First time playing this and it seems that I can't get out of combat. I win, kill all the enemies, then I put away my gun and nothing happens.
I'm just forever stuck in combat.
What the fuck do I do?
First time playing this and it seems that I can't get out of combat. I win, kill all the enemies, then I put away my gun and nothing happens.
I'm just forever stuck in combat.
What the fuck do I do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Read the manual and fuck off.
Lower right hand corner of the game screen. There's a combat button. Press it and it ends combat. If there happens to be a hostile enemy somewhere near enough, you won't be able to end combat.
This is some pretty basic stuff, fiddle around with the game first before ever coming back here to ask dumb questions. Get familiar with the interface and controls before asking why something won't work.
Speaking of which, I hope you're playing with unofficial patches to make the game more stable. If not I'd reinstall the game with unofficial patching applied and start over.
Speaking of Fallout's and Fallout 2's combat, they would have to be some of the worst combat I have ever seen in RPG. 95% VATS chance and still missing, damage probability range of 1-70, god awful crits, no way to skip watching enemies' turns, minimal party customization, no way to control your party in combat, isometric sprites that obstruct you from clicking the right character, omg what the fuck were they thinking. The writing is good, the quests are good, but everything else is so shit.
Are you autistic by any chance.
I'm fucking lost to be honest
Am I supposed to be doing this by myself or should I be following a guide?
I'm at the hub but everything I seem to be offered is way too high level for me.
wooow bugged election mechanics
That's because the enemies won
Kill yourself.
goddammit Holla Forums, 10/10 got me
This is why proper rpgs never entered the mainstream.
You're given a place to go to at the very goddamn beginning. This leads into other places if you're not a retard who doesn't talk to people. Even if you are a retard, they'll tell you what you need to know. OP is just a lobotomised retard.
Yeah but where's the quest compass HUH?!
The vault overseer's got it. He thought it'd be a good way of keeping track of where you are and what you're doing.
There's settings to speed up combat movement and animations. You can't control your party in combat because it's not a fucking team-based RTS, you can however customise their behaviour in combat through their talk screens to decide what kind of weapons they use, their fighting style, which enemies to attack, when and if to use healing or run away if they're hurt. That way you can prioritise characters with strong combat skills and have weaker characters stay away from the fighting.
Honestly, this shit isn't hard to figure out. It takes like five minutes of tinkering to get the hang of these mechanics.
And VATS was introduced in Fallout 3 dumbass.
Nigger no. Just let the game guide you, and try things to see what happens, there is always more than one way of facing the quests.
Just get used to the game and enjoy yourself, and don't fear fucking up.
Might as well watch a let's play at this point.
A man can dream…
I've been playing FO2 for 2 years and I can name every flaw this game has. I know everything about FO2 and I understand everything you say, and no, they can't fix it. The engine that was used to develop Fallout wasn't very good to begin with. Success is very dependent on probability no matter how high their skill is. And the leveling system is very outdated. It makes you dependent on experience points. This way, you would be forced to do the missions the way they would give maximum experience instead of choosing your own path. Exp points shouldn't exist and skill points should be obtained through training and repeating actions.
Targeting system or whatever you call it. I got carried away.
I actually prefer 3D fps Fallout to keep the complexity toned down, FO1 and 2 themselves are quite simple RPG games, but not the way Bethesda does it. The party and combat system need more depth. Companion controls need to be more elaborate. Pausing battles should be quicker like how Morrowind does it. VATS meter shouldn't exist and turn based should become an equal substitute for real time action, or maybe remove VATS altogether. Enemies should move slower so real time combat would become as effective as the VATS. Guns should be more responsive. Gun skills should affect your aiming dispersion handling the way STALKER does it in it's weapons.ltx files. Enemies should flinch from receiving damage.
I don't think turn based and isometric perspective are what defined fallout. It's the setting and dialogue.
Kill yourself. Skyrim's level scaling was bad enough. Adding that retarded skill system made it so much worse.
You and the rest of ribbitors.
Did you even read my post? I said nothing about the probability system or damage spread. I explained that you can't control your party because of the kind of game it is, but you can configure how they fight when combat starts.
The quests that reward more exp are generally for doing more legwork instead of picking the easiest and quickest route. They reward you for putting more effort in.
Your idea of a good levelling system is utterly retarded, grinding for skill points is the worst kind of system. Training makes sense, but doing the same shit over and over to build one skill is fucking stupid.
Unless you've been playing for two years straight that doesn't mean shit.
NV was good, but the rest of the Bethesda shit is god awful.
what the fuck are you on about?
Right, because it's just way too difficult to hit enemies that are going quick. Why don't they just give you a gun that locks on to targets at the beginning of the game?
This is some of the dumbest shit I've read in while.
This week is still young.
It's not 100% is it?
