This junk came out long time ago and went under the radar (or nobody cared), what can you say about it?
This junk came out long time ago and went under the radar (or nobody cared), what can you say about it?
can you have traps in?
shit art and no porn
its ugly and also boring
HuniePop was fantastic and I have no idea why this game even exist.
From what i seen it's just an idle game whit many things to wait for, nothing more than that?
As a crossdresser and Holla Forums-tier bitch who is accurately portrayed in this game by fellow Holla Forums-tier bitches, this game is fucking on-point.
like hoes outright have makeup and shit running down their face and using excess lipstick with a shitty base to avoid it rubbing off.
If Holla Forums wants to learn about the life of skanks, this is the game to try.
And there are all these people our games are not diverse and hateful to queers.
I wish they used western art, it would had made the game more unique
maybe you should make a thread on /hgg/ about it.
i mean, if they changed one of the elements of the first game, at least it would have been decent, but man… this is a hot pile of shit
any info if there was a shift on the studio's workers?
i thought it was a skipping stone for the next real game?
All I can say about it is that I have no intention to ever play it.
Fuck that Tumblr crowd and their shit.
like listen up bitch Holla Forums is far more accepting of me in a very non-passive aggressive way. Tumblr and the like just ACT like they want me around. But fuck when I mention that I rather play Titanfall 2 with my white, cis male friends it's like I committed a murder.
Fuck that shit, I don't want to hang out with niggers because it's "politically correct". Niggers treat me worse than anyone I know.
Holla Forums is by FAR more accepting of me than anyone in the Tumblr or Twitter bullshit communities. To the majority of uou, I'm just a faggot, like everyone else, and I like that.
If you can't fuck them, what's the point.
Hmm? Why did we NOT like a game that pisses all over the fanbase from the first game?
Maybe how he made all the girls from the first game get canon bad ends and end up as being cam whores. Or maybe the changed art style this one being shit or how about the lack of lewd?
This 'game' is ass. We had threads here for the original game that I posted in it was fun Beli is best girl. but this was garbage.
It's worse then that, it's an idle game you can't actually idle. The whole game is madly clicking things trying to stay afloat until you realize it's a giant pile of shit and never look at it again. It could of been a perfectly comfy management game selling women to strange men, but no they made that shit instead.
I remember polls from twitter about it.
80% of people wanted original art style but you still decided to keep this one.
15% wanted anime. He had total of 5% support.
I am aware of how many faggots are here.
I just love how this guy destroyed everything SJW possibly have against us in one post.
Huniepop was kind of cute but was ultimately a really boring and shallow dating sim with a fun puzzle game and not enough porn. This shit is so much worse.
Spot on. The game is really frantic. There are a million little timers counting down and they all demand action the moment they hit zero or you'll fall behind. It would have been better with a more Rollercoaster Tycoon-esque pace, but instead it plays like fucking Whack A Mole.
You deserve to be cucked by your waifu.
I thought it was fun cornering the market for fat asses, sshame there is only 3 girls with the thick ass trait.
Western art outside classics is mostly shit anyway.
I was excited when they first announced it, since I love management games, but it's just a clicker with shit art.
I've been rolling something my head around for a while.
Assuming it was decent, would you play a Hunie Pop RPG? (Same characters, story starts out looking trashy but by the end your looking into the characters flaws, etc)
The art is god awful.
At least Huniepop was a novel concept that looked good and had charm, even though the gameplay was shallow and the characters were barely one-dimensional.
Huniecam is an ugly game that does away with the charm of Huniepop and looks like some sort of cheap cash grab aimed at the (nonexistent) Huniepop fanbase.
I mean, just look at the art 'evolution'.
A nice, if generic-looking, portrait of an anime girl. Based on the pose and her sweater, you can gather that she's withdrawn, but the expression on her face and the length of her shorts imply she also has a curious side. A pretty girl that's a bit on the frumpy side because she doesn't go to any great lengths to look as good as she could if she put the effort in.
Steven Universe fan-character. The pose says nothing and is just trying to emulate the original without taking into consideration what the original hand gesture was implying about the character's personality. Drawing legs is haaard.
What happened with that?
huniepop was actually a decent match three game, in the later stages it actually gets pretty hard. And had the added benefit of titties. huniecam is just obnoxious.
I had major problems with how the original game forced you to act like a Chad and when i found out what happens to best girl because of that i lost all interest in the sequel.
Also, the art style is garbage.
Did the dev regret what he did with/for Hunie Cam?
Or was it a case everyone was hoping for real porn/a true sequel and he didn't make it clear it was a cheap & short game?
He's going back to the old art-style for the next game at least.
People will play anything if it's not shit. Everyone is shitting on the camwhore game because it's shit, like and points out. So a Hunie Pop RPG could work just fine.
westerners don't understand these things, why do you think everyone has red noses and cashew mouths in tumblr art
Play the superior pimp simulator.
i dont see enough gyarus
It's a clicking simulator, seriously. All the challenge is in clicking fast, it's a joke after you get an autoclicker to do that for you.
