Last one is on page 13
Last one is on page 13
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Give me your scream webms
got me good
anyone got more screaming skeLegons.webms?
also >>>/vir/
Does anyone have those webms from the template threads I cant find em for the life of me
bretty fukkin cool demolition technique
Is this a child or a girl who was raped in her early childhood?
Because eventually everyone will either agree with him or have killed themselves in exasperation.
movie is hardcore henry before anybody asks
I see your French and raise you a Russian true American
Neither did the office workers :^).
This is one of the most repeated videos in webms thread and I never get tired of it. That guy should be paid.
Which is the reason why you need purpose in your life, otherwise everything you do is pointless, and thinking you can gain purpose from having a woman only leads you down an irreconcilable road…
For a mush-face yakuza that guy was almost on the money, though you know in reality men like him are just as spiritually autistic as the other losers.
Your life is only as empty as you make it
There's people who live their entire fucking lives alone in the wilderness 100% content with what they're doing
This is impossible.
Declining morals is to blame.
Ya nah you're a faggot triggered by normalfags. I bet you have something to say about Trump's "travel ban" too.
That is correct, a proper society is one where everybody is brought to the lowest common denominator :^).
Such retarded devs.
What a load of shit, what's that psychological phenomenon where you say something obviously right then follow it up with some retarded but people are more likely to believe it because of how you prefaced it.
Part 2?
Animutation, is that you?
Usually I avoid "abridged" shit like the plague, but what's the source on that first webm?
That rock at the end. What happened there? I don't get it.
I have absolutely no idea
Yeah that's the one.
It was a negligent discharge, the dumbfuck kept his finger on the trigger and accidentally a round off.
Damn, parts 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 took a huge hit in quality. Shame.
Thanks anyway man.
First Webm relevant.
Is there a part 3?
At least he tried.
I just spent 15 seconds and found it anyway
Thanks man!
I've been on this website for too long
Having not seen Re:Zero that took me by surprise. A lot more angst and blood.
Thanks I've actually been looking for these
I went in expecting SAO with slightly more self-awareness. I got a show about the untold horrors of being forced to relive the horrific death of both yourself and everyone you love over and over again.
I'm drunk AND HIGH enough to be hyped for WWE Elimination Chamber tomorrow. Webm not related but I LOVE THAT SHOW
sup /wooo/
Drunk as fuck bro also watched Omega vs Okada for the first time today holy shit what a match
no thread is complete without it
oh man, I always loved watching this when I was younger. thought it was so cool, still is. brought a smile to my face seeing it again, thanks user.
JBL deserved that concussion
In case there are any Holla Forums users who don't watch wrestling, here are the best moves and their names
Is Sheamus still wrestling? I haven't watched in a long ass time. Also, Dean is using Triple H's moves?
here's an awesome Steiner Screwdriver, the best
also ambrose's finisher is named dirty deeds
double underhook ddt just like Cactus Jack's
Dude, early to mid 2000's flash animation.
This is basically it. People underestimate the value of personal morality and put too much faith in the power of government and economic systems.
Also, vidya webm
Re:ZERO is shit because if you can simply off yourself to fix any unfavorable outcome life becomes 100% pointless, and the fact he gets attached to everyone despite their lives having the value of tissue paper shows the writers for the show suck absolute shit and need to learn how to suck dick and become real writers
so nostalgic my god.
Case in point, mega flying space whale whose attack wipes people out of existence
Except when he dies and resets the world again and every single one of them comes back, making said whales mega attack pathetically pointless
Almost true, there is one exception
List it, remember even Rem died to space whale's existence erasing attack and came back
Where's ATHF user? I need my fix before bed.
It's Sakkijarven Polka.
Someone was paid to make penises that can be affected by physics.
I hate the world.
They were paid to make a pretty fun game
somebody needs to pick up world peace
That's the whole point though: unlike in actual video games death sucks, to the point that it nearly drives him insane at one point. Although he can reset everything, he comes to the belief that he'll never succeed and that if anything the ability to reset is worse than being able to die normally.
Not saying the show is amazing overall, and it frankly gets pretty shit in the last couple of episodes, but the arc in the middle where he has to watch Rem and Emilia both die in his arms and almost loses his mind before Rem talks him back out of it is excellent.
I love this.
/r/ing one with them singing Katyusha
wait was this in only some versions of the game?
Because I never saw this in the xbox version and I played the crap outta that although I did find a purse on a roof top that did trigger a voice line but you couldn't do anything about it
did toby cux actually copy that shit from megaman?
I've asked before, but what music is that?
I'm the one who posted this but…god damn it…this webm just makes me giggle.
It's in all versions you can only pick up the purse after you talk to her. Here is the whole thing.
Something about Dolphin wasn't agreeable with the Goblin Glider so flying around is pretty choppy.
I have no clue
The music was the worst part of this.
