Will you buy Nier: Automata just for 2B?
Will you buy Nier: Automata just for 2B?
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maybe a better question is, would you buy a triple A game?
No, but she's definitely a selling point.
Buying for the music and feels
I don't give a fuck about 2B or "muh thicc", I want cuhrazy game play and to be rused by the moonman.
Damn right i am. Hell I'll buy a collectors edition if they bring them back.
because 8-4 will probablly butcher it in the localization
No, because I'm not a good goy that buys shit just because it has fapbait.
FYI, You can damage yourself to destroy her skirt.
Part 2
Guess i found more reasons to fap to this game.
And Part 3.
Good lord
Faggots who buy it just for 2B are filthy secondary tier. I'm buying it because the original Nier was good and the demo proved to me that this one is an improvement.
Why would I buy a game just for a character when all of the porn is right there on the internet?
Because the game is actually good this time, user.
This ain't no nep nep or other shit where people buy it just for the waifus, it's Platinum at their peak.
Why don't you tell is where you got these from, hmmm?
That has nothing to do with my post.
I don't even care it's from cuckchan.
It came from some Jap Stream originally, then some guy uploaded it there, then I webm'd it so people like
can cum all over their desk.
If you're so desperate to throw around the "GO BACK TO CUCKCHAN", I'm sure there's an Overwatch thread you can shit up somewhere in the catalog.
Also, what is sound going to add to a webm of a girl slowly walking with no pants on. Sorry user, but the sound of he wet pussy sloshing about isn't loud to hear.
Why would I do that when its more important to catch you piece of shit cancerous cuckchanners when you are outside your containment thread? Just look at the fucking way you are posting. You don't even admit to fucking up, you just go on a moral crusade about how poor and oppressed you are. Fucking kill yourself you absolute piece of shit.
You are pretty pathetic user, is the robot ass making your pants too tight? :3
No, why would I?
Get the fuck back to cuckchan
You upset user? Have a fap and calm down. :P
this fuckin game.
Whichever you prefer to be called.
I don't need to buy the game to get all the fap material I'll ever need, but I may purchase the game if the gameplay isn't complete shit and is, say, similar to Bayonetta or MGR.
Oh snap you turned that on me user, you so smart! :O
Get a room you two
Gladly. >:)
Doing God's work, user
Fuck off kike
I pre-ordered it when the creator asked for the porn to be compilated into weekly .rars so he could share it easily
This thread proved me right.
I wanna buy 2Bs game
I wanna suck 2B's butthole
I found it.
Not even slightly do I consider her when thinking about the games value.
Top fucking kek.
Fucking sold. Do I miss out on anything for not playing the original Nier? Do I even give a fuck? Not really.
I do, they aren't going to build a PC version and drop it at the last moment.
this game willl not be localize by 8-4?
why its is already in english?
Get the fuck out faggot.
English is becoming the standard release language for the Asian (non-Japanese) release.
Traps aren't gay
Use proper english and not ebonics, you fucking nigger
the dubs command it
you can stop embarrassing yourself now
Traps are gay. Trust me, I'm a lawyer.
Use proper English and capitalize and punctuate your sentences when necessary.
Cuckchan is right there for you to enjoy.
while i do see the appeal, wouldn't it be better to keep it? constantly flaunting her full ass in front of you is going to ruin it over time
No, if it's anything like its predecessor it's going to be fairly short and subsequent playthroughs for extra story will be even shorter. I'll either rent it on PSquadruple or wait for a crack on PC. Plenty of shit to keep me busy and I wasn't nearly as impressed with the demo as everybody else apparently is.
Think about. A face can be feminine, hair can be feminine, but for some odd reason, a penis can't be? What madness is that? Penises, like anything else, can be very feminine. Actually, what truly defines what "gay" is, is if you're fapping to something feminine, or masculine. An originally masculine thing (penis) turned hyper-feminine means you're fapping to something extremely feminine, something so feminine that it out-feminines a female. Thus fapping to traps is even less gay than fapping to women. The more you know.
it's okay to be gay, user
we won't judge you
and how will this work on pc
and it's not a female face just because of that
you want dick, you gay
Fuck off
One of these belongs to a tranny, the other to a normal dude. Which one's which? Which one's the feminine penis?