I had hoped that with the change the characters would at least be fleshed out a little more, since almost the entire cast being trashy bitches was amusing. It ended up being a timed clicker game with a few references to said trashy bitches. And now the dev is talking about trying to get the new game on the switch, which kills any hope of the girls being bad people or it having porn.
At least they are learning from their mistakes.
I bought it the day of release and never even started it up. Huniepop was top shit though.
All girls are randomized.
The Sealed Girl Room games were great, but this one suffers form lack of translation. I can't for the life of me understand what to do.
It was a lousy clicker game posing as a business management sim. Whoever thought that art style was appropriate for a porn game ought to be horsewhipped.
Only that heart pupils are cancer
Try this thread:
It has a link to a translation patch and a few pages back a guide for the game.
Thank you user.
While it's obvious the dev won't do it, should future HuniePop games have in depth VN style descriptions of dates and sex?
Thank you. Every so often I need a reminder that all the problems associated with faggots are usually just Tumblr. Frontier Defense when?
How about the West manages to actually shit out a porn game worth something for once?
No. It's already incredibly shit in japanese games. I scroll right through them usually, it's all the same shit that has no character development, no story progression and usually kills my boner with retarded dialogue.
Fair enough. God writing lewd is so hard. Less than a quarter of the synonyms for genitals sound good.
I just wanna solve some puzzles and see some tits. HuniePop did it pretty well, HunieCam did not.
Because it's tumblr "art"?
garbage art, shitty idle gameplay. the devs are based but it's just a bad game, especially since huniepop was so unexpectedly fun
Well, here's hoping they learned from it.
I'm not against devs making smaller scale projects- providing said project still delivers on art-style & is still engaging or at least comfy.
the confusing part is they had polls all over the place asking what we thought of the new artstyle and the "no, the new artstyle's fine no big deal" answer won every single time. personally i like the devs but i think they cooked the books on that one. i know for a fact that they lucked out with the artists for huniepop and hired them for way less than they were worth, so likely they just didn't want to spend the money to re-hire them, but still, i think the game would've been tolerable at least as fap bait if the art wasn't the weird style they settled on
yeah thats we have 'moving images' to do the writing.
All the fun of motion-tweening.
And that weird effect where they warp the static image like they used to do in porn banner ads.
I was nonplussed as well. Have the writers never heard of the many worlds approach to VNs?
I don't think the events of Huniecam Studio are canon.
If Hunie Pop even has a canon at this point.
I don't have a link or anything to prove it, but I recall HuniepotDev saying that there isn't really a canon for the "Hunie Universe". Which is why Nikki's bust size changed between games.
Get the fuck out.
Fuck off, literally no one cares that you crossdress. That is completely irrelevant and you just came into this thread to bring it up to get attention. You brought literally nothing into this thread other than "LOOK AT ME, I'M A TRAP, GIVE ME ATTENTION!" Fucking kill yourself.
t. user who likes to dress up as a girl
It seemed like it gave my statement more validity.
I do though.
I thought the general consensus was, as a manager type game it is solid, the reward however is little to none. Not enough lewds to keep you increasing your numbers.
Is she kill?
I can say that it's mobile trash with shit art.
Seriously how can you go from HuniePop, to that. There's no excuse considering the shekels they made from the first game. It's a downgrade in every way, and the game itself isn't even good. It's literally a fucking flash game.
The art's good for the game. Having a cutesy character with AIDS is funny. Having more mature anime art and seeing your waifu with AIDS would be tragic.
Listen user, this is nice to hear and everything but you really should get around to posting some pics.
I don't get the whole rainbow tier thing? is it higher than high tier because of it's position?
Or is it lower because it's rainbow hair? Agree on all the rest though, Audrey is a cunt.
Git gud
Game had potential. But the "rock-hard" mode was ridiculously hard, above and beyond the "git gud" range. Contrast this with HuniePop's Excellent hard mode and the satisfying 18-Day challenge achievement.
Also, having to hold down left click for an hour and a half sucks. That's what you're getting when you buy this game.
That was pre-valentines day patch DLC which made Audrey Bestgirl also because she was confirmed virgin.
Also the Dev was lurking/posting on 4cuck /vg/ and the VA's were recording phrases for anons.
The Dev knew he was fucking over the fanbase with hunnipop 2 the whole time as he was being told and just did it anyway. He's a fucking faggot and his game should be ignored.
Go dig through cuckchan /hpg/ archive search "vocaroo". The voice for the catgirl was there she was posting vocaroos. Audery VA was there too.
Anons could request some not too lewd things. I got Momo's voice actor to say "Master yes!".
I also flamed the shit out of the now confirmed traitor faggot dev about how much of a lazy faggot he is.
Found it:
gee do you think maybe there was meant to be a tinge of irony in the statement? do you think youre smart for figuring out hes an asshat?
None of those Vocaroo links work anymore.
They have backup links on MEGA:
http s://!1BkWgKAZ!8jZym1EDhmQGh5-LfKbg7Q
Thanks, user.
Looks like I'm not senile yet.
The ayy and cat are. Also the teacher and blonde student are alright.
Don't worry user, I remember that too, so I can vouch for you.