Fan services in western games

Is there any western games with unironic fan service moments? Beside Weeb anime wannabe games. Remember before feminism infected western entertainment. Fan service was very common on television & movies in the 50s, 60s and 70s. Back when women didn't cry Rape over males getting some fan service.

just search for 'exploitation' anything tbh

In games?

feminist fan service right here.


it's like an elf was raped by an orc pig and she couldn't get an abortion so she had this.

Are you talking only AAA or indie as well? Do western devs pretending to be japs count?

Each motherfucking day I want to punch this retarded Elf in the nose.

Sacred 1 and 2.
Blood Rayne 1 and 2.
Mortal Kombat 2 and 3.
Unreal Tournament and UT 2k4.
The Void. (But it's russian, dunno if you count that as western)
Plenty really, you just gotta dig through your memories.
Just so you know fanservice doesn't always mean sexual or erotic. Playabale Richter and Trevor's party boss fight in Castlevania SOTN is such kind of fan service.

Sounds like a plot of a anime

What was UT99 fan service?

Western equivalent of fan service in games is diversity

You're saying fan service in the West is getting rid of everything that might attract fans to the game? Sound business strategy.


worked wounders for watch dogs 2 and will be amazing success for mass effect androgynous

And Mafia 3 and Horizon Zero Dawn and every other leftist turd that crashed and burned on release, and just like "It wasn't real communism" leftist never learn and keep making the same mistake again and again.

Nigga there was at least one female model with visible nips. And at least one map with huge painting of naked girl.
Get real.

the only think were the models.

what's wrong with saying tits?

Sex Appeal used to be a feature. Everyone used to want to find the best possible and most tasteful way to add it - tasteful not because they were playing by the rules but because subtlety was considered the most sexy. In a way japanese "fan service" is about being the most up front but the least shameless about it so it becomes acceptable. In a way this is a roundabout way to tastefulness because it reminds the viewer that you are the one with the problem if you can't handle that much sexy beauty on screen.

Like I'm gonna let leftist filth dictate what words I can use for what.

I don't really care whether it's tasteful or not, all I care is that vidya is a hobby where people can include titillation without being hounded by mentally ill liberals.

Depends on the product. I mean, Automata isn't in your face about it, the character just wears a costume that will give you a peek of her ass whenever the character executes an acrobatic maneuver. It's no more up front than Tomb Raider ever was.

If we're discussing things like DoA, then for every DoA you used to have a Heavy Metal FAKK or Fear Effect. Sadly, that's a bygone age, now the industry is ruled by leftists, blue haired harpies and low-testosterone, high-estrogen numales.

Good luck explaining to a leftist that just because a product exists on the free market, a product no one is forcing them to buy or play, it does not mean they get to ruin the fun for the rest of us. Liberals tend to not like it when people have choices, mostly because they decided against what the liberal wants.

In The Legend of Kyrandia 2 there's a Marylin Monroe-like flying skirt moment.

You seriously lack reading comprehension despite being almost on the same page. It's astonishing.

I agree, I didn't know being as much of a faggot as you was impossible.

y'know, one day we'll be able to talk about tits without talking about the people who can't talk about tits without talking about how no one talks about how liking tits is wrong.

one day.

just not here. cuckchanners have taken over. you can no longer criticize things like the PC, enjoy things like japanese games, or discuss simple things like fanservice in western games.


When will Millennial faggots stop fucking up definitions to mean whatever they feel like it means? They already ruined porn by making everything a synonym for intersex, including things completely unrelated to chicks with dicks, like traps and tomboys. When will it end? What can we do to stop it?

Fucking this.
Fanservice means some shit that fans would appreciate, literally.
Like cameo of a character from dev's earlier game or sequel featuring unlockable costumes from previous installment or some shit.
Fucking solaire covenant being shoehorned everywhere after the first Dark Souls is exactly that - fanservice.

God damn it, I wanted a Get Smart movie not a fucking 3 stooges knock off. That movie pissed me off as a kid.

That pretty rare in western games

Just remembered another oneā€¦ this time in Ghostbusters II for DOS (minute 8:58)

Keep pushing ridicule and keep pushing indignation against all the retards.