Obscure (but not necessarily good/bad) Games

Post some obscure games. This isn't a competition for whoever can find the most obscure video game, but rather a little search for - preferably old and/or comfy - video games that have been overlooked too often.



Inquisitor is rightly so in its place of obscurity.

Game has more flaws than gems. Its only redeeming quality is the setting and thats heavy handed as fuck as well. Quit at around the 75% mark and never touched it again and Im a sucker for iso rpgs with a lot of patience for bullshit.

Totally forgot about Kyrandia in my rant. IIRC this game is from about 94-96ish. I got it from some family aquaintance as a gift together with MonkeyIsland3.

Nothing really standing out about this game. Its a platformer with hype mid90s gfx.

Obscure yes but…. who cares about this game anymore ?

I wish more games had Arx Fatalis's magic system.
Memorizing rune combinations and discovering new ones was really rewarding and satisfying, all it really needs is more variation and better recognition of the drawn runes, which shouldn't be that hard with nowadays tech.


Meant to say hidden combinations, not new ones. Any "new" ones are just displayed on the spellbook.
Fireballs are all you really need anyways.

I still play this game. It's great.

It's a humble game. The two sequels suck, but it's good on its own. It's relatively short and has its moments. Like you said, not outstanding; but an enjoyable game nonetheless.


I enjoy it.


I gave up on inquisitor after like 10 hours. There is just so much DAMN dialogue in that game and I have OCD when it comes to talking to everyone.

It really just wasn't good for my mental health. The gameplay was really shit too, though.

Glad to see I'm not the only one. It's a shame modern Shadowrun is trying to be x-com instead of Shadowrun.

Mkay. Ill throw one in there then as well.

I was the defacto only guy in town who owned this game back then, surprisingly. I cannot for the life of me remember any kind of advertising on any form of media for it.

Its a good arcade brawler, taking DoubleDragon to 3d. Worked kind of well, even had items you pick up/interact with, destroyable assets n'some more shtuff to guff. Awesome co-op experience.

Second game took the formula and threw it out of the window. No more co-op and its gunplay all the way through, not bad though. Good stand alone title for prime PS1 times with a heavy Matrix feel. Released same year or right before the movie as well.

I engaged this game because of WALLOFTEXT and still got disappointed. The story craps itself in act1 already and the whole setting goes down the shitter starting act3.

The gameplay is downright shit. 5 bucks say they slapped those shit spellrunes on the very last minute because they couldnt be arsed to balance their game. I probably made it worse by doing so. What.A.Shitshow.

*they probably made it worse

It was a nice game, although I never finished since I always managed to get lost in the indian reservation caves, losing motivation and eventually my saves.
Really should try to replay it one of these days.

Yeah, those caves are a bitch, though it helps if you have the Rigger contact since if I remember right they can help you bypass them to a degree. The final fight is worth it.

Oh shit, I had that game. I used to play it with my brother and my dad, taking turns between ourselves. I was quite young when it came out and remember feeling stressed as fuck whenever one of my squadmates was bleeding out or when they died.

I still have this in a cupboard in my living room, original case and all, but I can't remember if it's good or not.

How many of you bad dudes have played the game that was literally too edgy to be released?

That was actually not a bad game. I think the sequel might have been better though.

Never heard of it nore seen that cover before. Woah.

I saw Ross' Game Dungeon on it and it looked comfy as fuck. It reminds me of an element completely lost in fantasy shit now. Things use to be colorful, mystical and fairy tail like. Now it's just gritty bullshit.

I always wanted to check that one out. I never did though because I mainly liked Dark Messiah for it's stealth and I hear Arx Fatalis has garbage stealth.

That's not surprising, seeing as how it never saw the light of day. Right around the time it was scheduled to release, EA bought the devs out and shelved it, apparently because it would tarnish their family-friendly reputation or some such horseshit. It's a shame too, because it's actually pretty fun and I could see myself playing it in between Future Cop and Twisted Metal with my brother and friends back in the day.

The stealth in Dark Messiah is mostly inspired by Thief's mechanics.

Wasn't it around the same time as Columbine and more of that 'muh gamin cauzes shoooootings?'

i know the engine got reused in that Wu-tang fighter.

Is Gruntz obscure? I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about in my life. I don't know of any similar combination of RTS and puzzle game made since it.

No surprise considering Thief is one of the like 4 stealth games that got stealth right.

More like the only. There aren't many pure stealth games out there and out of the ones that do exist not many are very good. The Hitman games between 2 and Blood Money are good but I wouldn't consider them stealth in the same way Thief is.
Actual "sneak around" stealth has not been done better than a game from 2000.

It was scheduled to be released in October of '98

Oh man this game was my shit. This and Geneforge were all I had for a time, and they were all I needed.

It's generally only talked about when discussing cyberpunk games, people generally prefer the SNES story telling over firing an SMG at sanic speed.

That's honestly part of the issue: The SNES version is more widely known even though it's actually the inferior version since it's less RPG and more Point and Click game. Don't get me wrong, SNES Shadowrun is still a good game, but Genesis Shadowrun blows it out of the water in terms of what it offers from a much more fully realized system which more directly emulates PnP Shadowrun but also it's open world and endless missions. Hell the whole reason the Genesis Shadowrun even exists is because FASA was unhappy with the SNES version.

Oh shit, i was a freshmen in high school then.

this game was the shit

I only played this atrocity.


RPG/RTS hybrid where every single soldier is a unique person that levels up through the campaign and can specialize in different fields. It also has choices and consequences and you can train hominids to do the more menial tasks to free up the humans to do combat, manufacture or research.

It also has two campaigns, one as the Americans and the other as the Russians.

Bitch, that muh too edgy to be released shit is a meme, the game was released in japan and europe only was too trigger-friendly for the USA market

[citation needed]
EA still owns the rights and have never allowed it to be released in any official capacity. A Japanese version doesn't even exist. You're probably thinking of bootleg copies.

None of these are obscure you tryhard underage nigger faggots.

Nigger shut up

Well the second game wasnt complete shit but even my 10ish year old self instantly learned that you need to turn on the phantasy machine in order to enjoy that game. The weapon switch/collect mechanic made for fun gameplay, if you "forced" it.

I still vividly remember manually getting into the "storm Shinra HQ" mode and suddenly I had fun. Finished the game in 2 sessions, I think.

Would make a pretty neat phone game.

Sounds like a Jagged Alliance prototype.

Remember when Mass Effect had hot characters?

It was the opposite in my little town growing up. It was in the video store so everyone who had a Playstation rented this game and we ranted and raved about it. That said, the town was mostly farmer kids with no interest in vidya so the "everyone" I'm talking about is a handful of people. Good times….

Here's some comfy titles. Remember back when stores sold game discs with 1000 games on them? Sure most were crap, but there were some gems there too. E-Games is no longer the comfy it used to be, and most of the games they used to have are vaporware now.

I'm the only person who played this game.

Thinking back it's probably pretty shit but I found it enjoyable and satisfying at the time. Definitely above average as far as PS1 third person shooters go.
