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Video Games #119
Video Games
12000000 GET THREAD
Transformers vidya thread
What if superman was a bad guy?
Chrono Trigger
What turns a game from "pirate-worthy" to "buy-worthy"?
3D Audio from Valve
What is Holla Forums's opinion of this game? Buy, rent, skip?
Who else picked up Ys Origin on PS4
What should Bethesda/EA/Ubisoft/Other big dev do to completely redeem themselves in your eyes?
Daily reminder that EA ruined Dead Space 3 when it was originally going to go back to its survival horror roots with...
Characters who are quite literally
Mass defect
Tribes: Ascend: Shazbowl Anniversary
Hope that Nintendo finally moving into the mobile market will put a fire under mobile devs to make actual games instead...
"Double life" games
Switch "reviews"
Where can I get Play Station 2 games for cheap?
ONE WEEK until Breath of the Wild
Austlian MSM attacking GTA MODS
/aog/ - Attorney Online General
Good morning, Holla Forums
4 AM
Project Reality Weekend
Hey Holla Forums I'm really sick to my stomach and paranoid because I browsed /x/ and some alien stuff came up can...
Open world sandbox FPS games with good gunplay mechanics and with a world design that isn't dull
Nintendo needs your money, cucks
Is it just me or has video game music, primarily nintendo, gone to complete shit? Nintendo used to make memorable games...
Stalker general
The best selling pistol series in the US used by countless police agencies
Let It Die general
Will you buy Nier: Automata just for 2B?
Post only the best covers of vidya songs
ITT: enemies that unnerve you
He did it again!
What's the most British game ever?
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General and Videogame Modding
AMD BTFO Everyone
Sup Holla Forums /tg/ and /vr/? it's time to take a journey into 1st edition Forgotten Realms on your Personal Computer
Battlestation Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Deja Vu Edition
Nindendo switch, is it might be worth money and time?
Sooo, who are they casting?
AI in videogames is about to get really good
World of Tanks Streamer KIA
Tales of General
Crash trilogy not a playstation exclusive
I know guys, if we make it so less people can buy a switch more people will buy a switch somehow
Touhou thread
I saw a handful of my friends playing this on Steam...
Vidya music thread
Wii U CFW + Homebrew General
Is Horizon being anti shilled?
Waifu Wednesday: Sleeping In Edition
Short circuit is a bitch
"Dead Rising 4 not Windows 10 Exclusive, Coming to Steam"
Translating games as you play
Fanfiction time
Zelda BOTW leaked?
Path of Exile: Page 13 edition
Nioh thread #4 I Have Discovered that there is a Tengu Emoji Edition
Are you buying a Nintendo Switch?
Steam has to die for video games to live
Is this weird?
CEMU thread
Overwatch General
Breaking News; Steam still fucking sucks
So when is EA finally going to put a bullet through it's brains Holla Forums?
Will there ever be another platform as good as the Dreamcast?
Ruh roh
What are you playing right now...
Black Desert Thread
4 AM
WEBM Thread
YuGiOh thread: snek edition
Do you agree with this uncomfortable truth?
Holla Forums wurm thread: A new beginning edition
What are sci-fi games that aren't generic chrome/titanium and laser guns opting for something quieter with contemporary...
Name a game with more combat styles than Way of the Samurai 4
Thief, and a realization
Console Modding thread
Her geographical location remains unspecified
How to tell if a thread is a shill thread
Manly Men Games
3DS CFW + Homebrew General - New Pasta Edition
/fgg/ - Fighting Game General
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
JRPG Thread
Final Fantasy Tacticool
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield: [#GG + #NYS]: Please Insert Disc 3 Edition
What are some games that subtly take place after the apocalypse...
Kojima goes full SJW
Vidya quotes
Just finally got around to playing this beaut of a game
Fallout thread
Reset the clock
Which Megaman game is best Megaman game and why is it MegaMan 4?
What was entire point of creating Shadow anyway?
Offer not available in your region
Why does it seem like we're so anti-consumerist?
