4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite procedurally generated game?

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I'm losing control and I just want to talk. I don't have anyone else to talk to.

I didn't play any video games today. I watched some animu though… I guess that's fine. Any good shows recently? Last show I watched was a little bit of Flip Flappers while that was airing, but I haven't gotten past I want to say the 4th episode of that.


Hey how are you goin

what's the matter

Morning everyone


Getting fucking drunk every day and will maybe finally play some games. Its going to be awesome.

I felt pretty good chatting up some cuties but then things stopped going well, I just want something to go my way for once

Hi user, whats up?

What anime did you watch?

I'm going to try that dragon maid thing at some point the next couple of days.

I'm doing good, hows your day user?

Is dorf fort procedurally generated?

Had a decent day off. Mowed some guy's lawn and hung out with one of my m8s.

Idk Binding of Isaac I guess.

I was in the mood for some Shounen-tier shit, so I watched some My Hero Academia. It's alright.

Morning all. Long day of work, glad to be home and kicking back with some vidya. Had a nice big glass of pink lemonade today, it was good.

It's a weird feeling knowing this upcoming Tuesday is my last day at work. The time has passed so quickly, looking back.

I guess Terraria? Been ages since I played that since I got bored of it. Thought I played DST together with a friend every now and again, though I enjoy it more because I'm spending time with her and not so much the game itself.

what's on your mind user?

Nice Soritsu! Glad to hear you're able to get a few days of R&R.

undertale 20's freeroam with its proceduarlly generated challenge mode was pretty good


They're shit.

Did you not even know who?

Guess so. Hows your day been user?

Not my kind of anime.

Its going to be tough to go back to work after a 3 and a half day weekend.

also it feels like there's a brick sitting in my gut so I can't eat the lasagna I've cooked despite being hungry, shit's uncomfortable as fuck

There are a few public housing units that I mow the lawns at every now and again. Pay's decent I guess.


Still can't manage to force myself into finishing this design.

I got the robo titties in the general area I want them but have no ideas on how to construct the rest of the robot.

I've felt like a depressed and anxious piece of shit all day but other than that I guess my day was good?

I'm just under too much stress. I feel too tired to do anything about it.

Drinking box wine and listening to Monk. Could be worse, could be better.

giving it an actual torso would help alot

Ahhhh. Might be nice to be able to get a few extra bucks like that

Ayyy what you been up to legoanon?

Whats got you anxious?

What else you do today user?

Stress from what exactly?

Ayyyy monica. Fucking love some box wine. Wish I had got some today. How was your day user?

ya think?

also an updated image with the modified heels, less chunky and more heel-like

Literally nothing but working. Yay wage slavery!

no kidding. I remember having to go back to work after an entire week off. I considered being "sick" for that first day back, just to avoid one more day. But I got over it.

Because i've spent nearly two years at this place, and it's just weird knowing I won't be going back there anymore for work. I guess it's that same feeling you get when you're graduating high school sort of. I don't really know how to describe it.

Why don't you tell us what's on your mind user? Maybe getting it all off your chest will at least relieve some of the stress.

very much so since it's out of proportion to your legs

these are almost physically painful to listen to.

do you got the full pic?

God fucking damn it.

Thats my life lately too. Considering buying a fun car with the money at least.

I ended up quitting a job because the hours got so low that it was hard going back in because of it.

Ah, well good luck at your new job.

Its a mech. Their torsos are supposed to be small.

This will also help with allowing the mech to hold its rifle with both hands.


This hasn't been a very good day. I need a strong drink and a good nap. At least I got donuts.
I can't think of any that I actually play.

Who? Are you the guy with the notgirlfriend?


Pretty good actually, got hold of some reefer after over 4 months sober, quite worth spending time with a bunch of normaIfags. All in all it was a good easter.

How bout ya?

I've done that before and it really ripped apart my confidence for a couple months. I won't be doing that again any time soon.

Well then, I forgot my internet speeds were up'd since my last phase where I watched a bunch of anime. This is really nice.

nip animu "mechs" sure but actual decently designed western mechs are vastly superior


Can't blame you there if you were getting shitty hours.

Thanks user.

are you that guy that got beat up by that one girl's boyfriend? keep in mind she might be bullshitting just to see how you react.

I mean yeah sure those would be a cinch to make since there's a lot less needed detail wise.

