Since i'm a poorfag and can't afford a ps4 and wanna play Persona 5, what are some persona-like games (in respect to the social element) available on the pc?
Since i'm a poorfag and can't afford a ps4 and wanna play Persona 5...
You can play the previous games with an emulator.
i thought it looked comfy and the art looked fuckin gorgeous
Indeed, why?
This, ppsspp for the first and second one and pcsx2 for the 4 and 3rd, they all play pretty well from what I've seen. I played completely through P3 on an emulator with really no issues at all. If you want to can get a PSVita TV for dirt cheap and get P4 Golden, I got my PSVita TV for 20 dollars brand new, just mod it and pirate the game if you don't wanna spend anymore money on that.
Not only you're a poorfag but also have shit taste.
Persona after 2 is fucking garbage, don't bother OP.
care to explain?
I played 3 and 4.
i meant why it's shit
Isn't it on PS3?
The gameplay is the most banal shit boring jrpg dungeon crawl + waifuing shit around.
And retarded archetypical characters.
once again, poorfag
Nigger, get a PS3, they're cheap as shit.
Perhaps people like the story better?
If 3 and 4 are anything to go by then no.
What a thought, clearly no games ever had been exactly just that.
you seem like an annoying and boring faggot
Why would you say that?
Wow a faggot JEJ poster in Holla Forums. How is the butthurt going? Muh /qa/ is kill, damn nazi ponies
setup local craigslist alerts for ps3, ps4, and persona 5. Someone will sell their perfectly working shit for dirt cheap or even give it away eventually.
7th stand user is still a thing available on pc
It's on PS3 dude. Those things are super cheap now.
Its a big mystery.
Persona on ePSXe
Persona 2 (both of them) on PPSSPP
Persona 3 Portable on PPSSPP
Persona 4 on PCSX2
Yes, I just can't quite put my finger on it.
Sort of related, but does anyone have experience playing Digital Devil Saga on emulator? I gave it a try last night and was getting huge bouts of slowdown whenever I panned the camera and in open areas and I want to know if that's just how it runs or if I can fix it with settings.
You weebcucks are the cancer killing gaming, right up there with smartphone fags and casual. Eat shit and die.
I miss morgana I want to cry why did the game end?
Because you touch yourself at night.
Into the trash it goes.
I don't know of many games that let you get a harem. Overlord 2 rewards you for getting a harem, though with only 3 women it's not much of a harem. And the Fairy Queen, your third mistress, you can choose to either just corrupt her or drain her completely and make her into a ghost mistress.
Hey the games is fun too. Story is kinda super cheesy now though.
Buy a used PS4, or put one on layaway at Walmart or some other place that does that.
There's also the two Conceptions and Skies of Arcadia hints pretty strongly that the two girls are fine with sharing the MC.
Other than that the pickings are pretty slim sadly.
sadly indeed.
Persona 5 on RPCS3 soon comrade.
Do you like flopping around and playing in a pile of shit? Because that's what playing FES is like.
I didn't even realize before that I wanted to see this.
If you want to go way back to the past, Azure Dreams for the PS1 did. I think Thousand Arms encouraged it as well, but it's been a long time since I played it.
Does anyone though?
You still have to pick one girl in the end. It defeats the purpose.
This is bait.
No, P3P is the greatest way to experience P3's story, without the shit-show of a slog that is The Answer, with all the fixes and changes the game needed from the original release.
Here's the (You) you're so desperate for. For anyone not in the loop, this game is a Marxist turd. Avoid it.
P3p is objectively better game.
Persona 5 feMC dlc when?
it's not meant to be a waifu wacking fest, it's meant to close up the loose ends and explain what the wild card really was. It takes the story of aigis full circle and gives SEES a definite end.
the female protag is poorly written garbage and downright insulting in how it makes shitty retconns to the story like shinjiro being able to live, despite that being one of the most important parts of persona 3
the new music was average at best
the system was tacked on and useless, anyone who actually bothered to figure out persona fusions could easily get the skills they needed, besides you can just carry more than one persona.
the game was never balanced for direct commands, it makes playing through it a total fucking joke. The only people that ever bitch about not having direct commands are the niggers that never once opened the tactics screen then wondered why their asses got kicked.
You're just a fucking casual that hates story in videogames and want to attain brownie points by having played Persona 3. Which you obviously haven't since you think P3P is acceptable.
Trails of Cold Steel is coming to PC soon. You can wait for that.
Wow, you ARE a faggot
Can you even say that now that almost half of SMT is now Persona?
Persona 5 dropped that title altogether, mate.
Who the fuck is talking about a title and what does Persona 5 have to do with SMT?
Shin Megami Tensei is actually an RPG with a story that isn't shit. Persona is edgy teenage bullshit with added "slice of life" garbage.
That has nothing to do with what I wrote.
I see you're parroting another user and have no idea what you're talking about.
30 hours is no excuse for that fucking slog of dungeons you have to go through. They definitely could've condensed all that shit better.
It's not like FeMC's story is canon, user. It's just another take from another perspective.
if that's what you tell yourself. The new music was a pretty good addition.