Try to play FF12
New comp. Recommend games plz
An RTT with actual depth based on a current year conflict
Dark Cloud
Given choice for a in-game avatar do you just pick the first one that strikes your fancy or do you import your own shit...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield: [#GG + #NYS]: Revenge of Shinobi Edition
Fullderp: Hot Dogs edition
Oekaki thread
This guy is now willing to build up speed for 12 hours just to avoid ground pounding
4 AM
It's black history month
My inner tradesman is calling...
Is it just me or is this game not very RPGish except for giving you the possibility of assigning stats?
Been working on improving and streamlining this medli model
Fan services in western games
You Are The Vidya President
Holla Forums tries to make a videogame news/journalism site
VR games already patching out the VR
Where's all the good games Holla Forums? The last game I played that made my cum buckets was Dragon's Dogma
Let's periodically release certain pokemon that are strictly better than all others in virtually every way
Devolution of the gaming industry
Reminder that this is going to get GOTY because even the journalists like Sterling who claim to be anti-corruption in...
Wobbly Pops
Space Thread
Why do people still trust Microshit?
I've been listening to a lot of ambiance for games like Doom 64, and Quake 1 recently...
Oh hey, let's play TF2
Super Robot Wars V
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield: [#GG + #NYS]: In The Zone Edition
Berserk Musou
Squenix looking for DRM stronger than Denuvo before releasing NieR Automata on PC
Webm Thread
Mechwarrior living legends: qt girls edition
I seriously hope you guys are deleting those roms after 24 hours
Longest game to play in one sitting
Boyhood Took 12 Years To Make
8-4 not translating Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
Nier Automata online system and DLC announced
Expecting me to believe corporate PR bullshit when the major game companies are showing huge profits and every actual...
End of the Line & MUD general
Legend Of Dragoon
/fog/ Fallout General 1st edition
Collecting Videogames
Biggest bribe in history ?
Flash for Linuxfags
Zero Dawn Horizon
Is this the most frontloaded year in ages?
Let's have an old-school point-and-click thread
Any reason why I shouldn't get the PS4 Pro?
Holla Forums only has 2,000 users
4 AM
Reminder that if no new Golden Sun game is announced at E3...
Falcom NTR
Mass Effect general?
Draw thread
Retro games
Why is it so rare to see the SA80 in video games compared to AK-47s and AR-16s?
Gone Home and Walking Simulators
Player Housing Thread
All of the Language options from NieR: Automata's demo are in the retail Japanese copy of the game
Fromsoft General
Cutscene as a reward, not as a storytelling device
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield: [#GG + #NYS]: Conquest Of The Longbow Edition
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Why can no game seem to do player collision correctly? It's always either
Path of Exile: Exalted edition
Hey, 'maricon! show me some good movie-based games, man. I'll start with my own, where the world really is mine...
Dragon's Dogma - Fashion's Dogma Edition
Shin Megami Tensei Thread
Games you got the wrong impression of
How the fuck do I level Kimahri
Animal crossing general time
State of Holla Forums
Hundreds of games
Why haven't you hacked your Wii U yet?
Immersion breaking
Autistic ideas for vidya
How's the localization?
Why is powered armor/exoskeletons so erotic
Holla Forums makes a 3D Platformer: 2nd Anniversary Edition
Anybody feel like talking about Fable?
Tfw I got addicted at a game made by a shitlib
ITT: Videogame characters that are litterally you
Multi-Monitor Battlestation
Buyers Remorse
Worth playing?
Warcraft 3
What does it mean if I choose to always play as a girl in games if it's an option?
Buy game to play with friend
Payday and/or Kikery General
/agdg/ + /vm/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General and Videogame Modding
>tfw no RPG with actual role playing
Rainbow Siege thread
Hey Holla Forums, I need some good fully featured dress-up games where clothes and/or fashion is the main focus
La mulana
GTA thread
Novelty walking simulator about choice/endings
FInal Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General
Drinks while gaming?
4 AM
So, where does this game stand along other Kirby titles?
