What went so right?
What went so right?
Pretty much everything after the initial 2 areas, user. The game is cute, nice-sounding, and has a lot of content it isn't afraid to let you explore at your own pace.
The only fault I can really find for the game is how overly tanky lategame enemies can be if you don't know where to get weapon upgrades, and how slow the first 1~2 hours are until you have both the Dash and Walljump.
Indie garbage
No u
What about the game is good? Convince me to try it.
There's already an indie game thread, don't give faggots ammunition to say this is being shilled.
It's pretty fun and atmospheric. Just pirate it and see.
Can't you just pirate it and see for yourself?
It's the first good "Metroidvania" I've played in a long time. There's a big focus on exploration as, after you get some of the mobility powers, you can go pretty much anywhere in whatever order you choose. There's also a crazy amount of secrets to find and 100%ing the game is supposed to be a real challenge (though I can't wegh in on that as I'm not finished yet).
Doesn't sound all that great.
they got some pretty dedicated shills
(You) got me user. :^)
The movement is tight and there are very few frustrating mechanics in it.
Aside from the dream battles or the radiance.
Seriously, the Radiance can fuck right off, it's the only reason I don't even try to make a Soul of Steel run.
You are not really selling me on the game.
First good Metroidvania in a long time.
I felt like I was playing Super Metroid. Lots of effort in immersion/atmosphere and detail.
If "good metroidvania" doesn't sell you then you're a faggot with shit tastes anyway
metroidvania sells me about as much as soulslike does.
Game are good and charming but made by SJW who follow Anita. Just pirate.
If you want a list of things.
The game offers many upgrades, some which are default ones (Collecting shards to get more health/mana) and others are more personal (adding charms that give you special abilities/boosts).
Regarding charms, you can even overcharm yourself by ignoring the limitations of your charm slots, this has the bonus of getting you some seriously broken combination at the cost of receiving double damage.
The charm varies from double health but you can't heal, to faster heal, to slower heal but it is double as effective, longer attack ranger, faster attack, ignoring recoil, stronger knockback, causing friendly units to be spawn, regenerating, charing up special abilities faster, turning into a slug while healing, spitting worms and so on so forth.
The beauty about this game (personally for me) it's about collection.
There is a ton of things you can collect and everytime you get an upgrade, item or other stuff you immediatly feel like this is to be used somewhere else that you might access already (or can't).
Another nice point is the map: it doesn't update as you explore, you need first to buy a base map for another explorer for each zone, then as you explore you go back to the benches (think bonfires from darksouls) and add the new mapping, which leaves you nice quiet moments to ponder where to go next.
The boss fights are mostly challenging instead of being unfair, sure you have shit like the lost kin and the faggot mage or FUCKING RADIANCE but they are actually optional so you're not forced to face them if you don't want to.
Though if is true then yeah you should totally pirate it.
I mean, it is a good game but I don't want SJWs to get money.
Sounds meh
Please stop replying to effortless (you) bait.
Fuck off, shills.
thanks for clearing that up, mr. shill
Its worth pirating, but I can't play it because it triggers my Kubo-induced PTSD.
You could at least try to be subtle with your shitposting, Holla Forums.
Is this where we do the thing where a few people have been playing a game, mention it in 2-3 threads and anons assume a coordinated shilling campaign is on and have to place themselves in diametric opposition? If I'd known people would throw an absolute niggerfit about it I'd never have mentioned that I was enjoying a neat little game about bugs.
Don't reply to retards shitposting user
Even your post is commie bait.
I only liked fighting the bosses, everything else is gay and the art style or more specifically the colour palette is every dull
Just go and post the 500+ following list of generic indie circlejerk already which totally proofs its sjw, fagget.
Do you even english?
Look at this hothead.
Metroid with bug knights has been pretty good to me so far. It's got some nice little touches, like how false knight's mace turns out to be a pill bug and scuttles off after you win.
The soundtrack has some excellent ambiance but leaves me wanting for some more up beat tracks, this game has no brinstar overgrowth and it's really bugging me.
Mage boss fight has been my favorite so far, very fast pace and frantic. The rematch with false knight was just plain frustrating with the randomly spawning rocks.
Considering the bug motiff I do feel like they made a few too many regular bug guys of varying sizes type enemies. It was fucking delightful when I noticed the mantis men bow before you after defeating their leaders, more games need that.
