Hey Holla Forums I've been looking to get some old PC titles because I want to start collecting more games for it.
Hey Holla Forums I've been looking to get some old PC titles because I want to start collecting more games for it.
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Might & Magic lad
saw some screenshots.
looks pretty good I'll see if i can get a copy.
Doom 1/2.
Duke Nukem 3D.
Blood + Expansions.
Shadow Warrior. Believe expansions easy to grab online, but can't recall.
Dark Forces.
Fallout 1 and 2. Tactics is fun as well.
X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Alliance. X-Wing vs Tie Fighter with its expansion, alone is just bot matches.
Galactic Battlegrounds for a good AoE Star Wars clone.
I was looking at thief last night because I know the new one was fucking cancer.
I have a few of the ones on your list already but thanks for the suggestions.
If you're going to play Quake check out the Arcane Dimensions map pack/mod, it has some nice new weapons, lots of new enemies, some new features, but the biggest thing is the maps are fucking incredible. It feels very polished and everything that's been added feels at home within the game.
If need more FPS (not to say they're good, but each to their own), can grab Redneck Rampage and its expansions, Tekwar and Shogo Armored Division. Outlaws as well, shit's a solid western shooter. Were more, but can't recall off top of my head.
Probably need to do some fuckery to get them working if can't find a GoG dump of them though.
will do.
I actually play the fuck out of outlaws on my homebuild arcade machine. My friends and I get super fucking hype when we play it
the level design looks super good.
Will install
How old are we talking?
System Shock
Deus Ex
Dungeon Keeper 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Total Annihilation
Max Payne
Red Alert 2
i want to make a point to download and archive/store every game on that list
I always get hyped when anyone mentions Max Payne as a game worth playing. Max Payne is my personal GOAT
become one of the two people on earth that played this
We can be the three musketeers.
He wants PC games you dumb faggot. Get that halfchan tier bullshit out of here.
Well, it is a chart made by cuck/vg/
Good aircraft-based trading simulator with a fantastic licensed soundtrack.
Noahs Ark 3D