You're missing the point. Come back when you've passed middle school, kid.
a) Language evolves. Deal with it, you faggot.
b) I didn't get memed into liking cocks, I liked them well before traps.
Cracked me up but yeah
Try Play-Asia
stay gone as long as you're gay, faggot
The circumcised one; chopping off a piece of your dick is inherently feminine
They're both non-traps, you faggot. There is no feminine cock, only the mancock you prefer.
You don't belong here and you need to go back.
Not according to Play-Asia
Any source on that?
consider me happily proven wrong(i hope)
The first one is the tranny dick.
A man's penis, even if it's been circumcised still has some of that fold grow back assuming it was done as a baby and it wasn't a botch job, the first one has no such folds while the second does.
Another thing, a man' penis has differing coloration from the tip to the bottom of the tip "mushroom cap" part, due to age, the first pic has no coloration difference and indeed looks unnatural because it was sourced from a different part of the body.
3rd: The first penis looks "new" in that there's no "wear or tear" or signs of use, trannies may fuck or masterbate a lot but years of ownership of a penis results in different coloration of said penis, regardless of amount of use.
4th: in regards to real penis, the tip and shaft always, always, ALWAYS have differing coloration, and this shows up as early as the teens. The first pic has no such coloration.
Source: I have a dick and I know my dick like the back of my right hand because porn.
Thicc isn't even a word you fucker
its first appearance was on Holla Forums when some cuck from pol got all assblasted and thought it was something niggers use.
its called THICK not THICC
no you got memed into liking cocks, assuming you are male, it started from Holla Forums. people were memeing about liking cocks before you knew it everyone started posting trap pictures and converted into closet homosexuals who cant come out of the closet.
sounds like you need to fuck off back to cuckchan
Neither are trannies.
Don't be such a raging faggot jesus christ.
Nope, liked dick long before Holla Forums was a thing.
Liking dick is gay.
So I assume that you're going to say one's a girl cause you're deluded? "feminine penis" bullshit and all that.
no, you probably got yours from that dick up your ass.
lmao no
Yep. Traps are gay. Like super fucking gay, because you're trying to disguise it as a chick.
I think someone's a little mad that they were just tricked into looking at gay porn.
go back to your containment board /fag/
The only thing that can contain me is your ass, boy~
Have I gotten you so riled up that it's actually ruining your reading comprehension? =O
I imported, will spoil ending in about a week :^)
What a fucking idiot
user, I think people on Holla Forums are smart enough to avoid the board while they play a game they like.
Or rather, people would just binge it and forget about everything else I know I do.
Depends whether you bother to report them or not and if they actually did something worth reporting. Either way, the ball is in your court.
Did someone start posting shitty webms then get butthurt that people called out the fact that they were 4chan webms?
Yeah, how did you know?
Was just following along. Also, that image is shit, the clothes with that skin tone don't work together at all.
And once again the white one is best.
Holy shit, I want this.
what about this one?
I'm surprised no one has lined up a bunch of Haydee models with pure white on the left with each one being tanner until it reaches pure black.
2B x 2-D OTP.
This nigga gets it. Synthskin is for filthy casuals that want to say they like robots without committing to actual clang.
The only exception for this rule is that the port meant to interface with your dick should be soft for obvious reasons. Your "hardware" can't plug into a USB slot.Yet.
But I am going to pick up Automata. Looks fun even if the bot in question is garbage.
Why is Arcee so lewd?
No I'm buying Nier: Automata because the ending to Drakengard 1 was fucking awesome.
webm is spoilers
Last I checked gay porn involved two people fucking eachother, not silly pictures of penises, you salty faggot.
Hey man, look at your penis, you've just had sex with another man because you looked at your penis.
So the fanservice is p good since you can't go wrong with high latex/lather boots, but where's the good gameplay?
Depends on your opinion of this.
Didn't care for mgr so meh.
This looks like absolute shit.
But it can't be, it's japanese.
I will never understand how people enjoy games like this.
Yes, killing enemies in one hit is so fun and cuhrayzee, woah!!!
Violins = electronic music
Well, you have to press buttons to play a game.
I want to see some DMC3 levels of crazy
You wouldn't know crazy even if it raped you.
My copy is getting here Friday. The tension is palpable.
It's synth. If it's not, then the violins and percussion are played in the blandest way possible. The rhythm is so dull like if it was composed and played with a computer.