I'm just so fucking miserable at my job. It's literally eating me up inside, and destroys all of my motivation to do anything. I'll get home from work, take a shower, go to bed, and it becomes a countdown before having to go back. All the dread sinks in and I don't end up doing anything I like.

An hour for what?

Fucking lucky. Hoping I get some myself today but its a 1 in a million shot at it.

I'm just glad to be off work. Bought some wine, rum, and some airplane booze. Been comfy.

Ahhhh oh yeah. Hows your life been otherwise?

Ay yo hows the car market over that way? Might be worth a trip to buy one there instead of here.

t. hanks.

Yeah. Turns out that's why she wanted me to meet her fucking sister. I played god and this is my punishment. I'm not entirely sure how to deal with this besides yelling.

My reaction is "I want to punch you in the stomach until I can guarantee nothing is coming out and then never talk to you again." Pregnancy doesn't warrant meeting family, it's an errand. It's like being out of garbage bags or dish soap. You go buy the thing you need and then the problem is solved.


don't make me shitpost mech warrior at you now

Me too user, me fucking too.

Do you live on your own? Or could you quit and be NEET for a while? Is it working itself doing it to you or this specific job?

I'll just shipost the "other" battletech at you


Thats so fucking hilarious. I warned you brah. I fucking warned you

too bad here's metal fatigue instead

I guess going out with a girl who cheated on you with her boyfriend is a pretty big red flag. at least it's a new learning experience.

Shitty deals or social skill issues?


My only real connection is a family member who will sometimes break it out at family shit. So hoping since its easter he will bring some.

I am not about to be trapped. Even if I wanted one this is an awful time for one. I am unemployed and applying for MINIMUM WAGE jobs so "I'm pregnant" better be followed up with either "just kidding" or "we'll get rid of it on monday and then get a pizza."

Yeah, that was a mistake. But I don't want to die alone and the way I drink and smoke and just act in general, I've got 10-15 years left in me if I had to guess. I can feel myself slowly falling apart. If I had to be alone too I think I'd just end up drinking until I choke on my own vomit, or sit up playing games until I pass out and split my head open on my desk.

no u

Couldn't tell you honestly. I haven't been looking for a car since I've had one for years. Albeit it's a shitty '93 Toyota with about 154,000 miles on it. But it gets me where I need to go, so I don't mind.

But I honestly have no idea what the car market is like here. Sorry.

anytime friendo

sorry to hear user. Sounds like you're stuck in a rut. Try doing something different to at least make it a little less hellish.

Yes, I live on my own. I shouldn't quit and become a NEET, because I need the money. It's this job, I never had this issue at any other job. I'm only working here, because more hours and pay, but it's just pure misery. All I think about is quitting, or finding something else.

It's my job, it's just a miserable place to be at.

I don't know what to do. I just want to quit, but I can't even be bothered to look for another job.

if you really cared, you could probably change all that. I know you can do better than the bitch you got.

Real talk though this show was a fucking treat.

Looks like a Tau Drone mounted on a Tau Battlesuit's legs

what's the matter?
where do you work?

I don't think I do care, though. I think I'm trying to make it come faster and I just don't want to be alone when it happens.

Shhhhhh enjoy the kid. Name it after me!

Thats alright. I barely know enough shit to buy one on my own anyway I guess. Will have to take my pops with me which sucks.

DO IT. It isn't worth the money if you are dying inside from it. Getting something easier that just covers your bills for a while. Stop procrastinating. Hell take some "sick days" if you need to so you can apply places.

counter real talk, go play metal fatigue

NBA Street

talk 2 da x man fam

If that kid comes out, I'm going to move to Mexico and live out my days surrounded by sombreros, chalupas, and beheaded farmers.

You should do some maths and make sure it isn't the last guys kid btw

Ay yo monica check it out whats good

kids is da best thang i dun w/ mah life n i ain't rly get on track musically till i had sum monica wuz good

wasn't finna post 2 nite tbh den i rememberd dat lent b ova n shit

It doesn't matter whose it is because this time next week it's gone.

I'm not rich or creative, DMX. I don't think they'll do much for me except eat up time I could be using to do other things.

How was the maccas fish sammich?

If she wanted you to meet the family, she isn't getting rid of it.