I played it as a 6 yo who had only watched his brother play videogames. For shame
You learn to work with what you've got. Fucking kids have piss-easy handholdy garbage to play, so they're completely lost if they try to play a game that doesn't assume you're a complete idiot.
In a hundred years, people will play these games and assume we had assistance from ancient aliens to figure them out.
Are you retarded?
FO1 and 2 weren't ultra complex autistactical combat games.
They aren't related. I just named every flaw the game has besides the under developed party system.
It still ruins the roleplaying. Reward should be the amount of gold or whatever items you got rewarded, and/or special status or disposition for a certain person.
My system should be designed to punish players who try to grind. Seeking trainers and increasing their disposition towards you to lower their service's cost as a way to level up quickly should be the best way to level up your character.
I can't tell if it's straight or not, but there were certain weeks or months when I played nothing but Fallout. I don't play many video games titles, Though I didn't finish every playthrough, I replayed and experimented with Fallout 2 like a million times.
No it wasn't. Same shit with better interactions but even more bugs and boring areas.
Right click in Morrowind brings up everything in a blink of eye. Item menu, maps, status, equipment, everything. It's a matter of UI and time to boot up the customization menu.
What makes hitting enemies in Fallout 3 hard compared to STALKER and other FPS games? It's because the enemies run around like headless chickens instead of carefully approaching you and firing while walking instead of running to manage their accuracy.
Yeah, the lack of 100% accuracy in FO1 and 2 is annoying. One more thing, shooting enemies in the eyes accurately should automatically translate to critical hit unless they're wearing a helmet that protects their eyes, or at least damage increase. 3 damage for hitting eyes is quite a bullshit.
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Your system is shit. see Skyrim.
No, see Morrowind. Skyrim's training system is limited while in Morrowind it's a lot more creative. Finding a stash of gold, being a merchant, and having high speech level make you level up incredibly quick. Combine it with a system that makes doing quests level up your character quicker than grinding without the aid of exp points. Make completing quests for trainers rewards you better disposition and/or free training points.
people can't possibly be this retarded….
Ah yes, because Skyrim's leveling system was truly the best videogames have ever had.
I hope you're never involved in making a videogame.
Well, I guess you're the authority here then. It was still in beta in 2015 right?
One day user
One day
Good, it keeps plebs like you out.
I ain't gonna repeat myself.
I don't like reading stupid nonsense.
It's time to leave, user
Well I told you that it's like Morrowind, not Skyrim.
I'd rather Jagged Alliance writing and quests with Jagged Alliance combat.
user I started with Fallout 3, went on to New Vegas, tried 4, then went back and played fallout 1 and am currently going through fallout 2.
Fallout 1 and 2 had me gripped harder than 3 and 4 combined in terms of story, combat, and overall enjoyment of the games, Fallout New Vegas is also on at most par with 1 and 2, and now I also realize why people got pissed about 3's changes.
Good on you for coming around, bro. Everyone's gotta start somewhere.
I played these games when I was 10 and had it figured out immediately. What's your fucking excuse, OP?
Holy fuck you're an idiot son.
The reward should be that and exp depending on how good a job you did, because it's a fucking RPG with skills in it. Disposition is good, but it doesn't mean fuck during combat, and if the only way to build skills is just engaging in combat over and over that's boring and tedious as fuck.
Quests like finding who killed the Wright son in Fallout 2 make perfect sense in rewarding you for thinking critically and actually trying to solve the case.
Even in the case of Morrowind this is utterly retarded and wrong. For skills like Sneak and Block that are hard to level up from low levels, trainers make sense, but if you think that just talking to trainers until you've maxed your skills is the best way to level you're out of your fucking mind.
NV was far, far superior to the shit Bethesda has pushed out, and the only reason it's buggy is because Bethesda/Zenimax deliberately fucked Obsidian by pushing them to release it early.
Yeah, Fallout 3 is total shit, that doesn't mean you need even more dumbed down gameplay.
Yes you are retard.
If you think the quickest way to level in Morrowind is paying trainers then you really are a moron. Your fixation on training just proves how casual you are.
You mean like getting experience points after completing a quest?
If I hadn't started with 3 I would never have managed to finish it and have a moderately good time. Holy fuck what a downgrade from the other games.
At least New Vegas spawned out of it
I'm not very good at RPGs?
I mean some dude attacked me in Junktown, so I killed him, I now realize that guy being dead means that I can't do any other quests in Junktown, and that was all there was to do in that town.
So now I'm incredibly underleveled when I go to the hub, where everything I'm being asked to do kills me in seconds.
I mean it's very very linear for being an RPG. Guess I'll start over
Post your buidick
What, only you're allowed to erp a retard? OP, unless you're drunk, underage, slow or some unholy combination of all three - there's zero excuse for the shit you've been posting.
Warhammer 40k.
user, please tell me you're not just playing this as an exploration simulator like Skyrim. That's not how this game fucking works.