I see the pattern here.
She a qt, but I'll never, EVER support the SecuROM niggers with their new anti-consumer shittery. There's enough other games, and the best part about a game like this will be on the panda anyway.
here's a compromise, traps are only gay if they're 3dpd.
I'll buy it on PC if you can play as the male bot
So the game is out in Japan in full English? I can see the boss fights and they have English VA. Is this clean from localization?
Is this a false flag to encourage shills and "weeb"tards?
Fuck off.
Don't laugh at retards, insult them.
Ever played Jedi Outcast fag? You actively time and aim your swing, block attacks, avoid attacks, manage your distance, and choose the best swinging power and force power possible for respective conditions. It's not just dumb attack spamming.
Nah traps are gay, 2d or 3d. There's no spectrum of how homosexual cock-sucking vs how effeminate the dick you're suck is. Shit's gay no matter what. You just need to accept that.
It's god mode dumbass. Just for demonstration.
Traps are always gay, how's that for compromise you dick sucking whore.
Then why did you show it when you are saying the game takes skill? Wouldn't it be better to show gameplay for the harder difficulties?
Then show the superior normal mode.
Is MB2's saber combat still garbage? Haven't played it in a while and For Honor is just Simon Says: The Game that you just lost
And, to be fair, it's 2 different genres of games, you can't even compare them. There's Force Unleashed but imo it wasn't that good.
The superior normal mode is spend 30 minutes doing puzzles and 5 seconds killing enemies.
Do I really have to spoonfeed you?
but user, it's 2d. you wanna know why 2d is so magical? because anything can be anything in 2d and it's never gay or degenerate, because you see, 2d isn't real, but is also real at the same time, in our hearts.
Fuck off retarded abstractionist piece of shit, it's because of fags like you we don't have quality anything anymore.
No, I will buy it for the gameplay like the depraved I am
you just don't seem to get it do you.
why don't you leave and go fuck your girlfriend or something, normalfag.
You're a faggot regardless of the fact that you jerk off to images of penises, you double-fag.
Why do I feel mild disgust at this pointless shit? They're just robots, but somehow this really annoys me.
>superior multiplayer normal mode is just wailing their twig sabers in the air
You got us there.
I can find certain traps sexy only when highly feminine enough and with decently feminine hair. Traps may be gay, but they doesn't automatically make you gay as long as you absolutely worship tits and ass otherwise.
Literal shit and gore shit is always degenerate. Otherwise, nice use of kawaii Hitler.
Nah traps are gay you faggot.
Considering my dick doesn't react to any of this I would have to agree that 3D traps are gay as fuck.
I think she's one of the lesser selling points for me. She looks like any other japanese waifu-bait and we haven't learned much of her character yet. Might be great protagonist but she doesn't really interest me much at all in comparison to the overall lore.
I wonder if its trolling or just insecure homos
kill yourself
Fake most likely, but eh, a reason to post more Red.
Nigga you hella gay.
All of those are pretty much the same as seeing someone in a public shower. If that's your definition of being gay then sure I'll be hella gay, shaka brah.
I tell you, the shit I put up with… And boat girls are the worst. Can't get away from that shit anywhere.
user jesus the fuck is wrong with you
I'm hella gay, shaka brah.
Post more touhou balls since fags who know fuck all about Platinum and h&s' came to this thread thanks to porn like
I said they were, you faggot. I just said fapping to ones I like in 2D exclusively doesn't make me gay or even bisexual.
You know, since I'm otherwise not fucking attracted to males in the slightest.
You faggots just need to let your mum give you a handjob and you'll be cured.
The one with two X chromosomes. We’re going to kill all trannies, all faggots, and everyone who wants to protect them. You have less than 10 years.
You better not be joking user.
I knew it
You just willingly looked a men's cocks. We'll meet again in 10 years it seems :^)
I'm surprised the usual suspects aren't throwing a bitch fit over her, they always get triggered over attractive characters.
That's pretty insecure bantz tbh, fam.
Is there any anal of 2b yet? I need to see her fat ass getting rammed
I mean yoko games have shit like actual pedophiles joining your party so the have a lot more shit to complaine about if they touch his games
I want to hug 9S
They aren't mainstream enough
It could be the shitty audio but it sounds like a bunch of samples and that's bad.