You know user, there ARE specialists that you can talk to about your mental retardation. Help IS available.
You're retarded. P3P does better at letting you actually communicate with your entire squad. You can actually become friends with everyone in SEEDS during P3P. P3FES only let's you become friends with the female cast, if there's any P3 version that's a brain dead romcom it's PSFES
Yeah sure thing retard.
you never played as the dude in p3 did you?
Why do faggots here like to pretend like Persona is anything but trash?
Thats been the case since 2, most of the faggots who play it have never even played the first two or the older SMT games.
Everyones in it for the shitty waifubait and minigames with shit tier JRPG mechanics and quirky bullshit, which in itself wouldn't be so fucking bad if it wasn't shillef to heavens above like its a goddamn must own title.
Go play P2, Nocturne and Devil survivor OP, go play the OG SMT games they're comfy as fuck.
Anything but this fucking trash or P3/P4/newest SMTs
You'll also be able to boast about it to the fucking plebs in the cancerous as fuck Atlus community.
They're Japanese Blizzard at this point not that bad but you get my point
Yeah messed up you get Jupei but that's it. You can become friends with the other male teamates. All in all my point still stands P3P has the better team interactions in SEEDS while P3FES SEEDS interactions are mainly limited to your female temates.
That's some autism. As expected from a P3P casual.
Fie best girl. Laurafags BTFO.
I find it funny that so many people who claim to like modern Persona games hate The Answer so much.
If you like "Persona" but don't like The Answer, then what you like isn't Persona. What you like are dating sims and light VNs. There's nothing particularly wrong with that, but it's something you should own up to.
If you really want to play Persona 5 then wait a year or five for the enhanced Persona 5 Golden/PES/Whatever that has all the cut content originally intended to be in the game.
I am still right. P3P still has better teammate interactions than the waifubait romcom that is P3FES. Your just nitpicking on one mistake and trying to say you won. Prove how I'm wrong, prove how P3FES has better team interactions when you can't even interact with half your team.
I'll learn Nip after I learn slav
The definitive way to experience Persona 5 will be through P5: Dancing All Night, voiced entirely by Ashley Burch and Felicia Day.
if we were talking about slinks, yeah, your characters not gay. But as far as the actual plot goes you spend significantly more time with the guys than the girls. Besides there's a fuck load of other characters outside of SEES that you don't plow, like the gay music club guy, the gay french guy, the gay nigger guy, the old guy, the dying guy, etc.
the only slinks in p3p that are decently written are the ones that were carried over from p3 fes, the original ones feel like poorly written shit. Junpei's slink in particular is fucking retarded and completely derails the plot. The whole reason he even started going after chidori was because he was so desperate for poontang.
>release date sometime in winter 2027
This is what P3P does to you. Even though it literally becomes a """hilarious"""" harem game about only SEEDS members in P3P according to him and this autistic retard doesn't know how important the world outside SEEDS is in FES. Yet even without knowing anything about FES he still somehow thinks he can win the argument when P3P is just a shitty casual version of P3FES.
He's never played P3FES and literally thinks the game is meant to be a romcom like it is in P3P.
There's a translation patch out for it
Why do you need to be gay to hang out with your male friends? Hell a lot of the social links for the male MC are other men, just not your teammates. I'll agree with you that a lot of the P3FES side links are better. But i'd rather have the focus be on your team, which P3P offers. It made little sense to me that you couldn't befriend the people your fighting side by side the entire game just because they weren't waifus. I just really liked that P3P changed that and let you focus on your team more.
I'm just watching a longplay on youtube.
Absolutely doesn't feel like I'm missing out on anything. In 20 hours there were like 3 hours of gameplay total, it's just one huge anime like Asura's Wrath.
Nice, thanks guy, I'll give it a try
After I finish The Quest
P3Pfags everyone. Autism galore.
You're doing it anyway you retard. Why wouldn't you want the focus of your relationships to be around your whole team who's fighting along with you? Instead of just the waifus on your team.
I was mostly joking with that post, but vague release date pending shit with the whole 5k new dub voices overhead, makes me feel this summer is probably more like early autumn at best.
The whole point of social links is that you have more serious conversations that let's you get to know other people at a deeper level and connect with them. Having a few scenes where you talk and joke around with your male teammates isn't the fucking same. You just sound like a waifufag trying to defend how P3FES focuses more on the waifu aspect then your team.
No, just half and it's husbandos in this case not waifus. But it also let's you befriend and get closer to the other half of your team which P3FES doesn't let you do since it only focuses on the waifus of your team.:^)
Anyway half a nice life user, done talking with a retard who has no argument other then to make greentext strawmans and post WEW after it, like he did something.
Persona 4 and hashtag persona emblem sure as shit aren't.
If you were any less articulate or constructive, you'd be african, you double nigger.
No, do Persona on PPSSPP and Persona 3 FES.
jesus the anime looks like fucking shit. who drew this garbage?
