Mega Man

Hey user, remember those games you used to love as a kid?

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At least they didn't butcher the graphics into some modern day monstrosity like Square did. You really do need to make the games much easier for a phone anyway.

Touchscreens were a mistake, scratch that. Smartphones were a mistake.


games don't belong on mobile phones.

Neither do browsers, and look what the internet has become.

How can you fuck up emulation this bad.

Watching that just made me realize how much I miss the old days.
Growing up in the late 80's and through the 90's everyone was so excited for what
technology was going to become. Now it's [Current Year] and everything is fucking shit.faggot ass tumblr kids on their smart phones demanding more PTW Games.
If everyone isn't playing shit like candy crush their just starring at facebook.
Any bar I go to that has people 21-35 is awful they just play on their fucking phones.
Consoles have become underpowered PCs and Steam shitting up PC gaming.
Jesus fucking Christ I wish I was dead.


If theres a positive, the old will never be wiped away.

That is true. I've spent the last week just replaying all my favorite NES games.
First time I was genuinely happy while playing games in a long time.

People are still excited, you're just a bitter faggot.
It's (CURRENT YEAR)+2 you stupid nigger.
Nothing has changed, you just got old and bitter. You're saying the same shit people have been saying for thousands of years. You're nostalgiafagging because you're depressed and trying to recapture those good feels from your childhood instead of addressing the real issue.
Women and boomers. Who gives a fuck what they play?
Why are you going to bars?
Welcome to 2001.
Be the change you want to see.

You are not as witty as you think you are.

It's not emulation
its based on the old Java version for flip phones

Most people here aren't Reddit users.

Probably because you were actually playing games, and not interactive movies

That pixel scaling is fucking horrid. Modern phones have high enough res screens that this should NOT be a fucking issue. Not that anyone should be playing anything that requires any reflexes on a smartphone to begin with.

Is this bait? Or are you 14 and have no frame of reference?
Here. Give it a review.

It's like 17fps

It's even worse when you're in "Normal" mode, turbo is the only way to get it the least worst. Fuck this shitty Port. Also infinite lifes, which is good, since this is nearly unplayable.

Can we make this into a shitty port thread, OP?

Not OP but sure go ahead


But at least it's not that shitty, old show from the 90s amirite?




I left halfchan the exact same fucking day they introduced that data mining shitty captcha jewgle botnet system. Fuck halfchan.


Metal Slug did the ports pretty well

skullgirls weird phone rpg is fun

This must be most unnecessarily salty post of the day.

Original Megaman's design was perfect. It was cute, simple and appealing. None of the adaptations needed to change it, but the 90s cartoon does look much better than the new one at least.



Then wouldn't be body sized :3

Not adult body size anyway.

He's the perfect robot shota, if you don't want to be an overt pedo about it and say you like Astro Boy.

That said I love Ice Man/Roll.

Keyboards don't belong on mobile phones either but look at what they keep making.

i bet the 8 bit megaman wishes he died when he slides off the logo

Something about Roll.exe's art made her one of the least interesting Rolls. Just a little bit of stylization makes her great.

Hello mai waifu

i want to roll my finger over the top of her head on the touch screen. gently, of course

What's wrong with Astro Boy?

He's a shirtless boy running around in spats. It's unconventional for a shota to run around like that, butt all nice and on display to oogle.

And now we've got a similar captcha that exists solely to stop surface-level botspam

At least they don't data mine, right?

Consistency or bust.
At lest the new cartoon will look consistently like shit hopefully.

Smartphones aren't for gaming, autist.

I see nothing wrong with this. Changing the difficulty actually makes it worth getting, if they didn't change anything I would rather use the emulators.

Why are all japanese games for pedos?

Hi kotaku.

It's the ones who look shit who get more screen time too.

Because if it's a piece of shit that breaks easily you'll buy more of it :^)

12 year old girls have those too. Plus, the facial structure and head to body ratio resemble children more than adults.

No they don't?
Unless it's some rare case of accelerated hormonal something, but that's, well, RARE.


Yes they do, it's like you've never seen a 12 year old in remotely skimpy clothing.

Why would I?

The 90s show had more respect for the original material, as hard as that may be to believe.

Modern touchscreens suck anyway.

Wake up and smell the Sunshine user

Oh man, I loved Megaman as a kid.

They're more practical. You can't pick up a call while riding a bike with stylus phone.




Capcom humiliate himself for other one day, this is why megaman suck ass.
capcom is a bad company in this moments and is be unable for make one thing good whit megaman.

the best graphics i ever seen.

Nobody but retarded yuppies thought PDAs were useful, Satan.




I still love mega man. I just finished 1, 2 and 3



Christ, is that the dos version?

And how are you supposed to make touch controls good? It's fucking impossible

And well the video issues i can understand, yeah it is a terrible port

A just "ok" concept for the port but a bad implementation, i am guessing the project was just outsourced to some Pajeets

Do you have something you want to tell us?

You don't. The reason touch controls have taken off isn't because they're the most enjoyable type of button, but because they're the most versatile. From a development standpoint, touch screens mean infinite buttons with any placement you want.

Do you not live in a land of degeneracy?

Agreed. Though one of my favorite aspects of the franchise as a whole is how the art changes depending on the tone of the subseries.

I live in America, where you can semi-regularly see 10 year olds in tube tops and miniskirts at your local mall.

