BAYONETTA illuminatti comfy countdown bunker
11/04/2017 @ 15:00GMT / 16:00BST
What can we expect? Bayonetta at 144hz? Valve inspired costumes? DLC?
BAYONETTA illuminatti comfy countdown bunker
11/04/2017 @ 15:00GMT / 16:00BST
What can we expect? Bayonetta at 144hz? Valve inspired costumes? DLC?
Other urls found in this thread:
We can expect disappointment, lots of it.
I hate how you fucking /a/ rejects make threads about your shitty weeb games here like you have the fucking right to, like you aren't subhuman wastes of a good cumshot, like you shouldn't all be fucking dead, and I can do nothing about it. I report you and these useless nigger jew mods do nothing.
Mark, make me mod and I will make Holla Forums great again. Permabans for every unworthy sack of shit.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Watch it not be Bayonetta for PC at all.
It will be a Bayonetta Remaster for the Switch
Highest possible disappointment is Switch-exclusive Bayonetta 3, best possible outcome is a PC port
Europoors leave
That's not European thinking, that's straight up retardation.
It's going to be a port.
That would be such a masterful ruse I wouldn't even be mad.
Come on, nigger.
You dont say "the fourth of november", you say "November 4th"
I do… Date format of month/day/year is only useful for ordering lots of things in business. When day/month format you have to skip to the second set of digits to make sure where you're at since the numbers carry repeat so many times a year.
Also this is a family friendly thread, no lewd imagery please.
Good Job Boiz
Try not to think about it, just play video games
I am convinced that is what will happen. It's so stupid, yet so magnificent of a dick move that I can't imagine Kamiya NOT doing this.
That would be hilarious if true.
Hah, faggot.
He makes a game and walks away and doesn't really participate in sequels. For Bayo 2 and Joe 2 all he contributed was the story. I doubt he'd care if Bayonetta Switch gets made or doesn't.
Out of curiousity, what does Holla Forums think of the likelihood of Bayonetta 2 being released as well? With Cemu actually being playable, Nintendo much more liberal about exclusivity, the Wii U now officially dead, and the royalties Nintendo can rake in, wouldn't it be a mistake if the game weren't released?
>it ends up being Scalebound
Doubt it
Did I miss something?
now that isn't even funny
So how far with Bayo 1 did you guys get.
I Beat Hard, got all Platinum's (not pure) on Normal to unlocked Jeanne, beat normal in under 3 hours to get the Bracelet of Time, and I managed to Beat Rodin.
But I never got around to beating the Angel Slayer levels or Infinite climax.
The angel slayer levels are made to be beaten with the infinite angel weapon. Just spam the rotating claws/trumpet.
I beat Infinite Climax and got Jeanne, the bracelet of time and the nunchacku but still never had enough money to unlock Rodin. Went all the way through Angel Slayer and lost to Bayonetta and really didn't want to go through the whole thing again to have another shot at trying to cheese her.
No user, just because you can cheese you way through doesn't meant that is what the designers wanted you to do.
oh-oh, someone wandered out of his stalker general!
M/D/Y may be a stupid system, but there's absolutely nothing inherently wrong with saying "The fourth of Novemeber".
Damn I wanted to see the exact reason.
I really liked V for Vendetta and even got an edition that came with the mask. I feel like a fag whenever I even see it.
OG Bayo is in my top 10. So damn hype.
And the board is fucking dead.
I hope all of you burn in fire.
anime won again
based mods
You're not very smart are you?
You mother fucker posting Kei. I need to yank my cord now you goddamn asswipe. Watch when you post her for christ sakes.
Hey Mark fuck you
I worked hard to come up with my shitpost about dates to get (you)s and then you just come along and nig this guy and he's overflowing with them because of a pasta.
I worked hard to tailor it to the thread, 2/10 would not recommend as BO
The timezones were a nice touch
I played it several times through but never played to score all platinums. I thought about going back after recently getting platinum with W101 but now that there's the prospect of a port I'll probably wait to play a version with better frametimes
source for that shit m8.
He could be referring to the games Nintendo has put on phones like Mario Run?
I'm just guessing if that is what he means.
I can only hope
I really hope that isn't what I think it is.
It is sadly. At least we got two neat tracks out of it.
Fucking japen
smug time
So basically Bayonetta nude mods that aren't fucking shit sfm confirmed?
Maybe, but he was saying if Bayo 2 is ever going to come out on other systems than Nintendo's own hardware which maybe unlikely to happen anytime soon other than CEMU.
DMC4's first pashislot also had some pretty good songs.
Yeah there were two different DMC4 pashislots and one for DMC3.
Goodbye wallet. I hardly knew ye
the more you jerk off the quicker you go bald and lose your gains, that's what!
Can't possibly be true
I've been trying to cram in as many S ranks on DMC4SE but it's just not making tomorrow arrive faster
Beat Infinite Climax though probably not how it's normally played. Cheesed with a lot of healing items and that damage all enemies around you item from the mini game. Mostly for the hard areas so I probably used that tactic about 10-20% of the playthrough. Was aiming to Beat Rodin but my console crapped out on me before I could get the necessary amount of rings.
Masturbating severely lowers your testosterone levels. Why do you think every day there are more and more cucks and the jew owned porn industry is bigger than ever? Coincidence?
I masturbated far more than my dad and grandad and so far I'm the one that has gone the longest without going bald
Also hair on your head isn't regulated by testosterone, if it were women wouldn't have any
No. If that were the case then guys that fuck every day would be the biggest cucks. The problem with masturbation is serotonin release every day.
Blame the decline of the american man and woman. If we had less women in the work force, more men would be married.
Good goyim. Reject G-d and masturbate for Israel
can't believe this is a post someone thought up, wrote and then posted
>YFW the countdown ends with a mobile port of what they released on April 1st, but with micro-transactions
>>>Holla Forums
where are all these (1)s coming from
>>>Holla Forums
Ok so apparently the website reads your Time zone and changes the timer so it will end at 4PM no matter where in the world you are.
I'v got Eastern Time, it just after 12AM, and I got just under 16 hours left on the timer.
Can someone in a different time zone confirm if they have more or less hours then me and if it will end at 4PM for them.
This is what it's like for me. That's pretty retarded to have.
CST for me.
Have my (1) and my (you) and fuck off back to the hellhole you came from, where feels=fact.
I bet you think those papers that proved estrogen was the "violence hormone" were made up, despite the researchers being 80% female.
As for the rest of you, hope you get your Bayonetta port. Never played it, but you all seem to enjoy it and SEGA did promise those ports.
I'm hoping that whatever it is, people will get to enjoy a good set of games.
Why is everybody on Holla Forums so touchy about this subject?
Jesus man be a little bit more secure about being a man, makes you look like a faggot
Say "Hi" to Tyrone and your wife for me, user.
You're just digging your hole deeper.
Yeah, this threads shitty enough to start doing this.
inb4 someone points out "(1) and done"
Been going for pure platinum on Inf climax for 3 years now on and off. 2 is such a joke when you compare difficulties.
to be fair yuri was always the best lovely angel
adam warren amerimanga was superior to the originals :^)
High quality pc ports incoming?
my countdown is finished, stuck at 0d, 0h, 0m. My time zone is AEST
My countdown is 7 hours and 43 minutes.
whats your timezone?
(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
Same here. Looks like Sega quality control tied the countdown timer to the user's system clock instead of the server clock. How'd they fuck that up? Pic related, it's Sega's webdev team.
Is it safe to assume that the countdown is Jap time so we've got 35 minutes left?
Mine still has 16 hours.
Pure plat everything (except below normal because that's boring as fuck) on PS3, x360 and WiiU,
x360 died in the middle of trying to beat Rodin the not bitch way (climax bracelet, time bracelet, charged pillow talk, durga glitch etc) stopped around the same progress mark on PS3 because the framerate was genuinely fucking me up in that fight and burned out doing it on WiiU because I binged on the game for weeks as soon as I got it.
And my countdown is finished.
What are the odds that Nintendo will allow Bayonetta 2 to be ported provided they get a cut of the sales? How well is the game projected to sell, anyway-about as much as Valkyria Chronicles, if not more?