Maybe you can find a job doing something you'll like. What kind of stuff do you enjoy?

eh, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Do yourself a favor and get a used car though. If you buy brand-new, the value drops dramatically in just a year, when the next model rolls out. Look for a car from early 2000s-2009 at the latest. Secondly, have a set amount of cash you want to spend on said used car. Whether it be $3000, $2500, or whatever, and have it in cash. Used Cars Salesman are weak for actual cash. Plus, by buying it out-right, you don't get jewed into the financing game. You gotta haggle though, that's the only real roadblock, and some of those guys are piss easy to talk down.

t. someone who took a Dave Ramsey course in HS

It's your own bed, faggot.

a nigga usually get sum anchovy pie tbqh but das fridays monica. actually chicken filet had a lto fish joint dat was quite tight tbh

ye i feel ya monica but iz grind time if u got a bun in da oven

hey monica I fixed dat pic 4u




If it's not legally a human yet I should be okay to just punch her in the stomach until it's gone, right? I hope I can at least make her keep quiet about it until after Easter

I will stick my dick pretty much anywhere. When I was 13 I stuck my dick in a fat woman 7 years older than me. For several years I was sticking my dick in the goth girl from next door. Last year I stuck my dick in a woman twice my age.

I am taking the bun out and throwing it in the bin. There might be a bun eventually but it will not be in this oven and not for a few more years. I don't know if there will ever be a bun because I don't even like buns. I might just will everything to my brother to pay for college for his inevitable kids when I die.

I'm looking at 2000-3000k used 90s cars. Actually saw a late 80s rx7 earlier a couple hours away from me for 1500.

I ain't into no fish tbh. Shrimps the only seafood I like

i put u in as da dota spider iz hard 2 find spider faces dat go good ova ppl faces @ da time i ain't kno u ain't fuk w/ da assfaggots monica

You knew you were gonna knock a bitch up eventually.

oh u brit? ye ye i'd stop w/ da procreatin too

and I ain't no bee bitch so y u callin me honey?

oh well

This post is seemingly missing context. Who the fuck are you talking to? Unless you're just trying to give advice in general. In which case, thank you for advising against sticking my dick in your mom xdddddddddd.


shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet you ain't livin fam

I'm talking about the one user in the thread that is bitching about how he got a girl pregnant.

I work in a college for the evening/night shift as a custodian. I've worked as a custodian before and it's pretty chill job if you know what you're doing.

I'll get there, I'm just tired all the time. I know what needs to be done, but I just don't do anything about it.

I'm miserable at my new job.

I've only had one kind of job, being a custodian. I'm really good at it, even though I'm treated like an idiot at my new job. I don't know what kind of job I'll like, it'd have to be something that provides training cause I don't know much outside of doing labor type work.

this is why you get dicks stuck in you rather then sticking it in others

Yeah, I noticed afterwards. I could not resist the shitpost.

I think I was banking on it not being this one. Reckless living is fun so there's that too. I'm sure I can sort this out with her. Then spend the money not going to child support on a new sex toy.

No, bin is just really close to bun so I thought it fit.

Fuck, that's what I forgot to get with groceries. I really like honey in my tea.

I'm sweet enuff tbqh happy easter monica

you slangin rock? actually now's the time to hit up family members who may be able to help you get a job real talk fam. they'd be sypafetic or w/e kno'n ya got a kid on da way monica


ayy that sounds pretty nice then. I wouldn't go that old personally, but hey if it doesn't have 200,000+ miles on it and is in tip-top condition, why not?

I definitely feel you there. I'm not much good beyond my own physical ability of moving some heavy shit and cleaning. I work in foodservice though, which involved two of those things already, on top of learning how to make some food. Well, I'd use "learning" loosely, my NEW gig i'm going to will have a lot to teach me. The gig I'm leaving didn't really have me making/cooking much of anything beyond frozen burger patties, frozen fries, etc.

Maybe look into finding some kinda factory shit. Its boring but it pays well and isn't hard.

Whys this custodian job so much worse for you than the ones before?

I've always got local honey on deck here. That shits amazing.

Been a while. Had an empty house for a couple of days and the loneliness is really setting in. I don't even really like talking to people, I just don't want to be alone.
How the hell do people even make friends these days? Everyone at work is 20+ years older than me, I'm out of school and uni, my hobbies are solitary or niche, and I'm just so tired and depressed all the time that I don't even want to get out of the house.