Koreans and possibly Chinese.
it works fine, just minor problems with shadows. And PAL (I think) version of DDS2 freezes all the time, so download the other one
Oh Holla Forums hates P5 now? Good thing I'm an individual or I'd have to give a shit.
OT: Play P3 and P4. I'm sure you can find a PS2 in a charity shop.
Do you prefer something with the social aspect or something with the rpg part? Because the Cherry Tree High games are persona without the rpg battles
Playing videogames on a small screen is wrong and it will never not be wrong.
its just a few angsty neo-reactionaries, probably stray from Holla Forums or its retarded inbred cousin Holla Forums.
im liking it, although some of the factors that made P3 so good are gone, and replaced by a fucking cat that doesn't let you do fucking anything.
I´m not a massive fucking retard like OP, so I got a cheap second hand PS3 for 40 bucks instead and just finished jailbreaking it.
Sadly I am still a bit of a retard and cant find any decent site for PS3 isos that isnt full of bullshit and dead links. Gibe a hand pls.
it's like pottery
Skyrim-tier post for a skyrim-tier game.
sadayo and futaba are the 2 best girls.
i cant decide
this is like nyotengu and marie rose all over again.
Soon enough you will come to see the light user and realize that the harem ending is the only true way.
wait, i can have both hebeloli and warawa at the same time?
how can that be possible?
is this what next gen means?
you better not be messing with me user.
This is what I'm talking about when I say the community is pure fucking cancer.
i wonder if hifumi screams weird medieval military strategy names while you fuck her.
I have this exact same problem.
It can't, hence we must suffer. Fuck normalfags and pandering to their shitty monogamy tastes.
No son, you are cancer because you're cancer
dont make me retype myself.
Time to post your shitty no effort non argument
Both SMT and Persona are shit.
I sorta liked Persona 3, but prefer Shin Magami Tensi. P5 looks good, I probably will play it when I finish P4 (which will likely be never because I fucking hate P4) also:
Currently I would agree
Before, not so much
oh, so i was being fucked with… when will this pain go away?
Whenever you stop playing shit games
user, you will learn to live with this disappointment same as I do. Maybe one day society will see the light and make it into law that all games that have waifus require a mandatory harem route as well.
what don't you like about the game user?
the game is still fun but goddamn.
why not both?
your a funny guy, i like you
i actually kinda like morgana. but whats your complaint about morgana?
i like the eng VA too
i really appreciate that effort user.
I want to fuck the cat
whats wrong with that picture though?
specifically, that door could not be opened without changing madarame's cognition in real life, there really was no point in staying
Tracey Rooney Chie > Erin Fitzgerald Chie
i really appreciate those dubs
that cat is a boy user.
while i get the complaint, its not the character. they dont let you do stuff after certain activities/times to limit your activity during the day. they just put it on the cat to tell you instead of your guy saying to himself "gee… theres not enough hours left in the day to do that." or the "i dont need to go this way…"
its just a limitation so you dont have enough time to really prep for the palaces and school/relationships without it being a challenge.
AKA a boy pussy
pretty sure he knows, and doesn't care.
cassandra lee morris = morgana
who are those people?
i also have a love affair with futaba's VA
but thats forbidden love.
there was one of those treasure personas that i couldn't catch, the one that floats above a crown in Okumura's palace, are they permanently misseable or can you find some in mementos?
I want to play P5 but I don't want to buy any new video games at the moment. So I told myself that I need to clear up my backlog of unfinished games. Coincidentally P4 is one of those games. So I am watching a LP (while doing other more productive things) to try to remember were I was in P4 because I quit playing the game maybe 3 years ago out of boredom and don't want to start the game over again because 4 hours of no-gameplay/exposition is not my idea of fun.
The LP I am watching it The Golden edition with new VA's. The Tracey Rooney is the new voice of Chie and its so god awful that there is nothing readable. Erin Fitzgerald was Chie in the original PS2 version and the voice was much cuter and feminine.
That really rumbles my johnsons. What's the point of having a furfag character for it to be a guy. I thought Japan knew better.
I don't know about that one, but treasure personas from the palaces do show up in Mementos.
Just finished 2nd dungeon. Good game, dig the artstyle. Seems much more enjoyable from the get-go than P3 (played all 3 iterations, had to force myself to continue every time).
What I really don't like is how much combat relies on exploiting weaknesses and lack (at the beginning) the ability to regain SP.
On the sidenote: Potter-kun r63 is the best so far.
You sure want to fuck a _car?
How do you capture it? Met 2 so far, both weren't weak to anything I have. And ingame tutorial says they may appear when breaking shit "especially when security level is high".
Each of them only has one weakness. They'll surrender as soon as you hit them with that.
there's your problem, you need to try to have at least one attack of each element at all times.
the treasure personas are weak to a single element in the list of 10, you need to find it out before they escape and then talk to them, they will join automatically without questions. each palace has one type of these treasure personas and i failed to capture one in okumuras, hope i can find one soon in mementos.
Torrential Rain, they show up as reinforcements in Mementos.
Stock up on throwable attack items to speed up the process.
