgot that mannconomy was not the release date and just a big update or some other mistake.
But come the fuck on bro, are you serious?
Wait shit, I confused both games The Ship and Bloody Good Time.
I would take that seriously rather than OW
well, theres certainly a difference between someone whos decent at air burst stickies and someone who sucks at them
Fair enough. Team Fortress 2 was in development for 9 years just so you know, and counter strike looking shit was dropped early and the cartoon thing was picked up probably before the ship released. Just saying.
July 30, 2006
October 9, 2007
Still not 2 years.
Fucking hell, what I mean is: cartoony shooting games weren't relevant like today if wasn't for fucking tf2. No I won't bother research this bullshit any further.