Ghosts n' Goblins + spin offs
Feel good thread
Overwatch general good goy edition
What are some things in gaming that make you genuinely depressed?
Look at this game
Consumer Gets Nintendo Switch Early. Goes beyond full retard, cucks out HARD and returns it. ???????
What are some dumb things you like in video games but have no idea why
So whats going on with the moderation on here?
Ace Combat Thread
Cancelled Games Thread
For Honor General
Syberia 3 uses Denuvo
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield: [#GG + #NYS]: Phantasy Star IV Edition
Almost all games take a 3 hour time commitment before any interesting mechanic or difficult situation is introduced
Fucking Bizarre Games
Give me a game featuring Wizard lizards
Saturday night horror thread
Nioh Thread #3
Rimworld general
Characters that should get their own game
Shadow the Hedgehogs
Webm thread: relax edition
Final Fantasy VII
Sniper Games Thread
Halo Custom Edition gamenight: Because why not?
What did he mean by this?
Arrangement remixes
American Cover Art
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. thread
Routine - remember this?
ITT: babby games we used to play and nostalgia
Super Smash Bros Netplay?
What is the longest consecutive amount of time you've spent playing a game?
Post favourite RPG enemies
Why DFO is such shit
Castlevania symphony of the night
Dragon's Dogma
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
4 AM
Titanfall thread: it's not dead yet edition
Falcom Thread
Mount & Blade:Warband
Well, Holla Forums?
NISA localizing Ys VIII
Headphones/speakers bread
Story vs Gameplay
Hello Holla Forums
Why do you faggots keep saying that the second AC game was the best one? The third one was better imo
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield: [#GG+#NYS]: The Theater, The Dream, The Battlefield Edition
Was Duke Nukem forever really that bad? Or did game reviewers and journalists demonized it for pro masculinity...
How do we make point and click adventures games Great Again?
SS13 Thread: No Serb Edtion
What game has the worst community Holla Forums?
Mass Effect
Russia: Programmer killed and burned colleague over AMD vs NVIDIA argument
I don't care about warhammer, but I need a total war game….is pic related worth it?
A game I can't remember
No long-delayed game has ever ended up being good
Meta Thread: Ghosts of Razgriz Edition
Project Ascension WotLK 3.3.5 Private Server
The groundbreaking roleplaying game Mage: The Ascension manifests in our turbulent present with Refuge...
Remember when Games Devs & games journalists defended gamers and gaming instead of attacking both?
Nostalgia Thread
Meta Thread: Demons of Razgriz Edition
Collector - Buyfag Thread: Pong Edition
Starjew valley
/fgg/ - Fighting Game General
Its gonna flop
Spend hours on MMO ?
Valve's main writers just quit. I guess Valve is done making single player games
Mario 64 thread
Are arena shooters dead?
NISA conference in 7:30 hours
Seems like a fine time for a digimon thread now that anyone that follows the series already broke in Next Order
It's a good game, it's just not a good Zelda game!
Dawn of war 3
Bugs effect
Good and "portable" (can stuck them in a USB drive and directly play aka all the GoG games) I can run in a p4 with no...
/fo4g/ 2nd edition
Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force Thread
SD Gundam G Generation Overworld just got translated to English
AAA games with good gameplay
Fullderp: Front Page edition
Endless Legend / Space
Tales of Berseria thread
Path of Exile bread
Preparing for no internet thread
This is why the japanese industry is superior! What other examples do you have of Japs being the true leaders of the...
New Sony Handheld Patent
/ogc/ - VERY fast X5 going at incredible hihg speed
I'm kinda mad so many games are going the "randomly generated" route for what they're doing
4 AM
Blow your mind thread
Rage general
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield: [#GG+#NYS]: What Happened Edition
FF Tier List?
==One whole year of failure!==
Holla Forums should play this fucking game on netplay together right now because TECHNOLOGY
Webm Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Malebolge, The Eight Circle Edition
Games similar to divinity original sin
Fire Emblem
This series is shit and only got popular because muh violence
Tales of Berseria cracked by CPY!