Homopanpedospider detected. Please tell me you saved my mspaint masterpieces, because I didn't.

yo even tho it ain't based on too much troof da ivan iv movie pretty tight monica

The whole small lightweight affordable car from nippon thing really died coming into the 2000s for the most part or else I'd get something newer.

I wouldn't mind getting a wrx but those are so overpriced for what they are.

Do online friends count? Because thats the only way really in my opinion.

I had some a while ago but I never got around to buying more. Maybe they sell it at the place I'm interviewing on Thursday.


Im a 27 yr old who tried to break out of neetdom by going to university but is probably going to get kicked out this week. Trying to set up a stable career while being a socially anxious autist is impossible.

Make friends on Holla Forums then drive half the country to meet them like a fucking lunatic of course. I made most of my friends at church. Also the gym.

nuffin fam dun worry about it monica

ayyyy fam it ain't yo fault monica. jus buk up monica

I meant this

Where you interviewing? And don't buy your groceries there after the interview geez

Why are you being kicked out?

mah fuqqn sides fam plz stohp

Yes, there was also the one with the poorly pasted furry tail but that's good enough. FUCKING HOMOPANPEDOSPIDER GET THE FUCK OF MY BOARD REEEEE

A produce stand.
Before? If I don't buy it there I'm gonna forget.

Indeed so. You just gotta shop around, find a model you like, and compare prices to other ones of that model for sale I suppose.

Quality content. It's what I do.

love you too babe

Oh right its easter. Hoping my family doesn't bug me today honestly.

Like one of those outdoor ones? Sounds shitty.

Hate dealing with dealers. Would rather just get one of craigslist.

It would but the group is eating itself because they're all just as jaded as I am.

Poor academic performance. I just stopped going last year semester 2 but stayed enrolled for centrelink welfarebux. Everything is team oriented and one awkward moment is enough for me to panic and not go to that class again.

I always found it amusing how well done dmx is compared to everyone else. Its also missing an allosaurus.

fuck I didn't realise that was Smokes
Sheeeiiit, I also forgot God Collins
I fixed it 4u agen


I looked this one up and it's nicer than most around here.

He probably thought stuff it after Snake

I mean yeah, that would maybe be easier. But it's sketchier too.

Are you going to drift it and shit

so what's the issue, it sounds easy or is that the problem

shiiiiiet monica you know im straight hood STRAIGHT HOOD. life ain't no etch a sketch for me shiiiiet

You just gotta make 1 or 2 really close online friends honestly. Someone to shoot the shit with whenever and play stuff with.

You britbong? Don't they have good NEETbux over there?

Ahhhh well good luck with that. Hope it ain't too hot

Go fuck yourselves you stupid fucking unwelcome niggers.
You somehow manage to be almost as big a nuisance as that obese virgin sad fuck mark.


More like just drive really fast on twisty mountain backroads here.

Wheres my (You)

It's pretty mild around here and the job's only 3 days a week even if I get it. I'm not worried.

1/10 shitpost to be honest oneesan family

I'll take that as a yes
I've been watching Initial D, I finished the first season yesterday

Aus. We have good neetbux but it's not a great way to live. I just want to be a respectable member of society

You could be respectable by saying you're a boong

I regret getting full time work. Part time is so much comfier.

First season is easily the best. I still haven't watched a couple of the later seasons honestly.

you realize society doesn't give one fuck about you and it's only your family that would

I had one really close offline friend but I left the city.
Mate I can't even find singleplayer games that I enjoy, let alone multiplayer ones and reliable friends. At least I have dnd.

If I had my way I wouldn't work at all but my savings from the last job aren't going to last forever.

That's a good idea, except I don't have any family willing or able to help me. I suppose my life is equally as miserable as my job.

Yup, that's exactly me, except I'll never work in food service, because it's too damn hot in those kitchens. I don't know how you do it, but you must be one cold blooded human.

I've been looking for laborer type work, because it pays hell of a lot more, but it requires a driver's license. I've been working at acquiring one, but I'll have to pay for the entire service at a driving school just to get one.

I'm not able to relate to any of my coworkers, so most times I don't even talk. I'm not allowed to listen to music. I have to abide by all this little rules that impair my ability to do my job. I feel like an idiot, a child, that needs permission to do the very thing I'm hired to do.


…uh huh. Well, just don't get raped or drugged & have your organs removed to be sold on the black market or something when you meet up with some shady dude from craigslist about his car.