This post again
how the fuck did I miss that I thought I did everything there was to do in that damn game.
what else did I miss?
if only I still had my xbox copy
What you faggot?
Are you not going to explain it?
When the british aren't cucks, they're the best people out there.
So no one knows? Please help.
You do know that you could make it the file name instead right?
Personally instead of 5 12MB files, i'd be much happier with being able to upload 1 30MB file.
Aslo yur ghey,.
I've been searching for a source on this thing for quite some time. Never did find one
Looks like that one jewtube channel that makes autistically scary things with 3d models. I don't remember what it's called however.
Do you think any of us will give a shit the 20th time? Maybe the 21st time? Oh maybe if you just post it one. more. time. you'll get your way.
Fucking get over it already, go find a corner to cry in or something.
Jesus christ, I'm an Ausfag and I'm shedding tears of pure American patriotism.
Well, a man's gotta have patriotism for something and nobody wants to love a country composed of the niggest race on earth and criminals.
No prob friend, just wish I could have found a higher quality video to make the webm out of
delete this
You know, I always open these spoilers horny as fuck and then i'm fed this nonsense. Fuck you.
I made this video back in 2014. I like it but I don't like my voice.
Your voice is alright, I would stick my dick down your throat and into your vocal chords. Don't worry about it.
Thanks that give me a little more confidence.
I guess my problem was just how your voice sounds deeper to yourself until you hear a recording of it.
no you sound like a fucking faggot
It's too late now bitch. one lewd compliment is all I need.
Years after, i still want to dick Elaine and Kramer did nothing wrong.
Fuckin gjewesses why are they so hot.
Except for that one time he made a salad in his bath.
What's happening here?
some serious shit
Some guy speeding in Brazil, after that turn he crashed into a pole with a power line. The flashing light is probably a transformer blowing up.
Nah, it's a brazillian time traveler crashing into a power plant to prevent a forest fire in the future that spreads and kills 80 percent of china by setting flame resistant butterflies on fire that are migrating to the east.
But little does he know that it creates a nuclear explosion for no reason due to him meddling in the timeline so the time police interfere and try to cause as many casualties as it was supposed to be but they end up killing 80.000000013% of the population instead so which causes a grandfather paradox in a multiversal timeline enviroment, which is impossible so the world fixes the problem by booting the time traveler back to his own time and as a result a brazilian crashes into a pole with a power line and creates the video you see before you.
I want to eat cakes out of bayonetta's prolapsing butthole and lick it like a lollipop, just the way the prophet who goes by anonymous fetishized.
Nice buzzword Holla Forums, next time use the appropiate term:
Commies once again going full retard.
No matter how many times you post this the response will be the same
GTFO commie
Here is the source. I think he was a music major or something. Sure sounds like it.
i bet the dude who made this is a no life loser who has a bunch of cool pets.
Yet again Holla Forums goes full retard. The comment you replied to, stupid commie, named consumerism as a societal ill which plagued western nations.
I wonder for how long those Pikachu guys trained to get it even slightly synchronized, and not have someone trip half way through.
Translation by the way
Apple and pear trees were a-blooming,
Mist (was) creeping on the river.
Katyusha set out on the banks,
On the steep and lofty bank.
She was walking, singing a song
About a grey steppe eagle,
About her true love,
Whose letters she was keeping.
Oh you song! Little song of a maiden,
Head for the bright sun.
And reach for the soldier on the far-away border
Along with greetings from Katyusha.
Let him remember an ordinary girl,
And hear how she sings,
Let him preserve the Motherland,
Same as Katyusha preserves their love.
So basically: the girls in GUP are singing a song about a girl singing a song about how she loves a soldier who is fighting at the front.
fun fact: they had to cut this scene from the american release because the russian government got butthurt
Was ist hier los?
How on earth can you get butthurt about that song?
Der "Amokläufer" von München wurde auf dem Dach eines Parkhauses von einem Harzer zusammengeschrien. Das ist da los.
What Chinese cartoon is this user?
Von wann war das? Verfolge schon länger keine Nachrichten mehr.
Amerikanisch-liberalistische Ideologie muss weg.
This is the first time I have listened to Zizek outside of memespouting and holy shit is he retarded. No wonder he is only ever used for shitposting.
You are scared every day of your life that someone might crush your exploitable system and you will be abandoned. But don't worry, in communism everyone is equal, unlike in porkie-land of capitalism.
This. Porkies (whites) invented capitalism so whites MUST PAY! Compulsory castration of every straight white male penises and the mandatory abortion of all white babies is the only way to finally institute a communist state comrade. Brown workers of the world unite! (against whites)
I'm so glad Holla Forums finally opened my eyes to this fact.
Maybe they didn't like a traditional song being used for "nerd shit" or that the Russians weren't depicted as perfect?
Porkies is not only white people, you fucking idiot. Its asians, jews, hispanics, arabs and other ethnicities too. Capitalist exploitation knows no race.