0 and i expect the game to sell at least one million units on steam.
Very unlikely, regardless of whether Nintendo is okay with it or not.
How much did MGR sell? Because I expect double that.
And a bit under 2 mil on consoles.
What a disgrace. Bet Korra sold more, even.
I'm Aus and all I get is 00d00h00m
A third of that actually.
That's pretty good for a game that was in development hell that nobody expected would succeed. We would've probably have gotten a sequel to it by now had the fallout from MGS5 and Kojima not happened.
You retards realise every brit knows this song off by heart right? Bonfire night is a public festival held every year, do you think the whole world celebrates American holidays, like there are people in paraguay celebrating thanksgiving or some shit?
You mean they don't?
Bullshit. Next you're going to tell me China doesn't celebrate The 4th of July
Looks like those filthy South American nations didn't bomb them hard enough.
So apparently the servers are those amazon host things in western euro, so we've still got 8 hours before it's done?
Here, I just made your shitty image macro less cancerous. Lurk more and get yourself some proper reaction images.
I don't know, what is it? Is that where you get your images from? I think you should go back to reddit.
I'm honestly hoping for a PS4 port as well, then Vanquish next, like SEGA did with Valkyria Chronicles. I certainly wouldn't mind double-dipping.
it depends on the context
>yfw it's just a Bayo 2 Switch port
What if it's actually a Bayonetta game where Platinum is working with Bethesda
Then how come more testosterone make you go bald?
Checkmate solipsists
They just reset the timer.
I can't handle this shit much longer, Sega.
It just lost 4 hours for me on EST
I lost 5 hours
At least they fixed the timer
Never played it but she makes me Hard.
Oh shit, only 2 hours left. i remember when they assured us that they were still working on the PC ports during last year's E3, and this year's happening just 2 months from now. Will they stick with Bayonetta for today or will they at least hint at some other games to receive ports, as well?
Good show
I can almost taste the disappointment already
Scale of 1-10 how much of a shitstorm will there be if its not Bayo on PC
Depends on what else it could be. The range is 3-7 if it's not Bayonetta for PC.
Bayo PC is basically confirmed, plus Ps4 and Xbone
delayed april fools joke
you just got got'd son
but not me!
I see Bayo's legs in the background, it's got to be something.
Bayonetta in smash!
Sure thing, I bet Cloud will be in smash too.
What if Bayonetta in Sanic & All Stars Racing Transformed
At the very least its nice knowing that JP fuck head isnt working anymore
You mean Kellams?
Dragonborn in smash!
this shit is still not out yet?
3 hours left for me
2 hours.
Well, shit looks like SEGA dun fucked up again.
Bayo on PC is not a question of "if" at this point but rather "when".
Mine is around 2 hours as well.
Gotta love him. Thank goodness they don't seem swayed by his ilk.
Reminds me that we would no longer have to rely on emulation or a particularly beefy rig to get to play Bayo (1) at 60fps, unless they're going for the DMC4:SE route and retouch the graphics completely to match.
2 hours left for Midwest (CST). What is the time they might be using as a reference? Japan Time Zone? U.S. Pacific? GMT?
It's ran by Sega Europe which is in the UK, so I'm guessing GMT. I'm GMT+2. I'm guessing the 1 hour discrepancy for some people is because of DST fuckery since the site seems to grab the time locally.
Will the pull a Sega Saturn and go "AND IT'S OUT NOW!"?
All of my yes.
They pretty much almost did that with the Valkyria Chronicles port. One day they just annouced that it was coming in a couple of days and everyone collectively shat their pants.
Welp, I just climaxed.
This is the second time I'm seeing someone link directly to a trash site. Are people really that quick to forget the filters?
m-my bad
Arriving on Steam today with 4K support and advanced graphics options
Hate to be that guy but
More like
I know. Shit, It's been 7 years since Sonic 4 Episode 1 came out and now the actual worthy Sonic Mania's just on the horizon.
This better blow Yooka-Laylee out of the water along with Sumo Digital's Snake's Pass, and Lake Fepard's Spark: The Electric Jester. Finally, now that Bayonetta 1's on the PC, you know what that means for potential modding?
truly we are in the best timeline
Either DMC5 or Devil May CryXBayonetta would be more than fine by me. Perhaps if this port does well, we may very well be in the timeline where such things could happen as well as remastered ports of Nier & Drakengard.
Be sure to show them your support.
I'm going to bump the thread with Bayo fanart from a very old cuckchan folder. It's making me all nostalgic.
Post your favourite BGM, cheshires.
OP here can't view archive on phone. Copy pasta text from link
So it could be PC only after all. I'm assuming Valkyria Chronicles didn't sell well enough on the PS4 for Sega to do a current gen console port. Might as well give up any hope for Vanquish too, which is a shame.
How naughty.
Mostly non porn fan art. I approve but prefer jeanne
If it was best timeline it would have come out simultaneusly, not 7 years later.
To be fair the VC remaster for PS4 wasn't announced till a couple of months down the line after the PC release.
What a fag.
It just mentions that it releases today, supposedly boasts a decent amount of graphics options and you will get the special edition with the art book and 5-track OST for the normal price until April 25th.
Oh and 8-Bit Bayonetta is going to stop being free or some shit.
So if you want it better get it now.
I didnt even know it was an actual game, I thought it was a april fools joke
It'll probably just get delisted, since it's essentially served it's purpose.
It's is the 404 game from Platinum's website
Just with added control remapping and achievements
Great job disappointing me
The story was removed from the site already, so it was probably a really big fuck up that wasn't meant to happen.
It might also be getting delisted so that the actual release is the only thing that turns up when you search Bayonetta.
More like the faggots at Engaget blew their load too quickly trying to be the first to get them sweet sweet clicks.
It was? I don't remember. On the other hand, if I'm going to hold on hope for a confirmation like with Dragon's Dogma, I think I'd prefer a "no" as an answer straight away.
I would imagine it comes with the full game of Bayonetta, but maybe it won't.
Look at it this way, we finally got an answer to the age old question of "WHERE ARE THE FUCKING PORTS, SEGA?!"
Are you trying to pull some consolewar bullshit or something
Ain't a console war if they're all equally shit.
Watch it just be 8-bit Bayonetta expanded into a full proper game.
Hey hold up, we got a "port" not "ports". I'm expecting more at sometime in the future.
My PC is a potato m8, and I don't intend to invest on it as my only means to play vidya just yet.
You can play it this way I'm sure.
And finally, the one image everyone should keep beside them at all times:
The ass. Not just any ass, *the* ass.
Whoever buys this today please let us know how the port is.
Calhou cocó
Tenho saudades desta merda, quase tanto quanto o Hentai que dava na Sic Radical
Do you have a link to that?
Holy shit how is this any way at all optimized?
I'm Installing now.
Wew lad.
Those are the recommended, so if you want to push at absolute max.
I'll let you know as soon as I come back home.
QA testing sites generally don't keep old hardware, and don't test on hundreds of different cards. They're just stating the lowest end that they tested it on.
you should go see a movie user
They should have at least been able to get the highest setttings at 1080p on the 570.
I'm disappointed there's no HEV suit skin with matching crowbar Shuraba but what can you do.
But still, color me surprised that they didn't go full Jew and released it at $20.
So does it have denuvo?
570 is 7 years old. Nobody is testing on hardware that old.
I'd be getting this right away normally but I feel like I'm burning out on 3rd person action games.
It's "fly me to the moon"
If they tested it with the 570, that means they already tested it with it.
*if they stated the minimum as the 570 that means they already tested it.
I highly doubt it, the game is only 20 dollars and is pretty old, they're probably just trying to get a few extra shekels out of the part of the IP Nintendo doesn't own.
Cool. It's still old.
Immediately dl'ing. Only have a laptop available right now; all lowest settings and lowest windowed resolution here I come.
Goddamnit caffeine fucked my brain and
let me play among the stars
Bayonetta PC Developer Diary Pt.1 – Inspiration & Insights
isn't it still airing though?