Isn't dnd really a social thing? Why you complaining about m8s?

And I mostly just watch shit on kiketube with my best bud mostly instead of gaming.

Usually I work for a while and save the money for NEETlife but this time I'm probably going to blow it all on nippon trip and a car. Shit sucks.

Wait you don't have a drivers license? And why are you paying to learn? Its easy as piss.

m8 I am the shady dude from craigslist

I was a bit surprised half of it was Slice of Life

he's right you know, you're all massive faggots and why Mark fails to ban these obviously not vidya thread must be due to his Jewish blood

It is pretty damn comfy. Just wait for the silly shit with his girlfriend in season 2.

If I'm being honest, I often secretly wish I would get hit by a car or something. Not fatally, just bad enough that I can get on disability and not have to work. My mom and stepdad are on it and it has set a bad example for me. They are legitimately disabled though. She lost an eye to cancer and broke her back in the past so she needs a walker to get around and he has a very bad heart. I spend so little money that I could probably live comfortably on disability.

Try to get certified autism or something? Can you get disability for that there?

I forgot how much music I had downloaded. I decided to start going through my stash, and I'm surprised how much I've gathered over the years.

No, I don't have a driver's license, and I've never driven before. I don't have anyone to teach me how to drive and even if I did, they wouldn't be able to teach me to pass the road test. It's not hard, but I need someone to teach me how to pass the test.

someone make my dream RTS for me pls, kthxbye

I dunno. I'm not sure I can convincingly fake being that level of autistic, either.

shame that it's over
Unless if they'd reboot it with a Toyota (GT)86

Hey fagit.

Are you american? Cause passing the test in the states is retardedly easy. They rubber stamp that shit practically. Learning the written bit takes a weekend. Learn the driving bit in a parking lot or something. Its really not that hard.

Please god no

no you say hello to me faggot

I knew it would work.

I'm definitely not that autistic for real. Anyway, I'm going to bed. I'm still running on fumes. Hopefully nobody calls before 1 pm today.

Not ready goyim
I could see it in 6 years time

Procedurally generated is almost always shit.
terraria is pretty good

No u.

Thanks I guess.
So what part of a choco cornet do you eat first?

You're right, it's "retardedly easy," except it's still in my best interest to have some time behind the wheel before taking the road test and the last thing I want to do is fail a road test was cause I didn't drive the way they want me to.

Had an inspiration mind boner.

The Verteidiger Riot Control and Law Enforcement Exoskeleton is a heavily armored bipedal vehicle designed for a wide range of law enforcement applications. Its reinforced arms are strong enough to reach into crowds and nab persons of interest, while its legs can withstand sustained attacks from rioting insurgents. Its low pressure rifle can fire special beanbag rounds the size of baseballs, and can be retrofitted to fire tear gas canisters.

Has a range of mobility options, low temp jump jets on the back allow it to leap onto rooftops, while its retractable wheels allow it high ground speeds to pursue suspects attempting to flee in vehicles.

quite the oppposite. I get hot pretty easily, but I guess I'm able to endure thanks to playing summer sports back in high school, or maybe it's genes since my dad was a brick layer for the better part of 20 years. I got no problem busting a sweat as long as I got plenty of water to drink. Plus, I DO enjoy cooking, it's the stress of a dinner rush and shit like that I can't stand though. By now i've just accepted it's part of it and I have to take the good with the bad.


looks like this


Night user!

Naaaaah I doubt it. Though they still do makes games and shit so who knows

How much cash are those shitty classes anyway?

Alright I'm out. I'm singing tomorrow today at church. I hope it goes well and no one notices how depressed I look.

Really though, I only ever meet people on craigslist in public places like walmart or mall parking lots. Plus I'll at least know that the car can run a bit if he has to drive an hour to meet me.

Night fam, good luck. Hit on some qts

Good night dino tits.

sing some death metal

That's pretty neat.

Changing the magazine to a bigger, more obvious drum style magazine. I think it works better since its technically holding baseball-sized rounds.

Someone just ruined my dub spree.

Death metal is shit.



that's true, and meeting them up in a very public place is a no-brainer.


it's pretty nice on the side there

you mean these dubs?

That's not how you do it.

Death metal a shit
Deep Jazzy House is comfy top tier

$600 for 5 hours, plus car rental for road test, and to have a road test scheduled within two weeks.