I see a problem with the game
Any other games that do this?
I think Lollipop Chainsaw has something like that.
I don't remember though, as I've never played the game.
Fucking japs know what's best for the dick.
Good goy, keep on listening to that Sony marketing.
You do realize the PC version was announced ages ago right, and if the latest trailers correct we get it 3 days after the PS4 release.
Holy shit this retard actually got a ps4.a
Only one I know is Lollipop Chainsaw, though that's already been mentioned and I'm not sure if she actually reacts in-game. What I do know for certain is that you'll get an achievement you can't remove to embarrass you.
Gravity Rush has something where if you touch Kat with the touchpad, then she gets spooked.
W-What did I miss?
is she supposed to be blind or what???
My wife wants to get this game because of 2B
I wanted it for 9S
I would have done had they provided a black box edition for PC.
Now I'm waiting for a pirate.
is it going to have denuvo?
Who cares if it does, denuvo is a joke that gets cracked in days now.
yeah but crackers have a huge backlog of still uncracked games so it might take a while to wait for its turn
What kind of stupid motherfucker wouldn't buy/play this?
So is Just Cause 3 cracked? I’d like to play it.
I think it was cracked recently, check the links in the share thread
It's square enix, of course it'll have denuvo, but it's fairly simple to crack now, and I don't mind waiting for it, I've got no reason to spend money on the game after this big fuck you to PC gamers.
no its not. here is a list of uncracked games:
Titanfall 2
Football Manage 17
Homefront: The Revolution
Star Wars Battlefront
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
F1 2016
Fernbus Simulator
Damaged Core
Dragon Front
Rock Band VR
Handball 17
Dishonored 2
Just Dance 2017
Planet Coaster
Rocksmith 2014 Remastered
Sniper Elite 4
South Park
Guess I was wrong about JC3 then, nevermind.
We are reaching levels of best girl that shouldn't be possible.
Not buying it
Fuck, why can’t I find a cracked one, then…
Shit, misread. No wonder. Seems like this shit is actually STOPPING piracy.
yeah it seems like it is, at least for now, howewer every week or so CPY cracks new denuvo game.
Piracy was never industrys problem and the real question is, is it even increasing sales ?
However I will let Kat wear her costume in Gravity Rush 2.
That's at least a real game, not just a six hours long hack-and-slash.
Denuvo will never increase sales. If anything that's going to increase it's the refunds. Who knows how much games got their performance assblasted because of Denuvo, including JC3.
get fucked plebian
Excellent bait my friend.
I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it violates user-waifu confidentiality.
Call fucking NASA because my dick is hard enough to build a space elevator out of.
She's supposed to give really good blowjobs, the blindfold is hot and she doesn't breathe.
The art style is way more childish than i remember.
I am assuming this. Shit title from a cancer uploader, but fuck if I know how to properly webm something and nobody else is reposting it.
This guy got the game early and is now streaming on twitch.
Yes, the dude I mentioned is playing an imported copy and everything is in English.
incoming transmission from space
arf arf youre fucking wrong awoo
No. Fuck off, shill.
that is a really big dick, but its also big when flaccid
No, she's gross. She's the embodiment of everything wrong with women.
Now THAT'S a selling point.
Eyes > no eyes.
What's the translation like? Any Marxist corruption detected?
The mystery adds to the appeal.
I suspect they've been busy distracted by IRL politics.
I just want to play a fun hack and slash, last one I thought to have pure mind off fun was made in 2008.
I just to have fun but my fav genre feels like it's become much more automated in how everything works.
In this case it only adds to anything because Visas has good DSLs on her.
Wrong genre, fuck-o.
Why would I buy a game, full price, for one character?
Am I some kind of fucking idiot or something?
If the game has denuvo its not going to see my money
Like Diablo? Sacred? PoE?
They're Isometric hack and slashes.
This is a 3rd person one.
lmao no, find your own genre that wants you
If I use other definitions 9 years quickly morphs into 17 years
why don't you ust say cahracter action games?
Because that is the gayest name ever and I've only ever heard shitty E Celebs call them that in any form of discussion.
Who fucking cares, you know what games he's talking about.
Fucking gayer than beat em up.
How about 3rd person action game?