Are you trying to be tremendous faggot or does it come naturally?
Anyway, Futaba's palace was massive dissapointment.
Encounter Mot
Um.. Okay..
Why is everything weak to Brainwash, Dormin and Despair? This game is a bigger joke than SMT4A.
what? isn't one of them not localized?
IS wasn't translated for PSX, and EP wasn't translated for PSP.
You can play all of them except 5 on a PC. You can also watch any shounen anime series for the exact same effect.
In terms of difficulty, non-boss SJ is "easy" because you can cheese 3/4s of the game with Dormina+Calm Death.
At least Asura's Wrath is a good anime
asura's wrath sucked.
and the real ending was DLC, thats beyond jewish
restocking next month dont be a retard and feed the scalpers just wait it out.
You use the girls to make better weapons but the main girl gets the mc
EA decided to release the fixed ending DLC for ME3 for free.
We live in a world where Capcom were bigger jews than EA.
I have that, in my fucking backlog
i just found the one treasure persona i missed from okumura, i guess they're also zone-related
1st zone - 1st palace
2nd zone - 2nd palace
and so on. im on the 5th zone of mementos now
im at the decision screen for dating kawakami
Don't bother, it's ass.
holy shit kawakamis level 10 skill is basically "STOP THE FUCKING CAT FROM STOPPING YOU FROM GOING OUT"
don't listen to this faggot! he got 4 4s, he's misfortune incarnate!
WA5 is great and you should play it, if anything for that one cutscene where "johnny" stops fereydoon's laser sword with his BEAR HANDS
Four was like that experimental phase. They tried new things , they found out what worked and what didn't work.
5 was all over the place, but ultimately ended up pretty good. I enjoyed every minute of it except that fucking ending. Twas 2corny4me.
Hell, Wild Arms 5 should be considered the standard for anniversary games.
And then the Lord Blazer armor changes the fucking battle music.
Times have changed.
Only if you go into a palace or mementos.
You're gonna hate September.
im already in november nigga, if i had known about this skill earlier on, i would have leveled kawakami sooner… too late now, thats a lot of missed timeslots
Actually 5 is mostly playable on RPCS3. Which is why I'm surprised there's not a mega link in this thread yet.
i got mine from this torrent, works flawlessly. then again, im not emulating when i have a perfectly functional CFW PS3 sitting next to me.
thank you based rusia
Have you maxed GET SMOKED yet?
i just did after typing the previous post actually. respek knuckle'd Oda and went home.
also, the fight against his mom was total bullshit, first turn she lullaby's everyone and technicals my entire party with vorpal blade, i didn't even get a chance. Luckily, i had Arahabaki on me… so i just stood there doing nothing and she killed herself on my reflects of her physical moves, what a dumb bitch.
holy fuck those are some big tiddis
is this casino shit really necessary or am i missing a step here?
You got those flipped.
Did you rig the machines yet? The first time you go in, it's impossible to win.
yes, its still taking a fucklong time just to get 5000 for the big machine.
talk about shitty filler…
Huh, there should be a dice game room marked with ! where you always get the jackpot. Also get the tokens from the giftboxes scattered around if you haven't.
classic SMT RNG "difficulty" bullshit, at least they got that right.
yeah im running around the dice area now, playing the shitty slot machines was awful.
And the worst part is both of those misses would have taken it down. But its the only time ive really felt fucked over by rng in my entire playthrough. Honestly the game feels too easy almost.
Question: Which Devil Summoner is the better?
Vs king abaddon definitly. But vs the souless king is almost as good, if you can deal with only having block, attack, and shoot.
what difficulty are you playing on
Hard, and i was about 3 levels underleveled.
im playing merciless
I tried playing merciliess but i kept getting one shotted by beirith or whatever that level 9 demon on the horse is so i had to bump it down to hard because fuck grinding.
c a s u l
Im not gonna waste my time grinding up a nother couple levels when im getting about 9 to 13 exp per battle. I would rather just bump it down to hard. Besides i was 3 levels underleveld for the 2nd palace boss anyway.
you get 20+ in the highest floors of kamoshida palace, after that its just buying some decent equipment + having the right personas.
I was getting rekt in that hallway that has the safe room in it. 3rd floor saferoom i believe. It has a berith+pixie encounter right there.
Funnily enough Merciless doesn't effect enemy damage. It's 300% more on criticals,technicals, and weaks, 60% reduction to exp and money earned. Aside from that it's identical to hard.
It's literally just Time sink the difficulty (and it makes most normal encounters easier)
I think they should have just kept the exp rate the same and had it be realistic mode or somthing. Everything deals more damage and they should have made the ai smarter by making the ai try their hardest to hit your weaknesses.
So Hifumi will join my crew and her mother will get a palace?
Morgana is more annoying than Teepo from Tales of Xillia
How are you supposed to level up. I was on safe, battled pretty much every enemy that crossed my path and in the end I was only level 82 when I entered the final boss. I doubt I were able to beat caroline and justine at level 82. Of course, in your 2nd playthrough you can spend more time in mementos because your social stats are developed already but it still seems like lots of work to even reach level 70 by the end of the game.