Nice bait. Now back to your containment board
I heard it was due to some copyright bullshit that the composer of the song isn't dead yet or something.
Are you fucking daft you commiecuck?
Reminder that seals, the white man's sea-dog, brought TB to amerindians.
I asked my phone what it was while the song played, got told it's baby rock by laurent thierry mieg
Stop spreading lies. Its because crunchy roll itself is retarded and song is considered protected by some copyright according to some capitalist scum who decided to "own" it for personal use. Katyusha is not under copyright. The copyright was obviously issued by some unrelated faggots. Blanter and Isakovsky are both dead.
Never use crunchyroll.
Funny fact, both men who wrote music and lyrics for katyusha are jews. I guess not all jews are evil, polyps.
Fresh out of sony vegas
why has god forsaken us
>no, it's a megaman fan hack that recreates the sans fight via a megaman level sequence. The joke is that White has a shrugging and headshaking animation before the hack was made
Thank god, bump limit reached. Someday this cancer will be eliminated.
Have some vidya games and a (you)
you sure convinced me with that flawless line of thinking
the fuck are those niggers doing, aside from being niggers?
How cancer has Vindictus been lately? The last time I heard of it was when they absolutely butchered PvP into extinction
I barely play it, but hold strongly to the belief that everything post season 1 is trash.
At least they made Spear Lann's on EU relevant again, I guess.
keep crying
i'm not even talking about the editing, but what the fuck was that shit? That's an actual switch commercial? What in unholy christs fucking sakes were they thinking? That shit is so retarded. They think that's going to sell consoles? I almost want to unironically say that I can't even right now. Why? Just fucking why. Whoever was behind that commercial concept needs to be fired.
I love this guy. He's barely a notch above being a lolcow. On a side note, I've never actually seen someone with such an absolutely decimated nasal/sinus system from doing so much blow, the guy beats out Scarface.
From the shit you have posted, I can only conclude that he is a pseudo-intellectual, not the philosopher everyone keeps proclaiming him to be. I can get the criticism of nationalism being a spook and simply being a point of attack for manipulative practices, even if I disagree with it, but the whole "do however you please" argument is pure retardation. He can quote Adorno all he wants but "obey and we will have some fun killing Jews" is very weak.
there's also the point he brings up, in which he's wrong, about the "hypocrisy" of Hitler and/or the nazi party saying that jews are lazy, yet they control everything too.
He doesn't understand the issue because their isn't any contradiction there. Jews are lazy when it comes to manual labor, and they avoid doing anything requiring hard work. They choose positions in which you can sit on your ass with a little effort and get paid, or sit in nepotistic circles. Things that don't actually produce anything, things like real estate, politics, banking, writing articles for the media, hosting talk shows, investing, things like that. None of it is creation or takes any real exertion on their part and none of it produces anything tangible of any worth, which is why countries' economies tend to tank after a century or so of hosting jews (mainly having to do with banking and usury).
So Zizek is misrepresenting this supposed contradiction there. Whether he's doing it on purpose I can't say, because I'm not sure if the dude is just a moron who thinks he's smart or if he's an actual shill.
Even his own people grinned. Corybn is such deadweight the realists in his own party understand he'll never get them anywhere. He's basically filling an empty post until someone with charisma turns up because that's all that wins the left anything in politics.
Does anyone have a higher quality version of this? I need it for…reasons
I wouldn't know, I'm new.
Why the hell do people persist in posting these fucking things, it wasn't funny or inventive at any point.
That was complete shit, near as I can tell they're selling a hand buzzer to retards yes?
kangaroos are fucking delicious. they're also crazy easy to hunt since they're everywhere outside cities
Mine was made before the 12mb limit increase. I might have to give it a try again.
Meant to reply to
holy fucking shit this looks so terrible even for an anime. nice dubs at least
Well it's not an anime. I think the video is an advertisement for a mobile game. Like a Love Live ripoff where you are the manager for umamimi racing girls who are also idols and lesbians.
Japan is weird man.
Here's my latest attempt at 720p. Trying one more time to get a miniscule rise in quality, but so far this is good enough that I might just stop here if the next attempt goes over 12MB.
Truly, the best way to tell what a game's true genre is to watch a glitches speedrun of said game. MGS5 tells you it's a stealth game, its tutorial tells you it's a stealth game, but in reality it's an action infiltration game.
Here's the slightly better quality version.
Anime was a mistake
Those are chips you retard.
thanks for reminding me
fuck, I'm better that that.
anyway, what was that webm about?
I'm sorry
A heartwarming tribute to a depressing doujin by Shindol where everything goes downhill for a schoolgirl.
I hate to spoil the fun but it was a thing while back, so I guess you can say that its a reemergence
Carlos no.
Beta uprising in Germany
Can anyone tell me what the song in this webm is?
The motion of the ocean
I've only seen part 8 once. Man, its not worth it.
Fuck you user.