It looks promising so far:
someone draw bayonetta eating yooka
she is roasting him on a stick and reaching for the sriracha sauce
laylee asks her if she can be her new sidekick because she's a bat and bayonetta is a wtich
game feels good and holds 1080p 60fps on my 2600k + GTX680, max settings.
I had the feeling that a very hyped game was going to be released today, but I can't remember what it was exactly… oh well, time to enjoy bayonetta!
Beaten in sales by a 10 year old game
Borderless window option, too.
I knew a nose was involved in this somewhere.
NOOOO I knew it was too good to be true
Well time to wait for the crack. Hopefully the crackers should understand the significance of this and do it right away.
you jinxed it
that's what the delay was for
Oh god it's Nier all over again, prepare for the thread to be flooded by consoletards saying "just buy a 8 year old xbawks to play it"
why is this bad
Nintendo fags are going to be the worst offender here. I'm more prepared for the Wii-U fags to flood in than the 360 or god help us the PS3.
PC loses again.
but why
Denuvo means poorfags can't pirate a $20 confirmed good game.
Nah i don't think so it will be that case,expecially on the ps3 port.
You have to be expecially retarded to even consider buying that port now
not like it matters, there's a crack up for it already.
just fuck my shit up
so they are bad for linuxfags and arguably for the industry but why should *I* care?
yah lol
Didn't take long for the Denuvo shills to show up.
Damn step up your game guys. This is real right
Oh well. At least there is a free edition. I am tempted to buy but not install, and wait for a crack, but I hate Denuvo too much to do that.
At least I have my favorite French cheesecake comic coming out tomorrow.
Holly shit, that was quick
I don't know what to believe any more
I'm guillible and downloading, will confirm soon
The fact that the game is cracked when it releases pretty much should tell you that there's no Denuvo involved but I guess that was too subtle
As fake as your mothers tits
And its already cracked
It doesn't have denuvo.
NO. It is CLEARLY, FLY into the moon!
That or Denuvo is (has been) a fucking joke. I'll wait 5 minutes and see if it comes with Denuvo or not.
gas yourself
This nigger here BOUGHT NieR:Automata, as you can see from the picture, and shooped its EULA to the picture.
Oh thank fucking lord, crisis averted.
Its obviously fake
Else it wouldn't have been cracked so quick
Entire EULA.
Good, I was worried for future Sega PC ports
too easy
That or Windows 10 is fucking him harder than usual.
Wait, I was told the game only had english voices for both america and japan. WAS I LIED TO?
pretty good though
Japanese voice was added for in the Wiiu port.
Denuvo status: denied
It has a ton of graphics options, even borderless full screen
Seems to run well on mediocre hardware
Only bad thing is 60fps lock but that's negligible
6/10. Windows 10 ruined it.
Good job
Yes, you were lied to.
love it, exclusively for the panic you hit with the pc cucks
Why do anons believe a screen shot as soon as its posted?
do non of you have image editing software or some shit?
That's all well and good, but does this version have bayo's non-shit hairdo ?
I'll pirate to see if it can even run on my device. This game come free of DRM? I'm not running hot Steam sewage while I play the game.
denuvo panic is silly
"oh no DRM"
it's like you're all sucking RMS dick
Her hair is the only thing non shit thing about her new design.
Oh, OK. Because I remember Kamiya saying it was all english a while back. Cool to see they updated it.
When was that ever the case?
I still have hard time believing that a good port of a good port got released at a good price. I was looking for something to be wrong with it. Although gear achievements made me scratch my head for a second.
Didn't think so. Guess I'll have to pirate.
Well played, but it would seem you've derailed the thread hard, as every shill caught wind and are determined to make this into another DRM shitposting thread.
You could do both you turbonigger
He was never going to pay for it, he just needed an excuse.
Ya dun gud SEGA.
I havn't had steam installed on my device for 5 years. I would basically be buying a game I'de never play.
My excuse is I run a toaster and don't want the extra memory eating up my machine. I don't even know if the game will run.
Not at all. I called you out on being a Windows 10 cuck and I'm still right.
To be fair, the same thing happened with Metal Gear Rising. I cant confirm for Nier, but every other Plat game on steam runs smooth as butter.
Nier's port was no where near as good as MGR
Ukelele has already been cucked by Bayonetta
Bayonetta has a talent for cucking Indie Devs, doesnt she?
Shantae, Shovel Knight and Now Yookah.
What I wanna know is what the fuck is player unknown's battlegounds?
Has anybody been looking for any sjw reactions to this? I'm sure there's a few rumblings we can have a laugh at.
I doubt it, game's too old for their attention span.
Another streamer bait game based on the Arma King of the Hill mode or whatever.
Like H1Z1, except it's even less finished and plays worse
It's basically an Arma3 look alike early access with one game mode that twitch and jewtuber people have been shilling none stop
Go look up gameplay, it looks boring as FUCK
There was actually a sequel in development that got cancelled right before announcement because of that. They even teased it at E3.
Maybe I'll play it eventually
basically it's a multiplayer online competitive FPS where you get dropped at a random place on a large open map with lots of weapons and vehicles and equipment randomly laying around, and basically the premise is that it's a competition where they are bombing the area in successively smaller rings so that you have to move toward the center and fight to be the last person standing
I watched doom3 speedrunner draqu play some, it's pretty neat but super unfinished
>Early Access, Survival, Open World
Nothing good.
So it's literally another Battle Royale clone.
What's the problem with that?
Haven't heard of the hosts file?
It's £20+ for a fucking ARMA 3 MOD - It's essentially DAYZ WITHOUT ZOMBIES. It's "inspired by" money (((HUNGER GAMES)))
Why are you even playing modern games
just fucking buy a ps2
Jij kwadratische flikker.
Will buying a PS2 improve my rural internet connection?
how bad is your laptop? can any shity laptop play this?
Are you on fucking dial up?
Shared rural broadband through copper wires.
Anybody got a verified crack? I don't even know if the game will run on this machine.
I was in your shoes up until a year ago. You have my condolences.
Enjoy your forced updates and shit compatibility with older (including pre-2010) games. DirectX12 is shit and even Linux can play many DX11 games now that Wine partially supports it, so you have no excuse to be running Windows 10 unless you also enjoy calling yourself straight while licking another man's nipples because you aren't currently touching his penis.
What is this world? Did we shift the timelines again? I'm anxious now, things shouldn't be going this well.
For shame.
Heres the spoon:
Be careful not to fall for fake mirrors
Shit it's on IGG already? I only wanted the spoon because the game literally just came out but fair enough.
A 5 year old Lenovo G500 with a i3-3310m and HD8550m and 8 gigs of RAM. Mind you I am running the game at 720p.
I have 3 ISPs in my area;
one offers unlimited but it's slow as shit
one offers unlimited and is slightly faster but it's triple the price of the competitors
and the last one has the fastest internet but you're stuck with an 80gb per month cap with no higher option.
It's hell.
Yeah but how slow is the slow as shit?
I swear if this port has that annoying as fuck letterboxing I'm going to cry.
You in America? Sometimes I forget you guys are utterly shafted in terms of ISPs.
Worse; Canadian
bits or Bytes? This is important.
Canada is in America you dumbass
1k? Jesus Christ dude.
But you're the one with the femdom fetish.
Spoiled fuck
My condolences.
Can we get this thread to cycle? I prefer it over this thread slowing down because it's at the bottom of the catalog.
No, that's if I paid for the first option here;
I have the 3rd plan with 20mbs and 80gb per month cap
where I live in rural US my options are:
-56kbps dialup (unlimited)
-768kbps 3G with ~300ms latency (unlimited)
-5mbps satellite with ~1500ms latency (10GB/mo cap but with unlimited period at night)
-20mbps 4G with ~100ms latency (3GB/mo cap, period)
the dialup connection is $12/mo, everything else is >$100/mo
Tell me about it: at my last place in rural Canada I usually got sub-dialup download speeds and even here with a maximum download speed of 4 megabits per second I still sometimes get sub-dialup speeds for absolutely no fucking reason.
Jesus, and I thought I was fucked. Even here in the Caribbean, uncapped 2mbps is the norm for cheap ISPs.