Yeah, that sounds good.
still is the name used to describe the games now.
stop with the fucking bitching.
Seems like a extremely broad term but I guess it's correct.
You can fucking call it CRAZY or whatever but stay away from hack 'n slash
Way to ruin the fun of other while there are cuckchanners here shitposting that needs to go.
But remember, 4am threads are okay :)
Wew, that's a pumped dick.
Stop doing that
Drones gonna drone I suppose.
he has better tits than most women nowadays nigga.
That doesn't make any sense.
Why the fuck are these kikes still here? Nobody likes them except the OW shills.
No. If "waifu" baiting is intended as a selling point then the game has failed to be of any use without it. It's like a car being such fucking garbage that the seller tries to throw ALL your attention on the sound system whilst the transsmission falls apart underneath it.
Of course, this could also be more because the various people watching the development won't shut up about 2B to actually talk in more depth about the gameplay, mechanics, etc. and are therefore detracting from those NOT sold on a game by 2d anime bitches alone, but then you've only yourselves to blame. Until someone actually linked a gameplay video I decided to only base my outlook on this game based on what the threads said about it, and I was almost whole-heartedly convinced it was a pornographic visual novel that centered around anal sex and not a game at all.
Holla Forums will only tell you which games are shit, and that's only because by default all games are shit in Holla Forums's eyes.
It wasn't so much "trusting Holla Forums" as determining what I could actually learn about the game by what Holla Forums said about it, even with a pinch of salt. Experiment went more-or-less how I expected: Holla Forums either has shit taste or focuses more on anime than actual vidya.
Will this shit ever die?
Generalizations like these are among the fallacies I hate the most.
Well that's also probably because 1. most of the people in the threads are mustards who didn't know or care about nier until it had a pc release announcement, so all they had to go on was "muh thicc waifu" 2. Everyone who did buy a ps4 is either retarded, a weeb, or both and just cared about "muh thicc waifu". I'm willing to bet only a few posters per thread actually played nier and drakengard or played the demo and talked about the gameplay/ story and its implications.
Never because it is human fucking nature to generalize.
I agree you being retarded is in your nature but please stop generalizing it to everyone is like you. :^)
Oh I'm so sorry I hurt your feefees, tell me what's you name and hobbies so I can get to know you better user, what's your political stance and where do you live?
Sounds about right, and I'd rightfully argue that it's very easy to generalize Holla Forums and be accurate enough to warrant it.
Have fun
not an argument :^)
Are you implying that is?
Nice try
Shill thread. Get this out of my Holla Forums
Yes, it was a joking way to show how inefficient not making generalizations is, and how nobody is gonna bother making individual statements on an
But yeah, that's why it's hard to consider taking an interest in games that Holla Forums "likes". Generally speaking, I've seen a lot of threads go overboard in showing that their only interest in *many* games is "waifus" and other weeb shit.
It's why I mostly stick to Rainbow Six Siege and STALKER threads these days, and even the former has some "waifu" shit in it but also far more talk about actual gameplay, etc. that makes it worth tolerating.
Nier doesn't have that thus far and, in general, it doesn't look like the sort of game to even have much replay value. Once you perfect a level run to the point that it's muscle memory, that's pretty much it.
Still acting like nothing a but a total retard with no "arguments" aside from shit generalizations.
Alright, please refute it and tell me why I should get to know every user on here and know how they act and their personal tastes and behaviors.
You have no power here.
Holla Forums can act like total spergs about the most mundane or good things. From what I've seen of the gameplay it's right up my ally with platinum style combos, weapons, and dodging, and from what I've seen of yoko taro's writing he is quite unique and will make several different ending with extreme amounts of crazy shit going on. I almost wish 2B wasn't a cute girl so every shitposter and their dog didn'y have a reason to either go "omg muh cute waifu thicc oh yes muh based japs" with them in turn attracting retards going ">female protag >weebshit >platinum >sjw game" though I guess everything we both are complaining about can be attributed to just declining board quality in general.
No SJW game could feature a female with such a divine posterior.
This. Is it free of 8-4's shit?
Id also like to know this and have asked it in a couple of threads but was completely ignored. The translation is what is makes it or breaks for me to buy this game launch.
Get new images. You post this same set every thread.
9S has destructible clothing and Nier has Kaine. Taro confirmed for faggotry.