Tales of Berseria Cracked
Yandev thread
Dragon quest general
WebM thread
I'm doing something nice for once
Mario Kart is the only kart racing game left
Good newish SP games?
Switch OS Leak
When will hentai games ever be good?
ITT: Alternate/Early designs
Comedy vidya
UT thread
Faggoty Shitposter or Retarded Bot?
Neptunia Thread
Lets talk about insufferable youtube gaming faggots. Metaljesus seems like one of the biggest, fake, self indulgent...
NEW CPY hint
Breath of the Wild
/agdg/ ~ Amateur Gamedev General
Came out 9 years ago
Song discontinuing service on PS3 VITA PSTV
Coping with power levels IRL
Nice graphics
STAIRS in video games
Aliens Vs Predator 2 play
How come the industry stopped making CRPGs? I thought they sold well...
I know I'm like a year late, but am I the only one in love with Quiet?
4 AM
Waku Waku 7
Gravity Rush 2 Thread
So how long do you think Devolver Digital will last?
10 of the 12 top sellers on steam now are DLC
CEMU General
New games on old shit
First time playing this and it seems that I can't get out of combat. I win, kill all the enemies...
Chart Thread
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Galaxy Force II edition
[Game] General
The Jews fear the Samurai
Bones in video games
Alien community is shit
Satan in vidya
Snake Pass
One hour of new Prey footage
ITT: We post trash games that we actually own and suggest each other trash and shovelware
Ultra Street Fighter II on Switch Has a First-Person Hadouken Mode
Are imageboards kill?
What are your feelings on the autism of self imposed challenges?
Is it OK to like Undertale now? I genuinely really enjoyed the game
Similar looking characters
What vidya horrors keep you up at night?
Tactical Shooters
Since my PS2 has been stored for years but it's still a cool as fuck console...
So is there any chance of this being good?
Combat in RPG's
Waifu Wednesday
The crimes of vidya thread
Is there any particular reason why Holla Forums refuses to talk about Don't Starve (Together)?
We Are Chicago
In retrospect...
Is zelda cyberpunk now or what? Are we going to have to hack into ganon corp...
We gave up 2D for this
Bad Breath that's wild
XCOM, new and old
Would a Vita dock MURDER nintendo?
4 AM
Who else is getting this?
Hacking game
Computer Game Reccomendation thread
Pac Man World 2
Canadian Vidya Studios
Midna & Bayonetta crossover game
Star Wars Vidya
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Just to inform you fags, Sega's doing the Make War Not Love event like they did last year
Pandora's Tower
Good boss fights
Hi Holla Forums. Nothing really to say or do. Just wanted to post this picture of this game I got
Multi-ended games
ITT: Original games vs. their remakes
First Jontron now Pewdiepie
Linear game
Of course this would happen
Phhhhhh…. nothing personal kid…
Path of Exile
Path of Exile
/fo4g/ fallout 4 general
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: St. Valentine, Day of Love and Loneliness Edition
Possible new Lost Planet game leak called Broken Horizon
Will VR end up being as hatred as motion gaming is today?
Steam VR interview
I'm planning on replaying the half-life games because I'm due for a refresher on why I should give a shit about...
For Honor General
Hixploitation Games
ITT: Cheap shit
DMCA on 3d porn artists
Make 70$ controller filled with absolute trash gimmicks nobody is ever going to use
Black Desert Online
Fullderp: UnderUsed and RarelyUseful edition
YouTube Cancels PewDiePie Show, Pulls Channel from Ad Program After His ‘Death to All Jews’ Stunt
Is anyone else here enraged when they die in rougelike? I just played this to feel better and relax...
Way of the samurai
Valentines day
Warframe general thread
Webm Thread: GOTTA GO FAST edition
EYƎ: Divine Cybermancy
RPG Suggestions
With NieR Automata coming out next week and so many people having never played or even seen the original NieR im gonna...