So what happend to the persona generals thread. A few minutes ago I opened it and now after writing down my post it dissappeared.
This was intended for posting in the persona general thread but as it got holocausted, I will post it here:
I actually had one such event. I was out with Makoto in the book store quarter and Hifumi appeared after a few minutes. I introduced them to each other and they liked each other pretty much (got those melody signs above both of their heads, indicating their affinity went up). I wondered if there are more scenes like those. There are so many places I have not been to like the planetarium and on my 2nd run I will make sure to experience everything.
It is Sandalphon, right? You can only fuse him if Mishima is at rank 10. Sorry for you user.
Mishima was very annoying during the game but maxing him out was pretty easy because often you would get a rank up even after meeting him once compared to the girls where you had to meet them twice or more for a rank up. Ranking up Yoshida was also pretty easy as most of the times he appeared with the blue UP! symbol. Hifumi was pretty tough as she is only available on Wednesdays and Saturdays and later in the game she wants you to have Knowledge on level 5.
I was annoyed by this as well. I never asked for those shit personas keeping my free spaces empty in my inventory. Is there a possibility to kill the personas or get rid of them somehow other than fusionning them or itemizing them?
Yesterday I played P3 and P4 for 2 hours each and I liked P3 pretty much for the atmosphere, music and gameplay feel. P4 felt a little boring and depressive because of all the fog/rain and the greyish art design. I played it on emulator and it ran pretty smooth.
Also general question:
Did anyone notice how sturdy Moloch is? I am attacking him with Satan's Ice age and this nigger survives the attack with 30% hp even if Ice is his weakness. It is also super hard to level him up when your Affinity with Iwai is low and I did not yet learn all moves with him.
its kinda shitty that there isn't a The World arcana set of persona, why did they completely omit one of the arcana?
and here are some screenshots I made
At the end you actually get the world arcana card from Lavenza/Igor but you can't do anything with it
whats the fucking point
this also happened to me a few times but I cannot remember which characters
It's like fucking Ayia in P4.
Just finished the first dungeon. I was surprised at how manageable Asmodeus felt; as I was expecting something like Shadow Yukiko.
That said, I gotta admit I struggled with the dungeon itself. While in P4, I could make my way to the boss room in one sitting, here it took me two trips plus a last one for the boss. Unless you have a lot of distance or high ground/door right next to you, running from enemies seems impossible and the game has this habit of spawning enemies right in front of you for no reason (likewise, they sometimes randomly disappear).
Side note, everybody was giving Ryuuji shit for his work on the calling card and I didn't have a option to say "Don't listen to those faggots. You did great." That kinda pissed me off.
How do I level up 'Guts'? Need more of it to proceed with Takemi's quest line and IIRC I'll need it to start glazing the cake but besides the diner, I can't find anything that does it.
Also, holy shit! That gun shop theme. I always stick around a bit longer just to listen to it.
Am I throwing a bunch of days down the drain if I finish Sae's palace early? I mean, the intro makes it look like you're arrested as soon as you finish the heist.
You won't be allowed to send the calling card until the last day so just go for it.
thanks game
you just reminded me why i felt the combat in this series is utter shit
Oh, I hadn't even checked.
Great stuff. Guess I'll play videogames and hope this doesn't make it impossible to max them all out.
Oh wait, either I was blind or I had to hold a meeting before they became available again. Either way, scratch that.
You can find some books in the library or book shop that raises your guts. There's also a late night burger challenge you can do at the burger place.
I've been shit talking people in the hopes of getting some boosts like in P4 but nothing.
Attributes seem to take more time going up too.
Btw, how many non-time consuming attribute boost activities are there? Only know of the subway drink stand that can give you a random attribute boost on sundays for 5000 and taking care of the plant at home boosts Kindness.
I'm not sure tbh. I'm trying to get my charm up for Makoto though.
For charm, rank up the Yoshida confidant and go to the bath house on mondays, tuesdays and rainy days.
just level up yoshida & Ohya, both of them give you big charm boosts after every rank up.
plus reading the right book during the times you get a train seat might help a bit.
so whats the point of Public Executions? you know, the online fusions?
i fucking hate when games add unnecessary online shit, is there anything in particular that is exclusive™ to online fusions?
Lern2Succukaja you massive faggot
Who implements a brand new mechanic, complete with tutorial, scaled in such a manner so that if you attempt it when you find it you permanently fuck yourself out of content?
i think you have to cast a certain element or use devour skills to eat them
Why do you fags fellate this shit?
Buy mabufu rocks. Always save first, but you can always get them the firs time.
To clarify: the way you beat the mitama is by inflicting fear and devouring them. The first set is weak to bufu, so spam that and then chow down.
>just bought gf nocturne for birthday
waifu fags are missing out
Well it sure would be nice if they told you that, guess I'll go try spamming my aoe-bufu shit and see if I cant eat some of them before they all flee since I only have devour on one guy right now.