Where's the 9S porn?
Well that escalated quickly.
Wait a moment. Is 9S wearing SPATS underneath his pants?
What the fuck are those proportions?
I want to choke on her thick cock and swallow her heavy white load while while groping her godly ass.
Should I be tuning into CNN?
These are great.
Yes, they can. If you think otherwise, you're a closeted SJW.
I don't think think these **niggerfaggots* realize how poor a light they're shedding on this game, but I wish they would. No joke, if they'd cut back on the waifu bullshit this game might actually see more fans for it.
Not buying the game now. Won't even play it. Thanks. In fact, I'm going to beat up everyone I know who plays it. Your fault.
I don't give a shit if someone cannot decide for them self whether or not they want a game when there is a good free demo available and plenty of gameplay considering it's already out in JP. Fuck off PR fag.
I want 2-B to shove her fat dick down my throat and have her way with my face as she skull fucks my consciousness to bliss. I want to feel her explosive cum go down my throat as I moan at the very thought of her finishing inside me, swallowing her nectar and then licking her cock clean.
No, follow this instead:
Who is this fucking poser?
The game looks to be gaining enough critical mass in coverage to get on some radars. So how long until the total SJW meltdown and subsequent anti-Nier smear campaign in the gaming press?
Well, some delicious things can come of this.
I doubt we'll get another thing like with Dragon's Crown where that one guy tried to push the idea that liking the bouncing G-cup tits of a grown woman made you a lolicon/pedophile.
But perhaps we'll get some stuff about how focusing on a woman's ass is somehow bad in some way.
And from what I see, the camera is freely movable so really it would be only a matter of time before someone says "well, its you putting the camera there, isn't it?"
They probably already have their articles ready to go. They're just waiting to dump them when it will generate the most clicks.
Y'all niggers don't Yoko Taro. His games certainly have that side of titillation to them, but again and again, it's proven that those are a small bit of what makes his games so unique.
I'll pirate it just for 2B
They say
The worst part is that this is probably exactly the kind of trash they would write.
I wondered why I never started this series, and I remembered that it's because the first game was heavily censored. I forgot I went through this same process when Drakengard 3 was released.
ffs user
for fuck you, faggot
Taro you fucking madman
Our ((([[[{{{media}}}]]]))) won't take this lightly.
Are they fucking stupid? Their game practically prints money, thanks in no small part to the fanmade pornographic content, and they want to actively prevent their fans from creating something that only bolsters their money printing game's popularity? Did Blizzard forget how to Jew?
They did it because Blizzard is infested with numales.
I figured it's because you may actually need to low angle your camera for something gameplay related and moving her around while you do so may cause some issues, but I prefer to think he wanted to trick you into getting your dick out and then moving her away.
gaaaaay. why are they so gay.
How old is this guy? His hair is grey but he looks young-ish and faggy as shit.
You realize in the nu-media, even Playboy wouldn't publish Playboy content. They went full feminist a few years ago and removed the naked bitches and male-pandering articles of interest. Advertiser revenue went up by 55%, but readership bottomed out so it didn't mean much. They only just recently reversed policy and feature nude models again, but it's still pretty sanitized by their old standards.
thats amazing, who did they think their audience was?
Devil may Cry 4 and Nier Automata don't even have one million troops. Step your game up pleb.
Friendly reminder that blizzard also supports the megalia movement in south korea, they are that retarded.
It's just a feminist D.Va fanclub. There's no sign Blizzard has a direct hand in all of this.
No shit they didnt fund it, did you listen to the faggot on stage? He is openly expressing support of the group
>you can equip a pink ribbon on 2B that you get from a robot who keeps asking them how to make children.
I heard the game was disgustingly short. Is it true?
Why do people do this?
This will never stop confusing me.
I heard it was about 6 hours long.
>finally unlocked fast travel
Who the fuck told you that?
Basically, someone got to ending A in about 6-7 hours by only doing main quests. As a result people are saying the game is only 6-7 hours long, despite the fact that rushing ending A skips all the side quests, the exploration, the optional bosses, the four other plot endings, and the twenty one hidden easter egg endings.
But who would play a game with RPG elements if they're not going to explore/do sidequests?
That's just disgusting. The side quests in this are really good.
Anyone know if this is gonna be censored?