Forgive me if I'm wrong because I haven't seen what they did
But how can random chunks of sprite disappearing because of lack of layers be any better than whatever Square did?

It hurts to live

It never took off, it's used on mobile purely because of hardware limitations. It's used on stuff like the DS and Wii U as an extra resource, on that regard you're right that they're very versatile to the devs, optimal for managing menus and doing coordinate related stuff. Games that rely entirely on it play horribly, like the DS Zeldas that had you "point and clicking" to move for no apparent reason other than to boast the DS's touchscren.

Dumbed down so that people don't have to press actual buttons.

I hate everything.

Pretty much nothing does.Except Kikebook and Twatter. Unless you want to post something, then even that must suck, without a keyboard.

I wasn't saying that it took off for videogames, but in hardware in general. Normalfags love touch smartphones and tablets, for whatever reason. It's like they think a tablet is going to replace a laptop somehow, and now there are keyboards for tablets, because SURPRISE, using a touchscreen for any kind of work is shit.

It took off because even retarded people can use this garbage new technology.

Even a fucking nigger with the downs can use these phones. A monkey could probably do it to some extent. You barely even have to know how to read to use this shit.

It was designed for plebs, and it will probably make kids technologically incompetent.

How the fuck are they going to work on phones and tablets? How the hell are they going to learn how to use computers if they spend the first third of their lives doing nothing but posting dumb shit on social media with their retarded hardware?

The idiocracy is real.

And of course, it has ruined everything else. Websites are now designed specifically for this garbage, so pretty much everything sucks. As far as I'm concerned, if it's not html, it's fucking shit. I still use some old abandoned websites from the early 2000s, and they are way better than the new shit.

I guess so.

Some day, user. Some day.

Seriously. I used DOS as a babby, because that's how you used a computer. It's not hard. Nowadays, people think they can into computer because they can use Facebook. While it's true that the bar being lowered has allowed people to accomplish similar tasks with greater ease, and they're therefore technically using computers, it's all abstracted and obfuscated, which means that none of them will learn anything about how a computer actually works.

Tried it, how is the framerate so bad? It doesn't even reach 30fps.

Thanks, Jews.

I really think they are kinda screwed, being trained their entire lives to use this dumbed down fucking trash.

Well, I guess I just have to be glad that I'm not them. Most of them will probably even have a hard time typing on an actual keyboard.

It's going to be a disaster.

I'd like to know too.
I recently played the old nes megaman games in a 3DS. I still believe mm6 is on par with mm1 and the only ones that count are megamans 2 to 5.
Although the best thing about megaman 5 is Protoman's castle music.

Confirmed for dos

It's an crime that it wasn't in a better game, or even reused as a motif in a later game.

I liked all of the games equally.


It's got some really good mixes out there, though.

This one is semi-official. Not a Capcom product, but produced by the original composers.

You mean like this?

is there one for Drills or Forehead?

Are you blind, they fucked it up with a filter.

I completely missed out on megaman as a kid but played through the classic series last year and had a blast.

I also have megaman 8 bit deathmatch and emulation to continue enjoying them and the ones i haven't played yet.

I'm sorry user, but no. You'll have to find some other way to rub your dick with your waifus' faces.

why would god rape us in the dickhole with a pipe cleaner like this?

You should have seen Mega Man Xover.

It's like the universe has decided that death was too good for the franchise. It, instead, has to suffer.

nu-ff1 is an abortion that does not belong in this world. i'd gladly take a poor job at the old graphics over this. that mega man xover game capcom made is another phone abortion that's much worse than these mega man ports.


This is like a butcheres mix of FF1 for the GBA and PSP with high-res HUD elements.

You know what people like? Times New Roman.

hey user, remember a thing exists called emulators and you can get them for free

They seem pretty practical to me.

since when?

you don't deserve those dubs sodomite

That image existed well before the Exodus.

What a fucking abortion.

You are absolutely wrong and I can tell you because that image has the "Check to prove you're not a robot" captcha that moot implemented in late summer to early fall of 2014. That was during the exodus. Dating that image to no earlier than that. You fucking newfag

is the user who's making that battle network game still around here? how's it going so far?

What the shit. I can admit when I'm wrong. Still, site politics aside, its origin doesn't make the image any less funny. It could be from any other site and the core joke would still be solid, as long as they had the same type of captcha. It's pointless to bitch about it.



These are the only Mega Man games I can't bring myself to finish. Even the other outsourced ones, like Mega Man & Bass 2, are pretty good. Hell, I beat Rockboard, but the DOS games have to be among the worst games I've ever played.


Didn't they have alien lion people that turned people into other lion people?

Who could even accomplish such a thing?

It amazes me how people can claim to know so much yet know so little.

I work for a smartphone repair company and I can confirm that 99% of the younglings here don't actually know shit about how programs work. To them it's like a magic spell that you have to press a big shiny button to cast.

I used Excel for the first time 3 months ago and already I know far more about data filtering and formatting than anyone else there.


This place is intercultural.


It is interesting how the first episode used the overseas names even in the Japanese version. It even has the same voice actors from the cartoon and was dubbed before that came out.

Which versions for DS Battle Network and Starforce are the better and/or more filled with female characters?

Man of Action can't make good cartoons. Ben 10 was a fluke.

It had more but not much.

XOver gave us Pimpman which gave me a good laugh.


What are buttons? There is literally no such thing as a buttonless smartphone.