Yeah didn't work, I mabufu'd, got them all feared, used devour, it didn't kill, and then whichever one I tried it on ran away. Guess I get to reload again and go grind for 800 hours until I get better devour skills.
Nah it's just meant to be a bonus. There's a reason they respawn every 2-4 solar cycles.
please tell me you at least went out for dinner or at the very least made dinner for her
point was hard copy. her dad was way into that shit. she got some rare as fuck old midi components, eva figures, vinyls and stuff from him. back when hipster meant nerd faggot.
but yes. ps2, wine, made dinner, deep dicking. forgot the memory card and made her buy it tho
man you're going to get cucked SO hard once a chad appears in your life…
6 anons jerking it right now to your waifu's mass distributed body pillows != real life women, user
The memes we helped usher are now coming to life for normalfags.
I remember those old threads about how imageboards would turn into normalfaggotry and inhabitants would still claim isolation and superiority.
Talked to a 40 year old friend recently about politics, and he knew way more Holla Forums "inspeak" than was healthy. Those weird dystopia threads were all true, and we live in a shitty cyberpunk reality. Weird times.
Man, who would have though?
Its not like that hasn't been happening since 4.
y'know, usually the people who show off their luck crash really hard, and really soon after.
either way im pretty sure you're making that shit up
Good thing its a never ending circle and normalfags will leaves this place
Nobody tell him about 4chan.
i'm just trying to be happy for my bday and rustle some jimmies.
the relationship is fucking dogshit a lot of the time, and i want to die alone in the woods most days.
that's just a meme. they (me, i'm not dense) won't is the shit part. people just get driven to more and more isolated places until there's two assholes on a walkie talkie BBS who get eventually get bored. just the way of things now, hence the cyberpunk nod. it's synonymous with real life and you're fooling yourself to think otherwise.
collapse is the only way and it'll take at least a generation to rebuild, only to meet the same fate.
kill yourself you fucking fake ass'd bitch
t. Seattle Washington via 1999
Seattle? You have to have culture in order to lose it.
He's not wrong.
no you fucking fake ass bitch. The whole Hipster fad was started in Seattle as a spin off of Grunge because Grunge was all about buying close form the second hand store. Hipster never meant "nerdy" it was always pretentious. You should consider killing yourself you phony motherfucker.
oh i see, you're an autist. i meant the necrophiliac tendencies of modern hipsters, not a Wiki etymology definition covering all time definitive colloquial usages.
maybe you're just hungry?
IS it the shit art?
but user, what if the chad is right here in the room with you?
No, its the shit shallow gameplay thats slightly different from an average JRPG but still as shallow, coupled with quirky stylized asthetics and waifufaggotry.
Also a need to discuss it with other modern Atlus cirjeclerjerkers.
At least it brought SJW salt for no fucking reason for existing since the localization, while being shit, wasn't as shit as usual.
I'm trying really hard to enjoy this game but with every fight I'm wondering if maybe it's just not worth the effort. I wouldn't even describe these fights as difficult or strategic, they're all just
You fucked up. The gimmick is that you are supposed to cast Tera on him whenever he lands, He will stagger.
Hey Faggots,
My name is Chad, and I hate every single one of you.
All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures.
You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level.
This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger.
Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team.
What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash).
You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves.
Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch
Huh, could have sworn I tried that and he shielded it but maybe that was when he was flying or I'm just getting it confused with one of a million other fights. It feels like the encounter rate is broken or something since I keep getting fights literally every 2-3 steps and it's making everything blend together.
Fuck it, I'll bite…
Go back to sucking Satan's dick, Paulie. Nobody misses you, you Guido piece a shit.
Is this basically how the rest of the game is going to be? If so I think I'll probably just resign myself to not liking SMT games because this is just really tedious and so much of it seems like not a single person on the team stepped back and thought "does this add to the experience?"
Congrats, you fell for the loud Fatlus autists who shill this crap nonstop out of waifuism and brand loyalty.
im gonna destroy that cunny and there isn't enough curry in the world to stop me
user, no.
He is immune when he is flying, weak on the ground. You'd better get used to that, most bosses have conditional immunity/phases after Bat. He was the tutorial.
Not him, but what are you getting at, user?
DDS1 is pretty garbage aside from the music and I'm sorry people recommended it to you, too many of the areas are just completely fucking tedious to navigate, I'll never replay it for that. The sequel absolutely blows it out of the water though.
Which one should I post?
Thats not modern Atlus
the last one i guess, i only read up to the 3rd.
I don't have an issue with conditional immunity but hopefully the rest of them are more intuitive since it's not like things flying has made them immune/resistant to earth attacks before. All the random birds before and after that guy have taken normal damage from earth regardless of whether or not they touched the ground and things that would probably spend all their time on the ground like giant spider dragons are somehow weak to it. It feels like elemental strengths/weaknesses were decided with a dart board which I guess feels in line with shit like the pointless redirection poison and the retarded timing on when you first get mantra upgrades.
the only thing good about SMT games is the turn based combat. Its one of the few JRPG's that actually offer something interesting and complex enough for the games to be both challenging and fun. Basically if you don't like Dungeon Crawlers you wont like SMT games. Persona 3 tacked on a gimmicky Dating Simulator that is essentially an hour long boring exposition dump between randomly generated dungeons.