We'll find out in a week and a half. Considering the JP version is dual audio, and multilingual subs and the EN version is likely to be the same, it would be glaringly obvious if they did anything. I think they might just play it safe this time around. Please Kami-sama let them just do their fucking jobs.
N-not like I wanted the statue anyways…
Are we getting the Sh*t square-enix t-shirt?
I'm practically immortal, these chips are absolutely broken.
Are these available on hard mode? I mean the second and third might seem reasonable on one-hit death mode, but otherwise they're shit.
Make that just the third one.
I've been playing on hard since the start so yeah. You can also increase the time on the invincibility but I don't have enough space yet.
also pic
Was this error always in this image, because I never noticed it.
You're right I never noticed before. Better?
Ignore that, whole thing looked out of place.
Danke. I also have the erroneous image in my BB folder.
Going back to the chips, there's also a parrying chip and a return damage when an attack is parried to complement it. There's also one with a % to return some damage taken back to the enemy if you're hit.
Christ, keep forgetting. And another that returns a % of health per damage dealt to an enemy.
Holy shit, a new world of chips just opened. I'll spoiler these just in case. Nothing plot wise but maybe someone might want to discover them.
-Time slows when near enemy projectile
-Combos continue while evading
-Strike enemy bullets to detonate them
-Items are auto collected
-% chance of reviving with %HP upon death
-Avoid stagger if HP is % or more
-Increase attack power if % Hp is % or less
Sounds like some of these chips practically introduce different mechanics to the combat. I saw one in a stream that supposedly gives you witch time when dodging.
Anyway, one of the things that looks absolute shit in Nier Automata is the checkpoints. Dark Souls-tier run backs, for what purpose? Those don't belong in a game like this. Even worse, is losing your chips when dying, and losing them permanently if you fail to recover your body. Once again, taking a page from Dark Souls, but in this game you're completely vulnerable to attacks while you're picking up your "bloodstain", which is disgustingly unfair.
Also, colliding with dead bodies and the environment affecting your movement (liek 2B tripping over shit).
But the cherry on top of the shit cake has to be the back and white screen and muted audio when in low health. That has to be the single, most retarded mechanic developers have ever thought of implementing. How could they not know that shit is annoying as fuck and only makes things more difficult for the player?
I've seen way too many questionable design choices in this game, but the thing is I don't know how much of that stuff is alleviated with lowering difficulty and installing chips. This game like would have strange quirks like that.
*This game looks like it would have
Not like you're invulnerable while picking up your bloodstain in Souls games, but that's beside the point. I've seen the black and white screen with muted audio in that video with exploding clothes, and it would indeed be annoying and detrimental to the player. Unfortunately, this is how most Yoko Taro games are - some moments of brilliance, some moments of pure retardation. And don't put this on Platinum, I am pretty sure Yoko had a rather stalwart grip on the game design, like he always does.
The white screen doesn't seem to be that much of a problem, since you won't really be at low health that often, health recovery items are cheap and easy to obtain, and only seem to take less than second to use.
The problem is that you can't move, and the character gets stuck in animation you can't get out of.
They actually remove the continue option in the last half of the game, forcing you to load a previous save.
Are you fucking serious?
What's wrong with that? Isn't that how JRPGs have worked until recently with this casual
bullshit that modern games do?
Speaking of endings I just got one. Eating the Mackerel Jackass gives you kills 2B and rolls credits. Says it's ending K, fuck how many endings are there?
But being an action game makes things different, those usually have checkpoints. MGR was awesome that you could restart from the beginning of each fight. That means you could experiment more easily, and puts you faster into what's really the meat of the game. Plus, what's there to gain from run backs besides tedium? I could imagine that being more suitable for a survival game, where you have endure long stretches of gameplay. But in Nier Automata, there's often no challenge at all in the run backs.
And Very Hard kills you in one hit. How is it that restarting from the last save every time the slightest fart hits the player anything other than a display of complete lunacy from the developer?
Not reading your spoiler but
So what, one ending for each letter of the alphabet? With Yoko's usual 4-5 endings, this is definitely on another level.
I imagine many of them are likely only slightly different.
The best part of the walking animation is it doesn't look like a woman walking, but looks like the way a machine would try to imitate a woman walking.
I missed you user.
I want to see /ll/ with haydee and 2-b