Hell, we even fiber around here, if you live the rich prick areas.
You can't make this shit up. I'm so sorry.
Report the OP to ask for a cyclic
I have 1 ISP provider who (thankfully) don't give a shit if I torrent things anymore. Still, be glad with anything over a MB. I get half that on a good day.
I live in the middle of the fucking Atlantic and not even I am this bad.
Fucking caps haven't been a thing here for 10 fucking years now.
I live with 1-2MB/s, depending on time of day. 3 even, at nighttime. It's not as bad as you think.
I did.
Mine throttles torrents for whatever reason until several minutes after midnight, and they've also completely blocked several websites that host loli on the side so I'm doing more browsing through Tor in general. I'd do almost everything through Tor if my connection wasn't already fucking slow and Holla Forums didn't block Tor anons from uploading images because muh pedospammers who used faster VPNs anyways, not tor.
Can you guys confirm if it can run at 144fps?
Locked at 60 last I checked
We're doing a cycle due to requests.
We're making progress at least. Used to be 30. I'de actually want to drop is down to 45 personally so I can actually run the damn thing
Who else [email protected]/* */+modshere/?
About time
looking forward to 4K, >60FPS vanquish to be sure, idk about mods but I hope durante or someone can unlock bayonetta FPS without breaking the whole damn game
Says more about the times we live in.
Thanks kike
Also, Bayonetta just killed Yooka Lalee
see you fucking slowpoke
Hows Yooka even doing in sales? What was the cost of production?
I said forgetting they were kikestarted.
Its doing pretty miserably on Steam, likely due to the controversy.
Wouldn't know about console sales, probably better since most of the bigger userbase isn't nearly as informed on such drama.
huh, it seems easier than wii u version but maybe its just the higher framerate and resolution
plays really nice in 4K (*'▽')
You forgot their release dates
Are there any non-nintendo consolefags actually looking forward to it? I ask since it's a very "nintendo"-ish game.
IIRC it was one of those cases where the KS fundraising was for adding content instead of financing the game in the first place yet another reason why people should have been aware of it from the start
I think most people know both were released today
Wouldn't even think in comparing if that wasn't so
( ' ◇ ' ) ゞ
To be honest, I didn't know Yooka-Maymay was released today.
Wouldn't know, maybe PS4 since its the platform with the biggest premium price game userbase?
Still top seller though.
prob cuz they knew the real fans were already keeping an eye out and anyone who wasn't a real fan probably isn't going to buy it anyway ( `ー´)
Because everybody already knows that fucking bayonetta is out on pc.
Stop feeding this (You) whore with (You)s
Yep, it was a case of either:
Having followed the the development through backer updates, I think the game's fate was sealed when they announced Team17 as their publisher / PR handler.
We'll tripsman, I am. It was definitely easier and more light hearted than 1, but 2 was still fun and it had the best unlockable character in bayonetta, Rosa
when did she get cucked? I dont remember bayonetta and shantae ever competing.
Why would they release a trailer first? Everyone already knows Bayonetta. It's an out-of-nowhere surprise for the fans who wanted this for years and it'll spread like wildfire through the internet anyway.
0 need for a trailer.
Oh wait, disregard my post I thought you meant bayo2 not yooka laylee
Since this has dual audio, should I play it with jap voices?
I actually really like her english voice. I don't even know what she sounds like in Japanese.
the english VA was the original even in japan and it is very very good
as a native japanese speaker (japanese-american) the japanese audio is not bad but it just feels wrong to me since I played it in english first
The dub is pretty fantastic, and I personally prefer English bayo to jap.
3rd party smash character.
This is true, but goddamn that milf japanese Bayo voice. That voice has done things to my penis you people wouldn't believe.
But wait! There's more!
I'll suck dick for Vanquish on PC.
Oh, this is pretty cool.
Took you long enough, Sega.
She's a virgin stupid, she'd be shy as hell in bed.
That's bullshit and you know it.
Nothing gay about wanting to be in charge.
Yeah you're definitely craving cock right now.
I know the lore. I'm saying there's no way she'd be nervous.
Says the guy who's craving to be domineered. I bet you'd let her peg you faggot.
No wonder you don't know the lore of the game. You can't even read.
What's this have to do with the lore? Bayonetta isn't the type to get shy. That's just a fact.
We've never seen her in bed.
Her whole world is her bed
akchually, it's implied that rodin rapes her if you get hit by a spceial move of his in bayo 2
I think the implication is just a joke, I doubt it's actually rape.
The amount of Stupid is overwhelming too more senses then it should be.
I think this is actually worse than youtube comments.
Never before have I felt such disdain for someone.
It just gets worse the deeper you look.
Do people just see something came from Japan and automatically assume it's a JRPG?
Never played Bayonetta. Just bought it twice to support this kind of jewry.
gg Kamiya
You should consider playing it too, the game is pretty good from what I hear.
This is why people think the universe is a simulation: too many NPCs. Forums now read like some developer's hastily-written NPC dialogue.
Maybe when I have a life again. I'm a casual salarycuck now but I figure the least I can do is support things now that I actually have money.
Ice cream? I love ice cream!
Yeah, my favorite is vanilla
Hey man, just practice one chapter a night, it'll last you three weeks
Replace "hitting a button through hours" with "button mashing" and it's more or less a post you'd read on Holla Forums
Oh man, These pics are relevant again
vanilla power
This is a good video ,maybe tomorrow I'll see if i can webm the whole thing.
I wish these people had self awareness
That cop is more of a man then I'll probably ever be.
Play this 40 years ago on Xbox 360 and it was a 6/10 why do people still beat their dicks over this shit?
One of the only times his arrogance was used for good. This guy is usually a huge cunt to his actual fans.
This oughtta be good.
Fucking based japs.
You know, there was a study done where the people surveyed said they would rather receive electrical shocks than to be alone with their thoughts for any length of time.
Given that information the conclusions are clear. People generally just don't want to be self aware. They don't want to examine and have to evaluate themselves and their situations.
Just constantly plug into some form of stimulus that comes from external sources and run with it.
Of course, this means they just regurgitate what input they have been given. Like a fucking parrot they're not actually thinking about what they're saying in terms of content and meaning. No, their only concern is the reaction that those words may receive because of course that reaction is just more external stimuli.
Now, what you must understand is that this isn't entirely new to humanity. "Bread and circuses" and "Opiates of the masses" were always something desired and eagerly consumed throughout civilized history.
What has changed in modern times is that these same dull hamster-like people now have the ability to voice their unaware, regurgitated, parrot-like opinions on to the rest of the world.
That explains a lot.
When enough people push a thought, it leaks to the masses. Then those masses use the new information superhighway we call the internet to spread memes as a jokes, which in turn, influences them. The internet has only existed for half a decade. In another one, there is going to be so much fucking insanity going on.
Jewish extinction when
I don't believe that "Wanting to not be alone with your thoughts" and "Having self awareness" are in the same category. I mean, I'd like to believe that I introspect a lot, but I only know my own perspective. On the other hand, when I am alone with my own thoughts, only frightening and depressing ones come; So I'm sympathetic to people who don't want to be alone with their thoughts. That doesn't mean they can't be self aware.
Not the way its currently going. I'm envisioning the internet becoming TV and Radio 2.0 with the bigger media companies have locked it down along with the help of the companies that have been providers/networkers for them all along (comcast cable just becomes comcast internet 100%).
At the very best, you can probably consider a multi-tiered internet service where the media outlets are like a basic "package" and if you want the bandwidth to go to other shit it would be paying a premium on top of that.
Same thing like they do with TV packages and if you want HBO you pay a little extra.
I have to disagree. Someone wanting to pick electrical shocks over just having to sit there with nothing to entertain them but their own thoughts is a severe problem.
It generally tells me that such a person doesn't want to ever THINK about anything.
Remember, being alone with your own thoughts doesn't mean having to sit in a room all by yourself. It could just mean actually thinking about something for just a second. not just recording and reacting.
To reflect this in video games…when the entertainment medium got popular and mainstreamed, what happened to the games?