You must be actually fucking retarded, dunno user
I'm not, I just went from killing two people in a room to being forced to kill either 6+ or a deathclaw. I can't do it, I'm just level 4.
What did he mean by this
Because if I keep skipping shit because I can't do it I'm gonna end up never gaining levels and never being able to do anything in the game.
I am forced, there's nothing else I can do.
maybe you should try going to a different area, user
I'm underleveled for anything that isn't Junkyard or Shady Sands
And you've done every quest in junktown? Did you take the radscorpions out in Shady Sands?
Wait, did you even go to the vault listed on your map at the beginning? You get free XP just for doing that shit.
the hub is higher level than several other places besides those…
I did, finished the whole thing.
Almost everything apart from the one that broke because I talked to the guy that was part of the gang and he attacked me.
I can barely get to the Junkyard without dying from random encounters
The first two Fallout games were absolute trash, I don't know why you're wasting your time on them.
There's a reason the series died after 2 and that's because nobody bought that gay shit.
Fallout 3 was the first REAL fallout game and it was a breath of life as it was wildly popular.
There was that knock-off new vegas a few years later (the studio that made that also went under soon after, go figure) but then we got fallout 4.
Fallout 4 is the best fallout game by far, no contest whatsoever.
So just refund it back to steam and play 4 instead.
even I can tell that's bait
Yeah that sounds much easier than killing one single deathclaw
What is he even talking about? The only deathclaw nest in fo1 is in boneyard.
Need to see the gun runners, apparently there's a deathclaw nest inbetween
Yeah, there is. And it's nowhere near Junktown.
Which weapon?
Almost every single weapon(even your fists) have top tier crits
That's what the game told me
Also it doesn't even matter since I have 50 days left and I've been just running in circles
Holy fuck, OP what is wrong with you?
I can't seem to be able to play Fallout 1, I really don't get what all the fuss is about how this game is absolutely amazing honestly.
Tell me, how is your day to day life with your crippling disability?
You just have shit taste. It's a common disease.
Hello, Todd.
I have yet to hear what makes this game so good. It sure as hell isn't the combat.
Story's pretty mediocre too and multiple ways to complete it are pretty fucking limited too.
Am I triggering people by saying that I think that the game is just kind of okay? Sorry guys.
What you say doesn't really hold much weight seeing as you collect chromosomes.
There's really no need to get this buttblasted someone doesn't like your favorite game user. Don't sperg out on me.
I'm sorry you're so ugly your parents routinely dropped you on your head in fright whenever they picked you up.
1st picture, bottom right comment is joking. I used to know that person, they loved classic games from what I recall.
Buddy, I completed FO1 when I was ~12yo. The only English I knew was what I learned from the game.
You just suck.
Is this one of those youtube comments?
Doesn't that hurt to have your hand wrapped around the barrel like that?
Maybe you can only enjoy it if you're a braindead child.
My little cousing also loved Pokemon X and Y, does that make them great?
Seems like you've got a small fallacy in your argument
It's been said dozens of times in these threads
just to name a few
It's a proper RPG. If you can't understand why this makes it so good maybe the genre just isn't for you.
I would if I weren't keep coming back to it and still having a great time.
user, you're not a shitskin, are you?
That's the thing, your almost as bad as DSP, the fact that you fuck up the simplest things in this game and that you apparently don't even know what a "build" is in an rpg is hilarious.
You are aware that he is saying that it isn't hard to beat, right?
You must be fucking retarded, try another game plz fam
Eww, no, I'm white.
Why would it?
Literally the only thing you do for the first 10 hours is go around shooting at things
How the fuck do any of those things matter
Oh no he called me DSP :(
I just find no reason to keep playing this. I'm not having fun, the story so far sucks cock, the choices I've been offered were very limited and the world building still sucks because it's only the first game.
I'd rather go play something better.
Then don't. The world will be better for it.
That's what I'm doing right now, but it seems like a lot of people here can't accept that it's not a very good game
If you're going to lie you can at least try harder.
You not playing it != it not being a good game.
Prove me wrong. The only quest that seemed slightly modular was the Gizmo one.
Not being a very good game == me not playing it
You guys loving it == Mad nostalgia glasses
We've played the game user. There are multiple ways to get the water chip. There are multiple ways to get into Mariposa.
You need to prove us wrong. You made the claim the game was shit.
I love the Fallout series, but this is kinda a shitty argument. Basically all you're saying is that it meets the bare minimum to be a Western RPG, therefore it's good.
OP, Fallout stands out for a lot of reasons
To get the water chip, sure, but not every other quest in the game. The vast majority of those are just go here > shoot
What the fuck?
I compared you to DSP because you're retarded.
I'm not forcing you to play it, and at no point did I talk about how good FO1 is. I've just been calling you an idiot because of how shit you seem to be at this game that children can beat.