I've recently decided to replay Oblivion, as I haven't really played it this decade
New Batshit Game Reveal In March?
Today is the Day Faggots
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General
4 AM
Why are non racing driving games so incredibly rare? Let alone the ones with realistic handling
Games that you are actually looking forward to in 2017
Windows 95 VM
Fire Emblem 4 thread
RE7 makes no sense (no shit)
Space Thread:Lone Survivor Edition
ITT: Genres you just don't understand
Overwatch Thread
Doom/Classic FPS Thread: Meta Edition
Battlestations thread
Please recommend me a game, Holla Forums
Dubber hate tread
Name a better rpg battle system
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Heroic Soldiers, Primo Victoria Edition
Why is it such a pain in the ass to run Wii ISOs on a fucking modded Wii...
If you were in charge of the Pokemon MD games what would you add/remove to the games?
How would you fix movement in VR?
Cult of Kefka SNES ROMS site - Nostalgia thread
PC master race question
Senran Kagura Estival Versus PC
GTA San Andreas, snake eater and God of war 2 pushed the PS2 to it's graphical limits
Video games with great voice direction, sound design and art
Daily reminder not to support companies like this that work against your interests
Battle for Wesnoth
So, will it be a stealth game?
ITT: Devs who can do no wrong
Yo, just wanted to apologize for leaving the bot spam up for so long
Are Graphical Improvements Slowing Down?
Game suggestions for bored op
Diablo II
Nintendo had their shit leaked from a dev kit in July. Information may be false or outdated...
Gaymod thread: breeki spergs out again edition
PSP Thread
Webm Thread
PS2 trilogies
Four Honour
The hell is this shit?
Tfw no new Skeleton Warriors
Steam's Greenlight is DEAD
List the most evil mechanics in RPGs
Mods confirm - Rules do not apply to Holla Forums anymore
Undertale General: If ritsu can avatarfag then this is ok too :^)
Rayman 2 is terrible compared to hoodlum havoc and 1
4 AM
Do trackballs have any place in video games? In any genre?
Which one
Why do sports and racing games lack any resale value?
Sequels never ever
ITT video games that people with autism hate
Vidya Happy Places
That Thing You Did
Gross shit why you put in vidya?
Why does Gimble call McGee's tattoo parlor and tell you that he's trying to set him up with a modeling appointment if...
Identifying Vidya Music Aritsts
34 players?! BADASS!! XD
TGstation is way better than any other station
MGS: Rest easy, Snake
Ff7 in one sitting
Is there any documentation on how the fuck the dude that made this pulled it off?
We're doing another one of these awful things! Today's topic is Stealth Games...
.swf thread - art edition
Overwatch general
Retro vidya girls
Give me one reason the Switch will fail that isn't one of the following
What went so wrong?
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: One Must Fall 2097 Edition
What are you playing? Me:
What should I play?
Which IP has the most autistic fanbase?
Do you guys replay particular games on a yearly/regular basis...
What is the best model/hardware revision of the Xbox360?
Got done seeing John wick 2
Armored Core
Faggots who think they are going fast
So i just finished Superhot
Seeding thread
Parts of Videogayms that stump(ed) you
That one game that has loli fanservice bait
Why hasn't someone done this yet?
Square Enix Survey
Why does the emulation scene (and now even modern devs somehow...
Tank Vidya
Balanced Competitive Games
He is on a important mission
Anyone here have HTC Vive?
Monster Hunter Thread /mhg/
Mods are asleep post videogames
4 AM
Anyone wanna create a Holla Forumsirgin platoon and win the war?
Outside of Dues ex what videogames deal with a semi realistic future and the problems with it? Stuff like
Conan: Exiles - Pirate Server
Post your idle/walking animation
Giga Wrecker
Oekaki thread
Would you delete it?
/fgg/ - Fighting Game General: NEVER EVER Edition
How often do you guys wish that games had more lore behind them? I feel that way about Timesplitters
/agdg/ Amature Game Dev General /agdg/
Don't play degenerate games
Wasteland 2 Director's Cum
Granblue Fantasy - /gbfg/
Fullderp: Sudowoody's Got Sudowood edition
FF7 confirmed biggest flop in the series
Webm Thread
Technically, All Games Are Good
Will the pain ever go away?