They became duller, everything is twitch-based reaction time stuff (even the RPGs), while always trying to push flashiness now the flashiness is the main reason to buy over any sort of substance.
All those wonderful games with quirky ideas and explored all sorts of other genres, only the big names of those genres (barely) survive now. Those RTS, Grand Strategy, large intricate system simulators, etc etc…
The average person is a fucking wreck. Not to get all edgelordy but the average person is probably barely a conscious being.
And the worst part is that by definition, 50% of the people are worse than that.
I don't know whether to laugh or be angry. Do they not get that this is literally the principle behind national socialism?
It's the only principle that makes sense.
These people also violently oppose the mere idea that people of a shared nationality should care for their own (much less people of X race care for X race).
Fucking amazing.
It's not edgy unless you hate them for it. It's not their fault, really, that they're like that, but it also means that there's no point in listening to them.
I want my people put first, but crime is crime. SJWs are just retarded.
If the enemy's good will can be used as a weapon against them, then it is only sensible to do so.
Back to your LARPing board cunts.
do you feel in charge?
Hi, /christian/.
Finally a reason to post this again.
Read the thread, it has already been posted.
That post is already long gone user, the thread is cyclical.
When does steamspy start tracking and updating the new releases?
Anyone giving freebies?
[email protected]/* */
It might take at least a week or two to get a legit number.
It starts becoming somewhat accurate at around 2 or so weeks after release.
I still wonder why people use SteamSpy. Its possibly the least accurate way of telling whether people have bought a game or not.
Because it's the only way to get anything resembling a sales figure, since Steam doesn't release numbers and the Top Sellers list is ordered by revenue over the last 24 hours and not copies sold.
Ok and why should that be important in the first place?
i known, its the strangest thing. she has a prefect rack, ass, and nice face but when you put them togetherol something is off. i've never seen her as Hot her very long legs make her look like a fucking bird or some shit
Her legs and arms are too long and her figure is too slim.
It is fairly accurate, though.
Because sales matter.
SteamSpy updates once every day, I think.
1. Its not accurate in the least. Fuck off with your console meme.
2. Sales are always reported by the parent company at a later date.
Is anyone actually able to prove what the fuck they're saying, at least?
So you regurgitate SteamSpy and defend it without knowing how horribly inaccurate it is and the fact that the reason anyone even brings it up is because console users constantly used to post stats from it and scream "HAHAHA PC CUCKS ARE ALL PIRATES!!!"? What a fucking pathetic piece of shit you are.
ok time for your meds, user
Go back to Holla Forums
how lewd actually is this game? what's the lewdest thing that you've seen from this series?
Well, go ahead. Why would I care about whether or not a game sold a certain amount of copies?
TexMod is a hook program. You just run the Texmod along side, or launch the program though TexMod and if it works you will be able to see and cycle though all the textures currently loaded by the game as well as being able to save specific or all of the textures to a folder with a text file that can be used later for injecting new textures over the existing textures.
It makes no permanent changes to the games files and only will work if you have TexMod running with the game.
Pretty much anyone can use it with minimal understanding of mods. The hardest part is figuring out the user interface which can be confusing because IIRC you cannot have it set to both start the game though TexMod and to automatically detect the game while TexMod is running.
IIRC it was meant to just mod Guild Wars but it works on most programs that use DirectX 9; and according to the system requirements it does does use DirectX 9, and occasionally you need to place an additional .dll file in the folder of the games .exe
What TexMod could be used for is basic texture changed both lewd and unlewd
Specific Examples
>body writings
>a very very very rudimentary nude mod, by taking the texture when she has wicked weave out and minimal coverage over herself.
I would pirate it and try it myself but I've been pirating Dark Souls 3 at fucking sub 1 Megabyte per second for almost a week now, despite having no data caps, due to low seeder numbers and even worse I cannot even find any peers to seed to so I've been a filthy leach all week
Luka saying he fucked a dog
These people sure are an interesting bunch. I really wanted someone to ask them why exactly it would be wrong for white people to do the same then, or why exactly it is wrong to help other people regardless of their race.
These folk are so obsessed with race they see nothing else.
They don't actually understand anything that isn't already spoonfed to them.
So it looks like reports are AMD CPU's users are shit out of luck and the game is shitting the bed. Anyone here having issues with the game?
Do you have a AMD CPU?
at twenty bucks I wouldn't mind buying another copy. But It looks like my AMD CPU might shit the bed if the reports on the forums are to be trusted.
It doesn't affect you
That's because Bayonetta is not feminine. She looks like a tranny's fantastical self image.
Your brain is hardwire to petite+thicc=feminine. Add exceptions to this rule and first the beauty will seem exotic (amazons, butch, musclegirls) and then cross into the uncanny valley.
I really want to buy this but my torrent is already at 85%
I've got Intel.
The other user with jap emoticons told me on discord that I fucked up the file system in some way (ATA - IDE) and I'd need to do a clean reinstall of the whole system OR get myself a small SSD and install an OS there. Win10 LTSB was suggested, but I'll probably stay with Win7.
checkmate AMD cucks
I seriously don't know why people that play games buy AMD. Every new game release AMD gets fucked in some way. Every Fucking Time.
never found her sexy ether. But She is still a cool character.
very astute post user. Bayonetta is likely Futanari.
some people are reporting issues on Intel too. I guess I am going to wait a few day's.
Its a damn shame the internet is no longer the wild west. Everything is regulated, throttled and moderated. I've been really fucking depressed lately just looking at the world go to shit and I would have loved to dive into this game for some healthy escapism. Seeing all the fanboys defend another shitty port is actually leading me to Tilt a little. Hopefully after WW3 leads to the world going Nuclear we can rebuild something better.
kill yourself you cancerous peace of shit.
its a very old CPU I got it 5 years ago for dirt cheep. Also Intel processors are just overpriced tbh. I've only had an issue with it with Koei Tecmo games and I have no idea how it will work with Bayonetta but I'd rather be safe then sorry.
Source and archive
**W. E. B. Du Bois wrote about something he called a "psychological wage" which has been perverted in an ironic way into privilege theory. It was a way to convince the large numbers of poor white to not ally themselves with the large number of newly freed poor blacks which would have ultimately decreased the wealth concentration that the few but powerful plantation owners.
The quick and dirty is basically though the media the powerful elite convinced the poor whites they were better then the poor blacks and therefor would be bringing themselves down by working with them. It payed the whites in a psycholigical wage over a real wage of money. They may be poor but at least they are not a poor niggers.
So you have 2 groups of laborers who will not work together to strike or protest for better conditions. So if you had a strike of black workers against the wealth plantation owners who by the way got there land that was supposed to be redistributed after the war, back from Andrew Johnson the plantation owners would be able to use the whites with no fear of having to capitulate and vice versa if the whites striked then they had the blacks to fall back onto.
What does this have to do with the strange white people insisting on racial isolationism while claiming to be anti-racism?
Well it goes back to privilege theory. Privilege theory works like a psychological wage, rather then engaging in collective action to form cross race; and indirectly cross class as business have done an excellent job in creating concentrations of poverty among black communities notably in both the redlining and reverse redlining processes, movements against the globalist corporations; that outsourced everything to countries where they can use slave labor. Instead it is meant to make middle and upper class whites and blacks feel like they are making a difference when all they do is create divisions and break cross community bridges.
Ironically enough in my case I too am doing research on race/racism in college, mostly in regards to differences in educational attainment, and it turns out race fails to reject the null hypotheses between race and educational attainment, and that the when SES is factored in people of similar SES perform similarly regrades of race, poor whites and poor blacks pretty much do equally as shitty in schools.**
game works fine on ryzen idk maybe it is busted on FX chips
I'm right here you know ('◇')ゞ
it's not a shitty port there are literally no problems with the game that user above said he has these problems in every game
the port is essentially flawless, I have a few complaints (no gamepad control config) but they are just nitpicks and the nice thing since this is PC gaming I can work around it (*'▽')
Jesus fuck that is gonna make going back into the game a hell of a lot more fun.
I fucking love that game.