How mean user
Name 3.
I don't feel like going into detail because I've done so countless times on this fucking board. Yes, you've listed better reasons than I could. I just don't have the energy for these newfags anymore.
Because Interplay fucked it up with subpar spin-offs, then went backrupt due to other decisions and ended up selling off their properties.
You're not good at history, Todd.
Finding the thing stopping the caravan
Telling the Sheriff some guy wants to kill hightower
And killing hightower
These are the ones I've been trying to do for the past day, there's probably way more past where I am
Oh also stopping the Radscorpions and exploring the first vault you find
make sure you installed Fallout Fixt
and if you are playing fallout 2 restoration project
I'd rather keep believing Fallout 2 is a good game as I did for Fallout 1 before I actually tried it
thanks though
Git gud.
I like bullying
You can always copy paste a response instead of typing it. Here, 4 u.
Those are the same quest, buddy. Different sides of the same quest, like people told you.
No need to shoot them.
Not a quest.
most the changes in the restoration projects is just making the games playable on modern software at higher resolutions and other quality of life fixes. The additional quest and tweaks are optional in the installation.
user come on at least admit you were wrong.
How's exploring the vault not a quest?
I'll agree with the setting and world building, but goddamn the ethical dilemmas and choices that actually matter can be counted on one hand.
That's a hand full more then most RPGs
OP, have you played New Vegas yet? I think it's a really good entry to series if you're not used to the 90's CRPG formula.
New Vegas is probably one of my favorite modern games, I finished it multiple times.
Your quest is to find the waterchip, not to flail around like a tard.
That doesn't take away the fact that you do have to explore the vault and all you do while exploring the vault is shoot at things.
Are you giving me the Persona 4 argument here?
it could get hot, that's about it, but not from a single shot.
Protip: you don't even have to find the water chip to finish the game.
Which you would never know if you already hadn't finished the game.
Got any other retarded arguments?
Wanna tell me how easy it is to skip stuff you don't need to do because you already finished the game and you know exactly the best road to follow to finish it?
1. Pic related
2. Due to the compass holding your hand, no time limit at all what so ever and you level up to your heart's content, this is right up OP's street.
And exploring the vault.
Well there you go you stupid nigger, just play it kinda like you would New Vegas. Unless you're one of those faggots who played New Vegas as a looting simulator, otherwise forget what I said.
Sorry for splitting my replies up like this, my internet is slow and responses will load after I'm done typing
Thing is, I doubt you even have 12 hours accumulated into the game. It's just roughly the amount of time between when you made this shit thread and now. You're still at the beginning of the game, you can't exactly make judgements about the writing yet.
Fallout New Vegas didn't really show its true colors until you got to Nipton. Why should this game be any different, OP?
I don't think that's possible
Would love to know how to do that
I had started this a long time ago and got bored of it for obvious reasons.
And to be honest the very first quest in NV has not only better writing, more interesting characters but also way more choices than what I've seen up until this point in Fallout.
I did, I forgot, hence why the thread
Because I finished the game many times I know better than some shitstain who can't even find the waterchip what you have to do or don't have to do in Fallout.
Pssst, user, that doesn't mean it's good, that just means you have autism and know the game by memory!
But you bumbling around like a tard being unable to do what 12yo kids can do obviously means it's bad.
I'm just not up for some god awful boring combat all wrapped into a story that I don't care about set in a universe that doesn't become interesting until the sequel.
As a kid you can get past that easily, as an adult not so much.
You're not even quarter-way done with the game, and you're talking about the story as if you read it in and out and decided it sucks.
Git gud and quit being a whiny little bitch, user.
that's an alpha screenshot user
That's a fucking retarded argument. If a story can't open in a very interesting way (which is when most of the people stop playing because it's not interesting) then it won't get any better the further in you go.
And if it does, then it's their fault for making it so shit at the start.
I mean shit look at how New Vegas starts, in the first hour you have an attempted murder, a mystery, someone coming back from the dead.
How does fallout 1 start? Some dude tells you to get out and you wander the desert.
It's bad. It's boring and there's zero fucking interesting characters.
Well yeah, you're the authority on the subject.
user, anyone can cherry pick like that
Fallout: New Vegas
>maybe kill or help out some local niggers on the side
Fallout 1
If you could stop being a whiny little bitch for maybe an hour or so, the story opens up to something much bigger.
Even like that it sounds much much more boring than New Vegas.
Also you might want to download more reaction pics, it's easy to spot all your braindead retard posts across the board.
What? Isn't this like saying "Deus Ex starts with you been told to go arrest a terrorist and that isn't interesting to me so the whole story is bad" and the person saying this hasn't even reached hong kong?
How much of the game have you played again?
Because the idea that he saved it from another thread is insane.
Its a different form of story user. Not every story starts out as a grand adventure. Sometimes a story starts out mundane for the exact purpose of leading into a much more grand story. It serves to showcase how the main character is no one special, just some random schmuck who was doing some errands and ended up saving the world.