Digital Devil Story or Digital Devil Saga?
Actually, yes it does. Every single flying enemy is immune to earth, pokemon style.
I'm almost positive I've whacked the sword birds and the crow things with earth attacks, as well as the angels who spammed hama.
I might be thinking of Raidou or the second half, then.
Saga, of course.
in nocturne magic sucked and phys was good but dds is the complete opposite. magic is king in dds and phys is just ok
no it didnt, magic is always great to have to abuse those weaknesses.
Physical skills certainly do seem pretty shitty, stuff like hell thrust does maybe 20-25% more damage than basic attacks and shit like poison dart, venom claw or raving slash basically never inflicts any status effects.
I thought it came out for ps3
all its good for is farming and only elec because of rangda. it cant do damage the more you level so it becomes useless and magic is useless vs the TDE boss which is another point against it. the mobs in nocturne die pretty fast to regular attacks so you dont really wanna be using magic on them while dds you get rewarded for ending the battle as fast as you can
It's on both and is a PS3 game through and through, people just like pretending it's a Bloodbornebox exclusive for some reason.
wow that sure was a fun and interactive battle
ouch i hope you saved recently before that fight
But they're all shit
Its Bosshis worst
Gee I wonder why
where did i use the word "good" you retard? i said last, as in, the last one released.
because fans of the competitors are jelly
Not including the "previous gen", this current generation is absolute garbage. Being the best of the worst is not something to be proud of.
What really kills me are the normals. Normals celebrating the gunplay in Persona 5, saying they've never seen JRPGs with Guns - - and the icing , in that same breath they talk about how they've played all kinds of JRPGs.
I'm above autistic screeching but– I just want to grab them by the skull and unleash my full power level directly into their eyeballs. I want to rant and melt their faces with my infinite autism , ark of the covenant style
you wont because you cant talk to normalfags without spilling your spaghetti
Ever consider suicide?
You should
I could probably CFW my PS3 for it. CFW works on all PS3 firmwares right? I thought Sony stopped giving a shit about PS3 so CFW works regardless of firmware version.
Jesus Christ I keep pushing on and the encounter design just gets worse and worse
>first turn he slams everyone down to
You can skip p4 if you like, p5 has no ties or references back to p4 except for the Rise poster you get on one of your social link outings and Naoto being mentioned (but never shown, which is disappointing I wanted to see Naoto's bimbo form)
All in all the game was very enjoyable but I feel like they went the same route that all Persona games have gone through, which is the feeling that the game is incomplete and eventually Atlus will release another Persona with a bunch of added features that will make fans feel more satisfied with it and it's ending.
I'm also glad they released the jap audio, they really did badly on the English VA's, they hired the B-Team and the voices are unbearable, I beat the first boss and couldn't take it anymore before having to start a new game to hear the original audio.
Sae actually hints at something going on behind the scenes near the endgame but it never really goe anywhere, this will probably be added as new content
I'd like to believe that Atlus would take advantage of Persona 5 being the first Persona on a dlc capable platform to release a proper "expansion pack". But we all know they'll probably just do an expanded content re-release that's also on the Switch and costs $60 USD all over again(and in the same year that Persona 6 releases of course).
Dude you could just press triangle on the load screen to change to japanese.
Just tried it, now I feel like a retard.
so after you finish Niijimas palace you can't advance social links anymore right?
man, they really put you on a super tight schedule in this game. p3 and p4 gave you almost an entire year, and no fucking cat to stop you, but here you only get approximately 7 months, much of which is nulled out thanks to the fucking cat.
jesus futaba, you were such a savage cunt to mishima. thanks to you he's most likely to do a school shooting in the future.
Mishima was so fucking bad and cringey. Even when I maxed his social link it still didnt feel like I helped him at all. All he did was say some cliche bullshit that he will likely go back on almost immediately. He's still going to keep trying to get popular off of being associated with the Phantom Thieves.
You can advance links all the way up to the 24th of December if you didn't screw up. And the cat is just an illusion, P3 and P4 would just skip to the next day after a story event where you don't have free time for that day but now you have a stupid cat to comment on how the plot is progressing.
user your wrong
Starting from 3 Persona was just a shitty SoL game with dungeons tacked on.
yeah, he makes the documentary thing, but on the other hand, at least he isn't taking credit from the thieves actions anymore.
This is not true
Dec 22th or 23th is the last day you get to do anything
Dec 24th is your last day (battling the final boss) and after that the game becomes a cutscene until april
Time to start milking this cow dry.
Persona 3 dancing all dark hour? Time to dance and ignore all the people becoming fucking suicidal brain dead zombies and the shadows fucking killing people.
I would not be surprised if they released a golden version in 2018 with a few more playable characters and one palace more.