Its a neat game so far but the shit that happens when you get hit is really fucking annoying, upside is that it motivates you to git gud.
The same thing that always makes indie games which go right go right:
Simplicity rewarded with a fuckton of content, combined with focus on atmosphere and a fun basic game concept which the player gets to evolve a little.
I just loved this goddamn game, easily the best game I played this year (but that seriously is not saying much so far…)
Pirated this the other day and it ran like an old hog moving through molasses.
Supposedly there's an update coming that fixes slowdown but I don't know if I can be bothered.
How is this acceptable?
Been looking for moss flies, I swear they only spawn in a single room on the greenpath.
They're all over Queen's Garden.
They have a fuck huge amount of effects with no option to disable them. It's really an issue in one of the areas thanks to both enemies and destructible environment exploding into crystals when destroyed.
Try to shill better game next time.
it's a more complex game for sure and isn't another "souls like" shit
I don't get slowdown per se, but I do get sudden lag spikes that pause the game for a solid second. In an action game, that's pretty fucking irritating and it fucked me over a few times. I haven't played in a while though, so I dunno if it's been fixed.
Nigger no one fucking cares about you, leave the fucking thread if the game doesn't interest you. Fuck's sakes
Hollow Knight is fucking awesome but without some mod chemo this thread is fucked
What went even better?
Did some shitty youtuber praised it or what?
This game is epitome of low effort hipster garbage. The only thing that sets it apart from millions of clones is that instead of pixel shit they used lazy ass flash animation, which I'm not sure is better.
It will be a nice timewaster for a little bit. I do love [adult swim].
Confirmed for not even looking at footage.
This shilling shit is pretty stupid. The game is fun to play, atmosphere is great, soundtrack is great, and it absolutely assblasts SJW who need to have the game tell them exactly what to do and where to go in order to succeed at it. A lot of indie devs are sjw fucks, but this game has no sjw trends in it and the devs themselves don't seem SJW (no they don't follow Anita), so I'll continue to vouch for it.
meanwhile literal (ourguys) who get fisted by game journos are ignored
It was in Dunky's latest vid.
I've been hesitant to support them since they canceled Sam "Empty My Nine in the Welfare Line" Hyde's show.
Just make a thread for it, my dude. I honestly don't even know why it's
But would be willingly to try it out.
Sage for offtopic
I actually gave it a run during the first shilling attempt. Everything is simple shapes filled with gradients and animations mainly rely on tweening, or however you call it when they just deform parts of characters rather than drawing new frames.
It's fucking not. Enemies were passive, bosses were easy, platforming was fucking baby-tier. And combat consisted of one attack. Maybe you unlock more later, but it was underwhelming as fuck considered we're playing a knight of sorts.
I don't agree with it, but ok, it's a question of taste.
I dunno, from get go it gave me SJW vibes with supposedly oppressed underground people. Maybe I'm just paranoid here, but it felt pretty fishy.
It reminds me how shills insisted that Hyper Light Drifter didn't have any SJW propaganda in it despite devs following femfreq, and in the first fucking town there was a beat up blue dude that gave you clear picture of blue dudes race being oppressed because I dunno, blue live matter.
I think gamejournos complained about it being too hard and moved on.
It looks good, and flash animation isn't necessarily bad. Congrats I replied
[adult swim] is all about the one-season shows. A lot of times they'll give a show a season knowing it will only get one season. That's part of the beauty of it, you can see a wide variety of abstract shit. It's just too bad Sam "Pulling the Trigger on Every Nigger" Hyde can't find a place on TV for a longer-lasting series, but it is TV. [adult swim] got some shit for giving Hyde whatever 2am or something slot he got anyway.
It is indie garbage.
What's more stupid are amount of faggots shitting in legit threads of smaller games. The game isn't that hard, except boss revisits and stuff like sky castle but even those aren't that hard, so there's not much talk about it unless there are some real difficulties, shitting is easier, if game's good you just beat it, say you like it and that's one post. But look at this fucking thread, 2/3 of posts, if not more, are shitposting and shitting on game with hotpockets too busy cleaning overcucks thread. I thought Underrail threads were bad with undermeme faggots but new/v/ is more competent, it's like faggots don't even play games/play AAA trash and come here just to shitpost… wait…
You are paranoid and you're not the only one, so far 80?% done it's more of fallen kingdom/utopia. I do agree that SJW gotta die but some people look for anything for as an excuse to scream SJW, not much different behavior from SJW themselves who scream "white male" and "muh soggy knees".