Never said I didn't like New Vegas better, faggot. Sorry you can't into slower stories, let me guess you only watch action movies directed by Michael Bay.
I got plenty
And I'll know yours by the "whiny little bitch" font.
BTW, pic related is you. He went on and on and on about how much he hated Deuce Ex, but his only experience was watching YouTube about it.
Deus Ex starts with a tutorial level that teaches you the mechanics and how the gameplay is supposed to work. In fact, there's almost nothing worth about the story of the tutorial level, exactly because the game is trying to teach you how to play it before getting you in the story.
Also, Deus Ex doesn't have just its story to prop it up, unlike Fallout.
Honestly? I don't know, I got up to the hub/junkyard a few times, I think this is the third time I try to get enough interest to complete this shit.
So far the only memorable character is Harold, and I'm pretty sure those two stories he gives you are everything he has to say.
Is it harder to believe that in two days everybody started using bowie reactions that all use the same nomenclature or that some retard keeps using the same?
Fucks sake man
Are you telling me I haven't played Deus Ex, are you confusing me with someone else or are you telling me I'm that sonic kid?
I honestly cannot follow your retarded logic.
stay mad, faggot.
No, I'm saying you use the same whiny bitch logic as Sammy.
Need some aloe? Make sure that flaming asshole of yours doesn't burn through your chair
You are the gift that keeps on giving.
I'd be pretty mad too if I was born if a few extra chromosomes. It's okay, user.
The first level of Deus Ex is the tutorial you braindead faggot
Oekaki fucked up the text formatting as soon as I pressed enter. Oh well
Read and again.
I was obviously talking about the liberty island mission and you thought I was talking about the tutorial because of your autism. Besides you completely dodged the question because you can't admit you were wrong about something.
Nigger what the fuck are you on about
The Liberty Island mission IS the tutorial of Deus Ex.
Liberty Island is the first fucking level in the game, of course I'm talking about that.
Holy niggers are you stupid?
Here you go, little retard.
Then what is the tutorial on the main menu?
The story starts there because you are introduced to the NSF and their goals besides what I said is that it "starts with you arresting a terrorist" and that is what happens and you said that it isn't.
No it doesn't, what are you talking about?
Again you can't tell the difference between the tutorial and the first mission.
Sorry, here's a better one.
I never played the training, whatever.
I was talking about the first level of Deus Ex, yes, liberty island. Sorry for making that unclear.
you're literally rolling virtual nat 1s
such shit taste
>>>Holla Forums
None of you have ever gone to a fire range, practiced any sort of martial art or just tried to punch anyone. Being if front of something doesnt mean you'll hit 100%
OP, do you have any redeeming qualities about you?
I've played and completed Fallout 1, 3 and NV and the only one I actually liked was NV. To be fair I fucking hate both the 50's America pastiche and the Mad Max movies.
Shit taste tbh
I leave for half an hour and see this gift on my computer. Thank you OP.
Spotted the no-guns.
If you're standing in front of it, you're aiming your gun at it, and you've got a round loaded, the only odd thing what can happen is a massive mechanical mishap, of which is going to have a much lower chance of occurring than 95%.
I joked about you being a chromosome hoarder but it seems I hit very close to home.
the simple fact is that you shouldn't bother with fallout 1 user, 3 improved literally everything about it and despite new vegas being shitty 4 is one of the greatest games ever made. fallout 1 and 2 should just be forgotten.
It's assumed that people in combat are generally moving around. Plus Fallout armor has magical deflection shields.
Doesn't happen in Fallout. Every shot is raising your gun again.
Looks like you were right user. OP really hit it out of the park.
We already had that shitty bait in the thread, but thanks anyway user.
Oh well, should we repurpose this into a dubs thread?
That's not how you get dubs, user
Well I'm proposing that skills should be upgraded more effectively through training.
And for what reason? No, you can't form your argument.
Superior? Yes. Far, far superior? Nah, you're retarded. NV is abysmal particularly on level design.
Dumbed down like STALKER? Yeah, sure bud.
Prove me.
How is that not true? Go to dren's plantation, steal a million gold and a set of ebony and daedric arsenal, sell them to the talking gollum or whatever that little bitch is called, then seek for high level trainers.
Would you rather grind 20,000 xp instead?
Nah, just training vouchers.
You are full of yourself, Peter Molyneux.
Your system isn't new and it never made the game better.
Because you should be actually playing the game not just standing next to a fucking NPC spending all your gold to level your skills. What kind of brain-dead child are you? How is that fun or rewarding? You get to go off and breeze through quests without ever having to improvise or struggle, because heaven fucking forfend a baby like you should face actual difficulty.