Should I buy this? Is the frustrating grinding I've been hearing about gone?
Ksp thread
Will restart wow playing in EU
Mfw all the normalfags i know have cooled and pulled a 180 on the Switch already
Any alternatives similiar to this?
Think of a dead series you like
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Shadow Dancer Edition
Will the GTX 2080ti be faster than the Titan X Pascal?? And will they make a new Titan on the Volta architecture?...
Halo Custom Edition Gamenight Thread #2
Hey Holla Forums I've been looking to get some old PC titles because I want to start collecting more games for it
Metal Gear Solid 2 and the State of Society
Is there a reason pokemon don't have access to ALL of their abilities...
Paid mods
Good Dragon Designs in games
Dragon Vidya
Yandev Thread
Conan: Exiles - Pirate Server
ITT: Holla Forums designs a video game HUD one element at a time
Immigration ban effect on video games industry
Insurgency 2: Now Diverse
Emulation Thread
19 days until Breath of the Wild
Has ANYONE beaten King of Dragon Pass without a guide?
ITT vidya characters that call you "boss"
Into the breach
Kingdom Hearts
4 AM
New Nier: Automata Trailer
Being able to pre-order the switch is a privilege worth trying to win
For Honor’s accidental alt-right connection
Save Scumming
Tfw you thought this fat fuck was cool once
What the hell is it with peoples obsession with arena shooters on this board? Every thread about Overwatch, Paladins...
Sonny/Flashgames general: TEN YEARS edition
Game gets easier as your progress
Weird question, but in which games can I play as a mongol or some other steppe nomad type character...
ITT we only post the most hype videogame trailers/music videos
Farming waifus game
Daily reminder that this made more profit than all your favorite games combined
Grand Strategy Games /gsg/
Mountain Blade thread
Disney games general
Join server
When did you become a true Patrician and realise Abigail is best girl?
What are some long-lasting games(Replayability or pure length)
Hearthstone leak
Which one is better in your opinion and why?
Halo Custom Edition Gamenight
Oh hey
Communist Video Games: Actually Discuss Video Games Edition
Shitty Video Game Companies
ITT: Times you found sneaky little shortcuts / exploits in games. (No cheats, just things the designers overlooked.)
Its dead jim
Phone games
Mass effect trilogy
Why do people hate Mega Man games past 3 again...
#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS] He Has Divided Us Edition
Falcom Thread
MMOs that aren't shit
3DS CFW + Homebrew General - 11.3 Edition
So what happened with The Division?
So did anybody say what this game actually has going for it yet?
Leaked Capcom Games
Communist Video Games
4 AM
Creepy Videogames Thread
Product placement in video games
FFXIV Final Fantasy XIV General
Wanna play BW?
So, my collecting of PS, PS2, PSP, NES, SNES, Genesis, GB...
I have $20 and need some new vidya
Advice on Monitors
Listen here NIGGER!!!
Fatal Frame
Metal Gear Thread
Game Of The Year
Elysium Project Bread 8
Last threads
According to aithis is what the ideal woman looks like
Video Games
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11122
We're better than this
Video Games
AI DEGENerated Art and Porn
Video Games
This is a seven eleven in poland
Why did she do it?
/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General #9445
Social sluts
/chug/ - Comfy Happening in Ukraine General #11121
Good night sweet prince
Television and Film
>American: Japan deserved the nu-ACK
Hey user you're under arrest for posting hateful material online, posting harmful material online...
Kinda seems like the Nazis did it. Anyone got the original German?
Is it true?Is this the peak of storytelling?
Video Games
/nzg/ New Zealand General
Twitch/Youtube/streamer thread
Why do Japanese love iPhones so much, and why don't more Europeans have iPhones? Are they too poor to afford them?
Why is every zoomer obsessed with being a "content creator"...