Given her cocky attitude, a Falco costume would have made more sense.
well I'm sorry ;w; but it's true, your pc is old and its time to upgrade ne
(´ ・ω・ `)
How long until game journos write articles linking Bayonetta with pedophilia a-la Dragon's Crown Witch?
No presents today?
>tfw I masturbated my now ex gf through the entire original uncut production of Fantasia
that's different and you know it
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I already set up the extra ryzen box I have here to test but because I am a sweetie pie I will set up the FX 6300 I have laying around and test it on that with 750 Ti graphics card I will report back here in a few hours so look for it
Wait, what? How the fuck do you link big tiddies and long legs with people liking literal children?
yeah, sure.
Just like this video.
Because anime is for losers and pedos. And you know what the writers already are.
War is peace, freedom is slavery; ignorance is strenght
If it makes anyone feel any better. The red head who is the main character almost gets raped a bunch of times, then gets actually raped.
sure, I guess.
chio-chan kawai~i
windows installing on FX 6300 PC
sadly I haven't even really gotten to play the game much on my own PC because of work and testing on other PCs and also events in PSO2 (can't miss those EQs! w)
it occurs to me I should set up a second PC just for PSO2 … hm …
You work at cucktaco.
user, you really don't need to do this. But sense you are going to the trouble you should know the frame-rate issues on AMD take place after the prologue. also are you a wizard? (pic related)
What about big titties on loli?
Disgusting and should not be a thing.
I got nothin better to do but your request has been delayed by my team asking me to help with vegas illusia triggers so it will be a bit w
Nope, you'll notice the same pattern with automata and to some degree overwatch (overwatch was mostly reddit) but as long as a game has something that will get anons erect, nu-Holla Forums will praise it even if it's shit.
You know I think I realized why bayonetta doesn't come off as that sexy. Her body looks really hard. The looks very strong, her boons never move, her legs and arms look very lean. She doesn't have any softness in her body.
Goddamnit, her boobs never move and she looks very strong.
For me it's to do with how freakishly long her legs are, especially in concept art.
This probably means the sales are going very well.
Interesting stuff, user.
Kamiya no baka!
people like this deserve to be oppressed.
Why have I never heard about this?
every single time
why do japs hate PC so much?
Is that some sort of meme to make bayonetta in to a tranny?
And in general they're very "by the book" people so they think Playstation is pretty much the latest standard/cap for any ambitions they have. That's whey they're focussing all their VR on it even though they could do a lot more on PC.
They're not ambitious in graphics or technology. Perhaps Kojima is a bit different in this way but he still hates PC I think.
In short… they're control freaks of the 'correct' user experience and this mentality is spreading well beyond japs. Console facilitate more corporate control over the player's experience.
it was a low energy meme when the game came out because she has kind of a strong jaw
They simply cannot into it. I'm pretty sure it's the mentality of you play games in the games machine, you compute on the computer. And mind you, japs have become massive casuals who barely play anything other than mobage trash.
Am I supposed to know who natalie mars is or is this about the faggot who wants bayo with a bulge just like in his hentai?
this is becoming less and less true though japanese are getting more into PC games in recent years because the consoles are jewing them harder than they are willing to accept as well as PC hardware becoming smaller and more affordable
the new hurdle for japan moving to PC gaming is simply price japanese game companies don't like the cut steam takes so they jew the native japanese even harder than ever on digital downloads
just read here
I mean you could just look up the twitter profile
This is modern PC gaming. The crash cannot come sooner.
Anyway. I am infintely impressed with how shit Sega is with risk management.
Can't wait to hear them start bitching about piracy like did with Sonic Generations, Transformed Racing and Valkyira Chronicles.
Careful not to take the bait.
It gets real hard sometimes
has anyone tried to run it on wine yet?
dmc4 works well so i'm hopeful
There comes a point where one makes so many mistakes they might as well pick their least desirable choice because it has the biggest chance of being correct.
wasted response, none of this trash will get it
installed game, played first 2 levels on the FX6300+750 Ti machine, 1920x1080, 2x MSAA, SSAO off, runs at least as well as it does on the wii u (60 fps most of the time with some drops, and a few minor hitches mostly due to loading lag)
machine is AMD FX-6300 at stock, Hyper212 EVO cooler, 2x8GB DDR3-1600 (I don't have any smaller modules than 8GB), EVGA 750 Ti 2GB, 256GB ADATA ultimate SU800 SSD is the only disk, motherboard is MSI 970A-G43 with AMD 970 chipset, installed Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB pre-activated in AHCI mode, using high performance power profile, defender+smartscreen disabled, firewall disabled (Win10 LTSB does not have telemetry, cortana, windows store, forced updates)
not sure what to say, it seems to run fine
I haven't kept up with those sites in a while, are they still shilling for whatever shit Sarkie's into? If not, it might as well be a consequence of her fading from the gaming scene and fialing to complete her KS promised series.
Also considering the fact that whether Bayo was or not "too sexualized" has always been a matter of debate even with people who otherwise agree with her, since she's a playable character and not relegated to the sidelines the way some other female vidya characters do. (Not that I'm validating her viewpoints in regards to the latter)
In short, the argument against Bayo's characterization wasn't that popular to begin with, probably because it's not a game that's easy to get into, and the people who get to do it know what's up with her.
I lied motherboard still had OC settings saved so the FX-6300 was at 4.1 GHz
Good to know that is basically my PC but I have win7 & MSI GTX 760. Thanks user, I really appreciate the heads up.
nuoh god
I love you to Kamiya. You crazy, bald, son of a bitch.
If only there were ways to influence the video game industry :^)
I'm going to ask again can someone please just try using TexMod just to see if it will hook? Apparently it goes by uMod now. You can get it here
Why the fuck are there so many "press X to not die" quicktime events in this game? You guys told me it was good.
There is a tutorial for use here
How long have you been here faggot? Nobody liked the quicktime events in this game, you are also implying a game has to be perfect to be good. Fuck off nigger
Overclock that bitch. nvidia went overboard on the voltage of all of their 7xx series gpus, i have a 780 and I can get a 17% overclock while running at 6 less mV than stock. I know it's maxwell and not kepler but they still did it with the 750 ti.
it's a trap, makes vidya gaem pr0n.
I want to like this game. The combat is great. But it keeps doing these super long cutscenes of Bayo or the red bitch killing lots of shit, stuff that should be gameplay, and then they throw garbage quicktime events into the platforming. Would you say that a delicious cake with little bits of pidgeon shit scattered in it is good?
so skip the cutscenes you picrelated
I am playing on a pair of R9 Fury X cards in my main machine (although a single one is enough to sustain 60 FPS in 4K with 16x MSAA lol, this game is NOT demanding)
the 750 Ti is just an extra card I have laying around for testing
Next you're gonna flip out about the motorcycle and space-harrier segments
Sounds like you should stick to tetris because every game more complex has flaws.
Played Devastation, Rising, Vanquish, Vietful Joe and DMC.
Which of those is this game the closest too?
I really want to ask something stupid like "is this game good" but I know it is, I just want to know how good.
I want to know what's going on in the story. That requires watching the cutscenes.
Every game has flaws. This game has flaws that would be very easy to fix if the industry wasn't full fucking retard about quicktime events. It's like a really nice car with a terrible paintjob. The terrible paintjob doesn't change how the car handles, but it just shouldn't have the terrible paintjob in the first place. It's not a complicated flaw, it's not an engine limitation or a unintended mechanic, and that makes it worse because it would be so easy to avoid it or fix it.
I like quicktime events, so your opinion isn't objective fact ('◇')ゞ
resident evil 5 is my favorite resident evil game, no jokes ('ω')ノ
Not saying you shouldnt point out flaws but you starting with "you guys said it was good" implies faggots here praised it as a "11/10 perfect game never seen before".
the tab doesn't appear if I try to add the game to umod normally, or use the global hook
if I use the d3d9.dll, the tab appears briefly and then the game crashes.
im trying this on win10x64, legit steam version, and umod r53.
You're a faggot user.
Have you tried 4k monitor overclocking? I'm curious as to how well those 60hz 4k panels overclock, i'm assuming not well because they're more bleeding edge.