You're a casual because you're too scared to face the challenge of being low level, and instead would rather spend 20 minutes fading to black and back again, next to an NPC instead of doing quests, fighting things, collecting better equipment and actually enjoying the game. Morrowind is meant to be explored, you're meant to fight people, you're meant to find random quests along the road as you travel. Trainers are there to supplement your skills not to be the primary form of levelling them.
If by "grinding" you mean doing quests that reward me, yes. I would much rather do that than spend any time at all with a trainer because then I actually get to experience the game.
All you want is the easiest possible way to be powerful and face zero challenge because you're too much of a spoon-fed millennial fuck to realise that losing in a game can be just as entertaining as winning. Stick to Skyrim or something else that suits your utterly shit taste.
Does this game get better? Who the fuck do I speak to, I can only speak to the guards for some reason. I would also like to know how to open fucking doors, since I can't find the option.
you best be joking nigger.
you can take control of your companions through Fallout fixed.
Compared to new games it aged like crap. But Fallout 1 isn't as good 2 if you must know. You're timed and the enjoyment out of the game is talking to faced npcs.
The opening cutscene very clearly explains that your Vault's water chip is malfunctioning and you have to go and get a new one. The "dungeon" is the tunnel leading to the entrance of Vault 13, signified by the gigantic vault door that you spawn directly in front of.
You can take weapons from one slot and put them in your inventory, or swap them. They're not tied to anything.
To be frank, you probably made a shit build. Those rats should be easy as fuck to kill. High Agility isn't the only thing that matters when it comes to hitting stuff, where did you spend your skill points?
You're told to go the Vault 15 which is directly east of where you start, and you can easily check what you should be doing through that Status menu on your Pip Boy, which lists the locations you've been to, and then the relevant quests when you click on a location.
they disappear when you enter a building so you can actually see the interior, and when you stand near them sometimes.
You should play Fallout 2. Fallout 1 is fun, but not nearly as intuitive as 2. But seriously, read the manual and at least do some basic googling before asking this shit here. You've missed a ton of stuff that's very obvious and clearly presented to you.
Also use Killap's Fallout Restoration Mod for Fallout 2 if you end up playing. It adds a bunch of cut content, fixes bugs and improves resolution options.
Thanks to people like you now we have build in compass, floating markers, pop-up hints, and no challenge at all.
Jump down from a bridge, faggot!
Is searching a way to make the training cheaper or finding money to pay for training not a gameplay?
How are those not related to my idea of training? Dumbass.
Except you'll run out of quests far before reaching level 99.
Of course they are. You immediately level up your skills in training before leveling up your character.
I understand the story reasons behind the dungeon, but I would appreciate if the gameplay had a proper tutorial to explain its systems. Walking around your vault could be an opportunity to test the mechanics in a safe way and possibly get more motivation to save the vault.
They are, there are just a lot of them and I haven't put much in luck and strength.
That's the point, they disappear when I come close to the building. I feel like a retard but I can't enter buildings in junktown. I either can't find the door or don't know how to open it.
To be honest it took me a while to understand how to toggle the speech select.
You know what else is gameplay? Doing quests and exploring. The goal of the game isn't to reach level 100 you mongoloid, it's to have fun doing things. Standing next to a trainer isn't doing something, it's literally just clicking dialogue.
Godamn you're such a fucking idiot. Training in Morrowind consists of talking to an NPC while your skills go up. That is not gameplay. Nor is it fun. And it's certainly not a rewarding way to level up. I would rather accomplish something.
I don't know how I can get this through to your illiterate brain. Acting like searching for gold is equivalent to actually playing is laughable.
They're both arbitrary indicators of what you've done which you then use to increase your skills you dumb fuck. They work the exact same way, but you've got it into your head that xp is bad.
The object of the game isn't to get to level 99. I'm actually running out of insults for just how dumb you are. The level you are when you finish the Main Quest, or whatever questline you get to is where you end. And then you start a new character to do different things. Reaching level 99 or 100 is just something to do if you want to set yourself a challenge.
Your idea of a good levelling system is literally paying to win in the game. You are objectively wrong here, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
If there's a closed door you need to put your mouse over it, hold down left click (or it might be right click, it's been a while since I played) and then go to the open door icon.
You shouldn't even really be in Junktown until you've been to Vault 15 and then Shady Sands.
There's also a Skilldex which you can open by pressing the red button next to it, and then use active skills by clicking on them and clicking on something else with the yellow crosshair that pops up. You can try to heal yourself a bit with the First Aid skill. You should just tinker some more with the game. Fuck around until you get the hang of it and don't worry about dying, then start a new character with some better knowledge.
Did you not even glance at the manual? Jesus christ how old are you? Everything you say makes it sound like you haven't played a game from before 2008
Dude, just admit that new games made you lazy and stop blame the game. We will help you anyway…
If you think Fallout 1 era games push ypu in the deep water then you should check out the early 90's games. Some text based rpg from that time even for me is pure autism!