They already have the artwork for female MC, so you can expect something like that.
i hope i have killed myself by then, jesus fuck atlus
this means that people actually bought persona 4 dancing retardation and the other spinoffs. i fucking hate this fanbase
Please tell me theres a move deleter i missed.
what's a move deleter?
I feel like this is probably another instance of me missing something obvious because I don't have a fucking clue what I'm supposed to be doing for this fight
I feel like there's probably exactly one spell that makes this fight as trivial as every other but rather than spend two or three hours testing them all out I figure I'll just ask here instead.
why are wind moves called "Zan" in the SMT side of the series, but "Garu" on the persona side?
the rest of the moves are all the same, agi for fire, zio for thunder, bufu for ice
Probably because wind is called force, at least in DDS, so they're not technically the same.
Oh hey I was right, the one spell was void expel
i see, makes sense
i played DDS a couple of years ago, both the first and the second.
on the first, i did absolutely everything, grinded to maximum level, and defeated hitoshura the demi fiend sideboss, for you uncultured baka gaijin swines!
on the second, i gave up after reaching the sun. honestly, that whole everything is fucked and you cant stop it thing turned me off the game really badly, i have never before in my life abandoned a game midway through like i did with DDS2, another thing that contributed was the layout of the last dungeon. its just the same one color all through it, by the time i was in the third "area" so to speak, i wanted to puke. nocturne was honestly a lot better than DDS
About how far am I into DDS1? I've done three "dungeons" I guess and my save clock is saying 6:24:36, I doubt I'm even halfway but if it turns out this is a 60 hour game I'm probably just not going to bother to keep going.
I do have to agree that Altus really drops the ball when it comes to Persona games and their cut content but nevertheless the Persona games are one of my very few guilty pleasures. In all honesty the only P4 spinoff sequel that anyone that isn't a complete shill actually enjoyed was probably Persona Q and MAYBE P4:Fightan Gayme.
That being said you should look up the concept art for FeMC, if you thought the FeMC for P3 was a whore just wait until you see the art for the P5 FeMC, she's the whole package and I love it.
Note: The theme for P5 was also interesting to say the least, a lot of people assume that it's all about "muh teenage rebellion :D" but it's message is actually about free will though it's not obvious until shit starts getting put together.
This one?
The one I saw had short hair a bit longer than MC
poorly braided sex hair and glasses is justice though.
no idea, i said i played it long ago, i dont even remember how many are there in total.
what i do remember is that there's 5 tribes in the wasteland, and you have to defeat all bosses of each tribe, and then climb a tower for the final boss. and also bat is a dick.
goddammit do we really need another remake with a bitch MC? are they even going to release the bitch-protag version on PS3 or will it be PS4 exclusive?
i knew atlus were fucking kikes, and they only released the game in ps3 because it was meant to go on PS3 but they took SO FUCKING LONG to develop it that the PS4 came out and ended up doing a dual-release on both gens of consoles, i bet the "real version" is gonna be ps4 only.
why does this shit even need a fighting game or a remake
i dont play persona for the waifufaggotry
You fucked up. Back to SMT.
Mitsuru>Naoto>Aigis>everyone else
This is fact.
answer the question waifufag
Not the user you asked but why do you play it? The only reason I got into it was because a friend of mine let me know about SMT and Persona and I had already heard about Carl Jung and read about the whole ego vs. personality thing and thought that it sounded pretty cool.
if you plan on fighting the demi-fiend then dont do any side content because you can only fight him in ng+ if you dont want to fight the demi-fiend then doing side content is not a bad idea cause you get rewarded for it in the squeal. if you end the game with 1 million money you start with a little extra in the squeal and you get items for killing certain bosses. at the end of the game a man will give you a flower and ask you to give it to his wife DO NO SELL THAT FLOWER
because it has great music, a great story, good aesthetics, and fun gameplay
which imaginary girl can your imaginary character date is the thing i give the least fucks about. SMT is good and all but its a little "grey" on the sides, the story, menus, and music are often lacking when compared to persona.
only retarded w/a/ifufaggots think of persona as a datesim, i bet they play on easy on even safe. i went merciless from the getgo. i want it to kick my ass.
is there any way to make low-level shadows in mementos not die automatically when you ambush them?
i want to get a little exp and recruit some persona that i couldn't before but i cant because everything i ambush automatically dies due to my high level.
This mechanic annoyed me as well. My persona slots were filled up with crap I never asked for
webm semi related to thread infighting between persona fags and SMT fags
Don't ambush them.
Is there any point in finishing all books/games besides achievements? Like the ability to create new personas or some other reward.
that'll teach you not to have healing spells you massive cunt.
how longer do i have to stay in a floor in mementos for the reaper to appear?
reaper will appear after not moving around in any floor on mementos for some time. This will not work in the first floor after the entrance, best is to go a little deeper and wait on any floor there for 10 minutes.
Reaper is fucking strong. I was level 80 and I could not do him any significant damage
damn, whole 10 minutes? i take it for granted that he has no weakness and spams instakill moves.
im the guy playing merciless and im nearing the end of the 7th palace, and my level isn't even close to 60, im around 54.