You are extremely paranoid. Also ridiculously harsh with how you criticize it.
did bleach really end that poorly?Did we never see more Nel?
For some reason legit good indie games either don't get any attention at all or get shitposted to death here, while average-to-bad but youtubers-approved ones get protected despite all the objective flaws in them.
What's so special about Hollow Knight? Nothing, it's really mediocre.
But good luck getting anyone discussing Desync or Icey, despite them being top notch games. Maybe it's difficulty level, I dunno.
It's definitely difficulty. Game journos are shit at games, that's obvious. But they also get personally offended if they suck at something. They hate "get gud" and they'll blame anything they can to not admit how inept they are. That's why you won't hear shit about Desync unless it hit meme status and it became unavoidable to talk about. (dark souls etc)
How's that armchair, ineptfag?
Get a load of this noob, bet he couldn't even beat Hotline Miami
Bleach wasn't selling all that well, so he the producers came to him and told him to finish the manga in the next three issues. WHis is a good video explaining it.
sage for not vidya
What's it like to get fucked in the ass? More importantly, what's it like knowing your time shitting up this place is ending?
That's like how some anons ripped on Hotline Miami 2 because they sucked dick at it, but I S ranked every level (including Dead Ahead) on hard. It's really fun, by the time I could S rank hard mode levels I was really in the game, I could flick the analog stick in whatever direction with great aim and make snap decisions and improvise, I felt fucking incredible. I feel bad that people won't experience that feeling of satisfaction of mastering it, they'll just cry about big levels and windows (protip: learn to use farlook and scan for enemies in a split-second frequently, fire down large open hallways for safety, keep an eye on windows and be smart enough to use them to your advantage… it's not bad game design, it's just really hard to master).
Anyway, what's Desync like? The [adult swim] logo makes me think it's a shallow timewaster but it looks like it's a full game.
Take your meds
It's a twinstick shooter. I'll never understand why anyone would play it with a mouse and keyboard. Tell me one single thing that m+kb does better than the controller.
Why are you telling me what your mother told you to do?
Take your pills.
Everything? You have stockholm syndrome my dude, literally every genre is objectively better with kb+m.
Now I don't want to stick up for him, but I say action games of the "kick the shit out of a bunch of guys" like Devil May Cry and less CUHRAYZEE hack-and-slashes, if that's the right term are SO MUCH BETTER with controller. Same for fighting games, but fightsticks > controller > keyboard if we wanna get specific. Well, maybe, I can't be sure. Anyone wanna chime in?
Yep. Desync is like that but with a fuckton more game mechanics that like 3 people in the world understand.
Games like DMC3 with fixed camera are better with KB only as they are played pretty much like fighting games, and fighting pads are pretty much keyboards with only required buttons.
Games where you can control camera like MGR or Bayonetta (as practice showed) are much better with mouse.
not an argument
Controller gives you these benefits over M+KB:
M+KB has these benefits:
What a waste of digits.
Educate yourself.
seems good
Is there any medication for gitting gud? Take it.
cool argument
your next line is (7)
are you retarded? you can easily just change the sensitivity of the mouse and be able to move the camera by moving your hand slightly as well as better aiming. i got 4 controllers and only use them for platforming games or when i wanna get comfy.
but back to Hollow Knight, its by far one of the better metroidvania games out there with lots of content, a fair challenge, no handholding, cute art that can be nerve wrecking ie deep cavern with those fuckin spiders. I loved the music, especially that of the city of tears. Valdis Story and this game got me hooked from beginning to end
7 shitposts
Because he's too busy fucking your girlfriend and if he orgasm one more time his balls are going to explode.
How is that any better than using a controller? A controller does exactly what you just said, by default.
its faster than a fucking controller and you can be more accurate with it. a controller is far slower. games like hollow knight are better with controller because it doesnt require any aiming other than movement which can be achieve with a controller while being comfy.
I don't see how it's faster or more accurate, when I was getting S ranks I was aiming plenty fast and accurate. Do whatever man I don't think any amount of discussion will make me understand how the m+kb is better, I just don't accept that the controller is slow or inaccurate in any way for this type of game.