Thanks, I will go start over and go into a more appropriate location.
If a game needs a manual despite not being limited by consoles it's bad game design. Most older games had manuals because you couldn't put a tutorial in the game. There isn't really a need for it if you can explain it organically in the game.
I never read a manual for an older game, games in here usually came in pirated copies without the manual, so the idea itself seems foreign to me.
I just feel like the game's systems are counterintuitive and combat is a bit of a drag. Mostly because of the limit of shots per turn and energy consumption being different for ach weapon. I'll probably still complete it, but I don't feel like I know what I'm doing.
Manuals exist for the exact problems you're having. If you don't understand gameplay or mechanics, you can read the manual for information. Not all games favour tutorials, and older games in particular put the responsibility on the player to have an understanding of game mechanics. Fallout 1 was made by and for people who were already competent with text-only games and could think critically about game mechanics.
The reason you're struggling is probably because you're used to modern games spoon feeding you.
But why go through 15-20 minutes of bullshit landholding when it's all explained in a few pages? Besides the manual for Fallout is a treat. I'd read it regardless
What if you gather gold from doing quests and exploring? Has that ever crossed your mind?
But the process of finding and accumulating gold and searching for trainers is a gameplay of itself. There should be quests that reward a mountain of gold or high level training.
I can say the same about searching for exp. It even sucks more.
No, using gold and training is a much faster way of leveling up if you know what you're doing.
It's a roleplaying game, I can make my own goal.
Well, you literally get the money by playing the game dip shit.
You're just saying the same shit again. Here, I'll be as simple as I can for you.
This is how the system works in most games;
You play the game. You do a quest. Upon completing the quest, you get skill increases from using them, or you get experience. You also get money, and you sometimes get equipment. You can continue to do quests, having fun and challenging yourself, and progressing to more difficult parts of the game until you finish the storyline.
Here is how you think games should work;
You play the game. You do a quest. The only reward for the quest is gold. You then have to go find an NPC who will train your skills for the gold you got. You have to give away your reward in order to do more quests, to give away more rewards. How do you not see how retarded that system is?
Except you don't actively search for exp or skill increases you stupid little gremlin, it's a passive reward for doing things.
I can make killing everyone my goal, that doesn't mean it should form the basis for a game mechanic.
Yes, and you should be able to choose where to spend it, not be forced to use trainers if you want to increase your skills.
Why should I give a shit about "most" games?
I didn't say that. It's not the only reward.
There's nothing retarded about investing reward in order to get more reward.
Well it needs to be more dynamic.
Who said that you can't do anything but to spend all money on trainers? Buy equipment, waste them on cracks and whores, do whatever you want with your cash. College isn't mandatory but there's a bigger chance of getting smarter, finding better job, and getting even more money by investing your money on college than spending them on maserati.
That's why I like morrowind. A lot of open choices and possibilities.
Apart from faction choices and stats, most Morrowind playthroughs are nearly identical. Not many choices have a notable impact on the world outside of dialogue and most quests have 2 outcomes: Succeed or Fail.
Not that I don't like Morrowind, but it's seriously only worth 2 playthroughs: 1 serious playthrough, and another playthrough where you exploit the fuck out of the game. Any more and you're not really experiencing anything new.
Oh, so you get a trainer voucher or some items. Great. You still have to spend your gold.
There is when the only point in investing in it is to continue the same cycle over and over forever. What if I want keep my money? There's no other way to level up, so I'm fucked unless I spend it.
What are you talking about? This is game design you fucking idiot, not real world economics and investment. If the only way to improve is by paying trainers, then you're forced to spend your money in a particular way. Maybe you need to go to college if there's a "bigger chance of getting smarter" because god knows you fucking need it.
Well, without exploiting the game it's not easy to see every faction questline all the way through, so it's worth replaying with different characters to do the various guild and house quests, the Legion and the Morag Tong.
There's also the vampire quests, which not many people do.
It always surprises me how such imbeciles can exist, how do you even use computers when you can't do some basic shit like reading? Fucking literal children are smarter than you. No wonder gaming industry is fucked, you should stop playing games altogether if you're too dumb to learn how to play.
ITT: We guess OP's age.
I'm going with 19.
Nigger, back when games were fucking games and expected the player to have a brain and some fucking initiative.
It was also expected for you to read the fucking manual and in the case of Fallout, it's a joy to read.
You might want to go back to it when you don't understand how something works, like ENDING THE FUCKING COMBAT YOU FUCKING MONGOLOID.
It might be easier for you to start with the braindead juggernaut from the three default characters, you will be an unstoppable hand to hand monster in no time, and then try again with a different build, once you are more familiar with the game itself.
