Satan in vidya

Satan is often depicted in media as an humanoid monster with a goatee beard, two horns and a tail. Sometimes, also holding a trident. But how has he been depicted in video games along the years?

Post any video game featuring Satan.

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I have not played it myself, but I love how he has a giant horsecock flopping about in date's inferno.

Construction bob escapes from hell

Theres dick and tits flopping around everywhere in the game especially in the later circles.



Nah man, if you look closely, you can clearly see he's got it semi covered with forskin.

You need to look at his dick harder.

dunno man that doesn't look like there's any foreskin on there
unless that's supposed to be a chub

Are you blind?

I am not

The game was made by Americans, they don't know what an actual dick looks like.

That's not how a dick is supposed to be, Schlomo.

he has a foreskin, he's just hung.

If he were hung the foreskin would scale with the dick


deepest lore

Have you ever seen a penis before? I'm not convinced you have one. Post a picture of your penis to prove it.

alright, dick pic coming up

And he's portrayed gay 100% of the time, because he's a big ol faggot.

Do you either have a small penis or a jew'd penis? That's not how it works nigger
or maybe it is and me and the devil both have deformed genitals

i have a normally sized penis, now granted I haven't seen something the size of the devils so I don't know if that would look like that, but I supposed the foreskin would fit around the dick

Have you ever seen someone else's dick before dude? Holy shit

ive seen a lot of dicks
satan isnt circumcized

I've only seen europeens
They don't look like that

Satan's appearance is early Christian fanart that comes primarily from Pan (the satyr), and the the trident comes from Poseidon. Not sure where the overall red colour or arrowhead tail gets its roots though.

I don't even want these dubs.


You're not alone, user. My dick looks like Satan's too.

this is now semen demon thread

Couldn't get much gayer.


if Gabby Dropout had a videogame it would be it

also there was that shitty final boss battle in Painkiller if you don't play it on hardest difficulty, where you fought Lucifer that was badly modeled humanoid made of fire particles that threw meteors and swords at you


Do you retards think phimosis is a normal trait of dicks?

Probably from artwork of dragons.

Isn't Satan supposed to be the most beautiful and aesthetically perfect being ever created? Hard to tempt people when you're an ugly goat fucker too.

Depends on portrayal, angels in Biblical lore are horrors of their own sort. Lucifer/Satan was head-honcho of the archangels and God's right-hand dude before leading the rebellion against Him in his pride.



I'm excited for RDR2. But Rockstar is going to make it a multiplayer-focused microtransaction fest after the success GTA V had on that front. Plus, probably no PC port at all or at least within a year of console release.

user that's not a horsecock at all
t. not a horse

I feel like I'd much rather see Satan be a very promiscuous attractive woman than an evil bossy man. When making a deal with the devil I'd much rather it be a woman too, if you catch my drift.

A lot of old depictions of Satan were basically caricatures of Jews. He was the happy merchant before the happy merchant was a thing.


You gotta be kidding me.

This smug nigga right here

The bible literally refers to the modern jew as the "synagogue of satan".

Is satan/the devil historically a christian concept, or did it originate elsewhere? Because the idea of satanists worshipping a caricature of jews that was made by christians is fucking funny to me.

Here you go.

No idea. I think there was one jew who stated that most jews are actually worshipping moloch, so the relation might have started before christianity.

I need more of these

I got an entire folder full of CYOA, but only one with devils

Ha-satan means advesary in Old Kikish. It's a predominantly semitic.

Not explicitly "Satan", but I would say functionally the same

I remember the MDE guys having a discussion about the jews and moloch parallel. That's pretty interesting.

Huh, how about that.

Just came here to say that I liked the fighting game in OP's post. It was a fighter starring biblical characters and made by adult swim.


Post the rest of them, please.
It's not like this thread is going anywhere.
Hell, put them in an Imgur gallery or something if you don't wanna get this thread sidetracked.


I want to see Stormare play the devil in vidya (not necessarily in a Constantine game)

Not vidya but relevant