Most like the last two
You wouldn't know fun if it kicked you square in the teeth. Anarchy Reigns was great.
thanks for giving it a shot
I've messed with it a little, but my 4K monitor (Dell P2415Q) doesn't like it
my friend has an LG 4K monitor that will go up to 75Hz in freesync mode (this feature is not listed on any spec sheet anywhere) but it also has frame pacing issues in freesync mode soooooo yah
just wait until later this year there are 144Hz 4K monitors coming out with G-SYNC HDR and Freesync 2 standards
Pirate it and do it yourself?
So on scale from 1 to 10 how likely is a Vanquish port now?
If it happens it happens.
There's a big chance that's actually a 75hz panel. I have no idea why manufacturers do this but there are plenty of panels on the market that have 75hz modes on a few resolutions, none of which are the native resolution. So you have to make a custom resolution with an overclock to get there with the native res. I've gotten a few samsung 60hz 1280x1024 panels to 78hz like this.
Have you tried decreasing front/back porch values and also the blanking period? Chances are a 4k monitor is pixel clock bottlenecked, specially since monitor signal standards are still modeled after CRTs. There's a chance your resolution won't have sound and that's because invisible pixels are how some input standards transfer audio, so if you get no audio on a custom res try pumping up the front and back porches.
When are they going to patch Nier? Even the simplest bugs aren't fixed on PC yet.
I'm going to blame denuvo because that needs to be reapplied every patch.
When did SEGA get so based, we need to write a thank you card.
Works fine for me fam. Use a different browser.
What the fuck are you doing?
Those digits.
Maybe i'm just jaded for going so long without a good game coming out but still, nothing that sega hasn't done.
I'm assuming you don't have utf-8 characters on that font of yours.
For a second I thought user was just shit at ASCII. Here's how I see it.
Man, I'd rather face the impossible than get "u tried" reward.
It depends on the publisher. Also there won't be Denuvo on anything old. Except if Nintendo somehow allows them to port games, then they maybe will have Denuvo.
There is still a lot of room for publishers to fuck this up.
What the fuck is playerunknown battleground and why is it beating Bayonetta?
Get out.
Early Access survival.
Oh, it's one of those meme games for streamers and shit.
Luckily, Automata was good. Sex appeal is nice, but it doesn't make a game any more worth playing.
We can dream.
Behold, the two idiots who really had nothing better to do than take hours old bait.
send a copy
[email protected]/* */
To be frank, I really don't have anything better to do right now ie can't play Bayo on this laptop.
When will normalfags learn?
So, how's the port?
Is it actually good and doesn't have denuvo?
You and I both know Nintendo will never allow it. That said, Sega ,being surprisingly based recently, will probably, even if at a snail's pace, make more PC ports.
Anyone know the source of the right blonde girl?
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Port's ok, some people report stuttering or unplayable fps after the prologue, but other than that it's great and no denuvo.
The sound on my game has died whenever I plug in a controller.
Update bios or something?
I remember seeing a passive agressive "sorry not sorry" negative review on Steam saying their USB controller doesn't work.
I used a Logitech F310 and it works without any problems.
i had an issue twice where the game messed with all of my options, including setting music and sound volume to 0. check options?
my graphics cards don't have HDMI 2.0 so I use displayport which works a little differently
captcha: juARrez ( *´艸`)
Holla Forums has [aa] tags for this kinda shit, user.
I bought 2 on wiiU in a heartbeat though
Holy mother of autism batman.
Just wait for the character model swaps to roll in.
I didn't think it was possible to be this much of a dick fellator.
I can't wait to play as Enzo.
There is no question the moment a mod exists to swap bayo's model to the 2 one I'll buy the game.
Won't that be pretty difficult, given how insanely detailed animations are in these games?
No, model swaps work fine as long as the bones line up well enough with the model itself. You don't have to mess with animations themselves.
I am starting to agree a little that they might have altered the port. I remember the lava hazards in Chapter III doing way more damage
Thanks, after setting my 750 to prefer maximum performance the game's run a lot more smoothly
Just play as Jeanne, goddamn
That's not what overclocking means but what you did does help with performance.
Many conflicting emotions flow through me.
This Berenstain altenate universe we are currently living in is pretty fucking sweet tbh lads.
You know what you need to do.
Xbox emulation needs to hurry the fuck up already, goddamn.
Please do hang yourself.
I am so mad I want to delete the game.
The timing should be exactly the same but whatever you were using as a cue changed. That's why good games use audio cues.
Was it the church one? That one fucked me over way too many times
The QTE's truly are a horrible blemish, on a near percent game.
* near "Perfect" game
Can they please fix Nier 2 first. Actually I don't even know if platinum was in charge of the port.
Do you have a magnet?
It's not unlikely, I already see the physics on hte hair and ribbons are pretty fucky and weird compared to the other releases.
Good thing there's one here too then.
Buy the game at full price or shut up, goy.
Do you really know of no fucking torrent trackers?
just lazy
I was a little caught off guard by Fearless and Fairness because their bite attacks don't cause slowdown anymore. Not looking forward to getting reacquanted with Gracious and Glorious
Cues really shouldn't be the problem when it comes to input delay. Bayonetta has great audio cues anyway. Not like it needs them, since enemies can't begin an attack animation when they're off-camera
The lightning-fast ones are always X or square or whatever your left-most button is. It does matter because if you fail one it will count against your final score
Not if you alt-F4 fast enough
Fucking kill yourself, you complete fucking human scum. You would have downloaded the game or at least a big chunk of it by know. It is just a few clicks away. There is no excuse, especially not such a retarded one.
Just being honest. Maybe someone already has a confirmed link on their clipboard, very plausible considering all the piracy talk. No need to be an uppity nigger about it.
Question for anyone who got Bayonetta. How is support normal DirectInput gamepads? And if that's a no-go, does it work with x360ce? (No, I will not buy a goddamn Xbawks 360 controller, I already own a bunch of perfectly good controllers.)
That's what retards always say to hide their own incompetence.
Kill yourself.
That is a very fucking retarded way of think especially considering you can magnet in most cases just with clicks. And even then it would have taken you less time to do it yourself instead of writing a post and waiting for a reply. You are not lazy, you are just dumb.
u 1st :^)
Maybe I don't want to visit piracy sites at work when my vpn is slow as fuck and it's easier to windows-r a magnet link. I asked one of my friends to get me one in the meantime. That clearly doesn't include you faggots.
Feels pretty scrub to resort to that so I try not to. Only time I frequently quit to the title screen to restart something is in W101's Operation 006-B for that 10-minute shooting mission in an operation that's already like half an hour long
As far as I can tell it doesn't recognize my DS4 normally, but it works just fine with DS4Windows (makes it work as an XBOX controller)
runs pretty gud haven't even bothered tweaking any Nvidia settings. A couple of hiccups on the first stage final boss of stage one and on end stage scoreboards but otherwise a solid 60fps.
never a huge fan of lock on being bound to R1. It always felt award to use when R2 was Dodge offset. It would have been nice if it where a toggle (or bound to L1)
I enjoy the game immensely so far and am glad I got to play it as a PC bro.
PS: You can use the mouse for the angel shooting minigame. Which is unfair as shit.
Shit, I should have thought of trying that.
I just got cancer.
Doesn't cuckchan not have sound?
I remember hearing that they had one of the boards allow for 4MB and sound. Now sure which one though.
Is it the one you have to pay for?
Likely wsg where all the redditors repost the shit made here.
Went to check, immediately saw a webm posted with the same 3.78MB filesize and it had sound.
Stop giving Hiroshima clicks
I don't think Hiroshimoot is going to benefit so much from the 3 clicks wasted from me checking to see if it's the board you said it might be in, but OK.
Didn't cuckchan start allowing audio, and also increase the file size limit?
Only on one board.
Fucking finally, only took around fifteen attempts. I could not figure out why I kept eating shit from the bite attacks, I forgot taunting speeds up the boss' animations
I love the port, but one of the biggest issues I have with it are that the loading screens are way too short. You don't have any time to practice combos.