For example, the first time i got to the Radscorpions cave I bruteforced my way in and slaughtered all of those pests. What can a less combat inclined character do? You can use your fucking brain, and decide that if the Radscorpions can't go out of the cave, the problem is solved You can dinamite the cave entrance solving the quest quickly
I am not a clever man and this solution was told to me by a friend, but it helped me to expand my mind on how to face some of the trials the game throws at you.
Now you have no excuse, so stop being a whiny faggot. You don't have to like the game, but you should admit the main problem lies with you and not withing the game
Well, I said open choices, not predefined choices. It's not about playthrough, it's about experimenting with the game's rules and exploits, finding new and better ways to exploit the game. No game lets you experiment with exploits as much as Morrowind.
I don't find much new things in Fallout either. After like 4 or 5 playthroughs, you'd know what to expect. Maybe the only replay that's really something was playing as an idiot.
You could keep 10 million in your pocket while having maximized all skills and wearing all enchanted daedric in morrowind if you know what you're doing.
Game design has always been an abstraction of real life.
You can buy armors and guns and stuff besides paying trainers, geez.
Fallout isn't even a complicated game. In my first playthrough, it wasn't the complexity that irritated me. It has always been the brutal probability system.
that kid looks like Rance
More like jamie lee curtis.
dump a zillion points into Pistol or something until you get at least 200%
The Fallout combat isn't really good, but you have the opportunity to make it end faster
You're either talking about your idea for levelling, or Morrowind's system. You can't just jump between the two or mix them together to suit yourself. My critiques were specifically about your idea of only being able to level up by spending gold on trainers, not Morrowind's system.
Oh yeah, like how in life everything is decided by dice rolls or statistics.
I know, you fucking idiot. I'm critiquing your system. Your trainer-only system. How can you not figure this out?
You also haven't addressed the majority of things I bring up, so at this point I'm done bashing my head against a wall with you.
should have been quoting
I usually edit the save files and change the critical chance to 100%. Melee combat and burst fire work like miracle now.
My idea is basically an extended and more elaborate version of Morrowind's training system. Both repeating actions and training can level up a character. The difference is, for some trainers price of training can be reduced by doing quests or something for them, instead of just talking to them.
Dice rolls and statistics are just an abstracted representation of your character's abilities.
Figure what out? I don't see anything you pointed out as a flaw.
You mean a system where a stated 1/20 chance of failure fails 1/20 times. Fuck off retard.
I don't think these games are for you.
Your idea is trash. You want to put in side-quests for people who can train skills just so you can get a discount from them, or they'll train a skill for free. A hundred different boring fetch quests doesn't make for a fun game. It isn't a more elaborate version of Morrowind's system, it's just you wanting a bunch of easy quests to get free upgrades to your skills, because you want the least challenging way to level up.
And this is why you're not designing games and never will.
Underrated post.
So i just found out about FOnline, has anybody here played it? How is it?
I just finished playing Fallout 2, the main quest timed (from time to time you get a vision from the village shaman to hurry the fuck up, i don't know if the village is always razed no matter how fast you get the GECK)
You can go straight from Arroyo to the GECK. Arroyo gets fucked as soon as you grab the GECK. The main quest isn't timed except for the 13 year limit.
Nigger, i recently turned 19 and im not that retarded. My first impression for the rats was lure them 1 by 1, hitting once and then running. Hell, the game is pretty straigh foward when it comes to history, i would say that F1 is a lot more linear than F2. It's just retards that can't use common sense or can't find a way to exploit the game AI.
The problem i found so far is that bug where Cabbot dialogue gets fucked and you can't enter the brotherhood, i had to start from 0 for that bullshit.
I know that, there's nothing wrong with the system. I'm just lazy.
Well, I'm playing these games, and I'm having fun. So…
Who says that they have to be fetch quests? Shut up idiot. Well crafted quests of being involved in the trainer's affair can be implemented here as well.
Not broken is least challenging?
I KINDA do design games though, as a part time hobby.
Quit being a faggot, faggot.
FO2 is meant to be played as-is, the most that is acceptable MIGHT be the content restoration mod.
I will have you know I got out of Mariposa at level 12 after getting my shit stolen because fuck muties. It took me about 20 saves, but son, when you finally make it out of that shithole and "technically beat half of the game", doing a fucking side quest to level guns doesn't seem pertinent anymore. Thanks AGDQ, you taught me how to cheese fo1.
Fallout 1/2 is fucking great because everything you /can/ do is fucking excellently designed and at least fairly enjoyable for characters of any build or persuasion to give a good sporting try at.
Don't cheat, play the game the way you're meant to. Look for ways to be get good within the game, and you'll find out that you get rewarded appropriately in due time.
Fo2 is almost objectively nothing more than a boring slog on high difficulty until you get your first burst weapon, then it's a fuckin' mad dash for mutantnigger guns. I can totally see someone with a job not wanting to spend seven years, but dont straight up cheat with save editing to give yourself unbeatable combat stats. That shit is faggotty.