Go to embed related, filter by new comments first, then scroll down a bit. I will NEVER EVER truly fuck off

I'm hot all the damn time. I don't even own a winter coat. I wish I could have your blood.

Dude just buy a fucking beater, drive it on the side streets around your house, shit.

No one is supposed to know about my shitposting acount.
Seriously fuck off.

I live in a city, it's not the same as being in the comfy rural areas of the country.

You know there are easier ways to tell us you have shit taste

While I dislike death metal, jazz is just a whole lot worse.

I don't think you read it right user. I get hot all the time, even if it's 65 degrees outside sometimes. It takes nothing for me to break into a sweat. I love and savor the cold. The only difference is that I don't mind breaking a sweat, except in public when I'm with people, because I sweat a lot because i'm a fat ass.

I can only really "endure" the heat of the kitchen due to having sports practice in the 100 degree heat during high school, 8 hours a day on the week days. 4 hours of practice, break and go home, then come back again for another 4 hours is the way we did it those days. It was absolute hell. Got nothing to do with blood friendo.

Oh well RIP then

you have a serious account?


Seriously, you faggots need to get some taste.

Its not Jazz
Its Jazzy EDM

Its good for activating the old brain almonds

Jazz is nigger shit
EDM is also nigger shit
prove me wrong

This is why I hate booze, it just gets me gloomier than usual.

It's shit.


brighten up homo

You don't need to go that far man.
You can still have musical taste outside of anime.

That just means you haven't drank enough yet

Wish I could fag

I think EDM is too broad a term for you to be generalizing it so recklessly.

At least its not Electro Swing

Maybe if you get a job

Why does 4am have no musical taste?

turn on a lamp

Closest I got

Tbh he should just swallow a bunch of glow stick fluid.

Do you have a bunch of songs I can download then
Going on a drive tommorow

like this?

Speak for yourself

i'm outta here niggas
sleep tight you puppers

Well, I'm off to bed and I'll think about what I've been told. Goodnight.

Look up Richard Wagner.
The guy made a bunch of real good songs.

You ain't got nothing on a /mu/ vet kiddo.

Night fams!

Top lel apparently country Nightcore is a thing

Got somewhere to download them, my typical torrenting place got shutdown

That's your problem right there


Kill it!

Yes, I have autism.
What exactly did you expect?

Here's a palette cleanser

Karen Souza is top tier Lounge singer and musical waifu

Good Luck.
I can't remember any of the sites I got my collection from and I'm too cheap to seed.


Just link me to what ever the main torrent site is these days and I'll be on my way

Nothing really, so do I, just saying even back in the day mu had shit taste. This coming from someone who used to browse it.

Rutracker, alternativly what.cd

I've been getting shit faced drunk and taking pain pills like candy for the last week. I wish someone would love me.

you could love your self

thanks, now to download some Phil Collins

I bet if I did that I'd just end up running off with a dyke or a nigger like the last two..


Because clearly I have that effect on women.

nah, getting some self respect usually does good things for you

At this point in my life I really think that is a load of shit. If this was 15 years ago when I didn't have my shit together I'd believe that. However, I had everything going for me. I have a good job, was happy and finally in good shape. They still fucked me over and treated me like trash. The worst part is I miss them, if I could just have one of them back. Makes me feel even worse than trash.

You have the effect on woman that makes them a Nigger?

I could just get a mega link if you want.

your living situation isn't the same as your mental state and emotional reasoning, these things effect your general attitude which open you up to shitty people. I suggest you first learn to not need anyone not because I'm insulting you but when you go into social situations without that lingering desire you can generally achieve much more

To be fair those sites didn't work and MEGA would be great

How long after that pic was taken did it take for that guardsman to die


Ok how long did it take Chaos to dispose with his Corpse then

chaos doesn't waste corpses, they use every part

Khorne doesn't care where the blood flows or some shit

Well imma get some shuteye, see yall when the hangover wears off.


I'd like to pretend that i've learned something from that shithole.


he does care, Khorne loves when anyone over comes stacks odds, he's survival of the fittest as a living force so he's always disappointed when his followers either peak or fail to really achieve in battle

Good Night, I think I'll head off aswell.


Meaning if it's 1 guardsman against 10 Khorne Bezerkers and the Guardsman wins Khorne would be happier than if the reverse happened


you got it right tbh

ded thread