Can an honest to god user tell me wether this is bait or not.
It's not. Well maybe simulators.
For example old armored core series since slow turning speed doesn't really translate well into mouse control. So yeah flight sticks are better for flight sims and wheels are better for driving sims.
But conventional genres are all benefit from kb and mouse.
Have you tried playing something like Super Mario Sunshine or God Hand with KB+M?
Not mario but yeah I emulated god hand. It's much better with kb+m.
You might even argue that it makes game easier than intended.
There are even youtube videos with people playing DMC4 at top level with kb+m.
Gotta get out of your little safe space sometimes kid.
Yeah, that game has a PC port. God Hand however doesn't. What the hell do safespaces have to do with anything here? Did you learn that word today? Also
People who use the words kid/kiddo are usually youngfags themselves. I know that you were lying regarding GH, don't worry, I won't bully you too much for it.
Choose both.
Controllers are objectively superior for every genre.
How can you controller a game without a controller? Keyboard and mouse for typing and taxes, controller for controlling. Simple elegant beautiful.
I like using the dpad in most racing games if I don't feel like steering my arms a lot
You just hold W :^)
That's low, expected more from user "Liar extraordinaire". I know about emulators but in order to play something like God Hand with KB+M that would recquire some quite specific plugins to turn analog inputs to mouse among other things like spending a lifetime to properly set it up which takes quite a bit with PCSX2. If you truly did then you won't have a problem with showing me which plugins you used.
Lilipad is a default plugin and you do that by simply binding mouse to analog directions.
What are you trying to pull here? Was your last experience with PCSX2 six years ago?
That reply took you quite a while, you just googled that, didn't you?
Nigga just use joy2key or xpadder, shit takes 5 minutes if you're not retarded.
Were you even allowed to use computer 6 years ago? How old are you? This is 18+ board.
You already tried this once, Liar Extraordinaire. The "hurr you are a kid" comeback is getting stale. I have you by the throat user, you are DONE.
and what exactly makes them that? Asides from the obvious retro 80's look of the game i don't see much else to it that i can't already find in other titles that are currently out plus i'm not seeing any "bad reviews" or anyone really complaining about it; it's just another middle-tier-not terrible but nothing to write home about-arena shooter
bait or not ,you still have to go back
It wasn't made in California.
desync is pretty good, only gripe i had was with teleporting faggots that vanish and appear above your head, giving you about 0.2 of a second to react (and sometimes they hit you anyway even if you dodge with perfect timing because fuck you)
Where did you get up to playa? Player the Aberration zones? Akimbo weapons is actually fun as hell
Why games are shit the post. You never fail to let me down nu-Holla Forums.
If you don't want to go full-speed just use a half key press.
lately the boards are flooded with redditors from nu/pol/. they feel they have to "fit in" by screeching autistically about SJWs.
Good team and probably a good team organizer to keep shit tightly enough together. Not perfect in any means, but a good follow up to Salt and the Sanctuary, that blew most indie titles out of the water by showing how small team can pull of amazing atmosphere and gameplay with bearable art style that was not pixelshit.
Pic related. It's great pixel shit.
Which is odd.
The only identifiably female characters either:
Like… Where's the Anita here?
They quite happily boycott and otherwise attempt to destroy the lives and incomes of people with political ideologies they disagree with that has NOTHING to do with the products said people put out.
So, you know, fair's fair.
Reported. eBaumsWorld is that way.
You wannabe PC kids are adorable. Us "Idort" anons won't judge you if you wish to play on consoles instead. I understand it is hard for you single platform anons to adapt to things.
Anyway, Hollow Knight seems pretty good. I definitely intend to try it out as soon as I can. I have a few games in my backlog to get through first, though.
Which would be relevant if they were SJWs and I haven't seen anything proving that other than bullshit like indie circlejerk list or now common autistic screeching.
Just post the gog installer and get it over with.
There's plenty of people, myself included, that mentioned it's not a SJW game outside of the indie circlejerking. Anons are right to be superstitious about it though because, frankly, a lot of retarded cucked devs take the sjw pill if they socialize with the indie circlejerk too much, and those don't deserve to have their games bought. This game is safe from that, though I'd still pirate it especially if you're on a weaker toaster as it may stutter in some areas.
Suspicious, not superstitious.