Install it on some spinning rust user instead of your shiny NVMe
Did you know you can press Back/select to extend the practice screen.
Well there's a phrase I never thought I'd see on Holla Forums.
To be fair it's the best place to practice combos. Also sometimes the loading is so fast there's no time to hit the back button. People with SSDs might not even know the combo practice exists.
Nah, man I get the reasoning. Just not something you hear from PC gamers often.
sometimes I smash the back button and still miss the practice screen, or hit it twice and lose it. and I'm playing from a storage HDD.
shit would take literally 20-30 seconds on ps3.
I had forgotten how god awfull all the non-combat sections are. Especially whenever you have to outrun collapsing bridges.
I've been playing this game since it came out on PC, since I am a huge DMC fag and expected it to be quite similar.
Yet it feels very weird for me. The story/writing is complete nonsense and not even in an entertaining fashion and jesus christ the camera sucks. Generally it feels cheap.
The gameplay is pretty okay, but I expected better, does it get more intricate?
On another note, how the fuck do you deal with the dragon head-in-church's bite attacks?
-t. kamiya
spam shoot dodge to the edge of the screen to get witch time us that to get wicked weaves. Do enough DPS to initiate the quick time before you fuck up and get hit.
^I'd embed the video but then there would be no timestamp and I don't really want to give traffic to an SA Goons jewtube video. But credit where credit is due she is good a Bayonetta
Since you're only on the third level of eighteen, before unlocking higher difficulties, and before collecting all of the weapons and most techniques, yeah, it gets more intricate later. It doesn't reach the heights of DMC but it does get more intricate
The right trigger is the dodge button
I don't fucking understand what's happening. Insta-death due to some qualification I can't seem to understand? Am I really going to have to take this down to easy auto to just play the damn game?
Fucking shit this game's bad until you get the options back aaaaaa
You're doing the three torture attacks, right?
No prompts, so I haven't tortured anything. Guess that's the missing link.
The story actually does make Sense after you beat it.
I mean it took me a few playthoughs to GET IT but now I'm like "OH… that's what THAT means, and THAT means THAT."
I had a similar experience when I first played DMC4. I had no idea what the hell was going on, but now it makes sense after I played the whole series.
is it me that im not used to the game or it is hard as fuck?
It's not you Bayonetta is a really Hard game before you get all of your moves and learn how to play properly.
How do you get Platinum on combo? Gaze of Despair?
Use the PPPPP pummeling combo on the dragon heads and taunt to keep your combo up in each phase. Couldn't find a way to keep the combo going between phases, though
Moot gave them sound right before he left according to what I've heard. Havent been there since 2014. So I am going on hearsay.
People said it was /gif/ and /wsg/.
I was going to suggest that someone go post that on 4chan as an idea for admins to make webms with sound or maybe even just webms exclusive to that one board, but then I realized that if he did it it would just send more cancer our way.
Be careful what you say fredrick likes reddit he might ban you for being meany head (^:.
If my understanding is correct the file size was increased from either 2 or 3mb to 4mb and sound was enabled on limited boards.
You are a weaker man then I, I am disappointed in you, I and most anons havent been back since 2014. Keep your resolve user, let it go, any piece of information you can only get by going there is not worth having.
Its not even about clicks, it about the principle. Why leave at all of you are just going to go there for the most mundane unimportant thing?
Does anyone know if the file size increase is any board or just the ones with sound webms.
Using just the regular guns because they get you more combo per damage done, shuraba probably isn't gonna get you enough points unless you manage to get each section of the boss in a full combo, gaze of despair helps but makes the boss way harder.
I think just keeping your combo for the whole last phase is enough to get the target score if you're not using Shuraba
If you really don't give a fuck just come back latter with kilgore, shit just wrecks bosses and gives absurd amounts of points.
the flame claws do it real easy.
How to not suck at the combat?
Is Dodge offset really mandatory?
Wouldn't be so bad if the controls didn't re-invert JUST for those fucking sections.
Also this game thinks normal controls = inverted and inverted = normal. Weird shit man. I'm playing 'inverted' even though it's behaving like every other game does when I select not inverted.
The reason I get my ass kicked is because objects and hostiles keep getting in the way of my camera. If the camera is covered for even a second on harder modes it means getting hit or death. Fucking annoying.
Does Bayo constantly have hairs stuck in her teeth? Does she have a bush like a throw pillow?
Play more, it'll come naturally after you get your ass kicked enough.
Not at all, but it does make the combat more interesting if you master it
She probably has less hair problems than a normal person because of her total control over it.
Sound logic there.
Game goes to shit for me once the graveyard cutscene starts.
as soon as you upgrade from a phenom II your computer life will be so much better. I used to have one as well, they're trash these days.
For those with framerate issues,
This one worked for me for some unknown reason.
I didn't know Micro$haft shills posted on the Steam forums.
The are everywhere, just like SHILLNUVOS™.
Video literally says you can just disable it.
Video is very naive.
Gracious and Glorious feel harder than DMD DMC4 and/or Ninja Gaiden Black.
Fuck them.
Also fuck how my dodge offsets keep turning into the portal kick or witch twist
still love it
Yeah Gracious and Glorious are a real pain in the ass. You spend the whole game being trained to use Witch Time, then these assholes come out of nowhere and throw all that in the trash.
how do you fight them?
I end up having to use lt. killgore or magic spam to wipe them off my monitor. every single time they show up the game ends up not feeling fun at all. they were the only real problem with the game in my opinion.
also why does everyone hate gaze of despair?
I wish I could give you a good strategy but I'm still learning them as well. From what i'v seen you want to use an uppercut wicked weave and then combo them in the air.
Generally you want to be in the air since their only air attack is slightly more reactable or far away.
You can also just use the rosary but that makes some platinum score target impossible
Or perfect parry then waste them before they can do shit.
Or you can go retard mode and just jump and shoot
it works, just needs something kinda strong on your leg slot
Not sure people really hate it but it changes how aggression works on enemies as well as making them harder to interrupt and making your combo point skyrocket
Makes most low level enemies fight trivial, makes Grace & Glory predictable and overly aggressive, the only fights it makes harder are Bosses, Joys, Kinship and Gracious&Glorious but not harder in a good way and coupled with kilgore most of the downsides disappear anyway so it just becomes free points.
Not really. The Third Reich had no ill will against other races, only against criminals who were hurting the German race and other European races. They did not do anything to innocent members of other races, obviously they would not be able to have a German citizenship, but they were allowed to be allies. There were a total of hundreds of thousands of Jewish, Negro, Arab and Asian volunteers in the Wehrmacht and SS.
Our principle is not to only care about our own race, but to prioritize caring about it over other races. Doesn't mean we have anything against other races doing the same, in fact we encourage it. If every race practiced National Socialism, that would be great for all of us.
t. a Nazi
I can't believe I'm having this much fucking trouble with this game. I beat it in highschool, but I can't dodge for shit or control the camera to save my life. Have I just become that accustomed to how easy Plat have made dodging in their new games? I feel like throwing my god damn controller fighting Cherubim on the highway.
I got stuck on the Coliseum boss. Stuck as in, I tried a few times and haven't since then, because I am lazy. It is the witch time thing. You are forced to use it it seems, especially on bosses. There is no way to beat this guy without witch time. Dodging is easy, but you need to get witch time as well or you can't him. Often you can't even if you get the witch time, because he has range attacks as well. This combined with the shitty QTEs can be quite the downer.
And then there is the fact that it even if I don't continue it remember the consumables I used, so I now have none.
can't hit him*
user its only a 28 second webm. There is no point in making it 7gb or 12gb. I think you are just having a fit of autism.
Sega has been pretty good on PC. Most of Platinum Games are already ported to PC aside form Nintendo exclusives. The only other game I can think of off the top of my head is Vanquish. Wonderful 101, Madword and Bayonetta 2 are all Nintendo License and Star-fox is Nintendo property. Lost Order is some Japaneses cellphone game that is not released yet and Granbluefantasy is also not yet released action JRPG and their is no announced plans at the moment to localize it. Vanquish on PC is highly likely if nichegamer is not lying.
'pls KYS
t. Holla Forumsack